tv Red Eye FOX News April 2, 2010 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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from new york, defending freedom. freedom. happy easter, america. smie welcome to "red eye." it is like the incredible hulk, if by hulk you mean greg. andy, what's coming up on tonight's special show? >> greg, coming up on tonight's special show, a new gal lop poll shows the majority of america don't like either political party or members of congress. we'll investigate. and is planting child pornography on a woman's husband's computer the way to her heart? the answer is i sure hope so. and why is hollywood remaking movies that were not that good in the first place? some say it is a lack of creativity and shear laziness. greg? >> thank you, andy. >> the i pad comes out on saturday. >> so what. >> it would be nice if you bought me one as an apology. >> an apology for what? >> i don't know where to begin with you, greg. >> looks like somebody isn't
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doing their morning meditations. >> that somebody is you. >> go away. way to ruin a special show. well, they are far from frightful. they are always delightful and extremely insightful. enough about the teamsters. let's welcome our guest. she is brooke goldstein. she is a human rights attorney and an award-winning film maker and director of the children's rights institute. get a life, lady. i feel insignificant. i will leave now. our next guest is wanted in three states for being incorrigible and she killed a dozen drifters. she is as smart as i am tart. and he is the club to my soda and the luke to my yoda. it is my repulsive sidekick, bill shultz. his surgery is now covered under obama care. and he is the head of the class when it comes to sass. the associate professor of education and african-american studies.
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if charm were an apple martini, i would have three and go home with a truck driver. his bias is showing while sales are slowing. it is our new york times correspondent. good to see you, pinch. >> check out our rising stars of blog. "red eye" regular and editor steven crakour was there. what is a blog? >> i don't know. i stopped listening to you. now to the greg-alogue. press 1 for english. >> so usa today just published a big poll on political crud. the conclusion, americans hate everything. they are in a word hatists. for example, the favorable rating for democrats is up to 41%. the lowest since when ever, and it struck 14 points since the great one's election. that makes us democrat-ist.
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some say the o-man does not merick re-election. according to my brain, that's half. 245* means half of america is not only racist, but obamaist and electionists two words i just made up and will tatoo on my thighs. most people are not happy with the country's direction. of course, the paper also reports no one likes john baynor. one day i hope to live in a world where we can stop judging folks on the content of their spf. the polls have had it with mitch mcconnell which in my mind makes them ageist, wrinklest and glassist. there are other numbers, but i hate polls. i de spies pie charts. never any pie. if everyone hates everything, they can't all be racist. perhaps there is a legitimate reason for this unease. oh yeah, our president is from hawaii.
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silly island country. if you disagree with me, are you a racist homo phobe who feeds puppies to nicholas inning ka. -- nicholas cage. that's one of the worst greg-alogues i have ever written. it was an extremely slow news day. i sat for hours trying to figure out what to write. before you take it apart just say you can't hurt me because i know it is bad. >> fair enough. it was bad. 3*. >> you are saying bad because you disagree. i just say it was poorly written. >> it was a poor news day too, which is why it was bad. >> is all this hate wrong? >> i think hate is what makes america special. in most countries they hate one group of people. saudi arabians love muslims and hit women. palestinians hate -- you know, here we hate everybody. there is a slice of everyone where you can hate everybody. every group in america has a hate group. >> hatred breeds some strange equality. brooke, what do you think? >> i think the freedom to hate is what makes this country
