tv Glenn Beck FOX News March 29, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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business. meantime, glenn beck just around the bend. i will see you on this network captioned by closed captioning services, inc. spial ecome t glenn welcome tdio a special edition of the glenn beck program. the story of america is really one of self-reliance and optimism and profound faith.ou not only in the context of of religion freedom but also in the unprecedented faith in the ability of human beings to control their own destiny. while the spirit of personal or responsibility was extraordinarily strong with our founders great patriots liked thomas payne argued for theof w dedistribution of wealth off the bat. and alex lander hamilton wanted alb central bank. they ended up losing thoset battles but they kept on fight. eventually those seeking a different path than ones the founders settled on realized
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re the only way to really defeat the constitution was for the people to stop reading it. progressives realized victoryy. required changing history. to defeat them he would have to correct that. progressives know how poepo history is.ul ithe game is going to be on. it is pulling the mask off the monster. next next week, we will dive deeper t too the progressive script but today we dismantle the first act.lway we have always been told thatto genocidal dictators of theestin world are manifestations of the right.eed that the left wing need to be onnderstood in context. tonight we set the record straight. l
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>> we live in a time that seem to move faster than time. the place that seems to have nr place for the truth. a reality that seems to have no o tnnection to reality. so to get our feet on solid ground in the future, we must first walk through the past >> go our eyes wide open. >> government is not the solution to our problem. government is the problem. glenn that is modern conservativism in a nut shell yet we are always told thatt i nazi germany who controlled every aspect of its citizens'st itives was somehow right winged.
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is that true or is it andi attempt to distract from muchii much more inconvenientitr similarities? >> hitler was a right winger bc because of x, y and z i say what was stalin's position on t x, y and z?g >> the common assumption is that the nazis were a right wing party and hitler was a man of the right. there are a lot of problems aes with this. his social agenda was for expanding universal access to healthcare. b cradle to grave welfare state.h attacking big business and hige finance. people say well hitler abolished labor unions. how did they do under stalin f and fidel castro.t all anything you can find thatpp proves hitler was a right winger you can apply to any ini
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the country and the similarities are almost identical glenn as the nazis w' were rising to power, it wasn'. controversial, it was common knowledge. november 28th, 1925. a tiny article printed in the d new york times describing the early internal struggle for thr identity of the nazis. a riot broked out after a nazi speaker declared that lenin was the greatest man, second onlyho to hitler. it wasn't just a nobody in thes nazi party that believed this,l it was this man.nd hitler's closest ally and hand picked success sore as chancellor. because it was to proga controversial, he stoppeding ab talking about it in public.ngs but his private writings revealed his change in approach
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wasn't a change of heart. >> the nazi germany attackedie soviet soviet union in 1941. just the week before that he wrote in his diary that the goal would be to describe this, german bolshevism and insteadh of that build the true socialism. that is what he wrote in his diary and why would he lie tont his on diary? ger >> the red shirts and brown m shirts in germany have allers o sorts of membersne that areup d members of one group joining ta the other group and vicar is is a. they saw themselves as equall revolutionary organizations fighting for control. >> even as the nazis were taking control of france the
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french communist newspaper found reason to celebrate. to ce in the sad times it is exceptionially good to see manl soldiers talking to germant soldiers as friends in streets or at corner satisfify. well done, come rads and keep lasses, even if it displeases some of the middle classes asre stupid as they are mischievoust >> the communist voted almost uniformly with the nazis. the slogan for the communistsne and was first brown and thendi red.g the is general understanding among the communists back then iste that naziism was a stepping optone towards the ultimate victory of communism?id while hitler opposed communism outrightly, he did to mainly a because he disagreed with its g
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internationalism. >> he was a proud german, not a patriot but a nationalist.ot and he rejected that element o. marxism but embraced socialis entirely. he embraced the idea of raciall solidarity.nd socialism for one race he acknowledged if not fort the focus of race this iste movement would do nothing thanc rispetti spence marxism >> we can find many nazi like as passages and the writings ofs marks and where they check on the czechs and hull squarians and bowles.t he said that the spannic generated. >> marques we need to remember
