tv Hannity FOX News May 17, 2010 2:00am-3:00am EDT
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featuring our entire stressless line. >> chris: i'm chris wallace and this is "fox news sunday." laura bush speaks out on her husband after 9/11. >> how would you comfort him? what would you say? >> on the news media. >> do you think michelle obama has been typecast the same way you were. >> and her new life in texas. >> you say i could at last. >> ex-hale. >> a look inside her home in dallas. former first lady laura bush in a sunday exclusive. newt gingrich a accuses president obama of building a corrupt political machine that threatens the company. former house speaker newt gingrich only on "fox news sunday." and with all the finger pointing over the gulf oil spill we will ask our panel who is really to blame, all right now on "fox news sunday."
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and hello again from fox news in washington. we'll take you to dallas for our interview with laura bush in a few minutes. first, newt gingrich and his explosive new book. it's called "to save america" and we want to get right to it. welcome to fox news. >> good to be here. >> chris: you say president obama and the democrats are trying to impose a secular socialist machine on this country. what is that? >> first of all, it is clearly machine. if you can get $757 billion out of congress and no elected official has even read the bill, that is the bemaveor of the chicago style machine. if you have the entire country rejecting healthcare and you lose teddy kennedy's seat over healthcare and your attitude is who cares we will run over you and fashionista pass it, you hl that passed which 58% of the country wants to repeal. that is the behavior of the
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machine. >> chris: the secular socialist part. >> when you have a pay czar in the white house who thinks they have enough power and knowledge to set the salaries for hundreds of people in dozens of countries in an industry they have never been in. the government is the largest owner of general motters and chrysler and the largest funder of aig. they nationalized student loans. they are trying to find the backroad to a government run healthcare system and if you look at the recent reports that in 2014 many major corporations are going to dump their health insurance. >> chris: the secular part. >> if you look at his appointments and an equal employment opportunity commissioner who says religion has to -- the democratic candidate for the senate in massachusetts who says if you are a practicing catholic maybe you shouldn't work in emergency rooms. two state legislators in
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connecticut. there is a continuous relentless antireligion bias. to reached a decision that a day of prayer is unconstitution it will which if he weren't so serious would be laughable. >> chris: you also write this and let's put it up on the screen. mr. speaker, respectfully, isn't that wildly over the top? >> not if by america you mean that historic contract we have had which says your rights come from your creator, they are unaislable. you are allowed to pursue happiness. listen to president obamas language. he gets to decide who earns how much. he gets to decide whether it is too much. >> chris: talking about companies that the government has put billions of dollars into. >> he said publicly go
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fairically, some americans earn too much. >> chris: he has said that, i agree that some americans earn too much. >> so you want a politician to become the arbitrar of your dreams. they will have a punitive tax of those they don't like. we decide you have too much money and we take that from you. >> chris: but compare that to the nazis. >> i compare that as a threat. there is no comparison to nazi germany or china or the soviet union. but as a threat to our way of life, the degree to which the secular socialist left represents a fundamental replacement of america, a very different world here. a very different outcome. i think it is a very serious threat to our way of life. >> chris: your proposals are as dramatic as your analysis of the situation. you say don't reform, replace.
