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tv   Forbes on FOX  FOX News  March 22, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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my computer works, does yours? >> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for your baby can read. [baby gurgles] [baby laughs, gurgles...] [♪...] >> hi, i'm chad murdock. i've been producing tv for almost 30 years. i have seen thousands of products come across my desk and about 15 years ago, one product-- a reading phonics program-- made such a difference in my son's life that i felt compelled to appear on television to tell our story. to this day, it has been one of the most successful infomercials in history.
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now i'm back on tv for one simple reason: what you are about to see will change the lives of children everywhere. this is the most incredible discovery that i have ever seen. i wish that i could share with you the many hours of footage and interv see will ama. >> pointing... foot... >> what's this say? >> cat! >> cat! >> man: what's that say? >> duck. >> duck. >> happy. >> woman: happy. >> fingers. >> fingers. >> play. >> play. >> woman: where's the c-e-i-l-i-n-g? >> giraffe. wave. >> "oh no," said scrooge. "oh no, kind spirit..." >> "many young people through
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all of college and all walks of life..." >> "within six weeks after lincoln's inauguration, the civil war would la f for years and take the lives of more than 600,000 americans." >> woman: no way. >> announcer: in the first five years of life, 90% of the connections and growth in the brain are completed. that offers parents a small window of opportunity to give early learning to each child. the home videos you just saw demonstrate the incredible results of an amazing early learning system that truly defies tradition. from your baby can comes a revolutionary system created by dr. robert titzer called your baby can read. stay tuned to see how you can give your child the learning they crave before that window closes. >> now i'd like to introduce kristin pfeifer, a school teacher who, a few years ago, had the opportunity to interview dr. robert titzer, an infant development expert who created
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the revolutionary early learning system, your baby can read. >> since witnessing the results of this learning system, i have told every mother of a young child about the your baby can read program, and in fact, every expectant mother. yes, thank you... [laughing] now i am about to become a mother for the first time. as a parent, i want to open that small window of opportunity to enhance my child's learning potential and future success. >> man: o.k., what's this say? >> animals. >> good. >> i think what impressed us most about your baby can read video series was that we actually saw results. we saw jacob reading words, we saw him interacting with the video, we actually saw him watching the video from beginning to end without stopping and being distracted and running around the room. and he just incorporated it into his everyday life. i mean, so it's a product we, we feel like we got our money's worth when we purchased the video. we actually saw results. ...what's that spell? >> jacob! >> jacob, what's this say?
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>> boats float in the ocean. >> our lives will never be the sa, and um, we wouldn't have it any other way, actually, right now, at all. >> man: what's that spell? >> cow! [laughs] >> my husband was like, "this is a waste of money." major skeptic, and um, friends and other people were just like, "this is crazy," but, you know, i just showed it to her a little bit. >> what's this say? arms up! good girl, mwah! what's this one say? ears! yeah, good girl! how about this one? shake! good girl. >> she just started reading. >> narrow. wide! narrow... >> man: what's this one? >> follow... lead! >> i've exposed her to everything that i thought would benefit her intellectual growth and her emotional growth and her psychological growth just so she could, you know,
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have the chance to be the fullest person she could be. >> chin. reading. toy car. >> learning is a positive, fun experience. >> twi... twinkle! >> woman: i think your baby can read videos have already impacted her future. she's already reading, at the age of two, first-grade-level books. it's already apparent how much easier things are gonna be for her. and i think it'll give her a tremendous amount of confidence. i tell all my friends, my relatives, my cousins, everybody who has a little baby, if i could change the world with your baby can read, i think everyone would be using it. >> now let's hear how this incredible system got started, from the real expert and creator of your baby can read, dr. robert titzer. >> i've always been interested in how people learn, and while i was at penn state university, i was focused on how adults learn.
