tv Glenn Beck FOX News April 4, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EDT
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>> hello, america. i come up with a ton of weird ideas for shows, but this one -- is not weird. this is -- this is not one of them. you might think it is. but i think it's totally rational. one of the things i talk about all the time is the importance of educating yourself, knowing history. the only way to understand where the country is going is to understand history, america's past. back to my weird idea. it starts with this book, about a year ago, on this program this, book challenges you to think outside the box. the message is: things are changing. today, our solutions are failing, our war on terrorism spawns more terrorist, decisions made to curb financial crisis make things worse.
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so you need to be able to think the unthinkable. fantastic book. now, the next book, you look over here. here's the next one. the survivors club. the survivors club is fascinating because it's the secrets and science that could save your life. quite honestly, when this book first came across my desk, i wasn't interested in it. i thought -- it's like the survivor's wife's club or something. one of the guy who is works with me said, "glenn, have you to read this, you will love this." what is it? it's about people who think the unthinkable and survive. what do they all have in common? people who have have been kept if bamboo cages or half eatsen by a lion, how do they survive? what did they find most important? well, one of them is faith, god. which brings me to this book, america's prophet. this book, i have told but -- is
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fantastic. this is a book about moses and the american story. i read this. i call the author up. i say, "bruce, great book." he's on the air with mee. he starts telling me about his friends. see, he has two other friends... three friend, three different city, three different best sellers. one message: it's a trilogy. josh couper ramos splits time between china and the u.s., ben sherwood lives in los angeles and bruce lives in brooklyn, new york. they are all three friends and i invited them here to spend an hour because i find this fascinating. welcome, guys. how are you? >> fantastic. >> great to be here. >> nice to be here. >> there is another coincidence. i don't believe in coincidence. there is another coincidence. i rarely have guests on the show in the first place. but rarely invite somebody to my
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office to talk about things. you -- when it was? a year ago? >> about eight months ago. >> you came to my office and we talked about the world and china and how we see things very similar. we are different on many things, but we see unthinkable things. you, i called you and talked to about -- how can you write for me? how can you be involved? this is fascinating stuff. you, bruce, after i read this, i asked you: how do you write? i didn't know -- i have never done that with any guest. i did it with all three of you. you guys, when you wrote these, you wrote them simultaneously? >> more or less. >> more or less. >> you didn't see the connection between-- the thread between the three? did you see talk to each other about it? [chuckles] >> no. i think it -- it goes to the fact that we are rather focused on our individual process. >> okay.
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bruce. when you were in my studio, i put you on the radio. you told me that you were friends and it took me a second. i think you were on the sidewalk when i called you -- >> i was in a taxicab on the way home. >> glenn: okay. i started noodling this and i went, wait a minute, it's the same message. had it dawned on you at all -- it never dawned on you, when you called these guys to say this, what did they say? >> it hadn't -- no, it had not dawned on me that there is a similar thing. now, in the time that's passed since we had that long conversation in the taxicab. now i see a lot of parallels that i didn't. and the point i would say, i see similarities in the way that we look at the world. and try to see challenges in the world and come up with solutions for the world. so i think there is that similarity. >> glenn: okay. america, here's what i want to you understand -- everything that i have been saying on the air for -- you could have gotten it in these three books.
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you could have done something else at 5:00. these three books are connected. here's how they are connected. i will have each author explain -- briefly -- joshua, what is this? >> glenn, the arguement is that we are living in a time in which we are constantly surprised whether it's 9/11 or the financial crisis, but the world is so dramatically different, the forces playing out in the world, that our old ways of not only wrong, they for dangerous. i spent time with the people around the world who are disrupting things. i spent time with hezbollah guerrillas and the best minds in silicon valley and spies in israel to try to understand the revolutionary age. as you described domestically, a period of great change and great challenge, that same script is playing out around the world. people are looking around for leadership for leadership. >> people are feeling it. we have talked about this. people are feeling it. i was sitting in my home with a
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guy just last night. he is a big businessman. he was siting there and he was describing -- he said, you know, i go here and i go here. and there is just something happening. i said, does it feel like the earth is shifting underneath your feet but you don't really know why or how? he said, yes. it's the age of the unthinkable. >> that's right. the thing is, many of the things that are causing this are things we can't stop. in some cases, they are things we want. we want more networks, we want bioengineering, we want efficient financial markets. these are things we want. we need them for the future. but they bring disruption with them. so our old ways of thinking about danger, which was big states or armies pouring through germany. that's gone. the risks we face in the world are much more complex, much more difficult to deal with and frankly, demand a new level, a new leadership on the international stage. otherwise, it will be chaos.
