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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  April 5, 2010 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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las vegas, nevada. thanks for trusting us for it. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> you work for us. you work for us. you work for us. [cheers] >> bill: new poll says most tea party supporters are not republican. so why is the media continuing to paint the group as far right? juan williams, mary mary katharine ham and bernie goldberg will weigh in. >> i find it insulting to all the other soldiers that have died. i find it insulting to the families. >> bill: support for the schneider family against snyder family against the westboro baptist church loons. ann coulter on that. >> i have lied and deceived a lot of people. >> bill: tiger woods holds a press conference at the augusta masters tournament. we will show you the low light.
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>> that's personal. >> bill: you have entered the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the tea party and media corruption. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. ever since the tea party protest began last summer, the left-wing media in america has been attacking the movement. at first tea party folks were labeled stupid, too dumb to understand, complicated issues. then, as a protest grew, some in the media actually began calling the tea party people dirty names. trying to diminish the movement with vial innuendo. finally the media turned to ideology, saying that many tea party people are racist and far-right cranks. now comes the new poll. from gallup, that says 43% are independent. 8% democrats and 49% republicans. when you add 43 and 8, you get 51%. that means the majority of tea
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party supporters in the u.s.a. are not republicans. also gallup says that 55% of those supporting the tea party are in the higher income brackets. interesting stat. tea party and politicians continue vicious attacks on the tea party. >> the tea party people are >> bill: well, again with 51% of tea party supporters non-republican according to gallup, congressman cohen is either misinformed or a pinhead or operhaps both. you may have seen me and bernie
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goldberg discuss media corruption, not bias, outright corruption last week on the factor. and the tea party media situation is the best example of that. from the jump, the tea party protesters never had a chance. as soon as they objected to president obama's big government vision, the left-wing media swooped. in and as you know liberals dominate the national media in this country. so the loon label was quickly applied to the tea party people. some americans are buying it knot as apples you might think. gallup now says 28% of americans do support the tea party. 26% oppose it and 38% do not support or oppose. which means there is persuasion option here. that's why the left-wing media is so biased against the tea party. they fear more americans will sign on. now, it's not the job of the media to engineer political thinking in this country and that's what's happening in some quarters. if you oppose the obama administration, you must be demeaned and neutralized. that is corruption. and there is no doubt it is in
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play. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction and a new republican ad mocking president obama. joining from us washington, fox news analyst father catherine ham and juan williams. juan wrote an article about the tea party coverage in the "wall street journal" last week. what did you say, juan? >> what i said was the democrats are, in fact, putting themselves in danger by trying to continue to demonize the tea party. just like you said in those polls, bill, what we are learning about the tea party is that the tea party represents mainstream american upset with government. people who don't trust government. people who are upset about deficit spending, about the expansion of entitlement programs. people who are upset with big banks and the bailouts. this is -- people who think the country is headed in the wrong direction and don't trust politicians. that's not some fringe movement. that's now mainstream american political thought. and the tea party is not the issue. you know, even in the poll you cited, only 8 percent said they are democrats. i don't know -- those who say they are independents, maybe
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they are republicans who say they are independents. i don't know. when you ask everybody about the tea party, it's 33%, 34% favorable. only 25% say they have a negative view. most are forming a view of the tea party. the tea party is not the problem. >> bill: most are still checking it out. if you get a congressman like cohen and he is saying k.k.k. and this, that, and the other thing, mary katharine, you get that kind of a view from, as juan said the democratic party because, i mean, is he not the democratic party but certainly he represents it in tennessee. and i'm going to myself, what is going on? what is driving a guy like cohen to say something like that? >> i think it's hugely problematic for him to just be feeding this narrative and using some really irresponsible language i think about many of his own constituents. not only bad for him but i think it's bad for the conversation in general. the standards for an elected official for a democrat talking about people who are just standing up and speaking out
