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tv   America Live  FOX News  April 2, 2010 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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kelly. the white house making news on the only deal with any hopes of stopping the iranians, we're going to show you what just happened. and eye-opening new polls about what americans think of the direction of this country, a big story is brewing there. >> [bleep] [bleep] >> where's that [bleep] coming from? >> no, that's not a foreign battleground, that is chaos on the streets of chicago. new information coming in on that wild west shootout in the windy city all on "america live" right now. we start this hour awaiting pope benedict the 16th, set to take part in the cross proversion at the coliseum in rome in commemoration of good friday. ♪
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>> the pope and more than a billion catholicses worldwide marking this holy and somber day before easter sunday. the video coming in from the vatican about an hour ago. fox news channel's greg burke is streaming live from rome, what can we expect to hear and see from the pope at 3:00? >> reporter: well, shannon, it's a very busy day for the pope. he's finishing up that commemoration of the passion in st. peter's basilica. you'll see about ten times as many people around the coliseum for the way of the cross. it is a very solemn moment and certainly a poignant one. five years ago the pope talked about cleaning up filth in the church. it is, of course, a day when they are talking about sin and repentance, so we'll see tonight in if he does refer to these scandals.
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he has not this week so far. >> and what is on the pope's schedule for the next couple of days? >> reporter: well, it's a very busy week always, and these are sort of the last three big days. the two events today and then tomorrow night there is the easter vigil which is sort of like an early easter sunday mass. again on sunday morning the easter sunday mass as well as st. peter's, and then something everybody's waiting for because the pope does it in so many languages, he gives his easter greetings in about 60 different languages each year, and also normally a little appeal for peace, a little look around the world to see what's going there. it's an interesting global thing to see what's on the pope's mind but mostly preaching the joy of easter and giving people their easter greetings. shannon? >> and holy week is the focus, but also the church has been dealing with scandal that's popped up and accelerated in recent weeks. what can you tell us about how the pope is addressing or not addressing that? >> reporter: well, the pope himself seems to be weathering
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it quite well. in terms of the vatican, i think, they've come out against "the new york times" pretty hard, a couple of cardinals and bishops, because a lot of questions about the times' reporting. the times has really taken the lead in it. and just tonight from about an hour ago, the preacher of the papal household saying that he got a letter from a jewish friend this week saying that basically what he's seen, attacks on the pope and the church, remind him of the worst things he's seen in anti-semitism, taking personal guilt and making it collect i have. once again, the vatican sort of shooting back against those going against the church. >> thank you, greg. well, thousands of troops in afghanistan, iraq and really all over the world are standing duty over this holiday weekend, but a fortunate few got treated to an emotional home coming. this is some great video in colorado returning after a yearlong deployment in iraq. they represent the largest unit to be mobilized since world war
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ii, and every single one of them made it home safely today. and in phoenix, arizona, a happy homecoming for an army national guardsman, he got to hold his infant son for the very first time. another soldier took a good luck charm with him to remind him of his precious loved ones. >> my daughter's cabbage patch doll. it's gone everywhere with me, you know? when we moved out of here. >> love that. well, we're going to get to hear from many of our soldiers serving overseas. we look forward to celebrating and honoring them. and as troops draw down in iraq, they are quickly ramping up in afghanistan. admiral mike mullen says nearly half of the 30,000 troops are already in theater gearing up for what's being called the cornerstone of the surge effort. that's the battle for kandahar. oliver north is streaming live in afghanistan. colonel north, what is the very latest in the operation?
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>> reporter: shannon, they're shaping the battlefield. what's happening, of course, and you can hear the noise of jets over top of me, but they're shaping the battlefield for what is expected to be the last major effort in this campaign against the narco terrorists, the taliban. shannon, right now we're embedded with a u.s. dea special operations task force here in kandahar, one of the dea things they bring to this fight against the taliban opium networks is the ability to strike quickly from the air. you may be surprised at the aircraft they're flying. this is an mi-17 russian helicopter. twenty-five years i practiced on how to shoot them down. now, in a surreal experience, we go to war on them.
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sean is an american. he's trained by the u.s. army, but he's flying a russian aircraft. sean, tell our viewers what this aircraft is. >> this is a russian mi-17 helicopter. >> and why are we using these on these missions instead of american helicopters? >> these helicopters are a lot cheaper to come by, they're easier to maintain. the parts are, however, being controlled by the russians, so it's kind of hard to get parts. >> how many missions have you been on out here? >> i would say probably around 20-25. >> reporter: on missions we've been on, they fly very low and very fast. it's the safest way to avoid enemy fire. it also speaks to their skill and daring. shannon, what you're seeing, of course, are remarkable young americans like the ones you were speaking of just a few moments ago that have put themselves on the line out here doing an absolutely remarkable job even with russian helicopters.
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shannon? >> all right, colonel, thank you so much. a good friday to you and everyone serving out there. big security changes today, the white house announcing new screening standards for passengers flying into the u.s. homeland security secretary janet napolitano saying the new system will focus on specific threats. this will replace mandatory secondary screenings of the passengers from countries that are considered state sponsors of terror. the new rules come after a review of security at international airports following the attempted christmas day attack on a u.s. jet liner headed to detroit. now, in case you're online where you're watching today, we'd love for you to check in. click on, read much more about how these changes could effect your travels. again, check in at a new warning from the fbi today about anti-government messages going out to some state capitols. fox news confirming at least seven governors have received threatening letters demanding they resign or else they will be
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removed. steve centanni's running this down from the washington, d.c. newsroom. steve, great to see you today. what exactly is this letter all about? >> reporter: shannon, it's a demand from an anti-government group that the governors step down in these states, step down in three days or else be removed. now, the fbi along with the department of homeland security put out what they call an intelligence note warning local authorities about these letters. the intelligence note says there's no specific threats contained in the letters, but they're worried it could encourage others to act out violently. >> do we know and governors have gotten these letters so far? >> reporter: well, the the associated press says at least 30 governors were sent the letters, and so far fox has confirmed seven got them. two of those were louisiana governor bobby jindal, an official with the louisiana state police telling fox news this is not a credible threat to the governor or to the people of louisiana. and governor jennifer granholm of michigan received one of
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well, federal officials alerted her the letter would be coming, and it did arrive on monday of this week. so any three-day deadline for the governor to leave her job has already come and gone. >> all right. so what do we know about this group, these people who are sending the letters? >> reporter: it's a group called the guardians of the free republic which put forth on its web site a plan to, quote, restore america by peacefully dismantling many of if -- the institutions of the federal government. nine members of the hurricane hutarees arrested over the weekend now facing a variety of charges. >> thank you, steve centanni, from washington. this is a fox news alert, big breaking news today on iran. it's hard to tell which way it's breaking. there is new pressure to stop iran's nuke program after the s r cia -- cia admitted these guys can probably build a bomb. china is saying something
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different, and iran is, too, and what about israel? how do they factor in? we're going to show you what they're doing when ambassador john bolton joins us in just three minutes. tea party protesters aren't the only ones who think washington is not listening. polls suggest 75% of the country now thinks their views are not being represented, but we saved the really interesting numbers for our debate coming up in about ten minutes. ♪ >> california, i'm with the 49th military police brigade, and today i want to say happy easter to my son anthony and my daughter, charlie. i love you very much, and i can't wait to see you again soon. [ female announcer ] breathe right asks... [ woman ] could i ask you to strip on the street? absolutely! i have a lot of stuffiness at night. it wakes me up.
