tv Hannity FOX News September 14, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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not be a lemming. thanks for watching i'm bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops right here because we are lo >> the president: millions of americans are still looking for work. >> i don't think the unemployment rate will be coming down significantly any time in the near future. >> how well do you think republicans will do this year? >> they are going to do somewhere between mid 40s and more than we did. >> the president: mr. boehner dismiss these job. mr. boehner. mr. boehner. let me clear to mr. boehner and everybody else. >> health care overtime is going to become more popular. people are focused on this economy now. >> it would take a real stretch to think that i caused the problems with the economy. >> u.s.a.! >> the president: there were no new ideas just the same
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philosophy we tried during the decades they were in power. >> if the president wants to do something new why don't we cut spending and get rid of in notion we can spend our way back to prosperity? >> sean: there you have it. we are just 50 days from the midterm elections. as democrats prepare it seems their concerns keep growing. a new report details that house speaker nancy pelosi may have more to worry about nan just losing her title, if the democrats lose their majority power. there may be a coup in the works. it appears some democrats in the house think their party needs a shake-up. rumor has it that steny hoyer might take the reins. the democrat with the most to lose is prince harry reid. new polls show tea party favorite sharron angle is quickly closing in. asked if the election were held today, 46% would vote for
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reid, 40% -- 4 % for angle. tomorrow's gop senate primary race in delaware could leave another incumbent without a job. conservative christine o'donnell is leading longtime congressman mike castle by three points. here with reaction to the demses increasingly dire situation are authors of: mad as hel how the tea party movement is remaking our two-party system. scott rasmussen and doug schoen. 50 days away. every poll shows this is now becoming a political tsunami. >> that's correct. bottom line sean, the energy is the two parties. the reason why scott and i wrote the book the strongest political force in the america is the tea party movement. they've energized people in support of cutting taxes,
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spending, reducing debt, deficit and bringing government back to people's hands. that's not a partisan issue. just common sense. >> sean: you're the democrat here. scott you guys writing the back the tea party movement is a genuine grass roots movement. it has been misunderstood by the political and media elites. it is finance any, -- we have talked about this they were attacking people attending town halls, tea party rallies. i never saw the government turn on the people that have the power to reelect them or throw them out! >> there has been a real shock from the very beginning the tea party moment was dismissed by the elites in washington and media elites. even republican establishment leaders were saying they are bad for the republican party. that's because the tea parties have a different view. they are not in a partisan manner. they are saying we think the government has lost its way.
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we think the government no longer reflects the will of the american people. nobody is listening us to. 68% of voters say most members of congress don't care what their constituents think that's actualing this movement. >> sean: interesting if you look at nevada or rand paul in kentucky, recently in alaska, christine o'donnell may win tomorrow. the establishment has been out threw attack her and attacking her in this vicious way. conservatives are angry. most conservatives i know, they don't mind a fair and open debate on the issues. mike castle did vote for cap and tax, he did vote for tarp. christine o'donnell said i wouldn't have voted that way. if they lose again tomorrow, what does that say for the republicans, scott? >> well, what it says is the republicans -- republican establishment is going to be in full retreat am i don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. we haven't polled that race.
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the fact that it is competitive is because of the energy that is coming from the tea party side. republican establishment saying wait a minute, we'll probably win the election in the fall in november, if we have mike castle. probably lose if we have christine o'donnell. tea partiers are saying that's not our concern. if that attitude prevails it is going to be a real shock to the elites in washington. >> sean: the fourth shock, the fifth shock. i'm going over some of these polls about independents. doug, you are a democrat. you have been warning for sometime this is going to happen. >> right. >> sean: that your party is going to suffer major losses because they lurged too far left. the president is too much of an ideologue. you have been excoriated for it. you have been beaten down, criticized greatly. >> i said it what scott and pat caddell, i said health care was an unmitigated disaster. people thought it would not control the size and scope of government.
