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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  June 19, 2010 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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welcome to "red eye." i used to be the governor of arkansas, but tonight things have really gotten low for me. i'm filling in for greg gutfeld. you know it has to be rough. apparently tv's andy levy refused to be a part of tonight's show when he found out i was hosting. can't say i blame him. in for him is dana. he has the pre game report. dana, what do we have planned for tonight? >> well, govenor, in south carolina alvin greene confirmed by state democrats as candidate for senate is "time's" man of the year. "are you being ironic"? "no" said greene" i have always been alvin."
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and the french are forced to accept a national retirement scheme can't be funded with chain smoking, heavy sauces and blase. and they take time away from the massive pet tau feel yaw scandal to declare "the blues brothers" a good flick. in new york it is all good. huckabee putting it down, he is the hottest round. >> dana, you are all over it. >> thank you, sir. >> let's welcome our guests. i am here with tara and tom and unfortunately bill shultz, he is here too. and sitting next to me is anne coulter, columnist and author. and you love to hate him, and you hate to love him, but it is our new york times correspondent. it is good to see you, pinch. >> governor, as the paper of record you would be happy to know i am uh united states knowing your intention to run for president in the lofty pages of our ad section.
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what say you, sir? >> if i ever were going to make a pronouncement, the last place i would think of would be in the pages of pinch's inner workings. >> poppycock. to you i say poppycock. >> and to you the rest of the country says poppycock because that's what you have become. is he part of a ploy? our future cover boy? alvin greene is a plant for the other side, they say. he thinks he is destined for greatness, and why not? says the delightfully bizarre dude in an interview with "time" i am the best choice for the united states senate, and i am the best person to be" time"'s man of the year. does greene belong in the company of past winners like barack obama, ronald reagan and charles lindbergh and scott baio? probably not, but at least his candidacy is still alive. on thursday they upheld his
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primary win nixing a protest by the other candidate. his brother says it is nothing more than a loner with a dream of making good like someone coming up saying, i'm gonna fly to the moon. i think he may be on his way. that or he wasn't serious when he said he deserved to be man of the year, or was he serious about that? >> he should be serious. he is more deserving of a nobel peace prize than president obama is. has he done less than president obama has for that honor? i think he will be a fun little candidate and i'm shocked how the democrat ganged up. mostly though i am shocked at how the democrats thought it was a republican ploy, but they didn't have a theory. all they did was get more votes. >> but he got 60% of the close. he didn't have a website. he didn't have a campaign fund. all he had was a spot on his dad's couch.
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he is getting upset because the media want to ask about his mental state. >> they asked about his mental state and he said, wait a minute, what about everyone else's mental state? >> he should be elected. >> that could work, right? >> questioning the mental state of the current member of congress is a strategy that could take him all the way -- not just to the house of representatives, but by gosh he could be president. >> he could employ the, no you are, philosophy. thumbs up in my book. >> how do you think he won? >> i think this is democracy, and this is what the people want, and that's why he won. >> i thought you were going to give me something pro under to like he got more vote than the other guy. >> he did. they are being poor mean to alvin. >> how did he get more votes? >> i like that he is on his father's couch. in the article you sent us, i guess it was "time" that described him walking in and out of the kitchen and his father is sleeping on the
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couch and his bear feet with a blanket. i'm thinking this candidacy is an episode from "sanford and son." >> it is the purest part of what american poll i can its ought to be about. a guy is ticked off at the way things are. he says he is going to run, and the people more ticked off than he is elect him to be the democratic nominee. >> i don't think he is ticked off. he had nothing else to do. >> why is so bad? they say he lives with his dad. >> it is father's day weekend. >> i live with my kids though. it is normal. >> are your kids 40 years old? >> no, 4 years old. >> there is alt difference there. >> kids are always kids. you never stop worrying about them. >> you want to make a prediction on the race? any chance he beats jim dement? >> absolutely no chance, but he has a better chance than the guy he was running
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against. >> obviously. >> the guy, vic rohl, i hate to inject facts into a "red eye" discussion. >> how dare you? >> but they are demanding a recount and an investigation by the u.s. attorney. his negatives were way, way up there. his positives were like 4% and negatives were 18%. he has been a legislator -- state legislator, state judge. a lot of people didn't like him. it is not surprising that somebody we have never heard of, well at least not vic rohl. >> well, vic rohl could have got the bob ethridge school of politics and punched the guy out. >> exactly. could have ambushed him. >> who are you? who are you? >> if he actually beats jim dement, he may deserve title of man of the year. >> absolutely. and there is a subtext to your story about how this is a great story and he gets up by his own two feet and he get there and voted in and he happens to share the name of a long dead soul singer.