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shannon: a federal judge now deciding whether to release eight suspected militia members on bail. a total of nine people were arrested thursday, eight of them now being held near detroit, a ninth in indiana. they are all charged with plotting to wage war on the u.s.
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including a plan to target police with homemade bombs. a judge may keep the eight suspects behind bars or release them pending trial. the prosecutor, as you'd expect, is appealing to keep all of the suspects locked up. well, just a moment agnew word from the white house that china will be helping the u.s. halt the iranian nuke problem. the cia admitted earlier this week iran likely has the ability to build an actual weapon, but now there's some confusion about that white house announcement. chinese leaders spoke this morning and did not sound very interested in pressuring the iranians. ambassador john bolten joins us now. who do we trust? who's right, who's wrong? we're getting so many different stories on where china stands. >> i think actually china stands in the same place it's stood for the past eight years. it doesn't want iran to have nuke lab weapons capability, it doesn't have any faith that sanctions are the way to
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proceed, and it wants to resolve the issue dip plomatically, so i think we're in for some long period of time, weeks if not months, of negotiation over a sanctions resolution, and that's basically repeating a pattern we've seen in three previous security council sanctions resolutions on iran. shannon: we know that iran's top nuclear negotiator has been in beijing, apparently told reporters china is with us. they understand iran's position. and then we have the white house saying and we're hearing from white house spokesman robert gibbs, hey, we're working with china, with our counterparts, we're very pleased with the progress, they're with us. are they possibly playing both sides of the table, or are we just getting conflicting messages? >> heaven forbid that that would be the case. you know, never discount the ability of people to hear what they want to hear both in the white house and from the iranian side. and don't discount china speaking in very nuanced terms as they say in diplomacy that allows both sides to hear what they want to hear.
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i think what we're going to see is, number one, not much action for the next two weeks because there's a nuclear security summit here in washington. i think russia -- let's not forget their role here -- and china are both going to be saying at the negotiating level let's let the leaders talk at the summit in washington. so if nothing else, that, in effect, the white house has slowed down its own sanctions strategy. shannon: and sanctions haven't worked so far, ambassador. why do we continue to think they're going to eventually solve the problem? is. >> well, i think, in fact, sanctions have now become counterproductive because it gives people the feeling that we're going something when we're not. you have to understand this is a race between iran trying to get a nuclear weapons capability and sanctions kind of bringing up the rear trying to slow them down. in fact, the president himself said today that he wants to ratchet up pressure on iran and see what happens step by step. the iranians aren't waiting for the ratchets to happen here, not that there's been much ratcheting in the past two years
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since the last sanctions resolution anyway. so if you treat this as a metaphor of a race, the iranians are very close to the finish line of getting nuclear weapons, and the sanctions are way, way behind. shannon: yeah, you know, we have the report out from the cia saying they're pretty much closer than they've ever been, they maybe just a hair's breath away from building a nuclear weapon. so how close are they, is there anything that can be with done or are we going to have to accept iran's got a nuke laugh weapon? >> the long pole in the tent has always been the uranium enrichment issue, and the iranians have enough right now for one, maybe two, maybe more nuclear weapons. the technology to build the weapon itself is not that hard, it's the enriched uranium that you really need. so i think it's just blinking at reality here to think that sanctions, even if you could get a fourth sanctions resolution quickly, even if it were really a tough resolution, it's not going to be able to slow the iranians down from pursuing
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nuclear weapons, really, at the pace that they want to proceed. shannon: is there anything at this point that could stop them? >> i think if you had to bet right now, you'd bet iran would get nuclear weapons, and the only thing out there, and it's an unattractive alternative, the only thing out there is the possibility of using military force against their nuclear weapons program. i don't see that from the obama administration. i think really the focus, the spotlight's on israel to see what they do over the next months. shannon: and we will have michael goodwin on in just a little bit from "the new york post." thank you for your time, always great to see you. >> thank you very much. shannon: new information at the breaking news desk at a night -- about a night of violence in chicago. two separate shootouts, several people dead. and we've also got the dramatic video showing what happened when cops arrived on the scene as bullets were still flying. it is amazing. plus, new developments on a powerful case headed to the supreme court. should the father of a dead marine be forced to pay the
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legal fees for a hateful protest group who showed up trying to disrupt his son's funeral? megyn kelly, bill o'reilly, a must-see debate. those two square off. you'll see it ahead on "america live." >> here's where you're so desperately wrong, okay? and i mean desperately wrong. this is as wrong as i've ever seen you -- >> you're talking from your heart and not from your head.nae >> no, no. so, to turn those vegetables into campbell's condensed soup, we don't boil it down, our chefs just add less water from the start. ♪ so many, many reasons ♪ it's so m'm! m'm! good! ♪
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shannon: an update, now, on a bit of good news if the story of a college graduate betten this the mexico. joseph rooker is now strong enough to breathe on his own after days of being on a ventilator. it's been more than two weeks since that vicious attack he suffered. the rutgers university graduate was severely beaten on spring bake vacation at cancun.
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he was apparently sleeping by the pool and found at sunrise with massive head injuries. all right, who says there's no such thing as a free lunch? fast food chains are offering free food to bring in customers during these slow economic times, but it's what they're giving away that has critics blasting the promotions. phil keating live in miami, people camping out to get free food? is what's it all about? >> reporter: so true. it's about a tough economy right now, and when you have free food for an entire year being offered, well, you're going to lure a lot of people to park it on the sidewalk, and that's exactly what happened in houston this week. this actually happens every time chick-fil-a opens up a new franchise, and this is maybe 1100-plus x number of stores here. this is their latest, and people were there excited to go to chick-fil-a, and every single one of them get a voucher for a free combo meal once a week for an entire year.
