tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 30, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EDT
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fair, balanced and report. "the o'reilly factor" begins right now. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> harry reid comes from these parts. what he is doing now is gambling our future. this isn't a crap shoot. this is a lot of being crap though. >> bill: is sarah palin sewing discontent all over the country? her critics say yes and even charge she is encouraging violence. we'll have a report. >> coverage took a dark turn with death threats and vandalism against a dozen democratic lawmakers. >> bill: bernie goldberg some media people are promoting racial strife when analyzing the tea party. bernie will be here. >> how do you go from sarah palin, giving a speech to saying did she rile up the people too much and then talk about death threats? >> bill: laura ingraham hammers nbc news on nbc news. wait until you hear. this we are smart here, matt.
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we know what is going on. >> bill: caution, you where to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ >> bill: hi, i'm bill owe rile little. thanks for watching us tonight. inciting violence and racial hatred. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. sarah palin addressed a group in nevada. 8 to 10,000 people showed up to hear mrs. palin hammer senator harry reid in his hometown. >> so harry reid comes from these parts. you know, he served on the state's gaming commission and what he is doing now is gambling our future. and somebody needs to tell him, this isn't a crap shoot. this is a lot of this is being crap though. >> bill: obviously the left despises that kind of rhetoric. now charges that sarah palin incites violence and sows discord. some on the left fear tea party movement and there is a media
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strategy to brand tea party people as racist. right in the miami herald over the weekend leonard pitts says this about the tea party quote: are you can see what's emerging. the most ardent critics of president obama is going to be label racist and extremist. the extremist label is being used by some on the right against the president. last week's awful confrontation outside the capital where charges n word was used by anti-obama demonstrators signals how intense this entire issue has become. as the factor reported there is no proof of any racial inventricle that. we do believe harsh words were spoken by a few demonstrators. tea party people would be wise to disassociate itself from hateful rhetoric. i gave them this advice six weeks ago. >> the tea party people
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themselves should be careful. most americans are not idealogues. they are just folks who want a fair system and a nobel country. every time a tea party person threatens to overthrow the government or other nonsense, the brand gets hammered. >> bill: there is no question that the u.s.a. is now a divided country and that's not all bad. we need to debate what kind of a nation we want to be. but, there is no place for racial inventriclive or bogus charges of such. sincere protests should be respected in america and shouldn't be protests unless there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. certainly that is not the case with the tea party. they are not responsible for loons who may lurk among them. finally any media person using the race card should be called out by you. turn them off. cancel your newspaper subscription. that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction, we tried to get jonathan lewis, emanuel cleaver and jesse jackson jr. to discuss they all declined.
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with us now is a man who is watching the situation closely the reverend al sharpton. i just bloviated for three minutes. what say you? >> i say that everybody has to be very careful how to analyze what we are watching. all of us that are in public have to be very careful of our words. i have gone through that in the past where you say things people accuse you of saying something you didn't. but then you have blatant examples when people are using racial language, where people spit on a member of congress. that's not a gray area. >> bill: are you talking about the guy with the hands out? because we have this video of the hands like this spitting on emanuel cleaver? are you sure did he that? are you sure he spitted or just spit tell? >> however it was done. there is a difference between intentional and non-intentional. >> but there also is a difference between someone getting close enough that he would have intention to spit on a congressman. >> bill: there is no doubt is he close and giving him what-for. >> spitting on a member of
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congress. there is clearly a line of decency we have to draw. i wish the chairman of the republican party had agreed to the joint chairman of the democratic party. the only part i would agree on what you said tonight, i think that every side has to be careful. i remember i did a tv show and a guy asked me right on this station well, some people say this is socialism with health care, i say if you say that american people voted for socialism. they come on with headlines i called it socialism. i responded. >> bill: i got it i used that sound bite, too. >> if you say that that's what you say. >> bill: that's what you voted for. >> i called it socialism. that's a legitimate point. but you yourself were caught up, years, years back in a situation where somebody got killed. >> right. >> bill: in harlem, new york. there was a clothing store there and you were leading a protest and things got heated. >> absolutely wrong. that's what i'm talking about. i led a protest in september. in november that year, two and a
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half months later a guy killed himself and others and they go back to that speech. >> bill: that happened to me. >> which is totally different than somebody standing up in front -- >> bill: i understand the point i'm making is it happened to you and happened to me tiller the abortion doctor, they blamed me for his assassination, and while had you a distance of a couple of months, all did i was report the truth. we both got blamed unfairly, okay? for tragedies that happen. so what i'm saying to you is the media ran wild with this tea party thing last week. blaming the tea party. you saw what pitts says. pitts says basically that the tea party people are racist. that's unfair. >> yeah. but there is a difference in what pitts is saying and those that are talking about violence. i think what pitts is saying and some of the "new york times" writers are saying is that there is a racial component where people talk about take back our country. who is our? you can't deny. >> bill: our is them.
