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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  May 14, 2010 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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slash greta wire. bill o'reilly is next at the top of the hour, good night from washington.
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>> from bob costas who hosted the event of the country singer trace at kins and i were given awards for helping out. for me this was a great honor. award i got was named after the late tony snow who introduced me about six years ago. since that time, the factor tried to do its best to help the organization. patriotic americans need to think about the heart break of combat veterans last night there, were about 100 of the
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men ask women at the event. it's not only they suffering but their families as well. federal government cannot support all wounded warriors throughout their live time. we have to do it and should do it. these men and women are the best among us. in a few weeks there will be a major battle launched in kandahar, afghanistan. some of our troops will lose arms and legs some will be burned and some, lose eye sight. all then will come home to live their lifts, we must help them. there is no turning away from this. we've set up a link between wounded warrior project ask our web site f you'd like to donate, it's easy. if you don't have a lot of money, you can lend time. we're auctioning off another jacket given to me by the reagan library, size large. you may remember last time we did this, a patriot from indiana won the jacket with a $25,000 bid which i matched. we'll do that again, matching the winning bid. i hope you bid and i hope you
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help wounded warriors. i was honored to be in their presence last night. their sacrifice defines americas a noble nation. we'll play a bit of my speech last night later on. but now, president obama getting angry about the oil spill that took three week buzz the president apparently had enough. >> dinot appreciate what i considered a spectacle during the congressional hearing. executives of bp and transocean and halliburton falling over each other to point the finger of blame at someone else. there is enough responsibility to go around. and all parties should be willing to accept it. >> that includes the federal government. for too long, for a decade or more, there has been a cozy relationship between oil companies and the federal agencies that permits them to drill. >> bill: the question does the
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president bear any responsibility? joining us is george stephanopoulos. >> hi, bill oog. >> bill: i'm glad the president took a stuff stand today. and it's seeming to me this night be grandstanding because it was his agency that failed to oversee british petroleum in the gulf of mexico. am i wrong? >> no. you're not wrong. he said january, 2009. the president took over, that agency is approved, and dozens and dozens of the projects without getting proper clearances. you can say the president and a lot of us with an economic crisis, it did happen on his watch. it's interesting he's kind of trying to do a reagan move there blaming the federal government and separating himself a bit from the federal government. >> greta: that is what i didn't get. you can't blame this on bush
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and cheney. i guess some left wingers will try to do that. >> that agency has had problems. >> bill: sure. it goes foot clinton administration there is a cozy relationship and has been between american government and oil companies. >> and ask to blow it up what happened there, three days ago they split the agency to say we're enforcing environmental regulations. i think there is a bit of an odd kind of natural disaster. it's been moving in slow motion. so far, the public has -- still approved of the way the president is handling it. >> bill: it's not like hurricane katrina. >> right. >> bill: yeah. it's a slick that nobody sees and hasn't come ashore in great numbers yet. nobody really, it's not like hurricane katrina where you had people on roof tops screaming to be evacuated and thugs breaking into houses and action all over the place. but is it -- is it valid,
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george to, make a comparison between the lateness of the obama administration, remember, they bp in the beginning said yeah, we've got it under control. and the lateness of the bush administration in hurricane katrina. is that a valid comparison? >> it's a stretch because of the differences between the two disasters that you just pointed ut is what makes it difficult. the public doesn't make that comparison yet by this point. president bush was having solid disapproveal from the public. i think it could get there which the why the president came out today f this is going on several months and if this top hat doesn't work and they have to build a relief well and there is oil spilling out there going to exceed any other industry this will be the president's problem and will become the president's responsibility and they're trying to protect themselves from that now by showing that anger, today. >> bill: you know the clintons very well as one of the advisors for bill clinton.
