tv Red Eye FOX News August 14, 2010 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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welcome to "red eye." it is like splendor in the grass. if by in, you mean from. let's go to andy levy. what's coming up on to -- tonight's show? >> our friends at peta are at it again. it is a debate ending with everyone agreeing that the animal rights group is stupid. you won't believe what the pop star's tour rider makes them do? and life in prison for a half an howns of marijuana? the shocking story that will make a lot of our viewers happy they don't live in texas. >> thank you, andy. >> blessed are the cheese makerses. i apologize for nothing. >> you deserve no joy in this world. let's welcome our guest. what can you say about something like that? why not call on criminal df attorney remy spencer? she is so hot, they are now
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called spencer tau mollies. -- tamales. heying loo, my repulsive sidekick, bill shultz. he stinking of bong water and crime. and sitting next to me, none other than chris codder. and he is an annoying troll in a financial hole. good to see you, pinch. >> what is black and white and always right? >> that's all? >> that's all i got. >> you are mailing in tonight. >> i learned by watching you. >> you don't have to repeat yourself. >> well, they would rather not see the chimpanzee. i speak of peta, their latest? dodge featuring a chimp in a track suit. can we see part of the
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offending ad please? >> gym -- juliette galucci says most top ad agencies won't even consider an ad with a great ape given the well documented abuse the young chimpanzees suffer in the entertainment industry. dodge isn't going to dodge a bullet on this one. it needs to pull the ad. see, dodge, how they dodge the issue? >> got it. >> dodge caved, or did it? watch the modified ad. >> this event could not be more amazing. no, wait, there is an invisible monkey. unbelievable. >> so, should dodge have complied? we asked "red eye" advertising
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correspondent to comment. >> is that just a rock? >> yeah. >> he is getting his rocks off. maybe you shouldn't. isn't peta hurting chimps by preventing companies from hiring them? >> they are. this poor chimp, look all the residual money, this guy. he was in a national commercial and they pull him out. >> you would have died for that opportunity, joe. >> i would have killed. >> you would have killed that chimp for it. >> and if i hadn't killed the chimp, the chimp would have killed you. you see what happens when you don't restrain a chimp. it eats your face-off. >> exactly. >> better treat them to act. >> i think so. >> and unemployment is so high
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right now, why have unemployed chimps out there as well? they are board, angry. >> a lot of them work for the government. two republican senators released a report called um iser time blues in which they put out the 100 worst uses of stimulus money. number 28 was wake forest, testing cocaine on monkeys. >> we did that story. it was the only stimulus package that i was -- i mean plan i was for. >> it this is where all the unemployed monkeys go. you lose your job and you do blow. >> wouldn't it be nice if they released summertime blues, and it was just an album? i would buy that. >> i guess you should, you stupid idiot. remy, do you think dodge caved in or thumbed their noses at it? or do you nose your thumb? do you think it was a dig back at peta? obviously the monkey is still there. >> obviously, you are right. i think it is a big thumb nosing event.
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i'm not sure. i think there are worse things you could call it. i'm not sure everyone will get the joke, but peta will. that's the important part. i like the elvis suit though. >> that is evil knievel. oh my goodness. what is with her? get her off the set. >> bill, does it saden you that the chimp is more affluent than you are? >> affluent. >> see, i should never have coffee before the show. >> the chimp is the host. i will say, this when is peta going to defend these pry mates? here is the thing, when we abuse monkeys, we put them in a dress and do a funny dance. when monkeys abuse us to joe's point, they rip our genitals off. these are monsters. i didn't hear them say anything when that poor woman lost her face. >> they didn't protest. >> no, they didn't care. >> and one of her arguments was that these trainers dumped the monkeys when they are no
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longer profitable. >> oh, you mean they do to monkeys what happens to every actor in hollywood? it is show business. >> it is not animal abuse. >> the monkey is animal a female. she is susie and she was on a lifetime television show. one of the monkey whistleblowers say they yanked her ears and pulled her hair and tuged on a leash attached to her leg and yelled at her so she would cow better because of the loud and threatening tone. sounds like a day in the office for me. stop yelling, bill. >> if that's the case and if she is a female, it is cool i am attracted to her, right? >> exactly, bill. it doesn't make you gay. >> i wanted to keep it to myself. >> in bill's twisted world, bestial tee is better than owe mow sexuality. >> if this is the wave of the future, we should have to go back to one of my favorite movies of all time. they have to remove the monkeys out of all of the planet of the apes.