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>> you can't deny there is racial components in this. >> bill: hold it. does that make everybody tea party. >> bill: i am going to deny that "here is what i'm going to deny. i'm going to deny that the tea party platform, the movement itself is based on race at all. it isn't. what happens is, in any organization, including your own, you have nuts. you have loons. people who take it way too far who may be racist themselves. you cannot deem monday nice demonize any organization by the action of a few in a demonstration. that's insane. >> i don't think you can do that. but i think if we were to sit here and say that in the tea party that there is not some tea parties that are racist. >> bill: you have got to prove it. you have got to prove it. >> people standing outside of congress using the "n" word. >> bill: how do you know they did that? >> i have seen the tape. >> bill: there is no tape. there is no tape with the n word on it. >> no way. let's be clear. there is no tape. so everyone. >> everyone hallucinated the "n"
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word use? against barney frank? there were all kinds of reporters that were there. >> bill: no reporter said this one said the "n" word. the police that were there didn't hear the "n" word. i'm not saying didn't happen. i know john lewis. and i think lewis is an honorable man. if he says it happened to him, if lewis says it happened to him, i will believe lewis. he is an honorable man but lewis won't come on this program or any other program and make that accusation. you have got to be careful, reverend, you just said you heard the "n" word on a tape. there is no tape. >> well, mr. o'reilly, you will concede if the n word and the f word was used, they are racist and homophobe bic terms, right? >> bill: if somebody called a sitting congressman or anybody the "n" word, that is a racist action. absolutely. however, let's assume it did happen. let's assume it did happen. you can't hold the tea party for
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that. >> i don't think charging that. >> bill: pitts did. >> pitts said elements of that. >> bill: elements of that? what does that mean? >> i need a human rights organization. if somebody said that there are elements at my convention coming up. >> bill: yeah. >> that have violence. >> bill: hate white people? >> based on that saying that my whole organization says that. that would be grossly unfair, right? >> if they said the organization -- but then. >> bill: that's what they are saying about the tea party. you just made my point. you are agreeing with me. >> pitts did not say that the tea party is racist. >> bill: he said there is an element of racism. elements of racism. >> bill: you said some of the key leads racism. you can't make that assertion. >> absolutely i can. >> bill: based on what? >> a subelement of those tea party protesters that are racist, that is absolutely correct. >> bill: well then in your group there are people that hate whites so there are elements of racism in your group. >> can you say elements in every
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group. >> bill: that's right. so it's a facetious argument. it's ridiculous. >> why are you denouncing pitts for using it then. >> bill: it's unfair, that's why. >> why? >> bill: he is demonizing the tea party. >> loons. >> this element. >> bill: reverend, that would be like saying that america is a homicidal country because charles manson is an american. you can't do that it? >> would be like saying america is a great country that has elements of homicide in it, which is true. >> bill: that can be true. >> he said elements. >> bill: he singled out the tea party. >> you singled out pitts. >> bill: i singled him out for using -- >> bill: let the audience decide. always fun to debate you. you are a standup guy for coming in. whether the political debate will get nasaer. later bernie goldberg how the tea party is promoting the
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>> bill: political divide in america, joining from us washington, fox news chief political analyst brit hume taking us to the human zone. i will give you the same opening question that i gave to reverend sharpton. what say you about all of this? >> well, it tells us something about this issue of race. the charge of racism is so damaging and such a terrible
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thing to say about somebody because there is a consensus on this country bordering on unanimity that racism is wrong and indeed evil. that is why the charge of racism is such a serious weapon. and it is a bad thing when it is wielded haphazardly, recklessly and in this particular instance regarding the tea party movement, it has been wielded against that group really not an organization, really just a movement. and i think in a way that is unfair as you suggested in your interview with al sharpton. it's -- there is very little, if any, evidence that the tea partiers as we have seen them in town hall after town hall and event after event are much concerned with the issue of race. their issues are elsewhere. and whether or not somebody yelled something in a crowd passing african-american members of congress which the videotape and audiotapes and reporters present and police reports do not substantiate, it seems to me is nowhere near enough of a basis to start hurling the word