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replace the environmental protection agency. preplace the department of education. replace with what? >> if the case of the environmental protection agency the bureaucracy which is self-selected. people who believe they have the right to make the most amazing micromanagement judgments around the whole country. if you look at the degree to which they new issue rules, believe they can regulate the entire carbon economy, again you want to talk about socialism. how about having a government agency of unelected people who decide they can literally rewrite the entire economy based on carbon. i think it is hard to reform an agency which spent two generations recruiting people who are more and more antibusiness, more and more anticommercial activity and who represent a value system that is very hard to deal with. >> chris: you also talk about replacing entitlements like social security. >> i think that you have to migrate to a system that is social security based on personal contributions. and i think that if you are
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young person today and you do the math you are much better off having social security system where you control your money, you put it in, it builds up for your entire working life when you retire you get the money. >> chris: really wanted that when the stock market dropped by 50% over the course of the last couple of years. >> if you put in your whole lifetime you would still be way ahead compared to a transfer system. when social security paid its first check there were 42 taxpayers for every recipient. we my grand children who are 8 and 10 get to be social security recipients there may well be two taxpayers for every recipient. you can't sustain that. the whole lesson of greece, of spain, sacramento, the lesson of albany, we can't sustain having government as the fourth bubble when we are spending more than we can possibly maintain. >> chris: not surprising my, your book has drawn strong
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criticism. you praised the tea party and when they ousted senator bennett last week you said this it is a sign of the anger of the american people. just three months ago you endorsed bennett for reelection. >> i did and i think bennett is a very nice man but my comment wasn't antibennett and bennett would agree with that. he went back home and i went to utah for him. his vote on tarp really signaled people that gave them an explanation of their anger. bennett is a reasonable person. i think they wanted somebody to come and fight and they were saying we are unhappy with washington and we want people who are going to fight to change, washington, and i believe that is going to be characteristic across the country. >> chris: you critics point out that you attack president obama for a socialist intrudion into the private sector but the fact is that back in 2008 you supported the $700 billion wall
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street bailout. >> that's right. and what i said at the time, it was actually 400. >> chris: , no, 700. >> what i said at the time i would repeat. if the chairman of the federal reserve and the secretary of the treasury both look you in the eye and say in the absence of doing this we will collapse into a great depression. i don't have confidence as a historian to say let's take the gamble and see if we have a great depression. i also said at the very same week that i thought it was wrong for the secretary of the treasury. i don't think you -- >> chris: let's talk the big issues now. what do you think of the nomination of elena kagan to the supreme court? >> i think the president should withdraw it. the very fact that she led the effort repudiated unanimously by the supreme court to block the american military from harvard law school when two wars and i see no reason why
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you would appoint an antimilitary supreme court justice or why the senate would confirm. >> chris: she says and a lot of supporters say she is not antimilitary. she was opposed to the fact that the military had the don't ask don't tell and for give me, sir,, the fact is that she supports a lot of policies that you do. spoken supportively about the policies and she has spoken about an ex-vanceive view of executive power. do you think you will get a better nominee out of president obama? >> i think he has every right to nominate and he is the president and that is his value system. if you look at the brief he filed and what she wrote at the time, it is a my ontiopic view. harvard accepts money from saudi and they execute homosexuals. they do not allow jews to practice their religion.
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the american military didn't have a policy. the congress of the united states and the clinton administration she served there had a policy. for her to single out the military was an myopic position and if you read what they said at the time it was consistently focused on the military and i think at a time when you have two wars that is an inappropriate behavior for somebody to end up as the justice of the supreme court. >> chris: we have about a minute left. there are big primary elections this tuesday. arlen specter running as a democrat in pennsylvania. is in trouble in the democratic primary. in kentucky the republican candidate is running behind tea party favorite rand paul. what is going on with the voters? >> voters are upset and should be. almost 10% unemployment. massive debt in government. a government that doesn't function well. people have every right to be upset and i think they are looking for ways -- i suspect arlen specter, by the way, i did one of his last republican
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fundraisers for him and always wished he would return the money. i think tim byrnes is probably going to win in pennsylvania as a republican which is an important special election. we have a friend of ours running in the primary in arkansas and i hope she wins. i think what voters are looking for is somebody who communicates a determination to fight for very dramatic change and i think that is very, very important. i think that is why john kasich will become governor this fall and meg whitman in california. >> chris: got to say, it is always interesting. >> thank you. >> chris: up next, former first lady laura bush o
