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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  March 25, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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"special report" online starts right now. tomorrow. here is mr. o'reilly. >> bill: o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> do you really trust speaker pelosi with your family's health care? >> no. >> bill: with health care reform now signed into law, the question becomes what's next? what other vehicles will the federal government try to take over? dick morris and democratic congressman anthony weiner will analyze. >> no more hate speech on our campus. >> we want ann. >> get ann coulter off our campus. >> shut down ann coulter's speech in canada. we will show you what happened and have reaction. >> hey, guys, why don't you wake up? >> bill: and dennis miller has observations on the passage of obama care and whether we are losing our freedom. >> we have got to do something for god's sake.
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>> bill: caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. your freedom and president obama. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. when you cut through all the bologna, the controversy in america today is over freedom. those lined up against the obama administration believe the federal government is becoming too intrusive. that is, it is telling us what to do when it has no constitutional authority to do that. on the left, the pro-obama people say there is unfairness in america that needs to be corrected by the feds, thus, the battle lines are drawn. talking points believes the freedom issue is crucial. in the "new york times" lead editorial today that far-left paper celebrates obama care and urges the president to continue spending billions of dollars to protect individual americans from just about everything.
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in addition, the "times" wants the feds to take over the education system, the energy industry, and control the banking system. this is what many americans fear. that the u.s.a. will become a top-down society. that is the government will tell citizens and business what to do and when to do it. in addition, the irs will increase its already enormous power because it will monitor what kind of health insurance you have. and, if you don't have any, you will be punished. also, your health records will be transferred to the federal government. so if you have an embarrassing condition, people in washington could know about it. all of this infringes on personal freedom. and that is very troubling. it's also very simple. do you want bureaucrats to know about your head call history? do you want the irs tracking not only your income but your insurance expenditures? do you want to be told what kind of energy you can use? so the fears seem to be justified. we are now undergoing a radical debate in the country. president obama wants massive change. he wants to impose his version
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of social justice and he wants to consolidate power in washington. not in your state, not in your hometown. in the end, i believe the president's vision will be defeated because traditionally americans value individual freedom above everything else. i understand the feds have tingo regulate wall street criminals and predatory corporations. it can't be a free for all where powerful entities do what they want at our expense. but regulation must be measured against complete control. right now the left in america wants a nanny state, wants to change the educational system to reflect liberal values and wants to redesign the way americans use energy. they don't want to use persuasion. they want to use force. that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. reaction. joining us from puerto rico. dick morris, author of the upcoming book "2010, take back america," which will be out next week. so what do you think is the next target of the obama administration? they can go a lot of places.
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where will they go? >> the financial industry, bill. there is a bill that has passed the house that is pending in the senate. it's been redesigned by chris dodd that gives the secretary of the treasury the power to take over any financial institution he wants if he believes it's too big to fail and that it's in danger of being insolvent. and when he takes it over, he can fire the management, fire the board, sell off the assets, and wipe out the equity value. i think that will be obama's next step. >> bill: what about the educational thing that's coming up next week whereby the federal government takes over college loans from the private sector? what do you think is behind that? >> well, that's one where i actually agree with obama. i think that the -- there is no reason for sally may or these private lenders to be making student loans. the government can do it for
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almost a full point cheaper and we have to guarantee the loans as taxpayers anyway. we tell sally may if the kid defaults we will pay 90% of the money and then you can go after the kid and keep all the money you get. it's a stupid deal and i think obama is right about that. >> bill: but, doesn't it give the power -- >> -- what he is trying to do, bill -- >> bill: but, doesn't it give the federal government power to distribute the loan money any way it wants? >> yeah. but i think they have done it well and i think they would do it well. but i think that the point is, if you look at this in broad strokes, bill, he has more or less moved now to take over the health industry. the next move there will be to pass a public option, regulate the insurance companies, let the insurance companies go broke, and have a single payer. then he is going to go after the financial industry with the bill i just talked about. then he is going to try to pass cap and trade to go after the manufacturing and the utility companies.