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racism around. >> bill: the point that they make, the people who do this kind of stuff, trafficking this, and they all are on the far left, by the way. we are not looking, we are not seeing the democratic party really do. this but the point they make are there are no black faces white working class movement and therefore because of the lack of african-american participation there must be something racial about it. >> well, look. i don't think that establishes it. i have had people tell me who have been to a number of these events that you do see black faces in the crowd. they are a minority to be sure. look, let's face it in america. in political terms, african-americans are pretty monday monolithic. they support the democratic party. african-american president totally natural administration. and they probably, in most instances do not have serious policy disagreements with him. to them, the kind of federal spending that is being -- is
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going on under obama is something they may well support. it doesn't establish race this they don't agree with the tea partyers, it establishes that they are not with them on other issues. >> bill: when you see sarah palin go out and attract 10,000 people to harry reid's hometown. you have got to know that the democratic establishment is very angry about that. i think that the left, generally speaking, fears the tea party and mrs. palin because of their high visibility rate and therefore, if they fear them, they must destroy that. >> well, race, the charge of racism and the charge of hate or hatefulness is often thrown about against people on the right. and, you know, i think it's what you are seeing to some extent in this idea that the, you know, the sarah palin web site where she puts bulls eyes on the map to show vulnerable members of
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congress that that somehow is incitement to violence gives you an idea. that's such an obvious exaggeration that's absurd. do you hear associated with sarah palin the word hate all the time by critics on the left. i don't think sarah palin is a hater. i mean, i think there is strongly disagree with not the same thing. >> bill: she is passionate about her view of the country. we saw in andrew breitbart out in los angeles who has got the web site put together. a bunch of things of hate bush stuff that was on the left obviously about iraq, things like that signs and kill bush and this and that. we didn't hear a word in the media about that. it was almost ignored. i always said. you know i have said this from the jump that the media is very corrupt. this is another example of the media overlooking the far left. zeroing in on what they see is success on the far right. am i wrong? >> i think -- look, i think you
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are right about that, bill. i think even some of those hateful sounding signs that were mounted by bush were undoubtedly exaggerations by people who were not intending to kill the president. not very attractive thing and suggests intolerable spirit and suggesting you are taking the policy differences all too personally when you see things like that. i would go so far to say those things are inciteful to violence. we have a rowdy debate in this country and we have since its inception and all kinds of things have been said and through the years unflattery car tunes there is a double standard as you suggest. >> bill: we saw signs that said kill bush. if you put up a sign that said kill obama you are through in this country. you are done. >> no doubt about it. there is a double standard. harsh words said on the right, they are taken more seriously and deemed far greater examples of intolerance or hatred than
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when things are said on the left. i don't think there is any doubt about that the media are complicit in this. i'm sure bernie will have something to say about this later on. but, you know, among the political class, that's just how it plays out. >> bill: all right. brit hume, everyone. as always, we appreciate it brand new bill o' poll question for you. do you think sarah palin will run for president on the tea party ticket? do you think sarah palin will run for president on the tea party ticket? "yes" or "no," bill o' juan and mary katharine up next. will the race card get even more intense in america? later, laura ingraham hammers abc on "the today show." wait until you come on, guys, sack those unwanted pounds. i'm lawrence taylor. i lost 35 pounds on nutrisystem. give nutrisystem for men a try. losing weight has never been easier. that's me 22 pounds ago,
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>> bill: impact segment tonight, kind of amazing but the health care debate has degenerated into a racial controversy as we have been discussing. so who is at fault? joining us now from washington, fox news analyst mary katharine ham and juan williams. who is the villain here, juan? >> well, i don't think there is any question that there is a missing element in this conversation, bill. the missing element is the reality of people throwing bricks through windows. the reality is that you have people like barney frank being