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denny's also offering a nationwide free meal promo right now, and so far 600,000 americans have logged on and submitted their names to win 52 grand slams. now, nobody can eat 52 grand slams in one sitting, so the concept here is they're going to be inviting a whole bunch of friends. one grand slam meal typically is one person's recommended daily caloric intake, half of that amount. that's why nutritionists don't necessarily see a whole lot of good here, they see a whole lot of calories. >> the contests can seem like they're lower cost and, you know, budget-friendly, but the bottom line is that the more you're eating out, the more calories, the more fat, the more salt you're getting. >> reporter: keep in mind just this week that study was published by the journal name neuroscience, a study was done on rats which found that feeding them high-calorie meals actually led the rats to become
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compulsive eaters. no direct segway to humans, but certainly very interesting scientific research that will be further explored. shannon? shannon: it's true with me when it comes to chick-fil-a, i'm a little obsessed with them. thank you very much for the update, phil. >> reporter: all right. shannon: well, a wild shootout on the streets of chicago, a hail of gunfire, people running for cover and all of this is caught on tape. we're going to show you how this entire scene played out. and check this out, a florida doctor making it very clear; if you supported president obama's health care reform, your business not welcome with him. now, believe us when we tell you this story did not end with this note. more on that coming up. >> hi. i'm with the 49th infantry brigade here at camp prosperity. i'm from oakland, california, i just wanted to say happy easter to my family. i love you, girls, you guys are the most wonderful thing in my
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life. love you. (announcer) we're in the energy business. but we're also in the showing-kids- new-worlds business. and the startup-capital- for-barbers business. and the this-won't- hurt-a-bit business. because we don't just work here. we live here. these are our families. and our neighbors. and by changing lives we're in more than the energy business we're in the human energy business. chevron.
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megyn: buges flies, cameras rolling in the city of chicago. we're just now hearing at least 16 people were shot in the windy city last night, two of them were killed and even the police came under serious fire and the whole thing was caught on tape. trace gallagher is in the newsroom. this is amazing video. >> reporter: we hope our viewers have never been involved in a gun fight before, shannon, because they're about to be. there were a number of shootings around the chicago area last night but one of them a video journalist is on scene, 16 people were shot around the city, he was there. watch this. >> you can hear the
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swearing, right, the obscenities. we bleeped them out. you can also see the chaos. what happened, at 1:00 in the morning police responded to a shooting on this very corner, the cops are there, they're investigating, the video journalist shows up and starts taping the investigation. fifteen minutes later, shots ring out again. the photographers says at that point in time, all hell broke loose. you can see there, people were running, ducking for cover, at one point in time, the police actually thought they were the ones that were being targeted in this shooting. it -- it turns out they were not targeted but two other people were hit in this, police gave chase, you've seen the scene, a lot of people, a lot of people involved in shooting across chicago. six people as a result of all these various shootings, shannon, are in custody. they believe this is all gang-related. but on this very same street corner, within 20 minutes, you had eight people shot. eight people, within 20
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minutes on the same corner in the south side of chicago. they are still looking for other suspects on a bloody night in the window city. shannon. >> you just never know these days with technology what's going to be caught on tape. that is amazing, trace, thank you. >> this is. >> the saint peter's basilica marks good friday as millions of christians do the same around the world. the faa lifting a ban on allows pie -- allowing pilots to take antidepression medication. an arizona police in a smuggling ring, one person taken into custody was rushed to the hospital, she reportedly hadn't had food or father in four days. many americans say that on new numbers showing up today they're fed up and believe the country is moving in the wrong direction. take a look at the recent
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average of national polls from real clear politics. today, almost 60 percent of voters say we are on the wrong track. check it out, compared to only 34 percent who say we're actually moving in the right direction. why is there such a huge gap? you can see it's been widening and widening over the month there. crist neilsen is gop pollster and strategist, bernard whitman is a pollster for former president bill clinton. welcome to you bath. -- to you both. is this about health care our something much bigger? >> it's much bigger and it's not that surprising. since obama has taken over, all he's managed to do is skyrocket the debt, massively expand the role of government, passed a health care bill that the american people don't want. its direction is worse for the country and we'll see it get worse as we get closer to election day. >> if you look over the past year we've been at this level for almost a year with the exception of two months and the issue is far beyond health care. i do agree with gris it's
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about the economy, it's about jobs, it's about people worried about their financial future, but there is some bright news on the horizon. the jobs numbers from today show positive growth, we added 162,000 jobs in march, which is the first time in over two years that we've actually added jobs rather than lost jobs. obama just signed an $18 billion jobs bill, the dow is closing in on 11,000, the house passed the small business bill and is getting steam in the senate, that's going to cut capital gains for small business, so i think that smile americans are clearly worried it's going to get worse before it gets better there are a number of encouraging signs out there. >> apparently 60 percent of the american people aren't yet taking hold of those encouraging signs, they're not seeing them. at 60 percent, some people will say these are angry republicans, people who would never say anything nice about the administration or where the country is going because they wouldn't want to credit the president with anything but not 60 percent of
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americans would identify themselves as republicans, so who else is in this country? >> it's a lot of independents and you what you have here is the majority of americans moving over and recognizing that to bernard's point about the unemployment numbers going up, it's all government jobs. it's jobs being created through the stimulus package and putting people on the government payroll. that's not why people voted for barack obama, and it's a challenge for people like us in middle america, is that barack obama is kind of the perfect liberal, he passes policies or pushes policies that people in new york or san francisco love, and they jets around the world to meet with international leaders while most of us are hurting and it's not just republicans, it's independents in the middle and that's where the numbers are coming up. congressional districts, statewide survey, you're seeing the wrong track numbers in the 80, 90 percentile range in middle america, and from that standpoint it's going to be a huge backlash on the democrats on election day. >> bernard, let me ask you about that. there are so many different issues. we know they're going to have to address health care which democrats say by then people will understand better, it will be a
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positive rallying point in the fall for democrats, while republicans express a lot of skepticism about that happening. people are worried about other things, about illegal immigration, about government control, distrust for government, they don't like incumbents were less of which -- regardless of which party they're coming from. how do democrats capitalize on it in the fall? >> the most important things democrats have to focus on is jobs, jobs, jobs, which is why we have to pass the jobs creation bill, it's why we have to explain to the american people the true benefits of health care reform, but most importantly we need to have movement in the congress, both on jobs and on financial reform regulation. i think ultimately, if we can communicate clearly to the american people the benefits of lower drug prices and the lack of people being kicked out of their health insurance for being kick or having preexisting conditions, if we can actually get some of these jobs bills passed, start putting people back to work, and i tell you, cutting social security taxes for employers, that's
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not putting people on the government payroll, that is helping small businesses where they need it most, giving tax credits to small businesses to help them pay for health care, unleashing entrepreneurialship for people who have been stuck in dead-end jobs because they're afraid to lose and move because they're afraid to lose their health insurance. these are job creation bills, and i think by fall the american people are going to understand that and will be able to do just fine in the midterm elections. >> chris, it's clear right now from the polling, they don't get that. why not? >> well, they don't, because from our point, you had all these jobs created supposedly, yet employment is at 9.7%, and that's real employment. what about functional employment which shows it's in the mid teens level because that's people moving around, giving up looking for a job or taking a job for which they're underemployed. jobs are created but unemployment stays the same, that's because they are government jobs. i would agree 100 percent with bernard's point, if we had a situation where anything the obama administration was doing was creating private sector jobs or cutting money in the
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pocket of middle class americans then you wouldn't see the kind of numbers you do right now. to a point earlier about obama's policies, the people they favor, what you're going to have is people standing around at cocktail parties the day after election day saying how, i can't believe this republican wave flipped mek, nobody i know voted for them and what you're going to see is a different house and senate come election day. >> thank you for a spirited and fair debate. thank you both. >> thank you. >> new details this hour on a daring doctor in florida. he thinks the health care overhaul is bad medicine. and he's sending his patients a serious message. you can bet that touched off a firestorm. in three minutes we're going to show you what happened, since this sign went up. and your jail, you want tv, lights? you better get on the bike and pedal to make it happen.