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and by the time you finish that, you will effectively have government control over our whole economy. >> that can't happen if the democrats lose in november, which is widely projected to happen. >> that's right. i think the republican strategy on health care in particular will be right now block the medicare cuts. don't let them go through. block them. then i think they will work on defeating the democrats in taking over the house. but they will still only have a simple majority. they can't repeal the bill outright because obama would veto it, but i think they will zero fund it. i think they will use their majorities to wipe out the appropriations. then they will try to beat obama, and then they will actually repeal the bill. so i think they are going to restore medicaid cuts, then defeat the democrats, then defund the legislation, and then they are going to try to repeal it. >> bill: how seriously do you take the states that are challenging obama care as being
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unconstitutional? >> oh, i think they have got a great case. the only real reason that taxes are higher in the north than in the south, the overwhelming reason is that the south has a much more restrictive medicaid program. they basically cover the elderly and very few of the poor. whereas the north has a very generous one. this bill requires the south to adopt the north's standards but doesn't provide the money. after the first year the southern states have to do it. i had a conversation once with the governor of alabama, great guy named bob reilly. he is probably watching tonight. he said what obama is trying to do is to equalize the north and the south, so the south no longer has a competitive advantage. by card check, he wants it unionized. by this medicare bill, he wants the taxes higher. and by cap and trade, he wants the environmental regulations tougher. so that basically there is no reason for a business ever to move to the south. and i think that's a good
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perspective on this. i think that's why the states are suing and that's why i think they are going to win. and i think they will open up a whole new field of tenth amendment law about unfunded federal mandates. >> bill: last question. i only have less than a minute. some of the polls show that the president got a bump in approval rating and from the health care. you expect him to now rise in the polls? >> yeah. but all the increases among democrats. republicans and independents are the same. but he went from 53% approval among democrats to 67%. because he finally delivered on health care. i expect that over the course of the next number of months, as the jobs situation does not improve, those ratings will begin to drop among democrats and then he is dropped among everyone else, and i think he is headed below 40. >> bill: all right. dick morris, everybody. his book will be out next week
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"2010, take back america." next up anthony weiner will reply. left wing protesters shut down ann coulter's speech in canada. we will show you what happened and it wasn't pretty. and it wasn't pretty. upcoming.e going hungry.
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i can help. the economy has impacted a lot of things. i can help. i have a decision to make; to pay for my medication or eat.
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i can help. we all can help by participating in the letter carriers food drive. take the surplus in your food pantry, leave it out for your letter carrier and you will help feed those people that are struggling today. stamp out hunger, saturday may 8th. >> bill: continuing now with our lead story, the obama administration trying to expand federal power. joining us from washington, new york congressman anthony weiner. so you read my talking points, congressman. where am i going wrong? >> well, you have a couple of factual things wrong. first, there was nothing in the bill that has any health records being revealed to the federal government. there is nothing that has the irs finding out your health insurance status except whether you have insurance or not. and that is weather you are going to claim it in order to be able to get your deduction. but you also set up. >> bill: all right. let me challenge. number one, on the health records, if you read the "wall street journal" today, there is a big article that in order for the federal government to make decisions on who gets what, you