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but let's be honest, that's the >> well, he shouldn't have been. he is very much alive and living in memphis. okay, from greene to the blues. we have to move a segue here, something like that. are jake and el wood all good when it comes to the pope's hood? well, the vatican's official newspaper seems to think so ushering in the 30th anniversary of the blue's brothers by stating the comedy is a, quote, catholic classic and should be recommended viewing for members of the
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flock the world over. sure dan akroyd and john daw -- john bo lieu she use this line a lot. >> we are on a mission from god. >> and granted a mission in question is raising money for a church-run orphanage. yet, the raunchy road trip will always put the r in r&b. regardless they join other recommendationses by catholic authorities like the 10 commandments, it's a wonderful life, and breakin2, electric boogalou. but look no further than "boogie baby." >> all right, if jake and elwood were able to produce,
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this is what they would give birth to. and this is a crude movie, so i have to ask, what is the vatican thinking on this one? >> first of all, after seeing that video, i want to commend you for hosting" red eye." that's all i have to say. >> people want to learn about my political future and i just proved i don't have one. >> you have the boogie baby vote. any baby that can dance like that you have it. >> but they are not old enough to vote, and they are in a foreign country. what are they thinking? >> this is not an official vatican newspaper in the sense that it is the pe is approving the editorial conent it. so it is not the pope that gave approval to this. it is published by the vatican, but they have military police and -- >> you mean, the pope didn't watch "blue's brothers." >> no, but he said meryl streep is a national treasure. >> i agree with him on that.
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tom, do you see something strange going on here? >> no, i think there are many catholic themes. it is not just a mission from god. i found other quote. they call their car, our lady of bless said acceleration. there is a quote from the corrections officer when's jake is being released he said, one digital watch unbroken and unpro phylactic, unused. >> that's what put this movie in -- okay. >> that was good. >> you are not allowed within 50 miles of rome. is there a movie that maybe should be on the list that isn't on the list? >> well, i went to catholic school and i don't remember this movie in the curriculum. but i do think "night at the roxbury" is a good choice or "superstar." they were catholic police and schools. >> and in shiny suits. >> and we all know you are the most devout catholic in all of
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the news corporation. i wonder what is your take on all this and in your deeply religious views. >> thank you, and thank god we are not doing this show on the saab bath because i would not be here. th is cool, right? and they are trying to sound morrell vent. it is like a campaign of cool. as a former alter boy, i will tell you that it is not -- it has not been a cool decade for the catholic church. so i get this. this makes sense to me. >> let's go from the pope to pot. is palin and halin? the former alaska nominee sarah palin had a surprising take on marijuana possession during an appearance that she did on the fox business network none other than ron paul. have a look, people with your own eyes, please. >> if we are talking about pot, i am not for the legalization of pot because i think that would encourage especially our young people to think it is okay to go ahead
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and use it, and i am not an advocate for that. i think we need to pry your ties our law enforcement efforts. and if somebody is going to smoke a joint in their house and not do anybody else any harm, then perhaps there are other things that our cops should be looking at to engage in and try to clean up some of the other problems we have in society that are appropriate for law enforcement to do, and not concentrate on such a relatively speaking minimal problem we have in the country. >> i want you to know bill shultz is dancing on the table right now. after sarah palin made the comments she produced a gram of coke from her purse and did line after line on the glass table. >> what? >> wow. >> this will be on you tube. i can feel it coming on. either way, i know what you are thinking. what in blazes does boogie baby have to say about this?
