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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  March 21, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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years ago today and now you know the news for this sunday, march the 21st, 2010. i'm shepard smith. we're all back tomorrow for a monday edition, keep is here a live edition of the owe really factor and hannity and gretta. factor and hannity and gretta. starts right now. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. watching this special edition of the factor. obama care close to becoming reality. for the next hour we are going to monitor events in washington live, whatever happens there you'll know about it instantlily as the vote goes down. and i'm also going to play devil's advocate with our guest this is evening, including sarah palin, congressman bachman and sherman and other fox news people in d.c. who are reporting tonight that the democrats now have enough votes to pass obama-care. the tipping point apparently came when the president promised
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to sign an executive order saying that no federal funding will be used for abortion activity and swayed some pro-life democrats to his cause, there's no question that most americans do not want obama-care passed into law. and most polls say that. the poll from real clear politics 49% opposing 40% supporting. while the president is getting the cornerstone legislation, the problems are three-fold. number one the cost, few believe the numbers the democrats are throwing out and health care reform will likely lead to more debt. number two shall the spector of socialism. 60% of uninsured americans will be getting government assistance for health care so the entitlements society grows and number three the unintended consequences, will there be enough doctors to care for everybody. will health care be rationed? will medical decisions be determined in washington. all of those things could very well happen down the road. on the plus side, there will be more protection for you as far
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as the health insurance companies are concerned, they will not be able to throw you off the rolls or deny coverage if you are ill. those are positive things, but they come at a cost. so that's where we start this evening. joining us now from wasilla, alaska the former governor of that state and current fox news analyst sarah palin. so, governor, for you, what is the worst thing, the absolute worst thing about obama-care? >> well, bill, first, thanks for having me. we talked a lot about the specifics many of us don't like in obama-care, including the federal unfunded mandates that will bury our states who already have such bugetary problems and businesses that have bugetary problems and now will be forced to purchase something that perhaps some of us don't want or don't need and government is going to tell us to do it anyway and this of course takes away so many of our choices and puts government in between our doctors and our patients and that's not good so we've already talked a lot about the specifics.
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what i dislike most about obama-care though is this notion that the leftists in washington think that they can pass this thing through, cram it through, with disregard to consider the will of the people. disregard of these constitutional legal traditional processes that have thus far been used in america's, in america's processes to allow policy to be adopted that do adhere to the will of the people. now, if the leftists believe that since obama-care can be crammed through and not be held accountable, these politicians, what's next coming down the pike. what i think is coming next down the pike if this goes through, without politicians being held accountable. next will be the cap and tax energy restrictions and amnesty for illegals, and things like card checks that union boss also allow them more control. so many things that-- and taxes of course that will have to increase to pay for the big government takeovers that i
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think the left wants to-- >> okay, so you're objecting to, you're objecting, but you have to, look, this stuff happens because americans voted in the democratic party to control both houses of congress and the presidency. so, it's not that the leftists did anything, it's the folks gave them the opportunity to do what they're doing. now, the next question comes. how much damage to the leftists as you put it, the democratic party and president obama, how much damage is done? are the american people going to accept obama care and move on or are they going to say, we'll get these people in november? what are they going to do? >> no, i think that there's going to be a lot of rebuke and there's going to be repeal of the policies that the american people will soon realize is not in their best interests, but i beg to differ, your suggestion there that it was not that the democrats that allowed this to
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happen. i think those on the far left, obama, pelosi, reid have left the mainstream democratic party. but the democratic party, governor, could have said no and they all stepped into line here and binge bing, bing, and fell into line. >> even at the 11th hour, president obama has to make this deal with stupak and others and say, okay, i'll sign an executive order to assure you'll get your way on one provision in this bill in the 11th hour after months and months of debate. he was not bringing along the democrat party along with him. it has taken the secret deals, these sweetheart deals, behind closed door, wranglings to go on to allow this to finally get to the place where we are tonight which probably seeing this yes vote, adoption of obama-care. >> that's absolutely true. >> major democrats never liked it. >> i want you to project out to november, so we-- look, the country is at a crossroads now, this is what's
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fascinating about this whole thing. we can go western european style, which is obviously the way the obama administration wants to go. they want to go western european style, big entitlement social justice government or people can say, you know what, i just watched what sarah palin described to me and i'm saying, never again and then. >> right. >> bang, out the window. so, what's it going to be, governor, what's it going to be? >> that's what it's going to be that rejection of that european style government that tomorrow in the obama administration and in congress today want to bury us here with in america. >> how can you be sure that's what's going to happen. >> people are up in arms. people who are independent not obsessively partisan one side or the other. now i get it, what candidate obama had meant in the campaign when he talked about redistribution of wealth. when he talked about fundamentally transforming this land that we so love and we love