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>> an arizona sheriff wants his inmates to feel the burn joe aripiro who claims to be america was toughest sheriff is taking off on pedal vision, basically if inmates want to watch tv they have to pedal away on a cities airy bike, they generate enough power to keep the tvs running and what are they watching? the sheriff tells us. >> we usually show the weather channel and the food channel and c-span. that's the political channel now because of the great work you are doing, you can watch any local channel. >> hopefully fox will get added. so far female inmates have to do this because he thinks they're overweight. why not everybody! it's a program -- if the
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program goes well we're told the men will get a turn at this as well. if you voted for the president and you're looking for a urologist, get lost! that's what one disgruntled md says, quote, if you voted for obama, seek your urologic care elsewhere. changes to your health care begin now. not in four years. urologist jack fissell saying he would not turn anyone anyway, that would be unethical but you can bet this has them buzzing in orlando and beyond. a radio talk show host from orlando, florida joins us. you say the lines were jammed with this story. >> good day from orlando, shannon, great to be with you, absolutely people were on fire about this story, and almost unanimously backing the doctor's right to free speech, and expressing their own concerns about the new
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health care law of the land, aka obamacare. >> i understand there are many twists and turns to this, the doctor also has a life who's a lawyer and gop candidate for county commissioner, the doctor has also put materials in his waiting room prepared by the gop which show a timeline and are very critical of obamacare. do folks really think that's the kind of thing they should be seeing when they show up for aure lolingsic checkup? >> it's unprecedented. dr. kissell operates in mount dora, a huge, older snow bird population in the winter, and a population i think skews over the rest of the year. it's an absolutely delightful, almost idealic place to live. he's not the only urologist in town so it's not like he mass a monopoly here. he said he put this up like a provocative billboard, it's about patient education and once you get in, he
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doesn't quiz you, he'll give you the same care as if you voted for barack obama, because he's not going to know, he won't ask, you said the version of don't scrks don't tell. but there's a second sign that you need to know about that acoes the photos in the waiting room, it says which is who the morons in washington have done to your health care, take one and read testimony the doctor blames the voters because the voters put barack obama in office and if he were not in office, the health care reform he thinks is bad for his practice is bad for his patients and is bad for america, could never have happened. he wants to educate them so the next time they go to the ballot box, they vote out the people who are doing what he believes is destroying america. that's where he's coming from, he says this is all about a fundamental first amendment right of free expression and free speech and he is exercising his. >> somebody who has to worry about the ballot box is representative allen greyson from central florida, a democrat who took to the far
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and -- floor and set the gop plan is if you get sick, hurry up and die. i got to imagine he's had a comment on this. >> it was interesting, i talked to the doctor a short time ago and i'm going to have him on my show on wfla. he says greyson is wrong, it's the democrats who drove obamacare through, who really want americans, if they get sick, to die quickly, because he says this is all about rationing health care, it is all about making tests harder to get that you need, it is all about the delays, waiting people out around they're not around anymore, ultimately to cut down on the cost of health care, and he says listen, greyson is wrong, it's the democrats who say if you get sick in america, die quickly. greyson is on fire about this. he's angry, he says it's disgusting, and of course allen greyson, distribute
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congressman here, is never short on strong opinion, so definitely the fires have been stoked here politically, as well as medically. >> and we know that health care polled not so well in florida, there is definitely an older population and certainly in that area folks in retirement age and older who are concerned about what's going to happen to their health care. do you think that's why this doctor was emboldened to step up and speak out the way he is? >> i think he would have done it in any environment, anywhere, because he said he was just -- couldn't sleep at night, he was sick at heart about this, and he said he had to make a bold statement, and at least he can do that, he's not denying care, but there's no question that president obama is in trouble in the state of florida, for a number of reasons. the polls against obamacare skew against him more strongly here than elsewhere, the last poll was 54 percent opposed, only 34 percent in favor of his health care reform, and part of that is the older population, they hear about medicare cuts, health care
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rationing and et cetera and it's understandable why the polls would be as they are. he's making a lot more friends where he is in mount dora, florida, i guarantee you, than he is lose, he says he is getting absolutely overwhelming support and that's what we found on the radio today. >> bud, thank you for covering this for us today and we'll keep an eye on this and the doctor is going to be on with neil cavuto in the 4:00 p.m. hour. you'll hear from him when he talks with neil cavuto later today. with health care behind us for now, what is the next big battle in washington, is it immigration, cap and trade? maybe a surprise. carl cameron has all the answers for us just ahead. also, israel is now facing a life or death decision on iran. we're going to show you what's happening there today, just ahead.