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>> glenn: i have said we are on the verge of -- the only thing i can describe, this must be what the age of enlightenment felt like, the eve of the revolution, the industrial age. excuse me. 1945, sitting in america, going, whoa! everything's about to change for us. would you agree with that? >> absolutely. it's an incredibly exciting time. the thing about revolutionary ages, they don't just wipe out the old order. they create new champions. they create new fortune, they elevate people from obscurity to great importance. they are tremendously exciting moments, if can you bed -- understand them properly. >> glenn: correct. there's your book. now, ben, your book is what? >> when i hear joshua describe his book, i think, oh! oh! [laughter] >> we should have worked together. like joshua, i see that the earth shakes all the time.
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as a journalist, i was interested in who survives earthquakes and who doesn't. i was interested in who survives plane crashes and who doesn't. i wanted to know who survives tsunamis and cancer and foreclosure. so, pardon me, like joshua, i went out and traveled around the world and interviewed the world's most effective survivors and thrivers. what do they have that we don't? and like joshua, i found a surprising answer, which was that the most effective survivors and thrivers are not different from you and me. they are actually built of the same stuff. if we can find it in ourselves. and so, the survivors club is a road map to dealing with the world when the ground is changing. and so, in the same way that joshua described these huge global shifts, disruptive shifts and you need to be resilient in order to thrive. you need to change the way you look at world from being an an architect to being a gardener
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and growing in your own back yard and growing institutions to deal with this change, same with surviving every day in a world that's changing. you and i have talked about this -- buying seeds -- not a terrible idea if you need to grow your own food and become your own gardener. there are certain things some of us need to know to deal with the unthinkable. >> okay. so, when i first met you, i was trying to convince people: think out of the box. everybody was telling me, no, there is not a financial crisis -- don't worry, we are not doing this. we are not doing that. i said, i don't know why i can see this but i think it's because i think the unthinkable. i think outside the box. i am not classically trained so i am not put into that mold and crank out those ideas. then i met you. and i was at the time trying to figure out how do we survive and get people -- what was the thing -- first rule of survival, the first thing you found, a
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pattern, right? was the survivors think the unthinkable. and what was the other thing that you found most survivors have in common? >> there are a bunch of things. but the most surprising thing and where i suspect you are leading -- laught -- counselor... the most surprising common thread among survivors around the world and the expert who is study them. so this is the toughest, meanest drill sarge apts in the marine who is train -- marines who train men and women to survive everything. when you ask them what is the most important thing to know, to survive? even the collapse of american global institutions, what's the one thing you need? i was surprised to hear it-- >> reporter: because you're a journalist. >> i didn't know you were going to grill me. they said faith in god, faith in family, faith in your country and faith, as i write, is the most universal survival tool. it's the most universal and one
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could argue, the most powerful. >> when these two are researching these two book, you are doing your research and writing this book. and the point of this book is? >> well, now that i hear joshua and ben -- [chuckles] -- i would say, i spent a decade of my life travelogue the middle-east, retracing the bible through the desert, looking at what i thought was the front line of the volatile mix of religion and politics and geography in the middle-east. i come back home, my wife gives birth to identical twin girls and i am summoned back home. and what i discovered is that this place is incredibly volatile. there is this change that you were talking about, that there is this great insecurity. and what i then set out to do, as joshua traveled around the world and ben traveled around the world and i spent years traveling around the world, i decided to travel around america and go back do american history.
