tv FOX and Friends FOX News April 15, 2010 6:00am-9:00am EDT
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superpower. >> what's not to like about being a dominant military superpower? meanwhile, our slogan this hour unrelated to being a superpower but katherine from illinois says this -- watching "fox & friends" will help you relax while you finish your income tax. relax. >> welcome to thursday, everybody. it is time to file your taxes. a lot of people did it ahead of time with turbotax or, perhaps, it went to your preparer. >> did geithner use turbotax this year or have somebody do it for him. he made that little mistake. >> he underreported. >> leave it to the money man to point that out at the top of the hour. eric bolling sitting in tore steve doocey today. did you coordinate overnight with the blue? >> i haven't called men to find out what they're wearing in a while. >> that's a beautiful tie, though.
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my tie, sometimes it wanders, let me know. >> we keep you prepared -- we can't tie a tie. >> he's new to ties fortunately only on this show does he wear it and other news shows, i believe. let's talk a little bit about what we were talking about at the top of the show which is today is tax day and this very interesting new poll has now just been released saying this -- is america overtaxed? 66% of you say yes. only 25% say no. 9% are not sure. i don't know how you don't have an opinion on that one one way or another. how can that many americans feel like we're already overtaxed when you look at another very interesting statistic that 47% of americans don't pay income tax. >> 56% were only the taxpayers, not the ones of the 47% of taxpayers that don't pay taxes. >> karl rove says that's true, 66% of americans feel like they're overtaxed. however, so far the republicans own this issue, not that they're
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the only ones that have supported taxes in the past but right now, it's democrats that are just amping it up to the tune of $670 billion. according to these statistics there's been 25 tax increases since barack obama took office in 2008. when people say i feel overtaxed they're pointing right to 1600 pennsylvania avenue. >> the other thing that karl rove points out in that article, he believes it could be a moral issue, too, how people feel about taxes. here's another interesting stat, 75% of all americans believe no one should pay more than 20% of their income in taxes. well, we've already gone way past that a long time ago. so it's interesting to check in on the pulse of what americans feel especially on -- >> real quickly, obamacare, a lot of the new taxes are hidden within that. taxes on drug makers. taxes on drugs. taxes on device makers. that's going to end up being ultimately higher health care for everyone. >> maybe that's the reason the tea party has sprung into
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action, not only being created and gaining steam. let their voices being heard. yesterday, we saw as governor palin went to the site of the very first tea party in 1773 over in boston, had a huge crowd turnout. she was at the top of the game as she rallied the folks who are saying hey, we have to stop this. one of our great lines is attention, lefty friends. conservative women are smarter than you and hotter than you. i think that's a line rarely heard on the stump. >> i believe -- was that sarah palin saying that or the person when she was done speaking? >> i thought it was sarah palin. >> was it? did she actually -- we'll check in on that and see. it's a great line nonetheless. meantime, michael graham of the boston tea party will join us later this hour. he has strong feelings about scott brown not being a part of this tea party rally in boston yesterday. of course, newly elected senator, many say that the tea party was instrumental in getting him elected and then he decided not to show up there. we'll talk to michael about that. >> the thing about scott brown is he's got an election real
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soon. he's saying wait a second, i understand i come from the bastion of politics and i have to do this job without alienating others. >> he did win an election that he shouldn't have won or wasn't expected to win four or five months prior to the election because of the tea partiers and because of his conservative, far right conservative ideals and then he doesn't show up to the tea party? come on. >> two interesting votes as well. >> yes. >> he voted to extend the unemployment benefits. he was one of four republicans to do that, i believe, and the other vote, there was another interesting voted that he decided with the democrats which is not coming to my mind right now but some people are saying he has to stay more moderate to continue to be re-elected in the stay of massachusetts. let's take a look at how the tea party people break down. who are they exactly? this is how a new study shows
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exactly what their educational background is so most of the tea party members are highly educated. if you look there, 33% of them have had some college education. full college is 23% post graduate is 14%. when compared to the rest of the americans, that's a higher percentage of education. >> 90% feel that the country is headed in the wrong direction. 9-10 disapproves of the job that president obama is doing. 6 of 10 says america's best years are behind us which is somewhat problematic. we're used to being a somewhat optimistic country. not right now. >> i was going to say the most republicans classify themselves as dissatisfied and tea partiers as angry. >> it's interesting when you look at the hard and fast facts like this of how it breaks down because the perception of the tea party movement has been different than that. you certainly haven't seen in the mainstream media the perception that tea party members are highly educated or that they have a high income, too, as you look at this next panel that the demographics show
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compared to the average american, people who say they are part of the tea party movement tend to earn more money. >> all right. so that's why -- really they're not part of the republican party. they're doing their own thing but can they be swayed? can republicans bring them into the mix? can democrats like, for example, nancy pelosi who says i see eye to eye with a lot of what the tea party stands for, could they possibly win over and get some? >> does she eye to eye? i'm not really sure. >> no. >> that's what she said in the interview because she was looking for votes, i think. >> exactly. let's do a couple of headlines on a thursday. toyota says it's conducting safety tests on all s. u.v.'s after "consumer reports" issues a rare do not buy rating warning that the 2010 lexus could roll over. temporary has temporarily suspended sales of the s.u.v. and a recall is being considered. they are testing the s.u.v. and working to correct the stability problem. toyota is trying to avoid the criticism it faced earlier when
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it was accused of not acting quickly over the gas pedal and other problems. president obama isn't getting very far selling his financial reform bill to congressional republicans, at least. after a meeting to the white house on the topic, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell said the president was simply creating an ongoing bailout system. >> if you look at it carefully, it will lead to endless taxpayer bailout of wall street banks. that is clearly not the direction the american people would like for us to go. >> and house minority leader john behnor complained that if it was his goal, that isn't the way to do it. >> in a time when small businesses are looking for loans, the bill that came through the house at a minimum will make it more difficult. >> democratic leaders nancy pelosi, harry reid and steny hoyer says republicans are complaining to mask their support of big banks.
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russia has stopped all adoptions from americans unless both countries can agree on ground rules. this after a tennessee woman sent a 7-year-old back to rush rush by himself. the louisiana senator says what happens in that case is grossly inappropriate and potentially criminal. she was an adoptive mother herself and wants a full blown investigation by the state department and by tennessee authorities. a u.s. delegation will head to moscow in a few days. more than 600 people dead now in western china after yesterday's 6.9 magnitude earthquake. local officials say the bodies of victims are beginning to pile up. crews still trying to find survivors but supplies running thin there. 8,000 other people are hurt. 2,000 soldiers and police have arrived to help with rescue and relief operations. the astronauts on space shuttle discovery are going to start their 11th day in space. >> good morning, discovery and a special good morning to nioko. >> they won't need an extra spacewalk to fix that stuck
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valve on the international space station. mission control says repairs can wait and later today, president obama heads to the kennedy space center. he's going to talk about the plans to scrap the shuttle program that will cost thousands of jobs. he's promising on spending billions to develop new rocketships. buzz aldrin says the president's plan puts nasa in a position to send humans to mars. >> he seems in support of the plan going against neil armstrong who is upset of the plan. we'll break it down. it wasn't sarah palin that said hotter than yours in terms of the whole tea party movement, it was the m.c. commenting on sarah palin. meanwhile, let's talk about what's happening with iran. you've heard this for the last five years. iran is about to get enough material to make a bomb. is it a year away? two years away? or is it like three years ago when president bush was in office saying they gave up any hope of having a nuclear -- they redirected their program. yesterday, two leading military minds went to capitol hill and talked about what iran has and
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what they're doing. >> with the assumptions that we made and talked about with the enriched and getting us out to a year, that when we look at other examples of development that there is a trend that would say that it would take having the uranium would take another two to three, potential out to five years to move from the idea of having the material to a deliverable weapon that is usable. >> all right. so at the same time, a lot of people on capitol hill are saying, yeah, it's just right around the bend. it's right around the corner that they are potentially going to have this nuclear weapon. what does that mean for the face of the world? well, john mccain is one of those who is speaking out. >> make no mistake, if iran achieves a nuclear weapons capability, it will not be because we couldn't stop it. but because we've chose not to stop it. >> that's a pretty harsh statement because some people believe that the u.s. is moving
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in the right direction by having talks with russia and china and trying to develop some sort of a sanctioned plan. others believe that sanctions don't work. no matter what you impose, and that somehow you to have a better strategic plan so they don't in fact get the bomb. it's not going to be like they get it and then what do we do? most people want to figure out how to stop them from getting it in the first place. >> yes, very scary thought. they're very close. they have enough uranium enriched. they have to figure out a way to put it in, deliver it and make it go off and that really isn't two or three years down the road. it's more likely a year and the very scary thing is whether or not the terrorist organizations, al-qaida, taliban or hezbollah get their hands on it through iran. >> senator john mccain will be with us in a little while. meanwhile, at the end of the two-day nuclear summit, it was a question and answer period when president obama had a chance to address the fact that we have responsibilities as a superpower and some were surprised by how he feels about it. listen to his words. >> it is a vital national
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security interest of the united states to reduce these conflicts because whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower and when conflicts break out, one way or another, we get pulled into them. and that ends up costing us significantly in terms of both blood and treasure. >> so what people were upset about was the comment about whether or not we like being the number one superpower. >> could he be anymore apologetic? it's crazy. how about it's good to be the superpower. it keeps peace. it deters bad guys from blowing us up? >> i could tell -- >> that tie is about to bust off! >> i know it. >> see, i think actually he was trying to say whether you like it or not, we have a responsibility as a superpower. it came out as whether you like it or not, we're a superpower. there's nothing not to like about being the best, i always thought and by having this type
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of arsenal which, by the way, we're all paying for. i feel as if he didn't say what he really meant to say. >> maybe he can come on the show and explain himself. let's tell you what's coming up on the show. it could be one of the toughest immigration laws on the books. state of arizona wants to make it a crime to be an illegal immigrant. we'll talk to the man pushing that legislation. >> and plumes of ash from a volcano in iceland shutting down air traffic across europe this morning. the continent's busiest airport closed. hundreds of flights canceled. you've arrived at the biggest meeting
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borders. could this be used as a model for the rest of the nation or does it go too far? >> man behind the bill, arizona state representative joins us live to discuss it. ok, sir, for me, it sounds like a great idea. tell us how it works. a law enforcement officer can walk up to someone and say i'm not sure if you look like you're from here. let me see your card. >> well, not quite that simple. this particular law is based on well-founded constitutional law from 1960's, stop and question. the police have to have reasonable suspicion that this individual is in the country illegally. only then can they make inquiries and only if those inquiries amount to probable cause at the hearing legally can they be apprehended. >> how do we get to this point, john? are we at the point now where the people of arizona are behind this because it's affecting all of you? >> people of arizona have always been behind strict enforcement against illegal
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immigrants. arizona is in the crosshairs of the problem. illegal immigration has created a crime wave, murder, kidnapping, drug smuggling, human trafficking, and street crime and the federal government has dropped the ball. beyond the crime and the crime problems and the safety problems, the cost to government services given to illegal is phenomenal. billions of dollars in education, apprehension, incarceration, welfare costs. >> let's look at your proposal that you put together here. here are some of the bullet points. crime for a failure for carrying a green card. officers to arrest those unable to prove legal status. illegal to transport illegals. right to sue if the government adopts policies i understand her -- to enforce the new law. >> there's more to the law. we ban sanctuary cities. no longer can politicians and police chiefs handcuff their
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police and say look the other way on immigration status. we're now recruiting every police officer in arizona to help in this battle. and we're also going after street day laborers and the people who pick them up to have them work. we're taking away the jobs and doing internal enforcement. >> we only have about 20 seconds left. are any businesses pushing back? some that might hire illegals? >> no. not on this law. there was some apprehension with the sanctions law that we passed last year. most are comfortable. everybody agrees we have to solve this problem. this is an important tool. >> the governor has yet to sign it. we'll see where we go. thanks so much. >> she will. >> we'll look forward to talking to you again as we follow through. >> all right. >> john mccain coming up in a little bit talking about arizona politics. straight ahead. >> are teachers in a florida suburb being followed? why one says his effort to honor a group of instructors is being hinder bid the school district. >> and he's done it again. larry king is filing for divorce for an eighth time. the story behind the story when we come back in three minutes.
