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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  April 18, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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counted as the deadly national disaster, 114 years ago today. and now you know the news this sunday, april 18th, 2010, i'm juliet huddy. thank you for watching. >> establish justice and share domestic tranquility provi he have. >> provide for the common defense, promote the welfare and secure the liberty to our prosperity. to ordain or establish this constitution for the united states of america. ladies and gentlemen, governor, governor mike huckabee. [applaus [applause] >> thank you everybody and welcome, welcome to huckabee from the fox studios in new york city. this young man is nine years old. this is jeffrey fister, and i thought he did a great job of reciting the preamble of the constitution of the united states. is jeffrey, thank you, very very much. let's hear it for jeffrey.
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well, unfortunately, jeffrey is becoming a rarity these days because just 230 years after the constitution was signed, a growing number of students and adults are hard pressed to tell you what's in the document the foundation of our nation. so i'm delighted that somebody might be paying attention, hey, jeffrey, you might want to tell the members of congress they haven't read it lately, take a look at it, it's worth reading. tonight, we have an amazing show and you're going to love tonight. actress janine turner is going to be here, you remember her from northern exposure and friday night lights and tell about her efforts to inspire kids to learn about the constitution. then, she and her 12-year-old daughter julia are going to be singing with the little rockers. also, texas state senator dan patrick on the tea party's growing discontent with republican leadership. and millionaire matchmaker
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patty sanger calls herself a head hunter for love. but are reality dating shows promoting everything, but love? we are going to ask patty and her appearance here has created a buzz and we'll have a lot of fun when patty comes out from the bravo hit tv show the millionaire club matchmaker. then, fox business network's gerri willis breaks down how much of the billions of dollars of new taxes will take away from your hard earned paycheck. and then, he snow boards, he skates, he surfs, tillman, the dog, is here with some of the tricks that made him a youtube sensation and star of television commercials. tillman and his trainer ron davis, they're here now and let's hear it for tillman. [applaus [applause] >> tillman is excited about his skate board. >> happy to be here, thanks for having us. >> great to have you. we're really looking forward to seeing this dog, he snow
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boards, he skate boards and he really wants to go after it, doesn't he? >> yeah, he-- >> a shame he doesn't like doing it. >> yeah, force him to do this. >> at the ready to do it for a national tv audience. >> yes. >> mike: say bye. >> bye. >> mike: he's watching the skate board. well, this last week, it's been kind of a tough week in some ways for me, recent headlines from an interview i had from a speaking engagement from the college of new jersey. from the student newspaper, huckabee rips steele, romney and lbgt activist froms this publication called the perspective. now, from that, before the week was over, the associated press was saying, huckabee likens gay marriage to incest and polygamy. oh, let me tell you, this has been one of those weeks where i come to understand once again why a the lot of people, particularly conservatives,
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have a real problem with the mainstream media. this story went from after the college paper to a bunch of bloggers and then went all the way to the mainstream media, one little problem, a lot of people never bothered to check out what was really said. i challenged that publication who did the interview, put the unedited tape out there for the the world to see. they put an edited version that didn't have all of it there. it was a real lesson in terms of what happens in the world of new media. let me mention an um can have things, the interview was going be to be just a simple interview, the young man doing the interview seemed to be focused on same sex marriage. i made clear my position, which is by the way the same position of barack obama, hillary clinton and joe biden is that marriage still means one man one woman for life and that we shouldn't change the definition of it. and i mentioned that the burden of proof is not on those of us who believe in tradition of of marriage, but it's on those who wish to change it. but once we have changed the
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definition to something that is never meant before then we just need to remember if somebody else says i'd like for my life style or my belief system it to be accommodated. i didn't say same sex marriage was the same as incest or drug use or a host of things i supposedly said. what i said was, once you change any definition of an institution, in order to accommodate particular life styles, then people with other kinds of life styles have every night to come in and say, will you accommodate mine as well. my lesson in all of this, was that we need to remember that in the day of world -- in the day of new media, you are your own editor, just because you read it on the internet. just because somebody has said it in a blog, it may not be 100% accurate. i know that will come as a big surprise to you. because i challenged the accuracy and ver ross--