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>> chris: we went to dallas friday to interview former first lady laura bush about her new book called "spoken from the heart." it takes you inside the white house as mrs. bush describes the most dramatic moments of the bush presidency and it has begun to top best seller lists. we talked with mrs. bush in the first interview she has done in her new home with the president. >> what is the difference between living in this house and living in the white house? >> well, this are many, many differences, of course. a big yard that is private. george wants to come play socker with barney and beasley out here. >> chris: i see the satellite up on the roof. is the president watching a lot of sports. >> we have a huge screen tv. that was one of the first things we bought and put upstairs in george's man cave we call it. the big room where his desk is and his computer. that is where he likes to watch the texas rangers every night. >> chris: welcome back to "fox news sunday" and thank you so much for inviting us to your
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home. >> thanks. glad you are here in my library. >> i want to begin with your account of 9/11 and the days after which i think is one of the most powerful parts of our book. you say of that day the world as i knew it irrevocably changed and you talk about the constant anxiety. how was it living in the white house after 9/11? >> there were both long days of anxiety and really grief. the grief of the whole idea of america being attacked like it was. and all of that really every part of that including the threat assessments that george read every morning after september 11th give us all this feeling of vulnerability and a fear really and for us at the white house high anxiety. >> chris: now, you talk about the high anxiety. let's face it, you had a bullseye in the house in which you were living and you say you questioned every noise, every
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plane that flew over. >> and we had that military cap that started flying those jets that started flying around cover -- cover around washington and those really when i would hear those at night i would get a certain sense of security about those and think about the pilots that were in the military that were flying those planes but we did get the very first night of september 11th they wanted us to sleep down in the bunker and george said no, i have got to sleep in my own bed, we have got to get some rest but he said come get us if you think you need to and so in the middle of the nye we heard the footsteps in the hall outside and a secret service agent rushing into the bedroom saying you have to go downstairs. and so we rushed down the marble staircase to the bunker and then just as we got there they knew that the plane they had spotted was one of our own,
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one of the military caps that was flying. >> chris: you also talk and very much evoke the fact of our husband becoming a wartime president and write this. coy see the lines cut deeper in his face and could hear him next to me lying awake at night, his mind still working. on a human level, how tough was it and how much of a burden was it for him and indirectly for you to bear that responsibility? >> well, it was very stressful. there is no doubt about it. we are worrying about our troops and worrying about the decisions he was making. was it the right decision to go into afghanistan, for instance. or to pressure saddam hussein and finally then to go into iraq. >> chris: and when you say you could hear him lying ail wake. >> i knew he was there and i knew he was worried and, of course, there were times when the worry was more when the chatter was more and he didn't
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always tell me when there was -- when there was specific threats that they were particularly worried about. he didn't try to add to my worry by telling me that because there obviously was nothing i could do about it but i did know and i could tell. >> chris: at night he is lying awake and stewing, worrying, how would you comfort him? what would you say? >> we really have mainly this feeling of comfort in each other's presence. just the comfort of being with each other was what propped us both up emotionally. we knew we already and always had each other. the emotional support of each other. >> chris: you talk at length in the book about the runup to the war in iraq and the fact that intelligence services around the world believed that saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction. how did you feel when you learned despite our government's best efforts that he didn't? >> well, of course, we were
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shocked really and then also disappointed that that was, you know, that that was wrong, that the intelligence services were wrong. >> chris: you know to this day there are some people who believe that the president lied us into war. >> well, i mean that is just so false and everyone knows that. i mean i think there is a certain group of people that say that. but if they look at the statements of everyone, the former presidents, the people on capitol hill, both sides of the aisle, that was what everyone believed. >> chris: does it bother you that some people will think the worst, the unthinkable, the idea that a president would take us into war under false pretypes? >> sure, of course that bothers me but on the other hand it is just a fact of life. it is what happens in american politics and there is always for whoever is president the opponents, the people on the other side who cast aspersions
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that they may not even believe themselves. or there are the conspiracy theorists and certainly the people in the white house know that. >> you write that when you became first lady you were in a sense typecast, katie couric said you appear to be a very traditional woman and this is one of my favorites. a british tabloid wrote laura is a cookie baking homemaker doll mumsy and old fashioned. why do you think that happened? >> i think there are a lot of reasons. i think because i had had traditional jobs. women's traditional jobs. i have been a teacher and a librarian and also because i was married to a conservative president. because of that, that was just the view that people had of me. and it is sad really and sort of frustrating that the press in general typecasts every woman that lives in the white house. the other first ladies.