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they have to do that. to your point, i think this is it -- well, i think this is an easy target. this is a symbolic gesture. it doesn't help any monkeys. it doesn't help any animals. they don't go after hip hop artists when they are wearing fur. they are too scared to. imagine if they threw paint on snoop dogg what snoop dogg would do. he would have them all killed. >> it is an example of them doing a cheap publicity ploy so they can do more for those who have the brain of a monkey , pamela anderson. another primate i wouldn't mind spending time with. >> we have to move on. it gives purpose to the dye dosh dosh dye uh -- to the diabolical mind. a little water there. >> a lot of water. >> the new hamster state rep has stepped down after posting on fate book that a dead sarah
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palin is, quote, more dangerous than a live one, end quote. because he is stupid he added, if she was dead she couldn't commit anymore gaffs. this followses another new hampshire guy apologizing for a similar post. in it he wished sarah palin and her grandchild's dad, levi johnston was in the clan crash that killed ted stevens. now i will go out on a limb and say these guys are [bleep]. i know it takes a brave man to take that stance, but i am the guy to do. it i would use stronger terminology, but even at 3:00 a.m. i have to play nice. anyway, that's not the point. where did the grown men go? seriously, why the hell are adult males writing like cat tee pre teens on facebook? have we turned into a nation of 12-year-old girls pining for the jonas brothers and planning sleepovers and fighting over padded bras? if my dad were alive today, he would be dead. he would have killed himself.
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how can a grown man feel compeled to write epic fail on a tweet? i am talking to you, eric bowler. you have gone gray. time to stop braiding the hair on your barbie doll. this means it is time for another robot theater. in this special episode, the media matters robot tries to slow a slumber party. >> can you find my neon colored hair band? i was invited to a sleepover at aaron's house. his screen name is soccer bunny 314. >> billy took it. he has my penguin-shaped silly bands. why wasn't i invited? totally not cool. >> i don't know. hey, before i leave, wanna draw on each other with markers? >> do you think i should have my mom call larry's mom and get them to invite me to the
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sleep over? >> go to the carnival. it is a total float zone with boys with floppy hair. can you say bieber fever? >> ballet flats. >> who do you like are month, salina gomez or demi-lavoto. >> my mom made me sloppy joe's that don't smell good. >> i don't like homework. >> do you want to go to the mall? >> have you seen "twilight"? >> let's talk about boys. >> let's make fun of boys. >> let's come up with screen names with numbers and m. >> but we have to let my baby brother play also. >> that's so gross. he smells like really bad. >> i know. >> would you like a back rub? >> do you have lotion? >> no. i have miracle whip. >> tote awesome. >> if you disagree, you are a
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racist homophobe who won't return my leggings. >> remy, why did sarah palin especially cause dopey people to say such dopey things? >> i don't know. she obviously touched a nerve with so many people. >> she exposes jerks. they are jerks. >> i'm not sure if we have seen anybody else in modern day politics that would cause people to act like suched yets or as you said [bleep] what ind could of grown man makes these comments? if she was a man -- if she was a politician who is doing the exact same thing, they would not say these things. so i don't know what is it about her that brings out the worst in people. >> joe, are you embarassed using the social media? i am older than you and i went on twitter -- well, yesterday all day. i feel strange. >> you should. you are much older than me. you are right there.
