tv Glenn Beck FOX News March 24, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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crucial. glenn beck to take you through the next hour. i'll see you an hour from now on the ramifications money-wise. >> glenn: welcome to glenn beck program. last night i talked to you about social justice and how it is now a political movement in church. i warn you there's a difference between social justice where you're just serving the lord and social justice where you're serving the overlord. i warned you to be careful and know who you are getting into bed with. watch this video we have from minnesota. these are students. health care for social justice and education for social justice being taught now and kids are being used by our schools. what are we doing? i want to show you something else, listen to the words of barack obama, and what he said just last week. listen to this very carefully,
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watch. >> the president: if you believe that it's right you got to help us finish this fight! you got to stand with me like you did three years ago and make some phone calls and knock on some doors, talk to your parents, talk to your friends, do not give up, we keep ongoing! >> glenn: talk to your parents. you need to talk to your parents. you see what's happening? are you feeling a little overwhelmed? i'm here to tell you it is going to get much worse. i'm going to show you tonight why it's gonna get worse. what they're doing. why they're doing it and how to conquer it. to conquer it. come on, let's go! captioned by closed captioning services, inc. >> glenn: hello america. i was born in 1964.
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i remember watching tv when i was growing up. i remember watching shows like my three sons. do you remember that? the partridge family. wild, wild west. i remember watching laugh-in. probably the closest i ever got to being a hippie. laugh-in had don rickles, so i mean, that as close -- my sister was older she was all flower power there for a while. i remember the carol king tapestry album, that was about as radical as we in our house. i do remember my grandfather. i remember we stayed with him during the summer he and my grandmother. and we would see images like this on his television. i remember my grandfather saying what the -- love in detroit.
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he would go off. he would see a van like this and he would go off. and he would talk about how these people were gonna destroy the country. remember my grandfather was a staunch fdr democrat. americans saw all of these images and saw these hippie clowns and we were turned off. so we tuned out. until recently, i thought these people had grown-up and green past it and looked at these times and go what were we thinking? like the weather underground, i didn't think those people were still thinking about violence! i've been trying to figure out what this president has been doing since the first day in office. last night we started to layout his next move we are entering very dangerous times. barack obama said on the campaign trail that it is impossible to govern. i want you to really think of
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this. that it is impossible to govern if you jam something or sneak something through like universal health care, with just 51 votes. these are not my words, these are his. >> you have to break out the 50 plus one presidential politics. maybe you eke out a victory 50 plus one. >> glenn: you get that? you cannot govern if you do something that massive with 50 plus one. i got news for him, he didn't even get that much support. they had to play all kinds of tricks. they didn't even get 50 plus one which by his definition now his hands are tied. he cannot govern. he burned every lance ounce of political capital he had.
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he bet the entire presidency on getting health care through. fine that's your goal of the but remember, he knows you cannot govern. he told the democrats this would make or break him. now he's i got through i guess he can claim he's been saving lives because of his health care plan. but he can govern. that's bothered me. how is this going to happen? then the weekend that they're passing health care through they announce they are going to do a couple of things we'll talk about one later. they want to start pushing for convicted felons to get their voting rights back. then they also want to push through immigration reform, translation amnesty. didn't that almost push america to the edge? wasn't that wildly contentious back in 2004? a huge part of america is still recovering from the
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first sucker punch. we used to think the good guys won in america. we just need a minute to catch our breath. what sane administration would do this? would not wait for america to catch her breath. especially in an administration that said in the past, you can't pass health care with 50 plus one, because you won't be able to govern. last night, if watched the show -- if you haven't seen it yet, you need go back and watch it. last night i was standing at this chalkboard. i was gonna show you quotes from the revolutionaries around the president now, next to the revolutionaries of the first american revolution. i say the first american revolution because i think the second is right now. they are just calling it by a different name. they are calling it fundamental transformation the largest entitlement ever, health care. the first giant step in a much big area agenda. i was standing there looking
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at that board. i was thinking to myself, where is the george washington of our day? where are the people like samuel adams or john adams? where are the great thinkers like benjamin franklin or thomas jefferson? where are they? i was in the commercial break and it hit me. these guys were wild thinkers, but they were also revolutionaries. they actually thought about the things like how do we fight the british? how do we overthrow the government? i'd never thought about revolution. i've never thought about armed insurrection or bombing or anything like that. then i looked at the other side of the board and i realized, wow the people around the president have. not only have they thought about it, many of them have plotted it. some of them were actually
