tv Red Eye FOX News August 20, 2010 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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welcome to "red eye." it is like remains of the day. let's go to tv's andy levy for our pre game report. hi, andy, what's coming up on tonight's show? who is behind the plans for the so-called ground zero mosque? it begins with a j and ends with an s and has an oo in the middle. wait until you hear what a federal judge has to say about wining a medal. he says yes. and finally, forget everything you thought you knew about ug coulders because a new study shows they don't exist. i am talking about the older chicks that dig younger women. not the solitary cat. they exist. greg? >> thank you, andy. >> i hear they are drum. >> don't say harp. >> if it were illegal i would peel your face-off like a
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boiled egg. and i would do that. i am here with juliette huddy wearing purple. she is so hot snow men consider her a serial killer. and she's back, angela mcglowan, ceo of political strategies and insights. she knows political strategies like i know dance club tragedies. i am bared from the stud, don't you know. and my repulsive sidekick, bill shultz. fyi, he has a summer refrigerator box in the hamptons. and next to me, the great comedian amy schumer. she is cuter than a rainbow-colored unicorn. and he lives off old glory as he miss reports stories. good to see you pinch-o. >> check out our home section. after you are done with your fish bowl buy a yes, sir bill cage and line it with chards of me. >> that is useful. >> yes. >> about time. >> how dare you? >> shut up.
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>> the ap has announced that you are not allowed to say the -- you are not allowed to call it the ground zero mosque. it has to be the mosque near ground zero which actually -- >> the artist formerly known as "the mosque. >> i think they are splitting as president of the "i hate the jews-lol" club. you have to feel special. >> he said lol at the end. that means i am having fun with her. if you laugh afterwards, then make it a point to say i hate
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the jews. lol. every party has their own boogie man. for the muck -- muslims it is the jews. for christians it is say tan. for republicans it is keith opener man and socialist night. i have none of these things. i need my own boogie man to blame all of the problems on. it was going to be you. >> i am going to blame me. >> i am going to -- i hate beets. now every time something bad happens i will blame it on the beats. it is not my problem. the bees did it. >> i want to make a point though. interesting thing. when ever anybody brings up the word zionist, the next word that will toes is -- that follows is plot. >> picnic. >> it is always a zionist plot. >> have i to speak to this.
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as a jew i am offended. they were of on erred a tax break -- they were offered a tax break to build somewhere else. how do you ignore that? this is manhattan. are you crazy? >> it is an insult to be able to build a mosque near there. >> when they speak out it is blah, blah, blah. aren't you jewish? >> no, i am catholic, crazy lady. >> gutfeld, i thought -- >> president obama has to love this controversy because the facts came out and more joblessness than ever and no one cares. nobody cares. >> this is a top issue and his poll numbers have gone down more since he said he supports the mosque. i think he was trying to more move in the center and be everything to everyone as he always does. this will hurt him. from the mosques to the medals.
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an appeals court panel in california struck down the three-year-old stolen valor act on wednesday. to them the act which bolstered laws against falsely claiming to have earned a military medal is constitutional. the panel says there is no evidence that lying about winning a medal harms anybody, and there is no compelling reason for the government to ban such lies. the justice department argued that lies about the military honors deserve no legal protection and the government had a right to protect the valor and integrity of people who earned their medals. but judge milanta, he disagrees. he says the right to speak what everyone chooses including worthless, offensive and demon strap untruths without cow bettering in fear of a powerful government is an essential component of the protection uh ready toed by the first amendment. what a jerk. at least the judge taught his cat how to catch a treat.
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>> see if we can go. third time's a charm. good boy. >> judges have the coolest hobbies. anyway, amy, what i got from this is lying is protected speech. so that time when i told you i didn't have cive los, that is -- it is okay because it is freedom of speech and it makes no sense to me. >> this is an area we agree on. what are we being honest about the number of people we slept with? i have a t-shirt i wear to bed saying i was at dan's bar mitzvah. am i supposed to throw it away? >> what about the guys at the bar mitzvah. you are insulting them. >> that's true. >> joking aside, this is bs. how can this be protected speech?