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would it increase health care costs. >> sean: which you were vindicated last week on that point. >> absolutely. bottom line, what we are seeing and what scott was speaking to is how the tea party movement is the only movement galvanizing act -- active. who would have thought miller, rand paul would win, it is coming as a result of energy at the grass roots fueled by anger about both parties. it is not partisan. >> sean: 20-1 the enthusiasm gap massive. generic poll, gallup, fox news, abc, cbs, nbc, all showing the same thing there's a lot of rhetoric from the established media that the tea party somehow are irresponsible. you know what, they are energizing turn-out. the enthusiasm gap is because of the tea party moment. >> sean: scott, not that you don't have the greatest polls in the world. your polls are in keeping with
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all the major polls that we've been following on the program. there's the recent resurge agent republican poll -- republic poll that came out, 2/3 of the country think we are on the wrong track. 70% of independents, if you look independents now they give the democrats a 60% unfavorable rating. republicans have a huge advantage among independents. independents hold an unfavorable opinion of president obama 2-1 also. how do you recover in 50 days? is it possible? >> you don't recover in nifty days. sean the other message is deeper than a short term electoral strategy four years ago in 2006, those numbers among independents were reversed. what we were seeing at that time and what we are seeing today is those independent voters are rejecting both parties voting against whoever is in charge. there's no quick fix for the democrats in this -- for this issue. >> sean: guys, the book is
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terrific real in-depth analysis of the tea party movement. congratulations to both of you. thank you, appreciate. i sit down with former british prime minister tony blair to discuss his relationship with former presidents clinton, george w. bush. his take on barack obama. plus the white house has identified their enemy number one in the up coming elections. we'll tell you who he is and why they are going after him that and more, straight ahead. [ female announcer ] se is the only furniture lish with febreze freshness. it helps eliminate odors while you clean and condition. you may never go back to your old furniture polish. ♪ science! [ female announcer ] swiffer gives cleaning a fresh new meaning.
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>> sean: census figures for 2009 will be released next week. the number of people in poverty is set to increase by record levels on president obama's watch. according to the ap, they anticipate the poverty rate will hit 15% and child poverty will rise above 20%. yet another record for the anointed one to be proud of. hannity continues in 90 short hannity continues in 90 short seconds with former british ♪ one, two, three, four ♪ ♪ you say ♪ flip it over and replay ♪ we'll make everything okay ♪ walk together the right way ♪ do, do, do, do
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. >> sean: it looks like democrats have found what they think is a winning message, class warfare. president says the debate over the bush tax cuts pits rich poor and house minority leader john boehner is a shill for the wealthy. >> the president: there were no new policies from mr. boehner. there were no new ideas. cut more taxes for millionaires. and cut more rules for corporations. to most of you, i bet in seems like common sense. -- i bet this seems like common sense. not to mr. boehner and his allies. four years republicans have fought to keep these corporate loopholes open. he and his party believe we should also give a permanent tax cut to the wealthiest 2% of americans. >> sean: democrats say they tried this strategy in 1984 when then governor cuomo
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mocked president reagan for rivering to the u.s. as a shining city on a hill. >> there is dispair mr. president in the faces that you don't see. in the places that you don't visit. in your shining city. mr. president, you ought to know that this nation is more a tale of two cities, than it is just a shining city on a hill. [ applause ] >> sean: that year the republicans swept 49 of 50 states. joining me with reaction is gop's nominee for the senate in florida marco rubio is back with us. good to see you. welcome to new york. >> glad to be here with you. >> sean: class warfare, does it work? >> no. american people aren't in any mood for this. certainly aren't in florida. keeping all the things that make america exceptional and unique. entrepreneurship is that thing that makes us different.