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>> welcome back, everyone. our next guest says an effort to honor teachers was behindhinder they're pointing the finger of the aclu. matthew is the founder of liberty council and pastor joey rogers is with pace assembly of god church. they join us live this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> i understand, pastor, that you wanted to honor teachers in a private setting at your church during graduation time last year. and what happened? >> that's correct. it all started when the baccalaureate service was going
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to take place but because of the aclu lawsuit against our county, the consent decree was ordering the teachers, faculty, staff to not participate. they were not allowed to sit together or to even wear any kind of clothing that would identify them even as teachers in our particular county. and when i wanted to be able to recognize them in this private setting inside of our church auditorium, many of them were afraid to even stand because of disciplinary action that could be imposed upon them by the school distributed. -- district and certainly, this goes against their religious freedoms and being noninstructional during that time, giving them the opportunity to support the students. >> right. matthew, i remember having you on the show just recently with another student who was also in a similar situation where he wrote a letter and said god bless at the end and then that created the same kind of furor. what the heck is going on in this school district? >> what happened is the aclu directed this consent decree and
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that's what's taking place. it affects every single person. the person that we had on was a student who simply said good luck and god bless. they told him you have to x out god bless. now, what we have off campus, private, religious activities, it has nothing to do with the school. these people that are invited are simply in their private capacity after hours, in a church sanctuary that's privately funded, privately sponsored, and this consent decree that the aclu is pushing and the government is enforcing is infringing on this religious freedom. that's just absolutely ridiculous to have the aclu and the government come inside a church and intimidate people not even wanting to be able to be recognized when they're asked to stand as teachers that they want to be acknowledged. that's what's happening in santa rosa. >> i remember going to these events. i remember it was a long time ago but there was never a problem like this before. let's take a closer look at what's in this consent. here's what it says. while school officials in their personal capacity may participate in a religious
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service, their role and participation should not be in their official capacity. school officials collectively should not conform their seating or dress so as to designate their participation or attendance at a religious service is by virtue of their official positions. there's a lot of legalese involved in that. what that is saying is that they shouldn't go. >> exactly. and it was appalling to me. the students wanted to have their teachers and those that were influencing them recognized. that's the reason why i started the got your back movement to help put the teachers, the students and ministers together so that there could be a baccalaureate service held and students and teachers could participate in it. >> can teachers go to this service and feel as if they will stay out of trouble? >> in fact, that's what's the problem. that's why we're filing this lawsuit. in fact, gretchen, even in that order it says even when there's students present off campus at a private event, the teachers are
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automatically considered to be in their official capacity. off campus at all events are considered to be like in the classroom and in fact, there was an individual who was a support staff in a neighboring county where students were at a private event privately funded, simply asked her husband to bless the meal. and she had to go through an entire contempt in court. she ultimately was not found guilty but that's why these teachers are intimidated. >> wow. it's an amazing story and we continue to follow it on "fox & friends." thank you to both of you. >> thank you. >> let's go to the green room and see what the guys are up to. >> well, let me just tell you -- i'm going to tell you what you're going to be up to, gretchen. coming up straight ahead, do you think you're overtaxed? you're not alone. why do nearly 50% of households pay no income tax? is that fair? stuart varney who pays a lot of tax is here. >> what do you think if a teacher wrote the word loser on your kid's arm? the teacher in this case says it was just a joke. happy birthday to emma thompson.
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she is just 51 today. >> fantastic. >> happy birthday. finally, what i love is what my skin needs. new positively nourishing. fragrant moisturizers from aveeno, the naturals brand dermatologists trust most. active naturals formula's shown to lock in 24-hour moisture. new positively nourishing. only from aveeno.
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i don't know. >> is it tax day or income redistribution day? a new rasmussen poll finds that 66% of americans feel they're overtaxed but nearly 47% of all households will pay no income tax at all. and some are even getting money back. stuart varney is here to help us make sense of all that. >> all right. >> so is it a surprise that 66% -- is it a surprise that only 66% think we're overtax ed? >> yes, it is, because people look at their paycheck and then they look at the take home pay and they say, wait a minute, the difference between the two, i'm paying too much in tax. that's where it comes from. but i don't think people realize -- i don't think america realizing just how dependent we are on the so-called wealthy, the rich, to pay our bills. 10% of income earners pay the -- the top 10% of income earners pay 75% of all the taxes that come into the treasury. we're heavily dependent on the rich. it's not going to last. >> and it's going to go up for
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the rich. >> yes, it is. >> it is not health care reform and the bush tax cuts expiring, it's going to go up. interesting new study put out by the urban institute and tax policy center to keep up with all the spending you would to have to tax the rich 77% to 91% to try to get rid of the deficit. >> yes. yes. >> i mean, that's -- 91%, why even go to work? >> but you could take every red cent that people make over $500,000 a year, just confiscate it, just take it right off them, steal it off of them. you still wouldn't fix the deficit. even if you did that so the moral of the story is, you can tax the rich up to the hilt, but you still can't cover this extraordinary spending that we see now. just think of the fairness issue. is it fair that you go out and start a small business, work hard, save your money, don't spend lavishly. you succeed and then the government takes half your income and that's what's happening these days, the government takes half your income and gives it to other
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people, solely on the grounds that they make less than you do. so it's only fair for you to share. i maintain that's not fair. >> this is dramatically different from even 10 years ago. the shift is happening before our eyes. you don't go back to the 1920's. stuart, you're great at relating how this relates to other things. you talk about the success or you talk about they grow companies. they also hire people. they also insure people and their imagination allows our industry to flourish. they're entrepreneurs. how does taxing them heavily affect the little guy? >> it affects them negatively. if you're running a successful small business now and you know that in the future, not the distant future but starting in january of next year, a much higher tax bill is coming your way, you know you've got to give a lot more money to the government, are you going to go out and hire people? are you going to go out and expand? the answer is you're not. there's a real split right now between really highly
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profitable, big companies and small businesses which are struggling with their tax bill. that's the split that we're seeing today. >> and what better day to talk about than on tax day. >> it's tax day. have a nice day. >> there's going to be protests and demonstrations throughout the country. >> tax fairness goes to the heart of the tea party movement. >> varney & company at 9:20. >> i'm not part of the company. >> you will. i'm going to talk to stuart during the break. >> if you're not careful, you'll be on the show. >> all right. thanks very much, stu. let's do a couple of headlines for you. fox news alert. president obama reaffirms his plan to start withdrawing troops from afghanistan in 2011. he spoke on an australian tv station this morning. mr. obama said the u.s. and its allies can't be there in perpetuity and he says the taliban in afghanistan has been blunted but he did admit winning the 9-year-old war is a difficult task. >> we haven't put the 30,000 in yet and we're talking about pulling them out. later this morning, president obama will make remarks at the
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white house about mine safety after he gets a preliminary report of what caused west virginia's mine disaster. the governor is calling for inspection of all mines. and he wants them to stop tomorrow to mourn the victims. >> the teacher who allegedly wrote the word loser on a boy's arm has resigned two days before she was scheduled to attend a disciplinary hearing according to "the columbus dispatch." amy butterfield said the 8-year-old found the joke funny when she wrote the word loser on his arm with an orange marker but the family disagrees. >> i can't believe anything like that would actually go on the side of school. that could scar him for life. that's nothing that you want to see happen to any child. >> the teacher says she made an unfortunate error in judgment and that she had a good relationship with the boy. brian? >> all right, ash clouds from a volcanic eruption in iceland are
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forcing flights to be canceled across europe. europe's busiest airport, london's heathrow is only accepting emergency flights. this is the second time in less than a month that a volcano has erupted. about 800 residents have been evacuated. the earth seems angry. >> somebody else who may be angry is it larry king's wife or larry? because larry is heading down a familiar road. what is it? the 76-year-old is splitting from his seventh wife. >> no! >> talk show anchor and wife both filed for divorce citing irreconcilable differences. tmz is reporting the marriage began to crumble after she accused king of having an affair with her younger sister. this will be king's eighth divorce. he married his third wife twice. can't keep the math straight on that. ok, brian, let's do a little sports. >> from one troubled marriage to another. not talking about me. talking about this. tiger town, that's what we're talking about. is he leaving town? has his wife packed up and left? his wife, elan is reportedly
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irate over the nike ad that i supported and gretchen didn't featuring his dead father's voice, a friend telling "people" magazine she thought the ad was cheesy. several reports say elan was ready to file for divorce papers and she apparently thinks woods returned to golf too soon. evidently she was violently angry when she saw it. the troubled wide receiver brandon marshall is moving on. the denver broncos picking him up in exchange for two second round draft picks. he has baggage. a history of domestic violence, clashing with coaches and one more strike, he could be suspended by the league, too, if he does anything wrong again. he can play football, though and goes to the dolphins as a number one receiver. could the league be, you know, could this be something that bill parcells can straighten out? and finally, talk about leaving your calling card. check out this dog, mona. mona got loose and she got loose and runs across the fields in the minor league baseball game. it's a big adoption thing and right in center field, mona
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marks her territory. she decides to do her business. >> she was actually adopted after this despite that little stunt. she's got a good, old belly scratch in return and she feels a whole lot lighter. and there you go. we'll continue to follow this story as it develops two or three times a day. >> all right. 21 minutes before the top of the hour. a space invasion is taking place in new york city today. people are wearing space themed outfits and are gathering at grand central station. they want to send a message to nasa to make sense of this mission, let's talk to the u. s. s. intrepid, the guy who runs things over there, the president of the u. s.s. sea, air and space museum, bill wright. why are you glowing today? why are you happy? what is your mission? >> i think what everybody wants to hear in new york is are we going to get a shuttle? new york has the right stuff. we have 45 million people that visit a year. 15 million people live in new york and almost a million people come to the intrepid already and we're working with nasa to try to obtain one of the three about
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to be decommissioned space shuttles and to get new yorkers and people from connecticut and new jersey involved, we wanted to take over the subway called the shuttle and we're going to ride it from grand central station, kicking off with the governor and other officials over there, over to times square and do a nice opportunity for people to dress up and start, you know, "star wars", a chance to have some fun and let nasa know that new york really wants one of these things. >> you get one of the space shuttles, they're going to be mothballed after a glorious career. what would it do for tourism? what would it do for the intrepid museum? >> we're working with mayor bloomberg and senator schumer and our local congressmen and they estimate with us that we will probably generate about another 400,000 initial visitors. that's about $106 million of economic impact for new york city. about $71 million in direct spend and $8 million in taxes to the city of new york so this could be an incredible boom to tourism and by the way, jobs. real paying jobs. we'll hire lots of people over
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on the intrepid and work on this amazing exhibit. >> if you're coming to new york, make sure you go by. people are as nice as you and finally, when you talk about the space shuttle coming here, when will you find out? what will the decision be made? when can you give us some news? >> i think the nasa administrator and everybody down there will let us know very soon. we're working right now to raise this $40 million. we have people calling us to talk about naming rights for this amazing building we're going to build. we'll let you know first and soonest. >> within five days? >> i think we'll hear something very soon. >> all right. bill white, hopefully you'll get what you want today sxht demonstration will be fun and successful. always great to see you. see you on the big battleship. gretchen, eric, what do you have planned? >> we'll talk a little bit about senator scott brown in massachusetts. he's a no show at a huge tea party express rally in boston today. why did he not show up? i guess it was yesterday. we'll ask radio talk show host michael graham. >> coming up, a large bomb lodged in a soldier's head is surgically removed. how did they pull it off?
