tv Geraldo at Large FOX News March 21, 2010 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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[ applause ] >> glenn: this is going to be, this is a week or two for the history books. don't miss a single episode. you tomorrow from new york fromw york. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. this is one of those times where we can honestly say to yourself this is exactly why i came here. this is why i got into politics. this is why i got into public service. don't do it for me. don't do it for the democratic party. do it for the american people. they are the ones who are looking for action right now. >> live and at large, he is finally sounding like a winner again. president barack obama after a rocky year that saw his popularity plummet and his decisions of focus on healthcare reform ridiculed suddenly seems to have victory
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within his reach and that is despite the unanimous opposition of every single republican member of the house and senate who all say the plan amounts to a government takeover of healthcare. and that despite a taxpayer revolt that has changed the face of american politics. and that despite the conventional wisdom that voting for reform could spell political suicide for many of the democrats in congress. geraldoybody, i'm "geraldo at rivera and as the house rules committee this evening sets the terms for tomorrow's historic vote by the entire house, currently 431 members requiring a major the of 216 to pass, democrats and their president are signaling that all vote is going down to the wire the deal is all but done. but is it? here is our wendell goller. >> the president believes that voting for the healthcare reform bill will be the smart thing to do politically because
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good policy is good politics. he said it will take courage because three quarters of the 39 house democrats who voted against in the fall come from districts that voted for john mccain in 2008. the president, the speaker of the house, majority leaders of the house and senate talked about the historic nature of the vote. noting all of the predecessors going back to truman called for healthcare reform and called on caucus members to remember that they got into politics to help people. >> this is why i have made those sacrifices because i believe so deeply in this country and i believe so deeply in this democracy and i'm willing to stand up even when it's hard, even when it's tough. >> before the president spoke, republicans gathered to condemn the democrat's plans to use a parliamentary maneuver. democrats decided to abeen a
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done plans to use the maneuver. republicans vowed to continue their opposition. >> they do not have the votes and we have to keep working to make sure that they never ever, ever, ever, get the votes to pass the bill. >> it will be the main issue in perhaps every congressional race this fall and democratic candidates who are going to be accused of supporting the debate, they might as well get something for it. geraldo with us now, governor mike muxiri and reverend al sharpton. thanks for being here. our count has it at either 218 to 214, or 217 to 214. there is one democrat who is undecided. he went to yes and now apparently back to undecided but it could not be closer. do you believe that as the president apparently does that this is going to pass tomorrow?
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>> i think it will. and anything could still happen but i don't believe that he and nancy pelosi would have trotted out there and had the press conference and spiked the ball in the endzone if they mad not already believed the touchdown was scored geraldo in the makeup room just before i came out janet the makeup lady said when she asked me that question i said yes, i think they have the votes, she said oh, craps does that mean my taxes going to go up. she is an average middle class person. are her taxes going to go up. >> they may not this year. the president promised that if you are under $200,000. a lot of small business people will hit that thresh hold. i think worse than the fear that her personal taxes might go up is that she might lose her job. you are a small business and barely making it and you have to start paying the insurance premiums, the only thing to do to survive is cut your payroll. that is the only way to survive.