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veracity of the information, they said you shouldn't have taken on that young student. if you want to play big league baseball you've got to not only take your shots on the mound, but at the plate. when he threw one at my head and i'll say this to any reporter. when you throw a big fast ball at my head on purpose, don't be surprised if i charge the mound. that's just the way it's going to be (applause) >> that's my view and i welcome yours. you can contact me, give your point of view at mike and click on the huckabee report feedback, feedback to fox news and i'll be happy to read your e-mail and i promise i'll actually read it. >> special happy birthday greetings this week to clara jean of chicago, 1 had00 years old. you say how do i get my picture on your show? have a hundred years of birthdays is how you can do it. clara john is the grandmother of one of the young men that worked for me in arkansas, david john and my heart felt
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congratulations to clara for one hundred years of life. god bless you and may you have a hundred more. well, my first guest is fed up with his party's leadership saying they consider the party over, the views of we the people. these are republican, he's doing something about it. please welcome from the lonestar state of texas, republican state senator dan patrick. [applause] >> thank you for coming out today. >> that's fun. >> if that was the case you were probably in a very, very tough position to be sure. looks like we'll get some stools out here so we can sit down and have a little conversation here for a minute. here, i'll take that. >> i'll give you the note. >> good, because if i forget what i'm going to tell you about we'll start again. dan, this week, you and your colleagues in the texas legislature, both the senate and the house, by overwhelming numbers, came out with a position statement and in he
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is sentence a doctoral statement. tell me about it. >> 54 out of 60 house members in texas and 15 ute of 18 republican senators in texas joined with me in a group i founded, independent conservative republicans of texas and the purpose, mike, i'm really concerned that our party is not listening to the core base of republican voters and the tea party movement. we have too many moderates in washington, scattered around the country and we have too many established politicians in my view that still put the party label before the people. so shall the purpose of this was to send a message, we're proud republicans, we support our party, but we put people before party and then we have a contract with texas on what we stand for. >> now, this is really not so much that you're breaking away from the republican party. you're sort of saying, we want the republican party to be what it historically stood for. >> in fact, the purpose is to prevent a third party from forming.
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because here is what what happens. if a third party forms because the republicans don't react to the will of the people. all that's going to do is keep obama, and pelosi and reid in power for a long time. we've got to bring our party back to the core values and principles that the people stand for. let me give you a straight example. you criticized michael steele and thank you for doing that. michael steele should be done. when you spend-- forget the dollars at the sex club, that's bad enough, they fired the staffer for doing t he spent $19,000 in private jets. 17,000 on limos, 20,000, five-star hotels, that was the money on the backs of republican voters who sent in 25 and $50 checks. where were the republicans in washington to stand up and demand he step down because when we see things like that happen, as republicans and as conservatives we say that's not who we are. >> one of the key issues is the doctoral issues for republicans. are we going to stand for celled taxes, lower spending and the ang sanctity of human
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life and caused people into the movement. you think that that's being watered done, republican from an organizational standpoint than they are from a point of view standpoint? >> absolutely. our five core principles, one, dedefend conservative principles and put people before party. and that's why i'm proud of my fellow members. we put people before party and give our word to the fiscal accountability to defend pre market principles and limited government and three, give our word to defend our border and support a strong military. four, we give our word to protect life, and the judeo christian ethic. and sovereign rights of texas not we pledge, we think, we are going to try, we give our word and we're going to hold our members accountable to keeping that contract. as you kindly said on your radio show, this is the clear message that the group of republicans sent to the voters
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since the contract with america. >> it is, we are going to talk with dan more when we come back. is this movement spreading to other states? you might be surprised by the answer and we'll be right back with dan patrick. [applause]. ♪ [ male announcer ] experience fast in all its forms. the is line. at your lexus dealer. right now, walmart has rolled back prices on top lawn carerands like poulan pr brute by briggs & stratton, pennington, scotts and spectracide. along with thousands of others all over the store. it's rollback time! save money. live better. walmart.