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>> i'm calling somebody. they are letting him stand on the table unsupervised. something is wrong. he is from brazil and his moves kill. tara, are you surprised by the governor's comments? >> i think she is right. i don't think it matters what you do in your house or on television or -- unless you are running to be vice president, otherwise i don't think it matters. as long as you are doing what you have to do. >> what you have to do. bill, what do you have to do? >> never mind. we don't want to hear that on television. >> are we talking now or after the show? >> probably not. >> here is why i know that
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sara is quietly pro pot. everyone knows that when you make a bond you have to have a carb hole and the only way to do that is drill by drill. and then -- >> you know way too much about this. >> i am with you. >> thank god this thing runs at 2:00 in the morning. >> it is at 2:00? >> this is a rumor about you, that you were once a living, breathing deadhead following the grateful dead, is that true? is that true of you? >> listen, governor, you are a base player. i want to know where i can score some good pot, so i come to you. >> i have no idea. if you were a deadhead at that point, you have to have some point of view on this, and it is probably not as conservative as your political view points. >> no, no, no. i am totally with sarah palin. and by the way, she was doing what she -- what we all do.
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she was with ron paul and she basically agreed. >> i was on ron paul and i didn't do that. >> it wasn't really even a point. nobody thinks the cops should be going in and busting people in their homes smoking a interest jo. she was say -- a joint. she was saying the thing as close to his position. she was just stating the obvious. >> do you think sara will get push back or a little slack from the right? >> maybe. she talked about joints. she didn't refer to bongs though, did she? >> she was talking about her kids. >> she called it pot, very casual. >> i think the bong is the trophy of the pot smoker. >> it is. and much like ayso, everyone wins one. >> think about it, if you have a bong, you probably don't have a lot of trophies. that is your trophy. but you are probably totally okay with that. right? >> are you fortting my 1994 man of the year from high
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times? that is very well dusted and it is prominent in my off. >> that was al greene. >> bill, you didn't even know i was going to ask you about the issue of sarah palin. i think we don't go there with you though. >> i support her, and strangely i am seeing double right now. i love our green room. i love our green room. >> maybe i should be the only one here to take the adult position. that's another issue we will deal with later on. coming up, what do drugs and sex have in common? better question, why in god's name did i agree to host this show again? i really don't know. we'll be back.
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we are back. all right, with our high unemployment, will it lead to high jinx? probably. that's what teams do with time on their hands. "the new york times" says this is shaping up to be one of the worst since the great depression, that's for job seeking, high school and college students. why you ask? the biggest seasonal employers, state and local governments, are knee deep in budget whoas. and the private employers are worried about the economy. says one career specialist, getting the first job, quote, is an accomplishment. and it is independence.
