tv Hannity FOX News April 20, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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stops right here because we are definitely looking out for are definitely looking out for you. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. sean as anointed one is gearing up to push for major reform goldman sachs slammed last week. here's what dick durbin had to say on this subject. >> timing was perfect we are about to take up regulatory reform bill banks are saying this is unnecessary we have everything worked out. now we find out the securities and exchange commission has charged goldman sachs one of the biggest with involvement in some trading that really turns out to be very suspicious. >> sean: the sec vigorously denying the case is related to the administration's political plans in the voting process that determines whether the commission could pursue the
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case votes were cast down party lines. final vote 3-2, two republicans against, two democrats for. one independent appointed by the president casting the tie breaking vote. the president is gearing up to deliver a big speech to wall streeters thursday to pitch his regulatory reform. there's some irony to that he took nearly a million dollars, 994,000 to be exact, from goldman sachs during his campaign. so now that his administration has made an enemy of the banking giant, is he going to you return the money? joining me with reaction from the fox business network host of varney and company stuart varney and former white house press secretary dana perino. there's a lot going on here. the sec charges goldman sachs with fraud. wall street responds saying, this is not coincidental, as evidenced by durbin's remarks in terms of timing for
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regulatory efforts, explain. >> goldman sachs gets together a pool of mortgages slicing them up sells little parts around the world and tells investors, good investment. unbeknownst to those investors goldman sachs has asked for help in an stemling that pool from a hedge fun. the hedge fund is betting against that investment. playing two sides of the fence. investors were never told that the hedge fund was betting against those investments and made a billion dollars doing it. >> sean: if the people knew that they would say wait a minute you don't have confidence in this. >> of course. >> sean: if they did that, it would mean a major fraud was committed. >> if they did that as charged it is fraud and a very bad thing. >> i that i is in dispute the lawyers will work it out. the audacity of timing is what i call this. it is amazing the white house
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went out and said nobody in the white house knew about this. having worked there i find that hard to believe and possibly irresponsible because of the way the market tanked that day. >> sean: dick durbin the quote is, "the timing was perfect." timing is perfect? so they can use this as a sledgehammer the president will beat up wall street thursday, demonize capitalism further and use pass their bill. >> audacity of timing. they say there wasn't collusion but the time something perfect. and the sec has a press conference on this type of civil action they usually don't. it is not typical. whether or not at the end of the day, i think the long term problem for goldman and sakses and possibly the other banks under investigation is long term reputational damage. this administration browbeats the banks to try to get them to lend more money. >> i think the administration has declared war on wall street and i think it is going
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to win. they are browbeating the bankers, and they are going to get financial reform. the big banks don't mind financial reform in many ways it is in their interests. >> there are so many loopholes, it doesn't matter. >> goldman sachs to some degree is in bed with the administration. you get this version of financial reform and the big banks are solidified in their elite position. they can borrow money cheaper because they've got a government bailout guarantee in the background. >> sean: part in perpetuity this is it. >> would you agree stuart the sec had the authority to be able to stop what they are saying is fraud if they had been doing their job at the time we don't need additional laws? >> i believe is correct. >> another exercise in futility. >> if you get version of financial reform it is a massive expansion of executive branch power, without a vote. without the legislative branch
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voting. the executive branch will be able to say you are too big we are breaking up. shareholders lose anything. manage out, treasury will pick up the bill for your lousy debt and there will be no vote in congress at all. >> sean: how does this play into the narrative? >> they are the good guys. and the bankers are the bad guys. >> sean: capitalism is bad, insurance companies are bad, banks are bad, car companies are bad. >> profit is bad. >> sean: if we examine corporate malfeasance don't we have to look at government malfeasance? >> the so-called independent agencies, i think we need to take a step back and look. take a step back in time with me. imagine if it had been the bush administration that had taken this on a day when they are about to lose ground on a big vote. they would have demanded karl rove's head on a platter. >> sean: darrell issa,
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n[ records of the sec goldman probe. he wants to examine that further here. i think it goes deeper. if you talk about an incestuous relationship how did craig who up until recently -- we'll get into this in a minute. he represented the white house. now he's representeding goldman sachs. now he goes to the same people he was doing business with involved in the -- >> supposed to be a two year ban on representing clients -- >> sean: we have tape later. >> no idea accident it is called government sachs. there's an incestuous relationship between the big banks and wall street and the government and they are closely linked. >> craig was forced to leave the white house because of an inability to perform the way the president wanted him to when it came to guantanamo bay. >> sean: the administration i think they are up to their eyeballs in this scandal inasmuch as the president got