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at that time, my wife got pregnant and at that moment, i became very interested in how babies learn. so i switched my emphasis from adult learning to infant learning. and while studying about h verye and educational. and she watched the video for about six months and then started recognizing all the words in the video. ...this says snow. ...i will never forget the first time that i saw aleka recognizing words. she was nine months old, and i was showing her the video, but i forgot to put the volume up and the word "foot" came on the screen and she reached down and touched her foot and then she got a couple of other words, and i thought, wow, she's memorized the order of the word. i did not think she possibly could have memorized the shapes of all these words because it
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has only been about six months and i thought that was just too much. but i put them in a random order and she still recognized the words no matter which order they were in. ...good, belly button. very good. >> ooh! >> waving... ...around 18 months of age, that's probably where the biggest "ah ha" moment was, when she actually starting reading words that she'd never seen before because she'd figured out the phonetic pattern of the language. that's when i knew that this was actually going to potentially change the way everyone would someday read. >> aleka: daddy! hurt... no... living... thing... ladybird... nor butterfly... >> then other people actually borrowed my homemade copy, the homemade video which was an embarrassing video that i did not want people to see, and their children learned to read from the video, so then i knew that it would probably work with many children.
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>> proof of that came as we received testimonials from all over the country, from virginia to california and everywhere in between. notice these are home videos of real parents and their kids. [♪...] [tires skid as plane lands] >> he flung his little arms up in t air, he was only eight months old and he was actually responding to what the video was asking him to do. i can shut the video off and put those same words on index cards and i could then show him the word and he would put his arms up. he has no concept of, you know, "learning", he has no negative connotation toward, you know, toward that and we didn't call it that. we just called it playing. [♪...] ...hands, good. how about this one?'s helping him learn about other concepts, you know, and that's something that he... he wouldn't get until much later. ...andy, can mama have
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the yellow one? ...can you read this one? what state's that? >> andy: florida. >> kelly: what's the capital? >> andy: tallahassee. >> kelly: good. >> andy: tallahassee. >> kelly: what state's this, right here? >> andy: texas. >> kelly: what's the capital? >> andy: austin. >> kelly: good, what's this one way over here? can you read that one? >> andy: california. sacramento! >> kelly: some people see andy and they say "wow," you know, "he must be a genius" or you know, "he's just special," and i always say "no, these videos really just gave him that boost and i think that any child could do this." >> andy, reading: i love learning about polygons like quadrilaterals, parallelograms and trapezoids. >> his pre-school has told me that he's reading at a third-grade level
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at two and a half. he seems to be very proud of himself to be able to do that. ...where's the c-e-i-l-i-n-g? good. [♪...] [wheels skidding as plane lands] >> now, i'm not a scientist, i have not done research, i don't have a ph.d in childhood education, but i can definitely see that my child is way more advanced than children her age and i can't see how any child could catch up with her. ...what's that say? >> saadia: wave, this one is wave. wave. >> kendra: what's the other one say? >> clap. >> i cannot put into words how much this program has meant to our life. you just kind of like fill up because your daughter is three years old and she's holding up this book and she can read. it's just so normal to her. it's not like tedious, it's just like a part of life. every child is born with this
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ability, to be this brilliant child and we're not taking advantage of it, um, in the early years of their life. it has nothing to do with my genes, has nothing to do with my husband's genes. it has to do with starting early. every parent should be getting this program for their child. you can buy toys, you can buy all these gifts and everything that they're not even gonna play with. but this is a life skill. this is one of the only things they're gonna take with them for the rest of their life. >> even with home video, that message is just so powerful. give the same opportunities to your child or someone you care about. find out how, right now. >> announcer: a baby's first smile of recognition, that first roll-over... the first step and first word are miracles of a baby's life. a baby's brain craves stimulation and develops at a phenomenal pace, nearly 90% developed dung the first five years of life.