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against a piece of legislation should be a little bit higher than, i don't know, a random protest guy who happens to be holding a sign that he finds offensive. are is it okay to point out kooks in a movement, of course. any movement has it just as antiwar movement and pro-choice rallies have them. the problem is with the media they concentrate almost to the exclusion of everything else on kooks within the tea party movement without giving -- >> bill: i just need a real quick answer both of you because i want to run this anti-obama ad. i'm saying corruption in the media, not bias, juan. are you in on that or no? >> i'm thinking about it you know, think it's not corruption yet. i think that you are right when you say it's not the media's business to try to shape opinion. and they are trying to shape opinion here. >> bill: you are not with bernie and me that it's corruption yet. are you in the corruption zone mary katharine. >> for the most part i would say bias. on this particular issue with protest, i think it's so obvious in the difference the way these things are covered it may be
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they are on the left and they just don't understand that these folks can have this kind of view and be normal people. >> bill: they understand. >> systematic. >> so both of you know i'm correct on this. republican party branded the party of no. is now sensing weakness on the part of the president and has produced this advertisement. roll the tape. >> global warming has been solved. by replacing cars with low emission unicorns powered by the emission of rainbows, our great leader barack obama has changed the world. >> the sky will open. the light will come down. celestial choirs will be singing. >> and now he has blessed us with free health care. april fools. >> bill: mary katharine, you said the democratic party hurt themselves by attacking the tea party. republicans hurting themselves by mocking the president. >> i think it's snarky.
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it's a web ad. i don't think it's terribly hateful or anything wrong with it i think the president sets himself up for these things by saying i mean look at health care the pitch was as soon as we pass, this everything is going to change. miracles will happen. as soon as he passed it he starts saying he has to backtrack and he says oh, i never said this would all happen real quickly but he does set himself up for that kind of criticism. >> bill: does that hurt the republican party running a mocking ad like that. >> president obama's numbers are dropping but still pretty good for a guy in the middle of a recession in a highly controversial health care billing reform bill. so i think most americans still have a deep well of respect and hope that he does well. that kind of mocking, i think is disparaging of not only this president but the presidency. and most americans don't like that. i think they would be smart to stick with the policy. policy differences are legitimate. you have point out this president has not been focused on job creation. job creation problem, et cetera.
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they may not like big spending. entitlement programs. >> bill: i'm just wondering how much -- i have got to go. i'm wondering how much they audited to pay the unicorn to be in that. >> he is a cutie pie. >> unicorns are very expensive. >> bill: bernie goldberg way in on media corruption. út@@@@p@
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>> bill: continuing now with our lead story, media and the tea party. joining us from miami bernie goldberg who will be addressing the tiger woods press conference today as well. bernie, i can't convince juan and mary katharine that the line has been crossed from bias to corruption. the reason why i want everybody to be clear why i think this is because i haven't seen any fair reporting outside of fox news and a couple of newspapers any fair reporting on the tea party at all. poll shows it's a diverse crew that is going out and protesting. you would never hear that in the national media. so what say you? >> well, first, i would argue that it's a diverse crew. those independents are disgruntled republicans. not disgruntled democrats. >> bill: how do you know that? >> because 70% of them identify themselves as conservatives. only 7% identify themselves as
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liberals. but the difference between bias and by the way i agree with 95% of what you said in the talking points about how they have been mall -- maligned. the difference between bias and corruption since you asked that earlier on, we are all guilty of bias of some kind and we try our best to keep in t. in check if we are honest reporters. when you don't care, when you don't care about telling the truth. when you just want to follow your own story line, then that becomes corruption. let me give you example. steven cohen, the congressman from tennessee, you know, there are two kinds of hateful speech. one kind is when you shout racial slurs at people. but the other kind is when you shout racism without any evidence of racism. as he did. comparing the tea party people and really conservatives in general to the ku klux klan, to george wallace. this is outrageous.
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where is the mainstream media? >> bill: i didn't see any -- i didn't see cohen get called by anybody whatsoever. >> that's the point. he didn't get called by his own party. >> bill: nobody. >> that's always asking republicans to call their people out. he didn't get called by the so-called objective mainstream media. >> bill: i take it a step further than that. you said, look, that the media, they have their own story line. these people. i think it's more than that this is why i say it's corrupt. i think in newsroom, not editorial boards, newsrooms like the "new york times," nbc, cnn to some extent. there is a feeling that we must promote and defend the obama administration. we have to. >> absolutely. >> bill: against the huns over at fox and "wall street journal."