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almost a million dollars from goldman. four or five million from wall treat in toto himself is >> look at how that worked out for goldman. >> sean: blanche lincoln got money she said she is not going to return her money. i would think anybody in washington that received any money from any wall street firm has got to recuse themselves by returning the money, no? >> i think it is a little too far. >> sean: why? >> i'm for full disclosure. you can give as much money, i believe to any politician as you want. >> if you are demonizing them saying you are bad guys and you have taken their money -- [ talking over each other ] >> i think sean has a point. >> sean: one last question. what does this mean to the average person that is watching this that is going to watch the person beat up wall street thursday what does it mean to them? >> vindication. voters will think is right. those bankers, they did this to us.
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they are guilty. they took our money. they got big bonuses. they sold us down the river they are getting their comeuppance. >> sean: the government sold the american people down the river. >> seen as an obama political victory, financial reform -- >> sean: you might be right. >> maybe in the short terp in lodge term i think is a problem if you look at poll yesterday 80% of the american people don't trust the governor do they trust the other big institutions in their lives, including the banks. when you peel back layers and anybody paying attention they might watch the president's speech thursday and be impressed they might realize he was defending fannie mae and freddie mac that this crisis in the first place. >> sean: the simple slogan is going to resonate more than we think. >> president obama will prefer this victory in september. >> sean: good to see you both. it is time for our tuesday text voting. we want to know if you think
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president obama should return goldman sachs' campaign donations? text us at: 36288. results coming up at the end of the program. there's plenty more hannity coming up, straight ahead. >> the recovery act saved more than two million jobs. >> sean: we expose how the administration is secretly exaggerating its job numbers. >> i don't think i've heard that before and i've heard some absurd explanations for september 11. >> sean: show down between giuliani and paul makes a comeback. wisconsin congressman ryan and frank lutz and news on the summit much more straight ha head. [ male announcer ] when you buy a car,
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the more you see the real differences. and the more you understand what it means to own a mercedes-benz. the c-class. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial. ♪ . >> sean: bad news for all of you who love white house propaganda. gibbs will not run for elected office. he told the post i used toy that's what i wanted to do then decided the best way i could help would be to do a little bit of what i'm doing now. i can firmly rule out ever running for elective office. what a terrible loss to the country. horrible. more hannity with congressman
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paul ryan, straight ahead. it doesn't take much; an everyday moment can turn romantic at a moment's notice. and when it does, men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis. with two clinically proven dosing options, you can choose the moment that's right for you and your partner. 36-hour cialis and cialis for daily use. cialis for daily use is a low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment's right. day or night. >> tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications and ask if you're healthy enough
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for sexual activity. >> don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. >> don't drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache, or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. >> if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, stop taking cialis and call your doctor right away. >> 36-hour cialis or cialis for daily use. ask your doctor if cialis is right for you. you can be ready for your moment with cialis. >> sean: tonight, there's a new report that suggests the white house has been cooking the books on-the-job numbers. an analysis from big reveals the administration has been using fuzzy math to sell its stimulus plan as a success. first we know that according to a report from the bureau of labor statistics released april 2nd, there are currently
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almost 130 million nonfarm employees currently in the u.s.. next, we know that april 14th, assessment by the obama administration claims the recovery and reinvestment act has raised unemployment by 2.8 million jobs. that means without the stimulus taking away those 2.8 million jobs there would be a total of almost 1207 million nonfarm employees in the u.s. big government points out that is seven million less than the obama advisers said would exist without the stimulus back in january of 2009. in the bernstein report issued january 10th, 2009 they claim 134 million employees would be working in the u.s. if the recovery act is not passed. this report from big suggests that the administration conveniently slashed nearly seven million jobs from
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january '09 prediction to claim that the stimulus created those 2.8 million jobs. makes sense? joining me with reaction is wisconsin congressman paul ryan. all right, is this just -- this seems like they willfully, purposefully, have distorted the numbers, to lie to the american people. am i misreading or is this accurate? >> you you are right. i was amazed bernstein and roamer put this out in the first place. they knew they oversold the stimulus. when you make a measurement you have to use the number that you just used. unemployment went above 10%. we lost eight million jobs since the recession started. four million jobs we've lost since the stimulus was passed. they knew that so they had to come up with new statistics to mislead people. >> sean: when you say they knew?