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the traditions and we love the free market here in america. yet, he wants to transform that into something unrecognizable. no shall the american voter is saying, no, i don't like it that's what you see in the tea party movement and on the hill today with the protesters, that's what you see across this great land where people are saying, no, now i get it, what he meant. aim going to pay more attention coming up in the mid term elections, too. >> it will be interesting to see if your prediction comes true. finally as i mention there are some good things about the bill. some protections built in for people who got hosed by the insurance companies. will you cede that? >> why don't we just work on those things then that were hosing the american people, the consumers of health care coverage? if the insurance companies were screwing people left and right, why didn't we crack down on that and not just again, assume that government's got to take it over, 1/6 of your economy and reform and transform something so large in our private sector, assuming falsely assuming that
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government can run it better? why didn't we concentrate on those things so obviously broken and fix them? >> all right, governor, a beautiful setting you're standing there in, huh, out there. >> it is nice. >> that's real, that's not a picture, right. >> that's real. >> it's real. alaska is real, it's pristine, clean, gorgeous and healthy. >> all right. governor, always good to see you, thanks for taking the time this evening. next on the rundown, what's going on in washington right this very moment, carl cameron and major garrett on the scene and they will be here, the guys as the special edition of the factor on obama care, the vote this evening continues all across the usa, including alaska, and around the world. [ male announcer ] years ago,
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what are they doing now? they're just bloviating, these pinheads? >> actually they're going through the final stages of this. what dick cheney might have referred to as the last throes perhaps, bill. they have a little bit more business to go. there's a couple of votes, but they passed the rule earlier today which was a sign that democrats had the necessary 216 plus to advance their agenda in the first place. the rule was just a parameters for the debate and how they divide up the time among the republicans and democrats. once the house passes it, it can go down pennsylvania avenue to the president's desk and signed in the oval office and second is reconciliation packages of fixes and that, once it's passed the house, would go to the senate where they'll deal with it next week and if they change it there's the possibility it could come back to the house. >> bill: why bother if the president is going to sign a bill, why bother with reconciliation, a total waste of time, right? >> republicans have pretty much resigned themselves to the fact
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that health care reform as it's been described by the democrats in this latest incarnation of it is a done deal. >> bill: and get it down there, and hey, see you later. >> they're focused down the road to 2010's mid term elections. >> bill: and major, you were right, and i think you were right because i told you that deem and pass wouldn't happen. but cameron, he was wrong. this was last week, we had the guys on, so you were smart enough to pick my side, which is always a good side. and now, i'm going to make a prediction that president obama wants to speak to thenation about ten o'clock eastern time to get that seven o'clock west coast hit and not disrupt the networks too much, wants to do the victory lap as he's going to speak after the senate bill is passed. so, i think that's what's going on, they're orchestrating that kind of a deal, am i crazy? >> no, you're on target, but it's up to the house and all of its machine nations for the president to be able to speak. until the machinations are
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complete-- >> pelosi controls that and say now we are going to vote and you get out of here. >> it's going to happen between ten o'clock and eleven o'clock in all likelihood eastern time and puts the president in prime time on the west coast and he's going to stay up all night and give an address from the east room, and a huge victory and sign the bill. how do we get to the bill today. abortion, setting aside whether it has emphatic emphasis or change of law or reinforce the law. put it aside for a second. how did it happen? yesterday, bart stupak was supposed to have a press conference, this white house and democratic leaders feared would be a press conference in which bart stupak said i've got the votes to blow it up and he canceled that press conference. in serious negotiations with the white house over the executive order and the conversations went well into last night. jim messina, the special advisor
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to the white house was heavily involved in that and it shifted to the health care czar and bob bauer, the health care counsel and team of lawyers and drafted language and gave it to president obama afternoon and signed off on it and bart stupak had his press conference, when the vote is held, bill, you will see that not only will this pass comfortably, but you'll learn that stupak's coalition of pro-life democrats was not essential to its passage. the white house did this executive order to give itself padding. so no house democrat would be the 216th and only 216th vote to pass. >> bill: sure. >> and what does that mean, bill? it means that republicans can't in the mid term point to a swing democrat and say you were the one that put this across the finish line. >> bill: a pretty smart move, carl, as far as getting the pro-life democrats in line. they got the cbo numbers to give the fiscal democrats some cover so the way they played it, the white house played it was pretty shrewd, was it not?