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insulted. the reality is the fbi, the police are investigating real attacks on people's homes. you have a republican like eric cantor who fears that he is being targeted. you have a militia group being busted in michigan this very day. you know, so when you start looking at language, where people are talking about reload, you know, it really is a point where you see, you know, leadership, left or right, has to take response. and it can't just be put in terms of politics and who is trying to gain an upper hand by painting somebody as being extremist and violent. >> bill: what do you want the tea party people to do or sarah palin? what do you want them to do? >> i think everybody needs to say that there is no place for violence and that kind of physical intimidation that, you know, one of the bricks thrown through a window said something like extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. it is a vice. it is a vice. you cannot intimidate people. that's not the way to get your way in america. >> bill: okay. what do you say, mary katharine? >> well, look, i think the tea
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party folks and republicans in general have already denounced violence. and i think that it is its own special kind of hate to smear hundreds of thousands of americans with charges of racism and hate in violence. and the left in the democrats in the media are mired in it far more than tea partyers will ever be mired in actual racism. let's talk about reality. we have cantor. a man was actually arrested for threatening to kill him. last week, a more threat to congressman over the phone to answering machines led all three broadcasts. that was a left-right issue. the point is to make the right look bad it is not about reporting. tonight, cantor's threat will not lead the broadcast news. that's not just the way the thing works. does the cantor thing mean that every democrat is a anti-semitic killer? of course not. every democrat should have shame and shut up every now how every conservative is mean and hateful and violent. >> bill: you heart brit hume say
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look i think we proved this yard by showing some the signs in motion when president bush was in office that there is no doubt that the media will seize upon any kind of misbehavior on the right. anything to blow it up into a major story and to demonize the whole whatever group is involved. whereas if it happens on the left it, will, as mary katharine said be deemphasized or ignored entirely. so that's a corrupt media system, isn't it? >> well, wait a second. you know, again, i think we are out of context here. if we are talking about, you know, somebody going after ronald reagan, you know, one guy who is love in jody foster, okay. if we are talking about that. you know, people who have a lot of hateful attitudes towards president bush and then somebody who is extremist on the fringe, yes. if that was also to be then the case with the tea party, yes, that's too much and unfair. but, when you start to see militia groups start to associate with the tea party. >> bill: woe, woe, woe. let me stop you there. i haven't seen tea party groups
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associating with the tea party. >> let me tell you something, the tea party flag is now -- for example they use. >> bill: the don't tread on me flag? that's from the revolutionary war. >> no, no, no. it's taken away -- it's obviously not the same flag. not the same flag you see flying in the new england states. new flag they created. same imagery that was on timothy mcvey. i mean, this is the kind of thing that is worrisome to me. >> bill: come on, juan. you are smarter than that. you can't possibly think the tea party is taking any cue from timothy mcveigh. that's suicide. >> no. you misheard me. i said if spring elements. in other words, just like you were saying. if people speak out and fringe elements take it, distort it and translate into violence. you can't hold the leadership responsible. >> bill: i can hold the media accountable for reporting someone side side -- one side of the extreme and not the other. >> bill: go ahead, juan. >> in a situation where you have
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more americans worried about their second amendment rights and stocking up on bullets and buying guns because they think president obama is going to take away their guns or bullets. >> bill: is he a left wing guy president obama. that is not out of the realm of possibility. >> they are perfectly allowed to have guns. >> come on. i have never heard any such suggestion. don't forget, bill. reality is, barack obama is black. and so i think there is a lot of insecurity in the country about any kind of, you know, very personalized attack on this president. >> bill: look, 53% of the country voted for the man, i don't know how that could be possible. i'm going to give mary katharine the last word. go go ahead. >> the problem here is the leadership of only one side is held accountable. when lefties go out in pittsburgh at the g-20 and get arrests in the dozens and dozens when they throw things at police officers when antiwar protesters go out and tell me that the jews planned 9/11 which happens all the time, that is never reported on as hate or violence it should actually be considered and should be reported evenly. that is all that i think folks
