tv Americas News HQ FOX News April 18, 2010 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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>> thanks for being with us. i am jamie colby. we will send you straight to washington with shannon. have a great day. global grounding, the huge ash cloud over iceland pair liesing air travel throughout europe and the world. coming up, positive news in the struggle hundreds of thousands of travelers are now facing. and supreme court showdown. can a christian student group keep gay members out? the highest court in the land will tackle that case this week and tea party time in philadelphia as they head to the home of the liberty bell. we will talk to and date newly endorsed by the tea party and hopes to unseat the leader. live from the nation's capitol, right now. there is some progress in the attempt to get air travel moving again throughout europe but it is very small. serious delays continue at
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airports throughout the continue -- continent and around the world. determine knee has opened some airports and klm has flown a plane through the ash cloud. we have coverage from around the world on this story. we have a correspondent from brussels, one is stranded in dubai and here is the very latest from laura. while the volcanic ash continues to spew, thousands of travelers are wondering when they will get home. klm is sending test flights into the air to see if it is safe for passengers in anticipation of the eventual news that it will be safe to put planes back in the air over large parts of europe. airports are reopening including six in germany, airports in spain including barcelona and
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southern france. almost all norwegian air space north of bergen was reopened today which is good news. airport operators say the air space over south of the country is expected to be open by today. the cranky volcano shows no sign of settling down as it continues to send explosions of steam, grit and gas into the air. the ash can cause jet engines to seize up and rip paint off the aircraft among many other menacing things. forecasters say the ash cloud won't dissipate easily stranding airport travelers and wondering what their next step will be. some are finding hotel vacancies and others are running out of money, camping out at airports till they find out what the airlines have to offer.
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by the end of sunday, more than 63,000 flights will have been canceled since april 15th and that out of 24,000 flights that normally operate on sunday, only some 4000 will fly. now, i just heard from the american red cross here in new york. representatives say they are currently working with the city's operation of emergency management and port authority to help the travelers out. so far the red cross has delivered 800 cots and blankets to jfk airport and we'll continue to bring you the latest. >> thanks for the update. one of those travelers stranded because of the ash cloud, his flight back from europe canceled and greg is currently in dubai and joins us on the phone. what is the latest from your vantage point, greg? >> a little add to the story, we were supposed to be flying back from dubai on 'em rate airlines, one of the airlines in this region and we are one of 170,000
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people affected by this closure, amounting to $200 million a day for stranded passengers. the air lines are trying to break this stranglehold, klm announcing they have flown ten flights through the ash cloud affecting europe and tell me they have found no irregulators in those flights. they have submitted the data to the dutch aviation authorities and are waiting for them to say something to this point about maybe opening up the air space over holland for this airline. they want it to happen as soon as possible. british airways and air france also had test flights today, lufthansa as well. it is a very careful thing. some call this the swine flew of the air space, that maybe the
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dangers are over but some are very concerned and one airline doesn't want to be the one responsible for any catastrophe. so they are erring on the side of caution and hoping to break the travel jam, calling this unprecedented in the history of aviation and hope it can be resolved in the coming days. back to you, shannon. >> since you were on the front lines of this story, greg, how are people coping where you are? camping out at the airports, finding hotels, what is the situation? >> well, it is the responsibility of the airline so emirate has to pay three meals and accommodations for 5000 passengers. hotels are at the bursting point. and if you didn't get caught in the first two days, you were supposed to have understood that you shouldn't be flying so the airline is not responsible for that so they are off the hook for a lot of other passengers who are fending for
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themselves and luckily dubai has a lot of hotels, is better prepared for this kind of thing in other cities, with hotels bursting further, it is a problem and the airlines are congested. but you can imagine they want this resolved very fast. >> we wish you safe and speedy travel for you and as well as others who are stranded because of this, greg. >> thank you. last january, defense secretary robert gates warned the white house in a memo that the u.s. does not have an effective long-term plan for dealing with iran's nuclear program. caroline joins us with details here in washington. >> iran could have their nuclear program finished in a year and a bomb in five years and secretary gates says there is no effective plan to stop them.
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his memo says they need to layout a set of circumstances if iran fails to break a timeline. some are not surprised by the memo. >> i didn't have to read the memo from mr. gates to acertain that. we do not have a coherent policy, i think that is pretty obvious. >> i think the administration must understand its policy is failing and that it either concludes it will have to accept a nuclear iran or doesn't understand what it is up to and neither of those conclusions is very appealing, i must say. >> the memo was sent in january after iran blew past the deadline set by the president for official talks. the memo says it is a wakeup call and advises for other policies to be considered but the white house says they have been considering other alternatives long before january. the secretary believes the president and his national security team has spent an
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extraordinary amount of time and effort considering and preparing for the full range of con teupbgs -- con teupbgs for a nuclear iran. and speaking on afghanistan, he says leaving is a request, not an honor. the funeral for the polish president and his wife is occurring this morning. the ash cloud has kept many world leaders away but dana is there with more. hi, dana. >> poland said goodbye to one of its great patriots today but unfortunately, many of the world leaders who wanted to go to poland to pay their respects were prevented from doing so because of the ash cloud over europe. poles call this the greatest tragedy since world war ii, the death of their president
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lech kaczynski and his wife maria. up to 80 world leaders were to attend the funeral in the church in krakow but the ash cloud caused more than half of them to cancel. president obama saying he was a close friend and ally of the united states as well as the people who died alongside him. several polish leaders spoke of warming relations between russia and poland and that perhaps this tragedy has brought the two nations together despite their dark history. new home video of the crash site has surfaced, the aircraft ripped to pieces and still burning. it is estimated it was going 140-180 miles per hour when it hit a tree but now they are saying, shannon and you and i were speaking about the same time when press reports came
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through that instead of the two to four attempts land in heavy fog at the airport, now it is said only one attempt was made before the aircraft broke up and burned. now back to you. >> thanks for that live update. in the wake of the death of the president of poland, new hope is emerging for reconciliation between poland and russia and how will that affect the united states and how is the world preparing for a nuclear iran? we have our next guest, former u.s. ambassador to nato. thank you for coming in today. let me ask you to give us a little background on the relationship with poland and russia. why is it never seeming to be reconciled? >> well, there was a long history of animosity and war in the region, especially in --
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before the second world war. there were, you know, armies sneaking back and forth across this region that included poland, baltic states, ukraine so this is a place that was devastated by the memories of those wars. in the post-communist era, i think there was an attempt by the poles, the hungarians, the baltic states to show they are on the side of the west. they want to create knocks see -- democracy and in a way, kind of pit us against russia in a good-guy/bad-guy mentality and then the attempt to get in the european union where the relationship was a bit more newt that will but after these
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countries had new leaders, there was a sort of rhetoric throughout the region. so they became sort of in a conflict again. there wasn't perhaps you know overt attempts at military conflict but the rhetoric was present. >> and certainly many wounds that have not healed over time between these two nations and we have seen in recent months that russian prime minister putin has reached out in ways, giving speeches and attending ceremonies that seem to be aimed at trying to reconcile a bit. now we have this tragedy and russia reaching out in many ways. you think there is a chance for healing through something so terrible and devastating? >> i think we have to determine between societies and politics. with the level of societies, there is something there. the russian people have reacted with great sympathy, putting flowers