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are going to have to have a review panel of some kind to look at people's status. so, i'm not sure you're correct about that. you have to -- >> here is where you are mistaken. they are going to aggregate like they do now things that are going on in the health care economy. but they won't know a single thing about bill o'reilly's health care or anthony weiner's health care. they will go to the hospital and say how many gallbladders taken out. which procedures were more or less efficient? what kind of rates did you have. to say that people are going to lose control over health records is deceptive. it really is but the point that you are fundamentally making -- >> bill: woe, woe, woe. if there is a controversial about a procedure that procedure is out of the american's hands doctor's hands it's in the federal government's hands. >> you are misunderstanding. right now for the past 50 years, tomorrow, we are always going to be, since we are big providers of health care, we in the federal government, but to taxpayers with taxpayers dollars always looking at what things work well and what things don't. no different than the new england journal of medicine compiled the records of 10,000
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people who had apen diets and figured out what worked best. there is nothing in the bill that does what you said, bill. let me be clear. >> bill: let me point out. that's not what the other side is saying. we will see how it pans out. >> there is enormous -- i will tell you something, bill. there is enormous amount that others on the other side are saying are just lies. we have to be careful not to have false debate. >> bill: the irs is now going to have to enforce obama care. so if you say flip it, i ain't buying it, then the irs is the one that is going to make the determination whether you get fined or what happens to you. so, again, the irs is going to have to have access to information. >> that is not true. >> bill: who is going to do that? >> i'm going to explain how the bill works. right now, under this law as passed the other day, if you want to get the tax credit to buy insurance, you will have to stay on your tax form whether or not you are already getting it. we are not going to give the tax
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benefit to someone owning a home who doesn't actually own a home. >> bill: i got that, but if you don't want to buy health insurance, the irs has to see to it that you do. that's what universal health care is about. >> that's another mistake. you are not required to get insurance under the law. can you choose to pay into the pool that pays for your insurance should you go into a hospital emergency room. >> bill: what if you choose not to do anything? than who -- >> you are going to have to pay up to, not exceeding 1% of your income because. >> bill: what if you say who, i'm not, then who comes after you. >> bill, i'm going to have to try to squeeze in an answer here. it is no different than if you say you get a tax deduction when you buy a home, you have got to prove you have got a home. you are going to have to pay for health insurance because everyone is getting it under the new plan. when you go into a hospital emergency room, and someone provides you care, you can't pay, you and i pay for it this fund would make that up. >> bill: you are dodging the question. >> i'm answering the question. you are making stuff up.
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>> bill: if someone is defiant, and there will be people who are and say i am not going to participate in this. i'm not going to give anybody a nickel. i'm not going to give you information about my health status, the irs then comes in and deals with that person. >> that's not true. >> bill: who deals with them? >> i don't know how else to say this. it's the same exact process. it says in the bill we are not criminalizing anyone for failure to. >> bill: they get fined. >> bill, here is what we are going to have to try to figure out. if we are going to communicate, you will have to let me speak. right now we have 88% compliance rate with all elements of the tax code, requirements, sanctions, everything. it's the highest in the world. >> bill: what about the other 12%? the irs gets them if they don't pay the taxes. ask wesley snipes. you can't tell me the irs isn't the enforcement arm here. it is. congressman? >> [sigh] i have a very big burden here debunking every one of the mistakes you are making. it's going to take me a while. >> bill: tell me which agency in
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the federal government will deal with someone who absolutely defies? which one. >> bill, watch this. we are not criminalizing people who fail to comply. do you understand me? >> bill: they have to pay a fine. >> do you understand? -- that's exactly right. >> bill: who determines the fine? >> it's in the law. >> bill: all right, congressman. >> i have got to tell you something. this is the problem with this debate. things that are made up and then no opportunity to. >> bill: i'm a simple man. i'm asking you the simplest question in the world. if somebody refuses to cooperate, who fines them and you can't tell me. >> when you say something -- it is no different than any of the various things we have in our life. if you go littering and that's a $50 fine, no one is following you around to get your litter. why is this such a difficult concept? >> bill: i know i'm not a smart man but i. >> i love you, buddy. you have got to stop making up stuff about the bill. you have got to stop. come on, my man. >> bill: levy fined.