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what i discovered was that there was one story time and again, at every troubled moment in american life, people have gone back to one story. and it's the story of the bible. and it's the story of this relationship among god and the people and the land. and i discovered something, how we survive -- and i was asking how do we survive this troubled time? what i discovered was this unthinkable, unimaginable idea which is that it is the story of moses, the story of the exodus and the promised land that inspired generation after generation of american, the founding fathers, as you know and have talked about wanted moses on the field of the united states. the statue of liberty, the civil war, the civil rights movement, ronald reagan, every key transitional moment, people have gone back to the story to find inspiration and hope and so my sort of unimaginable, unthinkable discovery was that moses could help us in this
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transitional time to lead us forward and give us values and give us direction. >> okay. we are going to spend an hour with the guys. i want to tell you, america, honestly, this book will help you train your brain to think way outside the box. and that's -- tell me if i am wrong on this -- absolutely essential, absolutely essential to be able to survive in what is coming tomorrow. we have no idea what is coming tomorrow. right? >> not simply survive. but thrive. once you think outside the box, it's a land of possibility instead of one of terror. and thinking the unthinkable is critical. but also, there are lots of warning signs that we can see. one of the things i think is important is to notice the wing on your plane is on fire. believe it or not, when you see the wing burning, many people react with what is known as the normalcy bias. they go through a loop and they
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want to think, no, that's not on fire, i have never seen that happen before. so the result is that you have to recognize patterns as joshua does. have you to see these things happening. so it is not just thinking outside the box. sometimes it's staring at what is right in fronted of you. what is right in front of you requires action. but most of us -- and we have talked about this -- 10% of us know what to do, 80% of us don't know what to do and we respond with inaction, we become bewildered. we near a stupor. >> let me stop you. josh warks i want to come back -- i mean, there are three pieces here. i want to come back to you on -- on just thinking outside of the box. and seeing what kind of world is coming our way. good and bad. but i want to stop here for just a second and -- what you were saying, a lot of people will now say, okay, all right. i see it coming. i know what's coming.
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but they don't know what to do. they have no idea what to do. because there is no one leading -- there is nobody even telling them the truth that profound change -- barack obama says, change... nobody thinks that the kind of global change -- not created by barack obama but global change that i think is coming, nobody thinks that. so if they think outside the box, they think, okay, maybe that is happening. so how can you possibly get ready for that? what do do you? how do you thrive? >> well, the short answer is taking advantage of the fact that there are all of these opportunities outside the box. innovation and creativity, that reinvention is the soul of survival. when you look at the united states, what we have done best historically has been that process of reinvention. the definition of leadership, to touch back on bruce's book, that's leading people from where they are to a place they never thought of and never imagined.
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why is this narrative to compelling? it's what america has done when we are running at our best and that's what the world demands. >> survivor is a powerful world, but serendipity is a powerful word. joshua'sy point, serendipity is when things happening, making them into an opportunity. it's taking adversity or crisis and finding an opportunity there. so it is not just surviving, but these can be serendipitous eventeds that you turn to your advantage. >> glenn: i was talking to somebody today, we had some success in something. and they said, oh, it's only going to get better. i said, it may not. this may be the best day i have. and they said, now, why are you so negative? i said, no, no,y no. i am not negative. in my business, this may be the best day that i have, but i know something else will come and it will just be as good, if not better. but i no longer look at --
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long-term success. i have no idea what tomorrow brings. but that's okay. >> it's the oldest human story. it is the story of the bible. it's creation and destruction and recreation. god creates the world and adam and eve, he destroys it. he's disappointed with human being, he destroys it with a flood and he starteds over. it's a constant cycle. one of the things that -- even in this moment of outside the box and of fear and of change is that lots of people have been through this before. and they have -- and if you look back at human history, it is at the moment of greatest insecurity, dislocation, exile when the great, great truths occur. that's the opportunity that i think we all see. in finding this moment of great... dislocation, i think we all see opportunity for moving forward in a positive way. >> glenn: i am working on a documentary about the great
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depression and the extremes in the great depression. and i am unearthing film footage, i went to los angeles to go to a film vault. i am unearthing film that america's going to be -- shocked and horrified when they see. history you have never seen before. and as i am doing it, i am thinking to myself: the 1930s in america and the rest of the world, 1930s and 40s must have felt like the end game. like the messiah is coming because this is the end of the world. and look what happened right after. you know? it just depends on -- which road we choose, which road we choose. we will be back in just a second. @y
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>> glenn: back with me are three best-selling author who is happen to be three best friends. joshua cooper ramos, ben sherwood and bruce feiler. i am telling you, america, buy these three book, read this one, then this one and then this one -- >> wait a minute. come on. >> glenn: i am just saying. this one will show you the world is changing and you have to think the unthinkable. this will show you, you can
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survive. it will show how to survive, who the survivors are, what do they have in common? and this is a jump off of this directly, one thing they have in common -- god, faith. this one shows you the faith of america at critical times. and the three of them, the authors never put them together until i finally read this one and you said, oh, we're best friends! oh, pie gosh. it's incredible. it really is. the problem, the way to survive and the ultimate solution. so, joshua, you're fascinating to me because you were -- weren't you the european editor for -- >> the foreign editor of "time." >> glenn: so you're the foreign editor of "time" mag zeb and you decide the place that is going to come on strong is china. you are seeing that in advance. >> yes. >> glenn: you teach yourself mandarin chinese, right? >> i had a teacher, but yes --
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well... [chuckles] >> looking at the character going -- >> very, very slow process, even for me. >> glenn: so you go and you immerse yourself over in china. >> yeah. >> glenn: now you are meeting with the highest levels of the leaders over in china, right? >> yeah. >> glenn: first of all, are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party? you are over there, you are meeting with them. you and i had a conversation that talk about china in a different way than i have ever heard before. everybody here thinks -- oh, shine anda, they will never get rid of your debt. for a completely different reason, you and i both agree that china is -- doesn't want us to fail because they need us for a different reason. they don't want the instability, just like i fear the instability here. you put riots in the streets in this country, everything changes.