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at the crash site. i think those are positive steps and i think the poles are seeing that and responding in kind to some level of optimism at the level of society. at the same time, you have putin who has ratcheted back democracy in russia, talking about the native georgia, using energy as a political tool on a lot of russian neighbors. so those policies about a severe of influence remain in place even though we are seeing progress at the level of society. >> and i want to ask you about the memo from robert gates expressing concern over a nuclear iran. any surprise to you that he would outline those concerns? >> well, i think the obama administration is adding a new set of tools in terms of developing a multiple multilevel strategy to tackle these big issues and i think what we're
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seeing now is there is sort of a debate within the administration to see which becomes the higher priority. is it multilateralism which has become very obvious in the last couple of weeks or the old-style defense tools we have and i think this administration shows a capacity to do more than one thing at the same time so i think it will continue as it should. >> all right, we're out of time so we will wrap it up, thanks for coming in and for discussing the nuclear situation with iran as well. >> thank you. five arrests made at a neo nazi protest that turned violent in los angeles this weekend but it wasn't the neo nazis who grew violent but the counter protestors who showed up. they threw rocks and other objects at the protestors. there were only minor injuries. just a few hours ago, pope benedict met with a small group
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of victims who were abused by catholic priests and saying he would pay more attention to the issue in the future. many are waiting to see what the church says and greg is there by phone. [ indiscernible ] >> the clear news today, eight victims of abuse at a catholic orphanage in malta. we were told about it after the fact. the vatican clearly did not want to raise expectations too much however it was the news story here. pope benedict prayed with the victims after his mass this morning, expressing his sorrow and shame over what had happened and talked about the pain and shame it caused them and their families and the catholic church will do whatever it can to bring them to justice.
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the pontiff did not discuss the abuse directly on this trip. only on the plane, he talked about the church being damaged by our since. however, the archbishop on the alter this morning in malta saying the church has the humility to face its since and failings of its own members. the pope turned 83 on friday and this marks his fifth year as pope. >> okay, thanks, greg. a fugitive with mafia ties was on the loose for two days and now is back behind bars. the 37-year-old was in kentucky to testify at a federal trial. he was headed back to pennsylvania when he kicked his way out of a van in central kentucky yesterday. police arrested him without incident yesterday. he belonged to a mafia-aaffiliated crime gang in massachusetts. in 2005, he was sentenced to 23 years in federal prison for being an accessory to prison.
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the central command leader honors today's troops he says we look up to. >> he says we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us and because of that, we feel we stand very tall indeed. their accomplishments were extraordinary. >> we will take you to a special gathering of american heroes and share the stories of what the world war ii lib pwraeurts did world war ii lib pwraeurts did and saw 65 years ago. ull of ki. and you have a heart attack. that's what happened to me. i'm on an aspirin regimen now. my doctor told me it's the easiest preventative thing you can do. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. see your doctor. simple.
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employment in several major cities around the country. now a look at the best and worst cities if you are looking for a job with brenda. >> it is often said real estate is location, location, location. well for jobs, the same may be true. where you live has a lot to do with weather you can work. a leading job search engine measures the difficulty of finding employment in major cities across the country. let's take the worst first. no surprise really that the worst place in the nation to try to find work is america's motor city, detroit. for every advertised job, there are nearly 15 unemployed people fighting for it. this has not changed recently. detroit at the bottom of the list. even with recent gains withford and taking on toyota, joining detroit the worst -rs of the worse, st. louis, missouri at number 49. ph*eupl, sunshine, no warmth for job seekers, it is number 48.
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las vegas, a real gamble for jobless at number 47 and riverside california with ten people competing for every help-wanted ad. now, not all the news is grim. take a look at the top five major cities, easiest nation to get a job. hartford connecticut, three people vying for every job add and believe it or not, with call street close, the big apple. baltimore, maryland takes the next spot, washington d.c. at number two, uncle sam is a big hirer and one person per advertised job. chances are things will only get better with more government bureaucracy, a boom town. drum roll, please. now the easiest city to find a job. technology tops these days in hiring. san jose in silicon valley is the best spot to be without a job. it is just about even with the
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nation's capitol for job seekers vying for a job, one to one. >> and i would vote for their weather over what we had this year so if you are in technology, may be a good match. thank you, brenda. >> sure. there are all sorts of pieces of information on job-related news on just search for job hunts. on fox news sunday, senator john mccain made the case for tough sanctions against iran. i sat down with chris for a preview a few minutes ago. >> good morning, chris, great to see you. >> thank you. >> a couple of high profiled guests, one of them being john mccain and you started out with the memo that came from secretary gates to the white house warning and talking about
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our strategy or lack thereof with iran. >> it is interesting. what gates says according not new york times, this a top-secret memo as they say on the front page of the new york times today in which he basically warned the white house we don't have a strategy going forward with how to deal with iran as they continue to ignore us and proceed with a nuclear weapon. john mccain has been very critical of the administration and, quite frankly, was critical with the previous administration and president on this saying i don't need a top-secret memo, we need a strategy. we huff and puff and pull our guns but don't pull the trigger. the chinese will undercut us on sanctions so we and the europeans should impose tough sanctions that bite. the first he talked about is trying to stop the shipment of refined gasoline back into the country that they produce on the soil but don't have refined gasoline. and then he said we have to consider military
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options. this is a terrible threat and we have to do more than we are doing about it. >> and something else to be considered on the senate floor very soon, the idea of more financial regulation. how does the senator think that will play out? >> well, it is interesting. the white house made a big compromise. they want the senate democrats to take out the controversial $50 million fund that will be paid for by the financial industry to wind down any banks that get into trouble. what the republicans have been saying, though, is this is just sort of setting up or guaranteeing future taxpayer bailouts. they are taking that out of the bill but the senator was still not satisfied and says it would exempt fannie mae and aig and a lot of other institutions, a lot of problems there, you have to bring them all under the umbrella and crackdown on them and say we can't have this kind
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of financial meltdown. so i think there will be a fight in the senate and at this point, all 41 republican senators have signed a letter saying this is unacceptable and they will need to pick up one of those for a filibuster. >> you taked about efforts overseas and al-qaeda, any idea how recent events are playing out with what we know about how they are doing? >> well, it is interesting. we found out this week of a plot that was foiled, a mini 9-1-1 where al-qaeda was going hijack airliners in iraq, take them into the air and fly them over shiite holy shrines to try to start a civil war in the country. despite bombings that have killed dozens of people, he said al-qaeda and the sunni agents have been degraded. he was quite optimistic about the political situation ian though they have yet to form a government there but says we
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will meet the president's deadline of getting all combat troops out of iraq by the end of august and seemed very confident about that. >> he certainly did. chris, thank you always for the previews. >> thank you. and you can check out chris' interview with general odiemo and hear how john mccain says he is no longer a maverick at 2:00 and 6:00 here on the fox news channel. up next, why he is closing his doors to everyone when the new law takes effect. gecko: uh, you wanted to see me sir? boss: come on in, i had some other things you can tell people about geico - great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us.