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>> let's be realistic, bill. they wanted to get this thing done in august of last year and they had to give up a lot. the democratic left feels as though they're getting maybe a third of a loaf. this was the project that was supposed to bring universal single payer or at least-- government insurance program. >> bill: look how close it was to not getting anything. it would have been over. >> so on some level you have democrats who have been describing their various stages of grief because they didn't get as much as they wanted. for republicans, a sound defeat to stop this procedurally and participated last year in part of the process to try to put some moderation in the bill. and now, it's all to the pushing forward candidates. >> bill: i don't know, it might be a short-term defeat, carl for the g.o.p., but long-term, they could. >> that's right. >> bill: they could sweep up in november. >> that's exactly right. >> bill: and turn the whole country back to the right. i mean i don't know whether that's going to happen. we just had sarah palin on predicting it will, but you
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know, the g.o.p. is saying, okay, you voted for the guy, voted for the dems, look what you got and then you know down the way. but bill, the substantial of the policy, conservatives are equally concerned about the future of the deficit. >> bill: you pet. >> what it means for massive expansion of government and got to remember that the government benefits don't get implemented for four years. in the interim, it's the private sector insurance companies that get slapped with taxes and fees, and are expected to absorb the first wave of new people who have coverage so republicans on policy see this as a very, as a sour defeat. in terms of politics they are raring for the 2010 mid terms and believe this could really put the majority in their grasp? i'm going to golf you the last word, major, go. >> politics works this way in mid term elections, bill. it's about base differential. if your base is depressed and doesn't show up and the opposition party is revved up. you're going to lose and lose big. democratic amplification in the white house, if you don't pass it our base will be so
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demoralized, a differential in 2010. the only thing to squeeze this is pass health care, that's the reason they did this. >> bill: up next, congressman sherman will be here, a democratic and michelle bachman, a republican. fair and balanced, moments away. operatic aria )
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>> democratic party feeling pretty good while the republicans, well, we don't exactly know what they're thinking, but we'll find out. first up congressman brad sherman, a democrat from california. of the worst part about this for me is the fiscal stuff and you being from california you know the horror that your state's going through right now. it could get worse. and i'm just really worried, i'm not buying the cbo numbers and i don't like the social security
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and payroll tax raided to pay for this. i don't believe they're going to get 500 billion dollars out of medicare, i just don't believe it. i could be wrong, congressman, i could absolutely be wrong on this, it's just a gut thing, but does not enter into your thinking at all this could be a fiscal disaster? >> when it comes to fiscal projections i don't rely on my gut, i'd rather rely on the cbo. the president system could explode downward. you see more and more people losing their coverage, they could end up on medicaid, especially if they have a diagnosis. that first operation make, takes away their own assets and then they're eligible for medicaid so i think the worst thing we could do from our fiscal system is to leave the law alone and watch as more and more people lose coverage or their caps on coverage throwing more and more people on medicaid. cbo, much more trustworthy at least than my gut, shows 143 billion dollars savings in the
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first ten years and 1.2 trillion the second ten years, that's not because of magic, that's because the bill includes a major tax increase. >> bill: i know, but they're taking money from peter to rob paul. but here is what, and i think you heard sarah palin's interview. the governor said, look, i don't think anybody disputes, no fair-minded people do that we have to get insurance companies to be more humane. and you can't be throwing people off when they get sick, can't be denying people on a pre-existing coverage and when they come in with leprosy and thumb falls off on the desk, might have a problem. when the governor says targeted reform, should the insurance companies or any other abuses would have been fine with her and most republicans, but this dramatic expansion of the federal government into this area, when it is a gamble. look, i know you're a loyal democrat, i know you believe what you say, but it is a gamble, congressman, it is a
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gamble with the nation's future. it could go south. you know it could. >> well, pleading, you know, going with the present system is it a gamble with the odds against us because your blue cross card is shrinking, people are being charged more by employers and deductibles are going up and now the lifetime caps so if you're healthy, fine, you're diagnosed with cancer, you get the first operation paid for, after that, you're on your own, it's death panel time. the fact is that you cannot prohibit pre-existing conditions unless you also have a requirement of universal coverage. otherwise, people will, as long as they're healthy and they're, you know, fighting to deal with other bills, they won't buy the health insurance until the diagnosis. >> bill: they'll come on, but there are ways-- >> that's why you need universal coverage, universal coverage. >> bill: there are ways to target that. i don't want to debate the bill, the bill, you guys won, you got it,s you paed.