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>> right. >> glenn: you say that affects china as well, why? >> in pure economic term, obviously, china has lifted 400 million people out of poverty in 30 years, which by any historic standard-- >> reporter: they did kill 80 million people. >> well, this is -- in fact, probably over -- if you look at the course of timing, running from the ethiopennian war, even more violet. that's right. that ability to snap back gives you a sense of how dramatic the shift that has has been in chin. but they have 3- or 400 million people living on less than $2 a day and they are very nervous about the instability judge didn't they, when they were ready the federal beijing olympics, didn't they take people from the rice patties and put them on scaffolding and say, here, build this building. they did. i can't imagine going from the rice patties to seeing
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telephones and skyscrapers and then they said, okay, everybody back. >> well, they found other jobs for people. one of the interesting things about china, there is a huge problem, which is you can't raise income fist they stay on the land. they tried that. thrfts a aggressive policies about this and it didn't work. have you to move them to cities. they are going to urbanize 300 million people over 30 years. urbanization and you pack people in the city and-- >> reporter: because they have the one-child policy and girls are not as good as boys, you have a lot of men in the population that don't have any chance of getting married. >> that's right. the demographic challenges are immense. i think that's internally, the chinese, precisely because of the history you have described, are very aware of the risks of instability, much more than we are in the united states. >> glenn: where do you think we are headd? i was talking to somebody and they said, i think we are headed for a world where the china model is the dominant model.
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that doesn't sound good if you are american. >> i think it depends on how you construe -- i think the lesson of the world is that the american model, what we used to call the washington consensus, as long as you opened mcdonald's and disneylands everybody, everyone was going to be like us. but you can live in tehran and have lipstick and still want nuclear weapons. they are not mutually exclusive. >> the big mac is not enough? >> a whopper with cheese, with a special on fries -- >> well -- >> then you will sell it for chemical weapons -- settle for chemical weapons. so this world is much more complex. the idea that globalization would make everybody happy, so that's clearly wrong. we have a much more complicated global landscape. i think that creates a sense of urgenc nebeijing. if you live between beijing and the united states, when you come back here, there is almost no sense of urgency.