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winning a medal is a very special thing. >> it is a very special thing and we have patriots and heroes that have won military medals and this court is ignorant. it ignored the previous case law deciding that any false statements of fact are not protected by the first amendment. we have freedom of the press. we have freedom of religion. we have freedom to assembly. but you hospital lie about medals just like john carrie lied about -- john carey lied about throwing his medals away. >> they will lie on a resume. they will lie on a resume. >> here is why they would lie -- they would lie to get a job. they would lie to get a charity. they would lie to get a girl in bed. and all of those i think -- >> well, you understand. >> true. >> bill, you get that, right? >> how dare you. >> by the way, it works on the left. >> on weekends you claim to be a navy man. >> you are not a navy man?
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>> you must be relieved at this decision. >> i understand what juliette is saying and i can't believe it came out of my mouth. i get what she is saying. what they did is inherently bad. does it deserve jail time? i remember i wrote a dissertation in the last three law officials i worked at. you had a position where you worked before and lying on a resume, some of us have done it. i hate the people that do. you are not going to get the job. you might get a hand slap, but you won't get jail time. >> maybe not jail time, but the punishments -- they should get their asses kicked by real soldiers. the guys who have medals get to kick the poop out of them. i would actually lie to get my butt kicked. >> he did not get jail time. he got 400 hours of community service at a veteran hospital. >> can you imagine? >> guys fought for us to have our freedoms and now people can lie about it, i think they
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should have jail time and they should get their asses kicked. >> angela! it is ladies' night. >> he is already going to be sore from the jail anyway, why get it kicked? >> community service at a v.a. hospital is deserved. >> they will be hassling him the whole time. great, cleaning the bed pans. somebody deserves a medal. >> i do lie, but i -- my lieses are never that magestic. >> what ind could of lies do you tell? >> i bench press 285. >> and you have an actual unicorn and stable at your house. >> no, that's real. it happened to be my cousin's unicorn and you had a great time. >> had a blast. >> is this true? >> now to the greg-alogue. it is a slurpee of sense in this 7-eleven of confusion. so dr. laura is quitting radio. >> woo-hoo!
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>> stop it. now i have to start over. dr. laura is quitting radio to regain her first amendment rights. this after using the n-word after arguing with a black woman on her show. the doc apologized, but said she is going. how could someone who made millions speaking her mind now say she is quitting so she can speak her mind? bottom line, you can't get a better gig for exercising your freedom of speech than getting a fat check every time you exercise it. for me it is like getting paid to shop for iewn -- for urine corn figurines. this is kind of stupid. she is getting heat for doing what others do and suffering no consequences. take the brilliant comedian. in a bid he says the n-word a lot. maybe he ran it by chris rock first, or made sure the audience wouldn't kill him. he gets a pass because he is a comic and funnier than crap. dr. laura has gone along the line of touchy, feely men.
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when she is wrong, boy is she ever. this current mess is an example. finally this whole thing reminds me of the mosque. in both cases people are yakking about constitution -- constitutionality instead of common sense. using the n-word even in some sort of context is thoughtless. common sense tells you building a mosque near ground zero is thoughtless too. there you have. it i was able to link the dr. laura flap to the mosque. for that i should get tomorrow off to exercise my rights to lounge in my underwear. and if you disagree with me, you are a racist homo fob who stole my woodland creature chess set. i know who you are, ryan. >> hold your applause until the end of the show, please. this cut out available time. angela? >> yes. you share a lot of common ground with dr. laura. i actually enjoy her show. we have to talk about this.