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great. i really, really mean that. the corner stone of any liberal democracy is the right to criticize. the right to criticize government and the right to criticize religion. that's why we can publish cartoons of mohamed even though it offends certain people. >> and we don't. >> i don't believe in wussies because i like my head on my neck. >> she was talking about mohamed ali. allison, is all of the anger real or immediate fabrication? >> i think people are unhappy. i think it directly relates with what's going on with the economy. i think in a time where there is jobs and prosperity, there will be less hate. i think there still is going to be a healthy amount of adolescent carping. i know i am guilty of that. it is easy to tear things down. i have been tearing you down and the greg-alogue, and it was easy for me to do it. you handed it to me and i said
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thank you. i do think a fair amount of hatred and anger has to do with the fact that people are unhappy right now and they are out of work and they are poor and freaked out. >> bill, you hate everything. yet you have everything. >> i have everything? i hate because i have not. you know, saying we are all not racist, very difficult to argue with. it is hard for me to say maybe we are not all racist. >> i am not. >> i know. aside from white people and the odd 8 shin. -- odd asian. >> if i agree with you, does it make me not racist? >> yes. >> that's the huh poke craw see. >> why are you criticizing obama. >> i will give attest. if one person says, i have a problem with health faire -- >> health faire? >> and healthcare. >> i like the health faire. >> well, the health faire is a barn show and we will go thereafter the show. i have a problem with
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healthcare because it gives us little and puts us way more in debt without taking us out. you, congratulations, are not a racist. if you say, i have a problem with healthcare because it is turning the entire country into a soviet state and we are all going to hell lead by obama himself. you might have a problem with black people. >> i disagree. >> or you have a problem with russia. you have a problem with socialism. i'm going to be conservative tonight. it doesn't make you racist. >> you sir, are unpatriotic. >> completely. >> it goes down to whether you are for expansion of government or limited government. you can't all of a sudden disagree with you call them racist. >> it is the tone. if the tone is rabid and the mouth is foaming and you are going -- that's -- >> it is the hoot. when they are wearing a hood. >> what about sean penn and janeen garafalo.
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>> they are not racist. >> they are mentally biggoted. >> you have never done that in the history of "red eye." >> i think it has been allowed to create an environment where they fear criticism. that will be the government that supplies us with liberty. hate is great, let's continue hating. don't hate the haters. >> all right. from polls to politeness, a latin teacher in arizona has decided his students need to be taught more than a dead language. they need to be taught some dam manors. so he added cive valerie to -- chivalry to his academy. he announced on the first day of class that boys would hold doors for girls. they would ask girls if they want to be seated and offer to take their backpackings -- backpacks before they sit down. boys stand if a girl leaves the room. and girls always had the right of refusal.
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and finally boy s who have to sacrifice a toe for every infraction. he says it is good for boys to learn things that would be helpful for future dating life and for girls to discover that it is not bad to be treated gently. his next project is getting this guy a date. >> i thought i told you never to call me here. >> he's great. good luck with that, professor. i think it is wonderful. i am probably in the minority. i think these kids need some manors. >> yes, although the more i think about it, the more i think this is kind of completely inappropriate. what will he teach them next, sensual massage? he is teaching them how to handle themselves on a date. that said, i do like everything he is teaching them, except how they have to stand up with a woman leaves the room. i don't see the .-- the point of that. >> i think basically what he is saying is you should treat all women like you would treat
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your mother. treat them with respect. what's wrong with that? >> there is nothing wrong with giving students sensual massages. >> are you still employed? would you like to stay that way? >> you are hanging by a thread. >> it is so anti-feminist. we are in 2010 and women want to be treated like men. the most sexist thing about the world is women are put on pedastools. it is not just treating people disrespectfully. if you stand up and hold doors and pull back chairs, treat them like a human being. no one does that for you. >> yeah, but i don't see that -- i think putting somebody on a pedastool is not making them inferior. >> yes, it is a due humanizing position. >> doing something nice is not de dehumanizing. >> first of all, dehumanizing is the personal massages and we have tape. >> i was never more dehumanized when i woke up that time. what do you think? >> i think it is sexist and a total waste of time. we should be having classes like gender equality instead. if you want to teach these