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if you don't have it, where are you going to learn that stuff? i remember my first job. i learned so much that summer and i'm so glad i got to wear a mask because so many people won't know that is me, now. and now for the jobless teens, what can we expect in terms of a rise for teens maybe hanging and loitering outside of all sorts of public places. >> yeah, they will be hanging around. they are no good. i'm not worried about the teams working. >> my dad and i had an ice cream store. they were no good. we hired old people, retirees. we hired the oldies. they worked much better. we had an old converted dairy queen. we didn't want to pay the taxes so we ripped down the word queen and it was just
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dairy. we hired old folks and they were better workers. they were kind. >> define old. >> well, the old white hairs. >> over the age of like 60? >> yeah, folks that were retired and looking for something to do, so they would come and they didn't put too much ice cream on the cones. they were courteous, they were clean, they were kind. and the teenagers, all they wanted to do was take breaks and eat ice cream. >> i wonder why. anne, what was your first job? was it legal? >> no, it was totally legal. >> she was so hesitant. >> she was selling pb and j's at a dead concert. >> no, it was veggie burritos. >> it is true! >> at least they were not brow knees. what was your first job? >> i don't feel sorry for these kids because they all voted for obama. so ha, ha, ha. and you know what a great job it will be, cleaning oil off birds. and that's a growth industry
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under obama. >> you did not answer us. what was your first job? >> selling veggie burritos in a parking lot. no, working on a fancy clothe store on the upper eastside. >> why were you so reluctant? >> i don't like talking about myself. i was going through all of my fake job answers. >> but you dug it out of her. well done. >> everybody watching the show is drunk. >> we finally got it out. tara, don't make it so hard to get it out of you. what was your first job? >> my first official job was a pizzeria answering phones and packing stuff up. before that i was selling lemonade. i was washing cars. i was doing odd jobs. you know, pulling weeds for neighbors and stuff. that's how you make money. if you don't have a be jo, go make a job. we need to teach that entrepreneurial spirit among teens. you can always make a job for yourself. >> burritos. >> if you are a teenager what can you do? >> if i was a teenager i would tutor, teach something i knew
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very well to someone else i would help an old lady next door. >> if you were bill what would you do? with no discernible skills what would you do? >> i would get a contract with fox news. >> that's what he did. >> for the record, what was your first job? >> well, technically my first job was working maintenance at my high school during the summer, and that's how you get the ladies wearing one of those cool things. my mom's mini-van didn't help. that was my mode of transport. technically, when i was younger i mowed lawns. that was difficult and not lucrative because i lived in the projects. no lawns. sad face. >> that's a tough thing. >> so i bee lined it to selling crack. it was more lucrative. >> the dea agents outside would like to talk to you. >> it was a longtime ago. >> yeah, sure, like 30 minutes ago. if you have a comment on the show, i'm sure you do. you can e-mail us.
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i plan to e-mail us. it is red eye at fox news .com. get those e-mails coming. we will completely ignore them anyway. if you would like to leave a voicemail on greg's direct line, that means you can talk and say all sort of really funny things to greg because he needs the material. call 212-462-5050. and still to come, the half time report from former investment banker. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by the junkyard jacuzzi. it is nice not to have to wait to get home before you can relax a bit. thanks junkyard jacuzzi.
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welcome back to "red eye." let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong so far. of course we didn't, but just to check we go to dana. >> thank you, govenor. first question tonight is for tara. >> yes. >> tara, you said, "this is democracy of lean, mean alvin greene. he's what the people want, so he won" and then you girlishly giggled so very, very playfully. why did you giggle so playfully? >> there are a lot of freaks in this country, and maybe in south carolina, and that's what they want. give them what they want. >> you find comedy in plurality. >> maybe.
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>> bill, we talked about your greatness as an american catholic. >> thank you. >> on a scale of 1-10 with patrick ambian zombie kennedy as 0 and thomas burton as 10, place yourself on the scale and explain why you deserve to be there. >> i would put myself in the exact same one as patrick. so one i suppose and that's only because i am on ambien right now, and you my friend have a third eye. >> this is an honest man you can trust. >> governor, i have been watching the footage of your first job in super slow, slow motion here with a team of experts, and we want to know, was that the dancing baby who narrowly escaped your attack? >> it was the dancing baby who narrowly escaped the attack, but you weren't supposed to reveal that on television. there are more ways in which people are ruining my future here than can possibly be reunit co-ed. >> ted, they say andy warhol
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was the only genius he knew. what does this say for the career prospects for al greene? >> do we know his iq? he is dumb, dumb. he is like mr. smith. >> this is a question for pifn. is he there? pinch, in anne coultre's first job, selling vegan burritos from the parking lot of a kroger, is it true she believed in the green light that year by year preceeds before us? >> here is the problem, she would take me to deadhead concerts and leave me outside, and other people would use me to wipe. it is a deadhead con earth is. >> pifn always -- pinch always
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has something to add. >> and finally, ted, in my review of footage, tom, we noticed -- tom, i had ted kennedy on my brain. >> it is either ted kennedy or the guy from burn in the. i will take ted kennedy. >> we noticed you staring at the white powder mountains behind governor palin, and i heard you over the earpiece mumbling in what sounded like an accented spanish. why were you doing this? >> i was looking at those mountains, but i wasn't thinking of anything untoward. i just wonder if those things behind the people are real? are they real or fake? >> i would like to get a sandwich with you after the show. if you in theed a lot of your relatives and life long friends along the way, pay them no bother. >> is that a lyric to some song or something?