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our mission here is what good about the president and what is bad. no. our mission is to use our power and founding father's privileges that they gave to the media not to inform anymore but to defend a sitting administration. that's corruption. >> i totally agree. and that is the premise of the book i wrote "a slobbering love affair." precisely what you just said. in the case we are talking about tea partyers racism and all of that and absolutely disgraceful comment by congressman cohen, he based that comment on news reports of racial slurs and spitting. the more i look into this, bill, the more i'm convinced that it never happened. now, if it did, it is shameful, period. but one congressman, a black congressman said that he heard the "n" word shouted 15 times. shouted. not whispered. not once but 15 times.
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you think somebody else might have heard that john lewis, i don't buy into his politics but is he a civil rights hero. he hasn't come on this show or any other show to say they called me the "n" word. the third ranking democrat in the house, another member of the black caucus james clyburn says i heard terrible things out there. but when he went on television he said i never heard any racial slurs. the spitting incident, when you hear that a white demonstrator spit at a black congressman a certain image pops into your head but when you look at the videotape, that's not the image. i think the demonstrator was probably guilty of saying it and spraying it at the same time, which is rude but it's not racist. so i'm calling on the mainstream media. especially the "new york times" because it's so important to look into this. to talk not only to his aids but to congressman lewis himself. >> bill: and the police officers. >> find out what happened that way and put the damn story on page 1.
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>> bill: and the police officers who were there and all of them said we didn't hear anything. look, i have got to get -- i know most people don't care about this but it was a big event. tiger woods at the masters sitting there in front of the press looking like he would rather be in the dentist chair. did you get anything out of that press conference? >> well, a couple of things. one, i'm glad there were no salacious questions. he looked good. he was unscripted. he looked unrobotic unlike his last appearance. here is the thing that struck me and that is how different american athletes and american men are today than they used to be there is no way in the world babe ruth would ever have a news conference apologizing for his carousing. there is no way that would happen in the old days. there is no way that the press would even care about it the press didn't care that president kennedy was having sex with the same woman that the head of the chicago mafia was having sex with. they wouldn't care about what an athlete was doing.
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men have changed. i just report. you decide. i'm not saying it's good. i'm not saying it's bad. i'm saying it's different than it used to be. >> bill: one of the reasons it used to be that way is because they knew they weren't going to get scrutinized by the press. they knew the press wouldn't do that we have a sound bite from tiger woods coming up. ann coulter says the westboro baptist church loons are actually satanists. she will be here. and the singer erica ba do now in trouble because of her dallas jfk exposition. those reports after these messages.
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some people like to pretend... a flood could never happen to them... and that their homeowners insurance... protects them. it doesn't. stop pretending. it can happen to you.
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protect your home with flood insurance. call the number on your screen... for your free brochure.