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>> let's see if we can pass the reconciliation bill, the hard part that goes over to the senate? >> it doesn't matter because as soon awes pass the senate version it's going up and the president is going to sign and we'll have some form of quasi socialized medicine. unintended consequences of that and again i'm looking forward tcreate a bigger entitlement to society and i'm sure you know, you're eloquent on the issue. 60% of those receiving obama care are going to be subsidized by me and you and other people and this heightens the entitlement society and brings us up into the western european models ab obviously most americans don't want that according to the polls what. say you? >> right now people without coverage are subsidized by you and me through a subsidy called unreimbursed coverage. they go to the emergency room, the least. >> bill: we know that we know that. but the numbers. >> you're paying for it. >> bill: but the numbers aren't nearly as big as all of the
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people coming on the rolls and it's the entitlement-- if it were me and i were president and people were going to the emergency rooms, we live the social security card and then they'd be debit iffed they made any money against the expense i wouldn't allow the free ride anyway because the entitlement society i think erodes our power, the power of the united states. but the democratic party doesn't see it that way. >> well, fact is we do have a bankruptcy law and most people without coverage are making 20, 30, $40,000 a year and may have 1 or $2,000 in the bank and then they're in for an operation and then that's-- you see bills-- >> do we owe them the operation. do the people owe them-- >> do you want to live in society where somebody is rushed to the emergency room, they open the wallet, there's no blue cross card and they throw them out on the street. >> bill: no, i don't want to live in that society. >> annen person, they have to pay for that coverage-- i don't want to do-- >> if that person under the
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present system the way you want it, that person is entitled to get health care when they show up at the emergency room, they urgently need it. >> bill: they are now. >> that's an entitlement even if it's not in the law, the hospital don't turn people away. >> bill: we appreciate it, next, congress woman michelle bachman heard congressman sherman and how angry will the american people be over obama care? we'll look at that provocative question ahead. being the youngest... i always got hand-me-downs. ♪ every time someone outgrew something... it became mine. ♪ and now, i'm okay with that. ♪ do something good for the next generation. love a car that lasts.
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to the cost of having this massive government takeover of health care. it's just a fraction of what you're looking at and also, you're taking 85% of americans who are happy with what they have today for the most part and you're forcing them into a new system that they aren't sure about, but know they're going to cost more money. >> i'm one of those americans, i have a health care plan through my corporation, and i'm happy with it, but i'm not happy with the insurance company raising my, you know, raising my rates every year and then when i want to put in a claim, i've got to dial one for spanish, two for farsi, three for as stonion. an hour to get a person and i'm disconnected as soon as i've got-- we've got a bad connection. you know what i'm talking about. it's hard for me to warm up to these insurance companies. >> well, that's right and the main -- the best thing we could
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have done is to take away the monopoly that insurance companies enjoy in every state in the country. that unfortunately wasn't done in this bill, but that's the best thing we could have done and we could have dealt with things like pre-existing conditions, but we didn't need 2700 pages of a document in order to do that. >> bill: all right. what is-- i asked this to governor palin. what is the worst part of the bill in your opinion, the absolute worst? >> i'm a former federal tax litigation attorney for me it's putting the irs in charge of this enforcement of the health care bill. noi it sounds strange to your listeners, but president obama decided to put the irs in charge of administering the system bye means every month irs agents will verify whether we have insurance that's acceptable to government. they'll also verify every month whether employers are offering accept anl to government health care. this means hiring about 17,000 new irs employees and they'll have extraordinary levels of
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power, bill. this'll be able to issue levees, fines, taxes, penalties, interest, ap now for the first time, they will share our confidential tax information with the department of health and human services. that alone should raise the hackles on everyone's neck to think now we have the hassle of the irs in our lives every month verifying that we have bought insurance, not that's acceptable to us, but it has to be acceptable to government. >> bill: who would you have put in charge rather than the irs of monitoring that people do what they're told because that's what obama care is. they're telling you you got to beit, some kind of program. >> that's right. >> bill: you don't do it there's got to be a sanction. so who would you put in charge? >> well, number one, i wouldn't have this system at all. >> bill: i know that. >> right. >> bill: if you did. >> that's on the table. >> bill: who would run it? >> i think it should stay with the department of health. i think that's where it should be administered not with the irs. >> bill: but they don't have any enforcement capability other