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>> no, it is a prelude to your intervention. >> are you too smart. i feel like the beauty contestant talking about africa over and over again. >> govenor, i feel like i have done everything i can do and i am proud to throw it back to you, sir. >> thank you very much. he is getting our half time report. we'll check in with him later in the show. let's welcome back our guests. tara polmeri, come -- tom shalou. and anne coulter, well, she is gone. i think she got scared away. >> she thought there was a fish concert at the beacon theater. >> she ran right over there. >> i think bill scared her. do hugs be get drugs? does my fist be get your face? yes to the former says a psychology study and definitely to the latter if you don't stop acting like a jerk. researchers questioned a thousand people on their thoughts of narcotics and they found opinions on the matter
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are driven primarily by, quote, reproductive strategies. i wish bill's parents had more of a reproductive strategy. they found people who are not sexually per miss skew us with were less likely to -- than their counterparts. if you were to measure people's ideology you can >> all right, more than morality orie liege general and politics, people's thoughts on sex and drug use were the most tied together. what, if anything, does that say about anything? >> i say no more money for these researchers. every study i hear, it is one of two things.
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i either think, duh or i think they are all lying. it is either obvious or it is untrue. that's my opinion on this. and i think that sex and drugs are related because they are related. they are similar. they both feel good, and then you wake up with a headache. that's why people who like drugs like casual sex. they both feel good, and they are kind of bad for you. >> and they do them at the same i'm too. >> somebody speaking from experience here. >> i am not speaking from experience. i hear. people say. >> do you think drug use is moralely wrong? is there a moral issue to drug use? >> she's looking down, governor. >> yes, i know. >> i don't know. you know what i would like to talk about instead? >> it doesn't matter. we want to talk about this topic. you know what i love, all the years i have been on the other side of the questions and
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people ask me questions i didn't want to answer and they peppered me until i answered the question. >> and now you can do it, absolutely. >> my turn. >> this is what i think, sometimes marijuana i heard if you use it it lowers your sex drive. i don't think the study makes sense. >> i think what they are saying was people who tend to be more per miss skew us with sexually are more open minded about drugs and vice-versa. but it makes sense if you think that in both cases you are violating codes of culture, codes of the standard of society. if you think one of those codes is wrong, chances are you will apply to other codes. is that not possible? >> it is super obvious. there shouldn't be anymore research done on anything. >> are you telling me millions and millions of our tax dollars were wasted on this? >> how dare you, sir. >> if you are kind of grossed out by hospitals, you are probably not going to become a nurse's aide. >> yes, i agree with that study.
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>> we would say thank you to anne coulter. we will leave her unthanked. does america have world cup fever? spoiler alert, the answer is purple.