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every country in the world has rich people and big companies or big corporations. what sets us apart is the ability to start a business from the spare bedroom of your home. you lose that with the kind of tax policies this administration wants to follow. >> sean: last week the president was -- almost mocking millionaires and billionaires and the wealthy. i'm thinking all right, let's say they don't extend the bush tax cuts for the wealthy. it seems for all the years that i worked in restaurants since i was 12-years-old. for all the years i worked in construction working through college. it seems that all that money is not gonna be available for -- i never a job from a poor person, let me put it that way. >> here's the misnomer the folks they are going to raise taxes on small businesses people that are organized under the corporation statute that's a lot of people. a lot of employers. people that create jobs for families. the second thing, these folks represent 30% of consume
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spending in america. consumer spend something 70% of our economy this is a disaster. the obama administration and this congress have ushered in a disastrous 18 month economic policy record. now they are facing an election trying to cover-up for it with this heated rhetoric. >> sean: when charlie crist became an independent the polls tightened. you now have a big doubleç+. digit lead. crist has flipped on health care, stimulus and the latest today is gay adoptions in 2006 he wasn't for it now apparently he's for it. what happened to charlie crist? >> well, obviously he will have to answer that question. all i can tell you is for 20 years he's been a republican. i was running against him the first four months of this year as a ran when he wanted to be ronald reagan. he decided he could win the primary and switched party. now he's running as a third party mythical, whatever. he's an opportunist. he's looking for how can he
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extend his political career? he thinks by taking multiple sides on important issues is the way to do that. >> sean: a lot of conservatives were concerned about comments that john boehner made this weekend on face the nation when he said, well i if i had to i would take the extension of the bush tax cuts even if it did not include the wealthy, small business people, you were talking about and the top 1% that pays 40% of the tax bill, federal tax bill. would that be a bad idea? >> let me tell you why it is a bad idea to talk about it in those terms. i understand he was trying to answer a hypothetical question. we've all been in in politics the worst question to answer. here's the reality and why i'm running. i want to prevent those kinds of false choices. this is going to be voted on first in the senate. the question is not one that is only middle tax cuts or not. the issue is what are these democrats going to do joe
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lieberman said he thinks it is a bad idea to raise taxes on anybody. there's going to be amendments. a plan voted on, on the floor of the senate that will require them to make that choice openly. in florida, the gubernatorial nominee for the democrats is saying the president is wrong. >> sean: the president now, three books ago probably most people in america didn't know john boehner is. now they've turned him into a household name the media is attacking his smoking, his tan, everything else. they need either newt gingrich, sarah palin, bush somebody they can demonize. one last question, why did tax cuts increase revenues to the government? why every time we cut taxes do we see an unleashing of the entrepreneurial spirit? >> it grows the economy. people are insent vice -- incentivized to grow
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businesses this is existing tax rates. all we are talking about is keeping existing tax rates in place. providing certainty. allowing small businesses to know what the rules of the game are going to be so they can play this game. what this administration is doing is creating a tremendous amount of uncertainty keeping people on the sidelines and discouraging them from creating jobs. >> sean: marco rubio, good luck. 50 days to go, glad you are -- glad it is almost over? >> 49. >> my interview with tony blair. tells how he thinks president clinton would have handled 9/11. ♪
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when he became prime minister in 1997 and spent three terms in office. he's sharing his front row seat through his new book. i sat down with the former british prime minister earlier today to talk about the past, the present and of course the future. let's take a look mr. prime minister, good to see you. thank you for being here. >> thank you sean. >> sean: first of all, i love the book. very detailed. our observations blunt, honest, straightforward. >> thank you. >> sean: you said something about america that i find interesting. you said america's burden it wants to beloved but it knows it cannot beloved. the leadership will be resented sometimes actively opposed is also however to be expected. >> i think i've obviously worked with different american presidents and seen america kind of close up. and i think the problem for america is that americans are naturally outgoing they are nice people to be with. >> sean: some of them.