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did you guys draw a picture for mommy and daddy? woman: if only our paychecks were growing as fast as our kids. good thing we got extra money back from the irs on our taxes. brownies! man: we can afford all this? yeah. it's something called the earned income tax credit. girl: can we help set the table? when you make less than $48,000 a year... thank you, honey pie. it makes all the difference. see if you qualify at...
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it says that when you buy whoa grand caravan,? dodge will give you 60 days to decide if you want to keep it. that's ridiculous. look at it. it's got seating for up to seven, a smooth v6 engine and a five star government crash test rating. why would you need 60 days, really, who is that indecisive? the dodge "you won't need 60 days to decide but we'll give it to you anyway" event. >> risking a deadly explosion on the operating table, doctors in afghanistan surgically removed a live bomb that was lodged into a soldier's head. so how did they pull it off? was it a dangerous procedure? our medical a team is here with
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us. doctors manny alavez and david sumadi, obviously it was dangerous, dr. manny, right? >> absolutely. >> how did they do that? >> i deliver babies. let them answer that question. i deliver babies. >> there you go. >> it is a dangerous procedure. it's a dangerous procedure even when you are not removing an explosive device. any time you have a penetrating trauma to the head, there's so many things you have to worry about. you have to worry about the fracture of the skull which pieces of the skull may be penetrating into the brain. you have to worry about injury to the brain. and then by removing the object, of course, you potentially can cause more damage and then you also worry about the blood vessels that are -- that are supplying the brain with nutrients so it's a dangerous procedure even if it's not an explosive device. >> dangerous to the soldier, what about dangerous to the doctor? >> well, it is. it's a very risky business but i think what really strikes me about this story is really the way they diagnosed it. the importance of the c.a.t. scan, when you have a trauma and we all have gone through this trauma training.
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when you have the c.a.t. scan, the diagnosis was really important and the way they went about putting the team together and doing under very controlled environment, that was really important. making sure that the monitors are done without any electric shock to really make this explosion go off. team work. >> look at that x-ray right there. he was lucky it didn't go further in. topic two, alzheimer's 31-year-old diagnosed with alzheimer's. is that possible? first thought was trauma to the head, amnesia. but alzheimer's? >> she began to have the significant memory loss. it was misdiagnosed. they gave her anti-depressants. 31-year-old, alzheimer's very rare aggressive types of alzheimer's, genetically induced, of course. the family decided that they wanted a child. they are cognizant to the fact that the transmission of this types of alzheimer's is 50% to the newborn. they went ahead with the
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delivery. the mother doesn't remember. >> at what age -- >> it's not very common. there's a disorder, disease called early onset alzheimer's which usually occurs at 50 years of age vs. 80 years of age. this being 31 is very rare. what accelerated her symptoms were her pregnancy. >> accelerated it? >> accelerated it. >> alzheimer's, i think of it the way the computer freezes, you know the softwares are not connecting so now the brain is not functions as well as it should. this is 5% to 10% of all alzheimer's patients. they usually don't give birth. this is an unusual story. child is functioning well and while they're going through a lot of emotions, i think they're going to succeed. >> there you go. good to see you guys. >> happy tax day. >> happy tax day. all right, sarah palin headlines a huge tea party rally in boston yesterday. a key figure associated with the movement was missing. where in the world was scott brown? and now it's time for the answer
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>> sarah palin draws a huge crowd at the boston tea party but someone was missing from the action. massachusetts senator scott brown a no show but why? >> michael graham is a syndicated radio talk show host and author of "that's no angry mob, that's my mom." joining us right now. michael, you were with scott
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brown when no one wanted to put him on the show. you put him on your show. now became this phenom national star. why is he m.i.a.? >> you know, i think the folks around him or a lot of the established politicians are scared of the tea party. they've seen how it's become trashed and bashed. they see the attempted smear of the movement. yesterday i was on stage with sarah palin and it was a great event. and i looked at this crowd, completely normal, typical americans, the signs were 100% positive from the tea party's supporters. there were some kooks out there from the other team. imagine if scott brown was here articulating to the media and america what brought these 5,000 to 10,000 bostonians down to boston commons. it would have been a great movement for him and the tea party himself. >> since he's become a senator, he's voted with the democrats on two spending bills. one of which was just recent to extend unemployment benefits. is his message really in line with the tea party? >> look, i used to run campaigns for a living and i understand scott brown's
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political dilemma. massachusetts is still a democratic state and he has to run in 2012 with barack obama the top of the ticket in a blue state. but who got him elected? it was the tea party movement. senator brown was brilliant in understanding them and talking to them. he listened to them. he's got to balance it, too. i don't have a problem with the votes as much as i do the leadership. come speak for the values that we all share. who can be against limited government doing something about this crazy debt? working out for my kids' futured? >> so michael, there's two things. did he show up? no, he didn't. is he going to go along with the democrat as they look to get financial reform passed as they look to attack wall street? they feel as though -- the president feels as though he could work scott brown, should he feel optimistic he could catch scott brown? >> i got to tell you, i think senator brown has done a very good job, not perfect but very good job of riding the edge. speaking to the people who voted for him and the independents who don't trust government are very mad at government right now but also at the same time, trying to not pick fights with the democratic establishment that is here in massachusetts.
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look, they're going to be here way beyond 2012. he needs the tea party army and i think it was a mistake not to be there. but the votes, i think, he's being pretty strategic. >> if he's going to be a canudrum, no doubt when it comes to election time. let's talk about the party who is the anti-tea party now. they're called crash the tea here's what they say they want and how they're going to accomplish it. to dismantle and demolish the tea party by any nonviolent means necessary. how will succeed? infiltrating the tea party itself. we have already sat quietly in their meetings and observed their rallies. who is the heck is this group? >> well, obviously, they're paying attention. they look like dopes, the handful that showed up yesterday. it was such a great, positive vibe in that crowd. tea party supporters were looking for these nuts to welcome, say, hey, come on in. we want to see your signs, too. they were angry. they were upset, these little college punks. they were vulgar, rude, a lot of profanity. elephants copulatiing was an attack on sarah palin.
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i don't know, they've not gotten the message. we're trying to fix things. we're talking about real problems like debts, deficit spending, having the government run health care when they can't even run something basic and the so-called counterprotesters turned out to be a joke. >> coming up at 9:00 today, eastern time, we'll find out about who the tea partiers want in and who they want out. and whose endorsement they will get. who they will endorse. >> i can tell you -- >> go ahead. >> i was going to say they want incumbents out and i hope republicans and democrats are listening. they want incumbents out. guys, you haven't done a very good job. it's time for you to be fired and someone else to come in. that's the vibe of the tea party movement right now. >> fired up this morning. thanks again. >> thank you so much. >> coming up on the show, democrats and republicans seem to agree the alleged 9/11 co-conspirators should not be tried in new york city but attorney general eric holder still says it's a possibility. we'll get reaction from new york congressman peter king. >> have you ever read the constitution? it's the only document that our
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it's the best coverage in america. >> good thursday morning, everybody. it's april 15, 2010. it's tax day. thanks for sharing part of that very important day with us. so the tax man is coming, whether you like it or not and today the tea party express in full steam with rallies all across the country. brian? >> pressing for sanctions against iran and securing loose nukes around the globe, is it up to us? according to the president -- >> whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower. >> why the heck wouldn't we like that? it's been good to us. >> exactly. eric? >> all right. the space wars are on. astronaut vs. astronaut. the white house calling on buzz aldrin to defend the president's plan to overhaul nasa and our slogan comes this hour from jim in texas. i watch "fox & friends" hour after hour because they don't
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remind me of being -- they don't mind being a superpower. that's 100% right. >> good morning. >> good morning. we love those slogans that are apropos for what we've just discussed. >> if you call back something in the first hour, you'll make the second hour. >> i was a little fluttered. i ran downstairs and gavin tied this tie. >> you did seem sort of out of breath. >> i had to take the ear piece out. thank you, sir. good job. >> is this a gimmick or the real thing that you don't know -- >> i don't know how to tie a tie. >> the fact that you don't know how to tie a tie. >> i never wore a tie. i didn't wear a tie in the fox business network. i come over here. it's respectable. and i put the tie on. i don't know how to tie it. >> tie or no tie for eric bolling sitting in today for steve doocey so please e-mail us. twitter us, text us, whatever you want to do and let us know
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if he should have the tie on. >> let's head out and rasmussen talked to people and they say how too you feel? do you pay enough taxes or not enough? 66% of you said i'm overtaxed. 25% say no and 9% say not sure which is a high number when you consider the fact that 50% of the country don't even pay income tax. >> yeah, they pay payroll, property and sales tax. so maybe that's why they still feel like they're overtaxed. imagine if they also paid federal income tax which is what the other half of the nation is doing. the other very interesting stat here, folks, is that 75% -- i mean, 10% of americans, the wealthiest americans, pay 75% of all the taxes so imagine how they would feel if they were asked this question. >> a lot of people says there should be a fair tax. put a tax on everything you buy. that number could be like a 20% to 25% tax on things you buy. at least it's distributed evenly. >> stuart varney was here.
