tv Happening Now FOX News March 22, 2010 11:00am-11:32am EDT
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go to >> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for your wish is your command. >> the best-selling book the secret and "the law of attraction" has become an international phenomenon. but can you really think your way to happiness, a new car and riches? [scoffs] i don't know. i'm julie lancaster and my guest is number one new york times best-selling author, kevin trudeau. his newest book is your wish is your command: how to manifest your desires, and we'll find out if you can, indeed, think your way to happiness and success. it's such a fascinating subject, i love this. >> well, thanks very much... >> it's a pleasure to have you. >> glad to be here. >> you know, most people know you as a consumer advocate, health advocate, whistle-blower,
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best-selling author, controversial radio talk show host now, um, you have founded over 60 corporations, including the golf channel in the u.k.... >> mm-hmm. >> ...three tv networks. you have a global business empire. your success is unprecedented. so, what is the truth about the law of attraction for you? >> well, you know, a lot of people, as you mention, know me as author these days, natural cures "they" don't want you to know about was number one on the new york times best-seller list 26 weeks in a row. my books have actually sold close to 50 million copies around the world, and i founded three television networks in the u.k., the golf channel was one of them... i've had over 60 corporations or entities around the world and they've generated about $3 billion in business. so for years people have always asked me, "will you write a book on how to be successful because you have..." >> right. >> "and why haven't you?" and i always explain to them, if you look at all the books that have been written on the
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law of attraction or how to be successful or how to create this wonderful life, with all due respect, they're written by people who never made any money and have never succeeded. the only money they've ever made was by selling books on how to be successful. >> interesting. >> so they never really made any money, they never did anything and they really didn't have these great, successful lives. there's one guru who's been divorced three times, i think, you know, he has kids out of wedlock and he's talking about how to be a great relationship expert. you know, barbara deangeles was a relationship expert, john gray, and i think both of those relationship experts were married at one point and gotten divorced, so maybe they learned something from their bad experience, i don't know. but i decided to put together some information on how to be successful, how to use the law of attraction, because there is a missing secret in think and grow rich by napoleon hill... >> mm-hmm. >> there's a missing element to the secret, which is described as the law of attraction. i've used it, i generated $3 billion in business over the
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years, friends of mine who've done even much more than that all use a very simplistically designed method to virtually turn you brain into a transmitter and receiver of frequency and can virtually allow you to create in your life whatever you want. >> now, what about all the people that, that try the secret and think that they can think their way into a new car and it doesn't work, or they think they can get more money and it doesn't work. >> that's the problem with it. when you a read a book like the secret, which is a great book... >> it's a great book. >> or any of these other ones, if you apply what is said, 95% of the people fail. >> why is that? >> well, if you go back to the original book that it was based on by napoleon hill. now, napoleon hill, at the turn of the century, was hired by the richest man in the world, andrew carnegie... >> oh, really? >> he was the richest man in the world and andrew carnegie said to napoleon hill, "i want you to
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study the richest people on planet earth for the next 20 years and then write a book about it." now, all these people were involved in secret societies, by the way, including henry ford, thomas edison, firestone-- at the time, all the rich people-- j.p. morgan, the banker, were all involved in various secret societies and they had virtual secret knowledge on how to use the law of attraction which was kept secret from the masses. carnegie secretly hired napoleon hill, he was the first breakaway and he wanted the average person to know this information. so napoleon hill first wrote about it in a book called the laws of success in 16 lessons. henry ford got crazy that carnegie allowed these secrets to be revealed, he got the book squashed and all the real secret information edited out, and then even, even that book was crunched down to think and grow rich and that was edited. so people read it, some people became successful, but very small.
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the majority never figured out the missing elements. >> 'cause the meat's gone, right? >> correct. now, i was, i was inducted into an organization called "the brotherhood" back in the '70s and i actually left that organization in 19... 1999. >> was the brotherhood similar to what you're talking about? >> correct, and i learned secret information. so what i did was a couple of years ago, in the alps in europe, i invited a few people to come in for a two-day live event where i would teach them the secrets that i had learned and that allowed me to make virtually billions of dollars. i mean, i don't have an education, i almost flunked out of high school. i never went to college, my dad was a welder, we didn't come from the right side of the tracks, i never had any funding, no credit, no venture capital, but i learned secrets from this organization and i applied it and it made me millions of dollars before i was 18 and i applied it and made billions over the next few years.