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>> most of them i find. most people would prefer to be liked rather than disliked. the trouble is, also america carries the responsibility for leading the world. i think in the end, it can be respected. it's got sometimes to be feared. above all it's got to lead. >> sean: one of the most interesting things from reading the book, you talk about three presidents that you have known and worked with here. all three presidents i have known themselves represent in a curious way the facets of american character. in the case especially of george w. bush and bill clinton, two -- and you go into great detail in the book -- two very different personalities. very different perspectives in terms of governing. >> yeah, i try to in my observations about president clinton and president bush. obviously i worked with them closely. they both became close personal friends. no great insight they are
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completely different people. but they've still got that -- you see why they won an election and why they won two terms. and they have a -- i saw both close up. bill clinton particularly over kosovo which was a really difficult decision he had to take. and of course with president bush after september 11th. the one thing that comes out to me about american presidents, and i would say the same about president obama is that there is this sense that you have, and i know this sounds odd, you would say surely yes of course politicians should be like that. i think all of them had that any the final analysis they would put the country first. you may say, of course that's what they are elected to do. when you have met many world leaders that's not always the case. >> sean: you said about bill clinton and had a lot of complimentry things to say about him for obvious reasons
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he's a complicated man. you were there during some of the more difficult moments in his presidency. you say he's an extraordinary mix of easy-going charm, ferocious intellectual capacity. you say in a curious way the blessing of his times is the disadvantage of his legacy. >> yes, because i think the strange thing for the time president clinton was president was he we had a mini global economic crisis nothing by the one we came through in 2008. we had issues to do with international security. iraq was an issue at the time. kosovo. but nothing like september 11th. in a way, his presidency and his years were years of economic prosperity, a certain amount of tranquility, actually. and you wonder how would he have been with september 11th? >> you raise that question in the book. you asked out loud. you wondered how he would have responded to the circumstances
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that george w. bush had to deal with. >> yeah. that's where i think it is really interesting reflection. he's somebody who is very different from president bush in the sense that he's in one way very much from the intellectual analysis school of politics. on the other hand, that would have been a decision where he would have had to gone this way or that. and i think he would have given good leadership. i believe. >> had you to make tough decisions too. >> i think the thing that is hardest about the world today is the decisions are very difficult, but they are quite binary. you go this way or that. there's not a lot of third-way in today's politics. i think the single most difficult thing after september 11th, particularly, i had the decision to take as brit teurblg -- british prime minister do we see this as an attack on us as much as the u.s.? or do we say that's a problem
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for the u.s. to look after? >> sean: you stood steadfast behind the united states. >> shoulder to shoulder. >> sean: it raises what i think is the world's biggest challenge right now which is radical islam. isn't there this possibility that it exists with nuclear weapons and radical islam of holocaust in our lifetime, how real is that? >> the threat is real. part of the trouble is, for news the west today, we've got a tendancy, which is perfectly understandable, but i'm afraid, neither realistic nor senseable, to put our hand in the sand about it. i'm out in the middle east an awful lot. i just literally last night i was in jerusalem. so, -- i was in palestine. i go around the region a lot. all over the region. and in the broader world there's a struggle going on. and it is between those who have a concept of islam that
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is modern, that embraces the 21st century that says islam's problems are ours, we'll deal with them. and there are good people who think like that and work like that and want to be like that. but then you've got a very, very strong group, far stronger than people think, who basically say we are in fundamental conflict with the west. our leaders are selling out by dealing with the west. and we need to return to a very fundamentalist, extreme view. >> sean: are you as concerned as i have been about the moderate islam, those that are -- have more moderate views, i almost find at times their silence has been deafening in terms of speaking out against those hijacking their religion. i fear the numbers of people that buy into radical islam are far larger than people want to acknowledge. and that makes the threat that much more dire. >> really interesting point. i think the number of actual extremists is quite small. but the number of people who
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buy into the narrative, the storyline, that islam is essentially a victim of the west, that actually the two are in fundamental conflict, that i'm afraid stretches far deeper. and the issue really is this, and it is a very hard thing to say this, there are really good, as i say modernizing strong people who want to stand up within islam and say we can make the change we need to and embrace the 21st century for them to win, the need us to be strong. >> sean: you said that in the book. >> they don't want us to look as if we are not sure of our own way of life. of what we stanford. of what we believe in. >> sean: more with former british prime minister tony blair in just a minute. including the warning he gave princess diana before her death. and more proof that rahm rahmbo dead fish he want --
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rahmbo dead fish he want -- emanuel is [ joey ] we need to talk to you about this "dedicated claims rep" thing. okay, well... calling yourselves "dedicated"? we're all dedicated, okay? the entire website team worked late every night this week look at sanjeev. he's a mess! what? no... guys, we're called dedicated claims reps because we each stay with an esurance customer throughout the automobile claims process. is not because we think we work harder than you. well, you don't. [ sanjeev ] am i a ss? [ joey ] you slept in the vending machine... [ male announcer ] want a great deal on car insurance?