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every once and a while, stuart varney makes a lot of sense. i'm only kidding. stuart varney always makes sense. stuart varney on taxes and what people think on a day like this. >> people look at their paycheck and look at their take home pay and the difference between the two, i'm paying too much in tax. that's where it comes from. is it fair that you go out, start a small business, you work hard, you save your money, don't spend lavishly. you succeed. and then the government takes half your income and that's what's happening these days. the government takes half your income and gives it to other people solely on the grounds that they make less than you do so it's only fair for you to share. i maintain that is not fair. >> i love how he says fair. suddenly makes it sound better, doesn't it? >> it reminds you in england, that number is not 50. it's probably all in, closer to 60, 65%. >> they have like a cast system going on. you don't move up and down the ladder there. >> isn't why they came to america to start america? hello! i mean, i think that's what some
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people said that they wanted to leave. maybe it was a little different 200 years ago. there's a new study that also says this, that if we really want to get rid of this deficit, we would have to tax people who make above $250,000 a year 77% to 91% to get rid of the deficit. what a lot of people are concerned about is you decrease spending and increase taxes doesn't go down to pay down the deficit. does it continue to go to pay mo for more programs? >> there's such a rally around the country saying i'm being taxed too much. i want to have a say in government. i feel like i'm locked up. who makes up the tea party? 18% of americans identify themselves as tea party supporters. what do they do in terms of education? when you walk into a crowd, you'll be finding only 3% don't have high school degrees. 33% have gone to some college. and 14% have post graduate
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degrees. >> this flies in face of sort of perception that the mainstream media has put out there about people who belong to the tea party. maybe the perception is they're not as highly educated as the elite people in our society. >> and then they focus on who they are, what makes them up instead of what they really stand for which is less taxes, smaller government, stop spending, tax us less. >> let's see how successful they are. according to a study, how much do you make? well 11% make between $75,000 and $100,000. more than 120%, between $50,000 and 75,000. that's where the majority is. 25% over there and 17% of the tea partiers are in that range. so that's what makes up the audiences and the crowds, for example, that sarah palin dressed yesterday. >> it was a huge rally in boston. let's do a couple of other headlines for you. president obama appears to have shifted gears now on israel and the middle east. and our caroline schively is in
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washington about what this means. >> president obama has you know has been pushing prime minister benjamin netanyahu for a deal with palestinians even while relations seem to be dete deteriorating. the downward spiral began when joseph biden went there and they announced new housing developments. one of the reasons that the white house could be eyeing a tougher line of israel. the president spoke about the u.s. role in the middle east this week. >> it is a vital security interest of the united states to reduce these conflicts because whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower and when conflicts break out, one way or another, we get pulled into them. >> a majority of senators and house members have sent a letter to secretary of state hillary clinton asking the administration to dial down the tension with israel. some analysts point to the
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bigger picture problem. >> if both washington and jerusalem and there are responsibilities on each to improve this relationship, don't get serious about improving it at a critical time with arab-israeli peacemaking and the challenge of iran looming, then the next six months is going to look more like a soap opera than a serious partnership. >> yesterday, white house spokesman robert gibbs said the u.s. has an unbreakable bond with the israeli people but he did not mention the israeli government. back to you. >> wow. that's telling. thanks, caroline. other thing is the administration is extremely cornered about the scud missiles that have gone in from syria into lebanon. that could mess up the entire peace process even further. >> let's talk a little bit now about toyota because they are testing all the s.u.v.'s to make sure they are safe. this is after "consumer reports" issued a rare do not buy rating warning that the 2010 lexus gs-460 could roll over. toyota has temporarily suspended
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sales. engineers are testing the s.u.v. and working to correct the stability problems. toyota took a lot of heat for not responding to complaints of sudden acceleration and sticking gas pedals. analysts say toyota is trying to avoid the criticism this time around. fox news alert. president obama reaffirming his plan to start withdrawing troops from afghanistan in 2011. he spoke on an australian tv station this morning. mr. obama says the u.s. and its allies can't be there in perpetuity. he says the taliban's momentum in afghanistan has been blunted but he did admit winning the 9-year-old war is a difficult task. this is the army pulling out of one of the most contested part in afghanistan. the fighting was virtually constant and u.s. casualties high. president obama also not getting very far selling his financial reform bill to congressional republicans at least. after a meeting at the white house on the topic, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said the president was simply
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creating an ongoing bailout system. >> you look at it carefully, it will lead to endless taxpayer bailouts of wall street banks. that is clearly not the direction the american people would like for us to go. >> and house minority leader john boehner complained if economic recovery was the president's goal, this wasn't the way to do it. >> at a time when small businesses are looking for loans, i think the bill that came through the house at a minimum will make it more difficult. >> democratic leaders, though, nancy pelosi, harry reid, steny hoyer says republicans are complaining to mask their support for big banks. house dems don't want a possibly embarrassing high profile investigation into the sexual advances of former new york representative eric massa. with all republicans and three democrats voting against it, a resolution was passed essentially telling the ethics committee it could probe massa's reported sexual advances if it wants to. >> mr. tickle fight could have
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got himself in a whole lot of trouble. >> lot more tickling going on than we thought. >> charges make it official. at 9 minutes after hour, i'm wondering why buzz aldrin and neil armstrong, when we first saw them burst on the scene, aastronauts, aldrin the second to walk on the moon. armstrong the first. they're not on the same page when it comes to president obama's nasa policy will be. >> neil armstrong who rarely says anything public. he took the president to task because he'll be giving a big speech, the president is in florida about the future of nasa. this is what neil armstrong said. while the president's plan emphasizes humans traveling away from earth and, perhaps, towards mars at sometime in the future, the lack of developed rockets and spacecraft will assure that ability will not be available for many years without the skill and experience that actual spacecraft operation provides, the u.s.a. is far too likely to be on a long downhill slide to mediocrity.
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>> because they canceled the constellation program that was going to have us go back to the moon and then over to mars. here's what buzz said. >> what this nation needs in order to maintain its position as the 21st century leader in space exploration is a near term focus on lowering the cost of access to space and on developing key cutting edge technologies that will take us farther, further and faster, i believe this is the right program at the right time and i hope that nasa and our dedicated space community will embrace this new direction as much as i do. i applaud the president for his boldness and commitment. you know, it seems -- you know if, you take it buzz doesn't want nasa to continue but if you look deeper into it. he wants nasa to continue, stronger, further, mars and not just the moon projects. >> right, the moon projects, the spacecraft evidently will be a smaller version of what president bush wanted. orien is going to allow -- not going to go to the moon. he's going to allow unmanned
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space. he'll allow us to go to the space station and back and be used as an emergency vehicle should astronauts quickly need to get down to earth and the other thing he's going to do, they'll look into sending travelers, us, everyday people into low -- into low gravity. into orbit. not deep orbit but into orbit. so we're going to space and come back down. >> how much will that cost you? s -- us? >> i don't know. maybe it will be taxpayer funded. >> today, the president will tell everybody at nasa how many people will be losing their jobs. >> pay close attention to that speech here on fox. didn't the white house say the 9/11 terror trials won't be held in new york city? somebody should probably tell the attorney general. >> new york is not off the table as a place where they might be tried. >> new york congressman peter cane is steamed and here to react live. >> democrat schumer.
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>> new york city apparently not off the table when it comes to the terror trials of khali shaikh mohammed and the worst of the worst. his co-conspirators, you could say. new york congressman peter king is outraged by this, he is the ranking member of the homeland security committee and joins us right now. you saw the attorney general on capitol hill yesterday depending his position and giving us an update on what's with these trials at gitmo. what did you garner and glean from the attorney general's remarks yesterday about the trials being in new york? >> brian, it's absolute insanity. the decision they made back in november, the president and eric holder bringing trials to new york, the most irresponsible decision any administration has ever made. they never spoke to the police and never spoke to anyone at all in law enforcement.
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it was wrong. now they've boxed themselves in. the white house has made it clear off the record the trial is coming out but eric holder who is a real left wing idealogue. he wants to keep it in new york and it's time for the president of the united states to step up and assert himself and say the trial has to come out. he cannot allow eric holder to define national policy. >> he got roasted yesterday. here's what "the new york daily news" said today they can't figure out. is he a captain that wants to go down with his ideological ship or doesn't he know how to chart a new course. what is the real story? that there is no plan b? >> brian, i don't think they had a plan b. excuse me. once they realized how to come out of new york, didn't know where to put it, what other city is going to take it after it's taken out of new york? it does not belong in a civilian court, it belongs in a military tribunal. the only place suitable is
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guantanamo. the president needs to step up and say this trial is coming out of new york, going sfinto a military tribunal and going to guantanamo. it's time for the president to do the right thing and not be caving into the left. yesterday at the same time as the attorney general was testifying, we had the head of federal protective service testifying and he says they cannot secure the courthouse in lower manhattan. they cannot secure it for more than two weeks and this trial will go on for more than two years. >> here's what senator schumer says. we know the administration is not going to hold the trial in new york. they should just say it already. this is a democrat who might be majority leader in a year. what is going on? is there a rift between the attorney general and the president? >> i think there may be. but yet, you know, should never be an attorney general and the president. the president is in charge. he has to tell eric holder what to do. i'm glad senator schumer is on board. i wish more democrats would have spoken out. for the first 2 1/2 months after
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the president made the decision to put this trial in lower manhattan, not one democrat said a word like none is criticizinging him for his policy against israel. it's time for democrats to come forward and put their country before their party. if they spoke out earlier on this situation in new york, we might not be where we are now. >> lindsay graham is dealing with the white house on what to do with the 200 detainees and about these trials. real quick, congressman king, does he represent the republican party in this and you? >> no. lindsay graham as far as getting the trials out of new york, i do not agree with lindsay when it comes to bringing them to the supposed prison in illinois. that's wrong. i told that to him. he's going too far and throwing a life line to the democrats. we didn't have to do that. >> you didn't have to do the show. we appreciate you getting up and sharing your thoughts about yesterday's cross-examination. thanks so much. >> thank you, brian. see you. >> that's massapequa. are americans losing touch with
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>> welcome back, everyone. sarah palin had strong words for president obama during a tea party rally in boston. >> we'll keep clinging to our constitution and our guns and religion and you can keep the change. >> so is she right? has the administration lost sight of our founding principles and the very basis of our country, our constitution? well, actress jeanine turner is the founder and co-chair of constituting america, she's here with her daughter who is also the national youth director of
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the program, juliet turner. welcome to both of you. >> thank you. >> first time we've had a chance to meet you, juliet. >> yes. >> what a beautiful young woman you are. >> thank you. >> tell me how kids can get involved in this new program that you're setting up with your mom. >> see, there's a petition for the kids and they can sign up today even. and it's lower school and middle school and high school. we have three different definitions and get to compete on the constitution and they get to write essays, public service announcements on how the constitution is relevant today. >> so this is a great way to get kids involved. jeanine, i know this is something near and dear to your heart. you have founded this new program called constituting america. >> yes. >> a lot of people including sarah palin think we're going away from the basic tenants of the constitution. >> it is so important. look at -- i'm so into it. >> your reading material. >> so many things. but you know, the great thing about the constitution is it crosses all party lines. it's democrats, republicans, independents, tea parties, we all need to know about the constitution. and i am obsessed with my voice
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now as an american as i think a lot of us are. there's an awakening in our country and we need this fertilizer and these are the vitamins and i think -- and i recommend -- i want to have my voice be heard but i want to have it grounded in some principles so i read the constitution with juliet. we read it over spring break and they're like wait a minute, i don't understand what it means. i started reading the federalist papers and this is actually how to read the federalist paper. >> this comes on the heels, jeanine, of some members of congress saying they don't care about the constitution. i don't care -- they're on record as saying i don't really care what the constitution says. >> that's terrible. and that's going to be the decline of our country. that's why i think it's so important. this was not just a temporary constitution. this is not ever lasting constitution. all branches of the government are supposed to preserve and protect the constitution. not change or disregard the constitution. >> let's see what james madison said many years ago. it will be avail of people that the laws be made of men of their choice. if the laws are so incoherent that they cannot be understood. oh, how timely. i'm thinking.