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and a sound byte on 60 minutes caught our eye. we dealt it with wednesday. i want to get your reaction to it. roll tape. >> you've got countries explicitly saying to me in private well, look, we look to you because you have this great economy z now, look, you're in the ditch. you've dragged other people foot ditch. i happen to believe it's one of the critical challenges before us. our nation has to be strong fiscally at home in order for us to be strong abroad. >> bill: was that say lap at president obama? is she positioning herself as the president continues to have problems to maybe challenge him in the primaries in 2012? >> you're not serious? >> bill: sure, i am. serious as a heart attack here. she comes out in "60 minutes" talking about the economy as secretary of state which i've never heard any secretary of state do z says you're in a ditch what. is going on? >> and saying that is -- i
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think that you're right in that she's probably when she looked ate probably thought i sudden have phrase that had differently. i don't see any possibility, zero, you can say less than zero. i'd say any chance at all that she is going to challenge. >> bill: let's walk through it. morris says hillary clinton never says anything off the cuff and everything hillary clinton says. >> she's got in trouble in pakistan for saying things off the cuff. she's loosened up and that has gotten her into trouble. >> bill: she goes into an area that is a big area, where barack obama is having trouble, the economy and says yeah, we're having trouble in the usa and foreign countries don't like it because we're pulling them down. that does president obama good? >> it does not help. i don't believe that. >> bill: so there is common ground. i love to do that from anyone
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with abc news. a little common ground. >> good oob now. you say it's absurd if the president's approval rating was 30 in 2012 that hillary clinton will step up and run against him. ted kennedy -- ration yalt is that she wants to be president. you know she wants to be president. >> what is the argument present together country? i served four years? now i'm going to challenge him? >> bill: no. i did a heck of a job overseas and this guy screwed up everything else. his approveal is 30. i'm going to challenge him in the primary just as ted kennedy challenged jimmy carter. >> i don't know where support comes from. if the president is going to get a challenge in 2012 from a democrat, rather a serious challenge it will almost certainly be from the left. >> bill: let's stop you there. his approveal rating is between 45% and 50% after a
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year and a half in office fchl it goes down another 10%, it's a 35% territory and he loses congress or really, really tight. >> i think losing congress could help him. >> bill: but that is speculation. we never do that here in the factor. >> talking about 2012. >> bill: i'm saying to you if his approveal rating is down to bush levels, okay whrk the president bush left office there is no way he fins -- wins. you're telling me democrats aren't going to say hey, maybe we ought to bring her in? i'll give you the last word. >> i think if he's a 30 anyone in his administration is going to have the same kind of approval rating. only an outsider will be able to challenge him effectively. >> bill: she can take a hiatus. >> i don't think it would be credible. secondly if the economy continues to create jobs the president is able to move up,
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not down. >> bill: true. true. but that is a big if, george, always good to see you. next on the run down the state of arizona may northbound economic trouble because of antiillegal alien law z later glenn beck and i did agree over questioning tactics for terror suspects. don't miss this debate upcoming. [ female announcer ] "i heart dalmatians" made a cup of delicious starbucks via ready brew. she shared it with "i heart chihuahuas" and "i heart labs." she even shared it with "i heart cats." premium starbuck via ready brew. now available whever you buy groceries. ♪
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>> bill: factor follow-up segment tonight, the city of austin texas the latest to jump
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on the bandwagon. in addition los angeles boulder colorado a school district outside of chicago announced sanctions against arizona because of tough new anti-illegal alien law. now come reports that the governor of arizona very worried about tourism. joining us from phoenix j.d. hay whort is running for the senate against john mccain in a very hot race out there. okay, look. nbc poll says 66% of americans support the law in arizona. however, the left is targeting the state and they are trying to punish the state. there is no question about it how does the state of arizona fight that? >> well, let's put it in perspective. first of all, bill. understand you mentioned some cities with leftist city councils, some school districts but understand well over a dozen states are moving forward to pass legislation modeled on arizona's. i think that's a good thing and it's worth noting that arizona's new law is really modeled on the enforcement force act that i wrote during my days in
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congress. but more specifically, what does arizona do to battle it? a couple of things. number one, i think this summer you are going to see a buicott here. men's from across the country will decide to visit the grand canyon, come to our desert. actually support arizona. so i think you are going to see that the other thing i would suggest to austin texas and san francisco and l.a. if they are so slit solicitous residents should take up residence in san francisco and l.a. and austin. >> bill: l.a. would probably take them, too. because there is very, very big communities there. so you think that people in july and august are going to go down to the arizona desert when it's 120 degrees in support of the arizona law? i'm not sure that's going to happen, j.d. >> bill, to be fair, we have got some great deals down here. >> bill: absolutely. >> that's not all there is going on down here. as you know, we have the grand
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canyon. we have so many attractions in this state where it's a little cooler, not actually triple digits but really in all sincerity what the governor has has been to take a look at this and really seek to establish a truth squad. >> bill: she is worried. mrs. brewer is worried because if this spreads, arizona's state that fends on tourism and, you know, if it gets out of hand, the economy in arizona is fragile, as you know it could hurt. >> well, but, again, bill, really the answer was brought forth when you set forth the premise. the fact is that overwhelming numbers of americans support what has been done here in arizona. and whether or not they visit, i think you are going to see arizona move forward assertively with a type of truth squad to point out the fallacies and the deliberate disinformation and distortion that baby bandied about. >> bill: arizona has already won the war of public opinion. all right? you won. because americans understand,
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look, here is a state where the federal government will not do its job. the state is 500,000 illegal aliens. it's bankrupt. phoenix is the kidnapping capital of the united states. crime is through the roof. drugs are coming across the border all the time. so what do you expect arizona to do? 66% and that includes a lot of hispanics and liberals say yeah, this slaw okay. all it does is give the police, if they are engaged on another matter, you have to be engaged with the police on another matter, a right to question your citizenship. it's a logical law. so even if you get a truth squad out. the 34% of people who don't support you, you are not going to change their minds. it's an ideological play. you know that it's the open border crowd. >> sure. but, again, understand i don't believe the open border crowd and the amnesty crowd are going to dictate and drive not only public opinion, but where dollars are going to be spent. i have heard from several groups that they intend on coming to arizona. the first time i heard of it a couple of weeks ago when i had occasion to speak in california.