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>> next time you ask me the question we will get to that. >> bill: i asked it five times, congressman. thanks for coming on. ann coulter supposed to speak in canada last night. it did not happen. [chanting] >> send her home. >> get ann coulter off our campus. >> no more hate speech on our campus. >> bill: we'll explain the
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>> bill: personal story segment tonight, ann coulter was supposed to speak last night at the university of ottawa in canada but she was shut down by left wing protesters. >> get ann coulter, off our campus. [chanting] hate speech cancelled. >> no more hate speech on our
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campus. [chanting] >> do you know what the constitution is? >> answer me that. answer me that. [bleep], [bleep] >> quite a commotion and even before ms. court's speech one wrote her a letter saying she could be prosecuted in canada if she said anything hateful that set the tone. joining us susan b. kohl editor for noun magazine. you said she couldn't speak. that sounds uncanadian to me, is it not. >> i don't know that i would say that bill. i think what americans are noting is a real difference between american political culture and ours. i think it's important to
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mention a few specific things. many of us feel that ann coulter should be able to speak at conservative think tank, lecture hall anywhere in ottawa, anywhere in canada. universities are not the place for provoke provoke who target people in the case of women. it's interesting to hear the women shouting off our campus. they didn't say out of canada. they didn't say out of 00 wavment they have a sense of how they want to have conversations in their own community. >> bill: as a former teacher though, i was always encouraged to let my students hear all points of view. so that they were be schooled, pardon the pun in what the liberals think. what the conservatives think. i don't know if canadian education is doing itself any favor by tossing somebody like ann coulter off campus. >> i think you make a good point about wanting to hear all kinds of points of view. in fact, conservative politics
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are all over our campuses and certainly conservative political thinkers are taught in many of our political science courses. you can't get a politics degree if you don't know -- i don't think it's the ideas, bill, that's the problem. i think it's the tone, it's the quality of the dialogue. >> bill: give me an example -- look, you are an educated woman. you write a column. give me an example of something that ann coulter has said or done that disqualifies her from addressing -- nobody was forced to see ann coulter, by the way, ms. coal cole, you either come or not come. what disqualifies her from being there? >> well, let's be clear. she has called herself a bigot at certain points. >> bill: i want you to tell me what about her offends you, specifically. >> well, i think her comment that women shouldn't be allowed to vote and therefore the republicans would win is one example. >> bill: i think that's a joke and a jest.
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>> specific thing that set people off in this instance was her statement that all muslims should be on a no fly list. and that -- that was exactly what prompted the provo of the university of ottawa to send her a letter warning that that kind of speech could violate our hate laws in this country and i think she needed the warning plainly. >> bill: that's an example. ann coulter says all muslims should be on no fly lists. >> um-huh. >> bill: um, she -- i'm going to talk to her tomorrow night. and i'm going to absolutely put that to her. >> right. >> bill: she is a person who exaggerates to make a point, but she may believe that. >> um-huh. >> bill: let's say she does believe that so that's her opinion that muslims should be on a no fly list. it's not anybody's policy. so why would you now say she can't say that opinion in canada? certainly she can say it down here. >> she can. she can't say it on the campus.
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>> bill: why? why can't she say it on the campus? >> because in canada we have regulations that make it important that there is an environment on the campus that allows students to live, think, learn, in safety. >> bill: saying muslims should be on a no fly list. >> saying that muslims should be on a no fly zone targets muslim students who have a right to be able to go about their business. >> bill: wait a minute. what if she said most terrorism and she has said this, is generated by muslims. then she gets thrown off, too? >> well, i don't know. >> bill: wait a minute. ms. cole, if you say. >> i'm giving you the -- >> bill: if you say the no fly list is over the top, which i don't think it is. >> it's not the no fly list. it's the all muslims. any time you say all or generalize. >> bill: she said most muslims. >> getting perilously close to hate speech in this country. that's the difference. >> bill: io see it as hate speech as much as hyperbole.
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i think they are either mature enough to accept it or reject it. >> they are welcome to go see a lecture somewhere else. this is a publicly funded institution. most of the institutions that ann coulter has visited in america are private institutions. >> bill: she has spoken on public campuses. we appreciate you putting forth your point of view. the ann coulter will be on the factor tomorrow evening. interesting situation. body language on nancy pelosi's chat with diane sawyer. this is very interesting. then, dennis miller has a lot to say this evening. say this evening. owe -- obama care, biden
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>> i wish i liked the way i looked. >> i wish that they would stop talking about me. >> i wish i could just...disappear. >> i wish i didn't have to be so scared. >> i wish my parents would just listen.