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on the right are asking. you can't take -- if you are going to slime hundreds of thousands of people, there should maybe actually be video evidence that somebody was spat upon on purpose. we should take these things into consideration. what the videos actually show at tea party rallies is there was not a racist mob there were a lot of people yelling but you can't actually hear any of the things the congressman said. >> bill: you don't doubt lewis. >> no. that's not what i'm saying. what i'm saying is that the video does not prove that it didn't happen. but the video proves that this is not a mindless racist mob after a black congressman which is what -- >> bill: it wasn't widespread or the police would have made arrests and all of that all right. i have got to go. >> and the fact -- >> bill: mary katharine, i'm sorry. save it for next monday so people will have to come back. just remember what you were going to say. [ laughter ] >> all right. >> bill: president obama goes to afghanistan. we will have the inside story from colonel ralph peters. and then bernie goldberg on how the media is stoking up -- stoking up racial hate in america. we hope you stay tuned to those
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>> bill: muslim suicide bombers, both women killed 38 people and injured more than a hundred. moscow subway station this morning. also on the terror front. president obama traveled to afghanistan to rally nato troops fighting against the brutal taliban there. and joining us now from washington with the inside story lt. colonel ralph peters. fox news strategic analyst and
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author of the book "endless war" which deals with the war on terror. all right. so let's take the president's afghanistan trip first. you know, i said it was a good thing. you want to show the troops that you are engaged with them and this terrible conflict and he did that. what say you? >> well, i'm glad the commander and chief finally found a couple minutes for our war. but, bill, nobody in the white house was thinking. now, whatever motus the president may have had by arriving after dusk and leaving just after midnight, spending six hours in afghanistan during the night, the message he sent to our enemies, to our allies and to everybody in the region was afghanistan is so unstable the u.s. president is afraid to be there during daylight hours. point one. point two, come on. six hours, including two hours of karzai, quick dinner at the presidential palace, 20 minute photo op. with our troops at the safest base in afghanistan.
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couldn't he spare one full day for general mcchrystal and to see what our troops are actually doing? >> bill: all right. so you thought he should spend more time and basically show that he is not afraid -- america is not afraid of the taliban by arriving. all right. people can make up their own mind. >> that's just a daytime press conference. >> bill: i have to say that i think his administration has done a pretty good job with pakistan in particular. i mean, he has been able to rally the pakistanis, no easy task as you well know. to take at least some action against al qaeda and the taliban. and the drone missile program, the hell fire missiles have wiped out a lot of the taliban and al qaeda leadership. and so i don't have a lot of quibble with what he is doing over there. am i wrong? >> no. actually, i give obama full credit for allowing the cia and our special operators to continue to kill terrorists. that's what we should be doing. and, you know, while i think the visit during hours of darkness
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was dumb, just dumb, i have got some really good news from a deep inside friend today who said that because the pakistanys are pushing into the tribal areas and really now killing taliban and al qaeda members, although they are killing them selectively but still they are killing them. this friend inside our military system, deep inside has seen the taliban arguing among themselves, taliban fighting mujahideen and all of them making fun of al qaeda because al qaeda is not doing anything, they are not in the fight. they are not delivering money anymore. so any time we get our enemies fighting among themselves. that is great news. so pakistan is going pretty well. the problem is actually in afghanistan. not with al qaeda. but with policies that are neither here nor there. a corrupt government. that's absolutely disgraceful and -- >> bill: the government is a disgrace. that's absolutely true. i think he should have slapped karzai in the photo on with them. give them one of these.