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she was my great role model, anymy grammy keaton.e. it was pretty much of a shock for us when she got colon cancer. we were -- none of us were prepared for that. here's the deal, and this is the bottom line here -- colorectal cancer is the second-leading cancer killer of men and women over the age of 50. and you know what -- this is one that you can prevent. just get screened, okay? i know how precious life is right now. we can all do this. you can do it, i can do it. if i can do it, you can do it, okay? how's that for a deal? >> bill: factor follow-up segment tonight. as you may know the factor is trying to help the snyder family in its legal action against the
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works. last march these hateful fanatics shouted vile things at the funeral of marine lance corporal matthew snyder who was killed in iraq. matthew was just 20 years old. the family sued and won multi-million-dollar judgment against westboro which was then overturned on appeal. the case is now going to the supreme court. last week we debated the issue with megyn kelly who said the supreme court was correct in its ruling. ann coulter, also an attorney disagrees and joins us now from los angeles. all right. so miss megyn basically said look, the statute in maryland of intentional infliction of emotional abuse is a high statute. the court ruled it didn't get there. and precedent in appeal the legal, the loser pays the court costs and that's why they imposed that on the snyder family. i disagree on both counts. i know they had discretion. the judge could say have done anything they wanted on court costs. i do believe if that's not
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intentional emotional distress, nothing is. it doesn't exist. >> right. >> bill: so, as an attorney, give me your point of view. >> right. bell it's not just megyn a lot of lawyers are saying this. i think they are wrong. i think your common sense view of things is exactly what the law is the law is not an -- as charles dickens said. the law of intention of emotional distress is not some new-fang gelled invention of the courts. it's a tort that's been around for hundreds of years. we got it from england it was called the tort of outrage and elements of intention of emotional distress under the law the following. intent to inflict emotional distress. that's it. not like the law of perpetuities. it's not like the privileges are imcommunities clause, it's very -- and it is determined by the trier of fact. what it was described as in england was a course of conduct or speech that would lead a reasonable man to say that's outrageous. there is no specific conduct or
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speech that is prohibited or permitted because, as a new york court said the capacity for human cruelty is boundless. so it is determined by the trier of fact. the fourth circuit opinion is completely insane because all it talks about is defamation law. well, snyder got the defamation claim thrown out by the judge before the jury even heard it. that's not an issue. it's an intentional infliction -- >> bill: right. here is what tilted me on these three pinheaded judges two of whom were appointed by george w. bush. >> yes, they were. >> bill: they said in the opinion while reasonable people can debate the appropriateness of the westboro protests. reasonable people can debate that these loons are saying god killed matthew snirt because the u.s.a. doesn't persecute gays? reasonable people can debate that? >> right. >> bill: what kind of judge writes that?
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that tipped me off that these people were looking for an excuse. these judges were looking for an excuse to throw it out. no reasonable person could debate that go ahead. >> yeah. i would like to meet that reasonable man. that tipped me off that their dumbest law clerk wrote the opinion. that was in the concurrence, that particular statement. what the supreme court is deciding in this case because this is a tort that's been around. by the way i have been flipping through the cases of intentional infliction of emotional distress. i have not seen a claim as good as this one. this man is at a funeral for his son. they specifically traveled to this funeral. they hold vile signs up outside. that sin tent, foreseeable, they did inflict emotional distress. is it t. doesn't matter that he saw it on the tv later. emotional distress is there. not like they put this in some vile magazine. not like they were saying it on the morning zoo program. this were outside a funeral i would remind you here that the supreme court has upheld restrictions on speech outside
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abortion clinics. so are we saying an abortion is a more sacred act than a man burying his son? is that more sacred than the first amendment -- >> bill: that is a very spousal argue. you are making. >> thank you. >> bill: is the supreme court going to respond to that? >> i hope so. what the supreme court has to decide in this case is can the first amendment coexist with a tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress? it has for hundreds of years. and much less egreej just cases. much less clear cases of militias conduct toward a private individual than in this case. can i give you a lot of other intentional infliction of emotional distress cases that i think you wouldn't even consider. >> bill: the case is going to be put before the court in october. if you had to predict, court going to overturn the fourth and reinstate the $5 million judgment to the snyders? >> after the supreme court found in a texas case that states could make sod dom my criminal
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and then in a colorado case that they couldn't reef to give affirmative action benefits to people who have sodomy. i refuse to predict what the supreme court will do on anything. in a general matter if there is a good argument arguing it case law is there and case law totally supports your position, bill. shockingly enough. >> bill: following the case and snyder's we will pick that up court costs that comes to be. if the supreme court overturns they won't have to pay it. there you go. plenty more as the factor moves along this evening. brit hume on whether the knocking president obama. companies who will not hire people who smoke cigarettes. anything wrong with that? we hope you stay tuned to those reports as the factor continues all across the u.s.a. and all around the world. [ vrrroooomm! ] black one! where? [ vrrroooooomm! ] black one! where? [ vrrroooooomm! ]
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black one! ow! where? [ male announcer ] the volkswagen tiguan. the only compact suv with a turbocharged engine, standard. [ vrrroooooomm! ] black one! where? there. [ male announcer ] stng at $23,200. it's a whole new volkswagen, and a whole new game.