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well, on friday the u.s. soccer team tied slovania2-2 to stay alive in the world cup. it is right in that little cup is where they have staying alive. and oh what a come back it was. also coming back, an interview greg gutfeld did a few days ago with the world cup cory spawn department. -- correspondent. it may have been the only thing on the show all week that was not objectionable. >> right now the world cup is underway, and everyone in the world seems to care exept is the u.s. the reason? some say our sport are better, football, baseball and croquet all seem more exciting, but are they really? could it be our own ignorance
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and yankee arrogance prevent us from appreciating the most beautiful game? for answers we turn to the "red eye" soccer expert. welcome tom o'connor, our "red eye" correspondent. tom, soccer is popular worldwide. why? >> it is. i was given the assignment months ago, and have been doing months of research. for the life of me, i can't figure out why soccer exists. >> interesting. what is the primary objective of a soccer player? >> it is interesting you ask. in the research i learned one thing. i learned soccer is like roller blading in that the soccer player's primary objective is to make sure his friends don't find out he played soccer. >> really. now, who are some players to watch out for in this tournament? >> i have three players, three players to watch out for who could make a huge difference. the first is from the italian squad and he goes by the name
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rick jacuzzi. rick's scouting report reads he excels in bad weather. the worst the weather gets, the higher the game gets. he could make a big difference. >> the second player have i to watch is nigel, crazy legs coburn. he is from france and he is a power guy. you can tell he will do anything to score the goal. >> interesting. you have one more? >> he is from the netherlands and his name is chin peters. he is more of an intame dation guy. dash sh ad intimidation guy. he is tough to defend and he can score goals and do a lot of things for you. >> who is your pick to win the world cup? >> i am going out on a limb and go with the liverpool lady hawks. i actually brought tape of their last practice. we will take a look here. as you can see they are highly coordinated and very athletic. as you notice, they don't even
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use a ball. they are that good. lock it up now. vegas, you have your winner now. >> they play without helmet. in my opinion soccer players should play with pell mets. >> i have tape of one of today's games, and if we look at that, you will see these guys have no iiveg are of head injury. they almost glide right over the glass surface. >> it is such a broad definition of soccer. now, in this game, they call it the beautiful game, but what is the equipment like? they use a ball of some sort, no? >> they do. i brought a ball with me. it is a lot like this. >> that looks like a baseball. >> yeah, just imagine it bigger and filled with air. >> was that the inspiration for the soccer ball? >> i have been thinking about how to make soccer better, and you can improve the equipment
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right off the bat. for example, if you add this awesome glove to this ball you are halfway there to making it a cool sport. and why stop there? take another step and add this really neat wood bat. now you have a sport. now soccer is cool. >> i am not clear how they scored. it would be interesting if they would run from say one point, and then another player could move him forward and using a bat to get around the second -- to the second place, and then almost score that way. wouldn't that make sense? >> there is a lot of ways you can improve. frankly, greg, i have never seen a full game. they are 90 minutes long. that's 90 minutes you can't get back. >> excuse me. i will take a sip from the world cup. speaking of the world cup, do
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you keep up with it? did you watch the match? >> we got robbed. >> we was robbed. >> we were robbed of the goal. >> we hate it so much that can we say "we"? you look at both the games that were supposed to be controversial and they both ended in ties. no good sport should end in a tie. >> did you play soccer when you were growing up? >> i did for a small period of time. >> remember the rules? >> i used to get called out for being too aggressive and toppling boys. >> describe the uniform when you were called out for being called out. >> i was seven years old. >> moving on. >> and then i quit. they were like, get her off. >> we definitely have to call a flag on that one. coming up ask a bee huckabee. hey, that's me. and you can download shows from itunes.
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why you would want to do that, i have no idea. but it is that cymbal. -- simple. if you watch this show, we have to keep it simple. naturally we do. cccccccccccccccp
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well, guess what time it is, people who have no concept
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of time. that's right, it is ask a bee huckabee time. as a former governor, former presidential nominee, former employee of fox and after tonight i will consider that a former thing to do. i get a lot of questions and they come from a lot of people. they come a lot of the time. normally i respond by taking off my shirt and flexing. today i will provide some answers. and then i will flex. before i go to the table, let's first see what kind of ask a bees bill garnered from twitter. okay, jerk face, what did you find? >> really uncalled for. you could have said what did you find? >> it wouldn't have been as fun as saying, jerk face, what did you find? >> as long as i get a flex i will take it. >> he is the only one in the building who wants it. >> the usual ck wrote in -- i like it because it is simple and you need an answer. what ind could of after shave does huck use?