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go to esurance. >> sean: white house chief of staff eager to leave the west wing. source told nbc that dead fish is polling chicago residents as he mulls the prospects of running for mayor. also polling their views on the obama administration if that's the case the results can't be pretty. let me say this, i hope everything works out so dead fish can leave d.c. as quickly as possible.
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>> sean: we continue with former british prime minister tony blair. in europe, they seem to be rejecting, you know, the state. if you will, the idea that the state is capable. the national health service, rationing of government health care. you're cutting back america is moving full forward towards government run health care. as you watch this president spend money, accumulate debt, deficits, are you concerned? >> first of all, i have a great respect for president obama and i don't want to get into your politics. >> sean: i'm trying to drag you right in. >> i know you. he's someone i work closely with and have great respect for. >> sean: i'll use your term about the cuyamaca model which you -- about the key thesian
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model which you don't think works. >> the fact is today a ma >> of people are taxpayers, and yes, you need to have a stimulus to the economy when you have been through a sharp economic crisis. you need to make sure you've got a deficit reduction plan in place that restores confidence. in europe you've got both running. i would say on the whole in many parts of europe, actually the idea of the state is back, is strong. my view is, it is a choice between a small state and a big state. most people would choose a small state state. i think in this case there's a third way, a state that is strategic, empowering, welfare and public service policies are reformed from the 1940s. that's a european debate. >> sean: you were there at some interesting moments. we'll talk about george bush in a minute. you were there at height of the clinton etch people -- the
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clinton impeachment crisis. bill clinton's ability to compartmentalize what was going on. had you an interesting observation about that. but also about the relationship between bill and hillary clinton. >> i've seen them at close quarters over many years. they are personal friends of mine. i just -- they are people i've got a lot of time for of they've come through tough times. i believe during this time america was -- >> sean: you also point out he didn't deal with the challenges or the hand that george bush was dealt. you did observe his ability to compartmentalize during that crisis where he would stay focused on issues. >> yeah. >> sean: you had a meeting with bill and hillary clinton and your conclusion was there is a deep profound love.
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>> not many people do i saw them close-up. that of course is a strong political partnership. she is now doing work -- i work closely with her on her work in the middle east. i this -- i think it is founded on something genuine and profound and touching. >> sean: i thought other interesting observations. you had prime minister questions. which is extraordinary entertaining -- >> i'm glad you are entertained it is hell to do. >> sean: created like an athletic challenge, you would eat a banana before but it created great anxiety for you. >> i used to reckon i lost several pounds each day. sometimes americans here say, don't you miss that prime minister's questions? i go what? >> sean: you talked a lot about, you warned princess diana about the relationship with dodi fayed.