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>> i think this is the problem with one of the biggest problems with modern day politics. there is too much access ability. and they should not be playing in the same public forums my nephew and justin bieber are in. the common men should not be able to access the politician. >> it is like a politician climbing into the same sandbox or a grown man like myself going to a playground and climbing into the sandbox of like a couple kids. >> yeah. >> you can't do that anymore. >> i certainly can't. >> not even with your disguise. >> you know what i tell them? i am a sandbox inspector. >> he made t-shirts and everything. >> i spent $3,000 on that used truck. >> and misspelled sandbox. >> chris, do these i had idiots, do they think nobody reads their crap on facebook? are they that stupid? >> i don't feel comfortable with this conversation. i brought my chart to tell you the gamut of emotions i ran
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through when i read this story. it started here and then i went here and here and then eventually i got to here by the time it was all the way through. >> you actually were happy and then fell asleep. >> is the top center one you constipated? >> this is greg of a another cup of coffee. >> i don't know what is going on in this one. the middle and the top looks like a worm crawled across. i like it when people bring props. >> i like how you took a nap there at the end. >> bill, you are not a palin fan. you made that clear a hundred times. oftentimes by sending rude packages in the mail you made yourself. you have to admit these palin haters are tool bags. >> they are ridiculous. there is a point to be made on how we are now a nation of man babies. and if they are looking for an adult role model, i humblely offer myself. a, i don't have a facebook page. b, i do my own laundry. c, i make my own food via the microwave. and d, i pleasure myself. they don't make men like me
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anymore, greg. i am completely independent. >> not only did you break the mold, but you are often covered in it. >> i often smell of the mold. >> if i may ad one other things -- if i may add one other thing. i am sick of it. i am tired of politicians making fake inresults and fake uh polly >>- q. s. they don't mean anything they say. there is no ethical base. they are trying to hold their position. an insult or apology for a politician is like a compliment from a stripper. it means nothing. >> what do you mean? >> they don't really like you. >> but beth said i had nice arms. >> they are not coming out back to give you their number at the end of the night. >> i waited in the parking lot for four hours and julio never came out. julio, i hate you. the other thing, last thing, it is only on the left people wish people death. >> that's not true. >> it is. why -- i want to say that and
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then let's move on. from a message of hate to removable plates. cheryl thinks the planet is in peril. the proof? they got uh hold of her tour writer and she is super keen on being green. the writer has a section that must be strictly followed and policed. among the demand, she is driving concert promoters with are, reusable dish washable china, post consumer recycled toilet paper and paper towels. biodegradable cups, disposable napkins made of 100% recycled fiber. a no idling policy for vehicles. all food organic and purchased locally. light bulbs should be replaced with fluorescent ones and to save water, employees are encouraged to your nate on each other. that is something i can get behind. no, it is not going far enough. and crow's writer has a liquor
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schedule. monday, wednesday and fry are kettle one and tuesday, thursday and sunday, paw trone, tequilla and fruit juice. >> wait a second. sheryl crowe is also our advertisement correspondent? >> remy, every time you appear on red eye, you have a writer you submit and in it you stipulate that bill must be beaten like a dog. why? >> i wish i knew about this writer. i would add to that list. >> me too. >> i think that i am all about people being conservative with resources. and if she wants to be green and do these things in her home, good for her. i'm not gonna get in her way. but this writer is not about
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telling people how to run their venue, how to run the concert hall. she is basically telling them how to run their business. if it were my business i would tell her, you know what, we really don't want you to perform. she is taking it too far. >> she is not actually doing this stuff. she is demanding others to do it for her. so it is really not a sacrifice. >> if she wants to make those sacrifices, fine. to me if i'm an employee at this particular venue, why do i have to follow suit? i have been thinking about this all day trying to come up with every single cheap reusable toilet poip joke. i have used them all. so i wipe my hands of this story. >> joe, what happened to the good old days when they wanted gallons of booze and 108 balls. -- 10, 8 balls. what happened to those days? >> they are gone. i can't knock cheryl too hard. we have the same liquor schedule. we have that in common. >> as you stated, it is a
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celebrity coming in and demanding other people to do the work. i really hate when celebrities get sternly green. you know what, cheryl, i don't have a team to give my business and life an over haul. you know what i mean? >> they can't make it too convenient for themselves. she still piles her crew in two semitrucks and two buses. they need to put them in the nissan leaps. >> or bicycles. >> you do like bicycles. >> sometimes i get them to think about bicycles and he will fall asleep. >> that's why i have training wheels. >> exactly. >> you get the last word if you even have one. >> what joe was saying, let's look at the liquor thing. she polishes off a bottle of kettle one and/or paw -- petrone a night. forget the writer. somebody get her to aa where she can get anen gnaw ma and dry the "f" out. i am concerned. while you are a booze hound, call me.