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you are black. where do you -- >> no, no! >> i want to know what you think about this. >> didn't dr. laura get the memo that the naacp buried the n-word. i guess she didn't get the memo. with everything, greg, that's going on in the black community, i mean rampant drug abuse, eight out of 10 males will end in jail and eight out of 10 black kids born out of wedlock, there are more important things to talk about. to get back to dr. laura, the question the lady asked, she has an interracial marriage, and they have a neighbor that would come over. she is black and the husband is white. the neighbor would come over and ask questions. she was saying what can i do? dr. laura started throwing out the n-word and it had knowing to do with it. >> that's so raven. >> you know what she was doing, it is a thing when white people wanted to use the n-word. she was quoting on hbo all they say is -- >> the n-word and it had --
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one had nothing to do with the other. i think she lost her mind, first of all, in saying what she said, and she wanted to say the n-word, but to use it 11 times? one time she did it five times in a row, n, n, n, n. >> i was burying my head. i have to say, i know you hate her. the reason i always liked dr. laura is because she was so refreshing in a world where it was if it feels good, do it. thas the last 30 years of the world, if it feels good do it. when she did her show she would yell at everybody regardless of color. >> i didn't think she would make any sense giving women advice. i listened to her 15 years ago when i was living in los angeles. i would be wanting to pull my steering wheel out and throw it across the highway. it is this tough love ind could of contrived behavior. i never liked it. >> i thought it was common sense. >> i like her and i still respect her. i really think she lost her
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mind. i think it was on the tip of her tongue to say the n-word and she saw an excuse to say the n-word. >> let's go back to this whole feels good do it thing. the n-word feels good to her and she did it and did it. i have to say, the republican party makes a lot and sarah palin did it with this topic. don't talk about how great she is, condemn it and then stop. >> you will never condemn a liberal who does it. that's the funny part. >> no, that's the thing. another part of wanting your cake and eating it too, luis k is cool, but michael richards is no republican. it is on a case by case -- if dr. laura talked to chris rock first, maybe we could give her a gimme. >> chris rock in a special -- he did at least 10 minutes on it saying can anyone say the n-word? and he said not really. >> that is talking to another black person and i can say what is up my --
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>> do you do that? >> no. but i don't consider blacks just the "n." if you are a bad person -- >> if whites complain that only blacks can say it to each other, it is a small complaint. move on. i can lose a word in my life. there are plenty of other words that i like that start with n like nancy. >> she likes to be edgy. she thought she was being edgy. >> i think she lost her mind. >> she could be in hip hop. coming up, what are the four simple steps for turning a human head into a bowling ball? amy schumer showses us how. -- shows us how. and are cougars a made up thing that are made up? the question will make more sense if you are high on cough syrup like me.
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should you deride an idealistic child who think trees can lead to harmony? he is a 13-year-old braty who want to establish-y a peace for -- forest in north korea. the reason is to give hope to the people and children of the world. the tween of peace, as they are calling him -- i thought i was the tween of peace. he recently traveled to the secretive country with his parents for a week-long peace mission. sadly the trip wasn't a success because of war and stuff. no fair, war. north korean officials were interested in his woodsy wonderland. >> they seemed pretty impressed with my idea. i said that first you would have to sign a peace treaty
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between north america and korea because -- well, then you could plan a peace forest after the peace treaty, but right now you can't do. it. >> for more we go to the sad birthday cat. sbc? >> all he really wanted was peace -- a piece of fish. >> it looks like wilford brimly. amy, children's peace force addiral or annoying? >> totally annoying. i want to cheat off this kid. but i like his motto. above conflict, uh boff borders and ideology. i would add in for each of us, below each other. >> speaking of below, there is a biblical term, a child
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should lead and great things will come. little jonathon is from mississippi and i am proud of him. he believes in peace and he believes -- >> does he believe in santa claus? >> oh stop. he is from 13 and from mississippi, well he probably does. >> do you think for christmas he asked for peace? no, he asked for a bicycle. if he wants peace, give me peace for christmas, mom and dad. quiet. shouldn't the parents instead of trotting him around the globe get this kid involved in sports? >> how can they let him go to north korea? it is like bringing your kid to iran. >> land mines. >> i think the parents are a little -- that's a little strange. you never know what will happen in these places. kim jong-il is woo-hoo. >> i want 20* get to bill. couldn't this be worse for peace? if an annoying kid comes to your town and start preaching, don't you want to blow his
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place up? >> absolutely. they are always homeless. the idea of the forest of peace come from someone who has never been in a forest. there is nothing peaceful about them. >> you have never been to the ram bell. >> it is the forest capital of the world. we have like over 150 types of trees. >> you have gotten rid of the raccoons and the -- >> and the abortion clinic. >> i hang out with a lot of woodland creatures. they come to my place. here is my theory on this, and i know you will disagree with me. this defines fas civism. it is a childish idea. adults know better. they are all like stupid kids. don't indulge. get him into sports. get him to read some books on war so he understands that life is not like this. you don't fly to some country and tell them you will save their butts. >> you know what, it could be our future hope. he could be our future leader. everybody loves a treat.