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people in los angeles and in that area actually said they were going to come into arizona. they were going to engage in a buycott. we seen evidence of it and we will see more during the summer. >> bill: i don't think governor brewer would do. this i don't think she is as -- i think she is more timid than you, j.d. but to be fair godzilla is more timid than you. [ laughter ] >> i will take that as a compliment, bill, thanks. wouldn't it be interesting in the state of arizona's chamber of commerce started to market this and say, look, if you believe that we have the right to protect ourselves, please come here. and show these pinheads that, you know, they are wrong and they're not going to punish us. that would be a hell of an advertising campaign, would it not? >> i think it would be great and, look, we have started it already free of charge. arizona, a state where law and order prevails, join us this summer for a great time. [ laughter ] >> bill: is your picture up there, you and mccain side by side smiling? >> well, now that's another --
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this is the thing, bill, and talk about an attraction. i have got it right here. we are making news tonight. bill, we will set you up as the moderator, you come to town, let's have the debate because it's been gosh now almost 75 days since i first invited mr. mccain to sit down and debate and think about it thus far, he has not accepted the invitation. so why don't you come on out, let's go ahead and set it up and one of the big theaters and maybe john mccain will finally engage in the debate. it's been mind boggling. >> bill: i would love to get back to eampletz thanks for coming on tonight. directly ahead, attorney general holder says he doesn't like the arizona law but apparently he has never even read it could that be possible. glenn beck and i shoot it out over how to question captured terrorist suspects. that's coming up. gecko: uh, you wanted to see me sir? boss: come on in, i had some other things you can tell people about geico - great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us. gecko: yeah right, that makes sense. boss: trust is key when talking about geico. you gotta feel it.
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>> bill: impact segment tonight, the latest nbc poll says 64% of americans support the new arizona illegal alien law as i stated. but as we just heard, those who don't like it are very passionate about it joining us now from d detroit, nancy skinnr and from washington, leslie marshall, both are radio talk show stars or so they tell me. all right. leslie, now, i know you are a fair woman, leslie. even though you are a liberal woman, you are fair. you know the state of arizona just wants to protect its citizens. have to do something. 70% of arizonaens support. this that's overwhelming. and now we have boulder, colorado and school district in chicago saying you know, we are going to punish you. it doesn't seem fair, does it? >> oh, yes, it does. bill, it's the american way. it's capitalism, only in reverse, right? i mean, seriously, if people don't support what they are doing in arizona, they have every right to boycott and say they are not going to go and, bill, if you and i go in vacation in july or august to
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arizona, who is going to clean our hotel room and keep the hand escaping outside in front of that hotel nice if we don't have all of these mexicans doing the lawn and cleaning the hotels or these immigrants. >> bill: i really object to that i think there are enough legal immigrants and americans that need jobs that they would do the jobs. i hope that they are offered fair wages but to say that the united states economy can't function, nancy, without illegal immigration, i think is a fallacy. if we have to have more visas and green cards, we will issue them. but just to say hey, we need more gardeners, let's have an open border, that's insane. there there is a rancher dead in pima county, a good guy who actually yizly grizzly foretold his death. he wrote a letter and said i'm afraid i'm going to get gunned down. that's exactly what happened. i think it's fair for austin, texas to do. this i think arizona is trying to protect its own.