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engaged in bomb throwing. bill ayers and jeff jones they were running around blowing stuff up. have you -- these guys didn't -- everybody believes in forgiveness. bill ayers told alan colmes that blowing stuff up, he doesn't regret it. >> i don't regret anything did to oppose the war, i don't regret. i wouldn't regret sending a bomb at a police station, pentagon or capital. >> glenn: okay. i wanna show you who the president surrounded himself with, just a few. these people. they are the who's who of the overthrow america movement in the 19 60s. here's his new spiritual adviser jeff jones, bill ayers,
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they were in the 60s revolution. maybe you forget what happened to the 1960s radicals and their marxist efforts they lost big time, crushed, humiliated, they became a opinion. line, right dude, rock on. -- they became a punch line, right dude, rock on. how were they crushed? who crushed them. we were still coming out of the leave it to beaver years we were still relatively decent people, i think. up here, we have these two clowns and these people, this is our general society. hippies like bill ayers tossing bombs at everything. at some point they realized the tactic going to change anything. they realized they didn't have any power. see, clowerd and piven said
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get inside, destroy it from the inside out. get ahold as much power as you can get and get as many people on welfare as possible and collapse the system but the key ingredient was to have a structure in place. so when it comes down there's something for it to collapse into. what's the structure? what did they learn? they learned some really important lessons. they learned that the man was keeping them down, remember that? it's the man! remember all of these stupid people, protesting the man in washington. all the marches, all the things they did. there was kind of a line here. because americans don't like radicals. americans don't like terrorists. americans don't like dope hippies. they don't like people who,= are
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dangerous. we don't like that that's not the way we do things. we do things through elections. we do things through elections. so, what they learned was, don't fight the man, become the man. these are all radicals, that in one way or another have influenced either directly or indirectly with the president of the united states. they have become the man. now, they have power at the top. what are they gonna do? if their radical changes are gonna happen they have to achieve this goal and they've
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done that the other thing they realize is americans are religious and moral people. can you turn this around please. they are religious and moral people in is what i showed you last night. health care, why do you hate people that don't have -- don't hate people. economic justice, socialism, redistribution of wealth. we are religious and moral people the marxists knew they had to work up this way. they knew we wouldn't go with nuts throwing bombs. no one wanted to be a part of that they had to change to economic justice. then just talk about health care. because it is the right thing to do. god would want you to do it, see? van jones where is he the radical? he summed it up this way. watch this, he said i'm willing to forego the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of the radical ends.
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the goals haven't changed but the tactic has. the new tactic, see if any of this sounds familiar. remembering that america is a religious and moral people, they have power here. all they need is just some radicals down here. you are against health care? why do you hate poor people? why do you want old people to die? how can you be for the status quo? you are against immigration reform? why do you hate foreigners? why are you a racist? why do you want to harm ther. why do you want children's lungs to be filled with suv exhaust. why are you such a hater? i showed you last night everything is a moral argument. health care why did you hate the poor? global warming economic justice. why do you hate the planet? by appealing to these two up
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here they gotcha. make you feel bad, pull at your heart strickens. they learned in the 60s, why did we lose? because of people like this. we used to go to church and the man was in charge. the man was respectable. he had a tie on. so if we drop the radical pose, and stop dressing like hippies, and we put ties on, all of a sudden we're respectable. stop throwing bombs. stop smoking dope, picketing, shouting things, no one listens. if you do that you become acorn. you are out picketing. what? they learned this while they were plotting revolutions, many of them. let me is new, how many times have you plotted a revolution?
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how many times have you and your friends thought we should destroy america, take over? if you are like me the answer is zero. these people, many of them, not all, these people have been doing this, since i was . they figured it out. if you want fundamental transformation you have to reverse the roles. look at van jones. militant revolutionary anti-capitalist, marxist communist. he helped cop killers. kanye west, he helped him spread the word that bush hates black people. now all of a sudden mr. suit and tie is preaching love. watch this. >> to my fellow countrymen, mr. glenn beck, i see you and i love you brother. i love you and you cannot do anything about it, i love you and you cannot do anything about it. >> glenn: the communist revolutionary is suddenly full of love.
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andy stern, who i've never talked to before, i showed new last week, sends me this little love note, sorry about that, you don't know what it is like to run a camera with this guy. sends me this love note. hey glen glen in since you commented on the purple tie it has been hard to find. sends me a gift how nice. they are the men, the voice of reason. in today's news cokie roberts said i was a terrorist. the director of the titanic, said i was excuse this is fing a-hole and poison to society that is not just about me. that is not about me. you see what they've done is they've radicalized the man. these people are in the center. who is down here?