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>> that's true. >> some love it too much. >> didn't you read "the loving tree"? >> i have a feeling when this kid grows up, he could be the most annoying individual on the planet. nobody will talk to him. he will be a do gooder. >> you know all about this, don't you? >> totally unnecessary. >> i think he is being -- it is a prop used buys his irnts pa. i really feel that way. >> i think the parents are bribing him to let him get out there and he will be a future leader. >> let me go to hedonism in jamaica. >> his horizons will be broadened when he steps on a land mine. >> terrible. up next, how do you prepare the perfect border collie for the weekend barbecue? julia huddy on her favorite summertime recipes. and what are the airlines doing now? by the tone of my voice, you
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ie, the opposite. and despite a slew of movies, media outlets 1k3* bragging frat dudes, the lead researcher says the numbers ain't lyin, saying, quote again, the i believe cougar phonomenon is a myth, and it is in no way reflective of the desires evident in the general population. wow, that sounds like something a smart man once said seven or eight months ago. >> this whole cougar thing is a fabricated farce. my guess is it began as a media trend invented by female reporters as a way to comp their drinks. they could go out to bars and get picked up by dudes and then write it off as a business expense. then it became a phony trend like key parties for swingers and bird flu for alarmists and global warming for jackasses. >> that guy could stand to lose a few pounds. >> you look like a supermodel. >> oh wait, he did.
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that's the reason i ran out. see you later. >> all this begs the question, when it comes to mama grizzlies and sexually insatiable cougars, who would win in a fight? >> dr. laura. >> clearly there are no winners in that battle of whatever that was there. amy, didn't you always think this was a myth who suddenly realized they didn't have any dates and said, well, you know what, maybe i'm attracted to younger guys who were drunk? >> i stopped following that because it was really long. but i'm going to be one of
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those old, angry editors in like five years. i just think -- i believe there might not be that much longevity. we all saw "steel law got her groove back." most of the women i know go through a phase. i'm in that phase right now. i found out recently -- i was seeing this guy and found out he was younger. i was like, too late. we haven't really do anything. we didn't have a condom and he wouldn't. >> what are you talking about? >> you are truly a role model. >> that is so hard to believe. men have been doing this for years. my daddy was 2 4 years old and my mama 22. why is it so hard to believe women can do this? >> according to studies, men favor younger women that validates what you are talking about. but the studies don't validate the opposite. you don't see younger men running for older women unless they are filthy rich.
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>> or beautiful. an older woman can get a young buff to make her feel younger. >> for two year bill was dating angela lansbury. >> who says i am not? we just don't find the time. >> you were doing it for the free tickets. >> i love a little night music. if i can get front row and center, i will do it. >> you were always hanging out with her valet, seth. you put her to bed -- >> look, angela knows her way around the set and madison avenue and i love shopping. >> julia, i am going to you. i heard you grunting angrily as i mocked the trend. >> poster child for cougar, you guys have known me for a couple years, correct? >> in my dating rituals, how many have been older than me? >> none. >> never, never, never. >> they are significantly younger. >> they are like five, eight -- yeah.
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>> they are five years old? >> five years old, eight years old. >> but they end, don't they? >> because i end it because i move on to a younger guy. >> they have gotten too old. >> i am starting to level out, but only because i am starting to mature. >> you treat men like paris treats her chiuauas. you leave them in the closet and forget they are there, accidentally step on one. >> they eat their paws to survive. >> that's a horrible thing to say. not entirely true. > my greg-alogue, i thought it was condescending to women. it should be novel that women are attracted to younger men. it shouldn't be novel. >> it is definitely true and i will tell you why. i will tell you why it is true. this study focused on dating sites. women go to sites for who they want to date. cougar has nothing to do with dating. cougar is about men they want to do other bad, bad things.