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a glimmer of good news for millions of travelers whose plans have been affected by the icelandic volcano. germany has temporarily opened six airports as some carriers are in the air and testing safety. shannon has the latest in the headlines. >> klm says it hopes to restore flights as possible. it flew several planes in the window of the ash cloud. several other airlines are testing as well. the polish president lech kaczynski and other leaders have been laid to rest. the american president and several others were not able to attend because of the ash cloud.
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and the icelandic volcano ash will not affect the nasa liftoff of the shuttle planned for tomorrow aoefbg. and seven nomination, the acm awards tonight air at 8:00. now back to you. >> those are always so much fun. you going to watch? >> absolutely, 8:00. thanks. the ash has impacted u.s. officials trying to make their way to moscow to discuss a potential ban on u.s.-russian adoptions. the delegation has been stuck in toronto since yesterday morning and still don't know if they will make it out in time for the meetings tomorrow. the delegation will discuss the ban on adoptions to u.s. parents after one adoptive parent sent her 7-year-old child back to
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russia. and now an arizona doctor who disapproves of the health care changes has announced he will close his practice when the bulk of the law goes into effect in 2014. the doctor joins us today. >> thanks, my privilege. >> what is it about the proposal and what is about to become law that will cause you the drastic step to close your office altogether? >> you have lived within a doctor's shoes the past 20 years, you will realize that doctors are living with chains and threats and it is growing. the medicine art has been strangled by the government for many years, getting worse and there is a point at which you say i can't practice that art anymore and it is time to say goodbye. and to let you know in my case, it is not a worry about financial loss of income because i voluntarily cut my own income this past year, again because of
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government threats or financial threats of extremely -- horrendous fines are present in medicare if you perform a system where you diagnose and treat. the medicare reform threats fines to hundreds of thousands of dollars to doctors has made me fearful of continuing to see those patients. >> and doctor, it seems like your story has been greatly influenced on what happened with healthcare, kind of a quiet conservative, not very politically involved but now you have certainly come out to the front lines, been involved with tea party activities and other things. what about this made you decide it was time to go public with the way you felt politically? >> as governor huckaby says in his new book, i just felt it was
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time to do the right thing. many doctors talk about it in the lunch room but don't do anything and if there is a chance to speak out, you need to take it. we need to be unafraid. this is an important time. this bill could really represent the death of the professional medical and i feel that is really the problem. i would hope that the public realizes if they speak to their doctors about this and get them to talk and hear the same thing, doctors are talking because they know what this will do to all of us as patients better than anybody else you can speak to. i am concerned as a patient and that is my main reason for doing it. >> okay, shutting down your practice in scottsdale, arizona in 2014, thank you for sharing your reasons why with us today. >> thank you very much. the court tackles religion and the first amendment after a
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lower court rules a day of prayer is unconstitutional. prayer is unconstitutional. the debate up next. [ male announcer ] designed to function the way you funion. the lexus rx. ♪ at your lexus deal. we get dole miles on every purchase. so we earned a ski trip twice as fast. we get double miles every time we use our card. ( thuds ) i'll take this. ( crashing ) double miles add up quick. and all of those. so we brought the whole gang. one adult, one goat please. it's hard to beat double miles. everyone knows two is better than one. introducing the venturcard from capital one... with double miles on every pchase every day. go to wht's in your waet? oh, poor baby.
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to weigh in. and in another case, a wisconsin district judge has ruled the national day of prayer is unconstitutional and joining us now on fox is greg baylor who is the lawyer for the christian society and dr. barry, lynn, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> okay, this is a group of law students meeting on school property. anybody could come to the meetings as i understand it but if you wanted to join and be a voting member, you had to sign a certain statement about your life and beliefs so you haven't won to this point? >> well, hastings has not respected the constitution and what is disrespected the freedom of all groups to choose who they want to be their leaders, their mess engine isrs, who they want to represent them in the public square and hastings is saying you cannot force those beliefs.
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we think this is unconstitutional, that the constitution protects the rights, not just of christian students but all student groups to choose leaders and messengers and those who share their messages. >> you think you have the winning argument tomorrow? >> hasteings has the winning argument. the christian group has not been banned from campus and have not been told they can't discriminate against anybody they don't want. but what they have been told is they can't get what they do and want that is fees, public funds that help discriminate. they can't have discretionary treatment. no other group is seeking this exemption.