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i agree with you it's not about immigration. we need more illegal immigrants to do this work. what's funny j.d. hayworth tripping over himself and john mccain for the tea party vote is that's all about we don't want big government involved in our life. and the real -- the constitutional violation here is it violates the supremacy clause. enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government. states can't do this. so let's say one state, a liberal state, maybe, wanted to enforce federal tax law. would everybody say yeah, that massachusetts could go and start looking at and asking for your tax returns? no. it's not the right of the state to have local offices. >> bill: that will be adjudicated and interesting court decision on that. if i were on the other side i would argue, look, we are basically saying that once illegals cross into our state, arizona. and there are half million there, that we have a right, a constitutional right to protect
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ourselves from them. from them. >> but here's the thing. >> bill: federal government can't say you can't protect yourself, that's insane. >> but they are. >> bill: hold it, let indianapolis go first. go ahead. >> what we are really concerned about is the rights of american citizens who are unduly stopped. the guy who wrote the law analysis -- >> bill: that's conjecture and speculation. >> if you have dark skin and an american citizen you can be pulled over and asked for your papers. >> you cannot. you sound like holder who hasn't even read the law. >> i have read the law. >> bill: you have to be engaged in another activity that the police are involved. in i mean, leslie, you. to say something? >> yeah. i have a lot to say, actually. in weighing in. we have laws on the books. the bottom line is these people whatnot come to the country if we didn't have the opportunity available. there is no punishment for the corporations that are hiring them. the government on both sides of the aisle turned their back on this. >> bill: that's right. now you sound like a conservative. >> no. states don't need to -- states don't need to rewrite law that's
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already written. >> bill: the law is not being enforced by the federal government. leslie, why don't you get this? >> we need to enforce the federal law. we don't need to write the state law. >> bill: hasn't for 25 years. so the state of arizona is desperate. >> enforce the federal government to do it. >> bill: that's exactly what they are doing. >> maybe that's what's going to come about. the bottom line is federal law trumps state law. >> bill: yeah, okay. but when the feds say we are not going to enforce the law, which they have, the state has no other alternative. none. has to do it. >> that's not what i hear my president saying. i hear president obama saying we need to look at enforcement of the law. >> bill: all right. >> on comprehensive immigration law,. >> bill: comprehensive. >> the thing about pope benedict xvi are hey it is capitalism. if arizona made a choice to pass this law. i have a choice not to go there and that's america. >> bill: that's true with 64% or 66% whatever it is supporting the law. arizona might come out on top. we'll see. ladies, as always. a pleasure. thank you.
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plenty more ahead as the fact for moves along this evening. what is going on on "the view"? is this aloud on television? we will show you a bizarre exposition. also our pal glenn beck thinks i'm desperately wrong about how in-to-how to interrogate captured suspects. beck and i will shoot it out. [ male announcer ] when you buy a car, what are you really buying? a shiny coat of paint? a list of features? what about the strength of the steel? the integrity of its design... or how it responds... in extreme situations? the deeper you look, the more you see the real differences. and the more you understand what it means to own a mercedes-benz. the c-class. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial. ♪ we get dole miles on every purchase. so we earned a ski trip twice as fast. we get double miles every time we use our card. ( thuds )
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>> bill: personal story segment tonight, some political observers believe that attorney general eric holder is not long for his job. as you may know mr. holder has taken a huge hit promoting civilian trials for people like khalid sheikh mohammed. rather than being milk toast about the war on terror in general. yesterday eric holder was drilled by the house judiciary committee especially about his avoidance of the islamic terror description. >> do you feel that these individuals might have been incited to take the actions that they did because of radical
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islam? >> because of? >> radical islam. >> i mean we are in the process now of talking to mr. shahzad to try to understand what it is that drove him to take the action. >> but radical islam could have been one of the reasons? >> a variety of reasons. >> was radical islam one of them. >> there are a variety of reasons why people do these things. some of them are potentially religious. >> all i'm asking is if you think among those variety of reasons lad dick call islam might have been one of the reasons that the individuals took the steps that they did. >> you say radical islam, i think those people who espouse a version of islam that is not -- >> are you uncomfortable attributing any of their actions to radical islam. >> i don't want to say anything negative about a religion. a man like awlaki. >> i'm talking about radical islam. i'm not talking about the general religion. >> >> bill: unbelievable. is it not? was that not unbelievable? now, holder is playing games.