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>> geraldo: i don't know if the burden will fall that heavily on small business. >> i run a small business and i haven't talked to one single small business person in the last six months said i'm looking forward to hiring beam. they are hunkering down and battening up the hatches and if they have new expenses they are obligated for, they have to cut hours, cut employees, cut benefit. >> geraldo: our colleague glen beck compared this vote tomorrow to the invasion of europe of 1944. said it is that critical a battle, conservative against progressives in his term. is it that big a deal? >> i think it is a big deal because i think it gives americans particularly over 30 million that have not had insurance the right to be insured. i think small businesses will get tax cuts to be able to be -- to ensure their
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employee -- to insurance their employees. it is huge. and if it is a battle of normandy the good guys will win. glen confuses who are the good guys. i think the good guys going to win and i'm grad to see that. the american people win here. 30 million people get healthcare. people that have had preexisting conditions can get healthcare. you can't get tossed out. this is enormous for people who feared if they get sick they will get thrown out. it is a breakthrough and a great moment. i would have wanted single payer plan. it is not going to be -- who. >> geraldo: who are the 30 million? that brings up a whole other controversy. the raw passion unleashed by the healthcare debate helped create a new political movement in the country. the angry frustrated tea partyers who descended on the
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nation's capitol turned downright ugly shooting racial epitapha including the n word. the protesters also went down and dirty with barney frank hurling antihomosexual ipitaphh. governor huckabee, it is no secret that most of the people who pay taxes are white. most of the 30 million uninsured are black or brown. there is a definite racial component, however, my audience, my beloved audience hates when i bring it up. wasn't that made apparent today by the unfortunate incidents. >> i think we have to be careful to say it wasn't the entire crowd that said the things, it was some idiots in the crowd. what they said was inexcusable and incivil and impolite and
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morally impugnant. that is not representative of the tea party movement and about the americans who think the bill is about america. the 30 million has often been used. the fact is a lot of those 30 million, probably 15 million of them, maybe 20 are not uninsurable, they are uninsured because they would rather spend money on a truck or a house or whatever they want to spend it on. we should make provision for people uninsurable. i am one of the republicans that think that should happen but you shouldn't force people into an insurance plan that is. >> ing to raise the cost could for everybody. >> geraldo: what about the racial component? >> i think what is alarming to me is that the republican leadership should have denounced this kind of stuff whether it was the few in the crowd -- >> geraldo: the way the governor huckabee just did. >> in the way of governor
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huckabee calling them idiots, i would like to see the republicans say this because this racism homophobic stuff was directed at their colleagues. they would have expected black members to say that if it was the reverse. there is an antiamerican component because we are almost against working class people. i don't know what data they have that they would rather buy a truck than have insurance. people have to make choices because they couldn't afford insurance. this makes it more allowable for people to afford the insurance that they always want to get. i don't know any sane american that does not want to insurance their family. >> a lot ofle people uninsured are people under the age of 30 who think they are invincible. they don't think they need insurance. there are other people who make choices other than insurance and some people are
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underinsured. those are the statistical numbers. >> a lot are seniors. >> seniors get medicare. >> the seniors -- medicare. >> it is likely to deny claims as any private insurance company and we never hear that. >> when you go into the pool where there is competitive pricing and where the insurance companies cannot go as high as they want that it is good for every american and act like most of these guys want to buy a motorcycle instead of insurance. i don't think there is data to support that. >> geraldo: intriguing as always. two of the best. coming up, more on the looming vote of healthcare. then dog chapman gets sent to the doghouse after admitting he kissed a girl other than his wife. and masters or not, tigheer is and masters or not, tigheer is nononononononononononononononoo thanks to the new venture card from capital one, we get dole miles on every purchase. so we earned a ski trip twice as fast. we get double miles every time we use our card. ( thuds ) i'll take this. ( crashing )
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advocate that everybody get healthcare in this country. [ applause ] >> every decade since, we have had presidents, republicans and democrats, from harry truman to richard nixon to jfk to lyndon johnson to every single president has said we need to fix this system. >> how about the seniors out there. we will have $500 billion in medicare cuts and a bunch of seniors, you will see a lot of them, a couple million lose their medicare advantage plans. are they going to be happier about that? how about the small business owner who is going see higher taxes, more mandates and higher fees. think it is going to become more popular with them? i don't think so. this healthcare bill will ruinure country. we have to stop it.
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>> geraldo: and the eve of what is going to be an historic vote, tea party protesters holding a vigil outside the united states supreme court where challenges to the legislation even if it passes will undoubtedly be heard. with more on what the protesters did today, here is our molly henneberg. thousands gathered in what they call the "final push" to try to stop the healthcare reform bill. they say they are here to put pressure on undecided lawmakers to try to get them to vote no in sunday's vote. michelle bachman urged the crowd to let the lawmakers hear them. >> the declaration went on to say they rule by the consent of the governed. are you giving percent to have the government take over 18% of the economy?