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so in the alps i, fo hd secret,. >> did you select these people? >> no, i invited people and they said yes or no. >> o.k. >> so they came and i recorded this information an a cd series and that's what this is called, your wish is your command: how to manifest your desires. >> i love the title. >> but let me tell you what happened. the people that came generally were familiar with the law of attraction and the secret, but none of them had any success, as you mentioned. >> mm-hmm... >> because there's a missing element. >> and what is that, can you say? >> well, that's what's on-- no, i can't. >> it's a secret! >> that's the secret. so, what happened was these folks came in and some of the results were absolutely outstanding. over the years i actually taught this to people, one person went from living... he was bankrupt, living in his mother-in-law's house to making over a million dollars, cash in the bank, in the next 12 months by applying one of these techniques. >> it sounds impossible, it sounds...
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>> no, it sounds that way, but when you look at person after person after person after person after person after person and, who is very successful, they are applying this, either knowingly or by accident. those who apply it by accident usually stop applying it and those are the ones who make a lot of money and then it all goes away. >> and does it have to do with our thinking? >> it has to do with your thinking, and i'm going to explain that in just a moment. now, this is the actual series, folks. it's a 14-cd series, and you can see all the cds in here, it's called your wish is your command: how to manifest your desires, and part two is how anyone can make millions: the money-making secrets they don't want you to know about. this is the first time i've ever put this type of material out because... again, the people out there selling things on how to make money or how to manifest your desires have never done it in their life, and the only
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thing they do is they sell stuff on how to make money, they write a book-- they're broke, living in a one-bedroom apartment-- they write a book on "how to create and manifest your dreams..." well, why haven't you done it first? >> uh-huh. >> so, i did it first, you know, i launched television networks, 60 companies. >> and you were inspired because of your passion for your health scare and then you found natural cures, and that was the beginning, right? >> that was one of them, actually, no, my beginning goes back to 1989 with mega memory when i went on television and i founded the american memory institute, and even before that, back in 1975, when i co-wrote the ginsu knife ad with a guy named arthur schiff. >> i think i remember that... >> yeah, and so my background goes back to the '70s... >> i dating myself? i may be... >> with direct mail, so this, this program virtually teaches people what albert einstein and thomas edison discovered, and they discovered, and people in the secret societies knew, that the brain is actually a transmitter and receiver of frequency. >> mm-hmm, i believe that. >> now, this is not open for debate anymore because there is technology-- i was on the plane
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flying in from chicago, and in skymall there's a game, you hook this up to your head and with your thoughts, with your thoughts you can move a ball on a game board. so it's no longer out of the science fiction. it's now proven... even though edison and einstein knew about it, your brain transmits and receives frequency. >> so we need to be able to receive it, right? >> no, we need to know how to.. what to transmit. so what the training is, uh, it trains the brain how to transmit the right frequency, so if you want a new car, if you want a better job, if you want to make more money, if you want to be happier, if you want to lose weight, if you want better health, if you want to be lucky, if you want to have a different home, if you want a better relationship with your kids or you want a lover in your life, whatever you want in your life, if you look at your life and saying, "there's things in my life i don't like... i want to
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change them," what is it that you'd change it to? so once you establish that, what this training does, your wish is now your command. what is it that you wish? i teach you how to command your wish and turn it into reality. some people say it sounds too simplistic. it isn happy by accident." no, it's not. there's specific things you do with your mind so that you can transmit a frequency, and when you do, the whole universe moves heaven and earth to make it come into your existence. so if a person wants a new car, if they want a better job, if they want to be happier, if they want a different life, whatever it is they want to manifest, they can do it.
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now, i've experienced it myself, my friends have experienced it, we talk about it on 200-foot yachts when we're in monaco, when we're traveling around the world, i remember the concord before they stopped service, i was on that thing, you know, i don't know how many dozens of times... the private jets, all the luxury things. that's only one aspect of it. someone says, "oh, that sounds very materialistic." o.k., fine. do you wake up happy, thrilled for the day? do you jump out of bed, going, "wow, what a fantastic day"? do you go to bed and just say, "wow, i'm so thankful for everything that is happening in my life"? do you have love and relationships? do things always seem to go your way? are you lucky, are you always feeling terrific? these things can happen. this is the type of lifestyle somebody can really achieve, but they need to know how to use their brain and turn that frequency so that it actually comes into their life. >> is it because they're thinking positive things, positive affirmations, i mean, we hear about that all the time. >> that's really...