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kids a lesson in history, take chivalry to the full extent of the term. put the boys on horses and give them ruber and metal suits. put the girls in chastity belts and you have a sex ed class. >> or a saturday at bill's house. >> it is just a challenge. >> colonial williamsburg. >> bill, again, i am going to defend this because i believe that today kids are really rude. if you are rude you will not get jobs and it teaches kids discipline. >> i guess. but i will go back to the chivalry aspect. right now there are more women than men in colleges. very soon, perhaps in this year, for the first time, women collectively will be making more than men in the united states. tell me again why i need to be paying for these people's dates, for these dinners and everything. >> you pretend like you go on dates. >> i always do and they collectively -- well, the last few times they make $20,000 to $30,000 more than me. >> you know he has a salad
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bowl in the glove compartment of his car and goes to the all you can eat. >> by the way, is this chivalrous or not, when you drop papers greg goes to pick them up and then cops a gaze when you are not looking. >> she -- it is her first time on the show. >> it is all on tape. >> one of my favorite rules that he published was girl -- girls have the right to refusal. >> i don't like that one. >> right of refusal. >> i like the option and the guys can have it. >> i saw lute this man -- i saw lute this man. his plan was to remove the other man. i speak of cartootin. >> that's his name. >> it is a great name. he was obsessed with a female co-worker and went to great lengths to force his way through her life. he broke into the woman's
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house and framed her husband for downloading child porn with the notion that he could get closer to his object of lust if he broke up the marriage first. and it worked at first. the innocent hub be was arrested, but justice eventually prevailed as his evil scheme came to life. last week he was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison. meanwhile, the case has been such a distraction that painting beluga has gone unreported. >> i love that. >> he is considered the van gogh of seaworld. >> okay. allison, guy is crazy. he breaks into the house and puts child porn in there. but kind of a romantic, don't you think, to go to that level? >> yes, chivalry is not dead. and he is really thinking outside the box because i feel
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like you are ally -- mean, you might plant drugs on a person or make the woman think he is cheating. but to go this far with the child porn could have. and there is some question about whether -- >> an inappropriate use of kudos when discussing child porn. >> it seems like there is a question about whether he may have created the pornographic images which takes us in another direction. then he is -- >> then it is weird. that's when it gets weird. >> that's when it goes from romantic to -- >> the thing si'm sorry. somebody frames you for that x four years and you should be away for life. >> life? >> yes, life. if somebody paints you as a child pornographer, that ruins your life forever. >> the guy -- we found out who was guilty. you saw the guy in jail for life? you don't get life for murder. >> i lament that. >> are you serious? >> i don't know. i think they destroyed his life. what do you think? >> i think it is disgusting and he should be in jail and
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prosecuted to the full extent of the law. >> i agree with greg. i mean, you could adequately describe it as cyber terrorism. he targeted his love interest with the intent of instilling fear of her husband in her. put him away. >> maybe he was just watching porn. that's a convenient excuse. >> that's a good point. he could be blaming it on the other guy. >> you know who the real winners are? the pedophiles of america. now their excuse of eon that crazy finish guy trying to frame me, that has legses. they can use this now. >> should she stay with the guy because he put up such a great effort to be with her? >> yes, absolutely. >> she should keep her kids away from him. >> that's true. >> where did he get the porn? >> he might have made it. >> when did this become a romantic comedy? who will play the fake guy.