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they know that these people always lose, because they experienced it. the crazy tea baggers in the streets. why would a government continue to poke you and poke you and poke you and poke you? why would they say these things? why have these people said these things about good americans? because they need to separate these people from these people. they know how you feel when the president of the united states says that do you have the picture of -- yeah, here. these guys, remember these guys, when these guys said crazy dope-smoking hippies, they knew how it felt and it drove 'em nuts. and it drove some of them, it drove this guy and in guy to start throwing bombs. they're counting on it.
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the manmade them do it. -- the man made them do it. they learned once they through a bomb they were done. martin luther king changed the world without a single act of violence. ghandhi was right in many ways. this might be the most dangerous monologue i have ever done. because i'm telling you now, they need you to be violent. they are begging for it. you're being set-up. do not give them what they want. i saw a report earlier today on fox about some congressman how they are getting death threats because they voted for health care. i have to tell you, i don't know what to believe any more. i don't know if that's true or not. if it is, do not being become them. not only is it nuts and wrong, it's exactly what they want. that's what they did! they dropped the radical pose for the radical ends. don't play into their script.
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they need you to become them! that's who they were in the 1960s and they know how the game ends. they know -- i know it is extremely frustrating now and these people are doubling down. but do not give them what they want. remain who you have always been a decent, religious and moral people. do not pick anything up except your religious scriptures. i know people don't say this on television, but it is damn well time people do. our country is in real trouble. radicals, radicals, are poking and prodding. you get down on your knees and pray. you beg for forgiveness for our arrogance. for how we've disregarded our freedoms. and you pray for the finger of god. i have told you before, expect miracles in our lifetime. i am telling you, you will see them. there are tough times ahead.
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attention. not time yet, just softening the earth. called the democracy restoration act of 2009. wow, it sounds patriotic, doesn't it? what's the act? pro postal to restore voting rights of up to four million released felons. here's the opening salvo from sunday's "new york times" editorial. millions of ex-offenders released from prison are denied the right to vote that undercuts effort to reintegrate former prisoners into mainstream society and against one of democracy's most fundamental principles that the government should rule with the consent of the governed. i can't believe they did this on the day they voted for health care. against the fundamental principles of democracy? maybe. what about the republic. with your rights come responsibilities. you must abide by certain rules and laws when you break 'em you lose certain rights. you are saying you should
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restore because you've paid your dues you're gonna restore the rights. all of them? their right to the second amendment? or is it only the voting rights? that's disinfranchisement isn't it? when the progressives are involve -- are involved and votes are at stake -- who do you think would be the beneficiary of the vast majority of ex-con votes democrats or republican? currently four million americans have been released from prison they've been disinfranchised in federal elections by laws barring people with felony convictions from voting. wow disinfranchise there's that word that keeps popping up. now we have a new class of victims. let's look at the coalition that barack obama and his allies are working to put together this is what changes everything. they always talk about hugo
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chavez as a democratically elected president. you will hear sean penn say that we have convicted felons they want to restore that, five million votes. ultra radical left. you know they've got them in fact, just signed in abortion ware, that executive order that's not -- abortion waiver, that executive order, that's not going to stan. don't fight for it, if you do and it stands the president can overturn law with the stroke of a pen that's dictatorship. con -- convicted felons, ultra radical left, people enslaved by government -- and government employees, also the employees of the federal government. then we have now nearly all african-americans, barack obama won 95% of the vote in the last election. it won't be that high now. african-americans are lockstep.