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>> bill: hume zone segment tonight. lead editorial in the "wall street journal" today says thumbing its nose at president obama and he doesn't know how to secure the threat from nuclear weapons. do you believe that brit? >> well, i don't see any sign that the -- any sanctions that the obama administration could get past china and russia either by their acquiescence or even their support would be anything that would change the one constant in this whole drama from the beginning, which has been relentless determination of
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the reignian-irannian mullahs to require anything. i don't see anything that would change that. >> bill: sarkozy, president of france, coming to d.c. big dog and pony show with obama, talking tough, we're going to do it. we're going to get these people in a row, china, russia. and we're all going to punish iran. i mean, do they believe what they are saying or is it just a phony stage show. >> well, it's a lot better than saying we are not going to do anything. this way at least they can say to the people that put them in office well, we tried. we got the international community together. we impotzed sanctions on the iranians. we isolated the iranian regime. they are more isolated than they have ever been. these are all things we have heard before. with each new set of sanctions. it's been imposed to no apparent effect. i think that's the only thing that explains it it's frankly it's nice to have the president
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of france on your side. the french have in the past been quite ambivalent about these place like iran and iraq. so this is not a bad thing. this is probably a good thing. it just doesn't go very far. >> the problem with it is the backlash, if they can't get sanctions, iran just thumbs their nose at sarkozy and obama. we don't care what you guys say. we are going to do what we want and you can't do anything about it because the more they heighten the rhetoric, the more apparent his failure is going to be when nothing happens. >> >> brit: i think that's true. but i think when you think about it, bill, we are talking about a narrow set of possibilities. if these sanctions, whatever they are, fail, as i think they undoubtedly will, the only thing that's left then is some kind of tougher sanctions. but it's impossible to imagine china and russia going along with for example, a ban on the importation by iran of refined petroleum products.
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gasoline. they don't have any refinery capacity to speak of in iran. that would bring their economy to a stand estimate might bring the government down it would certainly stir things up in the middle east in a way of nothing that's been done so far. might require some kind of a quarantine and embargo to do it. that would be an act of war. there might be war. and i think that for these particular politicians, particularly president obama, he doesn't want to get mixed up in any acts of war against iran in the middle east. i don't think that's where he is headed. and i think that he would do a lot to avoid that and he is more worried about the backlash that would come from that than he is about any backlash that would come from the acquiring of nuclear weapons by iran in the effort that would contain them. >> bill: that's what the "wall street journal" says that president obama in their opinion, the paper's opinion is a conservative editorial board has already resigned himself to the fact that iran is going to get the nuclear weapon. but certainly israel hasn't resigned itself to that and i can't imagine that netanyahu sitting around letting it happen. >> well, and do you also wore
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about, you know, what would happen if israel tried to mount an attack. there is a lot of worry, you know, bill, about whether it would be effective to mount some kind of a nuclear strike. israel is in no position to impose embargo or impose sanctions. they are too small. they would have to bomb the facilities. not clear that that would work. the facilities might retard the progress of the program. it's not even clear that israel was even effective bombing strike as they could mount would be able to do anything than retard the program for a few years and then they would be right back at it. >> bill: all right. so you see this as a fate of come plea that because obama is going to russia to sign the nuclear arms reduction. you see it as a faith-fate of come plea. no matter what israel does they are going to have it. >> that's the great worry. i don't see anything on the horizon that looks like it would be strong enough to detour the iranians. >> bill: how does that change the balance of power because
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that's going to be perceived as a very, very big loss for the u.s.a. >> and it would enhance in much of the world the prestige of the iranians, make the united states appear weak in the world and so on. then the effort will be on to try to contain iran and to try to have something in place that would deter iran from using its nuclear weapons. >> bill: protections to saudi arabia ands or. >> brit: all of that. >> bill: if it happens, if iran gets it, and obama doesn't stop it, does the court of public opinion in america turn against the president even more or people don't care? >> well, i -- i think people are worried about. this but obama doesn't look bad compared to the president who preceded him. they didn't succeed either. they did the same thing he is doing. they tried to impose a sanctions regime. and the sanctions regime one after another have failed to work. so at least by contrast, he won't suffer that much. but obviously i don't think it's going to help him.