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the questioned is why. 's it's very apparent the obama administration does not want to fight the war on terror in public. in private, rendition continues, drone missile attacks that killed scores of al qaeda and warrantless phone taps are used all the time. but that stuff is kept secret. the president, however, does not want to publicly criticize islam and that's why holder dances all over the place. right now the u.s.a. is getting good intelligence from some islamic countries like kuwait, jordan and egypt. the president does not want to take an anti-islam stance believing that does the country no good. that kind of makes sense. we need all the muslim allies we can get. but you can't deny the obvious. and have americans support you. we all know islamic fanatics are driving worldwide terrorism and it is not offensive to say that. it's the truth. you don't have to sky write it but when asked, answer the question, mr. attorney general. on another front, holder has made it quite clear he does not like the tough arizona law on
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illegal aliens. >> i think that that law is an unfortunate one. i think that it is, i fear, subject to potential abuse. >> arizona, what is specifically wrong with the anti-immigration law that has been passed there? >> the concern i have about the law that they have passside that i think it has the possibility of leading to racial profiling. >> do you think the arizona immigration law is racist? >> well, i don't think it's necessarily a good idea. >> bill: but, but, when asked about the arizona law yesterday, holder looked like a fool. >> have you read the arizona law? >> i have not had a chance -- i have glanced at it i have not read it. >> you have some concerns about the statute and it's hard for me to understand how you would have concerns about something being unconstitutional if you haven't even read the law. >> i had just expressed concerns on the basis of what i have heard about the law. i'm not in a position to say at this point, not having read the law, not having had the chance to interact with the people
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doing the review exactly what my position is. >> bill: now, that is unacceptable. it's unacceptable for an attorney general of the united states. the arizona law is 10 pages long. now, i can't predict whether eric holder is going to leave the obama administration, when is he going to leave, i should say, but he is gonna leave. count on it unbelievable. coming next, how to interrogate captured tawrses. glek and i disagree on that. the debate moments away. ♪ [ monkey screhes ] ♪ [ male announcer ] a bath becomes even more pleasurable when you know that your water is being heated in an environmentally conscious way, while saving you hundreds of dollars on your water heating energy bill. introducing the geospring water heater from ge with advanced hybrid technology. heating the water in your home any other way is just going to m primitive. ♪
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that is the law of the land. beck says no miranda must be applied upon arrest to american citizens. we debated it last night. beck, you are in big trouble now. >> i am. >> bill: far left liking you. liking you. let me roll this clip. go. >> roll tape of someone being far more reasonable about suspect being read suspect rights. >> he has all the rights under the constitution. again, it's not a popular answer but i don't think we shred the constitution. >> steve: right. >> that was early in the morning. i didn't even think about it i mean, i didn't even know what was going on. i couldn't believe that is even a possibility. citizen. >> bill: this is where if you believe that these terrorists should be read their miranda rights right away. i think you are wrong but i understand where you coming from. >> no. no. no. citizens. >> bill: terrorists, some
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terrorists are citizens. >> here is what you have. remember, we are running this like a police operation. so, if the police bust you, when does that citizen become guilty in i thought we had to prove that? no but here's the deal. they want to pass a law that says if there san imminent threat of a terror act. >> look, i am all for jack bauer. nipple clamps go on if we are 24 hours away and a bomb is going to go off. >> bill: let's pass a law authorities feel there is a terrorist act underway. miranda rights can be suspended. >> no more power. >> bill: i disagree with you 1,000% on this. have you got to deal with reality. >> have you got a government right now. >> bill: oh, stop. >> you have got a government right now who is saying that the tea party goers are terrorists and everybody else. you have already had a report on that. >> bill: you are a history guy. i mean, i watch your show and you have got benjamin franklin running around. have you got george washington. do you know that abraham lincoln suspended habeas corpus during