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you sound easy. >> bottom line, she is a left wing greeny. she is actually a fashist. we now know she is a fashist. >> cats and dogs, what tastes better? chris kodder fills us in. and what is this, tape of people smoking pot? must be another segment of about people smoking pot. smog gets miami. especially pot.
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do swedes that exceed speeds get punished for their miss deeds? indeed. the slow and boring country of sweden does have one fast and furious rule. they love me. but also speeding tickets are determined by both the wealth of the driver and the quickness they were clocked. that's bad news for an unnamed
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motorist seen not here who was nabbed driving 1600 miles an hour in the i'm rich bitch car that is a mercedes sls-amg. i own a fleet --en gnaw ma. same thing. the angry ice bucket may break a record with a $1 million speeding ticket. he said, "nothing can justify this speed. it is not controllable." you are not controllable. and neither are these speedy moneys. -- speed deamons. >> don't worry. they are all right. >> no they are not. >> they do the stunt programses and they say, don't worry, no one was hurt. it is just so they can run the tape.
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it is just so they can run it. they are both drug addicts. wrong story. i was going to ask a question that had nothing -- remy, what do you make the laws that change according to wealth. does that make sense? >> it does make sense. i am not a supporter of this, and it is not how we do things here in the states, but it is an interesting concept. i represent people sometimes with motor vehicle offenses and a hundred dollar fine to some clients is not a big deal. to other clients, it is really going to change the way they are gonna live for the next few weeks. so the punishment is not equal. it is not the same. >> i have mixed feelings about it, joe. you know what bothers me was david letterman talking about his speeding tickets c. he would just get tons. with $150 million doesn't matter. but what if every ticket was half a million? >> i think money is the only thing that regulate a human being's behavior more so than
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-- >> that and std's. >> yeah, i would love to drink a lot more than i do. but i live in new york and i can't afford it. if i had more money, i wouldn't be here. i would be on a bender somewhere. >> that is true. >> that's your answer for everything. >> they say the money will go to a worthy public project. we know none of those exist. do you buy this? >> in sweden, every project is a public project. the taxes there are 60%. i buy it and i love it. think about it. all the points we see paris hilton backing into somebody, oh, it is not -- it is another ticket or points on my license. if you fine her a million dollars or fine pavaros, the son of the shipping tycoon, fine them all a lot of money. >> you noah lot about paris hill -- you know a lot about paris hilton. >> the story hits close to home because your home is actually a car. >> one that doesn't move anymore either. there is nothing mobile about me. the tax man has found me.
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>> the problem with this is -- > they are in fact rewarding this guy. the person who owns this brand of mercedes is the same a-hole who will come to the office on monday morning and will say, guess who just got the record for the highest ticket. check it out ladies. it is no skin off his back. and now he has bragging rights. i spit on you, swede. >> interesting point. what is the best place to store a dozen corpses so no one will find is? remy spencer shows us the best meat freezers. why should you care about boomer the dog seen here? for one thing he is watching you through the window. don't worry. he likes to watch and then lick and then watch some more and keep on licking.