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>> bill: but it is on his watch now. and critical mass is going to happen. >> that will matter. >> bill: it. will thanks brit. we have a brand new bill o' poll. would you favor military action to prevent iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon? yes or no. and we're also going to commission a scientific role. this is a bill o' entertainment poll. here is the results from last week's poll. do you think sarah palin will run for president on the tea party ticket in 2012? 16 percent said yes she will. 84% say no, she will not. when we come right back, florida doctor says he does not want to treat people who support obama care. is it legal to take action against him. the ladies will tell us. more hate on the far left. we'll show that you bush hitler ad ahead. so many arthritis pain relievers -- i just want fewer pills and relief that lasts all day.
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take 2 extra strength tylenol every 4 to 6 hours?!? taking 8 pills a day... and if i take it for 10 days -- that's 80 pills! just 2 aleve can last all day... perfect. choose aleve and you could be taking four times... fewer pills than extra strength tylenol. just 2 aleve have the strength to relieve arthritis pain all day. hi, may i help you? yes, i hear progressive has lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? are you a safe driver? yes. discount! do you own a home? yes. discount! are you going to buy online? yes! discount! isn't getting discounts great? yes! there's no discount for agreeing with me. yeah, i got carried away. happens to me all the time. helping you save money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the is it legal segment tonight three hot topics beginning with a doctor in florida who does not want to treat americans who support obama care. dr. jack castle posted a line -- sign on his office door that says quote if you voted for obama, seek urge call you're logical care elsewhere. changes to your health care beginning right now. not sitting well with alan grayson. with us now kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl. dr. castle says he will treat people if they come in. he doesn't want to. what is the congressman trying to do. >> is he trying to file complaints both in the civil court and also ethical violations against this doctor. he doesn't have a leg to stand on this. is first amendment all day long. he can post whatever he wants on his office just like he can post any kind of advertising. >> bill: complain with the medical board of florida. >> they will try with the hip
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cat particular oath and saying it's an ethical violation. >> bill: he can't do anything. >> he hadn't turned anybody around. the congressman is filing on the basis of one constituent who says, look, i saw that sign and i turned around and went away. unless that person was damaged by that there is no standing for that person to take it into court. >> bill: what do you say, guilfoyle? >> yes. politically protected speech. he is on sound, legal ground. people not like it it's well within his rights. >> bill: if the person was bleeding in the office waiting room. >> with an obama button. >> bill: dr. castle will treat anybody. he doesn't want to. >> exactly. >> bill: nobody wants to treat me. sue every doctor in the country? pennsylvania in a hospital another medical deal, guilfoyle. they say they will not hire anybody who smokes cigarettes. now it's legal to smoke cigarettes. >> yes, it is. >> bill: that sounds like
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illegal action. >> guess what, they're able to do that. >> bill: really? >> they're under absolutely no obligation to say we are going to hire you if you smoke cigarettes. you smoke crack. whatever. you can go to that hospital, if you do not smoke. it's within their legal rights. and it's 20 states that you are able to do that. >> bill: if you smoke crack, that's illegal. >> that's a bigger problems. >> bill: if you smoke cigarettes -- we are not going to hire you, wiehl, if you drink a beer and they can get away with that. >> as we say in lawsuit slippery slope. sliding down that slope because if you are too fat. if you are 10 pounds overweight. >> bill: you are saying they don't have the right to do that. >> kimberly is right they do have the right. wrong policy because i think of the slippery slope. >> bill: if i go in there with a little camel. i actually can't go in there because you can't smoke. >> you wouldn't be allowed. >> bill: i support that by the way. >> smoke-free hospital. >> bill: parking lot before the job interview and i have the little camel and i'm like this and then they see me and they go you know what you?