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(applaus (applause) >> we're back with texas state senator dan patrick and talking about the movement that started in texas, but, dan, this thing is already catching strong interest with other state legislators across the country. >> we had 40,000 hits to ic that's the website, and calls from legislators from various states and kansas called us and i hope that every state republicans will stand up for who we are. people are looking for leadership, and i see that in the tea party leadership. we have to clearing say who we are, that we put party second
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and people first. >> mike: so you're saying, we've got some core principles, principles that tea party people are essentially going to agree with. we're not trying to ask the tea party from a third party, not breaking away, but if the tea party people want it know we stand for the things that matter to them so it's the first time that i'm aware of, dan, that there's been any official group of elected officials who have acknowledged with this kind of embrace the movement of the tea party. >> well, and i thought texas was a perfect place to start it. we don't get everything right, but as republicans we've got 10 billion in the bank. the best tort reform laws in the country and created more jobs in 2008 than the rest of the country combined so conservativism works, we know it works and we have too many moderates in our party who are trying to be popular with the mainstream media. a republican is never going to be popular. you might as well stand up for your values and principals and take your lumps like you do and move forward. you know, i look at the world, mike and it cannot be stable and safe place unless we're
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strong and america can't be strong unless texas, one of the 12th largest economies in the world unless we're strong and we're not going to be strong unless we stay conservative and we're not going to stay conservative in we allow our party to put the establishment first and modern principles. i want people in a big tents, but a moderate can come in and be a republican in our party, but he don't get to be ring masters. >> mike: never heard it said that way. >> our party is comprised of voters who believe in the contract principle that i see at and we need to be polite to our friends in the republican party and not let them run the show. you saw what happened in washington, it's thelma and louise, off the cliff. i'm concerned that a lot of our republican in washington are waiting to get power to do the same thing and we better stand up for who we are. >> mike: it's important to me that you talk about this leadership coming from the state level, but most policy reforms don't happen in washington. they happen in the state level. welfare reform, tax reform, job creation, you guys are
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proving that philosophically, the republican strength is probably not going to be washington, it's going to be at the state level. >> and it's coming up from the people. we're seeing a conservative revolution, you know, i was the a tea party rally in houston the other night for 11,500 people and julie hunter a stay at home mom with two children and said i got involved because my kids are more importantly to me than a party. my kids are more important to me than any politician, my values are more important and we as republicans need to embrace that. i don't really have much patience for republicans who want to take us it work with mushy middle that stands for nothing because that will hurt our party and hurt our nation. now, i look at conservatives, we're good people, we take money out of our pockets and help people, liberals take money out of our pocket and help other people and we've seen the tax returns from biden and we've seen obama's tax returns. there are four groups we need to take care of as republicans, we need to take care of children, they shouldn't be responsible for
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acts of parents. our veterans who come home wounded. >> mike: amen. >> seniors who are disabled and cannot help themselves. if you're not one of those groups, get off your butt, stay in school and don't expect america to pick up the tab. that's what we have to say clearly and what america is saying clearly and the republicans need to embrace the core issues. >> mike: amen, hallelujah and dan, thank you very much for being here. >> thank you, governor. >> mike: dan patrick from texas. you can go and found out more information. patty sanger the millionaire matchmaker and you've seen her show on bravo, if you haven't, i don't know why. you're going to learn more about this remarkable lady and what an incredible person she is. we'll be back with her and don't forget, tillman the dog is coming up later. you can't miss him either. we'll be right back. [applause]
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>> when the dating game more than four decades ago, it was the first of its kind. the tv relationship shows greatly evolved since the '60s. >> back to jim lang and the dating game. thank you, johnnie, welcome back to the dating game everybody. say hello to francis. >> welcome to love connection. where old-fashioned romance, the modern day technology. >> time for you to vote who do you think would be the best woman for him. make your choice now, please. >> and who wants to marry a multi-millionaire? multi-millionaire? >> mr. and mrs. rockwell. >> jen, will you marry me? >> yes, yes, i will. >> 20 women who a chateau in