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they now have lockstepped the unions. who else are they going after? if you have this, who else do you need? the pot at the end of the rainbow, just full of gold. making voting citizens out of nearly 11-20 -- 11 to 25 million illegal aliens in the country we don't really know how many people are here. last election obama received 67% of the hispanic. imagine if the democrats could successfully lock up of another voting bloc, let's say the low end, 11 million people. this is not lost on the obama administration and john podesta for the center for american progress. they published this massive book. george sorrows has a lot of money. -- george sore rose has a lot of money. they detail all of the details of the democrat gash demographics and now to
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exploit them. podesta writes although the ideas reflect a progressive viewpoint i hoped the recommendations would be useful regardless of who was elected to be our 44th president. to be fair we know these statistics on our changing demographics weren't lost on george bush no one was friendly to the cause of illegal aliens than george w. bush. i mean, we all know that was the hispanic voting bloc the reason that he didn't secure the border? probably. but the guy couldn't articulate it at all. people said, wait a minute, i don't care about politics, i thought we tacked about values, principles and keeping us safe. what i do know is the moral views of minors, black, hispanic, the values of conservatives are far more in line with conservatives than of liberals. like the overall population,
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african-americans are more likely to describe their political ideology as conservative, than liberal. 61% of african-americans feel there have been too few expressions of faith by political leaders. nearly 2/3 of african-americans, 64% oppose gay marriage. how is it that 95% of all blacks voted for barack obama? how is it that 6 % of hispanics voted for democrats for that matter liberals and progressives continually try to sabotage our relationship with the israelis. how is it that 78% of the jewish vote went to barack obama? how did that happen? i'll tell you next and why it is important to understand it. ç
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. >> reporter: i'm patti ann brown. today the chief of police at the u.s. capital and the fbi delivered briefings to members of congress to address security concerns after the historic health care vote. steny hoyer says more than then democratic lawmakers have reported incidents involving threats. today the president signed an executive order reaffirming a ban on funds for abortion. the white house insures new health care reform man takens the status quote of law. more than 150 lawyers meeting in san diego today on the eve of a major federal court hearing regarding the toyota lawsuits.
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judges will decide whether to combine all cases. glenn beck returns in a moment first bret baier previews special report. >> bret: the senate starts voterama on amendments coming up. administration scrambles to fix something left out. behind the scenes on the president's meeting with israel's prime minister. at the top of the hour. >> glenn: tonight we are showing the progressives are putting together a voting coalition that will make republicans in national office extinct or anybody extinct that is not a progressive. as we talked about before the break why do the democrats have the minority vote? when the values of african-americans and hispanics are more in line with those of the conservatives? why? because the democrats are very good at articulating things,
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very good. they've played it this way. they've made a case for these voters on feelings. using lynn ski tactics. their marginalized conservatives by positioning them as racist haters. they are doing it now. why did you think it is all about race? along the way it has been forgotten in our country that abraham lincoln was a ran. it has been forgotten that progressive democrat woodrow wilson was one of the biggest racists i've ever seen. read about this guy. the progressives, margaret singer was trying to wipe out the african-american that's your planned parenthood for. this guy reinstituted segregation. listen to what i said reinstituted segregation in the military. did you know that? we didn't have segregation until a progressive got into the office.
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things like senate democrats, like former klansman robert byrd who organized a record filibuster again the civil rights act in 1964 that was a democrat, still in office. republican minority leader dirk son fought hard for the passage. i've never seen a picture of this guy, have you? there is no way african-americans should be married to the democratic party or hispanics. i don't think we be married to any party. let's judge them on what is happening today. what are you doing today? but unfortunately, i think this is what is going to happen to our country's estimated 11 million illegal immigrants then it is lights out . they going to continue to use their organizing groups to ingratiate themselves with these new groups that i think they've forced into hiding. it is modern day slavery what
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we have going on in our with illegals living in the shadows and working for these corporations, and being excused by our federal government, it is modern day slavery! now, you have groups like acorn doing the bidding of the obama administration and the democratic party knocking on the doors. don't fall for the silly ruse that acorn is out of business, i can't take it any more the press reporting they are going out of business, they're bankrupt. who would have seen that coming besides this program about a year ago. i said they are going to be driving away interest those buildings and you -- away from those buildings and you got to watch where the car is going. acorn is just an empty shell. listen how bertha lewis the head of acorn on npr this week. >> we are transforming of
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course. i've been transforming this organization since june of 2008. and yes, we've had our financial woes, and yes, we are fighting an unconstitutional ban on any government funding. and again, it is unconstitutional, but we're transforming. >> glenn: it is a fundamental transformation of acorn. it doesn't get any clearer than that it is a shell game. everything that we have in this country now is a shell game. you don't call it a stimulus bill, call it a jobs bill. but nothing changes. so, we know that we have rampant corruption in our government. the question is, what are you gonna do about it? you can't think your civic duty begins and ends at the voting booth any more. you must understand the issues of the day and be able to verbally joust with solid arguments. i'm gonna give arianna
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huffington and her group rush to their keyboards and write what i'm saying, they will get it wrong. you can't think this way. you gotta get it right. don't be worried about calling it racist or whatever, you know the truth. 1986 ronald reagan tried to solve the growing illegal problem by granting amnesty to more than two million. he had a progress from congress they were going to enforce the law. one side got done in 2004 when the gop and president bush said keep the borders open, give them amnesty. you knew something was wrong. it about tore our country apart. i couldn't figure out what was wrong at the time many big business, politics, what is it? i still don't really know for sure. maybe it was just bad communication. let me make it clear, i have always been an advocate of legal immigration and stopping illegal immigration, because i believe it's immoral. but i have no problem with immigrants. in fact, i like immigrants
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much more than i like most americans, franklism because they respect our country. they -- frankly. because they respect our country. they understand our country. they're still excited about our country. these people, i mean i would go with boat loads to ellis island and come on in! we need an ellis island! but you come through the front door. bring us your energy, enthusiasm, your ideas the richness of your culture, as long as you're excited about ours. as long as you're -- you're leak i can't believe we are here in america. those people changed us for the better. but if there are millions coming here whose loyalties lie elsewhere, whose ideology is more in line with the marxist country they just left the progressives would be happy to welcome them and make them part of the fundamental transformation they are trying to bring about. why would you not want to teach people english?