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what the christian legal society wants is something more, something that no one else has been given and that, quite frankly, flies in the face of a lot of supreme court decisions that says the government doesn't have to subsidize discrimination. it doesn't have to subsidize it if it is the christian legal society, the ku klux klan, this is another way of saying we're not going to put up with it. but greg is saying we want to be the outlier and that is wrong. >> is it about money? >> they wanted to encourage organizations focused on different things with different viewpoints. they want to create a marketplace of ideas and 60 student groups came into that forum and are expressing their viewpoints, saying what they want to say and many are choosing leaders that share
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their commitment. when cls comes along and says we want to be the 61st group in this forum, hastings pulled the plug and said you can't join this forum. now cls is saying we want to be treated equally on campus. the campus policy does not trump the constitution. all groups have a right to form around shared commitments, many of them are doing that at hastings but not with cls. >> just a few moments to wrap it up. >> it is all about money. this group is meeting on campus, they are allowed to discriminate, they are just not getting the special blessing of government. there is a a lot about freedom of speech and i am behind it but just because you have an opinion and want to associate with certain people doesn't mean the government has to pay for your discriminatory speech or conduct and i think the united states
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supreme court will say that is the right position. >> we will wait and see. thank you both. we didn't get the national day of prayer case but i am guessing we could figure out where you lie on that so thank you and we will be watching the case tomorrow. >> thank you. we're getting live pictures from wnyw, a fire near the lincoln tunnel between new jersey and manhattan. the huge in tunnel entrance is at the bottom of the screen. you can see what looks like a highway with cars on it but it is tough to see with the graphics up there. a four-alarm fire near the lincoln tunnel as you can see as the banner drops away there. a little more context for you. near man manhattan and new jer. we'll get you more information. an' enormous bloom of volume
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cane nick ash has boy scout air travel to a halt for the fourth consecutive day. alex joins us from brussels with the latest on how it is affecting travel. >> hi, shannon. i can tell you since thursday, 64,000 flights have been canceled. that is according to euro control, the organization responsible for aviation safety. in terms of the airlines, as you could expect, they are keeping the bottom line very badly, losing $130 million pounds. what we are seeing right now is some airline executives are suggesting, bearing in mind they have done a number of test flights, that perhaps the safety controls put in place by the authorities may be a bit too overreaching and exaggerating the danger of concern. certainly klm, the dutch operator, lufthansa, a german operator, and air france have sent up between them, 10-15
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flights. they are flying between 6-11,000 feet and as of yet, they have all landed safely and not reported any problems. the engines have not become gummed up with that sandy volcanic ash. as you may expect, if the authorities are to be believed and the dangers are as present as they say. they are going to urge the authorities to loosen the restrictions but it may not be over yet. according to some forecasters, they say the cloud is likely to intensify before it gets better. >> alex, thanks very much for the update. coming up, the tea party held a rally in another historic city. philadelphia, a demonstration aimed at taking back congress. both sides turned up to make hair cases and details after the break.
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this is a fox news alert. we want to give you a look at these lives pictures of a 4-alarm fire going on in new jersey right now. these pictures are from our new york affiliate wnyw. it is union city new jersey, between manhattan and new jersey in the lincoln tunnel. you may be able to see the roadway there at the bottom. we're told one bottom has been completely destroyed. there is now a three-story building next door that seven different fire companies have been called in to try to help. we're getting information there are flames shooting out of the one building that is a complete loss and now crews are very busy trying to get this thing under control. a four-alarm fire on the new jersey side of the lincoln tunnel, impacting the area. we're told you can see the smoke for miles and at least seven fire companies have been called in to get this under control.
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as we get more information on the damage and any injuries, we will certainly let you know. and just an hour hag, pope benedict holding a private meeting with four men who say they were sexually abused by police. the vatican expressed shame and sarfate row and promised to protect young people in the future. a suicide bomber rammed a truck armed with 550 pounds of explosives into a police station. a child and seven civilians were killed, 20 others hurt in the blast in pakistan. this one day after a suicide bombing in the same region killed dozens of refugees lined up for food and supplies. world war ii heroes who liberated the death camps next.
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>> it is april, 1945, hitler and the nazis are furiously trying to carry out their final solution. once and for all, to exterminate the jews. but patton's army is on the way and soon americans will put an end to the killing, liberating nazi concentration camps. 65 years later in what could be one of the last times so many of them are together, 120 american heroes gather as part of a week-long holocaust rememberance. they were the first to witness the horrors of nazi germany, meeting with general petraeus and a chance to share stories they will never forget. >> i never thought human beings could be treated that way, not an each an animal, nevertheless
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a human being. we were instructed by officers not to feed them anything because they might die the next morning but could not refuse food from a starving person. >> coming upon 91 tphas see soldiers trying to flee, he took them prisoners. >> i knew he and his buddy had done this bad stuff and that is why i came so close to killing him. >> you didn't? >> did not. thought about a higher humanity. >> and saw so many suffering. >> we took this little boy that was skin and bones and took him to our mess truck and the mess sergeant took him over and fed him and when we got ready to come back to the states, we brought him back in a barracks bag. >> that young boy, a survivor,
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went on to become a professor at oklahoma state university. other survivors who attended the rememberance ceremony at the capitol were moved by a chance to meet their liberators. >> i met some of them and it was an honor indeed because by the time i was liberated, all of us were, we were literally walking death. >> the commander of the 101st airborne division made a point of honoring the screaming eagle, holding him up as a lib greater of the nation. >> it should inspire those who wear our nation's uniform. their units remain proud of their noble actions. >> in washington, mike emmanuel, fox news. ♪
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the president extolling its country's military saying it is so powerful no one dare attack it. the iran's president accelerating the nuclear program. a memo from secretary gates in the united states saying the u.s. must pull the trigger on the program. news begins right now. travelers still grounded due to safety fears for a fourth straight day but airlines starting to push from regulators to open air space. several flights through through ash by the volcano with no problem. that is hope for thousands of passengers desperate to get home. even when airlines resume normal operations, investigators say it will take a very long time to resolve the traffic nightmare. >> 200,000 people have been
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affected, 1300 flights. that is a very, very difficult task in addition to the money and aircraft. i would estimate it will take at least a week to get things back to normal operations. questions about the actual dangers of the atmosphere build, economic difficulties are rising for the airlines and passengers. we go to the newsroom now to laura for the very latest. hi, shannon. test flights, alternate test routes and serious plans b, c and d are in place to get thousands of stranded passengers off the airport flooring and into the air. right now, they are losing $200 million a day and the volcanic ash is not done yet. take a look at this picture on the front of the new york post