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>> i wish there wasn't so much pressure. >> i wish she didn't cheat on me. >> i wish i wasn't so messed up right now. >> i wish i didn't feel so alone. >> wish you had someone to talk to? you do. we're the boys town national hotline. we're here to help when you need it most. any day, anytime. 1-800-448-3000 (tdd# 1-800-448-1433). it's your life. it's your voice. use it. 1-800-448-3000 (tdd# 1-800-448-1433). >> bill: body language segment tonight, three outstanding confrontations. we begin with diane sawyer and nancy pelosi. >> the economists said that you were arguably the most powerful woman in american history. a brown university professor said you are certainly the most powerful speaker in 100 years.
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>> sounds good. [ laughter ] i don't take it personally except i take it as a compliment for all women because as the first woman speaker i certainly wanted to demonstrate that we could get a job done that has alluded others for a century. >> bill: i'm not buying that for a minute. you know, because when sawyer said, well, you are the most powerful -- you could see her beam. could you not? >> you know, what was interesting, is her mouth pulled tight across in this kind of smile and the eyes are big. this nervous skeptical grin almost as if she doesn't believe it herself. >> bill: she looks pleased with it, does she not look pleased with it. >> she does look pleased. it's not an upward grin. >> bill: i don't think it can pull with all due respect. and i'm not being mean. i am not being snide. i do not think she physically can pull it. >> right about two seconds ago she did. the lip went upward and eyebrows
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went down. that's when you see true happiness. >> bill: true happiness? >> yeah. so in the beginning it was more like almost self-doubt. the smile was tight, there was no teeth. as she gets into it, she there, yeah, that's pulled and there is no eyebrow movement. there is not real joy there. >> bill: are you buying the fact that she takes as it a compliment for all women? >> no. that is not necessarily the case. i think that she was. >> bill: thank you. >> you made a point. >> bill: thank you ms. tonya she is beaming because sawyer is telling her things that she likes to hear. i don't think it had anything to do with all women. >> no. there was some kind of self-doubt there in that early clip. >> bill: that she couldn't believe sawyer was actually giving her that much of a softball? >> that was a compliment. >> >> bill: oh, yes. barack obama, bret baier, everybody was talking about it. and we wanted to ask ms. tonya to analyze the most contentious moments, of course. roll the tape. >> they're gonna have a better situation when it comes if they
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lose their job heaven for bid or somebody with a preexisting condition they have security. >> you guarantee that they are going to be able to keep their doctor. >> bret, you have got to let me finish my answer. >> sir, i know you don't like to filibuster. >> i am trying to answer your question and you keep on interrupting. let me be clear. >> bill: hand. the hand. what is the hand? >> so, this starts off -- hey, give me my chance to talk my opportunity. what he is trying to do here is he is trying to lighten that not be so defiant and give a full palm. >> bill: not a full palm but that hand went way out. >> this is one of his trademarks. what does he do? he tries to try to extend outward and bring you into his world. he does it constantly. >> bill: he was trying to bring bret into his world. >> shut bret up and -- but do it -- >> bill: moving his hand and head tilts to the left. >> look at bret's hand, how much lower they are.