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>> the economists at the white house. >> sean: did the president know? >> i would like to think he listens to his advisers. >> sean: basically when he was telling america, using the fear tactics that we faced a disaster, catastrophe unless we passed the stimulus, they basically what you are saying and this report is saying they said anything they needed to say to get the stimulus passed. is that the same on health care? is that the same on cap and tax? can we trust they are being honest with us? >> they came to the hill and said if you don't pass this stimulus unemployment is going to go way up pass 8%. you pass the stimulus it will stop unemployment from going beyond 8%. it went up to 10% and beyond we lost four millions jobs this is the reason why not a single republican voted for this, if borrowing and spending a trillion dollars which is what this adds up to, was a secret to prosperity and job creation we wouldn't have
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job problems, we would have full employment. we are borrowing and spending more than we have in the history of our country is an economic agenda not based on good economic policy it was about satisfying spent up spending demand that these people had in congress -- >> sean: president is out there saying, they ought to be thanking me! meaning of his economic plan. but we know that the bush tax cuts expire. they are saying that's not a tax increase even though it is going up four percentage points a little over four and a half. tax rates go up going to 39 1/2% from where right now. then we've got a vat tax being floated. then medicare taxes go up. taxes go up because of the health care plan. we are going to see state income taxes go up. so, how much can the average american expect to pay in taxes as a percentage of their
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income as a result of these policies? >> here's the tally, so far since the president has taken office he and this congress has put into law 670 billion dollars in new taxes in law. 14 increases hit people making less than $250,000, 300 billion of those increases. now a budget purports to add 1.8 trillion on top of that includes the expiration of the bush tax cuts. that includes new health care taxes, that's 500 billion dollars. they are taxing us all over. depends on who you are. if you make income tax rates going up, investments tax rates going up, small business, tax rates going up. >> sean: i do on my radio show this man on the street segment. we've done it on this show too. a couple of people who voted for obama i said tell me what you want to thank the president for? they say well everybody now has health care. free health care.
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people are calling representatives and hospitals saying where is my free health care? is it that people believe what the government tells them? did people believe the president? >> president has the bully pulpit he's been saying this is going to give everybody in america health care. we had 10 years of tax increases in medicare cuts to pay for six years of spending that spending doesn't kick in until 2014 on health care. premium increases start phasing in now. what people are going to get is not what they think they are getting based upon the rhetoric that was used to sell this bill. >> sean: where is journalism in america? nobody told the american people, by the what i this is 2014, it is not happening now. congressman, thanks for being with us. tonight on hannity, lots more to come, straight ahead. >>
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>> the president: when you leave government you will not be able to lobby my administration for as long as i am president. >> sean: former white house official in the middle of a high profile wall street fraud case. is the president going back on his word? look out america, emanuel reveals what job he really wants. that plus frank lutz. hannity continues straight ahead. some lunch.