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>> the bodies of the president and his wife maria were moved from war saw to krakow. the aircraft had to fly at a low level to land there. the president of russia was one of those able to fly in. a lot of method to get there. the people of poland came in at huge numbers. 150,000 lined the streets as a long funeral procession made its way to krakow today. dana? >> can you tell us anything about the crash investigation? >> well, some new facts have come out because as you and i talked a week ago about the crash, there were all those press reports coming out of the media and the polish crash saying that aircraft had made three, four attempts to land. the crash investigation committee came out and saying
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one attempt was made. we are getting new information about a four alarm fire in union city, new jersey. you are looking at live pictures from our new york affiliate, wnyw. the smoke from the fire can be seen for miles. it is near the entrance to the lincoln tunnel on the new jersey side. the tunnel linking new jersey and manhattan. 7 different companies responding to the emergency. there is a news photographer
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telling the new jersey journal flames are shooting out of the building there's. one building is completely destroyed and they are worried about a three-story structure next door. firefighters are focusing on the other building trying to keep this from spreading and trying to contain it. local media reports there are several apartment buildings in the fire and that is a concern when you have a number of residential buildings involved. a four alarm fire in union city, new jersey, not far from the entrance to the lincoln tunnel. we will keep you updated as we learn more about the situation. >> as iran appears to grow more and more defiant, the top u.s. defense official says the united states lacks a clear strategy moving forward to deal with iranian nuclear ambitions. caroline shively joins us. >> this memo says the administration and military need to lay out a set of consequences if diplomacy and sanctions fail to block iran
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from getting a nuclear bomb. they believe iran could make nuclear grade fuel in less than a year and could have a bomb in less than five years. after iran blue past a deadline set by the president for diplomatic talks. one senior toe fix says the gates memo is a wakeup call and includes a revised set of alternatives to be considered. they deny that it provoked military or diplomatic options. some critics aren't surprised by the memo. >> for well over a year now, in fact, including the previous administration we keep threatening an and we have not done anything that would in any way be viewed effective. >> if this was a wakeup call it did come in january and nobody in the administration has woken up so it wasn't a very loud wakeup call. >> jeff morell tells fox the secretary believes the president and his administration have spent an
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extraordinary amount of time and effort preparing for the full range of contingencies with respect to iran, ahmadinejad today said his military is so powerful that no one would dare attack it. it was designed to show off surface to mare missiles. one can go 1200 miles and care ray nuclear warhead. shannon? >> shannon: thank you for the update. president obama has been asking for it and now financial regulatory reform legislation could reach the senate floor this week. it is an issue that sparks heated debate especially over a $50 billion fund that will enable future bailouts according to republicans. now, mr. obama is planning to take the issue on the road. julie kirtz has details here in washington. >> the president plans to take his case for a financial reform bill directly to the voters. white house officials confirming that obama will launch a tour of rallies and town hall meetings inspired by the road show before passage of the healthcare bill as two
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senior white house officials tell fox the president not only feels a wind at his back but believes wall street reform can revitalize his numbers with independents. treasury secretary geithner this morning says he is confident republicans will ultimately compromise with democrats although this weekend obama accused the senate's top republican of waging a deceptive attack against a democrat-backed measure. here is geithner. >> we can guarantee if congress joins with the president in passing the reforms we proposed that passed the house and now working through the senate and taxpayers will not be on the hook for bailing out the large institutions from their mistakes in the future. >> republicans remain united against the senate bill and top senate republican mitch mcconnell also weighed in this morning. >> for the president to politicize this in the same speech in which he said we ought to depoliticize it is
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quite amusing. at the same day the democratic national committee is putting up web ads trying to attack republicans on the issue. i thought he wanted to us have a bipartisan bill, that is what i would like to have. >> the white house is now encouraging democrats to drop the $50 billion bank liquidation fund that republicans don't like while the country's big financial institutions would kick in the $50 billion, republicans argue it would encourage more government taxpayer bailouts down the road. so a big fight ahead, shannon. >> shannon: it will be, julie. thank you. former president bill clinton says people angry at the government should be careful with their words, telling abc's this week that he worries about threats against president obama and other lawmakers. clinton first addressed th issue in a speech when said anger from tea party members could feed the same right wing extremism that led to the oklahoma city bombing in 1995. >> a lot of the things that have been said they create a climate in which people who are
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vulnerable to violence because they are disoriented like timothy mcveigh was are more likely to act is. >> shannon: timothy mcveigh, of course, was one of the men responsible for the oklahoma city bombing. sources confirm to fox an american soldier killed and three others wounded in a helicopter crash in northern iraq. the helicopter went down late last night. the cause of the crash is under investigation and for now officials do not believe it was caused bienmy fire. the name of the deceased soldier is being withheld until his family is notified. in march of 2004, four blackwater contractors were ambushed and killed in fallujah. their charred dead bodies found hanging from a bridge. when a team of navy seals caught the suspects behind the attack, they were the ones that faced charges. some of the charges have been dropped but the fight is far from over. the attornecolonel, thank you g in today.
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your client has take and polygraph test which he passed and is still facing trial on a number of counts. tell bus the status of his case and what happens next? >> his case is set for norfolk for may 3rd. his two brothers are already in baghdad. their cases are set to go to trial on tuesday and following that trial another trial as well. we are looking closely at the outcomes of those. >> and talking about ahmed hasim ahmed says he was attacked and the claim is that he punched him in the stomach. >> that's correct. >> we know that some of the terror suspects are skilled and schooled in the art of making claims against their captors. is this one of those cases. >> this probably is one of those cases because he was also in the hands of iraqi authorities and they are known to abuse prisoners frequently. plus he had a hood over the head at the time that he was struck so there is no way to identify who struck him, if any one did.
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>> shannon: what kind of penalties is your client facing. >> a maximum possibly penalty of a year in yale. for fit your of two -- in jail and reduction to pay grade e 1. >> shannon: there were never incidents, any trouble before in the service? >> no, all of these seals have spotless records. it is a same that our government, the navy is turning on them and prosecuting them, potentially exposing them to federal convictions for such a minor allegation. even if true it doesn't rate a court-martial and we will hoping that they will change their mind once the two are acquitted this week as we think will happen we hope that the charges are dropped against petty officer mccabe. >> shannon: they opted for something called nonjudicial punishment. why did they opt out of that route? >> because inherent in that process is a presumption of guilt. a commander made a
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determination of guilt before he offers nonjudicial punishment. they understood going in they were presumed guilty and that a decision had been made based on a flawed investigation i might add and they wanted a trial. they just said we want our day in court. >> shannon: what about witness statements or other testimony against the young men that is going to conflict with their story and what they have testified to so far. in. >> they haven't testified. they have given statements but the main, the center of gravity of all the statements is more supportive of them than it is towards the allegations. we have got an overwhelming amount of evidence that disputes the notion that petty officer mccabe punched detainee in the gut. >> shannon: do you think the military is under so much scrutiny because of abu ghraib that they are going to extremes? >> i really do.