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like south vietnam. have the corrupt government in there and americans trying their hardest to do the right thing. let's go over to putin in moscow. another embarrassment for the russians. these people come in. they kill russians. so they have a lot of problems with fanatical muslims in the south part of russia and the satellite states surrounding them. will this make putin and the russian government change their policies and help the u.s.a. out more against iran and the other provoke. >> russian does cooperate with us when it's to their advantage on specific issues. it's not that there is total hostility. russians will not do anything just for us. again, these moscow subway bombings, the station has the highest casualties just a pistol shot from red square. the other one is out across the river. but the russians are getting this all the time. there is a high speed train attack about a year ago. they have had school hostage
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takings and bombings. they have had apartment ththe problem the russians have, bill, and makes it so different to the problem we face is the terrorists are home. they are within the russian federation in the north caucus. warts than sheets knee a it's as if radical muslim terrorists here in the states were taking over delaware and new jersey. so this is homegrown problem. >> bill: or we're at fort hood. there you governmental oh, sure, of course. >> bill: i know what you are saying. >> they have got long standing problems. we have got problems, too. >> bill: russia should help the u.s.a. with iran. they should. >> they won't. >> bill: thanks very much. we appreciate it when we come right back, bernie goldberg is not happy with the way the media is handling the whole tea party race business. then, laura ingraham unhappy as well with nbc report on sarah palin. she will confront matt lauer on the today show. wait until you see this moments away.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the weekdays with bernie segment tonight, let's get right to fox news media analyst bernie goldberg. you were watching cnn. i can't believe you were doing that "the washington post" writer howard kurtz was on the program that he does. and something happened you didn't like or tell us what happened. >> yeah. i mean howie kirtz is one of the smarter media analyst. he is a good guy. i have spoken to him in the past. i noticed that he said that people who question the authenticity of the story about racial slurs were crossing the line. and my feeling is and by the way, you are always on thin ice when you question allegations of racism. so i'm about to go out on thin ice. i'm not saying it didn't happen. if it did happen, it's
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reprehensible. i want to make that very clear. if it happened, it's represent prehence cybil. but i'm a journalist. journalists aren't supposed to believe what politicians tell them simply because they are politicians. and what we have here are supposedly somebody yelled out, according to one quote by one of these congressman 15 times they yelled out the y word. -- the "n" word. yelled it out. you would think, i'm doing this as a journalist. you would think with all the cameras out there, microphones, the professional cameras, the telephone cameras, you would think somebody might have picked that up. nobody picked it up. i have known john lewis for a long time. i started out at cbs covering the south. he is a civil rights hero. and i believe is he man of great integrity. if john lewis were to accept your invitation and go on your show or any other show for that matter and say i was walking through the capitol and somebody or many people called me a,
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blank, i would believe it end of story. but john lewis hasn't gone on to say that. and all i'm saying, bill, is that while if it happened, it's reprehensible as a journalist, something doesn't feel right about this to me. >> bill: listen. they blew it -- even if it happened, it was such an isolated. >> even if happened, this blew it. >> bill: boom. i didn't see kirtz' show. but what they were doing on that show was saying that if you question the veracity of what was reported, even without any tape, any arrest, cops said they didn't hear anything, this and that. if you question it, then you are, what, evil? stupid? what was the theme? >> well, that's what i want to know. when you say you cross the line. i want to know cross the line from what to what? from being a decent human being to being a bigot, i would assume.
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what if i were to come on your show, on your program and say barack obama supporters, his supporters are clearly just haters. now we -- just haters. we know that because some attacked you would say to me you are a lieu lunatic goldberg and you would be. they most likely attacked him because is he a republican leader. we flif an age. i'm out there on thin ice again. we live in an age if you criticize barack obama anything b. anything, you are running at a abig risk 6 becoming a racist. i collected headlines from newspapers after the incident or alleged incident. get, this bill, this is from the atlanta, your favorite paper, "the atlanta journal constitution." republican party is stained by the reyes racism of its fringe. at least it used the word fringe. the chicago "chicago sun times". racism sim mores below the surface on health care.