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>> yes, i just put that on my op ed on fox newson line. that's why i got obsessed with the federalist papers. how relevant is that? >> incoherent speaks volumes. some said they didn't understand the health care reform bill. how can parents get involved with their kids? let's face it, reading the constitution can be a little dry. >> this is it. so i started 90 and 90 for adults. starts april 20th on our web site what we're going to do is take 90 days, five days to read the constitution and 85 days to read the 85 federalist papers and we'll have a conversational blog and talk about it on the web site with experts from hillsdale community college. they'll come on and blog with us. it will be a national learning about the constitution starting april 20th. >> i love this program. you're not going to educate adults but bring kids into the equation like juliet. what do your friends think about it? >> they think it's awesome. i haven't told them everything about it.
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lots of them are watching right now. >> say hi to them out there. there's so much information for different dates. people can go and get all the information on good to see you both. we'll talk about politics, showing no sign of ending. the latest report is out on how many pet projects we all paid for. and teachers usually have a good sense of when something is out of place. wait until you hear what one of them found in a garbage can in her classroom and she likes to mix it up with the best of them. you can see her on chelsea lately. and on the standup circuit of one and only loni love will be here next. you've arrived at the biggest meeting
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>> in case you're keeping track exactly, 31 minutes past the top of the hour right now. let's go to our headlines much the bill extending unemployment benefits until june 2nd may pass the senate today. one republican voted with the democrats to turn back the republican demand. the additional benefits be paid for with new revenue or cuts in other programs. about 400,000 people missed out on their checks due to the delays that were caused by this debate on the hill. >> all right. russia suspends all adoptions of russian children by americans until both countries can agree on some ground rules. this after that tennessee woman sent a 7-year-old back to russia
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by himself. the louisiana senator says what happened in that case is grossly inappropriate and potentially criminal. she is an adoptive mother herself who wants a full blown investigation by the state department and by tennessee authorities. a u.s. delegation will head to moscow in a couple of days. eric? >> things getting tense at a school meeting in south hadley, massachusetts, the first time parents and committee members met since six students were charged in the death of 15-year-old phoebe prince. >> you're done. this is not your first amendment right. you are here as a guest of the school committee. and it's your first amendment to sit outside in the street and talk to whoever wants to talk to you. please leave. >> massachusetts police were called in to remove two people much the committee fended off calls that its chairman, high school principal and superintendent be fired over their handling of the bullying case. some parents defended the administrators saying they should stay to help the town heal.
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all of them claimed they had lost their responsibility. >> here's something you don't hear about every day. a third grade teacher at a pennsylvania elementary school discovers several suspicious empty bags in her trash can. turns out they were filled with heroin and allegedly given out by an 8-year-old student in her class. the police say the child distributed about 78 packets but there's no evidence that any of the students had ingested the drugs. police are investigating this i did czar incident. >> end of the journey for two "american idol" hopefuls. >> andrew, it's the end of the road. the person leaving the competition tonight, is katie. >> big mike lives and there was two out this week. this week's mentor and season eight runner-up, adam lambert tend to be flamboyant and wears eyeliner. he wowed the crowd. >> ♪ what do you want from me >> visually, what can i do that
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will make it look like something that we haven't seen before? and i thought, well, what about laser lights? >> and it worked. by the way, adam did something very nice. he actually thanked the american idol people. he said he would be nothing without this show. they tend to win and then forget that. next week is the idol gives back special charity event and that will be massive. that will be big. >> i think he kissed a boy and he liked it. >> ok. >> today is tax day. >> it's tax day. your taxes have to be in by midnight tonight. did you ever wonder where all your tax money goes? william lajunesse is here to break down the numbers and calculate with your money is going. it's going some really, really interesting places. >> yeah, eric, we have several different programs up on the site that you can analyze how much money that you're actually paying for these projects. tax day reminds me of new year's day where you make resolutions to handle your money better the next year. you can save more. cut back maybe 5% to 10% a
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month. shouldn't congress be doing the same? it's not like we're taking their money. we're just saying stop spending ours. at least cut the waste. earmarks, those pet projects you mentioned that are so useless, they couldn't make it into the regular budget and never seem to end so at least they should cut the waste. those projects that, you know, shouldn't be there. so let's take, for instance, some that we have and go to this web site that we have and we're talking $76 million for shrimp farms, $100 million to improve wind utilization, $280 million for let me see, among others, put a ben and jerry's into ireland for economic development. again, you can go to our web site and you can look at this particular earmark, it's hundreds of billions of dollars for a jet engine the pentagon and two independent panels say are not necessary and not affordable and yet congress, listen to the lobbyists is spending that money anyway. how much is that waste going to cost you? the taxpayer calculator on
7:36 am, you can type in your salary. in this case, we used $50,000 and the first, the pie chart will show you which portion of that project is paid for by your tax group. then it will show individually how much you have to pay for this program. now, in this case, it's $2. ok? for the guy who is making 50 grand a year. if you're a top wage earner, this will earn you about $56 a year. those numbers, eric, don't sound like much but there were 9,000 earmarks in this year's budget. that's $16 billion. we looked at next year's budget and saw for katrina museum, we also saw $30 million for geographically disadvantaged farmers. senator from tennessee said this morning, he was going to withdraw his earmarks as we know the house republicans say they're not going to have any earmarks this year. it's the senate, eric that's not going along. go to and find out
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how much this stuff is costing you. eric? >> you may recognize her as a regular -- >> right. >> i'd like to thank william. good job. we're proud of you. >> that's right. that's my fault. william, thank you, sir. >> so you may recognize her as a regular roundtable panelists on e's late night talk show, chelsea lately. this morning, loni love sits in with us. we love to have loni love here. so great to see you. >> thank you for letting me come on. it's tax day. >> are you happy or sad? >> well, i've done my taxes. i'm going to tell you something, i don't care about the income tax taxes. i'm worried about the fat tax. i'm going to start a tea party doughnut movement. that will be my movement. >> actually, i don't think they're talking about that right now but they are talking about, people are upset about how much they're actually paying that the 50% of the country doesn't pay anything at all. what is your message to people
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like eric who think it's fine? >> no, i don't think it's fine. ok. >> someone has to pay the taxes. we should all pay taxes. i'm an american. i pay my taxes. i cannot believe that 50% of americans aren't paying for their taxes. >> loni, how hard do you work? >> i work real hard. >> you're proud of that, aren't you? >> yes, i am! someone has to pay for the roads and the bridges. i'm paying for the roads and the bridges and making sure that our police officers are taking taken care of. where's my camera? >> what about all the -- >> paying for the bridges and the roads. >> all the new taxes pay for health care, obama care? >> well, i mean, somebody has to pay for that, too. well, you know, you got to -- it's ok. it's all right. i know y'all don't like obama too much here. i watched y'all this morning. i like him because he's half white and he's half black, you know. >> all right. i think there's a lot of positive things and he's a wonderful speaker. >> that's why you like him. do you like -- >> i think he's smart.
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>> you are in favor of health care reform? >> you know what? people need some type of health care. when i'm on a plane all the time, people are always coughing and they don't have any way to go to the doctor and i'm like, please go to the doctor because you're coughing on me. please. please. so you need to go to the doctor, i will pay for you to go to the doctor. >> will you satisfy their deductible? >> you know what? you're asking me two really questions. >> let's talk about oprah because kitty kelly was on the show yesterday and she's written this unauthorized biography, 525 pages. >> it's juicy. >> pretty juicy but you know what? i don't know, i thought there would be actually more juicy details. what did you find juicy? >> i found, i did not know she dated john tesh. >> yeah. >> i would want that -- i would not want that out either. >> why? >> john tesh is a lovely man. >> yeah, but she got dumped, supposedly. by john tesh. so i wouldn't want that out either so i would try to, you know, put the curtail on that. >> what about stedman? was there rumors that aren't in the book? >> just regular like you and i
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kind of relationship. we talk to each other. >> know what that relationship is. >> what about oprah's family? her mom is talking and her dad is talking. >> you know what? i don't know. all i know is i can understand why oprah keeps gaining weight because look at all the problems that she's going through, it's very, very stressful. i like her big. she does more cooking segments. >> then all of a sudden, she wins you over. >> let's take a listen to why kitty kelly said why she wrote the book when she was on the show yesterday. >> they're afraid in this book in a way. i spent four years writing it. i picked oprah winfrey because she is so important to the culture and i wanted to know, how did she do it? how did she come from that very, very poor background as a black child in a white society and make it to the very top? >> oh, lord! oh, lord! how did she get there? i mean, she got there because
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she worked hard. that's -- >> well, she's -- >> i look really good. >> you do. look at you staring at yourself. >> kitty kelly saying i did it for oprah. i did this book -- >> she did it for the money. do you really believe kitty kelly, though? where does she get her information from? >> she claims 825 interviews. >> really? >> she's a lonely woman. >> she is. >> hey, loni, when do we get to see you do this comedy special of yours? >> oh, my first comedy central hour special will be premiering may 8th. >> may 8th. it's coming up. >> saturday, may 8th at 11:30. you guys check it out. it's called "america's sister." i'm talking about a lot of stuff. >> is john stewart losing his hair? >> you know what? he's going to get some plugs, you know. or either take that new medication that they have, that's going to help bald guys. >> really? >> thank you for announcing that our show first. >> allegedly. >> and we also see you on
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"chelsea lately." >> you have to say allegedly. i learned that from doing, you know, "chelsea lately." we always say allegedly. >> to get yourself out of trouble. >> exactly. >> do you find that ryan seacrest is oppressive as an executive producer on that show? >> he's a sexy executive producer sort of like you. >> cue the music. >> he knows how to work it with the guys. that's all i can say. all right. >> tax day, let's party, y'all! >> cut the check. cut it out. >> all right. i've never been so excited on tax day. >> loni love, great to see you. continued success. >> thank you very much, guys. >> coming occupy the show, a modern day sam adams who fought the law and won. now he's being recognized for defending the rights of property owners. how did he do that? we'll find out next. >> is the i.r. s. coming after you? with the right advice, you can negotiate with the i.r. s. and survive an audit. helpful tips of how to survive a fight.