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there is very few places where you find people feeling that. in beijing, it's such an exciting city right now. the intellectual life is electric with people trying to figure out how they are going to manage this tremendous project forward. they are thinking the unthinkable. see, we seem to just be -- you tell me, ben, survivors don't do this. they -- we seem to just be holding on. just hold on. just hold on. don't let it collapse. hold on. survivors say, let the damn thing collapse. let's go. that's the exit. that's the way out. or that's the way to the future. we seem to be hanging on to stuff. does anybody survive just doing this? >> some people survive just doing that. but it's not a great strategy because -- what you need is, you need to take action and you need to have a plan a. and you need to have a plan b. so this applies when your
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401(k) is crashing or you are behind on your mortgage. people who don't want to face reality, they do something known as milling in disaster situations, they look around and see, is anything bad happening? gather information. but they don't take action. what joshua's describing in china, that sense of urgency, people survive when they feel the urgency and when they move toward plan a. and if plan a. fail, they take plan b. urgency is an incredibly important part of survival. people who survive challenges feel the urgency and it's people who want things to stay the way they are -- >> i have a minute here and i want to come to you next, bruce and talk about god. but, joshua said there is no urgency here. i think that's -- i think that's true. we have changed as a culture. there is -- is there a way for the culture to -- to be
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reinvigorated with that sense of urgency? >> typically, it takes a person in a position of authority, literally a flight attendant, literally captain chesley sullenberger, literally a person of power to tell the 80% of us who don't know what to do, who are bewildered in a stupor, waiting for someone to tell us which way to go, it takes a person or a group of people, 10% us, 10% of us know what to do, 80% of us don't. and 10% of us do the wrong thing. it needs a group of leaders. >> it is fascinating that -- i mean, bruce, i think, i think you have been very fair to ben and he uses george washington and chesley sullenberger, but he doesn't use moses. >> the ultimate survivor. is there a greatir survivor than moses? you need to freshen up your routine. >> exactly. i'm an adult with adhd. i'm getting treatment but sometimes i still have a hard time
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>> glenn: if you watch this program every night at 5:00, first of all, thank you for that. people ask me all the time, you know, what should i read? where should i look? how can i improve myself? how kifigure things out? these three steps, swear to you, this is the best way to start. these books influenced me in the last year and i didn't know they
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were written by three friends. "the age of the unthinkable," i talked to you about 8 months ago. and then "the survivors club" and then, "america's prophet." think out of the box, how to survive and the importance of the god. it's amazing because it's step 1, step 2 and step 3 on everything we talk about on this program. i want to go to bruce who has written "america's prophet" and talk to you about the one thing and i have used it several times on the show -- >> i have seen it. >> glenn: a couple of weeks ago, i used it at cpac about the statue of liberty. tell quickly the story of what most people don't understand about the statue of liberty? >> i think to put this into context, the for -- the story of "america's prophet" is the story of moses and it comes up in the great symbols of america. what are the great symbols of america isn't liberty bell, there is a quote from moses, proclaim liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants.
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the seal on july 4, 1776, the seal was proposed that the steel be moses, leading the israelites across the red sea. 100 years later, maybe the defining symbol of america, the statue of liberty. the french wanted to pay tribute to the martyred president by building a statue of liberty and they picked the roman goddess of liberty, but he imported two symbols of moses to bring her to life, the spikes of light around her head and the tablet in her arm, both from the moment that moses comes down mounted sinai with the 10 commandment, soy the heart of the moses story is the tension between freedom and law, between moses, leading the israeliteds out of slavery, the crossing of the great sea and chaos follows at which point, the commandments are delivered.
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freedom depends on law. if you look at the statue fat the base of the feet are the broken shackles and the arms are the tabletsment that message was at the heart of the story. and for all of those millions, tens of millions of immigrant who is sailed underneath the statue of liberty and looked up and saw this familiar beacon that said, this is the new promised land. now the promised land -- this is the point that you made so passionate at cpac that got the people -- you may be too modest to say it, but people standing on their feet cheering for this point was the promised land only works if there is a hard time behind t. okay? if you are leaving egypt behind. if you are leaving -- open the bible, the opening sentence of the book of exodus talks about the israelites moaning under slavery. that's an uncomfortable bad place. they want to escape and this is the point that have you sung across america, they were leaving europe, they were leaving something old and they were coming to the new.