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>> it has nothing to do with dating. >> there you go. >> it is behind closed doors. >> you are giving cougars a bad name. >> i didn't know they were hunting. how dare you? you want to mount something. i don't know a thing about tax uh der me, and i don't want to. it is time to move on. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us at red eye at fox news .com. and to leave a voicemail call 212-46 2-5050. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. kind of a weasel if you ask me. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by my new alternative transportation coach, glen power, junior. gpj is the best at ind fooing new and exciting ways to get around. thanks my new alternative transportation coach glen power, junior.
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welcome back. let's see if we have anything wrong so far. for that we go to andy levy. what do you have besides a large painting of ryan reynoldss above your bed? >> it is ryan reynolds himself over my bed. >> my goodness. how did you get him to do that? >> i don't think i should say on air. >> okay. >> i will show you later. >> i look forward to it. muslim cleric says the jews are behind the part 51. no, the jews are not be behind part 51. >> yeah, nobody on the panel said it was true. >> i don't think andy was saying it was true either. >> yeah, in fact, amac is as i will call you tonight, angela, when greg said the claire -- the cleric must be on to something, you said, "he must be on to something." so your position is that the jews might be behind the mosque. >> no, it came out the wrong way. i made it a mistake. >> did it or did it not come
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out the right way? >> it came out the wrong way. >> greg, you asked amy to admit she and her whole kabbalah friends were behind it. >> where is your bracelet? >> it is still the same. >> russell simmons, greg, you mock russell simmons, but we didn't blame the christians for the 1993 bombing of the world trade center. best thing about that interview, by the way, simmons says this stuff and larry king, there is no follow-up. it is not like, what? >> larry king was thinking about cheese. >> he really was thinking about cheese. >> what kind of cheese am i having tonight? >> he was thinking of his next wedge. >> it gives him gas. >> poor michael moore. >> you said president obama's numbers have gone down since he said he supported the iveg month.
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he said what you did, that they have the right to build it there. >> they have the right to build it there because of our constitution, but people -- it is not very popular. for a man who says he doesn't look at poll numbers, apparently he did then and he is looking at them now. >> i think it is safe to say he looks at poll numbers every night. >> a stolen valor -- i knew something would be said. stolen valor act ruled unconstitutional. you said it ignores previous court decisions that any false statements of fact are protected by the first amendment. i don't think that's true, and neither does the first amendment law expert who says the supreme court has never articulated a clear rule. >> wasn't it andy who did the research? i believe my staff, okay? >> you are blaming the intern, aren't you? >> yeah, i'm blaming the intern. >> how refreshing is it that a member of our panel actually
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admited to doing the research? no one admits to doing that. >> no one admits to research, period. >> that's true. >> you can say daw money straw of itly false statements. you can say president obama is a muslim. you can say the holocaust didn't happen, and i am not in jail. >> when it comes to the medals, come on. when it comes to the medals -- >> i am not saying it is not a right decision. they think the stolen valor act is constitutional. i am saying the case law is not as clear. >> i am blaming the interns. >> yes. the bottom line, a girl shouldn't say to me, wow, you were great last night. she shouldn't have to go to jail for that. >> no, she should not go to jail for that. some lying has to be legal. >> doing what, redecorating
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her apart meant? >> juliette, you basically asked, should it be a crime to lie about this if you don't gain from it? and what judge smith said, he says the act as currently written applies to pure speech. in other words he says you can go to jail for writing something. maybe they can redraft the law and make it so it says you can't profit from it, and that would be okay. >> do you think that's what they should do? >> yes. if the supreme court -- if this goes to the supreme court and the court upholds the decision, they should redraft it so you can't profit from it. >> i think that's -- i'm glad you shared your opinion. >> you didn't understand a word i said. >> you are right. >> greg-alogue, dr. laura and hiding behind the first amendment. those who don't understand the first amendment shouldn't be allowed to speak. >> should i take my mic off? >> that's my new theory. you said you thought dr. laura lost her mind and that it was