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>> this is a fox news alert, we're getting in tbhiews the # my laisha members who were arrested earlier this week, trace gallagher is bringing us the latest. >> reporter: it's the hutaree militia, a judge ordering they are being held. there was a question about whether they may have been given bond, because they are being held in michigan, we're talking about these eight. the ninth was arrested in indiana. that will be decided at a later point. this is the militia, remember, that had plotted to overthrow the government, the plan was three steps: one, they were going to lure a police officer into a trap and then kill the police officer. and when that officer's funeral came around, they were going to boobie trap the funeral to kill more police officers, and the ultimate goal was to get the government to come to them. it all kind of worked out where the fbi used this to get to where the weapons
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were and that's when the fbi moved in to capture these eight alleged militia members of the hutaree we're talking about here, planning to overthrow the government. it is a big win for the fbi, it means that these eight people, the ninth yet to be determined, will remain in custody for the time being, shannon. >> trace, i know it's a long way off. do we have any idea of a timeline for a hearing or when they actually get the trial? >> there's nothing on that right now. they were just talking about t. it crossed literally about 15 or 20 seconds ago, that the judge decided to hold them. as we get more information about what the judge has decided as far as further hearings go, we'll bring that to you. but for the time being, they have ruled they will be held. >> all right, thank you very much, trace. >> sure. >> all right, much more than just health care on the table in the runup to november, energy, immigration, cap and trade, all said to be hot topics on the road to the 2010
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elections, all of them poke for examplal points for president obama in his bid for the white house but none of them getting as much progress or attention in washington as the battle was really all about health care for more than a year. carl cameron joins us live in washington with a peek ahead. hi carl. >> reporter: hi shannon. there are a lot of real current polls on immigration and cap and trade and how it plays out with the public and the most recent one suggests it was a fairly close split with an even divide in terms of democrats and republicans and independents. first, let's just take a look at where congress is in terms of its own approval as they head out for the campaign year, 2010. it's a record low approval rate, 18 1/2%, and the disapproval rate is at 76.2. it's worth noting that that's the aggregate of congress, the republicans, the democrats and the very few independents who are actually members of the 535 or so, and so republicans take a bit of a hit for that, too, but it's the legislative agenda that has made those numbers so unsavory and health care is the singular achievement for
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democrats in the obama administration at this point, the crown jewel thus far. take a look at how now that it's passed the latest poll shows that there is still a large number of people opposed to it. half of the country is opposed to what's now the law of the land, and only 40 percent are in favor of it. so you can see that democrats are exceedingly vulnerable on this, and there's other ways to look at it as well, shannon. you can take a look at how party registration has been affected in the first one four-months of the bin laden administration. republican voter registration has actually ticked up a little bit in the last couple of weeks. democrats with voter registration has been dropping significantly. both political parties, frankly, with anemic, and the only place where there's serious growth is the registered voters who choose not to declare themselves, or call themselves inden. it seems as though many are turning away from the parties and what they are looking at is a congressional agenda in washington that is not leaving them excited to vote for anybody. in fact that's what's giving rise to a lot of the
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atmosphere. >> you're plugged into this stuff better than anybody else. you mentioned that throw the bums out situation. i know rasmussen showed last weekend, people asked if you had to get rid of everybody, 68 percent said throw out all the incumbents. which party is in trouble because of that? we know by the numbers the democrats have more at stake but who really wins in that situation? >> obviously the democrats are the majority so they have the most at stake just in terms of the bottom line. but it's also true that for the first time in ages, the gallup generic poll, the poll where voters are asked if you could pick a republican or democrat to be your congressman right now, what would you pick, those polls are often considered to be slightly skewed towards democrats, but in fact, for now, republicans actually have a lead. so i think 47-44 percent. so for the general public across the country to be saying they would prefer a republican to whatever they have now, taliban a republican, democrat or independent, is really pretty remarkable, and another sign of just how confident republicans are that they can do well in the upcoming mid terms.
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we talked yesterday about the magic numbers, 41 seats have to pick up in the house and ten in the senate. they're not there yet but they're close and there's seven months to go, and all the discussion of good job numbers today, the economy and how democrats are going to focus on that can't escape health care and cap and trade and immigration because all of those in one way or the other are pocketbook issues, too. >> carl, you will be watching, they won't get away with anything. thank you carl. >> thanks. >> brand new security steps going into effect for air travelers as we see, today. what the changes are, and why now. and also this story, igniting strong emotions across the country, protestors at a fallen marine fuelral, and -- funeral and free speech going all the way to the supreme court. megyn kelly goes head to head with bill o'reilly and the fireworks explode. that's in five minutes. >> they just rubbed the guy's face in it. >> the guys were too late. >> it doesn't matter. >> it does matter, bill!
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in your words, it may not matter. in the actual law, it matters. 8 extra-strength tylenol... a day on the days that you have arthritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number... of pills compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills. just 2 aleve have the strength... to relieve arthritis pain all day. the charcoal went out already? [ sighs ] forget it. [ male announcer ] there's more barbeque time in every bag of kingsford charcoal. kingsford. slow down and grill.
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es... in every bag of kingsford charcoal. there is a medicare benefit that may qualify you for a new power chair or scooter at little to no cost to you. at the scooter store, we're experts at getting you the scooter or power chair you need. mc: your power chair will be paid in full. woman: i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. end tag: call the number on your screen for your free information.
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shannon: this is a fox news alert. new security measures heading to our nation's airports. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america live." the government overhauling security announcing new
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screening methods for every single flight. how is this all going to work? >> reporter: the administration is taking specific threat information and look for people who fit the profile. if they have intelligence a white female from saudi arabia is a threat, this replaces a list of 4 countries that require extra security. from the christmas day bombing through now if you were traveling through those mainly muslim countries you got extra patdowns and checks. that does now go away. shannon: a lot of people will be out there flying. how will it affect them. >> reporter: just foreign flights coming here. you may notice extra screening including explosive trace detection and canine teams and
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patdown. but a lot of it depends on the threat intelligence that day. if you fit the profile of who they are look for, you will notice. shannon: people start to raise questions and concerns whether there is racial or religious profiling. is that the case? >> reporter: the race and religion are two things that could come into play. if you look at the accused underwear bomber, any fitting that profile would have gotten that extra scrutiny. if you look at old standard of those 14 countries, those were mainly muslim countries so that got complaints it was religious profiling as well. shannon: it looks like somali pirates could be at it again. they seized a 79-ton fishing
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trawler. it appears the pirates are taking it back to their base on the somali coast. a new photo just in to our newsroom. it show the a flagship of that combined maritime task force conduct operations throughout that region. u.s. forces scrambling to pull out of that country as we ram up operations in afghanistan. decisions have to be made about the heavy equipment and things we have still in iraq. mike, let me first ask you, it's got to be a huge logistical nightmare to shift all this military equipment. >> reporter: it's a lot of armored equipment and getting it from iraq to afghanistan
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presents logistical challenges. >> some of the equipment we'll get out of iraq does not have the latest armor on it. we have to change engines, suspensions, transmissions as well as adding on the latest armor before we push it forward. but we are trying to get it to our troops in the best condition possible before they realize they need it. shannon: he mentioned these combat vehicles that never have the right kind of armor. what will happen to them? >> reporter: they have a huge operation in kuwait making assessments about whether it should go back to the united states for training purposes or pushed forward into afghanistan or whether it could be sold to allies in the region around iraq. so a comprehensive operation
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underway to try to use the equipment as efficiently as possible to get the very best stuff to the troops in theater. shannon: it sounds like overall maintenance operations will be a vital role shifting our emphasis from iraq to afghanistan. >> reporter: no question about that. will the colonel webster told us he put 20,000 miles on his vehicle. when you combine the sands, the conditions of the roads, the equipment needs a lot of work when it comes out of country. shannon: a lot of work there for everyone involved. thank you very much. another major company saying the healthcare overhaul will have a big impact on their bottom line. verizon communications says $970 million in the first quarter.