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he has his palms up. is he recognizing the office, so to speak. >> bill: the higher hand means more power? >> well, his palms were open. >> bill: bret's palms opposed to obama's whose were down at certain points. >> bill: what does that mean. >> more aggressive and authoritarian. obama was trying to make his point whereas bret baier was trying to underscore the fact that he was trying to get a question out without coming across as rude nonverbally. >> bill: bret's body language was humble you are telling me. >> some parts were humble. what i like the lower part didn't move. the lower part of his body was nice and steady. >> bill: that's because he was glued to his chair. >> they both were. there was no forward lean from bret baier. >> bill: is the president teed off? >> yes, he is brows are low. you can see he is annoyed and at some points he does gaze avoidance. that's when you are trying to tell someone it's my turn to
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talk. >> gaze avoidance not gays avoidance. >> yes. so the other person stops talking. >> bill: the hand was way out there. >> definitely out there. >> bill: miss tonya caused a little bit of a ruckus when she talked about mitt romney being on "the view" with joy behar. now, after that, on the factor, that conversation, "the view" actually took it up. so we have both clips together. roll it. >> joy behar, when she starts talking about him being a hunk, her legs start to really shake. >> bill: what does that mean? >> it's this allow sal so to speak. >> bill: whoa. pull back. >> not necessarily sexual arousal. it's just an arousal. >> okay. can we correct a few things? >> sure. [ laughter ] >> play it again. play it again. play it again. >> she says i have arousal. first of all, i have liberal
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restless liberal leg syndrome. it's not -- i'm not aroused by him. as a matter of fact, if you go a little bit further, he looks like he is putting his arm around me. >> bill: what did you think? >> obviously i did not do a good enough job of defining arousal. arousal meaning a change of physiological state. when i have spoken about joy behar before. i always said that she fidgets a lot. when we baseline her. >> bill: she is a fidget. she does have the liberal leg syndrome or whatever she said. >> i know she moves around a lot. we never take that into consideration and use it against her. because just like certain people move around, yeah, so, with this though my point was that when he leaned toward her and when she said he was a hunk, the foot went up and down. that was the only point. >> bill: that connoted some type of activity that we don't want to know more about. >> yes. not necessarily sexual. >> bill: tonya reiman causing trouble, everybody.
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when we come right back, dennis miller with many, many things to tell us. can you stand it? miller is next.
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>> i'm a big believer in the power of we. we can tackle the tough challenges we face and build community through service and volunteering. the reality is - we're all in this together. it's time for you to raise your hand, go to and get involved in something you believe in. are you with me? are you with me?
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the miller time segment tonight, the stage of southern california has been following the health care events closely. he joins us now from los angeles. before we get to that you heard the ann coulter brouhaha up in canada. what say you? >> i'm going to start going out on the road with annie, i'm so proud of her. when you see the beautiful faces of inclusion from the canadian students, thank god ann wasn't in there to sully that vessel. they looked truly angelic. have you seen hate-filled places like that ever in your life? >> bill: i have. in the vietnam days. when you and i were around in college, we had a lot of that kind of stuff. shouting people down. they didn't want to hear it rotc. people come visit the campuses
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and they are throwing rocks, this, that, and the other thing. it's a frightening mind set in canada hey, if you make a joke about a muslim or something like that, you should all be in the no fly list or whatever, you are disqualified from speaking here. i don't know if that is what most canadians want their countries to be represented on. >> you ought to book mark steyn about it. he went through two hellish years fighting that fight. >> bill: that's a good idea. we will get mark on. obama care, a victory lap for the democrats. you have been following it. what do you think? >> well, first off, bill, i want to preface all of this because they lay indy on the left saying you are not a compassionate person. my feeling is all i want to do is isolate the truly helpless from the clueless. i want to give the helpless more than they get right now. i don't care if the clueless fall between the cracks. that's their business. life is the saharan getty plane. get fed on, buck up, and wear a cup.
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but to let obama care in the door is a letting the encyclopedia person in the parlor room. is he like the man who came to dinner. he ain't leaving. kept him out on the porch and buy health care volume by volume. when you are telling me health care is something you are aspiring to as keeping a kid on a parent's dime to 26, i don't think it's healthy to suckle through dentures, all right? occasionally you got to get off the teeth. right now we have a breast miss pa at 18 where go from family teeth to the government teeth. i think that eats into your impetus. i want my kid to hustle. i want him to know there is an abyss behind him and he better husband hustle when you tell a kid you are covered until you are 26. would you do that to your kid if you loved them? of course you wouldn't. >> bill: if i had the kid at 26 in the house, he would need health care, do you know what i'm talking about? >> exactly.