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on the tip of her tongue? i agree. but it was like she stored them up forkers yew. it was like she wanted to say it for year. >> she was waiting for that moment with bated breath just to say the n-word with a passion. she let it out. >> it was like spring gels. -- pringles. once she started she couldn't stop. >> so appropriate. >> there is a time and place for that. it is called the bedroom. >> you can say my "n" in the bedroom? >> absolutely not. we are talking about something else. >> i am only quoting in the con exit of something else -- i was saying it earlier. >> i think amy thinks the n-word is nipples. >> now the thing is you can quote dr. laura and say the n-word a bunch of times. >> 22 times. >> tween of peace, first of
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all he is 13. why calling him a tween? >> what is a tween? >> isn't that a 12 or 11-year-old? >> i am just saying that to get the authorities off my back. >> you need to know, greg, for legal purposes. amac, you are proud of this kid? >> yes, i am. >> do you know what propaganda village is? it is a village the north koreans built on their side of the dmv. they say it is a collective farm. it is a village and nobody is in it, but it is used to tempt defectors to go to north korea. >> what does it have to do with a kid from mississippi? >> because it is a dumb idea to go to north korea to say, let's put a peace forest in when you are dealing with crazy dictators who build things like these propaganda villageses to lure defectors and they are fake. >> haven't they heard of the cats -- cat skills?
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>> there is a reason why there is a dmz. >> yeah, you don't create a better world by making peace with [explough tiff [. >> this sounds good. what is the over and under for one bedroom? >> tell us how you really feel. >> and lastly, greg, you said and i agree with you, this defines passivism. here is a commenter on the story at if young people like this were running their countries of the world, there would be no poverty or war in the world. >> the funny thing is, if they were running the world there would be more death. these are petty, stupid people. >> does this propaganda village, is that a whole food? >> there is no food in north korea. >> do they have a whole foods? >> they don't have snacks.
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>> tell them what they want to know. get them out of here. >> andy, i just have to say this -- in certain neighborhoods like right down the street you have 13-year-olds who want to blow your brains out. this young man wants to make a better world. >> by dealing with people who want to blow your brains out. >> look, they are over there and we are over here and the kid is -- >> is one of them a hopeful? >> greg, you have to go. >> andy, thank you very much. >> plenty more stuff is ahead. don't forget to buy my book. it is called "the bible of unspeakable truths." get your copy at amazon .com. somebody turn off their phone. >> sorry. >> or go to your nearest bookstore.
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he feels the same. he hates big babies as much as he hates the constitution. he wants to attack the hell out of that little kid. here is another one. again, no eye contact. the kid probably hates woodrow wilson too, another commi pinky. avoid him boldly! again, no eye contact. he is probably more of a fan of the laffer curve than kenyan royalty, if you catch my drift, people. >> that's good. why did i bother asking? and kids wearing a bib saying "mom and i voted for obama." who reaming sistered him, acorn? he can't vote. >> who gave that kid a haircut? >> here is hoping he has his birth certificate. >> unless you have a couple of photos of babies taking a dump on palin, it is not fair and balanced. it is not fair and balanced. >> tomorrow we will have babies doing that. >> cool.
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got to go back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> amy, what is this new show you are co co-hosting? >> it is called "a different spin with mark hoppus" it starts september 16th. >> cool. >> yeah. >> i love green day. >> no, blink. blink, what your mama gave you. don't cutaway from me. don't cutaway from this. >> keep going, keep going. >> things are getting good. >> work it girl.
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>> can you break it down, amy? >> that's a lot of arm. i am regretting this much arm. aping law, you ran for -- angela, you ran for congress and didn't win. what's going on next? >> we lost the battle, but won the war. first black female to run in the district. and now i am working on my second book called" hood wink" and i am looking for clients for political strategy insights. when my clients won't work for you, i will. >> so we are not being bamboozeled. we are being hood winked? >> you were bamboozeled, and now you are hood winked. >> let me interview you guys. >> we are running out of time. >> sorry, juliette. >> bye, andy, thank you. >> angela, always a pleasure. amy schumer, a delight. that does it for me. i'
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