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the healthcare law eliminated a prescription drug credit. so far at least 15 major companies have reported $2.8 billion in charges related to the healthcare overhaul. just about an hour ago we heard the president saying we are turning a corner to recovery. he's calling his new jobs report this morning the best in two years. the new numbers telling part of the story. but there is still a big group of people look for more work for months. we are talking about the long-term unemployment. those without a job for 27 weeks. anita vogel is in los angeles live. what are you hearing about the numbers from folks on the ground there? >> reporter: we did visit a
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call center, a job center yesterday. and we looked at an interesting survey. 1,200 adults were surveyed. they said they are willing to make some serious concessions to get a new job or keep a job. this is according to harris poll 76% are willing to take a pay cut to keep their job. this sentiment could affect future spending. >> employee confidence is a precursor to consumer confidence. you are unlikely to make pentures like -- even likely to make expenditures like buying a new car or a new house. >> reporter: half of the people work out there this year
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expect to get a raise this year. shannon: i like the sound of that. what about those out there? they have been unemployed, they are look for work, still not find can it yet? >> reporter: it is tough. they are pounding the pavement. they are willing to take the first job that comes their way. we were at job center yesterday. people were looking for any kind of help they could get. they say no matter how positive those jobs numbers were that came out today, they are not feeling it just yet. >> people are willing to take a cut in pay just to reenter the workforce and if necessary work their way up. >> reporter: then there is this soaring statistic. our brain room did a little research for us and found it
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would take 51 consecutive months of growth at that rate to make up for the jobs lost since the recession started in 2007. that's something to think about as well. shannon: thank you very much. with the focus shifting from healthcare to the economy, log on to and follow our series "road to recovery." those stories and much more at simply click on the "road to recovery" able at the top of our home page. israel could be facing a life or death decision with not much time to make it. see what is making that decision even more difficult for that country. the case is head to the supreme court, but first megyn kelly and bill o'reilly hammer out the
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issues in three minutes. >> you are wrong on that. >> i am not wrong it's an option. discretionary, what does that mean? mers mers who raise vegetables in campbell's condensed soup. so if you've ever wondered who grew my soup, well, here they are. ♪ so many, many reasons ♪ it's so m'm! m'm! good! ♪
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shannon: in washington state investigators are working the scene of a deadly explosion at an oil refinery. three people were killed, four were rushed to the hospital with severe burns. no word yet on what triggered the explosion. people living near the refinery said their homes shook and flames shot hundreds of feet into the sky. an explosive debate over a court decision that stunned a lot of people. marine lance corporal matthew snyder was killed in iraq. his funeral interrupted by
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bigoted protesters from the westboro church. his family sued the church and won, but an appeals court reversed the decision and ordered the family to pay the church's legal costs. bill o'reilly debated with megyn kelly. >> the supreme court in october, what do you expect to happen there? >> it will be a close decision it's good news for mr. snyder they took it. but this is going to be a close one, bill. because the law is not clear. the question is where do -- where does one side's first amendment right end and. >> the's begin. usually the supreme court is protective of the rights of free speech. what you said in the last part of your talking points is right.
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that right for free speech is not absolute. there are limits that can be placed on it specifically with the time, place and manner of the speech. the westboro baptist church has a good argument. the facts in the brief say they were 1,000 feet away and the testimony is undisputed that father didn't see them when he attended the funeral. he only saw them later on the tv broadcasts. as a legal matter that does not help him. so the supreme court will have to decide whether the church crossed the boundaries. there is no question these lunatics at this church have the right to do this. the only question is where and how. and now as a result of this case more and more states passed laws you can't get anywhere near the actual funeral. >> whether it was 30 feet or 300 feet, that does make a difference, i guess. but what is in play here are a number of things. let's take the appeals court in
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virginia. i don't know if you know this. but the appeals court, these three pin headed judges, they found that inteadges inflisks emotion -- the intentional infliction of emotional distress case that the family made was not valid. >> no, they didn't. they were not sympathetic to that charge. >> let me explain where you are wrong. two judges threw it out on first amendment grounds. one judge concurred with the overall results and said i would throw it out for the following reason and that was the only judge to say the actual merits. >> the others didn't contradict that. >> they don't have to. >> it stands they didn't care. >> i have to stand up for these judges. i'm not -- this a close legal case under anybody's legal
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analysis. >> they let it hang in the air about we don't know if there is intentional infliction of emotional distress. >> the other concurred and said i agree with the judgment. >> it's not a matter of need, it's a matter of what's right. then they piled on -- then they piled on by saying you have to pay $16,000 when they didn't have to do that. they piled on and they didn't have to do it. >> you are wrong on that, too. >> no i'm not wrong. it was an option. they did not have some do it. it's discretionary. what does discretionary mean. >> what happens in appeals like this all the time as a matter of course, the winning party gets their costs paid. >> it's discretionary. >> not the attorney's fees, the costs. so the winners submitted a document asking for costs.
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mr. snyder did that. he filed a brief late. this matter in appellate cases. he filed it late and the appellate court rejected it. if he wins at the supreme court he doesn't have to pay a dime. >> he doesn't have to pay any way because i'll pay it. here is where you are so desperately wrong, and by mean desperately wrong. this is as wrong as i have ever seen you and you have been doing this show five years. >> you are talk from your heart and not your head. >> i'm talking about decency. these judges knew this case was explosive. they had an obligation to go far beyond what is needed. >> that's not how our judges operate. they don't go on heart strings. >> they should operate that way.
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i'm giving you the last word. by putting the $16,000 when they didn't have to. they could have set it aside. they rubbed the guy's face tonight. wrong morally. >> in your world it may not matter -- in the courts it matters. >> they had power not to do it. last word. >> appellate court judges in this country don't look at one side and say i feel bad for you so i'm not going to make you follow the rules. having said all of that, i want to make sure i'm disgusted with the westboro baptist church people. and you don't know the strongest point to your argument. when the westboro baptist church asked for its costs and mr. snyder came in late and said i can't afford it, i only make $44,000 a year. their response to the judge is he's late and b he has got the
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dough, he's eligible for death benefits from his son's death. >> again i'm going to stay where i am and say those judges in virginia had a moral obligation -- they can hide behind the law and you are right on that. but morally absolutely wrong and they had the to right the wrong and they didn't. shannon: those two are good. you can catch bill tonight on "the o'reilly factor" right here on fox. in michigan one republican is challenging bart stupak's decision to switch his vote on healthcare and support the president's plan. the man who would replace bart stupak is our guest. as a billion catholics celebrate holy week all over the world. the church is trying to help faithful followers who wandered away to find their way back home. [ female announcer ] breathe right asks... [ woman ] could i ask you to strip on the street?
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absolutely! i have a lot of stuffiness at night. it wakes me up. i have allergies. ♪ you're right. i'm getting more air. -oh, yeah. -oh, wow! [ female announcer ] for two free samples, go to [ female announcer ] for two free samples, one way i can take care of my engine?ar. one a day men's -- a complete multivitamin for my overall health. plus now it supports my heart health and helps maintain healthy blood pressure. [ engine revs ] whoa. [ man ] kinda makes your heart race, huh? so kate you were stressed, a lot of junk food on the go and you were... a little irregular, sluggish. my daughter needed activia! so i gave it a try and wow. it works. now she has a spring on her step. i'm loving it, every morning. mmmm. avo: help get your system back on track. activia with bifidus regularis helps regulate your digestive system would you recommend activia? i already have. she recommends it. what are you waiting for? singer: activia.