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>> have you ever done anything devious to break up a relationship? >> no. >> no, i have never broken up a relationship. they never end, greg. >> how about you, brooke. have you done anything out of the ordinary. >> nothing that i would admit on camera. >> well, we have all admitted. before you got here we all admitted it and pretaped it and so we were waiting for you. >> so you were taping me in the green room? >> well, she does doesn't believe me. well, we will take a break. coming up, me riding my dirt bike. but first, why did tiger payoff this particular mistress? i was always partial to number ac 23 and 32 myself. www
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>> yes, fighting over the ball. i have never seen a deer at a dog fight. >> there are a lot of them on you tube. >> we have to start arranging those more often. brooke, are you the lawyer here. wasn't this press conference what you would say -- it is almost like legalized black mail. they were doing this waiting for the phone call, weren't they? >> i wouldn't go that far. i would go as far as saying $10 million paid to this woman was a complete waste of money. if she wasn't going to have the press conference, somebody else would. what was so dubious about this terrorist that was worth -- trist was worth $10 million and the others go unpaid. as jews say in pass over, what makes that night different from all others? >> what could he have possibly have done though? >> i have some idea. >> apart from nazi play which has been worked over in the play. i have a theory and it is this -- after reviewing all of the evidence, what he has done in
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paying this girl $10 million, tiger woods is not that smart. that's my theory. that's it. >> yeah, the thing is -- i mean, he must have thought that was going to be the end of the game throwing out the 10 million. unless there is something really bad. >> i think he didn't have his stable -- as pimps would say, he didn't have his stable in check. he thought this was the only woman he had to control. he didn't know all would come out. a lot of times this is what happens when you have a lot of mistresses. you think you have them all under control except this one. no one respects tiger woods. >> it was like a snitch snowballing affect. >> a snitch snowballing affect. >> i would pitch it for a "vanity fair" cover. >> i wouldn't. do you think we would be seeing more of these press conferencesthat pop up and disappear? like all of a sudden somebody will have an allison rosen
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press conference. >> i think it is a good gamut. they should learn from them. i think, yeah, what a waste of money. >> here is something interesting, professor, people are blaming charles barkley and michael jordan. >> blame the 200% black guys, right? >> but they say it is bad influences. >> do you think charles barkley and michael jordan are responsible? >> i am saying some people said that, not me. i read it in the paper. >> the guy was a home schooled kid with a billion dollars. you go to sleep with everything moving. >> he was offering 10 million when you think about it. >> the lesson here if you are going to cheat with somebody, cheat with somebody equally as rich and famous. >> there is no one. >> yeah, but it is oprah. am i the only one who wouldn't sleep with oprah? okay, maybe i am.
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that's not the point. you don't need a billion, even 100 million or 50 million. >> i tell you what will happen. since jesse james has been following the tiger playbook already to a t. tiger goes to sex rehab and now jesse. after "bombshell mcgee" another mistress will come forward and right before she holds a press conference he will pay her off. >> it doesn't matter how much money you pay them. it is the strength of the confidentially agreement. if you pay them a it will or 10 million, if they put pen to paper, that's what happens. >> you do that with the people you sleep with. too late for me. do you have a comment on this show? i bet you do. e-mail us. it is red eye at fox news .com. it is that simple. to leave a voicemail, it is easier. 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. >> tonight's half time report
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the rotary club. >> i'm done. fuelly -- actually i have a question. i got an advanced copy of your book. i thought it was going to be called the bible of unspeakable truths. >> that is not my book, sir. that is not my book. you doctored that. >> "american swastika an auto-biography" by greg gutfeld. how could this be doctored? it is what it is. >> it is one of those last-minute changes they made. >> they didn't show me that. they showed me a different cover and a different title. >> blame the editor. >> greg-alogue poll show americans are haters. you said for example the favorable ratings dwindled to 41%. >> i took that out of the greg-alogue because i was board.