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because always our first ladies have been a lot more interesting, a lot more complicated than their box that they are sort of put in. >> chris: do you think michelle obama has been typecast the same way you were? >> i don't think so really and maybe this is just her age that she is younger but i think she has been given the benefit of the doubt more by the press than former first ladies. certainly look at the way barbara bush, mother, grandmother was typed as grandmotherly type woman when in fact barbara bush is as strong as horseradish and the people really know that. >> you became deeply involved in advocating for afghan women for their rights, for their role in the life of their country. and you write "it was not that i found my voice, instead it was as if my voice had found me." explain. >> well, what happened was i made the president's radio
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address after september 11th and talked about the treatment of women and children by the taliban and right after that i went to a department store with jenna and the women who sold cosmetics came up to me and said thank you so much for speaking for the women of afghanistan and that was when it really occurred to me in a really emotional sort of way that people listen to me, that i did have a podium and that women all over the united states felt this sense of sisterhood with the women of afghanistan and wanted to be able to do something. >> chris: i want to go back to this question that you touched on earlier about media bias because in the book it almost seems as if you wanted to get something off your chest. you write "some of the media came with preconceived notions in an adversarial point of view, some of it was biased where journalists rather than being objective could not put their own emotions and assumptions aside." question, it was liberal bias against a conservative
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republican president? >> yes. that is what i think it was. absolutely. i think that is what it was. and it was not always. it was just -- it was the same thing that we were just talking about, about this sort of flat view of who the first lady is. it wasn't just about me but about other women and maybe part of that was a bias against women or a way to put women in a special category or to be seen as the little women who are home baking the cookies like the british tabloid said. >> chris: yes, mumsy. a column in nuce week this week, not necessarily always the most probush magazine in which he lays out the facts of the current gulf oil spill. administration approves oil well, oil company, big donors to president's campaign. initial administration reaction to down play the accident. takes president 11 days to get to the scene. he says if that had been george
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w. bush instead of barack obama it would have been national scandal. >> well, i think that's right probably. but, you know, it is just -- that is just how it is. i mean that -- we knew that and my real reluctance when george decided to run for president when he was thinking about running for president was that we knew from having watched the way mr. bush was characterized in 1992. >> your father. >> that that is the risk you run. and it is not all that, though. that is whey also want people to say there is a lot of criticism but there is also a lot of support from the american people. people said to us on every single rope line, every single place we went that they were praying for us. >> chris: does it bother you 16 months into the presidency that the obama administration still talks about the bad economy they inherited from your husband? >> well, sure, you know, that bothers me. but on the other hand, the economy was bad that september, i think that one of the things
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that happened when george was president was that everything including the weather became his fault and it is just an unrealistic expectation of our president but i also know that that is what people expect and that the president better be really tough in and, you know, thank heavens george was under the circumstances with having that september 11th attack. >> chris: i would like to do a lightning round, quick questions and quick answers on a variety of subjects. how do you feel about president obama naming elena kagan to be if she is confirmed the third woman justice serving on the supreme court at the same time. >> i think it's great. i'm really glad that there will be three if she is confirmed. i like to have women on the supreme court. >> chris: do you think it makes a difference? >> i think it does make a difference. i just like women to be represented in all parts of american political and civic
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life. >> chris: in his memoir, carl rove writes, i don't know if you know this, he writes that he never knew where he stood with you? >> i kept him that way. >> chris: he says he believes that you purposely kept him off balance as a way to keep check and to manage him? >> well, i didn't -- no, that part is really not true. i didn't purposely keep him that way. but i like carl rove. >> chris: why would he say that he never knew where he stood with you? >> i think just because he -- i tonight know why he would say that really. i think there was a certain tension that he felt when i was around because i think he thought i would say whatever i thought to george. >> chris: in 2004, and you talk about the book, you talked to your husband about not making gay marriage a big issue in the reelection campaign. why not? >> well, because i think what happens on big social issues like that is the debate ends up
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denigrating a certain group of people and i think that is what is happening on the immigration debate another hot button issue where instead of it being a debate of what the laws are it ends up making a group of people feel like they are the target of the debate. >> chris: i have to ask you since you brought tup it up, ae you unhappy with the arizona law? >> not necessarily. i think we have to have the immigration laws and that is an important part of it. it is just that the debate about the immigration laws, about arizona's law end up targeting someone, a group of people and this is not new in american history. there have been many groups of immigrants who have been targeted over all of our history. the irish, for instance, when a lot of irish immigrants including my family came to the united states. other times. a trait of nativism that shows
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up in american history in a lot of different ways. >> chris: should gays be allowed to mary? >> i think what i really believe is that it is something that is so difficult, it as very, very difficult issue for very many people because the marriage between a man and a woman is so fundamental to our civic life. for owl of ou all of our histoe history of humans. it as debate that i think people want to have but i hope they have it in a way that protects people and in many ways i think it is generational and that gay marriage will come. >> chris: it will come? >> yeah. >> chris: and are you okay with that? >> i'm okay with that. >> chris: do you think gays should be allowed to serve openly in the military with don't ask don't tell. >> i think they have to figure out what is really best for the united states military. >> chris: do you have an opinion on that? >> not really.