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shannon: you know things are gets tough when lawmakers are renting ad space on the state capitol. lawmakers are renting ad space on construction repair work. the state would have to sell a lot of space. repairs come with a $13 million price tag. the catholic church is spending millions on ads all over the country hoping to bring lapsed catholics back into the fold. dan, who are these ads aimed at?
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do we know if they are working? >> reporter: the lapsed catholics. they don't necessarily have a theological difference with the teachings of the church but they let secular life get in the way. so far these ads seem to be working. they have been run in 12 different media markets and they have shown to increase attendance by 11%. we interviewed a woman who left the church 20 years ago after her divorce. she saw the commercial and viewed it as a sign from god and just recently returned. >> i walked in the church and got this overwhelming feeling that -- almost a sense of i'm back home. it was real emotional. >> reporter: diane says she
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believes she is in the same boat with a lot of catholics that may disagree with the anullment policy, but she is okay with not agreeing with the church on everything. shannon: the whole priest abuse scandal and the way that has played out, is there any address of that issue? >> reporter: it doesn't mention it. the current ads were shot after the most recent scandal broke in europe. after the church scandal in the united states. the goal, obviously in these ads is to counter the negative image you often see in the media. it highlights the church's 2,000-year history. it talks about the university system started by the church. how it treats millions of people in hospitals. it's the largest charity organization in the world. another target audience is the catholics already going to church, we enforcing their faithing with letting them know
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it's okay to be proud of your religion. >> it's not easy to be a catholic. the nightmare we thought was over is happening again. >> reporter: the money raised from this campaign is paid for by people already in the pews. they are saying it's having an effect. shannon: dan springer live in seattle. prosecutors say months of relentless bullying led a 15-year-old girl to end her own life. what did the teachers know about what was happening at south hadley high? a live report on that in three minutes. plus tensions increasing, relations deteriorating. is israel on its own when it comes to iran's nuke program? some answers after this break.
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shannon: a quick look at some of the stories we are watching. president obama holding a town hall meeting in north carolina. mr. obama speak at a company with grants from the economic stimulus program. the clock is ticking for the space shuttle launch on a mission to the international space station. carrying out a good friday tradition in the philippines. the reenactment of the death of
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christ. we didn't do anything wrong. that the reaction from the superintendent in charge of the massachusetts school that phoebe prince attended every day where prosecutors claim relentless bullying from her classmates led her to take her own life. >> reporter: the d.a. has said before phoebe prince committed suicide in the months before that she was bullied relentlessly on campus, online, and at home. now the superintendent of the south hadley schools says the school didn't know anything about the bullying until one week before she committed suicide. he gave this quote to the boston globe. he says that's the first we learned of it and we took very strong action. we don't have knowledge of other incident before that. no one turned their back on this. i think we did everything we could.
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if i thought i had done something wrong i would resign. but i think we did our best. clearly the d.a. in this case paints a much different picture. the d.a. says phoebe prince moved from ireland to massachusetts back in the fall. began dating a football player senior and the popular kids didn't like that so they began bullying her. they assaulted her. that she was raped, even bullied online on her facebook page and at her home. the d.a. in response to the superintendent's quote said this. she says, he's under fire, and lashing out. he does not have access to investigative materials so i don't know how or why he can say what he said to the boston globe *. he doesn't know what evidence we have. we can tell you now that nine students have been charged in this. you are looking at five of them. three of them are underage so we cannot show their pictures. one of the most disturbing
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details of this is after phoebe prince committed suicide some of these same students continued bullying her online on her facebook page that was set up as a memorial to phoebe prince and some of the parents of the other students that went to school with phoebe are painting a picture of what kind of torment and hell she went through in the days leading up to her suicide. the d.a. said the school had plenty of knowledge about what was happening on that campus. shannon: it many heartbreak. thank you, trace. iran defined as ever. the question now is israel stand alone at this point? joining us now, michael good win and a fox news contributor.
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you recently have been in israel. what's the mood there? >> i discovered within the government and the opposition parties there is very little difference in how they view iran. most of israel views an nuclear armed iran as a threat to israel. nobody wants iran to get a nuclear weapon. across the spectrum there is a sense we are all in this together and it would lead to war, because israel cannot let iran get the bomb. shannon: ahmadinejad has said how he feels about israel. >> they say they don't care how many iranians would die, the point is they would destroy israel. think tanks and people associated with the government are studying what would be the fallout from a military strike
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in either direction. i think israelis understand a nuclear armed iran is a real threat to their existence. shannon: is israel standing alone? they have a tense relationship with the u.s. they have had complaints about the prime minister's visit and the what it was handle and the settlements. would we be onboard with helping them. >> one thing that is not clear is what is the american position? are we determined to stop iran getting a bomb? before recently we were looking for crippling sanctions. now we are looking for sanctions that bite. what is next. sanctions that pinch or sting? the only thing that will stop iran is the sense that they will pay a heavy price. they don't -- new sanctions won't matter whether china is
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involved. the only thing that matters is what will stop iran. we don't seem to be determined to stop iran. that's the first step, is the united states determined to stop iran from getting the bomb? if not, i believe israel will take military action because it cannot sit and wait. shannon: how does that play out? if israel takes that step, goes on the offensive militarily, what happens. >> iran would unleash its proxy armies, hezbollah, and create more mischief within iraq and afghanistan. it would unleash its own missiles towards other countries pch it carries a great danger of a war that would extend beyond. that is a risk israel does not want to take but would feel forced to because of the fear iran would use the bomb against
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it. shannon: fit plays out as we think it -- if it plays out like we think it may, would there be some point in which the u.s. would say we have to come to the defense of israel and get involved? >> probably. if only because iran might draw us in. there would be accusations we were winking and nodding and supporting israel. so i think there is no way the united states could stay out of it. that's why to me it's a mystery why we seem to be talking about a containment strategy. there is a growing sense that what's going on in washington is we are trying to unite the world not so much for the purposes of stopping iran, but containing iran once it gets the bomb. that to me is a backward strategy. it overlooks israel. that is not what i think is going to happen. most people in israel would tell the united states you are wrong, we are not going to sit here. we are not going to trust you can contain nuclear armed iran.
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iran made clear they will not be contained. all the other -- our allies in the region, many of them would feel the need to have a bomb because they look at iran as a danger also. sew it is a bad moment. i think that's why the president ought to be more clear what is the end game of trying to get sanctions? is it just to penalize iran or to stop iran? if it's aimed at stopping them, then i think israel would breathe a see you of relief because everyone would know the united states stands four square against a nuclear armed iran. shannon: michigan democrat bart stupak supported the healthcare bill and that could come back to haunt him in november. before that vote his opposition was running a shoe string campaign. but since that vote money as
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been pouring in. >> i'm sergeant daniel jaggers in camp liberty, iraq. i live in california. i want to wish happy easter to my wife and kids. i also want to wish happy easter to my mom and family back home in kentucky and brownsville. happy easter, everybody. ition. one of these will get you more than half way ition. to your five daily servings. v8. what's your number?