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seize this small window of opportunity before it closes to enhance your child's learning ability with the your baby can read early language development system. your baby can read isn't just another reading program. it's a remarkable learning system, which will have positive amd permanent effects in your child's life. the best and easiest time to learn a language is during the infant and toddler years, when the brain is creating thousands of synapses, or connections, allowing a child to learn both the written word and the spoken word... >> child: elephant. >> announcer: at the same time. this is how it works. your child will see the words and at the same time, hear the words. >> man: clap. >> announcer: then your child will hear and see the meaning of the words and also, get to do actions related to the words or say the words. >> child: clap. >> announcer: remember, your child has tens of thousands of new brain connections forming every second. while watching your baby can read, those connections now have even more value. over time, these billions of powerful connections give your child the tools for
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increased communication, enhanced learning and overall confidence, giving them the edge they'll need for a better education and career success. >> not by the hair of our chinny-chin-chin. >> cow. moo! >> moo. >> reading. >> ...parallelograms and trapezoids. >> "...inspires you, makes you laugh, makes you think..." >> announcer: this revolutionary program stimulates your child's brain with interactive text, pictures, songs and games. your baby will learn naturally and easily, along with smiles, laughter and fun. these young children are among the thousands that are reading, learning and communicating at an advanced level, and your child can too. >> because of your baby can read, at 19 months, evan's reading over 500 words. >> if there's one thing that they should get, it's your baby can read. >> your baby can read is the most amazing program that i have ever seen. >> your baby can read.
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>> announcer: call now for a 30-day risk-free trial. the complete your baby can read early language development system is yours risk-free for only $14.95. that's right-- a 30-day risk-free trial for just $14.95. use the system for 30 days, and if your child is not communicating and interacting more, simply send it back and we'll refund your $14.95. this is the complete package. give your child the key to unlock their learning potential. order now for a 30-day risk-free trial, but that's not all! order today and you'll get these three free gifts: a complimentary sing-along music cd and an interactive board book, plus a very special dvd of dr. robert titzer's early learning workshop, where he reveals the secrets of this amazing early learning language system. these gifts are valued at more than $75 and they're yours to keep absolutely free. go online or call the toll-free number for this exclusive television offer, and here's
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a special bonus. call now and shipping is free! there is absolutely no risk to you. order this 30-day risk-free trial. your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. give your child the gift of early language learning for a head-start on life. call now. >> this next touching story shows how your baby can read helped a baby overcome a near-life-threatening setback. >> evan was five weeks old, and we thought that he had some feeding issues. we found out that, early on, that he had these heart defects. so he went into emergency surgery, two times, um, when he completed that surgery, he was in recovery for a few months. he wasn't eating very well, he was trying to get his nutrition back and we had some friends-- a speech therapist, a child development specialist, an occupational therapist-- that told us not to be surprised if he were delayed. it would probably take a couple of years, as far as his learning, his cognitive, his motor skills.