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the civil war? >> i absolutely did. during what? >> bill: war. >> when this government decides to declare war then you can talk to me. >> bill: it's a war on terror. >> it is a contingency plan now, bill. >> bill: you are cutting hairs here. >> no, i'm not. >> bill: i'm trying to save lives. >> bill, i want to ask you. this i want to do the same thing. i am for. you know me, i am strong on defense. i believe these people are terrorists. i take these people in washington apart every time because they aress owossos. they won't do the right thing. why all of a sudden are the usual suspects that are no, no, no torture. we have got to try the hairy fat guy in new york. we have got to give these guys cupcakes when we bring them over here. why? why? all of a sudden are they saying wait a minute? let's not. >> bill: because popular opinion is against them. >> pull crap, not true. >> bill: what's the reason? >> talking about government. >> bill: i don't care about cass
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sunstein. >> because they are setting up the american people. >> bill: setting us up for what? >> what do you think? >> bill: i have no idea. what is the conspiracy of the day? what are they setting us up here? >> there is not a conspiracy here. they are already talking about silencing free speech. they already are. did you see the president's speech on saturday? >> bill: i'm not buying it. >> bill, you didn't buy it a year ago that the guy was a marxist. >> bill: yapping and still are you. we're still yapping. >> did you see the president's speech? >> bill: i saw 18,000 of his speeches. >> did you see the one saturday when he said there can be too much information. from the gizmo. >> bill: talking about the gizmos. >> no. he was not. >> bill: just think about it. we need to protect american people by broadening out laws to protect us against terrorism. a little bit. >> not a little bit. without warrant. d.o.j. is already saying you don't have a reasonable
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expectation to privacy of location. okay? don't need a warrant to say where is bill o'reilly. >> bill: i got your. >> you don't have a reasonable right for reading emails. >> bill: it's all about targeting and microlaw. i know what you are saying the slippery slope. i don't subscribe to that in many cases but i understand it okay. now, you have a beef with me over iron man two? >> yes, i do. you wrecked my movie going experience. you wrecked my movie going experience. >> bill: how did i do that? >> you are bill o'reilly. i'm looking for hot chicks on the screen or something. >> bill: is that why you go to the movie? going to iron man to look for hot chicks? is that what you are telling me? >> look, bill. >> bill: you cannot reads the advertisement? >> i don't got to rated r movies. i have very few pleasures in life. >> bill: it's not r. it's pg. >> i know. that's as close as i can get to seeing hot chicks. i'm sitting there and i'm like it's bill o'reilly. can i get this at work. >> bill: only one guy in america that can handle iron man. only one. >> did you see the way.
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>> bill: i didn't see the movie but i slap him around, do i not? >> people can be too successful. is he a n. a major motion picture. i didn't see it. >> bill: i'm busy trying to keep new line, beck. it takes so many hours. >> will you do me a favor? >> bill: yeah. >> not you. let me talk to you. would you please -- we have the -- what do we call it? bold fresh tour, yes. we added a show west bury in long island. that's going to sell out right away. st. louis and columbus, ohio, june 18th and 19th. ticket are on sale at bold fresh glenn you can find them there. >> bill: everyone who comes to the show will have to wear a pin like that. is that from the martians in venice? >> what spin on the top of your head? pinhead? >> bill: you got another pin? >> state police of new jersey. >> bill: you want to ask --
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>> do you want to ask why? >> bill: yes, please. >> you better not speed on your way home. >> bill: glenn beck, everybody. king of the pins. you can fill in head if you like. [ laughter ] in a moment, the dumbest things of the week. a bizarre scene on theview that did not include me. what is going on here? right back with dumb. (announcer) we're in the energy business. but we're also in the showing-kids- new-worlds business. and the startup-capital- for-barbers business. and the this-won't- hurt-a-bit business. because we don't just work here. we live here. these are our families. and our neighbors. and by changing lives we're in more than the energy business we're in the human energy business. chevron.