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>> chris: i want to talk to you briefly about life after the white house. how difficult was it for your husband to have all the world's problems on his desk one day and then the next day not? >> have nothing. i'm sure it was really difficult. he didn't act like it so much. we stopped in midland on our way home on january 20th and were met by 30,000 of our closest midland friends which was really fun and it is -- when it's over it's over. george was -- when we drove up to the ranch he was the one out unloading the bags and putting the bicycles in the garage and doing everything that everyone -- someone else would have done for us before. and then getting the coffee for me the next morning and i have been kidding him that he kind of didn't remember how to run the coffee machine after eight years of him not making coffee. >> chris: but no feeling of -- >> i'm sure there was a big transition there is no doubt about it but we were there and he could ride his mountain bike every single day and i think that kind of exercise has
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always helped him, you know, get it together. and we both had book contracts and we both started working on our books and there was something great about that as well. it gave us this chance to reflect on the eight years before and to sort of sit back and look at the eight years. and i think all of those were helpful in the transition. >> chris: and finally, at the very end of your book you say i could at last exhale. >> chris: really, after 8 years? >> i didn't realize that. i didn't know that while i was there. it was only when i was home and, you know, even at night going to bed and thinking now what do i have to do tomorrow and trying to go over my schedule and prepare for it and then realize that i didn't really have any obligations the next day and that is when i could exhale and -- there was a really it is sort of a buoyancy of freedom that i felt tha this
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hyper vigilance and worry about the troops all the time who we still worry about, that didn't stop. the worry about them, the worry about another tragedy, the worry about a hurricane. the worry about, the millions of worries that the president of the united states worries about. >> chris: mrs. bush we want to thank you so much for talking with us and we want to thank you for your service. >> thank you very much, chris. appreciate it a lot. >> chris: mrs. bush also talks about how she conquered her fear of public speaking. you can find out at our website "fox news sunday".com and laettner n. this show, mrs. bush shows us more of her new house including her hallway of private family photos. up next, the blame game over the gulf oil spill. our sunday panel looks at who will take the fall. stay tuned. [
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president obama says he is angry and frustrated with the oil spill in the gulf and the oil companies behind it. he said he is tired of all the finger pointing and then he blamed the bush administration for the whole thing. >> jay leno this week making fun of the the blame game in washington over the gulf oil spill. time for the sunday group. brit hume, fox news senior political analyst and contributors nina easton of fortune magazine. steven hayes of the weekly standard and juan williams from national public radio. president obama made a show of anger in the rose garden at the white house on friday about all of the finger pointing and the company's involved in the oil spill and while also saying that the government and he pointed out going back at least ten years shared some of the responsibility. brit, how much of this could you think is a calculated damage control by the white house to make sure they don't get swept up into what could become a growing political
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problem? >> a lot is about that. in fact, i'm beginning to think it is almost exclusively about that. the administration has a policy in place that would call for more offshore drilling and it is going to be difficult in this atmosphere not because the country at large does not recognize the need for this but because the president's base includes environmentalists, they are passionate about this, they will be -- they see this as an opportunity to stop this kind of offshore oil exploration and drilling and the president has to contend with that and what you saw there was a show of anger intended to put him at least verbally in synch with the base. >> i think there is blame obviously to go towards the companies and that is fine and he can blame them. i think when you start looking at the timeline of what happened, he is on the hot seat right now, the president.