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and from some rant called the baltimore examiner. tea party turns into klan rally. it went over to australia black congressman run gauntlet of racial slurs. so they are taking this incident, even if it happened, and they are tarring the entire tea party movement and the republican party. >> bill: that was my. >> taking this in the other direction. >> bill: they don't do it. that was my point with al sharpton. you quibble with something that al sharpton told me. i want you to tell the audience. >> well, look, al sharpton has stoked racial texas more than a few times in his ill columbus industrious career. he has never apoll devised, apologized for that the men's store where people were killed. sharpton said i wasn't there you are absolutely right. he spoke there three months before it happened. but his demonstrators were there
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for that whole time. stoking the hatred. >> bill: let me ask you this. is he responsible for what you call his demonstrators? is he responsible for that? see, i can't condemn sharpton unless i knew that sharpton was calling them up and saying get out there, get out there, get out there. >> let me make this point. sharpton gets to go on respectable tv shows. sharpton is a major player in the democratic party. no democrat running for president can run without kissing al sharpton's ring. ring, okay? yet, he has this past where he has stoked racial tensions. these people at the tea parties, whether an incident happened or not, are labeled by leonard pitts and miami herald and frank rich in the "new york times" as bigots. i mean, there is something wrong about that. >> bill: absolutely as brit hume said it's just insane how corrupt the media is.
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but it all goes back to what we have been talking about for the past couple of years, bernie, you and me. the media corruption in this country is through the roof. we are seeing that. >> bill, let me very briefly say, you and i are the two are ho are saying it goes beyond bias it is corruption. it's a very important distinction. >> bill: it is corruption. reality check off the charts tonight. laura ingraham goes on "the today show" and hammers nbc oked. >> i wish i could just...disappear. >> i wish i didn't have to be so scared. >> i wish i wasn't so messed up right now. >> i wish i didn't feel so alone. >> wish you had someone to talk to? you do. we're the boys town national hotline. 1-800-448-3000 (tdd# 1-800-448-1433). it's your life. it's your voice. use it.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, reality check where the truth sets us free we are delirious from freedom. check one our pal laura ingraham and appeared on the today show this morning and took exception to sarah palin appearing at the tea party rally. >> her get 9,000 tea party loyalists out to the dusty nevada desert for what was bill dollars as the conservative's woodstock. >> she calls it the way she sees it, which is the way we think. >> but does she get people too riled up? some members of congress reported receiving death threats during the voting on health care reform. in the middle of that, palin was criticized for her twitter and facebook messages to supporters
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saying "don't retreat, instead, reload." images of crosshairs for targeted congressional districts. >> bill: well, upon hearing that miss laura gave matt lauer a piece of her mind. >> can i say something? george lewis' report. and i love george lewis. i think he does a great job. how do you go from sarah palin giving a speech to saying did she rile up the people too much and then talk about death threats? i think that kind of reporting really is what drives people crazy about the dinosaur media. >> there have been some people that say that some of her comments and some of her graphics that she has used over the last couple of weeks have, perhaps, incited some people and. >> yeah, i know they say that. >> maybe misrepresented her thoughts. she cleared it up herself. why wouldn't you connect the two? >> to say that sarah palin and the tea party movement is responsible for vandalism or threats is just a way to dismiss the american people and their dissatisfaction with this health care bill. >> go back and look at george's script in a second, lauer and
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see if he said just that i'm not sure if he said exactly that. >> that was the import of that we are smart here, matt. we know what's going on. >> bill: indeed. check two as may know, check has been -- dean who should know better has used a variety of attacks to diminish people with home he -- whom he disagrees. howard dean has been telling the truth about things and deemphasizing the gutter sniping. last week he appeared on his favorite outlet nbc and talked about obama care and its goal of narrowing the distance between the rich and poor in america. >> when it guess out of whack as it did in the 20's and it does now you need to do some redistribution. this is a form of redistribution. if you redistribute too much, then the system doesn't work because you take the incentive out of it i mean, if you look at some of the tax -- the way they tax people in europe, clearly if you have too many taxes and have you too much redistribution, then you reduce incentives. so the question is what is the