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was jew uish.w. he was a self-hating jew and rejected judaism and all the rest.mite. hitler was a passionate antisem might and saw marxism asthiro corrupted with a deep seder jewish behave your.ed talki so did mark. he wrote about the jewishprob problem a generatiolen before e nazis started talking about tvi again process.ngs had horrible racist things touc say about the yew blocks andrae hitler had that marked amal issues when it came to jews anc other race.wer o >> mo jet ma germany's makers
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should -- tha that is karl marx and friedrich engals. authors of the communist a manifesto. almost a century before the cen holocaust. the hitler's underlining admiration hitle for marxism wasr' obvious. >> i expec >> i was expecting there wouldt be similarities between the sir nazis and where there is boat s posters and they were so stimulus plan that if for oneem artist because they have drawn them.olog i think it is because both ideologies were similar and their expression was veryll. similar as about >> hitler writes about the naza party flag which is a big white red flag with a white disrfk ir the middle.wast the big see of red that wasmov. javierty carries was in wasof
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intended to attract to his movement.ol >> it went teachoger and simplu ideology and imagery until germany launched a surprise attack on the soviet union in 1991, they put it together, closing off thatrom would be a pack. just months later they wouldeat invade poland from on site sides. >> seed signed an agreement int 1937 attached to it andhe according to the secret popula. vote col they agreed on the two countries between nazi germany and the soviet union.y
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>> then there was a secretwo inrotocol by essentially divided europe into two spheres of influence between hitler and stalin. it was not so difficult for both of them total rarian regimes.dersto they hood each other.ll all kinds of raw materials ton. the germans.etical it was not just two ha bat tal french. >> they have led fled to thehe soviet union about be safe and they sent them back t gestappoe glenn is this just a story ofte brutal iron firsted dictatorsel or something in inherited. there wepitalism to socialism but they okay knowledged that
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there were still what theyocies called primitive se societies e hadn't even evolve inside capitalists yet. they called them "racial trash." passing the revolution happens, the classes and the races, toow weak to master the new conditions of life, must givewy way. there was only one thing left t for those too far behind in the process of societyial evolution. the chief mission of all other races and peeples large andinhe small is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust. up until the who are rememberse of hitler come mint discussed these out in the open.rone and prominent soviet supporter. george bernard shaw.ld be i think it would we a good m thing to place everything
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before a properly appointed board just as he might comeefee before the income tax commissioner and say every fivs years or every seven years put in there and say, sir, orou b madam, we will be kind enough y to justify your existences. a if you are not predeucing as much as you can consume or do more, we should go.r t i'm keeping you ahive becauseiu your life does not. >> this was some what subtled s for shaw. he would also foreshadow some of the worst atrocities in our planet's history. he wrote "i appeal to the chemists to discover a humane gas that will kill instantly and painlessly in short, a gentlemen limas.
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rue main not actual. >> people were on vanced that t erverpopulation this was terrible, terrible problemculal particularly because the unfit, un the genetically less desirable were swamping the good genetica types. of this the late 19th century there are the cream of british intelligencia, embracing eugenics, saying thatth thousands, millions had to be marched off into gas chambers and liquidated. s george bernard shaw has a greay line where he says we should ds it as we lie -- a lot of people think to seem that a concept ot the grass chamber was arrested it w by the nazis. it wasn't.y, it
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i even this in the most effective equal way that it was perfected.m with you things likeli using gs chambers to kill off millions t nny people so the rest of the good guys could prosper and move to the unany uplands ofhe history was immensely popular.k >> all of the temperatures aret based on the sigh deof there wa and thbetter. thirst we will go around them and then destroy net. the arrogance always ends actuallily at same way. one of the worst scams. the glen know side now only have one opportunity to enshooting video sure your ace tetes before disaster strikes.