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france, we believe he has just inherited 50 million dollars. >> oh, my god! >> and i make the perfect match. >> guys, are you ready to meet my millionaire? >> yes. >> come on down, let's go meet the girls. >> well, are these reality dating shows promoting relationships that are not real and are the contestants who took part in them looking for true love or fortune and fame? please welcome the star of the bravo hit millionaire matchmaker show, patty sanger. great to have you here. >> do you take these guys, they're millionaires, they didn't become part of your-- they become part of your club and you match them with women who are the perfect match. >> right, they're looking for true love, hopefully marriage, the m-word, and they need help because they're always on the go, they're, you know, kind of like add in dating it department and they need mama
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to come in. >> mike: you're tough on these guys. you tell a guy you've got to have botox. >> god, that was greg and he did need botox, i'm sorry. i'm scared to death what you'd tell me. >> you're handsome and great. >> mike: that's why she's on the show. >> and greg was one of the guys who like was 46, 47, and he wanted a 25-year-old. well, you need botox if you want to get a 25-year-old. >> probably more than botox what you do. >> mike: exactly. >> i'm afraid that i'm just sitting here thinking i'm so glad my wife didn't have a show like this to look far back then because she didn't marry a millionaire to be sure and she might have wanted to be on your show and my daughter is getting married next months. >> congratulations. >> mike: maybe she should have watched the show, too. >>'s not a million-- i call him, my fiancee is not a millionaire, but a millionaire in training, mit, and at the end of the day you want a husband who wants to
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provide for you, but maybe can't especially what happened yesterday on wall street and you want to make sure that they just, they're in it to win it with you and you're basically a partnership. >> the show is not just about trying to find some rich guy to be married to. >> no. >> it's a millionaire's club and looking for people who don't have the time to maybe spend and you're not saying only if you find a millionaire you'll be happy in marriage. >> absolutely not. there's a lot of dead weight that comes with dating a millionaire. they're always on the guy and you're not always going to be first and sometimes they're a little narcissistic. >> mike: no. >> a little bit, wee bit. >> mike: i think people found you have some interesting prescriptions in fact, commands for the people. one of which i found fascinating. i think you watch a hollywood type show and you expect people to give this advice that's very, what do we call, hollywood you tell them don't be intimate until they're willing to commit to a monogamous relationship.
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>> that's true. >> mike: that's you don't hear. >> yoshl in falling in the of-- could get an std and women are found by a chemical and bound because of a good role in the hay. >> just like a car and getting a mortgage. qualify your buyer and looking for the best deal out there. >> mike: so let's see, mortgage, car payments, husband, all the same deal. >> all the same deal. >> mike: sound like a reporter i talked to not long ago. you're saying marriage is like buying a car. >> i know, want to get into bed with somebody who has good credit, who has good credit these days, really, bad credit can ruin you sget into bed with somebody who has your back, personally, professionally. >> mike: you're a third generation matchmaker, what does it mean, your grandmother and mother did this. >> they didn't do it for mother. my mom was kind of like the first divorce in new jersey,
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1962-63, and in those days, you were like a starlet woman if you were 25 and divorced so she went out and found her a husband and it kind of grew, but never did it professionally. >> mike: this has become, in fact, you've got a book and mention it, become your own matchmaker, eight easy steps for attracting your perfect mate. by the way every member of the audience will get a copy of patty's book, for those of you who aren't married you'll find out how to be. one piece of advice if you had for people who are not married, but are looking for the special someone. who is the one thing they need to focus on? >> themselves, which is, there's a chapter in the book called dating detox, 90 days to healing and you've got to get into you first and get what you want out there and many people are just winging it and date being people because they're cute and fun and flirty, a lot more to finding a perfect mate than just sex. >> mike: become your own matchmaker available at patty sanger, great luck with
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the show, it's a big hit and i hope you're having as much fun as it looks like you're having. >> thanks for having me. >> mike: it's been a pleasure, thank you very, very much. patty sanger. next, gerri willis from the fox business channel talking about your money, not somebody else's. we're talking about your money and don't forget, tillman the bull dog and his friend are coming up. you can't miss this, more fun than you can possibly imagine. we'll be right back. my doctor said most calcium supplements... aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. also available in small, easy-to-swallow petites. citracal.