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i was trying to find things to help facilitate his learning and his stimulation. ... find "stand up". find "stand up". good job, evan! you found "stand up"! where's the word "black"? ...because of your baby can read, at 19 months, evan's reading over 500 words. ...what's that say? >> sheep. >> no matter what he's been through, you know, your baby can read has shown him early on, i mean, even as a baby, that he can do anything. i think your baby can read was truly the only way for him to be where he is now. ...what does this one say, evan? >> wave. >> good... wave. wave to mommy. least give your child the opportunity, at least give them the stimulation that they need and if they like it, then keep going with it. don't stop. >> i think mona is a very happy baby. because of your baby can read,
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i feel that she loves books. books are, and reading is like playing ball to her. ...what does that word say? >> monkey! >> no, not that one. this one. >> no. >> good girl. >> no... that mean no! >> i, as a child myself, struggled in reading so this was very important to me. when i seen the program, i definitely wanted to start her on it. >> eyes... >> lori: what's that word say? >> toes! >> good girl. ...i really believe my daughter's bright but at the same time, i believe that this can work with any baby. my husband, as he's watched mona read, you know, he's a happy dad. he's proud of his daughter. >> baby. >> lori: good girl. how about that one? >> arms! >> arms, good girl. >> white. yellow. >> i would start this video with any baby, i would tell any mother about the video just so they could start them and have proof for themselves that
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their baby also can read. >> another incredible story. again, we received more home videos from parents across the country. [♪...] [tires screech] >> my daughter, gianna is 18 months old and she's been using the your baby can read program since she was eight months old. there wasn't a lot of time involved, but people think i'm spending two or three hours a day and that's just not true. ...where's the letter d? ...people are skeptical when i tell them that she can read, they're like, "oh yeah, come on," and i say, my husband, who was extremely skeptical at the beginning with this program, now just enjoys showing gianna off and how much she can read and he just thinks that it's just so awesome and that she's just so smart. sometimes mothers have, um, said to me, you know, "why don't
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you just let her be a baby and play and do things like that?" but gianna thinks it's fun and she thinks it's playing and we make it fun. she prefers to play with stuff where they say the words or there's words on there and she likes words! >> pipipot! >> your baby can read is a tool that anybody can use and it works. any kid can do this, any baby can do this. and the success that comes from learning to read is immeasurable. [♪...] [tires screech] >> my daughter began reading by the time she was eight months old. she already had probably 8 to 10 words that she could read at eight months. and a lot of the words she was reading were things that she could easily point to or act out. they were very contextualized, which is where good language learning starts. >> man: now here's another word.
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>> pig! >> o.k., do you see a pig? >> right there. >> o.k. you're getting really good. >> the child loves reading, and it's because it is so easy for her. it has never been work, it's never been instructional time. it has always been fun and natural. >> "and she took hold of the ax and tried to pull it out of her father's hand." that's not nice. >> it's very hard for a parent sometimes to get past this idea that reading is work. when a child learns to read at this age, it is not work. it comes as naturally for them as it does for an adult speaking. >> "oh no," said scrooge. "oh no, kind spirit. say he will be spared." >> i want to see the series, your baby can read, in every household so that every child can have the same opportunity
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that my daughter was allowed to have. >> now you can see why i believe in your baby can read. in this next story, see how the parents have enhanced the lives of both their children forever. >> i don't even wanna say we were skeptical because it wasn't even like we considered that it was actually gonna happen. um, so we weren't skeptical. it was ridiculous. you know, but at least it was kids singing songs, it was nice, it was a nice sort of homespun feeling and it had an educational element. so we tried it. he would just kick his legs and his eyes would get really wide and he would watch it. and they were singing songs and they flashed words on the screen and at one point, i thought he was just memorizing the order of the words on the screen 'cause he had seen it so many times, and he read everything. it was amazing. ...what's this? >> teeth! >> teeth, good job. >> keys. >> keys... good job. >> what's that! >> what's that? >> monkey. >> monkey! ...your baby can read is so much more than just the reading aspect.
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>> mozart. >> mozart. >> there is nothing that he doesn't want to learn more about. and that includes sports, so, you know, the next thing i know, graham is obsessed with soccer and baseball and he's outside hooting hoops and it's... he's incredibly well-rounded. so ridley's right there now, we're sort of learning about what he's into. ...what does this say? >> delicious. >> delicious. >> hi. >> hi... [indistinct] say hi? what does that say? >> tiger. >> what does the tiger say? ...this set of your baby can read videos absolutely changed our lives. our kids are thriving, they're growing, they're learning, they're happy. it, it's just amazing. >> the your baby can read program is a blast. it's, it's like watching a video, um, but it has content that's educational. >> birds don't live in a basket. birds don't take a bath and they don't go to bed. >> there's no way that you can put a price on, on
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the creation of the synapses in your baby's brain. i mean, there's just nothing more important than early education. >> speaking of early education, here's a preschool director who fully realizes the life-changing effect this program has on children. >> woman: i am a director of juniorversity state of the art preschool in the city of compton, california. i have a bachelor's degree in child development. we do have children that are maybe less fortunate and it really doesn't matter. and when they watch the baby can read program, their little brains are like sponges. they want to learn, they're excited about learning. we can take this program in our community and turn around a generation of, of children that might have been going down the wrong road. if i had my way, your baby can read program would be in all of the preschoo in america-- change that, in the world.