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>> i hate it. you could tell, couldn't you. >> yeah. >> all of america could tell. >> and you said the fact that the favorable rating for the democrats has dwindled makes us democratist. that makes no sense whatsoever. you don't like black people. you are not blackist, you are racist. you don't like ugly people you are not ugliest you are lookest. >> those are examples, right? >> i think so. >> absolutely. >> allison, you said people are happy and it directly relates to the economy. and that's a good point. don't you think you hate the fact that people hate the fact we have a muslim from ken -- from kenya as a president? >> i don't know. >> good answer. you don't want to pi sc s andy off: >> that swastika thing and you are touchy. >> professor, you say you are not racist, but you don't think black people should be quarterbacks? >> i didn't say they should be quarterbacks. i said they shouldn't be
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professional quarterbacks. >> oh. >> in the prison league they can do what they want. it is only in football. >> this show will not air, will it? >> that's terrible. you are so terrible. >> that was great. >> are you a terrible man. >> that's not funny. >> i agree. >> well done, andy. >> brooke, you said hate is great. do you have that on a bumper sticker? >> i can make them. is there a market for them? >> i think there might be. give one to professor hill. >> bill, how does opposing a government take over if healthcare makes you racist? >> let's get back to mark. >> why don't we just move on instead. arizona latin teacher and the greatest name ever. professor, you said the most sexist thing in the world was putting them on a pedastool. you should not let them drive
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or vote? >> i will go with the pedastool. they are chairs. >> and brooke, you said this whole thing is sexist. interestingly the teacher says some of his female students have taken to reversing the roles and are holding open the doors for the boys et cetera. but he says the boys don't like being treated that way. >> i just think we should make the boys bow. why stand up? >> that's what greg was doing. that's what greg was doing. he was just bowing to you. > also, brooke, you said with regards to chivalry, the teachers should go out and put the boys on horses and armor and the girls chastity belt. i think we are talking about chivalry in the courtly love sense. i said more courtly love and less courtly love. sometimes i won't shut up. >> it is over and over. it is weird. >> finish man frame -- greg, you pronounced this guy's name. i believe it is ecka cartoon
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in. >> it was 80% correct on that. >> is that what they would say? allison, there is a question as to whether this guy created the point himself. one of the charges on which he was convicted was making indecent images of children. >> right. >> professor, you asked if anyone considered that the husband might have just been watching child porn and this is just a convenient excuse. well, yeah, the husband was initially arrested, but the police found evidence it was a frame by this guy. they just got a computer that contained the entire content of the husband's computer and other stuff in a garden shed at his house. >> maybe he is framing the other guy. >> that's a good point. >> that's why i have a phd. >> to me it is a note to you kids out there, if you are thinking about framing someone for child porn, get rid of the evidence afterwards. >> thank you, andy for that. >> the more you know. and lastly, on this racial --
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the rachel making 10 million. this is what happens when you have a lot of mistresses. you know this how? >> i can't say. i don't want to get greg in trouble. >> excellent deflection. >> i will let him off the hook, and i'm done. >> go away, andy. just go away. let me welcome back our guest. brooke goldstein, the director of the law fare project. gardeners use her to prune bushes. and columbia associate professor of african-american studies and if charm was an ace bandage, i would wrap him around the joint. the only thing worse than ray bes is talking babies. it was reported by people who report stuff that hollywood is developing a movie based on the talking e trade babies. the film will be a, quote, mission movie, about a bunch of talking babies trying to make their way across the playground. and it gets worse. the geniuseses in la-la land are making a remake of "look
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who's talking" yes, the same movie in 1989 earned $300 million world worldwide and spawned two sequels that inserted voice boxes into infants so they could really speak. >> monsters. >> they were later destroyed. so it begs the question, why? i ask because you don't remake perfection unless you are japan. >> ♪ >> that's how you do it. allison, why don't they make -- why don't they remake movies that suck like "the godfather" or" meatballs." >> like a do over? >> yes. >> in the beginning i thought,
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we do not need more talking babies. there are so many other things that can talk. talking ducklings, however i am really surprised this is happening, but while you were talking and listening, i was watching the footage of the talking babies and i had a change of heart and i thought, they are cute. it is like i ovulated. i don't know. >> is that what that was? >> we will get someone in here as soon as possible. >> brooke, is hollywood getting so desperate when it is creating a movie based on a 30-second commercial? >> there is nothing desperate about hollywood. are you kidding me? remakes are part and parcel of hollywood because there is a demand for it. why? i think i filled out on my census form, i want a new hollywood remake. >> that's right, is that due today? what happens if you don't send it out. >> they come to your house. they come and yell at you. >> professor, what movie thob remade? -- what movie should be remade? >> oh man, maybe a movie about
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a hip, urban black guy and a white guy and they are both cops. they go on adventures and form a bond. or maybe about a school with bad kids in it and some really cool white person comes and saves the day. >> you should move to hollywood. bill, why do people find talking babies so cool? it is not like they are talking animals. >> aren't they one in the same? babies are worse than puppies. don't get me started. professor and the greg. professor and the greg, professor and the greg 2, electric boogalow. we can get this as a three way. you can do the "look who's talking." do not touch the modern american classic that is "baby geniuses." don't lay your fingers on it, nor will you touch "super babies,"" baby geniuses 2" it is the "godfather 2" of talking baby movies. keep away. >> if they hillary make -- if
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they will base movies on imher shalls, they should be doing the activia commercials. i want to know where she goes after her yogurt. don't you? >> it would be really, really exciting. she is so healthy. she is shopping around and gets into her car. a whole movie based on an activia commercial. coming up, something so something it will something your something. bill, you disgust me. first, this something. what will our correspondent say about our most pro prolific cereal killer. aduith prolific cereal killer. aduith he will say something.t that's how interviewbust so wor.