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we didn't think dog food... could make that big of a difference, but it really has. we thought, oh, goldie, you're getting older,
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and she started eating the purina one... and people would say, "what did you do to her?" [ announcer ] purina one for seniors unlocks the brilliance of nature. [ kristen ] it's a great feeling having a beautiful, happy dog. it makes you feel like you've done something good for your pet. [ announcer ] it's amazing what one can do. now, reformulated with... enhanced botanical oils... that naturally nourish... to help sustain a bright mind.
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shannon: let's check in to see what's coming up on studio b with shepard smith. >> happy good friday. chris wallace will be in with us from "fox news sunday." i'm sure we'll get into it over something. he will be on to talk about the president's week and we are very good friends. scott brenner will be here from the faa. are you aware the pilots in your jet can take antidepressants
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while flying around in your jet. there was a mayor shot to death at close range. we'll keep up updated on all the days news when studio b joins you at top of the hour. shannon, enjoy your easter. shannon: have a great easter. >> thanks. shannon: right now in michigan support is surging for bart stupak's republican challenger. stupak flipped and vote for the president's healthcare bill. now his shoe string campaign is seeing a long of donations.
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tell us about the donations coming up for you and was it a different game day and night once that vote by representative stupak. >> we were watching it own tv and flipping back and forth to the michigan state game and all after sudden the phone started ring and it hasn't stopped since then. there has been an outpouring of support. people follow me on facebook and started helping me out. shannon: he was stripped of his defender of life award after the vote. did you see that coming? the vote change? >> i didn't expect that. he and i were on the same side of that issue. i joined the race because i was disgusted with all the spending.
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the stimulus bill is what got me started. i didn't think they should be spending our money without reading the bill. now with bart's flip on that position people are seeing him in a different light and it's helping me. shannon: tell us about the donations coming in. do you know how much is coming from within the district? are you getting support from across the country? is this a backlash. >> i think it's a lot of this. people went to my web site and facebook page and they liked what they saw. i think congressman stupak voting for a massive spending bill that will bankrupt our kurn triand destroy the -- bankrupt our country and destroy the healthcare system. people dislike that position and they supported me.
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shannon: give us a legitimate objective view of this. what were your odds before he flipped on healthcare and what are you odds going into november should you survive the primary. >> i think i'll win in november. people are very disgusted with his flipping on this issue and voting for the healthcare bill in general. to me he would have been a hero if he had voted against it because then we would have had maybe some true healthcare reform with a bipartisan bill. he would have stood up for his convictions and people would have respected him and i would have happened much less chance to beat him. shannon: you were running on other issues before. jobs, economy, what other message are you taking to voters. >> the number one issue is jobs. we have the highest unemployment in the country.
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my unemployment rate in my district is over 15%. the healthcare has been a distraction. the government needs to focus on getting jobs. the private sector job market is bad. people are afraid what their health insurance will cost them and they are not hiring. shannon: any chance the two of you will have a debate head-to-head? >> hopefully before the end of the election process we will. shannon: we'll be watching and standing by. we are taking you live to rome in just a moment where pope benedict is presiding over good friday services. he's about to lead the way of the cross procession. a live report from haiti in port-au-prince.
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shannon: we know the haitian people need all the help they can get following january's catastrophic earthquake. food and supplies has been flowing in, but it's creating problems for some others. >> reporter: it might seem hard to understand that charities giving out free food in haiti is causing problems. but that's what the haitian government said. here is the story. one thing you can tell in this line for food here in port-au-prince, the people are hip to hip. you can tell there is no air between there. they are going for rice, salt, flour.
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vegetable oil and the food distribution is going to stop this month. aid workers say people here are malnourished. the government is complaining about giving away free food because they say they can't sell any. the other big problem are the camps. you have more than a million haitions living in cams. these -- haitians living in camps. they are actually getting larger, not smaller. the conditions in camps have dentists, doctors, running water. many haitians didn't have that before the earthquake. it was 50,000 and it has grown to 90,000. shannon: recently president
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preval said he would ask people to stop sending so many things because he thought it was weakening the country's internal abilities to help itself. >> when you go to the bustling street market place, they are angry about the free food. they say it's crushing their market. the people in line don't have money to buy. right now the government seems to be siding with the traders. no more free food distribution as of this month. shannon: , thank you, steve. president obama says the u.s. will continue to ratchet up the pressure against iran on its nuclear program. iran says you can't stop us. whod
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assistance getting around their homes. there is a medicare benefit that may qualify you for a new power chair or scooter at little or no cost to you. imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance, may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen ... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. hi i'm doug harrison. we're experts at getting you the power chair or
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scooter you need. in fact, if we qualify you for medicare reimbursement and medicare denies your claim, we'll give you your new power chair or scooter free. i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. call the scooter store for free information today. shannon: we are getting news crossing the wires that actor john forsyth passed away. you may remember him, he was the star of dynasty. the family members on the show with him, he was the head of the whole show. he was the star of stage and screen and so many other things he accomplished. he passed away at 92.
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they say he passed away with dignity and grace after a year-long struggle with cancer. we are also getting breaks news, this is a fox news alert. information coming in on the death of that young boy ride his bike at disney world. >> reporter: this awful story out of disney world. he was killed when he was hit by a bus. apparently he was at the fort wilderness lodge on the disney property. he was riding a bike on a sidewalk. he was struck by a disney bus oncoming, riding with an 11-year-old girl who was not injured. we just got the 911 call in and we're going to play that for you now. >> he's messed up. he's dead, help else and nothing to resuscitate. >> what kind of with us bus?
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>> a large disney bus with double wheels on the back and he was run over with the bus. >> apparently he had severe injuries to the upper body and head. he was wearing a helmet but it was not enough to save him. he hit the bus veering off of the sidewalk. disney is investigating, the florida highway patrol is also investigating. he was at disney world for spring break. he went to frrts wilderness d he went to fort wilderness because he could bring this dog with him and ride his bike. shannon: thank you so much for bringing that to us. thank you so much for watching today. captioning made possible by fox news network
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how the government is planning to screen travelers in an effort to track terrorists. details ahead. [ bleep ] get out, get out. >> a vinyl shootout in a major american city as bullets hit a dozen people and a lot of it caught on video. the scene, the aftermath and what made it happen all coming up on "studio b." we're following the road to recovery with a report americans feel directly. unemployment. it's a good news, bad news situation. the big numbers from the labor department today, unemployment steady at 9.7% in march and the economy added 162,000 jobs. that's the most in three years. why the disconnect? economists say some people are getting back in the market for work so


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