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revealed late last night and raising serious ethics questions. craig only left the administration in january. out in man who once had president's ear on major issues like wall street reform finds himself in the middle of a high profile wall street fraud case. sounds like the president is going back on his word yet once again. >> the president: when you leave government you will not be able to lobby my administration for as long as i am president. i'm also setting new roll rules that govern not just lobbyists but all those who have been selected to serve in my administration you are enlisting in government service you will have to commit, in writing, to rules limiting your role for two years, in matters involving people you used to work with and barring from you any attempt to influence your former government colleagues for two years after you leave. >> sean: the list of broken promises keeps growing and growing. congress has been trying to
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look into the causes of the terrorist attack on fort hood perpetrated by army major hasan it appears the administration has been stonewalling those attempts. joel lieberman served the administration with a seen the subpoena will apply to information on the attack held by both the department of defense and the department of justice. here's what senator lieberman had to say about his interactions with team obama. >> the response of the executive branch to this thoroughly>]d legitimate al request for information has been inadequate and unreasonable. >> sean: how embarrassing. we can only hope the senator and congress get what they need to do their work and get to the bottom of this important issue >> old feud over the causes of 9/11, between former new york mayor giuliani and congressman ron paul is heating up again. it began right here on fox back in 2007.
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remember this? >> have you ever read about the reasons they tacked us? they attack us because we've been over there, we've been bombing iraq for 10 years! i'm suggesting that we listen to the people who attacked us and the reasons they did it. they are delighted that we are over there, because osama bin laden has said i'm glad you are over on our sand because we can target you so much easier. >> that's an extraordinary statement someone who lived throughout attack that we invited the attack because we were tack iraq i don't think i've before and i've heard some absurd explanations for september 11th. >> sean: paul's son is running for senate in kentucky, giuliani has endorsed his opponent. giuliani noted grayson is not part of the blame america first crowd. this did not sit well with the elder paul who slammed the mayor for his endorse accusing him of slithering into the race.
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slither or not, i think it is fair to say that mayor giuliani has the best of this argument. the white house beer summit could be making a return. it stems from comments made by the president this month in maine. >> the president: i want to give a little plug to bill. bill owns market house coffee and the maine beer and beverage corporation both here. in exchange for in publicity, i hope i'm going to get some samples of the beer. >> sean: ask and you shall receive this is the spread on it twice 1600 pennsylvania avenue courtesy of bill the beer guy. bill tells the ap how can i say no? being a good american to answer the call. at least the white house fridge will be fully stocked the next time the president insults somebody and has to host a beer summit mr. president, i'm still available for that beer. i'll even pay for it that is the news tonight from hannity's america.
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robert gibbs may be ruling it out but another senior white house official is planning a run for office yikes! we'll tell you who, next. we want to know if you think president obama should return goldman sachs' campaign donations? text us at 36288: we have the results coming up at the end of the show. that and much more, straight ahead. we get double miles with every purchase. so we earned a tropical vacation in half the time. we earn double miles every time we use our card. ( shouts ) double miles add up fast so we can bring the whole gang. ( grunting ) awesome! it's hard to beat double miles. everyone knows two is better than one. introducing the venture card from capital one... with double miles on every purchase every day. go to ( gasps ) what's in your wallet? wait up!
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last night with charlie rose rahm emanuel still plans for running for office one day. >> always an aspiration even when i was in the house of representatives. >> mayor of chicago? >> yes. >> sean: there's a bright side at least he didn't say he wanted to run for president. more hannity, straight ahead. i have diabetes, and sometimes i wonder
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the accu-cheiva syst now has new tools to helpou discover what your numbers mea and how the things you do are connected to your blood sugar patterns. [ michelle ] with this tool i can see how food and the time of day affect mnumbers. i discovered how to wake up feeling great. [ male announcer ] disver the accu-cheaviva system and save with a prescription discount card. start your discovery today. >> sean: we are now over two weeks away from election day in the united kingdom. the conservative movement across the pond is very much in the hunt just as republicans expect to be come november here in the u.s.. the latest poll has liberal democrats barely in the lead with 34%. conservative party led by david cameron close behind at 31%. prime minister brown's labor party in third with 26%. those numbers have shifted slightly in the aftermath of
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last thursday's historic televised u.k. leaders debate. here to tell us why from london pollster president of the worddoctors frank lutz. welcome, thank you for being with us. what is interesting, a lot of similarities in terms of the debate. there's a new development in light of this debate that took place the other night. share what is going on. >> well, britain, i went to school here in the 80s. i've watched british politics what americans don't realize it usually happens first in britain then comes to america. margaret thatcher was elected in 1979 the precursor to reagan in '80 he used some of her slogans in his campaign. they were created in britain in 1997 tony player elected new kind of democrat he was the precursor to the change in the american government. here's the surprise, sean six months ago the conservatives had a 15 point lead.