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>> bill: okay. now, the other side says, look, health care is a basic human right. and even if you are a lay-about never do well and we both know those kinds of people, it's a right. you know, we're not going to throw you under the bus and let the tire run over your nose without treatment. and you answer? >> i just don't agree with that pgh is like i said, i want to help the helpless. i could care less about the clueless, bill. some people in this country got to get it together. >> bill: you let them die under the bridge if they are clueless and it's their own fault if they lie under the bridge. >> what do you do? eat into the money that you could give to the truly helpless when you divert it? why is it always the thing i'm a bad guy when i bring it up. what about these people sucking money off that could really use it because. what about some guy who wants to get high at nine and sleep until 12 and get high at 12 again. that's his business. >> bill: liver transplant paid
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for by you and me. there need standard and if they do get the freebie they have to get billed for it if they win the lottery. bill attached to your social security number. joe biden in the celebratory way said the f word. we are going to run it for the 18th million time and then miller will weigh in. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states of america. barack obama. [cheers] >> this is a big [bleep] deal. >> bill: did he not see the microphone there? i don't know. what do you think? >> i'm not worried about biden getting bleeped. i'm worried about us getting bleeped. [ laughter ] >> i think we're getting bleeped right now. i think biden is the one who is bleeping us. listen, his entire being should be on a seven-second delay, all right? i think he plagiarized us from tony soprano. it doesn't surprise me. everybody in barack's inner circle has thug's tourette
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syndrome. if he wants to drop f bomb drop some f bombs on our enemies. how about that? >> bill: all right. acorn going out of business april 1st. how appropriate. and, you know, can't feel sorry for these people. >> listen, billy, any time somebody comes into an office and sits down and talks about making prostitutes out of young women from another country -- this cuts through all this other p.r.b.s. any time you look another human in the u.s. to say i need money to set up a brothel for underaged girls and you don't tackle him and hold him down until you get the cops there but you laugh about it, i don't care what the back story is, they are bad people. i'm glad they are out of business. >> bill: there is a good news component here. they all will get free health care even though they are unemployed. [ laughter ] >> there you go, billy. >> bill: just got in under the wire, miller. they just got in. you know?
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>> the last time i saw the bar set this low, i was at a dwarf's wake. [ laughter ] >> bill: so i just want to recap the miller time segment tonight. he is down on the canadian kids who won't hear ann coulter. he thinks that joe biden is bleeping us. is that correct? >> yes, i do. yes, i do. >> bill: that was a great line, miller. i think i'm going to send that to the vice president. that will probably cheer him up as well, do you think? >> yeah. i hope so. >> bill: we need cheering up. dennis miller, everybody. in a moment, did you see that? the funnier web site has obama impersonator. wait until you see this guy. right back with jane skinner. president obama: yeah, i took a trip to elkhart, indiana, today. elkhart's a place that has lost jobs faster than anywhere else in america.
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in one year, the unemployment rate went from 4.7% to 15.3%. companies that have sustained this community for years are shedding jobs at an alarming speed, and the people who've lost them have no idea what to do or who to turn to. they can't pay their bills and they've stopped spending money, and because they've stopped spending money, more businesses have been forced to lay off more workers. in fact, local tv stations have started running public service announcements that tell people where to find food banks, even as the food banks don't have enough to meet the demand. as we speak, similar scenes are playing out in cities and towns across america.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, did you see that? we begin with a parody of obama care on the web site funny or die. >> now the house voted, and it passed. it passed like a kidney stone but it did pass. and i'm going to sign it. so, boehner, you can [bleep]. that's right, baby. i'm the president of the united states. and you are not. no matter how tan you get, you ain't never going to be me. i'm just busting your chops, ma'am. i'm just busting your chops, baby. you know what? don't blow this out of proportion but, you know, i don't do this all the time but, hey, if a president ever deserved to smoke a joint, it's me right now. trust me. >> bill: all right. here now with some thoughts. fox news anchor jane skinner. is that amusing it. >> it is amusing. jordan peal is back. >> bill: he is the guy who plays obama. >> he is. he says he is getting a fair amount of attention from the bits he is doing. if you close you're eyes, you could think you are listening to the president.