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they don't understand he is more dog than man. and they worry about his being a furry, or so it seems. i speak of gary guy matthews seen here. and he wanted to legally change his name to boomer the dog and sadly was denied. the peculiar pittsburgher said he is a fan of the series "here's boomer." remember that one? it was awesome. and he often dresses as the dog at furry conventions and party. i thought i recognized him. anyway, a judge rejected the request. noting that matthews who is
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44, as if that matters were to witness a serious vehicle crash and call for help, the name could confuse an emergency dispatcher. wrote the judge, it is not a stretch to imagine the dispatcher concluding the call is a frank -- prank and refusing to send an emergency medical response. for more we go to someone who has no choice when it come to wearing fur. >> that guy is so true to his craft. >> shale crows are furry? >> it is true. it is true. >> i have to go to these meetings. >> joe, the reason -- to me the reason it makes sense is it is like gwenyth paltrow's kid, apple, will get nowhere when she calls 911. they will say, who are you? she will say apple and they will hang up. hopefully she never has to call 911. >> i was very torn. i was very torn.
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half of me was going, you know, thank god a judge is stepping in and telling a more ron he is not a more ron. why does president the judge let him go so if he is cardiac res and they called 1911 and they thought it was a prank, then we are one less moron. >> chris, you are actually very active in the furry community. a, who you do you like to dress as? and b, do you support his right to change his name? >> i like al and i like his snout. i look at this and there is already precedence set in this case. can you imagine a 911 call where ochocinco is on the other line? i think he has a case and he can take it to the next level. remy, you are a lawyer. we keep saying that over and over. we need to remind our drunken
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viewers at home. can he be called whatever he wants? this is a free country. he can change his name to free country if he likes. >> pretty much. i agree with you. if he takes this to the uh legal let -- the appellate division and if he has a higher review, he will probably win. it seems like a flimsy basis that the judge is making this ruling, and it seems like the judge may be imposing his own moral judgment on whether or not he should call himself boomer the dog. if michael jackson can call hi kid "blanket cts, then he call him boomer. >> it is too soon. >> no, boomer has been cancelled for 20 years. >> who cares about jackson? we are familiar with the furry convention. they are guys who dress up and it is a kinky thing. some go out and have sex in bushes. >> allegedly. >> allegedly.
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this is a furry convention. >> ♪ welcome to the jungle ♪ take me to your ♪ knees ♪ down in the jungle smote. ♪ ♪ take me to your jungle ♪ it is gonna bring you down >> doing it to guns n' roses doesn't make it clearer. i don't know what they do, but , bill, you have been involved -- you have infiltrated this movement. you have become dangerously close to being sodomized in a park. >> yeah, unfortunately not close enough. i tried. i tried. they are not into my costumes. but that brings up a good point. my whole problem with boomer is it is a sheep dog. there are a lot of sexy dogs out there. a pomeranian, are you kidding me? labradors look like they live in the gym.
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and you can't deny yourself a little doaber minute every once -- a dobermin. a sheep dog, who is this freak? >> i i can't believe you would call a man who dresses up as a dog a freak. >> it is called a cards are on the table block, greg. >> i know i'm gonna get letters. i don't care. bring them on, boomer. >> they are not having that furry convention near ground zero. >> no, they are not. >> and why is everybody emphasizing the name change. he walks around the neighborhood in that costumes. doesn't that have "silence of the lambs" and "to catch a predator" written all over it? >> i looked at tape of boomer, and he doesn't even try to do anything dog like. he just stands there and stairs at the interviewer. it is horrific. you gu don't want to watch it. just standing there, staring. >> let's go to the next story. from boomer to stoners. i i was trying to stretch out that story so we didn't have to do this one.
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can doing a joint put you in the joint for good? a man is busted with what he called medical marijuana. 20-year-old chris diaz was pulled over in june for expired registration stickers. he is gorgeous. he had no license or proof of insurance and he wouldn't identify himself so he was arrested and searched. cops found 14 grams of weed and hash, a phone containing drug sales text and a notebook with drug and blog writings. that was enough to charge him with intent to deliver in the lone star state. he said he obtained the pot from a california medical provider and uses it to treat his asthma which is code for pot habit. for some insight we go to our crime enol gee expert, topless ken. >> i don't care if it is alternative oldies. i am looking for a rock and roll girl. i will not lie to you. i do not want to meet a girl who likes country music because i have bad experiences with country girls. >> he came from the furry convention. clearly he is focused on other things.