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and at holiday inn express, you always can. holiday inn express. stay you. and stay rewarded with the hit it big promotion-- earn up to $500 dollars at over 300 retailers.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, dumbest things of the week starring juliet huddy and greg gutfeld, author of the book "the bible of unspeakable truths." new study out of germany say women will die if they date
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younger men. sounds dumb. >> it's stupid. younger men alive and kicking. it was a study done by germans on danes. it basically says the greater the age gap between a woman and her husband the likelier he is to die. >> bill: older or younger. >> we are focus opening the younger thing. >> bill: if a woman marries a younger or older man immediately. >> shorter life expectancy. here is the caveat, bill, of course, the younger the man's wife, the longer the man lives. >> bill: so if the sugar daddy thing kicks in and you are 856789 but look at anna nicole smith she killed that 98-year-old guy though,. >> he was 98. he didn't make it out of the church wedding. he toppled right over. gutted feld, you have my fraf favorite program "the view" exposition where l.l. cool jay did what the? >> he introduced this new
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fitness routine doing what? >> he introduced new fitness machine using the human body. >> >> i can absolutely can you cur. >> buck 20. [ laughter ] >> nice, nice. >> go, joy. [cheers] [ laughter ] [ laughter ] >> bill: rumor ll cool jay has been treated for hernia. >> oh, man. >> bill: it's not the individuals, it's the cumulative of all three of them. >> i don't see you volunteering
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to curl anybody. >> bill: you are darn right. >> we are in a recession. people cannot afford gym minutes. what is he showing you is you can use other human bodies to lift weights. this is a fantastic idea. don't go to balis, go to your neighbors and lift them up. it's much better to lift "the view" than it is to watch it. >> bill: i do that to joy behar intellectually. >> he skipped whoopi. >> bill: whoopi doesn't want any part of that. i have done this show many times. whoopi goldberg is a smart woman. she is not going to do that barbara walters out there? she is not going to do that. some people would do that schtick and some people don't. >> pay to produce that. >> bill: picture of elena kagan playing softball and throw that picture up there. this ran in the "wall street journal" and then all of a sudden the press goes well, she a lesbian. look at her, she is playing softball. i'm going wait a minute. i know a lot of women, all
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right? who play softball. and i know they are not all lesbians and why would you be a lesbian anyway if you are playing softball? it's not like the roller derby. okay? use softballs. >> bill: roller derby is a tough, bang, you might make a case. if she has got the helmet and the skates, all right. it's softball. isn't that ridiculous and dumb? >> i thought it was a little ridiculous. i was surprised it was on -- >> bill: you play softball, right, huddy? >> what is that supposed to mean? >> bill: that means you play softball, that's all. >> i'm not a rest beaten. not that there is anything wrong with that. >> bill: gutfeld you are a lesbian. >> i'm a proud hispanic lesbian and i do play softball. the untold story here is she is biting right. why didn't media matters pick up on that. that's the secret story here, bill. that no one is talking about. >> bill: dumbest things of the week, everybody. i'm not going to lift anybody up at all. >> bill: why? >> other than your spirits.
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>> bill: pinheads and patriots on deck. my remarks to the wounded warriors last night. they are moments away.
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bill: inmy remarks to the wounded warriors last night. father's day coming up. we have great stuff including the patriot dad mugs. the travel mug and the regular coffee mug. signed copies of bold fresh.
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all the money i get from goes to worthy charities like the wounded warrior project. now the mail. my debate with megyn kelly. bill: score megyn two, o'reilly nothing. she kicked your butt again. john: how could someone so intelligent and so attractive be so wrong. i'm refering to megyn, not you bill. barbara: i believe megyn won. i don't agree with ginsberg's decisions but i would like to think she has enough integrity to uphold the constitution. her arguments were no match for use of ginsberg disentering words. jeff: forget it bill megyn is better looking and smarter than you. greg: o'reilly crushed kell facts. as an attorney megyn should
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not have ignored that thomas: as an torn i say they are both ride. -- as an attorney i say they are bottle right. constitutional law has become perverted by activist's decisions made in the past. tom: you always wear nice suits where can i get them? jack victor makes the suits, skip gamber makes the shirts. they are on the website, you can check it out. and a verse: whoa, mickey. signed copy of bold fresh on s$#qcuz way. pinheads and patriots, trace atkins and i were honored last night by the wounded warrior project. i received the tony snow award and then said this. i'm very honored and humbled
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to get this award this evening is not about me. i was thinking every night i pinheads and patriots at the end of the factor. i'm looking out in the room, this is the only room in new york city where there are no pinheads! this is it! [ cheering ] bill: the only place. i don't think most americans understand the depth of love that you have to have for your country to put your life on the line. it is not like there's a draft there isn't. this is a choice. it is not like you don't know what is going on in iraq and afghanistan, you know, it's hell. they don't have to go, they go. once again info is available on this is it for us tonight. we would like to you check out this website the fox news website/factor. if you come in late talking points each evening tonight it
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is about the wounded warriors pretty interesting. you can access it on -- then spout off about the factor i'm sure we'll get plenty of mail about the o'reilly debate. we would like to do those things. we all like each other. we should have spirited debate back and forth. after the debate is over, we're friends. that's very unusual on tv. the other networks hate each other's guts that is true. e-mail us at when writing the factor do not be turgid. when writing to the factor or doing anything else. thanks for watching. remember the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for y


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