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rather than gather around the brave warriors and protect them from this sort of thing they would rather expose them to a courtial conviction and court martial. >> shannon: all of us will be watching this case. thanks for your time today. >> thank you, shannon. >> shannon: the tea party has picked its candidate. coming up, we will meet the woman who wants to unseat senate majority leader harry reid. and should employers be required to make accommodations for mothers who want to breast feed at work? we will have a fair and balanced debate about how far this should go, after the break. ♪ we created our college of business and management... after collaborating with business leaders. we wanted our curriculum to match market needs, preparing you for today's most sought-after careers.
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>> shannon: police are investigating whether any crimes were committed in what is being called a sexting problem at two schools in be ness da maryland. students brought, sold and traited inappropriate fee toes of female school mates. they were found on a student's ipod touch by a teacher. >> it is hard for young people to understand the ramifications of what is seems harmless. >> for that to happen in high school is a big deal so for that to happen some where as young as in middle school is pretty scary. >> shannon: well, it was tax day this week, april 15s this wasn't the only day that brought ought the tea party crowds. yesterday a tristate take back congress rally was held on independence mall in philadelphia and some antitea
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protesters were there as well. >> at the birth place of freedom where the foundation of this country was set. >> we are people that want to take back the government. >> they need some help. i don't like the direction it is going. >> healthcare is going to be taking government's direction instead of our own. >> a mixed crowd of republicans, democrats and independents who say they want to get back to the country's roots. >> i'm here because i'm a first generation american in my family, came from another country, the soviet union and knew what living under tyranny was like when you lose your freedom. >> in the crowd. >> i despice the movement. they are based on lies. obama engineered a tax cut this year for the middle class. you don't see that anywhere. >> one lowely antitea party protester stood out. >> i care about this. that's all. you got to do something. stand up and do something once in awhile or otherwise you lose, you sit on your butt and these people take over. >> the independence hall tea
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party pushed a roster of candidates they feel are in step with their movement. >> through our spending and taxes and growing the size of government it is not going to work and we really need to change the direction and put the power back to the people. >> americans have to live on a budget and to see washington spending the way they are spending with no restraints or no guidelines, that is -- that offends everyone with any common sense. >> that was julie kamm reporting from philadelphia. one prominent tea party affiliated group has picked one woman they think can win it all. it many coulds at a good time because she is in a stiff primary with 12 candidates. we will talk to her in the next hour about how she plans to win. hidden in the massive healthcare law is a provision that requires employers to provide a special room for new mothers. many mothers argue they need the space po go back to work. but is the government getting
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too involved in private business? we are talking about a room devoted so breastfeeting. julie sandon joins us from chicago and attorney donna fillborn. >> i would imagine the most concern is time and cost they have to devote to making this happen. how much will it cost them? >> well, that depends on the size of the space that they need. but it is not a specific requirement that the space has to be a certain size. i think they said 4 by 6 that they wanted electrical outlet, a chair. so is unsubsidized. the employer has to make that decision themselves but it can be costly. more on the side of the unpaid breaks and also the idea that other employees that have special needs aren't getting these breakrooms and so there is going to be problems there as well. >> shannon: and let me ask you about that. if you do believe that this is necessary for this specific group, where do you draw the line? how many groups are going to be
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able to demand special treatment? >> we already do take care of other employees that have disabilities. title 7 requires that we do that. i don't think this is going place any undue burden or cause different employees to be fighting with each other. if you read the language of the law, it is pretty nondescript. it doesn't require a large space. a chair, a table an outlet and if you don't employ more than 50 people you can actually get a hardship exemption so you don't have to do it at all. i don't think it going to cause a war between employees. >> shannon: kelly, you touched on that a little bit and talked about how this could impact other employees. to you think this could have a negative impact on morale? >> i do. men are never going to qualify for this. women that can't have children, can't breastfeed aren't going to qualify for it. it doesn't cover salaried employees. they are not covered by it. i think it could be a morale problem, especially if you have some individuals that abuse
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this and sit in the room, hang out, longer off the clock than they need to be. i do think it is going to cause problems. what about diabetics that want a special area that need to have insulin throughout the day. they don't get to go off the clock unpaid for a period of time and there are other medical positions that i some what respectfully disagree that they are not getting the accommodation that this law provides for breastfeeding women. >> shannon: we heard about a lot of negative things but is it possible this would actually benefit employers? >> you know what it is going to do, it is going to take breastfeeding and expressing milk out of our faces. we can't multitask that at work. we can meet with clients and blackberry while sitting at a conference table but you can't meet with a client and breastfeed or express milk. we have a safe sanitary place for the employees to do this. we don't have to feel uncomfortable having to see it and the women who have to do it don't have to feel
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uncomfortable doing it in our faces. >> shannon: thank you very much for a fair and balanced debate. the u.s. attorney general still not taking new york city off the table as a possible venue for trying the mastermind of 9/11 and his co--conspirators. we will talk to the top of homeland security about that issue, next. ♪ raymond james financial advisers understand there's no one exactly like you. with a culture of independence they have the complete freedom to offer unbiased financial advise that's right for your goals. no matter how often. raymond james.
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through the volunteer volcanoie been successful. >> klm hopes to resume flights as soon as possible. sources tell fox news that german carrier luf lufthansa is also testing safety. >> five airlines said they will not charge airlines for carryon bags. schumer has commitments from delta, united, u.s. air. >> the senator reached out to the airlines after news that spirit air is planning to charge as much a is $45 for carry on bags. the 45th annual academy of music awards is tonight. miranda lambert is up for album of the year and five other awards. those are our top stories right
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now. shannon, back to you. >> shannon: we have one more top story and it involves you, ms. sweet care oh line. >> caroline is soon to be officially a mom although i i consider her mom already. baby shively is ready to come out and meet the world. we are so excited for you and your husband and we will miss you while you are out with your new baby. you will be miss. >> due tate is tuesday. i will take him right now if he comes. >> if he comes before the show is over, let us know, we have 30 minutes. >> you got, it thanks. >> congratulations, caroline. >> this is a fox news alert. new information now on the four alarm fire we have been covering in union city, new jersey, just outside the lincoln tunnel. you are looking at live pictures from our new york affiliate wnyw.