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>> well, imagine the government tells you and 61 other business and private property owners to pack your bags to make way for high rise condos, expensive restaurants, many would have caved into a city's eminent domain demands. but not our next guest. >> ed osborne did not cave in. he spent three years battling with the city of wilmington, delaware to protect private property, private property rights helping to get legislation passed that limits what the government can take -- how much property the government can take of yours and because of that, he's being honored today by the sam adams alliance. what made you say to yourself i'm going to fight rather than cave? >> well, it just occurred to me not to fight. i mean, i knew that i had to
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fight. it's what i worked for all of my life. i mean, i bought the property 15 years ago. it was supposed to belong to me. and there was never another option but to fight. i knew that as an american, i paid my taxes, i maintained the property and it belonged to me. >> right, so you received notification from the city that the businesses were on the city's property acquisition list. on this waterfront property. somehow, you were able as an activist to get 61 other business owners on your side, but it wasn't an easy side, was it? >> well, the other business owners, of course, they were all on my side because they didn't want their properties acquired either. the problem was that most of them felt that we were -- i was wasting my time fighting the government. but i never felt that way. and the battle was with the city of wilmington but i quickly took it to the state level and took it down to legislative hall and dover, delaware, and the people there knew that what was happening in wilmington was wrong and the legislators on
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both sides of the table, republicans and democrats got behind me and we got a bill passed in 2008 that then sitting governor ann menner vetoed it. we had to start all over in 2009. >> you did that and after a lengthy three year struggle and a new governor signed bill 7, right? >> senate bill 7 was signed this month in 2009 and we now, delaware has property rights protected across the state. and now, this battle was about my property in the beginning but it very quickly turned into something bigger than me and my battle was then about my rights as an american and not to protect the 5,000 square foot building. but my rights to own property. >> that's a very interesting point, ed, and you're being awarded now the sam adams award for the defense of property rights. there are so many people who seem to be going through a similar situation. you're now being honored but i guess that you're -- you're thinking about all these other people who continue to fight?
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>> that's exactly right. and it is an honor and i'm humbled to be considered modern day sam adams but, you know, the reason i'm doing this show and the reason i'm accepting the award is to let people know that they can stand up and fight. they don't have to let the government push them around and it's important that people know that every once and a while, the small guy does win if he's passionate enough about the cause. >> all right. he's ed osborne and the passion is certainly there. thanks for sharing your story. >> thank you. >> all right. meanwhile, there's a big battle in brooklyn because the nets are trying to build a stadium here and a couple of homeowners are going i'm not moving so they're in a stand-off. >> they're in every community across america. what do you do if you get audited? uh-oh. our next guest says don't panic, you can fight the irs and win. more on that. >> senator john mccain on pork barrel politics and his fight to retain his seat in arizona. on this day in history, 1947, jackie robinson broke the color barrier in major league baseball
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playing his first game for the brooklyn dodgers. in 2003 -- >> president bush declared the saddam hussein regime an end. a waffle iron? nooo. i could have saved this one. [ female announcer ] it's rollback time at walmart. right now, walmart has rolled back prices on top lawn carerands like poulan pr brute by briggs & stratton, pennington, scotts and spectracide. along with thousands of others all over the store. it's rollback time! save money. live better. walmart.
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>> despite the government's pledge to crack down on big business, the irs has cut back on the time it spends auditing fortune 500 companies in the past few years. instead, it's now going after the little guy. what do you do if you find yourself targeted by the irs? did you know you can fight back and maybe even win. joining us with the expert advice is founder and c.e.o. of nationwide tax relief. you sent us a couple of tips. what's the first thing you do if you find out you've been audited? >> well, the first thing you do is you don't procrastinate.
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people stick their head in the sand. not realizing the irs owns the beach. we had a client to hire us lately who waited that the irs knocked on his door. he had a heart attack. the wife called us from the emergency room. you want to get on it. >> well, in fact, you mentioned don't panic. don't procrastinate. that's important because if you go ahead and wait and wait and wait, you're really racking up interest and penalties at a very, very high rate, right? >> the most expensive thing you can do when it comes to a tax problem to put it off. you don't want to panic. our second tip is don't panic. many of the people throw the hands up and throw the total bill back at the irs. you don't want to pay the irs one dime more than you have to and the irs albeit rarely, they can make mistakes. you also don't want to panic. >> what about talking to a pro? does it pay to talk to a pro or should i try and do this myself?
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>> we recommend not for a shameless plug but we recommend hiring a tax professional. i've got seven tax attorneys here at nationwide and negotiating with the irs is a complicated process. right now, they're offering leniency to people who can't pay their taxes and it's still very, very tricky waters to wade through and having someone on your side fighting for your rights, advocates for you, you're going to always ensure the best results. >> we're running out of time. you can negotiate what you owe the irs? >> back taxes are negotiable in certain cases and the irs right now is offering unprecedented leniency for people that have a tax bill and think legitimately can't pay it. >> all right. founder and c.e.o. of nationwide tax relief, thanks for joining us. >> happy tax day. >> happy tax day to you, too. >> could be one of the toughest immigration enforcement laws on the books. state of arizona wants to make it a crime to be an illegal immigrant. we'll hear from the man pushing the legislation and senator john
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♪ ♪ ♪ oh, do it ♪ oh, do it ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪ hey [ female announcer ] coffee is like life. it's better when you add your flavor. coffee-mate. from nestle. i had a great time. me too. you know, i just got out of a bad relatio... it's okay. thanks. goodnight. goodnight. (door crashes in, alarm sounds) get out! (phone rings) hello? this is rick with broadview security. is everything all right? no, my ex-boyfriend just kicked in the front door. i'm sending help right now. thank you. (announcer) brink's home security is now broadview security. call now to install the standard system for just $99. the proven technology of a broadview security system
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delivers rapid response from highly-trained professionals, 24 hours a day. call now to get the $99 installation, plus a second keypad installed free. and, you could save up to 20% on your homeowner's insurance. call now-- and get the system installed for just $99. broadview security for your home or business - the next generation of brink's home security. call now. >> gretchen: good thursday morning, everyone. april 15, 2010. you got to put a smile on your face because it's tax day. everyone smile and say, what the heck, can't get away from it. right? it's the day we still dread when we have to fork over our hard earned cash, it's the day of the tea party express with rallies all across the country. >> president obama is talking about afghanistan and says the plan to draw down troops is still a go. >> brian: all right. senator john mccain says the u.s. has been backing away from a fight with iran.
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>> never point a gun at somebody unless you're ready to pull a trigger. we keep pointing the gun. we haven't pulled a single trigger yet. >> brian: i know he would do it if he was president. what does he think about president obama saying the u.s. is still a dominant military super power? we'll ask senator john mccain about that and play that sound bite to him and see what his take is. our slogan comes from texas. send your tax return in before the day ends. then you won't feel guilty tomorrow while watching "fox & friends." >> this is loni love and you're watching "fox & friends." >> brian: that was loni sitting on the couch a little while ago. >> gretchen: she was entertaining. hope you're enjoying your time with us today. we have to mention eric is sitting in for steve doocy. >> i'm having a blast. how is my tie? >> brian: great. >> gretchen: eric does not know how to tie a tie.
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brian does. >> brian: right. you have to wonder, by a wide margin, the e-mailers on "fox & friends" want you to wear a tie on the show. >> can i tell you the e-mailers on happy hour, the other show i do, 71% said no tie. i wear a tie here and none there. >> gretchen: i guess so, when you're in a bar. >> you don't need one there. >> gretchen: ponder there. toyota testing all of its suv to make sure that they are safe now. this after consumer reports issued a rare do not buy rating. that's the kind you don't want to get. they were warning the lexus suv could roll over. toyota temporarily suspended the sales and production of that suv. a recall being considered. engineers are testing the suv, working to correct the stability problem. toyota took a lot of heat for not responding quickly enough to those complaints of sudden acceleration and sticky gas pedals. analysts say they're trying to avoid the criticism this time. president obama reaffirming
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his plan to start withdrawing troops from afghanistan next year, 2011. he spoke on an australian tv station and he said the u.s. and its allies can't be there forever. he also said the taliban's momentum in afghanistan has been blunted, but he did admit winning the nine-year-old war will be a difficult task. despite harsh rhetoric, there appears to be optimism that a bipartisan financial reform bill will eventually pass. this morning tennessee republican bob corker, one of the chief republican money men on capitol hill, said he thought a bipartisan bill could still be in the cards. >> i think there is republicans do want to see a regulatory bill of this type come to fruition. we know there are regulatory rules that need to be in place. >> gretchen: president obama lobbying heavily for financial reform, calling republican and democratic leaders to talk about it. new video to fox, four mile high ash cloud. check out this video. a volcanic eruption in iceland.
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the ash forcing flights to be canceled all across europe. airports in england, scotland, denmark, norway are all closed. the busiest airport, heathrow, only accepting emergency flights. scientists are saying the eruption is ten times more powerful than the one from last month. 800 residents have been evacuate ed. larry king heading down a familiar road, the 76-year-old splitting from his 7th wife. both filed for divorce. it's reported the marriage began to crumble after she accused king of having an affair with her younger sister. this will be king's eighth divorce and that's because if you're doing the math, he married his third wife twice. he's really had seven wives and eight divorces. >> brian: right. sadly, he had two young kids with the latest wife. and his son, a 45-year-old son who is his manager.
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so he's been a busy guy. >> gretchen: that's one way of putting it. michelle malkin joins us from colorado springs. good to see you. >> you, too. >> gretchen: we saw this huge tea party rally yesterday and sarah palin was the headliner. and at the same time, there is this new group called the tea party crasher party, i guess, and they had a smattering of people there. what do you make of their strategy to come out with the anti--tea party party? >> well, they're doing themselves more harm than good and i think what they've done is basically poisoned the well on all coverage of these tea parties going here on out because there is going to be huge questions raised about any time some negative press is generated, they've openly declared that they want to sabotage the tea party movement and the fact is, and i pointed this out in a column this week -- that they've done this from day one.
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i've covered the tea party movement for more than a year now before it was even called a tea party movement. and at the very early protests against the stimulus bill back in january of last year, february of last year, you had all sorts of mal factors come, they were attracted, and their motive was to paint this fledgling movement as racist, fascist, hateful. and that's perfectly in keeping with the principles of demon demonizing your opponents. >> brian: let's see what the tea party crashers, whenever possible, we will act on behalf of the tea party in ways that exaggerate their least appealing qualities. misspelling protest signs, wild claims in tv interviews, to further distance themselves from main stream america and damage the public's opinion of them. there is a direct request over in new hampshire.
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liberal democrats saying, we need some democrats to go into the such and such parties and create some havoc on the inside. so now when these signs go up, people understand there is something behind it. >> yeah. just to clarify, that new hampshire democratic official, former party official, kathleen sullivan, is denying that she's behind that kind of effort and waiting for a response from the group that reported that in the first place. but she has been responsible before for making false claims and basically painting conservatives and tea party types as racist. however, we do know there are other democratic operatives who have been behind these efforts to undermine them and the shady washington-based operative has been behind these fake grassroots groups who are dedicated solely and explicitly to undermining the tea party movement. >> is it just the fear, they're afraid of the tea party so they're going to pull out all the stops to discredit the tea
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party? >> well, it started out as a whisper campaign and as this movement has grown and become more popular and more influential, they're shouting these things at the top of their lungs. >> gretchen: it will be interesting to see, michelle, how the main stream media covers this now. because now that there is an anti--tea party party, i'll bet they'll cover them and it will probably look as if it's 50/50. >> yeah. i'll tell you what, when it started out, a lot of these main stream saw their mission not as doing journalism, but as doing search and destroy missions, which is parallel to what these tea party sabotagers are trying to do. now that they realize this is a movement not turning back, maybe they should do their real jobs. >> gretchen: let's talk about what's going on in arizona. there was a congressman on who is trying to restore what he calls ill grace sanity there. let's listen to him. >> people of arizona have always been behind strict enforcement against illegal immigrants.