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>> or is that like a band-aid? >> no, it's really the misnomer, that's what people think, "oh, i'll just have to think positive thoughts." not really. there are some very specific things that you do and then that creates the result. now, again, i want to explain what people, what this is. this is the program, it's your wish is your command: how to manifest your desires and part two, how anyone can make millions: the money-making secrets they don't want you to know about. $10,000 is what people paid to attend this live event. i've recorded it. now it's on cd. if you call right now i'm gonna give you 70% off the regular price of the program-- 70% off the regular price of the program. you get the entire two-day, 14-cd series, you can get 70% off the regular price of the program. listen to the whole thing, not for one month, for two months, for three months. see if your life doesn't dramatically change. if things don't magically start happening, if you don't feel
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like you have aladdin's lamp where you can actually have a genie grant any wish you want, if it's not really working, send this back for a full refund, no questions asked. this is different than anything out there. i have not made money selling programs on how to get rich or how to manifest desires. i've been doing that in my life and my friends have been doing it in their lives. this is the first time we're revealing information that really the privileged elite have kept to themselves. if you look at all the books out there written by people, they're all written by people that have never made any money. the only money they've made is selling their books and tapes. this is virtually the first time somebody is revealing to the masses the secrets of secret societies and secrets of the privileged, elite class that can allow you to have, be or do anything and everything you want. you don't have to pay $10,000 like the people that came, and
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all of them, every single one, said it was the best investment they ever made in their life. people have turned that $10,000 weekend into already millions of dollars. they write me and say they can't believe the results. this is different, this is unique. this virtually will program you and program your brain to be a transmitter, pulling into your life every desire you have, that's what this teaches. you don't have to pay $10,000. if you call right now you get 70% off the regular price of the program, and you will also get a private, personal invitation to join a very elite society where you can learn even more wealth creation techniques... that's only available when you buy this, you get a private invitation to join a global eetwork of affluent, wealt
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thtually magical, if you don't see changes that are gonna blow your mind, send this back for a full refund, no questions asked. i can tell people, we've sold some of these... >> mm-hmm. >> actually, lots of them, and the response is absolutely amazing. people said, "i've read the secret, i've read different books on how to make money like think and grow rich, i've done positive thinking... it just doesn't work out." and when they listened to this they said, "oh, my god, there's like a missing ingredient and now i understand, the recipe now works." it virtually gives you the recipe to create in your life whatever you desire. >> so it's not just a money-making endeavor... >> no. >> it's going to affect all areas of your life. >> right, it's... money is just one aspect... >> right. >> and i mean, people always talk about materialism. at the end of the day people like a new
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some people want to quit their job, you know, and say, "listen..." some people are just so, so fed up with the bills, they go, "i want money so i can become debt-free..." >> right, and so it becomes about that. >> so, money is a big thing. >> it sure is. >> o.k., so let's talk about money because money is a big thing. if people need to pay off their home or pay off their bills, pay off their debt, you can create that and virtually, by magic, pay off all your debt. if people want a new car, a better job or a better career or are trying to start a new business and are looking for investors or opportunities, things in life can happen. so, money, yes, but other things: happiness, fulfillment, contentment, better relationships... there's a lot of people out there who are saying, "you know, i'm just looking to find a woman or a man..." >> a mate, someone to spend my life with. >> exactly, "and i'm struggling in this area, how come i can't
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attract the right man or woman into my life?" >> mm-hmm, i hear that all the time. >> so do i, and the answer is you can. you can so fast... that's one of the fastest things you can bring into your life. at this event there was a guy who was saying, "the reason i'm here," he says, "i'm wealthy. i have ferraris, rolls royces, private jets, i'm wealthy. i can't find a mate." so he wasn't there for money. after the first day he went out and had dinner by himself, and this was in europe now, he's american. he went out and had dinner. the next day he came back and said... >> "i met a girl." [laughs] >> "i met a girl," he says, "i met a girl," and everyone was laughing in the room and i said, "tell us the story," and he got up and he says, "it's just like you said. after i left, i called my genie," he said, "i felt like i had aladdin's lamp. i rubbed it, the genie came out and i said, 'i want a mate.' and the genie virtually said, he said to myself, the genie said, 'yes, your wish is granted.' i went out to have dinner and all of a sudden, boom..." >> she appeared.