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it damaged three major buildings, destroyed several cars. there are apartment buildings in the area as well. no injuries report sod far. this is at palisades avenue between 13th and 14th streets if you are familiar with the area. firefighters were having trouble getting this under control. flames were shooting out of the buildings. thick black smoke can be seen for miles. the cause of the fire not immediately clear at this point. on the new jersey side of the lincoln tunnel area connecting new jersey and manhattan. seven fire companies called in at one point to help with the blaze and get it under control. as we know more we will let you know more as well. attorney general eric holder is still not ruling out new york city as a possible lowcation for the 9/11 terror trials. an assertion that incensed lawmakers on both sides of the ail including congressman peter king of new york who joins us now live. congressman, thank you for your
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time today. >> shannon, good to be with you. >> shannon: i understand one of your initial reactions was that this is absolute insanity. tell us why? >> it is. i thought from day one it was irresponsible to pick, new york. the attorney general did it without talking to the police commissioner or any of the federal law enforcement people, without speaking to the mayorion the governor, any one. then he has compounded it now by continuing to insist that new york is still on the table even the white house said for two and a half months they don't want it in new york. i see eric holder digging in. he wants this trial in new york and it is time for the president to say that he is the president and the president decides this and not attorney general. it makes us look foolish to have the justice department saying one thing and the president another. to have all the disarray in the white house. it is time for the president to take the trial out of new york and put it into a military
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tribunal. >> shannon: the attorney general said we make ourselves less safe by not routing them into civilian courts. is that true or false? >> it is false. we did have trials throughout the 1990s for those guilty of the first world trade center attacks and certainly didn't make us any safer. secondly, my concern is that at a trial such as this, you could have intelligence information come out, it can be very difficult in some cases to convict. the evidence we would have would not be admissible in civil court. intelligence information, hearsay, all that can be used in a military tribunal. and i don't believe we have to give full constitutional rights to enemy combatants tortion terrorists. the supreme court said that military tribunals are appropriate and constitutional. >> the attorney general laid out faults and failures he sees
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with the military commission and the faults and failings in his words that they have. do you think there is anything that congress would do to step in to shore up the commissions or make any changes or do you think they are effective in their current form? >> this has gone to the congress. they have been upheld by the u.s. supreme court. they are valid. and eric holder just has this liberal inclination that he wants it in a civilian court. shannon, this would turn lower manhattan into an armed camp. it would be under martial law for the next several years for no reason. there is no need to do it other than eric hold earther has this fantasy of wanting the trials to be held. one of the reasons there is a delay in getting the trials is eric holder's law firm was representing a lot of teeth tapes and they were doing pro-- detainees and they were doing probono work and that is delaying the process. the supreme court has upheld the tribunal and this is the
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route to go. it the time for the president, we have been told by people close to the president, rahm emanuel has been quoted as p. saying the president wants the trial out of new york. time to step in and show eric holder what needs to be done. >> shannon: congressman peter king of new york. thank you for your time today. >> thank you as always. volcanoic ash crippled air travel. we will talk to greg palkot on the phone and get an update on what he is seeing,. and senator john mccain. is he a maverick or isn't he?vs we will get you hear his take, coming up next. who grew my soup, well, here they are. ♪ so many, many reasons ♪ it's so m'm! m'm! good! ♪
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>> shannon: we have been telling you about the travel trouble in europe. greg palkot is one of the thousands of travelers stranded because of the huge ash cloud volcano inof the val kay know iceland. his flight back from europe has been canceled. greg is currently in dubai joining us with the late. >> we were going to be flying backrates airlines coming back to london. we got our flight canceled yesterday. 70,000 passengers affected by emrates airlines alone. officials from emrates and all the airlines around the world are watching closely what happened in europe and there have been developments today. we have been talking all day to
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klm, the dutch-based carrier and they have been in the lead to try to break the log jam here and try to see how dangerous that volcanoic ash cloud really is over europe. they have run ten test flights between amsterdam and duesseldorf and ten test flights that have shown no irregularities and they are pressing the safety agencies to let them fly again. and in addition to that, air france, lufthansa and british airways and austrian airlines have been doing the same thing. there will be more meetings and a hope that maybe we will see some travel in the airs over europe in the next couple of days. back to you, shannon. >> shannon: we are just getting information crossing the wires saying the eu is saying that maybe 50% of flights in europe could begin operating in on monday because of changes in the weather forecast. that has to be great news for folks like you who are essentially trapped where you
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are at. >> that is great news because as of now for example in london the airspace was still blocked as of monday morning. we know that there was going be a meeting of european union transport ministers tomorrow. we know that the data has been examined by the european agencies all day today. it has been a major story for europe today. and you have got some breaking news there because that has just come across the wires in the past couple of minutes. interesting news and may be a sign that they are carefully reassessing the safety and dangers over the skies of europe and maybe they can get around the ash cloud, shannon. >> shannon: we hope for your sake and thousands of others that it will be a quick resolution. thank you, greg. >> thanks, shannon. >> shannon: the white house says president obama will hit the road to sell his financial reform package to the american people. there is skepticism this is just another big bank bailout. rich edson is here with the late toast break it down for
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us. how are you? >> hi, shannon. how are you? bottom line is we want to make sure that what happened a couple of years ago doesn't happen again. congress is working on that firms don't grow so large and so interconnected within the financial system that if they do fail they don't pose a threat and congress doesn't have to approve a bailout package for treasury to go in and pledge a couple hundred billion dollars to prevent a disaster. >> shannon: some characterize this as focusing on a feature bailout. >> it allows for $50 billion fund that will be financed by the large financial institutions. it will be a backstop in case the federal government has to go in this case one of the large systemic firms fails, the federal government could go in the bankruptcy process and break it apart and make a much more orderly death than we have seen for some of the firms in the past. the opponents say that that fund, just the existences of if gives the signal to firms that
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they can bet as risky as they want because if the bets go well, they make a lot of money and if they don't go well, there is the bailout fund behind them to break it apart. the administration says they are not all the way keen on that fund and there is probably a good chance you won't see that in the next couple of weeks. >> shannon: any chance of bipartisan support for the particular round if that is stripped out? we heard that republicans are not on board at all with in. >> they need at least one republican senator to get this bill through the senate and republicans and democrats have been talking and negotiating for months on financial regulatory reform. the problem is the bill that democrats came up with, the republicans, all 41 of them in the senate say they don't like this. they want to make changes to it. depends on the process going forward. politically democrats think they have a winner because they have paint republicans as prowall street and anticonsumer and republicans on the other hand say we saw this in healthcare and we see it again, democrats don't want to work to
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us. >> shannon: and word that the president will go out like he did on healthcare and sell this on the road so we will watch that as well. thank you. great to see you. senate majority leader harry reid is in a tough job to keep his seat this year. we will talk to a candidate who has the tea party endorsement, right after this break.