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>> actor john voigt addressed the crowd and had a message for elected leaders on capitol hill? >> we are here today to try to reach not only the american people but our congressmen and senators who are being bullied and bribed into passing this dangerous and destructive healthcare bill. >> the event came together in just the past couple of days. there was a tea party ral l ran tuesday and they were flooded with requests for another one on the weekend when people could get off of work so this event was quickly put together. they headed to lawmakers offices, specifically, undecided members of congress to convey their message to this bill in person. >> geraldo: they did and sometimes in disagreeable terms. continuing the special property on tomorrow's healthcare vote
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we are joined by andrea tantaros and julienne epstein. >> what about the notion that democrats will get burned and blamed no matter what, that they going to be be left holding the stick in november at the mid term elections regardless of whether or not this bill passes. why not vote for it and get something done and lose your seat rather than not vote for it, not get something done and lose your seat. >> they think they can convince the american people otherwise. if you think about, it the things ensconced in the bill aren't going to happen until election day. they will have the revenue generating tax increases that too take place right away. the president should be embarrassed. this is an absolute disgrace. he says this is what we came to washington to do. you came to washington for arm
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twisting, backdoor deals, you came to washington -- we know washington has used congress before to tax people on their actions but never before have we seen congress tax people on their inaction. it is unprecedented and opens up a huge door. people want healthcare but they don't want them through sub did subsidies. >> andrea says the president should be embarrassed by the arm twisting and dirty deals and the rest. the president has taken charge of his own aagain da. but for him and postponing his trip to a.i. i don't think this would -- asia, i don't think this would have stood a chance. >> for the first time in a year the president looks strong on the issue. he made the same mistake that the clintons made in '93. basically let the hill write the poe prosal. cut a deal with the moderates early and then sell it.
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there is no public option in here. there is no single payer. this is a bill that cuts taxes. a bill that cuts the deficit. a bill according to the business round table -- >> andrea on that -- >> we can debate the specifics if you want to. andrea, i didn't interrupt you, excuse me. it cuts taxes and gives tax credits to individuals and small businesses. cuts the deficit according to the cbo which you admit has an enormous amount of credibility. the business round table says the average -- >> that is misleading. >> this is a moderate -- this is a moderate. >> the cbo has to look at things -- the congressional budget office has to look at things in a vacuum. if they want to write into a bill that in the legislation in ten years there will be a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow guarded by a magic unicorn the cbo has to account for that.
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it is a violation not only of our state's rights but a violation of their own oath that they took including article 1 section 8 of the constitution that enumber rates the powers and responsibilities of congress. >> that is governor butch otter, republican of idaho. numerous republican state attorneys general, 19 at last count indicated their intention to challenge the healthcare
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reform bill in the federal courts, specifically the provision making health insurance mandatory for every single american. as i read the constitution's commerce clause, congress does have the authority it needs to latela insurance bue but wit wh hoot i court divided -- but with the high court divided between conservatives and liberals there is no telling how justice letts rule on this issue. with me is congressman darryl isa of california. even if this bill passes tomorrow, this is a far from done deal then. >> a far from done deal obviously because there are unanswered constitutional questions but mostly states rights questions. some parts will clearly survive. for example, the ability to tax. the court has never second
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guessed. we may not get some parts the mandates but may very well have for sure the higher tax. >> geraldo: let me ask you as i'm asking everyone tonight. this is the current whip count. now, this is not cut and dry yes or no, these are the estimated vote tallies but as of right now it is 217 for or leaning for and 214 against or leaning against. what say you? do you ex-next to pass the house of representatives, your body tomorrow, congressman? >> they will get the votes,. >> geraldo: and how to you feel about that? i mean do you -- let me ask you a better question. i mean some of the language i have heard from republicans is truly apocalyptic. do you think this is like the mayan doomsday 2012? >> i hate to disappoint you.