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and so that is the symbol of the promised land and that is i think another thing we have in common here, step number 1, imagine the promised land, if you can't imagine a better place, you are never going to make it to that better place. >> glenn: here's a thing he wrote about and he said, i didn't see it that way, but -- >> my wife prefers your interpretation. >> glenn: but the famous, give me your tired your poor -- your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, that's always read tenderly. and as i am reading your understanding of the statue of liberty, i realize that would be more like -- oh, europe, i feel so bad for you, send the riffraff here because you will never make it with that anchor around your neck. wingly take your tired and poor and huddled masses. that's not. it was more of a challenge -- back to europe, saying we will make it with the worst of the
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worst. i want to give you a piece of what happened at cpac, based really on this book. watch. >> reporter: the statue of liberty was used to ignite inside the french, liberty! look at america! look what they are doing! it was meant to be read like this. not like the brazen giants of greek fame with conquering limbs astride from land to land, here at our sea-washed sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman, with a torch, whose flame is imprisoned lightning and her name mother of exiles! from her beacon hand glows worldwide wealth, her mild eyes command the air bridged harbor that twin cities frame. keep your ancient lands your storied palm cry, she with
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silent lips. give me -- give me your tired, your poor, your howsdz -- huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse from your teeming shore. send these, the homeless, the tempest tossed to me. i hold -- i hold my lamp beside the golden door! that -- [cheers and applause] >> glenn: that is the message, even the people that you reject can make it here! they will give it all to be successful here! you can make it here! is that what you think was intended? >> if you look across the history of the bible, the greatest moments of spiritual breakthrough occur in moments of exile. abraham leaving the promised land, israelites going to babylon and the greatest when
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moses leaves the israelites out of slavery into the desert. only one moment, glenn, in the entire bible does good come down to land, to the top of mt. sinai to give the through moses and that cements this holy relationship between the people, the land and god. that's the heart of the moses story. that's the heart of the american story. that's the heart of the statue of liberty. >> glenn: what do you say, we get the tax code and put it in the trunk of our car and everybody heads to canada tonight? let's g. back in just a minute.
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>> >> back again with the author of three great books, josh ramo, ben sherwood and bruce feiler. we have been talk and have you nicely drawn the link between our books. and i have been thinking, one of the reasons we have come to rely on each other is that we are all trying to think outside the box.
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it's exhausting. people are telling you you are crazy. i was wondering, do you have an equivalent council of people-- >> reporter: i have assembled -- at first, no. and i have assembled a couple of people who are my real trusted friends, just like you did. but i think -- i think -- i don't know exactly -- i am naturally -- because i'm not classically trained, i naturally think out of the box. but i thinkime i'm a believer and i think out of the box and this was the piece that was missing for me. i didn't know what is next, how to survive. so i think i just naturally, i followed this probably the closest and just went -- because i almost lost my soul and so i thought, if i believe this, i have to say it because i went to -- i went to the scriptures and, you know, if you find yourself in a position where you can see over the gate, you can
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see over the horizon and see something coming, if you don't warn bruce, what happens to you? >> i would say you are going to go back -- you are going to go back to egypt into an oppress state. i have a person, reading and traveling about the bible. when i get stuck, go back to the text, you can usually find meaning because there is a reason that is endorsed as a powerful metaphor and this story is about the power of story to give us hope in challenging times. i think that's what you are talking about in the survivors book. >> i think you go to text and we are all people. we go to our core personalities. my question -- and it relates to moses and to world leaders, my question is that have you taken some shots and been knocked down. we talked about -- >> everybody has. >> each person's survivor personality. you say you are a believer. i remember when you took the test a year ago, the survivor profiler test -- >> in the back of the book.
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>> best-selling authors and best friends and the three books, ben sherwood, we were just talking about "the survivors club," how people actually survive. there is a test in the back of the book. the question i had after interviewing hundreds of survivors was: what kind of survivor am i? i worked with leading psychologists and we developed the world's first survivor personality test t. takes 10 minutes on the web. you took it a year ago. >> glenn: yeah. >> you talk about how you are a believer because there are believers, thinkers, connector, realists. what was interesting was that you said you were a believer and that's core. but as i recall, you found you were a realist. there is an interesting relationship between realists and believers. realists see the world clearly. they see over the horizon, they can think outside of box, they can think the unthinkable and
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identify challenges and threats. where do they turn? they can turn to all sorts of resources to overcome adversity -- faith, belief. they are not at odds. we are many things at once. we talked about moses. moses is the ultimate survivor. i have seen action of moses of the super hero. and moses is the definitions of a believer and he had also had doubt. so each of us has built inside of a a survival kit and you can find out what kind of survivor you are. >> moses was also, he thought out of the box. here's a guy who is like, okay, i have to go free people from bondage -- i mean -- how -- how am i going to do that? >> plague, splitting of the red sea, god coming down the mountain. that's the original "the age of the unthinkable." >> and a connector. >> connector is a personality type. some people survive by using social bonds and social
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intelligence to make things happen. plane crash or free the people from egypt. >> >> glenn: back with final thoughts in just a second. >> midnight snack and a side of me. they took away my m&ms and they replace the them with grapes. i am grossing america out like crazy. join us, every day, dvr or record the show, 5:00 eastern.
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