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♪ ♪ >> glenn: the atrocities of hitler are rightfull ey glenn the atrocities of hitler are recognizedue at beyond abhorrent. we must never forget but we also must never stop learning.i here is another story ofci t genocide that for some reason history has eraced. growing deep within the roots of socialism, is a brutal and dismissive view of human life.s >> the essence of marques is u simply that the universe is run by these cold materiales impersonal forces and that ovee
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time we are going see it moveoo from the futile through theste. capitalists to the socialist t the communist stage. along the way a lot of people marx w going to get killed and mar columbus day was completely fine with this -- and marx wa completely fine with this. the jews for example and in the soviet union they defined them by social origin but the idea was the same. >> communist and detailer of 160 million. >> today most have foregotten e the scale of the soviet atrocities. particularly what may have been rrieir most horrific. it began long before hitler's horror was revealed. popular uprising had become a problem in the ukraine. their spirit of individualismgi threatened the grand design ofs moscow. stalin decided to take steps
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nationalism. >> glenn stalin took everything. livelihoodsndence, their live and even their food. it wasn't because the foodg e wasn't growing. grain production was rocketingi the soviets exported it to funt their centrally plannedustria industrialization.ealt how the soviets dealt with the hungers inhumane. talk
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>> the forced famine that resulted was so horrific, the theuation so deste tt the forced families hundred so desperate that there were even widespread reports of t cannibalism. >> i was once with a part of people going to one part of ukraine and i said is therelder some older lady that could tela me something about what happened?old him >> what the woman told him next he would never forget. s >> and she said, oh, my god ire really don't like to talk abou. it.saidou she says there is this house on the top of the hill that a mother ate her daughter.. she was already insane because
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the people reached a level ofy insanity and then she committed suicide. >> how did the soviets>> deal with this? they printed posters that saidt to eat your own children is abn barbarian act. this period is known as the holodomar.lated roughly translated as murder by hunger. >> these intentional policies resulted in murder as efficient as has ever been seen in human history. >> you find that whole families actually die out like eightighm
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members in the family. >> many millions of people were killed and given the fact that it was done within one year ia believe it is certainly comparable to the great gat genocides of the 20th century. >> most know that the horrors of the holocaust resulted in r the deaths of approximatelyli 6 million jews but what manyyon don't know is that theernmen government designed starvatione in the aa ukraine caused the deaths of between 7 and 10 million in just one year.s i dish the this is meant to diminish the horrors of the the pure evil that inspired it an is above question and must be r remembered vividly and at all costs.cos. though, in addition, the other victims of this viciousrnnt governments who have treated human life as nothing but speed bump to their grand design must also be remembereds >> it is not just a number of
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people, it is the national culture also. imagine how many writers, artists, all of them perished.s >> one of the most disgustinguw things about the way we talk about communism is you havele o people talk about it as if it soci this well intentioned social experiment but even atte the level of first principlesfr of the sort of planning sessions it was planned anditad premeditated mass murder on a massive scale.>> all the w >> all the while supported by prominent media members. the new york times now acknowledges their role in thep propping up of stalon's regime by their reporter walter duranty.ced dhe called the forced famine in the ukraine mostly bunk and a justified the billions dead by saying you can't break an
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omelet without breaking >> many people in the west reacted passively to what and happened in the aah cane.hat ukraine. i think he did a lot of harm to the truth at that time. mortreported no, there is no famine in the ukraine but there is widespread mortality due too diseases of malnutrition. the times wrote in a book review despite the fact thatou friedrich engel was an advocat' for ethnic cleansing he would have been a fine man to drink with and it is surely throughm that engel's larger critique of capitalism resonates down the ages.
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and apparently here in america as well. trh is up to us to know the truth so our children don't e face the same threat ever again. each year, ukrainians gather to remember the holodomor to remember 25,000. why 25,000? because during the intentional famine they lost 25,000 people every single day, allowing thie to happen one more time would
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be >> the totalitarian system established by stalin o was responsible for murdering millions of innocent people in the most horrendous way. and nobody was interested in knowing about it. the question is what kind of people are we? > >> in case you are still not convinced that the famine was intentional, dug your exclusiv interview for the documentary with president victor yushenko he said they needed 10 million-tons of grain to avoid hunger and they produced 12.2 million-tons. fifty-eight different individuals are using,
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absolutely using my old social security number. my credit score just went out the window. identity theft can be devastating. that's why lifelock is proactive protection, working to help stop identity theft before it happens. and the biggest difference is stopping it before it starts. lifelock's exclusive identity alert system... goes beyond mere credit monitoring,
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which only alerts you after the theft. with lifelock, it's like having a digital fingerprint. if a new application doesn't match you, we send an alert. and if needed, we help fix the identity theft. don't wait another minute. call now. go with the industry leader. join lifelock and get alerts to important information, a one million dollar service guarantee... plus a team of identity theft protection specialists. enroll now and get ten percent off your enrollment... for you and your entire family with today's special offer. call today and mention i.d. alert... or go to
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i'm patti ann browne. 7 militia members arraigned in detroit for allegedly plotting to kill police officers. prosecutors say the militia planned to attack again at the victims funerals. the fbi arrested eight people in weekend raids and are seeking one more. at least 38 people dead and many more wounded after two female suicide bombers attacked the moscow metro system today. the russian prime minister said "the terrorists will be destroyed." and nine massachusetts teens have been charged in the alleged bullying of phoebe prince, prosecutors say the 15-year-old student from ireland was stalked and harassed for months. she committed suicide in january. glenn beck returns in a moment. first bret baier previews special report. >> washington reacts to the president's recess appointments over the weekend and brit hume is here to analyze the fallout from the new health insurance . law and national debt. join me in 26 minutes forry. special report. now, back to glenn.'ve
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>> you have seen his face everywhere. maybe on your son or daughter's t-shirts but hopefully you wil soon realize why that has got to stop. i guess we have to make a choice jizelle in a bikini. this is how to learn about th history.rn see, this is the hottestor. supermodel in the world. what is this? an it? this is chey and this too is. and so is this.. he is a fashion icon among his revolutionary peers and he is everywhere. in fact, all of this is chey. ernesto chec. irt the famous t-shirt. you can buy t-shirts that have images of the t-shirts on it.