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are unstable and volcanic ash can stall jet engines. the pope, a two day trip to the island of malta and the pope promising to bring eye busse seive priest toss justice and protect victims in the future. the young men all telling they were abused as children in a catholic orphanage. back to huckabee. for the latest headlines log on to you're watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. >> mike: the huckabee report is now on 585 radio stations across america, it's on three times a day and i share commentary on news of the day. go to mike and click on the huckabee report. if you don't have it in your area, ask or demand your local radio station to get it. tax day 2010, it's come and
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thank goodness it's gone. how are you? are you happy about the refunds? do you think uncle sam is acting like that bully who takes your lunch money from you. just wait, in the next few years it might get worse. here to explain how, fox business network's garie-- gerri willis. >> nice to be here. >> mike: president obama was speaking down in miami said all of these people talking about taxes, what about a thank you. should we be thanking president obama for his tax policy? >> i don't think you're going to want to thank the president for the tax policy. we a ran some numbers to really get a sense are taxes going down or up or stay the same and the answer unfortunately taxes are really going to go up. not just for people who make lots and lots of money. also for middle class folks. >> mike: he promised we wouldn't have a middle class tax increase. >> well, there's reality, what i'm trying to give you here. let me tell you the the numbers. >> mike: what's going to
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happen. >> assume you're at $125,000. you would pay over the next several years and we're comparing this year's tax year with 2015, you would pay $5200 more. okay, so you may think, $25,000, that's a lot of money, those are wealthy people, let's look at $75,000 wage earners, here is what happens to those be folks, pay $3300, almost 3400, their taxes nearly double, double, to 2700. now, we made some assumptions here, we want to tell you about them. some of the bush tax cuts go away and sunset and they're not brought back and the health care tax reforms, the republicans are unsuccessful, health care reform goes into effect, we're paying those additional taxes and marriage penalty is also back and we assume that as well. and child care credit, that is going away or getting smaller.
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so, there's lots of assumptions baked in here, but the real take away here is you're going to be paying more taxes. >> mike: even if you're middle class, this is sort of a total violation of what the president had promised when he campaigned and even all during this past year and four months when he said, there will be not one more penny of taxes on the middle class, but there will be? >> i think we're seeing that now and i think we're seeing that especially if those bush tax cuts go away. you're definitely going to see taxes on the middle class. >> mike: when we think about $5,000 that's a lot of money for a family if you think about how much, what would that buy. that would pay for, maybe several months house payments, it would pay for a lot of groceries, go a long way toward tuition for someone to send their kid to school. >> you bet. >> mike: so this is some serious impact on a family's capacity to be consumers, what does that do to the job market? what does it do to the overall economy when the government is getting that much more out of a family's household? >> well, think about it.
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we're two-thirds of the economy. we are spending, you and me, when we go to the grocery store no that's right what we're buying, we're two-thirds of the economy, if you cut back on what we're able to spend, it hurts the economy and don't forget that's not the only thing people won't be spending on, you're not saving for retirement, they'll say even less for their old age and give less to give to kids for college. a lot of people are hemmed in. >> how does the members of congress get away with something as obvious as the fact that tax is going up? but he seems to be calling him out on it. how is it that goes onnen on with and every day, every week and there's no sort of accountability being asked for? >> well, it's complicated, right? can you read the tax code? i have to call in someone to help me. >> treasury secretary tim geithner can't either, we know that. >> i had to get help, the national taxpayer union helped
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me figure this out and ran out scenario and filled out 1040's, the way that worked, but it's complicated and ease toy hide, probably i think, unintended consequences. and people write the bills, when we put this together, oops, there's a mistake there, people are paying more and i think, you know, look, we've got a lot of obligations in this country and we're going to have to pay them some way, the question is how. what makes the economy go and individual's well-being better? and i think we might know that. >> we better keep our eyes open because it looks like our pockets are going to be open. gerri willis what a pleasure to have you here today. >> thank you. >> mike: thank you, very very much. gerri will be having her brand new show coming up later in may and you'll be wanting to watch that because it's going to help to you understand what to do with your money, if the government leaves any of it in your pockets. that's for sure. when we come back, janine turner will be talking about her love of the constitution and what she's doing to help students across america love
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it, too. then she'll join us with the little rockers and a special song. we'll be back and you'd better be, too. [applause]. you've arrived at the biggest meeting
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and save with a prescription discount card. start your discovery today. >> well, saw on the preamble the constitution at the top of the the show. here is nine-year-old jeffrey fister with his creative version of the bill of rights.