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i can't be apocalyptic. i would say the taxes are a step in the wrong direction. the quote fixes which is simply more paying for people's healthcare without any real cost control, geraldo, the simplest way for the american people to understand why i'm not voting for this bill. canada has a single payer system and covers everyone. we can debate about how well. they do it for 9% of the gdp or roughly 9% of our gdp. we on the other hand spend 18% of our gdp and expected to rise in percentage of our gross domestic product. why in the world would i vote for something that costs money, doesn't cover everyone and doesn't take care of the fact that in america healthcare costs double and will continue rising what is does in single payer countries. i'm not promoting a sic single payer but canada and britain
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now, back to "geraldo at large." some have speculated that my wife somehow hurt or attacked me on thanksgiving night. it angers me that people would fabricate a story like that. she has shown nothing but graze and poise. you [ bleep ] >> i should have never married you. >> stop it! >> a porn store? you screwed a porn store? >> don't you hate it when that happens. now, there is news on the tiger woods front. even as the electricfying news
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breaks, he will be carrying an added embarrassment as another mistress releases more text messages. including -- well, thank goodness tiger woods is budget minded. but really, most of the texts are so dirty that you will want to take a shower after reading them but there is much more including jocelyn's explosive claim that she was pregnant with tiger woods' baby. here is craig. >> that's right, kimberly. just when tiger thought he could come out of the woods his porn star girlfriend veronica daniels also known as jocelyn james claims she got pregnant by tiger twice.
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one ended in a miscarriage and the other ended in an abortion. >> it is hard when you get pregnant by someone that you know is not going want to be the father you want for your children so that is challenging. >> did you want to have a child by tighe. that was not my plan, not at all. no, i, of course, want to have more children at some point but i wanted to do it the right way. >> so you had unprotected sex with him? >> yes, i did. >> always. >> always. >> veronica daniels better known as jocelyn james was working as a stripper in las vegas when she claims tiger pursued her and made her his mate. >> i met him in vegas at a nightclub i was working at and we saw each other up to the last day of october 4th. >> how often would you see tiger? >> several times a month and he would either come to vegas are i would go to see him. >> and she claims she has proof.
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veronica is publishing scores of text messages sent to her by tiger during their steamy three year affair. >> i have some of the texts and you kept the phone that has the texts on them. i would like to have a threesome with you and a girl that you would trust? >> no, it didn't happen, the one i asked to do it wasn't available at the time. >> i want to treat you rough and throw you around and spank you and slap you. >> that was a couple of different situations, different role playing but that wasn't how it was all the time. >> describe the relationship that you had? >> it was fun. it was exciting. there was a lot of, you know, intimate private time. we laughed a lot. it wasn't serious all the time and also had a jealous side. >> what do you mean? tell me about his jealous side? >> he was the reason i stopped doing porn because he was jealous on seeing me on film with other men and other women.
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>> and when did the exclusivity begin? when did you stop doing the porn. >> about two years ago and that is when i was exclusive to him. >> to craig, does jocelyn have any proof that tiger was the father of her lost baby? >> other than to say that tiger was her one and only during the pregnancy. there is no medical records or dna reports that linked tiger to the pregnancy. she mentioned she was pregnant at the same time that tiger's wife elin was pregnant with their two children elle and sam. she said there will be more information coming out in the future. more coming out i'm sure about that. >> tiger's never ending scandal supplying endless gris for the
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gossip mill. and with every woman in the country being sickened by sandra bullock's motorcycle husband cheating on her, geraldo has his own friend dwayne doug chapman scheduled to talk about his own book. he got involved in a mini sex scandal of his own when admitted to a minneapolis radio station that his wife beth wasn't the only woman he kissed. that led to an unscheduled interview in the green room. >> where mercy is shown mercy is given. the star of the number one rated show on a and e. dog the bounty hunter and he is a friend of mine. come on in, brother. >> good to see you, brother. >> excellent. >> you look great, thank you. >> have a seat. >> thank you. >> congratulations on this. >> again, thank you. >> you had the number one best seller where you can run but you can't hide. it seems more personal in a
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way, more compassionate toward the people you are busting. >> and then i go through a lot of tragedies, one in particular the n word in the book and why i thought maybe i could have said it and how i learned never to say it again and what it really means to -- >> let me just remind people because you lived with your own controversies but people move on and you are back on the air and your show at number one. at a certain point in a private conversation with your son tucker dog admits that he used the n word. the resulting controversy almost knocked him off the air. he fought for himself and his family and regained his statue on the air and you have definitely apologized. >> i have been through three years of counseling and understand what it means to particular groups. i'm into the too cool for school any more.