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you go back to 18 days before the oil spill and he is telling a town hall in south carolina you know, oil rigs generally don't cause oil spills, there are technologically safe now. then you look at the timeline of their response as you indicated earlier in the show which if george bush had done this he would be. on the cover of magazines as somebody who is a wreck. i mean three days -- three days in they are not -- they are downplaying it. nine days, it takes the president nine days to even talk about it publicly. and janet napolitano at homeland security doesn't say it as national -- have a national impact until nine days later. takes him almost two weeks to get there. there is a double standard going on there and i think there will be more focus on that. >> chris: i also wonder about the president's timing for the display of anger because of the
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fact there will be a series of congressional hearings starting neck week. last week the bp executives on the hot seat. this week, administration officials including secretary salazar. we are seeing growing reports about how a department inside interior, the minerals managementselves had given a lot of a and this is in the obama administration had give and number of oil companies permission to drill without getting environmental permits. put up the video that we saw this week of that plume of oil coming out on the ocean floor a mile down which according to some scientists may be ten times the estimate of the vehicle. ten times greater than what we had been told and we are approaching one month since this spill began. i guess two questions, one, how has the obama administration handled it and how much political trouble do you think we are in if we get these congressional hearings? >> i don't think that there was much they could have done in the earlier stages of this that would have prevented anything
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we have seen. i don't think this is a washington problem and that is why i think it was so incredibly foolish of him to say what he said on friday where he went after the oil companies which is understandable from a messaging perspective and was probably a wise thing to do but then to throw in the bush administration or hint this was really a washington problem. the proper way to frame this issue was to be able to say what happened here was irresponsibility on the part of the companies and not a washington issue but by doing this i think he invites exactly the kind of scrutiny that you suggest that he is going to get and he validates some of that scrutiny. >> chris: juan, do you think there is a washington component to this problem? >> if you have the minerals management service saying we are not going apply the national environmental policy act and the regulations necessary to clear. if we are not implying that people will say why was such favorable treatment given to go ahead with the drilling without the environmental impact on the
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gulf. did the people perform the necessary protective function that they should. not just the big oil company. it is going on for some time that the leases are given without proper scrutiny. and second little work regard to policy of having oil exploration the president said friday it is part of our future that we are going to have drilling. i think people are wondering should this incident, this terrible calamity have prompted president obama to go back and readdress whether or not deep sea oil drilling is appropriate in the united states. parentally he hasn't done that. >> it is probably too much to expect that we have an adult conversation about this but that is what is needed. the first thing that needs to be said is that offshore drilling on the outer continental shelf is more environmentally hazardous than drilling closer in but the environmentalists won't hear of
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it and we don't do it. the second thing that needs to be said is that some of the most fragile and vulnerable form of oil acquisition is in tankers and when you look at the record, the spills that come from tankers, account for a lot more of the spilled oil, way more than the spilled oil than do leaks from offshore or other oil rigs. so whatever degree we end up closing down offshore drilling off our own shores that is going to have to be made up for in tankers coming from countries in some cases not allied with us who are bringing it to us. and that is why it makes sense for us to try to explore on and off the coast of the atlantic states. >> don't you think this bill now is going to be in excess of what happened with exxon valdez. >> let's see if that happens. let's see if that happens. that is a good question today if you are standing down there on the gulf and that is where is the oil?
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>> where is the oil? >> it is not -- except for little chunks of it, you are not seeing it on the shores yet. >> chris: but there are reports there are greater amounts on the ocean floor. >> that is true. you know where the greatest source of oil that seens into the ocean is? is from natural seepage from sub terrainian deposits. is where most of it comes from, not from drilling accidents. what is badly needed is perspective on the energy policy and also on the hard realities of what really goes on when it comes to oil spills. >> i think it will damage the environment in the gulf and damage tourism and fish and i don't think there is any question this is in excess of anything that we previously asked the ocean to absorb. >> the ocean absorbs a lot, juan. an awful lot. >> i think rush limbaugh went down the road the ocean can hand it will. we need to take responsibility for environment and be responsible to the people that live in the area, vacation area, fishing area, it is wrong
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to think dump it on the ocean, the ocean can handle it? >> who is saying that? >> and the president would be foolish to say we will have a broad moratorium on offshore drilling. with t. wouldn't work and when you think about the potential economic impact that would have by cutting this out i think you are talking about something dramatic. >> chris: we have to take a break here. when we come back, elena kagan is nominated to the supreme court. to conservatives or liberals have the biggest gripe? and what about the white
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naming solicitor general and former dean of harvard law school el elena kagan the next nominee to the supreme court. has anything come out that you think threatens her nomination? >> no, nothing. the complaint you hear is she doesn't have any experience and she has never been a judge. you don't even have to be a lawyer to qualify for the supreme court to be nominated. i mean there is no requirement that that be the case obviously any one who has been named has been a prominent lawyer or former judge. but i don't think anything has come out that would threaten the nomination. not with a majority this big in the congress and not with her interpersonal skills which appear to be good. no one in their right mind expected obama to name a judicial conservative. no one expects her to be anything other than a judicial liberal. there is no evidence she is on the extreme fringes of thought on that side of the aisle. >> chris: i'm going pick up on that, juan, because i wonder whether the left may have more