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it sells beer and lighters and belt buckles and baby onesies.? >> why are you risking your life to fight for us?d >> no where is he seemingly in loved more than in hollywood,>> usa. >> you will see when is running things everybody will read and have food on the table.e. >> but is that who che really was? i >> one of the things that is i fascinating about the cult of che is that is effectivelytoca thrives in the absence of anyex atind of historical understanding. >> look around at an antiwar rally and you will probably see che.che w >> che was a self-taughty revolutionary instrumental in take castro's takeover of cuba. he became known as the butcher of the prison in revolutionaryo cuba where he personallyre oversaw the execution of anywhere from 175 to several to hundred people.le. he is implicated in thousands
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of deaths that come after that. 14,000 men and boys were executed in cuba during the 1960s. >> he said that his dream wasbe to become a kill magglio sheen. he he said to s his revolutionarye comrades if they weren't surel, of someone's loyalty, in this doubt, kill him. these are the realities we nee to understand about che. >> you could probably call him clinically a sadist. i when you read his diaries he goes into particular detailims, d.bout when himself shoots people in the head. >> but it goes beyond war.rt ad go to a rock concert and you are sure to see che.o >> this is a man who tried to ban free musical expressionsi j such as rock music and jazz it music because he thought it wae imperialist. he was the caribbean equivalene of the taliban. he enforced a single>
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moralististic view point and ia you didn't agree with him you5 would be killed. >> carlos santana at the 2005 a oscars, the motorcycle diaries. won and car less santana went there and he was showing offn the emblem of a regime that of made it a criminal offense toas listen to carlos santana music. >> but surely che was aa progressive and uniting force >> hrace, right? >> he says the knee gro negro e and spends all of his money ono frivalities and booze where asn the european is intelligent and forward looking. yet we have jesse jackson downs there and we have jay-z withhe the lyrics i'm just like chevaw
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with the bling on. >> maybee he is complex. either that or this guy d doese know that this guy would have thought that this guy was nothing but a frivolous lazyh drunk just because of the color of his what is wrong with wear, the t-shirt of a war mongering als blood thirsty racist?ri, what if he was also aof terrorist, too.s >> from his home to his places. of work and recreation we willh attack the enemy whereever he lives. hehis was written in 1966. he preempted al-qaeda by 30, 40 years.ars. >> let's see if you can tell the difference. which quote is from che and which is from osama bin laden?. who said "that if he had nuclear weapons he would use them against the very heart of america including new york city? ". and who said "the u.s. is a great enemy of mankind against
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aga those hyenas there is no optio? but exeterm extermination."pt both of those attempts were on from che. luckily his attempts of killint americans on our soil.omst >> there are only two unapoll g gettic communist regimes.orth north korea and cuba. nthey are starving there. in cuba, we see time and again people who are so desperate tot get off that island hell hole im that they will swim through waters. o thed che was the vanguard of the to revolution that was going to bring communism around the world. in this case he was an absolutd abject failure and it is a damt good thing hes. his >> che wasn't successful in hi bid for world revolution. there are plenty trying to pic. up where he left off. what was it like to live in the
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♪ ♪ fa: y haveeardhe you have heard the infamous quote families one death is aon tragedy, a million is ane the statistic. we examined the events from app big picture perspective but not let's move away from thet the statistics and look at persona. tragedy. che guevara's image is a fashion phenomena. hopefully you know why that is so offensive to many by now. hear the numbers is one thing. seeing the effect is another. they portray him in the movies as a hero and as a humanitarian. he was a cold kill. this is barbara rangel's
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granddaughter. he was a flee dom fighter. he was descendant of patriots. his father was a general and his grandfather was also a general brigadier that fought for cuba's war of independence. >> one day her grandfare was just gone. che >> and fidel and che arrived i cuba and that is when my f grandfare disappeared. my family had nohe idea where l was. all of a sudden my family wasy in the living room watching ey werision and they see my seeandfather walking. they were extremely happy to see them and then they realizee that he was walking towards thw wall.ta he started screaming and my g grandmother collapsed. they realized that he is going to be executed when they asked him if he wanted to behe sai blindfolded and he said no anda he said there you have the
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revolution, take care of it.of he asked if he could give the firing orders and he said aim, fire. he he died like a her hero. >> and he was executed by thern cowards. >> there was no trial what n ever. che did not allow trials.anuara he wa. day there was not one day in mybo life that i didn't think about' him.ot >> barbara's pregnant mother was so traumatized she wentths into labor three months early. >> what is a person supposed tr do, rejoice for the birth of yo your son or cry for the death of your father.blan. >> meet barbara's mother blanca.