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arizona is in the cross hairs of the problem. illegal immigration has created a crime wave, murder, kidnapping, drug smuggling, human trafficking and street crime, and the federal government has dropped the ball. >> brian: because of that, states are springing in action. what do you think about arizona's tough statewide proposal to crack down on illegal immigrants? >> state lawmakers have led the way in trying to get the federal government to do its job and when it hasn't done its job and failed, arizonans have suffered and, of course, fox has been covering and i've been covering the awful murder of robert krentz, the rancher gunned down. and apparently, the suspicion is by an illegal alien, possibly a drug smuggler coming across the border. they've had the violence for so long. this bill would basically turn back the clock on things like
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sanctuary cities where they are handcuffing police officers from helping out and making sure there is no border chaos. the bill also includes a component to go after illegal alien day laborers and their employers. these are basic things that every local government should be doing. we have an open borders lobby back in washington that has targeted law enforcement officers and lawmakers in arizona who are trying to protect their citizens. >> michelle, this comes in response to the failure to put up a physical border fence and the virtual fence doesn't seem to be working. >> brian: they shelfed it. right? >> yes. that's right. they did can it and that project was doomed from the start. i think that what -- i've been covering immigration issue force a long time. i wrote my first book about it. what we understand is that it is a systemic problem. it's not just the borders. it's the fact that the deportation system is a mess.
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you've got this revolving door where local police will find an illegal alien gang member, try and detain him. he gets released and there is a trust system to deport him, to deport himself. these people have so many bites at the apple, it's ridiculous. and it requires cooperation among all levels of authorities to fix the problem. >> gretchen: our last topic has something to do with honoring the boy scouts. but wait a minute. they voted not to honor the boy scouts. what happened? >> the california assembly. you would think they had better problems to deal with. it is a fiscal basket case there. but no, the democrats in the assembly have taken a huge supposedly brave stand against a resolution that simply honors the achievements of the boy scouts. of course, this all goes back to the politically correct jihad against the boy scouts, just because they have to be a voluntary private, successful
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organization that has a very definitive set of standards and morals. and these democrats are complaining about the bigotry and discrimination that apparently the boy scouts are responsible for when it's the bigotry bigotry against the boy scouts and what they stand for. >> brian: thank you for joining us this morning. >> thanks, take care. >> brian: all right. coming up straight ahead, pressing for sanctions against iran and securing loose nukes around the globe, is it up to us? according to the president, it sounds yes, but he doesn't sound happy about it. >> whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military super power. >> brian: reaction from senator john mccain next. >> gretchen: there is the senator right there. the pork, something else the senator doesn't like, is out of the bag. 2.6 million for potato research? that's a small portion of the money spent on pork projects last year alone. we'll see what the senator thinks about all the pork.
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>> brian: so-called pork is out of the bag. citizens against government waste released their 2010 congressional pig book and it's full of a lot of reelingers. >> gretchen: joining us with his thoughts is senator john mccain. we're not calling you an oinker. >> there is the book. everybody should read this book. >> it's been going on for 20 years and i'm telling you, it will make you laugh and it will make you cry and the citizens against government waste will be glad to send you a copy of this book. we'll be glad to help you get it if you need it. $3.7 million for a maritime
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museum in seattle. by the way, they had to close it. $200,000 to study maine lobsters. $250,000 for a father's day parade in philadelphia. i mean, you can't make it up. the thing is, it's bad enough when times are good. but here we are with people not being able to stay in their homes, no jobs, economic conditions and it's business as usual here in washington and republicans do it, too. >> gretchen: they do, because the biggest spender happens to be a republican, senator cochran of mississippi, is it? i believe so. >> i've always said there is three kinds of senators here. republican senators, democrat senators, and appropriators. >> gretchen: but you would think that you're one of the few who has determined that you're never going to have this kind of pork. >> never have. >> gretchen: you think they would follow suit based on the things you discussed, the economy and such. >> well, to their great credit,
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the house republicans have announced they won't do it. we've been trying over here in the senate, but again, senator coburn and i have been trying to do it. we've proposed an amendment to no earmarks until the budget is balanced. and we have 15 of our 41 republicans vote against it. of course, almost all the democrats. but look, this is why we have tea parties. that's why they're angry. total disconnect between main street and here in our nation's capitol. >> brian: a lot of people think the current president apologizing for us having the relatively -- a very let's say laid back, get to know you foreign policy has hurt us. here is his latest statement. i want to get your take, senator mccain on barak obama talking after the nuclear summit. let's listen. >> it is a vital national
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security interest of the united states to reduce these conflicts because whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military super power and when conflicts break out, one way or another, we get pulled into them. >> is there a bad side to being a super power? >> that's one of the more credible statements i've ever heard a president of the united states make in modern times. we get pulled into conflicts? we are a dominant superpower and we're the greatest force for good in the history of this country. i thank god every day that we are a dominant superpower and for the men ask women who are serving and we didn't get pulled into a conflict in bosnia when we went there to stop genocide. you get pulled in to kosovo when we stopped the genocide there. we didn't get pulled in to world war ii or pulled into conflicts where we have gone and stopped
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genocide, stopped slaughter, to defend freedom and democracy throughout the world, and that doesn't mean we do it willy nilly. it means when we see the security of this nation is threatened, we act militarily. that is a direct contradiction to everything america believes in, which is american exceptionalism, which means we stand up for our god given rights. >> senator, real quick, what message are we sending to the world when our president says we're pulling back on nukes, where he's bowing to leaders from around the world? almost apology jetcally says we're a super power. what's the message? >> the comment that the president that we just described is, again, one of the most unusual i've ever heard a president of the united states make. look, we're off reductions in nuclear weapons, but somehow infer that the iranians and north koreans and other nations
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who are on the path to develop nuclear weapons are going to be affected by that. >> gretchen: senator mccain, if you were president today, would you allow iran to get a nuclear bomb? >> no. >> gretchen: what would you do about it? >> well, i would examine and exercise all options and i would have started long ago with meaningful sanctions, enacted by us and our friends rather than somehow this false hope that the chinese and the russians are going to be of any assistance to us. we've given them their last, last, last, last chance i think the other day. >> brian: senator mccain, have a nice weekend. finish up strong today. we'll talk to you soon. >> thanks, guys. >> brian: coming up, it's tax day. what if the government took an income tax vacation? it could work and says he has a plan to end taxes forever. >> how many of you did your own taxes? john stossel will admit he
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>> gretchen: it's tax day. with nearly 47% of households not paying any federal income tax, is it possible to consider abolishing them all together? our next guest says he has a realistic federal plan that would get rid of federal income taxes forever. i want to talk to this guy. who is he? wayne root and the author of conscious of a libertarian in the 2008 libertarian vice presidential nominee. he joins us live today. good morning to you. >> hi, gretchen. good morning to you. >> gretchen: how the heck do you eliminate federal income tax? >> first of all, let me start with the definition. it's not greedy to want to keep more of your own money. it's greedy to ask government and the irs at gun point the threat of prison to steal it
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from others who earn it and redistribute it to those who don't. that is the definition of greed. so my goal is to try to allow people to keep more of their own money and the people i'm talking about are the taxpayer, the small business owners, the people that earn the money in the first place. i am opposed to my old college classmate, barak obama, who seems to think, you take it from the people that work all day to earn it and you redistribute it to those who couldn't care less, sit on the couch and watch oprah all day. that's not my crowd. >> gretchen: so that's the background to why you want to do this. how do you do it? you give the rights back to the states? how? >> well, first of all, there is a whole bunch of plans in my new book called the conscious of a libertarian. empowering the citizens revolution with god, guns, gambling and tax cuts and i stress the last one. tax cuts. i go from the small steps to big steps. small step is to emulate hong kong. flat tax, 16%, nice and low, and eliminate all capital gains tax. or some sort of national sales
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tax and you completely eliminate the income tax. that emulates the state of nevada where i live which has been the most successful economy and the fastest growing state over the last quarter of a century in all the united states. the dramatic step, gretchen, would be what i call a states rights tax plan. that would be you eliminate, completely all federal taxes. you move them only to the state level. you assign them to each state based on the proportion of population, and then each state is responsible for collecting those taxes any way they see fit, whether it's with an income tax, sales tax, a property tax, some sort of flat tax. and the average american would have a chance to actually live in the state that handles taxes in a way that's most beneficial to them. how about how simple it is? instead of 150 million taxpayers, we've only got 50 taxpayers in the whole united states are 50 states. i think that's a constitutional tax plan.
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>> gretchen: wouldn't it matter who the governor of the state is? let's say one state has a republican governor and they go along with your plan and then a democratic governor, what do people do, move? >> i call the competition. you're making the states face competition just like businesses face competition every day and if they make a bad move, like spirit airlines, i'm a guy who flies all the time. i give speeches all over the united states about my libertarian political views. guess what? i will never get on spirit airline when they give me a tax on my carry-on bags. you have a right to move with your feet. i think that would stop the politicians from making aggressive moves against taxpayers. and i'll tell you right now, the proof, the laboratory that works has been for 25 years until this terrible, terrible economy, which hurt tourism, the state of nevada where i live has gotten 1 million new residents in the last ten years. california right next door has lost 1 million. the difference is out of control, run away taxes and spending in california. >> gretchen: it's always great
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to get you fired up. wayne root, the author of the conscious of a libertarian. especially since it's 5:00 o'clock a.m. for you in nevada. thank you so much. >> it's about opportunity and freedom. taxes are an opportunity and freedom issue. when you raise taxes, you take away people's ability to save their money and to change their lives, to open a business and make money and to gain freedom. i think it's immoral to raise taxes. >> gretchen: all right. thanks for being our guest. >> thanks. >> gretchen: the weekly initial jobless claims report out. we'll have the numbers for you as soon as they happen. almost every family makes a budget. why can't congress? who suffers? the space wars are on. astronaut versus astronaut. the white house calling on buzz aldrin now to defend the president's plan to overhaul nasa.
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>> y'all finishing up with your taxes? yeah. getting down the wire. i finished mine. i filed electronically over the internet. i did on my i pad while driving into work, killed three people, but hey, i got it done. >> gretchen: all right. we always like to show the funnies from the night before in case you didn't get a chance to stay up that late.
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>> brian: also coming up on this show in the final half hour, is this possible? john stossel has been booked -- >> gretchen: what are we going to talk about today, thursday, april 15? >> brian: i think he's talking about taxes. >> gretchen: he'll break down the tax code. >> brian: will john stossel reveals how much he pays and earns. >> he pay has lot. >> gretchen: stossel kid. later this afternoon, president obama will tour the kennedy space center in florida. he's going to talk about a future plan for nasa, which include the shut down of the space shuttle program. joining live for that is wendell goler. what else is the president going to talk about? >> gretchen, the space shuttle is 30 years old and the bush administration decided in 2004 that this would be its last year to fly. in 2007, nasa announced that its replacement, the constellation,
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would be delayed at least until 2015. now the white house says that program, the schedule for that program slipped even further. the constellation is way overbudget. the president decided to scrap that program and rely more on private companies to fly into space. that decision, as you might imagine, doesn't sit well with some former astronauts, including neil armstrong, first man on the moon, who in part because president obama's decision cancels president bush's plan to return to the moon by 2020, though some lawmakers say mr. bush never budgeted enough for that to happen. president obama, as i said, wants to encourage private companies to develop spacecraft. but armstrong wants nasa to keep that responsibility. he says, quote, without the skill and experience that actual spacecraft operation provides, the u.s. is far too likely to be on a long downhill slide to mediocrity. one of his colleagues, buzz aldrin, who hopped out of the module after armstrong, disagrees.