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>> "she was there, she was by herself, she came over, 'do you mind? are you by yourself?' 'yes.' 'do you mind if i sit and have dinner?' we had the most marvelous time, we talked for three hours, it was unbelievable. she's american as well, we don't live too far from each other," he says, "it was... you couldn't write a script in a movie, it would not have worked." but that happens and i want people to know i believe that can happen to anybody, and everybody, after they go through this, if they start applying the recipe, those type of things could happen. >> do you think maybe he wouldn't have gone to dinner or he would have gone to dinner and not have been open to it? >> well, you know, the thing about it is the universe-- it doesn't make a difference what happens... >> yeah? >> because the universe is going to make it happen. this program actually gives people their own aladdin's lamp and their own personal genie that when you use this technique you can virtually create whatever you want in your life. you can have, be or do whatever you want. and i can tell people this:
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i've done this my whole life. my life has been magical. i have no education, i didn't grow up on the right side of the tracks, i didn't go to harvard, i didn't go to college, i didn't have a nickel growing up, and i created this, and i... the secret that i was taught in 1975... >> so before you started any of this? >> yes, a group of people came to me and i got inducted into the organization called "the brotherhood," which is like a skull and bones... >> it sounds very davinci code. >> well, it's like-- hey, the skull and bones is at yale, we know that's a secret society, the freemasons are a secret society, the bilderberg group is a secret society... these are all not so secret anymore. what goes on inside them are still secret, but the fact is, when you're in you actually learn how to-- we call it manipulating energy-- another way to say it is you're taught how to use your brain and focus your frequency vibration to create in life what you want. you're virtually a magnet.
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so this program programs that brain to be on almost auto-pilot, so it's broadcasting the frequency that you want most. if you want money, it'll broadcast that frequency and money will come in. if you want a relationship, it'll broadcast that frequency and bring it in. think of radio. you want to listen to rock and roll? all you have to do is dial the radio to the frequency... [claps] rock and roll! [julie laughs] you want country/western? you dial to that frequency. >> right. >> if you want classical music and you're listening to the frequency for rock and roll, you're not gonna get classical music. you have to be on the frequency for classical music. this is the same. if you want money, if you want to be debt-free, if you want a lover or a great relationship, if you want a better, more fulfilling career, you'll never get it if you're not dialed into that frequency, and i can tell people what frequency they're dialed into by how their life is, that's it. so all this does is it teaches a person how to dial in the frequency and virtually put you
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on auto-pilot. after you go through it, if you do nothing, it's almost by magic you're dialed into that frequency. >> so you can't ruin it by thinking a negative thought. >> well, i mean, if you apply... if you apply the information on here, we believe the law of attraction is activated and you are going to start attracting into your life the things that you desire. this is the series, folks. there's nothing ever in history that has been like this because this contains information that has never been revealed before on how to have, be or do whatever you desire. that's why the title is your wish is your command: how to manifest your desires. and part two is how anyone can make millions: the money-making secrets they don't want you to know about. a group of people came to the alps a couple of years ago and paid $10,000 to be trained on how to use their mind to create in their life what they wanted.
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they wanted to have their own personal aladdin's lamp and their own personal genie that could virtually grant them any wish they desired... they got it. and for that $10,000 in two days in the alps in europe, the people said it was the best investment they ever made. many of them already have turned that into millionse. if you call right now, this is a limited-time offer, you get the entire series, the entire workshop that i put on, live, on these cds for 70% off the regular price of the program-- 70% off. call right now, you have to have your credit card when you call and we'll rush this right to you. rush shipping is also available. and when you get this, listen to it, but not just for 30 days like the standard guarantee, not even for 60 days... for a full 90 days. if your life isn't magically
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changing, just send it back and you get 100% of your money back, no questions asked. that's how confident i am. just by listening to these cds, this brain is gonna be tuned into a different frequency and you are virtually gonna start attracting things in your life that you desire. that's my promise or your money back, no questions asked. and you're also gonna get a private, personal invitation, from me, to join a brand-new global association of very affluent, wealthy people that can help you achieve your financial dreams. this group is a private, exclusive, worldwide network of people and you cannot join, it's by invitation only, and for a limited time you'll be getting a private invitation to join that group as well when you get this series. so call right now, have your visa or mastercard ready when you call, it's 70% off the regular price and rush shipping is available.