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may be the most brilliant surgeon in the world. >> you are not. >> bill: we are not hiring you because you are smoking a camel they can do it? >> he they absolutely can do it. it's not a protected class. news flash. smokers are not a protected class. >> bill: you could extend it and say i don't like your shoes. job interview they do that anyway. >> you are going to have like sneaky smoking at home. >> bill: aclu suit we love those guys. >> here we go. all love those aclu people. rhode island, cracking down on truancy where the you are chants don't go too school the aclu wants what. >> i spoke with the aclu at length today. i'm thinking they have a lot to say here. they are right. they are talking about kids that aren't getting any due process going through truancy courts. slammed with being put in jail. >> bill: not going to school. cops find them. >> couple of exampletion where one kid was really sick and didn't go to school. >> bill: i don't believe any of
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that you think the cops are kicking doors in hey u. with the chicken post office pox. truancy court. are you nuts? i talked to the aclu. you believe everything the pinheads tell you. >> i at least hear what they have to say. >> bill: open up. you are surrounded you have the measles. get into school. >> you see what happened there has been brainwashing and erosion by the aclu into lis wiehl. >> bill: that's happened a long time ago. >> her body has been taken over. that's the fox news alert. look, i mean as a person who taught school and worked with children that were truant and also. >> bill: you have got to force them in. >> the state has an obligation. >> bill: you don't think there is anything wrong here. >> here i have to tell you that i think that they are well within their grounds to bring this suit because there are some problems with it in terms of due process, protections that are not afforded. >> bill: they are not getting you are chants in the ar cadz due process. >> they can correct this.
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>> bill: the general view is that the police do have an obligation to find out why these kids aren't in school. >> not to drag them into truancy. >> bill: this is outrage, ladies and gentlemen, wiehl has a new book coming out today, tomorrow, whatever. >> today. >> hand of fate. in this book wiehl kills me. i'm dead in chapter 1. >> it's upsetting. >> anybody listen to our arguments 30 seconds ago would realize why i want to kill you. why is it always about you? >> bill: i'm dead in a gruesome way. >> not you. >> bill: it's me. >> got a book cover. pull that up. that's not the cover of the book. that's just a book the publisher made. >> this is only one copy. >> we're killing o'reilly in this book. this is outrage. i'm going to sue you. >> sue her? >> you confessed to me that it was him last time you were on my show. >> bill: it is me. worked with me seven years on talk radio. i'm suing you. >> just because i was your
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co-host. >> westboro case intentional infliction of emotional distress. you are dead. >> don't you think i had intentional infliction of emotional distress? seven years of working with you? >> bill: hold up the back of the book that's wiehl's high school picture. you are going to kill me in the book and don't think you are going to get a reprisal? all right, ladies, hand of fate. erykah badu in trouble no dallas now. did michael jackson kill himself? that's what the doctor is saying. right back with check.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, reality check a spot-check on deception. if we find it, you will be the first to know. check 1. and few other radical left organizations tried to
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stage a demonstration in washington protesting the tea party protesters. it fizzled. only a few dozen showed up and they were heckled. move on said they had hundreds of thousands of names objecting to conservatives who are, quote, stoking hate, unquote. we found that interesting because a few years ago move on posted this ad. of. >> bill: move on, huh? check believes that ad might be stoking hate, perhaps could be. what say you? george soros? no hypocrisy there. of course not.