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your baby can read. >> now find out how you can make a significant impact in your child's future. >> announcer: a baby's first smile of recognition, that fst roll-over... the first step and first word are miracles of a baby's life. a baby's brain craves stimulation and develops at a phenomenal pace, nearly 90% developed during the first five years of life. seize this small window of opportunity before it closes to enhance your child's learning ability with the your baby can read early language development system. your baby can read isn't just another reading program. it's a remarkable learning system, which will have positive amd permanent effects in your child's life. the best and easiest time to learn a language is during the infant and toddler years, when the brain is creating thousands of synapses, or connections, allowing a child to learn both the written word and the spoken word... >> child: elephant. >> announcer: at the same time. this is how it works. your child will see the words and at the same time,
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hear the words. >> man: clap. >> announcer: then your child will hear and see the meaning of the words and also, get to do actions related to the words or say the words. >> child: clap. >> announcer: remember, your child has tens of thousands of new brain connections forming every second. while watching your baby can read, those connections now have even more value. over time, these billions of powerful connections give your child the tools for increased communication, enhanced learning and overall confidence, giving them the edge they'll need for a better education and career success. >> not by the hair of our chinny-chin-chin. >> cow. moo! >> moo. >> reading. >> ...parallelograms and trapezoids. >> "...inspires you, makes you laugh, makes you think..." >> announcer: this revolutionary program stimulates your child's brain with interactive text, pictures, songs and games. your baby will learn naturally and easily, along with smiles,
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laughter and fun. these young children are among the thousands that are reading, learning and communicating at an advanced level, and your child can too. >> because of your baby can read, at 19 months, evan's reading over 500 words. >> if there's one thing that they should get, it's your baby can read. >> your baby can read is the most amazing program that i have ever seen. >> your baby can read. >> announcer: call now for a 30-day risk-free trial. the complete your baby can read early language development system is yours risk-free for only $14.95. that's right-- a 30-day risk-free trial for just $14.95. use the system for 30 days, and if your child is not communicating and interacting more, simply send it back and we'll refund your $14.95. this is the complete package. give your child the key to unlock their learning potential. order now for a 30-day risk-free trial, but that's not all! order today and you'll get these three free gifts: a complimentary sing-along
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music cd and an interactive board book, plus a very special dvd of dr. robert titzer's early learning workshop, where he reveals the secrets of this amazing early learning language system. these gifts are valued at more than $75 and they're yours to keep absolutely free. go online or call the toll-free number for this exclusive television offer, and here's a special bonus. call now and shipping is free! there is absolutely no risk to you. order this 30-day risk-free trial. your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. give your child the gift of early language learning for a head-start on life. call now. >> after watching and listening to these remarkable stories, you can see why i felt compelled to produce this show. i wish that your baby can read had been available for my children when they were young. i'm convinced it would have enriched their lives and made learning so much easier. >> this incredible program has truly changed the lives of thousands of parents and
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their children. it demonstrates the importance of giving your child the tools early in life so they can enjoy lifelong opportunities for success. thanks for watching. >> this is not a joke. this is the real deal. >> envelope! >> [laughing] >> it should be the number one thing that they register for. >> hippopotamus. >> cow. moo! >> your baby... >> both: your baby... >> your baby... >> can read. >> both: can read. >> can read. >> your baby can read. [baby gurgles] [♪...] >> announcer: the preceding has been a paid presentation for your baby can read. slowing ? are you having problems with email? or when you go onto the internet is it taking so long to load that it seems like the world wide wait?
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