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women. he is accused of killing others in the 70s and they think there could be more victims. he is former new york chief medical examiner. he knows riggamortis like i know ricky martin. this guy per son gnaw fies creepy. he is the creapiest guy on the planet. can't we profile creapiness? >> he was the winner on the dating game. so how can he be creepy? he was smart and intelligent and the gal who picked him didn't go out with him because he was creepy. >> do we have tape? i want to see if we have the tape from "the dating game." >> what's your best time? >> the best time is at night. nighttime. >> why do you say that? >> because that's the only time there is. >> the only time? what's wrong with morning, afternoon? >> well, they are okay, but
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nighttime is when it really gets good. >> so now when you know what he does -- >> that is the creepiest thing ever. >> it is cree pea yes, sir because at that time he killed four people. when he got on "the dating game" 32 years ago he was on" the dating game" and how hair styles have changinged in 32ers yew. >> that's true. that's not the only thing that worries me. he poses -- i have often thought about this because i worked in magazine for a longtime. he was a, quote, amateur photograph photographer and police found tons of photos of these girls. is there research on how rapists and murderers lure women by photos? >> that recurs. there have been a number of cases that i know of where the photography aspect got women to go to places they shouldn't go. even out in the desert with some famous people who got killed. that's one of the ways they attract people. >> i would say right now to
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people, if a guy comes up and says he wants to take your picture, don't do it. photographers are sleezy anyway, but some might actually kill you. am i right? >> of course you are right. it is your show. >> i like that. >> it is interesting here, there were also two cases in upstate new york. in 1979 when he killed the 12-year-old and gets identified by somebody and they catch him, then they finds out this is after the dating game and he has at least four other people dead in california. they also hooked him up now with two murders in upstate new york biden tall. in 79 there was no dna. dna doesn't come in until 89. so at that time they had a dental imprint. he -- [no audio]. >> sorry, what did you say? >> we were talking about real life. >> that makes it worse. >> how this guy can be
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responsible for 130 murders, how can someone get away with this for so long? there are parents out there. there are families who -- what happened some. >> he was white and attractive and very intelligent and supposedly a very high iq. but the business about the 130 is they found he was taking photographs, about 130 women and they are trying to identify those women. and those women are in line. there were photographs of -- all of the photographs were on-line to see if anybody could identify any of the women whose photograph he was taking in the 1970. >> i think you can come up with a test or some kind of criteria for a creep. and one of them is he claims he is a photograph photographer and is always pressuring you to take your clothes off. i say somebody who stairs. -- stairs. staring is -- your incline is not to sta re. when anybody has a weird stare, they must have studied
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this stuff. when somebody looks at you too long. >> when you go in the subway you see lots of people like that. hopefully less than 1% of the people who stair at the subway -- >> don't you think that's a natural human element not to stare and if that is missing there is a lack of empathy and the person doesn't care? they have to look. how do you catch a guy like this? this is what drives me crazy. >> i noticed that written in a scientific paper. the problem is one can argue if you think of murdering somebody you want to be subtle about it and not stair. one can argue that both ways. >> yeah, well that's creepy. do you think he killed all those people? >> probably not. he may just have lots of photos. 130 is an awful lot. but we had a doctor, the serial murder and documented the killing of 300 people and it was a doctor in england. he was a -- an old doctor and would kill people in a small
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town and they used heroin and he just killed them. he injected them and signed off the death certificate as a heart attack. >> he got away with it because healthcare is so bad in england they didn't notice. that's my theory. >> the funeral directors noticed and they reported him to the police. >> herald shipman. >> yes, shipman. he reported it and police went and looked at the death cert -- certificate. they dropped the case until he tried to forge a will. the last one he forged a will saying he was leaving everything to him. and the daughter who is a lawyer pursued it and was the one who uncovered it. number 301. >> we have to go. always a pleasure. it was a disturbing pleasure. glad the guy is behind bars. coming up, your e-mail. check out my website.