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i learned to step in the shoes of an alleged celebrity means more than i thought. more than being famous and have friends. people look up to you, thinks that i eat, say. against i'm in trouble because i admitted kissing a girl once when i was dating beth. and i said i haven't for awhile. i'm always over the news now that dog is a cheater, too. i told the lord please letting the con serricys follow me. you're laughing. >> geraldo: beth come on in, honey. beth chapman is here. mrs. dog chapman looking lovely. nice to see you. >> how are you doing? >> thank you. >> so, first of all, have you forgiven him? >> oh, yeah, yeah, definitely. >> geraldo: more importantly, i know that that was something that happened before your marriage and all of us he who is without sin cast the first
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stone. >> what did you tell the radio station that has you in the hot water now of comparing you with jesse james and all of the cheating hearts, tiger woods. >> what did you do? >> they said have you ever kissed a girl while you were with beth. i said yes but not lately. lately being since i got marry. >> i think that is a joke because he is with me everywhere i go. for 20 years and if i'm not there he is going beth. >> i feel sorry for guys that take heat for anything. >> so in 17 plus years you kissed other women? >> i think so. >> you did? >> i'm not sure. >> would it surprise you that i kissed other men? what if i did this right here? >> oh, baby, oh, baby, oh, baby. >> geraldo, get off of me. >> okay, dog. okay, dog. >> honey, i didn't mean it. >> that was only good fun!
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>> you think he will forgive me. >> it's on tape. >> to help us understand whether -- what men like tiger and jesse james are doing or have done is selfish adultery or obsessive addiction i'm enormously happy to welcome back our dear friend laurie dhue to the program. >> thanks for having me back. >> adultly or atextion. >> i think it depends on the man or the woman in certain cases. it is a combination of things. some is ego that gets in the way. some of it is jealousy. addiction is addiction. it doesn't excuse what tiger did or jesse james did but it
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does explain. >> i think addiction is what rich guys call it when they can afford to go to a clinic. >> i think it is a disease. tiger woods is sick. he got help. that. >> tiger woods is selfish and entitled. >> yes, he is. >> what is it like with sandra bullock and the other winners of the oscar curse where successful women at the pinnacle of their career get cheated on by their mates. >> i'm not sure it is an oscar curse as much as it is a wealthy successful smart woman curse. look at reese witherspoon was happily marid and wins for walk the line and her husband cheats on her. happened also with hilary swank. even julia roberts broke up with her then boyfriend about a minute after she won the oscar. it takes a certain kind of man to be able to deal with a woman
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and her success. >> men of insecure and nothing is more symbolic of fame. >> i think there is a double standard here. no one questions a woman when she supports a man. no one says how are you dealing with your husband's fame. but when it is the woman who is famous people often say how does the man deal with it and i think that is an interesting notion in our society. i think it is also kind of sad that women are having to ask the question gee, do i want a successful career or do i want to be loved? you should be able to have both and it is a shame that these guys who have is all with wonderful women and girls next door like sandra bullock. they go and blow it. he walked the red carpet with her and stood next to her. i say go on oprah, ditch him and we still love you, sandra. >> geraldo: oliverly north reports from afghanistan, after this.
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>> geraldo: coming up, the news that aarp and the ama just announced support for the healthcare bill. many individual doctors disagree. i will get to them in a moment. first, this is a fox news alert. a is released latinly small but very -- relatively small but energetic demonstrations in washington and other cities protested the 8th anniversary of the start of the war in iraq fighting obviously also continues in afghanistan where colonel oliver north has been embedded with his marines. >> with two detainees on the helicopters captured in an opium processing lab. they are being escorted by afghan narcotics police and will be taken to kabul for prosecution. one of them has direct connections to the taliban.