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than to close your restaurants down or something. i see what you're saying. the irs is intrusive just on its own. n now-- >> it changes the nature of the irs. the mission of the irs is collecting money, but bill you're going to love this. now every american is a captive audience of the insurance industry. this isn't republicans trying to protect insurance companies. now president obama has forced 300 million americans to come calling to insurance companies and the irs is the collection agency for insurance companies. the irs will send half a trillion dollars to insurance companies. >> bill: well, why are they sending half a trillion dollars to insurance companies, for what? >> because they're collecting the payments that will go to the insurance companies. >> bill: i got it, i got it. >> that's what the irs is doing. >> bill: okay. but if i buy my insurance from my carrier who i've been with for a long time despite their difficulty dealing with them, the irs is going to leave me alone, right?
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>> well, remember, your insurance has to be acceptable to government not to you. >> bill: they have a verify it, right. >> and then it will always be up-- the government can always change those requirements. >> bill: the bottom line in your opinion, and many republicans and conservatives agree with you, a huge federal power grab, it heightens washington's power and individual power shrinks? >> yeah, there's no question. this is 18% takeover of the federal economy and again, this is one party that is doing this. so, the democrats want this. they will have to own this bill, they'll have to sell it to the american people because right now, the american people aren't on their side. >> bill: well, they got it and they just have to take the repercussions of what happens afterward. always a pleasure to have you on the factor. coming back with the unintended consequences for president obama. they may be huge. that report after these messages.
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>> stay with us, i'm bill o'reilly. it looks like the president has succeeded in passing his signature legislation labeled obama care, but at what price? the gallop polling outfit and the founder of the crystal ball website at uva center, the site makes political predictions and larry, that's perfect for us, how is the president going to be affected by the passage of obama care? >> bill, temporarily, i think this will surprise some people,he's going to go up. you look at political history, when a president wins a big one, he tends to gain points in the polls, at least the polling average. so, i think temporarily, 'cause it will be a bump. he will did better, but remember, he's not on the ballot in november. the people who are going to do worse are the democratic congressmen in those districts won by john mccain in 2008. some of them are going to walk
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the plank. >> bill: why do you think though that the anger you've seen on display, the last six months, and it's grown, the anger in america will abate once the vote is in and the bill signed into law? why would that go down? aren't people going to hold a grudge? >> well, they may hold a grudge, but the people who count in the november election are the people with intense viewpoints frpt and that's where it matters. every survey i've seen conducted by everybody shows that the opponents to health care reform are much more intense in their feelings than the supporters of health care reform. that tells me that the opponents are going to be showing up in disproportionate numbers and bill, remember, this is a mid term election. the turnout is only going to be about 40% of adults in the united states. as compared to 60 to 63% of the adults for a presidential election. so, intensity really matters, that's what will gain republican
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seats in november. >> bill: do you concur, frank? >> well, i'll go back to what he said about a bump. that will be a rally effect. we've seen them historically, the president does something or something happens to the country, they get a bump. the reason i say that, bill, i think a lot of americans have already factored this health care reform effort into their thinking, he's at 50% job approval and gallop number as of today i think 60% on both sides did. >> bill: to what. >> in the disapproval in the mid 40's. >> bill: it's close. 3% margin error shall the country is divided. >> i'm not sure he'll get a bump. a lot of people-- health care reform is going to pass. >> bill: i'm trying to measure what the anger level is and you know that the talk radio guys, primarily republican conservative guys, they're going to go wild this week. cable, a lot of anti-obama stuff on cable. there will be cheerleading, but and i hate to say this, but it's
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absolutely true, the cheerleading cable news station nobody watches so they really don't have much constituency to move any dial anywhere, so you're going to have over the next week a real negative flow out of the media, not the newspapers, but they don't really matter anymore. >> well, obama's job approval rating now among republicans is in the low teens. i don't know if you can go much lower, but if you can get more anger, where can you. >> bill: independents are the ones. >> independents are somewhere in the middle. net-net i'm not sure we are going to see the anger. the i think tense anger showing up in his approval rating. >> bill: already been there. >> yeah, coming back to that. >> bill: what about the media factor here, doctor sabato. as i said, look, the newspapers and the liberal television, the network news and all that have is going to applaud this and say yes, we're a better country, this is great. we know that's going to happen. it's already happening, okay? but their influnce in the