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>> bill: he has the cadence down. >> now he has been cast in fox pilot that may end up on the big fox network at the end of the year. >> bill: aren't we the big fox network. >> we are tied. >> bill: i think we are. >> he doesn't want his career tied to one man like you think of -- >> bill: i don't know if he is going to be doing clinton though. he might ride this obama thing out. we liked it. we think it's funny. the web site is getting better. it used to be ridiculous. i like it now. the university of wisconsin in milwaukee, student in the classroom gets in a argument with his professor. roll the tape. >> i'm not going to leave nowhere. i paid to [bleep] be here. what are you talking about? >> you're disrupting and you are threatening >> i paid for class like everybody else did. >> come on. >> what are you doing?
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[inaudible] >> behind your back. >> get your hands off of me. i'm not even. >> get down on the ground. >> bill: we see that stuff in high school. but very rare in college. was that an overreaction? >> 24-year-old woman. started out ugly and gets uglier. way out of line. depending on the witnesses you listen to. this lasted 30 minutes going back and forth with the teacher. student objecting to an answer she gave on an question. it wasn't specific enough. asked her several times let's talk about this after. her boyfriend is in the class and even said come on, let's talk about it outside. she refused. and ultimately the campus police were called. you know, the question that people have is that split second when they put their hands on her, was she resisting? were they overreacting? >> bill: i think there is a question she was resisting. there is a lawsuit, no doubt. >> i talked to the girl who was behind her and shot the video and no question to her she was
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resisting. she said no question about race. it's behavior. i posted it on youtube. you always ask why did these kids post this stuff? i posted it because i find it unacceptable for a 24-year-old woman to act like that. >> bill: we followed it because we know a lawsuit will be coming. we will follow the whole thing. jane, thank you very much. we appreciate it pinheads and patriots next. some ladies in the spotlight. ♪ >> bill: p and p is next.
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bill: time for pinheads and patriots. day two of our auction, two worthy military charities, big success. we are auctioning off five autographed covers of my new book, which will be out next september. the latest winner is james mcdonald from georgia who bid $7,000.
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i will match that mr. mcdonald is definitely a patriot. the bidding on the third cover underway right now on bill o' on the pinhead front the new york knicks has a troupe of dancing ladies sometimes things get difficult. ♪ ♪ bill: oh that had to hurt. the young lady was not hurt and resumed her routine, very professional. the basketball floor obviously a pinhead. last call, if you want to see me this friday in palm beach, florida with donald trump, we are helping crime victims across the u.s.a. details on bill o' letters. bill you are correct to challenge hateful letters -- hateful rhetoric on the right. paul:
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bill are you kidding? the far left bash bush now they control the government. the economy brought mr. bush and the republicans down not the far left loons: mr. o'reilly i appreciate the fairness you bring, facts not attacks will defeat the far left. jane: racial slurs directed to some members of congress are no less real because there is no tape. mary: a chicago machine political tactic is to plant people in crowds to hurl racial slurs. rick: i was there at the capital demonstration and watched the council people walk into the capital. i heard no racial slurs. ted: o'reilly please explain why you found biden's f bomb funny? just hit me that way. miller's line was funnier. claire: i filed a complaint with the fcc.
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patty: does anyone at fox call charles krauthammer chuck? i don't believe so patty, but we'll investigate. o'reilly i dare to you go one night without mentioning your book bold fresh. thanks for mentioning the book. how about our website foxnews/ o'reilly talking points there tonight. e-mail us with pithy comments from anywhere in the world. o' when writinging to the fact the word of the day is no jj
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>> a very good morning to you. it's thursday, march 25, 2010. thanks for sharing your time today. a fox news alert to start your morning. while you were sleeping, the senate was hard at work on the health care bill. guess what they found. enough flaws to send it back to the house for another vote. a live report from washington coming up. >> meanwhile, some house democrats getting extra security after a series of death threats and even a little vandalism over their health care votes. so why are people angry? well, maybe because they didn't want this bill. we're going to report, you're going to decide on this thursday. >> 2,000 students tape a video message to bring obama to their town. that's the president. one problem, some parents say the kids were forced into taping the partisan propaganda for the d.n.c. we're going to talk to that mom. meanwhile, our slogan comes to us this hour from lola over in staten island, new york. at 6:00 ir


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