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>> for those who lived with thw real che, it is impossible to understand in america of allerl places how any one would wantat thim on a t-shirt. >> please do a lot of research r before you make a fool offoolf aurself wearing a t-shirt of a cold killing machine.edib >> throughout the interview they were incredibly strong but you can see how deeply thesehia events have shaken them even to this day. this is the real legacy of che. it's murder.ctio destruction and broken families. so what can we do to correct the lies? maybe it is time to make theehe truth a bit more fashionable.
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maybe it is time to remember r what these governments weretser really responsible for. ay maybe it is time to ignore theo revisionist rehab of these figures and recognize who they. really were. telli maybe telling the truth about socialism and communism now, can help us avoid all of theai these things again. just maybe speaking up andan bluntly telling the truth can g stop the next generation from looking at things ú the same way.
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world perhaps the worse was was brought to us by mao. wand >> when we want to say what is absolutely true we would say i swear to chairman mao. >> he used his power to crush cr majo chinese people. the majority of the crimes camo in two distinct ways.59-196 >> from 1959 to 1961 was theea so-called great leap forward al which was actually ay giganticw leap backwards in which heco tried to collectivize and communize agriculture and they a came to him and said 5 million people have died of famine and he said no matter, keep going. go the second year they came back and said 10 million chinese have died. he said no matter, continue.. the third year, 20 millionpeap chinese have died and he said finally perhaps that is not the best idea i have had. >> when was told his people were dying of starvation heeasa said educate the b be peasantse
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eat less.he c >> with the cultural revolulutn his mission was to destroy both enmies and intellectuals. >> professors, teachers sat in the corner with the the downssb cap on. they were made to get down on all fours and bark like a dog. >> jung chang and her family found themselves in the cross hairs of >> my mother was under tremendous pressure to denounce my father and she refused andsu so as a result my mother was made to neal on broken glass. she was paraded in the streets where children spat at her and threw stones at her and she was chil exiled to a camp when her father wrote to protest the
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revolution are, he paid thehees life. >> my mother said do you want,u to ruin the lives about your children and he said what about the children of the victims and as a result i was imprisonedure and tortured and driven insane ed and exiled to a camp and died prematurely and tragically. >> as a victim of the crushing. rule, her father was not alonem >> some 65 million chinese died under mao's communism.mao j >> and mao just didn't care ani he said for all his projects to take off, half of china may well have to die. >> by a ratio of three or fourt to one we certainly can say man mao was the greatest mass gat murderer of the 20th century. >> my favorite political philosopher, mao and mother teresa.ighlht t >> dunn's comments highlightme the odd treatment that leftistt
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totallaryism receives in our society. looke communist is looked ator something we can borrow froms o even today. but the truth is that it is among history's most proficient publi >> according to the black booki of communism nearly 100 millioe people died under communism in the 20th century.lllo it all flows out of this idea that the communists think thata they can create a new society and anybody who gets in their way they will cut down, theyhey will kill, they will imprison and they will eliminate in pursuit of that goal. 100 >> with 100 million killed, communism exists in a very e exclusive club alongside withdt the planets worst communicable diseases like smallpox and thes bubonic plague.s t it is not just communism. too c it is the truth of any government with too much powerr some government is necessary.
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too much is suicidal. every all powerful government a has elements otf what marx called the revolutionaryevolio holocaust. the relentless pursuit of nirvana and the price it is worth paying to get there in human life. it is only understanding history that we can stop this from happening again and again captioned by closed captioning services, inc. fifty-eight different individuals are using,
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