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is this guy going to go away for life? >> this is a major problem with some of the state's criminal laws in this country. everybody is for tough crime -- tough on crime. >> this is nut. >> yeah. you know what happens is the legislature passes laws that create mandatory minimums. when you combine certain offenses with drugs, you have enhanced penalties. in theory it makes sense. we all agree with it. who will disagree with being tough on drug crimes? this is a perfect example of why judges need discretion in certain cases. the law does president -- the law doesn't fit with the facts. that's the problem. the other thing i find interesting is the search in the car. there are a lot of questions raised under our fourth amendment juror -- juris prudent and if the officer officers had a right to search the car. >> i think it is wrong that this guy is being treated -- this is ridiculous. this should never happen. but also do you think it is
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really for asthma? be honest. >> no, i don't think it is for asthma. i think they are trying to prove a point. they are trying to expose he is telling a story, a little fib. i just love this texas law. the mega porn stores line the highway, but you can't own more than six text toys. they passed a hate crime bill, but opposed to gay rights. and now they will send this guy to jail for life with half an ounce of marijuana. you can't walk across your lawn without triping over the mexican schwag weeing. >> the guy's name was sparky. they searched graph city for the dollar amount. what is that party city or stereo city? vince vaughn from "old school"? >> is this a real story? the guy's name is sparky grass
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city? >> what about his appearance? >> we have to move on. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us at red eye at fox news .com. to leave a voicemail give mooy a call. still to come, the half time report from andy levy. tired of that guy. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by multitasking. the act of getting several jobs done so as not to waste time. thanks multitasking.
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even though the monkey is invisible, it is still there and all of you use the term chimp and monkey interchangeably. they are not the same [bleep] things. >> why do you have to gee angry? >> i have to do this once a week. >> once a week? >> i am sick of being the world's expert of chimps and angry. >> he is angry about getting letters from chimps and/or monkeys. >> i am saving you a lot of hassle. and shame on dodge who refers to susie the chimp as a monkey. >> shame on everyone. >> never buying a dodge again. greg-alogue, facebook, media matters. the guy who posted on facebook about wishing palin was on the flight that killed ted stevens. what he wrote, quote, just wish sara and levy was on board. >> you think hement andy levy?
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>> i know what he meant and i don't like it. >> i like it. >> if sarah palin was a man, you said people wouldn't feel the same. it is not like people would say things about george bush. >> you are right. the type of criticism we are seeing of sara palin is far more personal and below the belt. >> i don't know. people called george w. bush a chimp and monkey which offended me because they are not the same thingment. >> i don't know any politician was facebooking they wished he would die in a plane crash. >> facebook is what president invented back then. >> details, greg, details. >> you said you are tired of fake insults and making fake apologies. i agree the apologies are fake, but i don't know about the insults. >> they are 100% fake. >> one guy resigned his seat and is not running for re-election over what he said.
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i don't think you make one up that ruins your career. >> bill resigns his seat every weekend. >> greg you asked why it is always people who wish death on people and then you don't let anyone respond. go ahead, people. >> my response is, hey, america. how are you doing? >> that was my fault for treating the show seriously and taking bill seriously. >> i would just say plenty of people on the right say things about our president and others. >> i think there are more people in the media that think it is okay to say -- to wish harm on -- when ever rush limbaugh goes into the hospital you get, i hope he dies. let's not deny that, andy. >> stop denying it. >> i am not denying it. i am totally denying it. >> sheryl crowe's environmental writer.