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cameron was coasting to an easy election. one week ago the conservatives were up five, six points. today they in second place, liberal democrats are doing well. we've got great tape. we did testing here just as we've done for your show and for fox over the last few years. we've tested the individual party leaders. i would like to start with brown he's the barack obama of the campaign the labor party leader, obviously the prime minister. his language about defending what is happening in the economy doesn't go over all that well with british voters. the red line are labor voters yellow dems and green conservatives. watch brown not perform as well as he would have hoped. >> every promise you hear from each of us this evening depends on one thing, a strong economy. and this is the defining year. get the decisions right now
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and we can have secure jobs. we can have standards of living rising. and we can have everybody better off. get the decisions wrong now and we could have a double dip recession. >> sean: he didn't even do well based on dial numbers with his own party in response to that >> exactly. he's trying to scare people. he's saying as bad as the economy is and as tough as conditions are in britain, same in the states, he's saying change is dangerous. that change could make things worse. the british audience is saying categorically, no way they want it differently. now cameron the conservative. he was winning -- this is a lesson for conservatives for republicans who are watching your show tonight. they have -- they such a lead he does well in this language. watch how the lines climb when he talks about working together but not as good as it needed to be. >> there is a big choice this election.
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we can go on as we are or we can say no, britain can do much better. we can deal with our debt. we can get our economy growing. and avoid this jobs' tax. we can build a bigger society. but we can only do this if we recognize we need to join together. we need come together. we need to recognize we are all in this together. not everything labor has done in the last 13 years has been wrong. they've done some good things and i would keep those. but we need change. it is that change i want to help to lead. >> i'll tell what i think is missing, he could have been specific about cutting taxes, reducing regulation. opening up an opportunity society much like the message you mentioned earlier about margaret thatcher it seemed more cliched. >> it is as though -- you are dead on. there is one candidate who is doing that would you think the conservatives would be the party of change. again, the warning to republicans is people can get
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so used to you talking about change that it doesn't sound like change. watch the leader of the liberal democrats who one week ago today was at 20% and today he's at 34% because of language like this. >> it is not good enough to keep talking about how we need to change politics when you've got an opportunity to change you block it. i think that's a betrayal, i think you deserve the right -- you deserve a politics where we get the big money out of politics all together. >> sean: it seems like a more populous message. here's my take, i've been warning republicans, they better return to their conservative roots with a very specific message of fiscal responsibility of balanced budgets, inenergy independence strong national defense. i thought a lot of jarrellties came out of conservative candidate cameron. i think the reason you see
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clegg go up he's being far more specific and populous oriented. >> it is -- the specifics are important but it is more. he was talking about a con, betrayal intensity towards the economic system and governing is hot, blue flame hot that's what the people of britain are looking for. that's what americans are looking for. if the republicans tone it down and actually mellow out their approach for lack of a better term, they will have what is happening to the conservatives, they will find their support dissipate. >> sean: frank this is evidence that what i have been saying is exactly right this is one of these moments where i think you to follow the reagan-thatcher model no pale pastels, bold colors, passion and great specifics. it will be interesting to see if the republicans follow that model and maybe learn something from this.