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he says i believe this is the right program at the right time. i hope that nasa and our dedicated space community will embrace this new direction as much as i do. florida officials are concerned that the shuttle shut down will cost them job, though as i said, it has long been planned. one report suggests as many as 30,000 jobs could be affected. but that is several times the number of nasa workers in cape kennedy who actually work on the shuttle program. meanwhile, the white house says that it is working with members of the florida congressional delegation to come up with a plan to save the more than half those jobs. gretchen. >> gretchen: all right. thanks very much for that report. another fox news alert. the labor department reporting the weekly unemployment claims, 484,000 new claims filed last week, analysts expected 440,000. there were 4.6 million continuing claims. layoffs still uncomfortably high. >> brian: i would say so. >> and $18 billion bill extending unemployment benefits
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until june 2 may pass the senate today. one republican, from ohio, voted with the democrats to turn back the demand that benefits be paid for with cuts in other programs. 400,000 people missed out on their checks due to the delays caused by the debate on the hill. >> brian: russia suspends all adoptions of russian children until both nations can agree on ground rules. this after a tennessee woman sent a 7-year-old boy back to russia by himself. she says what happened in that case is grossly inappropriate and potentially criminal. she's an adoptive mother herself and wants a full blown investigation by the state department and by tennessee authorities. the u.s. delegation will head to moscow in just a few days. >> gretchen: the end of the journey for two "american idol" hopefuls. >> andrew, it's the end of the road. the person leaving the
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competition tonight, is katie. >> gretchen: this week's mentor and season 8 runner up, adam lambert, took over the stage. he wowed the crowd. ♪ what do you want from me. ♪ . >> i thought visually, what can i do that will make it look like something we haven't seen before? i thought, well, what about laser lights? >> gretchen: and next week is the idle gives back special charity event. >> brian: big mike was saved last week by simon and then this week, he was in the final two. but survived. so there you go. some drama. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. sports, nfl commissioner says he's not done with ben roethlisberger just yet. he says he'll decide very soon if the star should be punished for his off the field behavior with two separate incidents happening over the last two offseasons. both met for several hours on tuesday. prosecutors decided not to charge roethlisberger with sexual assaulting a georgia college student. if you listen to the press
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conference, you know there was a lot there. he could be punished under league rules even without any type of indictment or conviction. another guy who had a lot of trouble with goodell in the past, marshall. they traded him for two second round draft picks. he's got baggage. got a history with the domestic abuse, clashes with coaches, refuse to go practice, not showing good attitude, and could be suspended for the league anyway. marshall gives the dolphins a go to wide receiver. could be one of the highest paid pass catchers. listen to this, bill parcels helped turn around the dallas cowboys. we're learning how jerry jones really feels about him and may have felt about his former coach. here is a cell phone video out we're about to show you, apparently showing jerry jones drunk, talking about parcels and how he hired him just to get a new stadium built.
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>> i wanted a stadium so bad. jerry has to >> brian: nice. bill parcells could not be reached for comment. the nfl will not comment either whether jones will be fined, but you're not supposed to speak out against other coaches and other owners. eric, promise me you're not going to speak like that about me? >> absolutely not. thanks. today is the deadline for next year's fiscal blueprint. but it looks like democrats in congress will miss the bench mark. they may even have to skip a bunch jet plan all together. every family makes a budget. right? why can't america? peter johnson, junior takes it apart for us with his prescription for truth. >> good morning. >> what's the importance, what's the relevance of them getting this done? >> this is one of the great uncovered stories in america. congress is giving a lot of lip
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service to closing deficits and budget strength and going forward and being disciplined. we're not going to have a budget, it looks like. it's going to be the first time since 1974 that the house has never passed a budget. so when a congressman tells us, when a congresswoman tells you, when your united states senator tells you in your state that i'm for discipline, i'm for closing the deficit, why don't you have a budget? why aren't americans demanding a budget? the budget your family has, my family has, my law firm has, every business in america has. >> they must have some sort of budget. >> the president has propose add budget. the president's budget is $3.8 trillion in expenditures. $2.5 trillion in revenues. $1.3 trillion deficit. but democratic congress people in the senate and the house
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don't want to exert the political will, spend the political capital, lay out what their actually doing to the american people because the uproar would be tremendous. hoyer says, many we'll get to it. nancy pelosi says, well, maybe we'll get to it. senator reid spokesman says, it's on a list of things, maybe we can get that done by memorial day. >> if they don't get to a budget, does that pave the way for, i don't know, more spending initiatives? >> absolutely does. there is no legal obligation to have a budget resolution. but i would suggest that there is an absolute moral obligation that in a time when ben bernanke, when greenspan, when the cbo is saying that we're not only testing our economic will, we're testing our political will, and you know about this every day because you cover it every day, eric, how will the financial markets react? at some point the financial markets say, you're coming to us, you want a bond rating?
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you want certain interest rates but you don't have a budget? we don't know what you're actually going to spend and what you're going to take in and you're not willing to sign on to it? americans need to demand a budget. it's not a partisan issue. it's an issue in terms of our survival. >> demand a budget on that note, china should demand a budget. >> we're first in line. >> talk about the timing of this. midterm elections coming up. does that have anything to do with it? >> sure, it has a lot to do with it because the democratic cold congress has said, listen, we want to make these pronouncements about reducing the deficit, about being disciplined on a budget, but we don't want to, in the light of day, in black and white print, pass a document after debate in both houses, after debate in commits, after joint conference resolution, they don't want to do it. >> peter johnson, junior. >> demand they do it.
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>> thank you very much. >> no budget for that tie. right? >> brian: there is not. i had to have it, so i blew my budget to get it. >> gretchen: it's tax day. so how many of you actually did your own taxes? john stossel, he's admitting, don't hang your head, john, admit it, you didn't do your own taxes. he's here to tell us why. >> brian: how did a photo turn a flight instructor and her dog into a search and rescue team? meet the remarkable pair, eric will talk to them both next.
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credits? >> tax credit of up to $8,000 for first time home buyers. new small business tax credit. expanding the tax credit for those who start a nest egg. give families a $10,000 tax credit for four years of college and increase pell grants. >> tax insanity, why the tax code is so out of hand, that's the topic of tonight's stossel. john stossel, what's going on? what's the latest? >> with the obama tax credits are a good example of why it's so complicated, because the politicians want to give you stuff and you have to pay homage to them and maybe you'll get a little break. here is the original 1040 from 1913. it was four pages, including the instructions. here is the current version. >> gretchen: this is like signing up -- >> with instructions? >> we have to add this and fix this. >> gretchen: you yourself admit today on "fox & friends" that you could not file your own
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taxes, even though you are a stockbroker. >> most americans now have to pay somebody. what a waste! i pay my accountant thousands of dollars a year to do my taxes. think of the things i could do with that same money. think of what i could do with the money. i could get 100 massages. i'd much rather do this than pay for bob. >> i could have this delicious steak dinner 200 times a year. >> i could buy this cool motorcycle. >> i could take this cruise ship all the way from new york to venice and back. or better yet, i could do some good for the world. the same money i waste on bob, i could buy two habitat for humanity homes overseas. >> brian: the bottom line is, i don't know anybody who does their own taxes, except for geithner and it didn't turn out well. >> most people now pay someone. the time spent is equal to the
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time worked by all the employees of the five biggest employers in the country. wal-mart, city bank, ups. the creative energy that goes into this is such a shame. >> gretchen: we feel sorry for bob? >> we should feel sorry for all of us, including bob. bob could have a much more fun job if he weren't my accountant. >> brian: bob didn't look like he was having too much fun. >> gretchen: you're for the flat tax. people can check out the show. i know it will be good tonight on "fox business" network. >> brian: what time? >> 8:00 o'clock. >> brian: we'll watch. starring john stossel. action hero. good job, john. straight ahead, a look at the beautiful dog, she could save a life as well, maybe even yours, the search and rescue dog puzzle and her handler are here live. plus -- >> gretchen: let's check in with bill hemmer. >> good morning to you. great show this morning. good morning to all of you. two astronauts, both walked on the moon, both with a very different opinion in the president's plan for space. buzz aldrin and gene surgeonen
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>> brian: it was this picture of a firefighter and his rescue dog in the wake of the oklahoma city bombing that inspired our next guest to train her pup. >> a highly trained dog puzzle works alongside suzanne on hundreds of search missions for missing people. their journal knee to certify as a search and rescue team is in the book, scent of the missing and joins us. with puzzle. >> yes. >> brian: you jumped into this. you saw the great work the dogs were doing in that horrible
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incident and you sprung into action. how? >> i was a search pilot before i was a search canine handler and i remember looking down and thinking, not every search needs a pilot, but they almost all need dogs. i joined a local team in the dallas area and trained for three years, running behind other handlers and their dogs before qualifying to have one of my own. she came to me in 2004. >> i was at 9-11, the world trade center when it went down and i remember there were a lot of dogs in that search and rescue mission. putting the dog into danger, how do you decide when and when not to do that? >> well, it's always a judgment call and we operate on the best known information we have, which is always what any first responder would do as well. but these dogs go into debris after hundreds of training searches in similar kinds of conditions. so we've got a pretty good idea of what their judgment and their skill set is and they're using every single scent they've got. >> brian: in your book, you say humans can learn a lot from
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dogs, the way they approach it and the effort they put in. how? >> well, these dogs have a super high commitment and drive. >> i have to ask? >> yeah, pet her. and they will teach us about stamina and perseverance in ways we think we know and then we see a dog who will come out of a sector and be willing to go right back into another one. amazing. >> brian: how do you explain the dog's success in doing this and how do you explain it? there seems to be a lot of golden retrievers and german shepherds. >> a lot are driven by genetics. working breeds from a long period of time before this. it's a matter of matching that drive, that keenness to get out there and do something. >> they want to help. right? >> yeah. they definitely learn that there is a certain urgency and a certain need. >> brian: a lot of these stories are in scent of the missing, the story of how suzanne got into this and puzzle. for 5 1/2 years you've been training?
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>> gretchen: everyone has to leave the show a little early today because i'm helping out my favorite charity, the march of dimes. why are we showing the nasdaq? because i'll be opening up the nasdaq this morning with k-mart and they are the number one corporate march for babies sponsor. yes. can you believe they raised more than $80 million for the march of dimes? you can watch us open the market at 9:30 a.m i think it will be on the "fox business" network. >> we're going -- >> it will be an up day. >> the market better go up. >> brian: you said the april 24th date is big. right? >> april 24, 25 is march for babies. you can find out more information at that web site. >> i want you to ask -- you know your way around the business network. >> gretchen: i figured eric might know where the
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