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check two tiger woods held a press caverns conference as we mentioned at the masters today. he remains con truth. >> unfortunately what i have path years has been just terrible to my family. and the fact i have won golf tournaments i think is irrelevant. it's the pain and the damage that i have caused. my wife, my mom, my wife's family. my kids. going forward are going to have to -- i'm going to have to explain all of this to them. you know, that's my responsibility. i did it. and i take full responsibility for it and as i said, winning golf tournaments, i think through all of this is irrelevant compared to the damage i have caused. >> bill: now, can we stop this, please? just let the man play golf. eenough. they can three, last week we told but singer erica ba erykah
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badu. over the weekend ms. badu explained herself. >> it's expression of an artist to pretty much express a point. i think my point was grossly misunderstood all over the united states of america. one of the myths is that i was defiling. >> not at all, no. >> no. that's one of my heros, you know, john f. kennedy -- one of the nation's heros. you know, the camelot whole tide was romanticized a lot. but john f. kennedy was a revolutionary. a rebel. >> individual. >> he was not afraid to butt heads with america. i was not afraid to show america my butt naked truth. >> bill: have you ever heard so much jibbebe your life? footnote dallas police have sent disorderly conduct citation to
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misbadu. the doctor charged in the michael jackson's death said he killed himself. taking more of the drug than the doctor administered himself. he was addicted to the powerful narcotic. question is why would a doctor put himself in the presence of a drug addict in the answer, of course, is that the addict was wealthy. date has not yet been set for dr. murphy's trial. artic ice is building up again. good news for the polar bears, bad news for folks hoping to make money from the warming trend. once again, check does believe the planet would be a better place if cleaner fuel can be developed. we like the polar bears and other critters who race around the tundra. we like them. we want the earth to be as please teen as possible. we realize there is crazy stuff going on n debate. finally check six some nut in pittsburgh bought a $500 ipad and then destroyed it. 19-year-old justin cata and some
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friends smashed the machine with a baseball bat. there they go. okay? and then posted the tape on youtube. so here is my question. what kind of 19-year-old has 500 bucks to burn and why am i showing you this on national television? both are good questions and i have no comment. that is reality check. pinheads and patriots on deck tonight starting a blow back against the loons of the westboro church. p and p is for me to breathe. but with advair, i'm breathg better. so i can join the fun at my family barbeque. (announcer) for people wh copd, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both, great news. advair helps significantly improve lung function. while nothing can reverse copd, advair is different from most other medications because it contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help you breathe better. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers
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>> time now for pinheads and patriots as we reported earlier patriots. westboro baptist church nuts are all over the place. recently showed up at a high school in palo alto,fñç california. the students at the school turned the table on the loons. ♪ this little light of mine, i'm
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gonna let it shine ♪ bill: students are patriots. pinhead front, it is still cold in maine. that did not stop some ladies from taking off their shirts in public. apparently dozens want the world to know it is okay for a guy to takeoff his shirt, then it should be okay for a gal sore something. no arrests were made. no cases of frostbite announced. we believe these ladies might be in the pinhead category. livened things up in maine. mother's day coming up soon. we have great stuff this year. big shirt is patriot mom. there's that blue shirt. comes in a variety of colors. we have coffee and travel mugs with the patriot mom logo you buy $36 worth of stuff on bill
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o' we'll buy you a gift. lis wiehl's book. i believe mom would like that book. finally the winner of the news mystery last week is mark damon who lives in florida gets a batch of factor year. and the new news quiz will be up shortly. now the mail. jason: bill you are right president obama knows where he stands in public opinion. the oil drilling will backfire. conservatives say it is not enough. liberals won't like any of it. so he loses both ways. fred: o'reilly, you mentioned mr. obama losing independents, because he's governing from the left. president reagan from the right and did not lose them. in mr. reagan's first year he got pounded. only after his tax cutting policies renewed the economy his poll numbers went up. gordon: in light of congressman johnson's comments that guam might capsize, if a sizable
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military force is sent there, i would like to know if those on capitol hill are subject to drug testing? marianne: that crazy comment from congressman may create panic. i trust the good people of guam are smarter than that i don't think they think the island is going to capsize. william: o'reilly, you're pretty good most of the time, but beck is much better. at what william? audrey: o'reilly when are you and beck going to be in las vegas? we are firming up the tour schedule for the rest of the year we will let you know shortly the cities and dates of the shows. we'll have that foromó you in a few days. ed: bill, the interview with raquel welsh was a great example of beauty and the beast. there we go again, the beast.
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come on, i'm so misunderstood. john: i asked my wife if she wanted bowl fresh for mother's day. she said okay if she could give me al franken's book for father's day. sorry bill. john: my coffee tastes better in the bold fresh coffee mug. it was designed that way john thanks for helping with your purchase. foxnews/bill o'reilly. how about e-mail us pithy comments from anywhere in the world. o' name a town if you wish to opine. the wore of the day do not be peccant when writing to the factor. that's it for us today. i am


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