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country has dramatically declined in the past year. tremendously declined. the talk radio, fox news, you're going to get a bill lit more diversity of opinion and a lot of that opinion is going to be vitriolic, obama is a socialist and you heard michelle bachman, dragging the country down, creating this-- i think that's going to come in play and i don't think that's going to dissipate beau the bill is signed. i think it's going to about get higher and higher, am i wrong? >> the key to me is this is march, bill and the election is november 2nd. it's hard to sustain. >> bill: that kind of anger, i got it, but when it's so-- >> that kind of anger. >> bill: when you're so angry, it's not like they're going to be foaming at the mouth. although i think the tea party is going to continue until november. rallies will continue. there will be something else, immigration bill is coming up, you know, a lot of stuff. >> yeah, and of course, that's a the difference between obama and the members of congress.
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they're on the ballot in november, he isn't. he's continuing to push things, bill, because even if he serves two full terms, he will never, he will never have anywhere close to this number of democratic congressmen and senators again. >> bill: i know what you're not getting. >> this is his one opportunity. >> bill: he may not be on the ballot, larry, but the democrats -- he's the democrats, he is he' the face, if you don't like obama, air not going to vote for any democrats. >> no, that's absolutely true, especially if you're the one turning up in november and i've already said i think disproportionately people showing up. >> bill: you're angry-- >> people turning up in november will be anti-obama and anti-democrat anti-democratic and so republicans-- >> do you think things are going to get worse. >> we'll see, that's why we track every day. i think the economy is going to be a big factor, if it starts doing bet sneer that will take the edge off. >> if it takes off in the fall
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until swamp the discussion. >> bill: if the economy is better it will take the edge off, but i think that people are teed off. i don't think they're going to be not tee 'd after. >> the people tee 'd off are in the negative in the obama column and. >> bill: there's more discussion, i got to tell you there's more discussion about this health care thing than i've ever seen other than the wars. this is the biggest political discussion i've ever seen on some policy thing. gentlemen, always interesting to talk with you both. will the democratic party get annihilated because of the obama care situation? we are going to take a hard look at that with amy slaughter. coming right bab. lindsey vonn,@ she stays tough!
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>> tonight, party politics and analysts believe the democratic party is in big trouble and
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those with the health care reform situation and joining us amy stoddard and associate he had dorf the hill newspaper. and people are walking up to me, they're teed after and angry, angry, and angry on both sides, but the side that is really angry and we saw it in washington where the people came to the capitol, surrounded the capitol and screaming at some of the congress people and some racial stuff was said, really a level of anger over a piece of legislation i haven't seen as i said, other than war. am i wrong? am i misreading this? >> you're not misleading the current mood. i think, you know, in the long-term can we say tonight that democrats will never benefit from passing health care reform, no, we can't. in the short-term, even the next two years, bill, this is why it's a liability for the democrats and these are the forces at play that they understand very well. let's start with this, the provisions that are going to benefit americans the most in
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the health care legislation don't kick in for a while. it's going to be hard for them to sell immediately before the mid determine elections this fall. secondly shall the calendar is against them. it's april, once we get through the senate. the members leave in august, they can't do anything after that and then on the campaign trail and the narrative is hard in mid summer, three or four months to stem the tide of this anger, not so good. are we going to see a change in the job picture? probably not. and then, you look at enthusiasm gaps they were talking about in the segment before. will the seniors turn out who are mad about the medicare cuts? yes. will the obama surge voters turning out and young and african-american voters who took him over the finish line, no they will not, this is a mid m trm-- mid term election. the democrats felt they were backed against the wall. >> bill: they had one once and one chance only. and when are the tax increases going to kick in and another thing that people don't understand that everybody who invests or everybody who has money on the back and interest
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on the money only 1% now and the government is going to take that away from you. so that's tax increases are going to be something tangible, something that people feel that they see. and there's going to be fees going up everywhere in the state. everything you're taxed on now is going to go up. has to, has to, no way it can't. when does that start? >> the problem is this is' different tax hikes and phase in at different levels, different places at different timesment so different people will feel them in different ways at different times and the pain does come sooner. >> bill: than the benefits right. >> than the benefits and obviously, for something to be revenue neutral you're going to cut benefits, you're going to cut spending and raise taxes the only way it gets to be revenue neutral. right? that's the only way they've got the good score. so, there will be some pain. the problem is, and they're going to sell the democrats are going to sell you, keep your kid on your insurance until they're 26. >> bill: there are good things in that bill. no doubt. but. >> right. >>.