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thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> sean: when we come back our great, great, great american panel, straight ahead. you look beautiful tonight. allow me. it's tough to reach that five servings a day if you don't always like the taste of vegetables. i'll be right back, okay? okay. good thing v8 v-fusion juice gives you a serving of vegetables hidden by a serving of fruit. v8. what's your number? now try refreshing new cranberry blackberry v8 v-fusion juice. only $100. but am i wearing them now? hello. i'm wearing my older sister's jeans
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>> sean: tonight on our great, great american panel. senior writer at the weekly standard stephen hayes is here. host of give-and-take which airs on wnbc's new york nonstop julie menin is here. he's a cbs sports college football analyst former nfl player spencer tillman is back. good to see you. democrats playing financial card against the republicans which i find ironic. >> for years, republicans stood by while wall street ran
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wild. risk tibets, laxed regulations. when the economy collapsed republicans looked the other way. >> the fundamentals of our economy. >> fundamentals are strong. >> now republicans are working with wall street lobbyists to block reforms that would protect consumers and prevent a future bailout. tell republicans it is time to reform wall street. >> sean: why doesn't obama give back the four million he got from wall street and the million he got from goldman sachs? >> the bigger problem, if you take a step back, the president has not been a populous. he hasn't been a populous in the first 15 months in office. he's now trying to pivot to use the over used washington word. he went against what the country was telling him to do on health care, gone against the country on domestic poll say agenda items now trying to
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say to the republicans the party of wall street. >> people want to have reform of wall street. are you saying there shouldn't be any reform of the financial sector? >> nobody is saying there shouldn't be reform of the financial sector. what president is saying, new york screwed up, trust washington. >> sean: pew poll said more people want limited government, less services. they were clear in saying that if we go by the polls why don't we cut the size and scope of government? >> that is a different poll. people are saying they want to have regulation of wall street. we can't allow these -- >> sean: what is more corrupt, enron, halliburton, wall street or washington? what do you think is more corrupt? >> that is not the logical question that is not a logical question. >> sean: not to a liberal mind in the mine of the american people it is very logical. >> what is the republican plan to try and protect consumers?
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saufpb sean who mismanaged -- >> sean: who mismanages people's money more? you don't want to answer i'm not surprised. if they did what they are accused of, i am as angry as anybody. >> i think we have to assume there are assumptions. i read the federalist papers number 51, it assumes people are inherently flawed in this regard. government is bottom line at the end of the day you cannot trust them. one of your favorites said it best, ronald reagan, trust but verify you have to do that particularly with i politicians. one thing clear from that sound bite we heard the democratic polling clearly shows that wall street in their minds the devil incarnate. they are going to use it as a political football. what they need do is go back and pull the video from june 27th, 2005 when barney frank made that statement on the house floor he said what housing budget.
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give a salvo, return the punch and come back and be more progressive. >> why done you go back and look at all of the republican chipping away at the siegel act which caused the financial crisis. it is the -- [ talking over each other ] >> that salvo was unfair. he suggested that the republican party was not aware of what was going on. he can't blame he was aware of it. listen to barney frank. >> we need to have a solution here. >> sean: we are going to repeat -- you're wrong in stating where the problem came from. the problem came from this notion that everybody in america had a right to a house, whether they could ever afford to pay their loan back that's what the community reinvestment act was about. wait a minute, when it was investigated, republicans said we a big problem coming. democrats said johnson, they are all doing a great job they
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made tens of millions and we were set on a course of disaster. >> as chair of the committee that oversees that sector barney franks should have known he was in the same position that the sound bite suggested that mccain and others were in. he should have known. >> it is fascinating to me the republicans are more interested in trying to figure out, go back a couple of years and see who is to blame rather than come up with solutions. [ talking over each other ] >> pro russ thing to say. it is a -- that's a preposterous thing to say we've heard it throughout the health care debate republicans don't have plans. the president invites republicans not white house for seven hours he listens to republican plans one after another after another. the same exercise has happened here. republicans have been shut out of the protest -- process from the beginning. >> after the conference you had republican ideas like tort reform and selling -- >> right. >> 50 million dollar fund.