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>> would you say it includes, quote, to save water instead of showering employees aren urge couraged to your nate? i feel that is more of a guideline than a rule. >> you mentioned he useses tour buses and pick up trucks. they apparently all use bio diesel fuel. >> okay. i stand corrected. >> no, it says, quote, at certain shows we will conduct a biodiesel delivery. >> okay. i stand corrected. sorry andy. sorry, cheryl. >> bill crow is not polishing off a bottle of kettle one. i believe that is for her and her peeps. >> i didn't see that in the writer. >> implications are not a proper form. i i want facts. >> as a fan of the mcnugget, how about her food being organic and local? >> what i say to that is i would like to be a self-righteous organic market
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dietician, but i can't afford it. i don't eat nuggets to give the finger to progress. i do it because i'm poor. >> here, here. >> swedish man gets a million dollar speeding ticket. you said he was clocking going 1600 miles an hour? >> how been180? >> whatever it was it was fast. >> do you know what kind of g's he would have had to pull to get up to 1600 an hour? >> oh man. >> the record is 763 miles an hour. >> that's a lot. >> i'm sorry. for a motor powered vehicle. >> i can't believe you didn't pick up on the fact that greg's impersonation of a swiss police officer was not french. >> there are some things you are immune to, chris. and his impressions are one of them. >> i am immune to sexual advances. ar only i? -- or am i?
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>> remy you said it is par -- it is okay to base it on wealth. >> well, i see it every day. these punishments even though they are equal under the law, they are not in reality depending on the person. >> a judge won't let a man change his name to boomer the dog. although the petitioner wishes it was otherwise, the simple factor is he is not a dog. >> by the way, why can't he be a dog? >> i don't know. who is the judge to tell this man he is not a dog? >> exactly. when is it illegal to imagine. >> matthews walks around his neighborhood with his dog costumes. >> furries have become fairly commonplace around pittsburgh. >> they are known for steel and furries.
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>> i believe ben roethlisberger is a furry. >> no -- not by choice. >> no pot in texas. >> it was a boring story. >> it was important. and you buried it at the end of the show. >> i am going to bury you at the end of the show. coming up next, my favorite segment, mail time. and remember, you can now download clips of recent shows on" red eye." why do you ask me these questions? i am tired of you, you and you. get out of my face. !
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it is mail time. the address is red eye at fox news .com. someone who didn't leave us a name leads things off. my boyfriend loves your show. i disagree. i think you are so self-centered, your guests are blind to your sick sense of humor. i notice there is only one female guest on your show nightly. she seems to be your pawn degraded by your male panel who don't know their own sexual identity. mostly seem unsure. men only looking at their breast and legs which is the
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only reason fox network to begin with, for start. and he seems to be only the smart one. -- andy seems to be the only smart one. confused? that was co coherent. this response is not for me, and nor for you, dear lady. get out, now. you are still young. plenty of smart girls. dump this clueless, humor less harpy, and your life will improve exponentially. exponentially means a lot you dim-wited shaw re. then call me. dane, if that's your real name, claims the old new jersey writes, when i first saw "red eye" and i thought you were pathetically unfunny. you now i can't imagine life without "red eye." i know you will deny the show
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has i'm -- improves, but what happened to me? first revolion and then confusion and then obsession and then you start sending me nude pictures of yourself. red eye 1211, 13th floor, new york, new york, 10136. i just got one now from a view neither the philippines. >> he has been with us since the beginning. >> he hated the show. now new picture every day. >> it changed when he started growing on his genitals. >> do you have a phone for people to send in donations with your request to open your gay bar. i would love to help with funding and a lot of people would love to help. i thank you for your support. i can't stop counting the number of letters and e-mails like yours with many, many em pooh of onering cash in small
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and large amounts. but i don't think i can accept donations. soon i hope to under some capacity to create a way to welcome everyone's involvement so this will happen. until then, send the nude pictures. you don't have to do it again. we already got it today. >> no, no, no. we will close things out with a post game wrap up with andy levy. for recent shows go to fox news .com slash red eye.
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