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>> i like drakkar, noir. >> that surprises me. >> it is better than the blood, sweat and tears that i am wearing tonight. >> drakkar, noir, i didn't pronounce it right. cf heather says i would like to know what tuck caw be's position is, a on the griffins, versus unicorns debate and what did you think about what joe bardon said about apologizing and then apologizing are to the uhology. >> i want to tackle uniforms. you have to be careful. if you tackle them from the front, you will get hurt. >> you hurt them from the back. i found that out. >> i'm sure you did. anytime there is a iewn corm in the battle, put it on the iewn unicorn. >> i think joe barton wishes he was not in the room that day. he got in trouble not so much
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with the democrats. he got in trouble with the republicans who threatened to take him away from his chairmanship. he got to apologize first for his being a member of congress, and then he got to apologize for having made an apology. >> what was his mind set behind the poll gee to begin with? a lot of people were confused. >> i think they still are. that's why they are in congress. >> do you think baynor handled it correctly? >> i don't think i have seen that before. that was really, really harsh. i was surprised. tara, what is your ask a bee huck you ka be -- huckabee? >> who makes your shirt. >> this was actually at an italian restaurant on the upper eastside. it still has spaghetti stains on it, but if i wear a jacket no one knows. >> i thought i recognized that. >> governor, you wrote the
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popular book "stop killing yourself with a knife and fork." >> yes. that was about diet and weight loss. do you think this book is insensitive to people who prefer to kill themselveses with tableware? >> i am. i am going to write more insensitive books before i die. >> bill, do i dare go back to you? >> i have a couple more. i have no independent thought. it is true. this is a good question. ask huck if he thinks all of his pa sermons will pass the sniff test because the dems will pick up all by one. >> if the dems would dig them up and listen, it would be life changing. that's why they would nef dig them up. >> that's a good answer. are you speaking literally? >> no, but the people who heard them did.
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>> i would have kept them on the shelf, but nobody else will. tara, any others for me? >> i wanted to know, how do you think obama is handling the oil spill? >> with greasy hands. he has completely bungled it. he failed to take charge by putting people in charge who knew what to do, and he vee lated every thing of crisis managent in. politics aside, and being as polite as i can be. forget the political ram ma pho caution -- ramifications. this has been handled with an extraordinary level of ineptness. we will be finished -- >> wait. do you think president obama is dying his hair. several stylists say he is. >> anybody that has more hair than me, i don't criticize. i would leave them uh alone. if i had that much hair, i
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would make sure everybody knew it. we will close things up with a post game wrap up. we'll see. we are going to see clips of recent shows, is that right? you can go to fox news .com slash red eye. i think that's right. dana, let's go back to you and find out.
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did you know i am more than an occasional guest host of "red eye"? yes i have a food cart on 7th avenue. also i have my own show. it is called "huckabee." how original can that be? it is saturday and sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern time here on the fox newschannel. and by the way, a new "red eye" returns on monday. >> it is time to go back to dv's dana bishon for the post
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game wrap up. >> thank you, governor. tom, i wos hoping you might tell me why i should tune into last comic standing on monday. >> i don't know if i can tell you why. but i will be watching because there might be some comedians on there who are auditioning for the show on monday. there might be. >> maybe. could happen, you are saying. >> but you can't talk about it on tv. >> i understand where you live. i have been there myself. tara. >> yes. >> i am told the kennedy are ready to released the latest scandal. >> vicky kennedy cannot pay for her hotel bills because she is mugged, and she just needs your money. >> i'll send it. >> someone hacked into the e-mail and tent it to her friends. -- september it to her friends. >> governor, that's all she wrote. >> well, it is a dog gone good thing that's all she wrote, because there is nothing left to say other than thank the people who suffered through


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