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>> really? >> what we are seeing now on financial reform is democrats and republicans should be trying to work together. >> the white house hasn't invited them. the democrats have shut them out from the beginning. sean if there is so much anger against corporate america there ought to be four times anger towards the government mismanagement of people's money if nancy pelosi, harry reid and barack obama were a corporation they could be brought up on charges they so mismanaging the people's money. more with our great american panel, next. needs to focus on other ways to get energy. we should be looking closer to home. we have oil on our shores. natural gas can be a part of the solution. i think we need to work on wind resources. they ought to be carefully mapping every conceivable alternative. there is an endless opportunity right here.
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13-year-old girl, sodomizing a 13-year-old girl. french president sarkozy handed a letter to obama begging for mercy. i see no mercy. bring him to the u.s. throw him in jail for the rest of his rotten miserable evil days on earth this is an evil guy. >> french president may have been successful getting the letter tom ma. it is difficult and impact for barack obama who has a couple of daughters an a few ages away from the young girl, give her quaaludes or whatever it was that he gave her and sodomize her this is personal. i have a brother the same thing happened to him when he was seven years of age. someone did the same thing and yes i did forgive the person on his death bed he died of aids related lymphoma because of that, yes i forgave him but that person should pay a
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penalty for that he should not be let off the hook. >> i don't think obama is going to do anything. he's not going to have a repeat of mark rich pardon. >> sean: where is hollywood in this? why are so many coming to the does of this despicable human being? >> i can answer that any time a 13-year-old girl gets sodomized -- >> sean: there's a large segment of people that have come out in defense of him. >> not only hollywood is not speaking out against him some are speaking out in favor of him. some because they say he's this great artist and he's changed and they've known him for years. there are certain thing unforgiveable this is one of them. there's no question. >> against the backdrop -- [ talking over each other ] >> tragic deal we'll talk about it. against the backdrop of what is happening in the catholic church it makes it more untenable, it is not going to happen. >> sean: i don't think it should. what about the fda limiting
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the amount of salt in foods this drive me nuts. government get out of my life. leave my french fries, chips, philly cheesesteak as loan. leave me alone. i don't need the government to tell me what to eat. >> we are probably on the opposite aisle of this debate, here's why. >> sean: i'm going to straighten you out. >> maybe, just maybe there's some value here but they bury the value hypertension, heart attack and all that stuff can be reduced. but does the government make a strong enough argument to tell people why. we said off camera, good leaders know how to >> sean: you smoke a cigar? >> every once in a while celebrations not all the time. >> sean: the government should forbid you to smoke cigars. you eat steak, french fries? >> i don't eat steak, i don't eat french fries. >> you can use as much salty as you want.
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[ talking over each other ] >> sean: if you don't know these aren't healthy foods what rock are you living under? >> they are trying to reduce hypertension we did this in new york city and it worked. >> it is a principle matter. the government cannot step in and regulate everything that it determines is bad. if some people or some companies are abuse alcohol you can't ban alcohol. we've been down that road. >> sean: you want a nanny state. i want liberty. the i want the government out of every aspect of my life. >> i don't want my kids dying from hypertension. >> sean: fed 'em celery. >> i want them to know this product -- [ talking over each other ] >> sean: there's no junk. i have to sneak it in when my kids are asleep because i don't want my kids eating junk. >> thing that is off putting when you look at the language it going to be >> sean: you don't eat steak? >> i don't eat steak.
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>> sean: do you drink beer? >> i don't drink beer. a good red wine. [ talking over each other ] >> if you don't reduce deaths from hypertension or heart attack the government is going to pick up the tab. [ talking over each other ] >> sean: i don't know what we would do without the nanny state government telling us what we can and cannot eat. time to reveal results of our tuesday text voting. we wanted to know if you think the president should return the goldman sachs campaign donations 90% got it right, you said yes. that's my vote. 9% said no. 1% not sure. thank you all for voting. by the way we should do a text vote on whether you want the government telling you whether you can eat salt, french fries, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, pizza, steak all the things i ke
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