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shutting down the taliban narco insurgency is a primary mission for the dea. the two detainees were captured with the help of the assist yan regional director for the dea in this part of the world. you are out there with the niu, the afghan counterparts and u.s. marines. what is going happen to the two detainees? >> once the detainees are back in kabul, they will be transported to the counter narcotics justice center. an afghan led facility and they will stand trial there before afghan judges with afghan attorneys. >> one had evidence linking him directly back to the taliban? >> yes, one individual had a taliban video in his cell phone. >> i'm oliver north for fox news. >> geraldo: thank you, sir. coming up, what do
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>> geraldo: you are looking live at the house rules committee working to clear the healthcare bill for that big vote, that historic vote by the entire house tomorrow. fox news senior producer is on the house from the phone. chad, doing an unbelievable job, excellent. >> thank you. >> geraldo: i feel like we have been abreast of every twist and turn down there. what are they doing now briefly and is this thing definitely going to come to a vote tomorrow? >> they are preparing the rule, geraldo. a major procedural hurdle. every bill that many coulds up in the house of representatives has to have a rule which sort of manages debate. tomorrow they will consider the senate bill and the reconciliation package which is the fix-it bill. they have to clear the rule
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first. what they have done here is decided not to do the demon pass provision which would consider the senate bill as passed. they will debate and have separate up and down votes on the senate bill and reconciliation package. we are hearing they are still about right close to the figure of 216 votes that they might need. the unofficial vote has us at 217. folks who have come on board tonight. peter defazio of oregon was, yes, and then no and then back to, yes. zach space of ohio, voted yes on the bill is now a know. still a lot in play here as we get town to the final hours, geraldo. >> geraldo: maddening but exciting, chad? are you psyched? >> sort of like a super bowl. i had one colleague the other day tell me it is like 40 super bowls here. one of the biggest pieces of legislation i have seen come through the house of representatives. i have covered congress for a long time and never quite seen
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everybody so revved up from the tea parties groups that were outside today. people are paying very close attention to this whether they like the bill, whether they don't like the bill. this is as high stakes poker as it gets. >> geraldo: thanks, chad, excellent work. one of the many sore points with the program is that it will be another program and we have a history of -- a proven history of waste, fraud and abuse in the programs and according to my next guest, even had the penetration of the healthcare system by the mob. jim frogue is the project center director for healthcare transformation and mark segal and jim epistein standing by here. >> you think the mob is going to get some of the healthcare money? that we will be paying healthcare money to the mob. >> they have been doing it for a long time. for decades it has been the exact same schemes going on over and over.
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doctor's billing number stolen, sometimes with the doctor's concept. patient billing number stolen, sometimes with the patient's consent and services billd that weren't delivered. and the mafia and different branches -- why wouldn't you move into medicare fraud. no one shoots at you and very unlikely to get caught and more money there to steal. >> dr. siegel, you buy it? >> here is my problem. we are going to expand the coffers to 16 million more medicaid patient. they are going to order an unnecessary test, they will order the unnecessary test then. the whole insurance mod st. louis based on overseuss. eare giving everyone insurance and the sim criminals throughout will still win. >> geraldo: are you disappointed this bill is not perfect? the good instead of the perfect
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or the mediocre instead of the perfect? >> i would like to have seen a public option. is a center of the road bill. things that republicans should like. we are cutting the deficit. republicans have always been about trying to do more with fewer tax dollars. we are getting to near universal health insurance in the country. reducing the deficit. we are paying for it. we are providing tax cuts to many middle income families and small businesses and we are actually as i said before we are actually cutting the cost curve on premiums according to the congressional budget office. would i like to have seen a bolder bill? i would like to have seen tort reform and some republicans come on board. >> would you have wanted a bigger bill? >> i would have wanted a bill with tort reform. a smaller bill, not a bigger bill. >> the lawyer's lobby to keep it from getting tort reform? >> exactly, the lawyers have done that. lawyers like you, geraldo. >> yeah, right.
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jim let's talk next. i'm intrigued about the whole idea of the match mafia. i want to thank laurie dhue for coming homomomomomomomomomomomm thanks to the new venture card from capital one, we get double miles with every purchase. so we earned a tropical vacation in half the time. we earn double miles every time we use our card. ( shouts ) double miles add up fast so we can bring the whole gang. ( grunting ) awesome! it's hard to beat double miles. everyone knows two is better than one. introducing the venture card from capital one... with double miles on every purchase every day. go to ( gasps ) what's in your wallet? wait up!
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ed go to assistance getting around their homes. there is a medicare benefit that may qualify you for a new power chair or scooter at little or no cost to you. imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance, may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen ... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. hi i'm doug harrison. we're experts at getting you the power chair or scooter you need. in fact, if we qualify you for medicare reimbursement and medicare denies your claim, we'll give you your new power chair or scooter free. i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my
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