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which i thought was interesting there. was something not right. what did you see in him that you didn't like? >> i didn't know him. >> sean: you felt something wasn't right. >> i was worried for her. when a conversation which shall remain private. but, i just expressed my concern. my anxiety that this was going to be something she needed to think about carefully. she was a remarkable and extraordinary person. and to be with one of the most magnetic charismatic -- >> sean: and the queen, i think she was drying and her husband was washing the dishes. >> every year, as british prime minister there's a tradition that you spend a weekend with the queen at balmoral, which is the extraordinary scottish castle that prince albert built for queen victoria. when you go out for the barbecue, the royal family do the cooking and the washing up
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and you sit at the table. >> sean: there were a lot of revelations in the book. you talk about you and the pressures of the job. a lot of personal things for example, you felt like you were drinking -- relying too much on alcohol. gin anton nick or a shot of whiskey. wine at dinner. >> my real drinking friends think it is a pathetic admission, actually. >> sean: they might want to hang out with you in the pubs. >> one of the things that is interesting about today's politics is we do expect to know a lot more about our political leaders. we subject their lives to so much more scrutiny. i think back to churchill, lloyd george, john f. kennedy, lyndon johnson. and you think if they were alive today with that scrutiny, what would be going on? >> sean: it would keep me busy. >> it would keep everyone
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busy. what i've tried to do is say, okay if you want to know a lot more about a political leader, believe it or not, they are not from mars. they are human beings and they react in a human way and here's what it feels like. i've donated the proceeds to this book to the royal british legion. i felt, because i was going to do that, i was almost freer to sit down and just say, -- >> sean: speak the truth. >> just say, i'm not just here with a book revealing things. i wanted you to know what it is like to be in that hot seat taking those decisions. and you know, i saw your american presidents in some of their most troubled moments, certain in my time in office. and you know, that is where ordinary human beings are in extraordinary situations and how they react is important to know. >> sean: interesting and the last question i will have for you here this was your first
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political position. i found that pretty interesting. and i will not ask you about your alliance emotionally on your wife which i think got a lot of press in your country for being a little bit racy. >> a little bit racy, yeah. >> sean: which is he norm -- enormously straightforward and honest. >> thank you. yeah, the truth is it was the first job i've ever had. the other thing that is interesting about being prime minister or president is whatever anyone says, nothing prepares you. >> sean: nothing can prepare you for that job? >> no. >> sean: mr. prime minister, thank you for being with us. >> thank you sean. >> sean: our great, great american panel, straight ahead. ♪
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institute, judith miller is here. she a nationally syndicated radio talk show host monica crowley is back. he's an iraq war vet republican congressional candidate for north carolina's 7th district, ilario pantano is with us. guys good to see. a couple weeks ago, anybody know who john boehner was? >> not even republicans. >> sean: it is interesting. he smokes, and he's got a deep tan often. it started with the president himself. watch this. >> the president: there were no new policies from mr. boehner. there were no new ideas. in fact, when mr. boehner was near cleveland, he attacks us foreclosing a few of these loopholes. mr. boehner dismissed these jobs we saved. teaching our kids. patrolling our streets. mr. boehner and the republicans in congress said no to these projects. mr. boehner has so far said no
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to infrastructure. when these same republicans, including mr. boehner, were in charge the number of earmarks and pet projects went up. >> sean: i guess they don't have governor palin or george bush or newt gingrich to kick around. >> good that he is acknowledging boehner is going to be the next speaker. he ought not to be picking a fight with him. he ought to the american people are speaking and rejecting obama's policies. >> sean: i believe this is a referendum election on obama's policies. >> i think this was an unwise political move he's vesting boehner at the presidential level. he's elevating john boehner who might be the next speaker of the house. [ talking over each other ] >> you don't have orange skin. that's the difference. >> sean: he likes to be in the
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sun and smoke, who cares! the president smokes! >> they have that in common. now it appears they also have tax policy in common or just about in common much to the chagrin of republicans and some democrats. >> sean: that angered a lot of conservatives. >> oh yes, including you, me, ilario, probably. john boehner tried to walk-back that statement today because he realized he did step in it. and his counterpart in the senate mitch mcconnell the head of the republican party in the senate said whoa, wait a minute. today mcconnell introduced legislation to force democrats to vote on ing all bush tax cuts, up or down, yes or no. >> sean: it should be all or nothing, repeal of health care, all or nothing that's what the country wants. >> the country is looking for strong conservative leadership. the idea of compromise now is what's us here. right now the american people want leaders that are going to maintain the values they've sold the american people.