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right balance. >> bill: dean is talking about income redistribution which the obama administration has embraced. check applauds the honesty of dean's statement. president obama beats all republican challengers at this point in time. president leads mitt romney 45% 41%. 14% undecided. ahead of sarah palin 52%, 34%. 14% undecided. he leads jeb bush, 49%, 37%. poll consisted of 1,000 registered voters. new "the washington post" poll says democrats have approved heir competitive standing after health care passed. governors haley barbour and ed rendell were asked about that. >> on february, on the generic ballot, republicans led democrats 48% to 45%. but now, after the bill has passed, the democrat leads 48% to 44%. >> i am surprised that the numbers in "the washington post" poll weren't better. i mean, since this thing passed
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last weekend, we have been seeing the longest wet kiss in political history given the obama administration by the liberal media league and every day it goes by it gets sloppier. >> governor rendell, we only. >> i know what haley watches. i don't know what channel haley watches it's a lousy wet kiss, boy. it's getting pounded in the media a lot of the media is pounding the bill. >> bill: finally check 5 in chatting into chattanooga was. officer attacked by doing. he took his anger out on the car's front bump every. he ripped it off. he destroyed the tires as well. winston has a pal there. i think that might be churchill. anyway, winston's owner received a citation for own ago, quote, potentially dangerous dog. potentially dangerous? tell that to the car. and that is reality check.
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. bill: time for pinheads and patriots. we are on day four of our benefit. we are auctioning off five autograph copies of my upcoming book. your place in the age of obama. the fourth cover was won by evelyn highton from gainesville, virginia who bid $10,000, way to go evelyn! i will match that bidding on final cover is taking place now. everybody who participated is a patriot, especially evelyn. we can't thank you enough. on the pinhead front. singer katy perry on the the kids choice awards. >> and your favorite movie actress is --
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bill: for dousing miss perry, nickelodeon is a pinhead. can an entire network be a pinhead? yes. the new "o" quiz it is fun and will test your current events knowledge with mother's day coming up you can get two free tote bags when you buy a copy of bold fresh. all the money i get from the website given to charity which is why i pro not the website so much because we want to give the $10,000, it is going to be more, we can do this because of all of that stuff. now to the mail. leslie: bill many canadians agree with what ann coulter has to say but we are too reserved to speak up. sounds like me.
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the students who protested ann are much like the tea party protesters. i'm not aware of any tea party people trying to shutdown a speech owen. marlon: just like the u.s. we have a liney left element. ann culture about receive a warm welcome in calgary. judy: thank you for the segment on the 15-year-old public school student who got an abortion without her mother knowing this has been going on for 20 years. barry: bill who paid for the girl's abortion? the state of washington. jason: the saddest thing about what is going on in washington is it discourages young people like me from running for office. you might be able to improve the country that's the calculation. ryan: bill, did it upset you that steve doocy left the set during the news quiz? did steve leave, i didn't notice. pedro: bill, i nominate doocy as a
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pinhead for walking out on you and martha. forget me walking out on martha, certainly a pinheaded move. you just announced glenn beck is next and my daughter says i love glenn beck much smarter than o'reilly. how old is the tyke, three? after watching the beck and call segment my 6-year-old said glenn beck is funny but bill o'reilly is the real deal. brilliant boy! bill aren't there times when you want to adopt glenn beck, just pinch him on the cheek? no. those times never exist. and if it ever happens it will signify the end of the world as we know it. joyce: mr. o'reilly your segments with glenn beck make me laugh, but also make me think. jason: i'm 12 and sometimes not very responsible. recently my dad punished me
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and my assignment was to read bold fresh and write him notes on it. i learned i should focus on being productive in my life. thanks for the lessons. thank you for being smart enough to absorb them jacob, sound like a good kid. talking points memo, if you came in light we had a wild opening segment with al sharpton. that is different than bill o' please e-mail with us pithy comments from anywhere in the world even the u-conn territory of canada, beautiful place, -- it is way up there. o'reilly at fox -- o'reilly please when writing to us do not be pernicious. the word of the day no perniciousness when writing. that's's it for us. i'm bill o'reilly we hope to
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