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i have a hard enough time following these radicals in the white house. i have a hard enough time following the progressives and the way they are always changing language, and i speak english! how easy is it to dupe people, if you show them just a picture of people like me or people at the tea parties and say they are all racists. this is not about race. i don't even think it is about politics. people in washington are going to make it about politics. here it is about doing the right thing. encouraging immigrants to come through the front door. it is about helping them understand what this country is all about. learn the language, let's for the love of pete, let's help them learn the language. let's help them learn the history. let's help them understand what the statue of liberty really represents. let's show them george washington. why is he so important to us? it's about an understanding of the greatest generation in world war ii. to know this country is to love this country. people from all over the world come here for freedom and
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opportunity. and if we don't have immigrants who love this country, we're gonna run out of people who love this country. because, our schools and everybody else up at the top are teaching us to hate this country. we need people who understand us and who have seen our glory from the distance and from their own corrupt government. why did you think so many people from south america and from mexico are coming across the border? because much of their government is marxist and correct -- and corrupt. gee, look where our government is going. our government cannot resemble those governments in south america and mexico. we must remain different. these people coming through the front door will help us do that back in a minute.
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orlando, florida we have a studio audience. i'm getting ready for my american revival tour which starts saturday in orlando, florida find out all the information at glen it is a full day of learning the truth about america, join me tickets available and all the information at glenn friday in orlando, florida. more next. @útçñçpqç?p@÷@÷
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. >> glenn: i want to show you a fan tick list of people who hate my guts this is kind of a beck-hating hall of fame. it is kind of a disappointing list. i would like a few more a-listers up there. you foe what i mean? the following segment is a fox television first. fox news 3-d. yes, it was a rough week. disastrous attack on our fiscal stability in the form of health care. looks like it there. now this, director of avatar,
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titanic and piranha part two the spawning, james cameron apparently doesn't like me. he said this: >> glenn beck is a [ bleep ] he called me the anti-christ. so, i know not about avatar. >> glenn: i got in the office this morning i'm like, what? james cameron said i said what? the fact is, we have met. i mean i didn't remember it, i think it was in a make-up chair and i'm like hey you're the titanic guy! yeah it was three years ago. i think that's what was talking about, i don't know but he hates me. not because of what i said in person if i did say anything to you james in person, i'm sorry, i can't imagine this is what he was quoting about me saying he was the anti-christ. on my show that nobody watched in 2007, i said "anyone who got dragged to see titanic or was subjected to repeated plagues of that celine dion
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song probably suspects what i've believed for years, only pure evil could have decked that film or perhaps, yes even the anti-christ." the real story tonight is many believe that james cameron has officially tossed his hat into the ring today and is officially running for anti-christ. who knew that you could actually run for anti-christ? i thought you would be appointed. but there you go. yes, james i am÷dtb guilty, i dd call james cameron the anti-christ. but i contend, [ unintelligible ] only because of the celine dion song, who have rick -- horrific, really. the best part is, this guy has carried this joke around with him for three long year. guy's making a billion dollars on a smurf-murdering movie and stewing about a joke that nobody heard on a network nobody watched! it is time to walk away for a
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minute jim, just for a second. i don't think he's just upset with me he's also upset with you too because you are a global warming denier. >> call those deniers out in the street and shoot it out with those bone heads. >> glenn: oh no, since he took my anti-christ joke so seriously, i guess i have to ask james to stop threatening to shoot people in the street. 79% of the americans -- [ unintelligible ] why must you kill all of them.
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