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>> so, i hear words like "exclusive" and "private" and it begs the question, can anyone learn this? is it like learning a skill like playing the piano or cooking? >> that's exactly how it is. if we took 10 people here and they all had no knowledge of how to play the piano and they all got piano lessons at exactly the same time, at the end of a week one person is gonna be really good and one person is gonna be pretty crummy. >> right, one might have talent and the other might not. >> correct, but all of them are going to be better than when they started... >> sure. >> right? >> mm-hmm. >> same thing here. if your life is miserable and you go through this, you may not become a millionaire in a week, but you're gonna be much better off than when you started. >> o.k., that makes sense to me. >> so everyone is going to be able to, based on their own talent, and actually there's some other things as well... >> secret things. [laughs] >> based on some other factors as well, but some people will excel quicker than others, but the fact that somebody picks
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up the phone and calls right now and orders this means they're special, it means they're different... >> and they're willing. >> because there are people right now who are going... [scoffs] "ahh!" that way. guess what? they're a loser and they'll always be a loser and they'll always stay a loser because this mind keeps them being a loser. >> now what is a "loser"? i mean... it feels harsh. >> a loser is somebody who basically blames everybody else for their misery instead of taking full responsibility for themselves. >> o.k. >> that's what a loser is. a loser is somebody who says, "ahh!" and just is miserable and complains about everything that they're creating and blames everybody else. >> o.k. >> so there are people there watching today that won't pick up the phone and i can tell them they will stay a loser their whole life, and there are people right now that are listening, going, "what have i got to lose? i can listen to this thing for 90 days, if it's garbage i can send it back for a refund. i'm gonna pick up the phone and try." >> because they're open and willing. >> that person just changed
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their life because they became open. years ago my friend brian tracy, one of the most brilliant motivational speakers of all time, said, "kevin, if you want things in your life to change, you're gonna have to change things in your life." >> hmm... >> most people are not willing to change and the first thing they've got to change is the way they think. >> mm-hmm. >> when they change the way they think, everything changes. so the guy who's sitting at home who doesn't pick up the phone... he's a loser because unless he's completely happy with his situation, if he's like, "i don't need this because..." >> "i'm already practicing it." >> "i love everything in my life!" he's not a loser, god bless him and i applaud that person. but the person who's miserable and says, "ahh!" he's gonna stay miserable. >> right. >> nothing's going to change, is my point. >> you're always gonna get what you've always gotten. >> nothing's gonna change in his life. this is the program, folks, it's called your wish is your command: how to manifest your desires and how anyone can make millions: the money-making secrets they don't want you to know about. if you want to make money, if you want to have, be or do
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things in your life, if you want more out of life, if you've tried the law of attraction or read the secret and it didn't work for you, if you want more, pick up the phone. there's information on these cds that was taught live in a seminar in the alps that is not available anywhere else. it's secrets of secret societies, it's secrets on how to use the law of attraction... it is information that has been privileged and kept exclusive for the privileged elite class up until now. i've used this my whole life to make billions of dollars. it works. my friends have used this. it works. people who went to the event and paid $10,000 per person have used it and turned it into millions. it works. people have bought this cd package at the full price, have written in and said, "it is life-changing." miracles are happening ithis
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and the genie says, 'i listen and obey. your wish is granted.'" wouldn't you like to have your own genie to grant you your every wish? get on the phone and get this program. you don't have to pay $10,000 like the people that were there live, and you don't have to pay the full price. call right now and i will give you this at 70% off the regular price of the program for a limited time. and try it for a full three months. if miracles aren't happening in your life... whatever you want, if you want more money, a better car, a better job, if those things aren't happening, pick up the phone, send it back for a full refund, no questions asked. >> kevin, thank you so much for joining us today. >> my pleasure. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> thanks. [no dialog, ♪...] >> announcer: the preceding was a paid presentatio n for your
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wish is your command. >> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for supple, brought to you by supple beverages. these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. [♪...] >> hello, my name is dr. monita poudyal, and welcome to a very controversial edition of smart medicine. on our show today, we're going to be talking about arthritis, joint health and weight loss. now, all around the world, the standard of care for the treatment of joint pain includes the use of safe, disease-modifying drugs that can naturally reverse
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the cartilage breakdown that occurs in osteoarthritis. these agents are not widely available in the u.s. today, we're going to be discussing these agents as alternatives to the harmful drugs and often ineffective dietary supplements that are available in the u.s. my guest today is peter apatow. he's the c.e.o. and founder of supple beverages. peter has created a new, revolutionary drink called supple. if you suffer from joint pain, arthritis, back pain, carpal tunnel, gout, fibromyalgia or if you just want help losing weight, then this is a show you do not want to miss, so stay with us. peter, welcome to the show. >> thank you. it's great to be here. >> peter, tell me, is complete relief from joint pain really possible? >> it really is and i found the answer and this is it. it's supple. it's a delicious drink that's so powerful that if you drink one bottle every day, you'll feel a significant difference in seven days and you'll feel better every week. >> peter, i'm talking about
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complete relief, to the point where there's no pain left. >> absolutely. complete relief... you can even get complete mobility just by drinking supple every day. >> now, in your experience, what joints cause the most suffering? >> you know, it could be any joints. it could be your knees, your hips, your hands, your neck, your back. all of these joints are causing almost everybody incredible suffering. >> when you offer complete relief with supple... >> yeah? >> what does that mean? >> complete relief means just what it sounds like. we're talking about
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