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>> bill of rights, freedom, quartering soldiers, bill of rights, warrants, cannot testify against self. bill of rights, right to a speedy trial. right to a jury. cruel unusual punishment, people troy to-- >> let's hear it for jeffrey! [applause] >> our next guest says that kids today aren't encouraged to learn about the constitution and she's on a mission to help them understand its moaning and importance. here is activist janine turner, do you like that. >> activist or constitutionalist. >> you're an activist to encourage young people to know this country's constitution. >> i think it's very important, it's the founding of our country, the basis of our country, it's the future
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of our country and if our youth, if they don't understand what the constitution we're in trouble. >> you've got a contest to help them study more. >> one for adults, 90 and 90, we're going to read the constitution in five days and the federal paperners 85 days and blog every day about it, three pages a night constituting for adults and for kids, the kids it's a contest for lower school, middle school and high school, and for high school they get $2000 scholarship rise prizes and they can either do a psa, a short film, sort of sundance film festiv festivaly and they can do an original song about the constitution and they can do an essay. and due july 4th. >> mike: that's on constituting >> right. >> mike: students want to participate and possibly win something significant go to that website and find out what to do to be a part of the
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contest and learn about the constitution. >> the parents can educate the kids and-- >> now, when you get the winners, will you bring them back on and let them see america on our show? >> we would love that. >> we would lo of to have you. the songs and all the things about it and i think that people need to know their country and the constitution. now, there's something else you guys are going to do. you've got a cd. you wrote the music, you did the lyrics. >> yes. >> and they can get that at janine, but you didn't come here just to talk, you came here to sing. >> this is our debut. >> mike: by the way i want to show you-- >> we get to debut with governor huckabee and the little rockers, that's better than that. >> mike: this is handmade and i hope i don't mess it up. 'cause i don't want to mess up your song twaes it's beautiful and let's do the song and i hope people will get your cd because you guys wrote it. all of our audience members will get one of those today, i hope you'll enjoy that. are you ready? let's give it a shot.
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okay? ♪ when i look at a guy i see if i in the sky ♪ e is like ♪ ♪if ♪ hands ♪ ♪ loving hands ♪ what i come to ♪
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♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ (applause)
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>> thank you, janine turner and her daughter. remember, more information on constituting next, tillman, the skate boarding bull dog is going to be here. we will be right back as will you, don't miss it. [ female announcer ] it's rollback time at walmart. right now, walmart has rolled back prices on top lawn carerands like poulan pr brute by briggs & stratton, pennington, scotts and spectracide. along with thousands of others all over the store. it's rollback time! save money. live better. walmart.
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(applause) >> my next guest is one cool dude. i mean, he can skate board, he can snow board. he can surf. he's only four years old, probably got to tell you, he's a dog. he's tillman the dog, not only tillman the bull dog, but owner ron davis. good to have you here. >> thanks for having us. >> how do you train a dog to ride a skate board.