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when you've got cuba in the process of energy reforms to open up more free market activity recognizing growing government is not the path to prosperity there's the lesson for president obama >> sean: what is it miss miller? >> i don't see why john boehner wants republicans to be -- [ talking over each other ] >> sean: this notion that the wealthy, only 2% -- first of all the 2% pay nearly 50% of the bills. number two, that impacts small business. jobs are created by small business not by the government. those census jobs are gone. the president is at a net loss of 7 1/2 million jobs in terms of what he has promised the country and failed to deliver. if you want to create jobs you have to go for tax cuts for he the people who are the job creators. >> in my district in north carolina, we've had 1800 jobs created according to the stimulus, 200 in the private
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sector that's what my opponent is bragging about. 12% of the job growth in the private sector. growing the federal government is not sustainable. what the american people want right now -- >> sean: according to president obama in your district there were nine million jobs saved. >> this recent 26 billion dollar emergency bailout supposedly 646 teachers' jobs were saved. we called every school district, none were saved. >> on the expiration of the bush tax cuts one thing the republicans should be doing is reframing this, it is not an expiration of bush tax cuts this will be an obama tax increase. >> sean: the radical imam who wants the ground zero mosque has spoken out and stepped in it again. more with our great, great american pan fell, next.
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>> sean: we continue with our great, great american panel. the radical imam, you were there today. >> i was. >> sean: not hallowed ground, ground zero. >> according to the imam. >> i was there on saturday at the protest against in mosque. it is hallowed ground. if you were standing on the roof of that building you would have been killed by a piece of landing gear. i'm tired of being called intolerant. i fought two wars to liberate muslims from other muslims. >> you ought to be happy, i think what we heard today was almost a kind of declaration of surrender by the imam. >> sean: i didn't hear the same thing. the fact that he said we've got to find some negotiation? he wouldn't sit down with the governor of new york. >> true. >> sean: developers wouldn't talk to donald trump. it seems he was rigid. he suggested last week this that moss not built you better
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expect your soldiers will be in jeopardy. >> i don't like being threatened. >> quoting the great jerry maguire, show me the money! i think that they've been unable to raise the money they need for this ambitious project. >> sean: that's the reason it has nothing to do with his willingness to be a community out-reach guy. >> a bridge-builder. here's a big question if he's this bridge-building peace loving moderate as he why is he spending his time warning the american people if we are forced to move in mosque there's no telling what might happen. radical islamists might tack you. he should be spending his time warning them not to attack us if he's a true moderate. >> sean: i want to know when they are going to have this open debate about opening up mecca to american nonmuslims? what he means by america sharia compliant? i want to know when he's going to apologize for saying america was an accessory to 9/11? >> unfortunately, he wasn't
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asked any of those questions this morning. >> sean: how could that be? >> i was kind of shocked that he wasn't asked those questions. >> sean: did you ask any questions? >> i want called upon. >> i think the delays are almost an iran-style series of on fuse . they've dug their heels -- on fuse . they've dug their heels in. >> all of the answers are so cloaked in deception. when he was talking about this particular location is not hall lowed ground. his logic was, he said there's a strip joint across the way and there are betting parlors. the difference is strippers and gamblers didn't try to kill us on 9/11. there's a huge element of the muslim world that is still targeting the united states. >> no, but we make islam four billion muslims our enemy at our peril we will lose the war against terrorism if we do that.
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>> sean: we'll lose the war if we buy into this notion that through accommodation, capitulation that america is going to buy favor from radical jihadists. there's only one answer to this judith, to destroy them to defeat them, beat them, destroy them, confront them if you acquiesce and capitulate you will embolden them. >> with the small minority are the extremists. >> islam minority has been responsible for 500,000 deaths since nine 11 -- since 9/11. egypt, spain, bali to baghdad, radical islamists have been blowing themselves. i was in iraq in 2004, there were 30 car bombs self-inflicted. >> they've been blowing themselves up, muslims themselves are the real victims. >> sean: if we accommodate the mosque peace will be in our ti
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