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>> shannon: arizona senator john mccain has long been called a maverick but the former presidential candidate is backing away from that nickname a bit. on "fox news sunday," chris wallace pressed the senator on the issue who says he prefers to be called a great american instead. >> how can you say i never considered myself a maverick? >> when i was fighting against my own president, whether we needed more troops in iraq or
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whether spending was completely out of control. then i was a maverick. now, that i'm fighting against this spending administration and this out of control and reckless healthcare plan, then i'm a partisan. i have been a called a lot of things and i will be glad to call anything but i'm a fighter and that is what i am. and i fought against my own administration when i wanted to when i thought it was necessary to do so and i will fight against this administration when i think it is necessary to do so. >> if i may press it, it isn't what other people are saying about you, with it is what you are saying about yourself. >> u said i never considered myself a maverick. >> i'm saying i have considered my self-a person who was a fighter. i wouldn't be around today if i wasn't a fighter. >> fighter, great american, not maverick. you can see the full interview after our show, at 2:00 and 6:00 eastern time right here on the fox news channel.
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democratic majority leader harry reid is in for a tough reelection bat until november. the tea party says unseating reid is a top priority. one of the tea party affiliated groups has picked its candidate for the june 9th candidate in nevada. they are endorsing former state representative sharon engel. she is in a huge field of 12 gop candidates and trails well behind. sharon joins us in d.c. to talk about it all. welcome. >> thank you, shannon. it is wonderful to be here to talk about what has become a national race against let's make a deal tax and spend harry reid. >> shannon: he is in the political fight of his life. though they are down in the polls they picked you as the person to be able to do it. why are you the one? >> because of my battle tested proven conservative record for things like the 2003 fight that i made all the way to the u.s. supreme court against the largest tax increase in the
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history of the state and it became a constitutional fight for which i got the ronald reagan freedom medalon from the claremont institute. those are the reasons that battle tested principles constitutional record that i have. >> shannon: and it has been enough to convince the tea party groups, a big endorsement for you. they have been active in nevada. at searchlight, thousands of people showed up in senator reid's hometown. let me ask you with that support, that is an important endorsement and you had other big name endorsements as well. to be down so far in the polls, how do you feel like you will be able to surmount the gop primary that you have got? what is your strategy? >> in a primary things don't really get cooking along in politics until about six weeks out and that is exactly where we are. we gained this momentum and as you have said we have gotten the conservative credentials from the gun owners of america and eagle forum and also from n state, nevada republican
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assembly and the network for nevada home coolers has endorsed me. it is not just a national conservative effort but it is also a statewide conservative effort. and when you are working toward a primary like this you want things to kind of peak at the right time and i think that the tea party express has carefully assessed this and said yes, this is the correct time, we are ready to go and i am really very grateful for their endorsement. >> shannon: we know senator reid has a torrey of being a fighter. he refer his background as a boxer and he is scrappy and not going to give up the fight. he says about this race it is never over. he has come back before. even though the poll shows you in a head-to-head matchup of beating him. how much do you think he will pull out? surprises may turn things around, november is a long ways off. >> as we say in the campaign he may be a boxer but i'm a heavy weight lifter and we will go out and lift the hell of a
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competitor very weights in the campaign. he doesn't have a record that can match mine. i think we are seeing a tsunami of conservativism coming across the nation and it is that that will carry me into washington, d.c. and take out tax and spend liberals like harry reid. and the reason is because his record is one of waterboarding this economy. he has just tortured us and if you want to see what it is going to be like in the rest of the nation just look at nevada with our 13.4% unemployment, we have the largest problem in the united states with the housing recovery right now. i think we are at minus 17.5%. and our 27% downturn in our tourism economy. i mean he has absolutely ruined, nevada, with his policies here in washington, d.c. and so if people want to see what is in store for the rest of america, look at nevada sand that is why i'm running against him.
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>> shannon: we will be watching closely the primary and the november race as well. sharron angle, thank you for being here today. >> you may not be able to vote, but you can always send money to sharron the puthe space shuttle "discovery" is set to land tomorrow. but nasa already warned but nasa already warned astronauts not to count on touching down to a we will tell you what thevimin holdup is, next. plus now it supports my heart health and helps maintain healthy blood pressure. [ engine revs ] whoa. [ man ] kinda makes your heart race, huh?
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>> shannon: here is a look at some of the top stories today. the european union says air traffic could return to 50% of its normal level tomorrow if forecasts continue to confirm that skies over half the continent are clearing of volcanoic ash that has thrown global travel into chaos. several airlines safely flew test flights without passengers over europe today, despite warnings about the dangers with the ash. a building partially collapsed and fix families forced that their homes following a four alarm fire in northern new jersey today. no injuries reported but several cars were destroyed also. the cause of the fire is now under investigation. fans for stuck around for the baseball game between the new york mets and cardinals got their money's worth. the game went 20 innings, new oven people have long known the
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practice of acupuncture but is it going to the dogs? casey stegall with that story. hello, casey. >> it sure is going to the dogs. acupunctureart of akron has been around for 5,000 years. fast forward to now, 2010, and petupuncture has become wildly popular in the united states, especially in big cities. traditionally eastern medicine describes it as using tiny needles to rebalance chi or energy as it moves along pathways within the body alleviating pain in both humans and animals alike. >> i just love having another tool in my tool box i can use to treat these kind of conditions. i still work as a general practitioner but i love having something else to offer people if the surgery either isn't an option or if i don't expect
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that it is going to help them. >> so there are only three veterinary medicine schools around the country that offer certifications in pet acupuncture and it is hard to estimate how many veterinarians out there dabble in it. it can be costly, about 150 bucks but even in the tough economic times the animal lovers that we talked to say it is money well spent. studies show that acupuncture increases blood flow, lowers your heart rate and can improve immune function. veterinarians using it to substitute medicines and surgicalry all together. >> i hope my lab is not watching because she is spoiled and she will want this now that she has seen your report. thank you, casey. >> bring her in. >> shannon: that is it for us here in washington. "fox news sunday" is up next. i'm shannon bream. thanks for watching fox news where more news is always on captioned by closed captioning services, inc.
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