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>> tillman has a national drive that makes training easy and fun at the same time. >> how did it start? >> now, i had a rottweiler with a skate board for a little bit and he was obsessed with it and the size of a donut. so he just took to it abben practiced and i trained with him all the time and-- how do you go from training a dog to becoming an international star? he's on the apple iphone commercial, he's done dog food commercials, a youtube sensation, how did that happen? >> well, we made a video and put him on youtube and next thing i know he's in an iphone commercial, kind of a unique experience and always making people smile, which is neat. >> mike: i a lot a lot of people feed their dogs, but not a lot of people whose dog feeds them. >> he makes a few bucks here and there and most importantly makes people smile. >> mike: i notice he's got a mets, i guess i'll call it a mets uniform on. >> yes. >> mike: maybe one of the few people in new york proud to be associated with the mets.
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>> i think the mets might need help, bark in the park, april 24th, 500 dogs go into the stadium, guinness book of world records. >> mike: how does it work, people bring their dogs. >> call in and make a reservation? >> tickets are for sale, a special area designated for dogs, obviously, and should be a blast, a great time. >> mike: this is not only at the mets stadium, but next week, throughout the season there are going to be other-- >> july 25th, texas rangers and august 29th at san francisco giants and major league baseball at a whole i think is jumping on the band wagon. >> mike: is tillman going to be at all the events? >> yes, sir. >> mike: one thing, you call him tillman, where did he get his name. >> named after pat tillman, the nfl player. >> mike: a great american hero. >> i hope my son can be half the man he was. >> mike: what a great tribute to a great american and what a lot of fun this has been preparing, i love dogs. we are going to watch him. is tillman ready? do you think he's up to the task?
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>> he's always ready. >> mike: are you ready buddy, can you handle it? all right, tillman, come on, time to skate! . let's see what tillman can do. tillman, the skate boarding dog, he's excited, but he's getting ready. watch him, there he goes. [laughte [laughter] >> how far can he go, ron? >> he'll go a mile. >> mike: a mile? >> yeah, he's like a kid. he'll just go forever. once he warms up and learns his territory and he can steer it. >> once he gets familiar with it, that's great. >> yeah, he'll start riding here in a second. >> you've got most of mid toup manhattan in here to watch tillman the dog and unbelievable to watch him keep going. >> there he goes. >> i've got to make him stop, he'll go until he's, i don't know how long he'll go.
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>> it's one of those things, make him stop occasionally. >> you've taught tillman to do this, could you train me to be that good on a skate board, do you think. >> that might be hard, mike. >> mike: i think impossible. he looks so natural at this. and this is so amazing and will he be performing at the bark in the park? >> a lot of concrete out there we'll get to do something good. >> and this is uncredible, he'll do this all day, won't he? >> yeah, he'll go forever. >> mike: i want it send-- you've got another dog with you, and meet rose. >> we've got rose. >> what does rose like to do? >> a great snow boarder, a star in the rose parade it year and most importantly, she loves to eat balloons. >> she's popping balloons. >> she-- she's popping the air out of all the is mets, got the mets uniform on, oh, she's got one
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that's going loose. >> now, is rose older or younger man tillman. >> rose is one year old. >> mike: one year old. >> she's a little sweetheart that likes balloons a lot. >> you know, there's a good chance with this popping going on, we are going to have new york police department coming down to mid toub to find out what the heck is going on here. >> might be coming out soon. >> mike: ron, i want to say thanks very much for being on the show today for bringing tillman, a great, great, entertaining dog, and people are lovering him and watching him behind us and rose the balloon popper, ron davis the trainer, remember bark in the park and i want to say thanks to all of our wonderful guests today we've had a fantastic experience being with you, i hope you've enjoyed it as well, remember, there's a lot going on in america, keep your eyes and ears open for it all times. next week we'll be back with another exciting show. i'm the not sure a skate boarding dog, this much i can
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tell you you will not want to miss this next edition of huckabee. from new york, mike huckabee saying good night and god saying good night and god bless. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. anncr vo: can get help gwith a flat tire.... anncr vo: ...find a nearby tow truck or gas station... anncr vo: emergency services... anncr vo: ...collect accident information. anncr vo: or just watch some fun videos. anncr vo: it's so easy, a caveman can do it. caveman: unbelievable... caveman: where's my coat? it was suede with the fringe.
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