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>> bill: perception is reality. this is what we have to deal with. >> bill, they have not sold this as a component of our economic security, they have not sold us it to the insurer, that's going to hit them for democrats and independents and republicans. >> bill: that's for the hill, that's for your penheady hill readers. that's for the beltway people. here is what's going on. the right is selling obama as a socialist flat-out, wants to take your freedoms away. that's it. that's their message. that's a simple message, even i can understand that message. president's a socialist. >> it's not entirely true, bill. it's not entirely the case. >> bill: maybe, it doesn't matter, this is the message-- >> health care reform seize into the narrative that the government bailed out wall street, that the democrats grew government and exploded the federal deficit. >> bill: and your individual freedoms are in danger, see, that message, that's a powerful message if it takes root. and that's where it's going. >> it's polling well. it's polling well. i agree with you, i don't think
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they have enough time to reverse it. i don't think they have enough time. >> bill: it will be interesting to see how they counter it. you know, how do you counter the president's a socialist and our freedoms are on the run? how do you counter that? >> they're going to, bill, counter it by-- they're going to hit the campaign trail from now until november trying to sell, repackage health care reform and try to talk up the appealing aspects of reform and that's what they're going to try to do to counter it and sell the fact that sick people won't be discriminated against. >> bill: we'll take you inside a very turbulent day in washington d.c. and show you the sights and sounds of our government at work. hide the kids! all right, back with it. y
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>> the big health care vote ladies and gentlemen, you know, it's going to be close, in fact,
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hear president obama's new slogan, halt, this works, that's the new slogan. >> kill the bill! kill the bill! kill the bill! >> health care, what do you want, health care! >> we are on the verge of making great history for the american people and in doing so, we will make great progress. >> if the american people are saying stop and they're screaming at the top of their lungs. >> there ain't no rules around here. we make them up as we go along. >> stop obama care! stop the socialist agenda. you were one of the people on the democratic side who said this health care bill stinks and now are' voting for it. >> and? >> we will work hard every hour until this vote is taken to ensure that we can produce 38 no votes on the other side of the aisle. >> health care for all! >> we can have a process where obama snaps his fingers and gets what he wants, but that's not how the discussion is set up. >> this is a sledgehammer that's going to destroy the greatest
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medical system in the world. say no to government-run health care! >> what do we want? >> health care! >> when do we want it? >> now! >> the democrats are working overtime to get 216 votes to pass health care on sunday. which means rahm emanuel is prowling the showers like the head of a prison gang. >> we think that there are going to be 216 plus votes when we call the role. >> kill the bill! >> they don't have the votes yet. >> health care now! >> we are going to get this done. >> kill the bill! kill the bill! >> health care now! health care now! >> aren't you using the medicare savings twice? >> we are doing exactly-- >> answer my question if you will. aren't you doing both? >> there's nothing different in the way we budgeted it. >> back off, back off. >> back up. >> we have the-- people in the world running this
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congress right now. >> at the end of this day, if the votes are there, is in fact the senate bill-- >> the gentleman's time has expired. >> well, she-- >> this health care bill will ruin our country. >> we will have health care reform in america. >> we at this time on this day, this hour, stand for government tierney or personal liberty. i choose the people. >> we will vote for the health care bill, it is not an unfunded mandate. >> the help of the president and speaker, we'll come with an agreement to protect the sanctity of life in the health care reform. >> this bill is a fiscal frankenstein. >> this weekend is going to be the beginning of end of business as usual in washington. >> bill: our producer put that together and he's the best in the business doing that and that's it for us this special edition of the factor. our l


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