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>> hi, guys. if you are going to fight over a cheese burger wear underwear. that was great. >> mcdonalds, greatest place in the world. it is mail time and the address is red eye at fox news .com. here we go. sara leads things off. congressman mcconnor says there is a first amendment that allows you to call him whatever you want. that is a broad interpretation that allows me to call my mother a cow of a woman. people can say what they want about the government or officials there in without fear of reprisal. i will still call you a cutsie muffle because you can't get to me. sara, i can get to you. every time you send a long e-mail to me, i have my brain room go and locate your ip
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address and your actual home address. it is scary. it turns out the e-mail came from my apartment and i wrote the thing while on am -- ambiem. i'm losing my mind. i was just thinking, if i am forced to buy health insurance, you can dam well bet i can come up with my diseases. numerous colds and psoriasis and everything else i didn't come up with. oh yeah, i will need a xanax prescription and some anti-depressants meds and some medical marijuana. once you enroll, you need to share. if you don't know what you are taking, it is best to send it to me to be safe. name and town. name and town. rob and ames, iowa writes, the class is called gender and sexuality in the media. i wonder if you could share some insight on how your show is raised. i would love to share how we
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see gender and sexuality, but it will only workup close and personal. i don't have a place to stay, but i will be happy to stay with you and do some sort of power point presentation on sexuality and gender. power .-- power point is a position, right? and can you ask bill to go to the prom with me? it is only for a couple hours and then i promise i will keep my hands to myself. bill, this could be your first prom with a girl. >> i will tell you, i would love to go to the prom with you. it is a bold political move. i am glad -- wait, did you say it was a girl? >> yeah. >> no. >> wow, shocking. >> sorry. >> we will close things out with a post game wrap up with andy levy. and go to fox news .com slash red eye.
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don't forget i will be on the o'reilly factor on friday at 8 p.m. eastern and bill will be on the score scoreboard on on the fox business network at 7 p.m. >> it is because it is easter. >> i don't care. because it is easter no one is here and bill is on the nightly scoreboard. now back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> professor, you said it looks like done -- donovan mcnabb is going to be trade ?ed. >> i am happy. as long as michael vick is not his replacement. >> what did he do to philly? >> you have just from chicago. >> are you a terrible town. you hate even. -- you hate everyone. philly fans, that's unreal. poor donovan. go on, mark. >> i'm with you, bill. >> brooke, what exactly is a law fair project? >> it is a recently
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established not for profit group who raises funds and go to the law fare project .org and it is lawfare. >> cool. allison, what is this on your head? >> that is my new sponsor hat which i made myself. that's a scene from my show, my weekly internet show on you stream. now i have sponsors, but i don't have probing values or commercials -- production values or commercial. now i put on my hat and show i am selling the clap out of something. >> what were you selling? >> there? that hat. an eek logical water treatment solution for real. it is not sexy, but it is good for the environment. >> back to you, greg. >> excellent. put that away. >> can i pre order that, andy? >> thank you, andy. >> great job first time bill shultz you suck.
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