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heartburn about kagan on the right does. as solicitor general she has supported much of president bush's policy on treatment of terror detainees. at harvard law endorsed a broad exercise of presidential power and in the clinton administration backed restrictions on abortion. question, how worried are liberals about her? >> i think they feel in part because she doesn't have a record as a judge that there is no way to say she is predictable and will be a stallworth in terms of positions. she will be a counter weight to scalia and thomas. the left wants someone who is going to make the case for the liberal position. if you look at issues ranging from death penalty so the citizens united case on campaign finance, the sense is are we sure where elena kagan stands and i think this has led, though, you know, to pick up on something brit was saying, i don't think there is
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any substantive argument against elena kagan but it has led to all this talk around town and the internet about whether the woman is gay. people like andrew sullivan now wants to oust this woman and protect -- i don't know what the substance of it is. even on the right, you have people who put up blogs attacking her and suggesting somehow she has got a gay liberal agenda. this is coming not only from the left but comes from the right. i'm shockd that it comes also from the left and i think it is an indication that we have really reduced the quality of supreme court nominee hearings and the vetting process to get in the gutter like this. but that is where we are. >> chris: i have to say that the sort of absurd moment in that was the fact that the "wall street journal" put a picture of her playing softball and that was suppose pod be an indication -- supposed to be an indication of her sexual orientation. >> i didn't take that away from that. >> chris: what is what some people -- i'm not saying the
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"wall street journal" did it. in any case, she has supposedly told the white house that she is not gay. as jerry sign field would say, into the there is anything wrong with that. in any case, let me ask you about another subject. one thing kagan will have to deal with is an article she wrote back in 1995 in which she complain about the process and the platy toddes that senators and nominees end up mouthing at the hearings and wrote subsequent hearings have presented to the public a v api d and hollow cha raid. >> and we will she another v api d and hollow charade. you have the answer to the question. they are abouting to say you lack experience. so did chief justice william rehnquist. they will ask her about abortion and same-sex marriage. she doll what justice roberts
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said. repeat precedence and recite the press tense on the issues and then say and i can't really give you an opinion on something that might be coming before me. she will be questioned about her stealth views and say look, you know, i was representing as solicitor general i was representing the government. in the clinton administration i was representing the president. i wasn't allowed to put my own views out. sotomayor got 68 votes and i think she will probably not get as many because i think there is more pressure on the right. and every democrat is going to vote for her. it is going to be -- it is going to happen. >> chris: meanwhile, i can't let this partial the white house posted an interview with kagan on its website not done by an independent reporter but done by its own staff. let's watch. >> i am also overjoyed and
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overwhelmed mostly. i'm not sure the joy has set in quite yet but it is an extraordinary honor. >> chris: do you see a touch of state run media there? >> i kept waiting for the white house to ask her position on roe v wade. it is silly. it is something that the white house wanted to put up to make her look as president obama has set the new standard, the empathy standard. their initial rollout of elena kagan was to make her look like a real person that was the sort of catch phrase and they want her to appear as if she empathizes with every day american. i think it is a stretch. gone from akrondemia to the government and back to academia. >> what concerns me is the whole media management. obviously spin control coming out of the white house, grows
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in every administration. but the idea that you put out your own media now and control images, i think that gets a problem. >> let them try it. it's the white house website. people who go there recognize this is coming from the white house. they know it is not an independent view. american people aren't idiots. if people ran it you say as we did just now this was white house video. >> i think it is -- >> they have every right to do it and there is no harm. >> americans are paying for that. >> oh, big deal. >> chris: i want you to stop your attacks on the obama white house and i want you to stop your approval on the obama white house. we'll see you next week. check out panel plus where our group continues the discussion on our website we will post the video before noon eastern time, up next, we take a never before seen look at the photo gallery inside the
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>> chris: one thing that surprised us when we got the first look at the new bush home in dallas was how few signs there were that a former president lived there. mrs. bush showed us one of her favorite places, what amounts to a first family photo gallery. >> i have to look at this one. >> it's just that sense? >> yes. >> from the president? >> yes, sweet. >> and this is the new one? >> this the new family. that is henry. that was at christmas in 2008. last year we were at the white house. this is when we hosted my graduating class from 1964 from midland high school and from george washington carver because the schools were segregated in
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1964. he loves to tell his friends about visiting there and i can't believe on the year. they would look at him. [ laughter ] that is exactly. this one is such an interesting one. >> that was a photo after september 11th and was for the cover of psychology today. what to reassure ourselves and children and families to live with the stress that everyone was suffering right after that attack. >> chris: you look very reassuring. >> thanks. >> chris: our thanks to the first lady and their staff for all their help. that is it for today. have a great week. we'll see you next fox news sunday.
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