tv Happening Now FOX News September 24, 2010 11:00am-1:00pm EDT
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martha: see you monday, "happening tphoup" starts now. jenna: well, we're going to continue with that news, martha, bill, fox news alert. we're awaiting a news conference any minute now by iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad in new york city. hi, everybody, i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. "happening now", this news conference a day after the iranian leader stood before the u.n. general isn't and accused the united states of staging the 9/11 attacks. >> some segments within the u.s. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining american economy and its grips on the middle east in order to save the zionist regime. jon: the u.s. delgration walked out during ahmadinejad's rant yesterday, joining them, 31 other delegates from around the world. we will monitor ahmadinejad's news conference for you. it is also streaming live on, if you'd like to see what that guy has to say. jenna: there's also the
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human drama behind the international standoff with iran, american hiker sarah shourd is trying to speak with president ahmadinejad while in new york, she's hope to go free other fiance and another friend of hers still in custody and accused of spying. we spoke with sarah earlier today. >> there's been, of course, different reports about you want to go meet face to face with mahmoud ahmadinejad. would you like to do that? >> very much. >> what would you like to say to him? >> i want to beseech him to extend the same humanitarian gesture to my fiance, shane bauer and josh, they don't deserve to be in person a day longer than i do. they committed no crime, and i would just like him to do everything he can to help them. jenna: we'll see if that conversation takes place. in the meantime, i adsarah why of all places in the world she, shane and josh chose to hike along the iran-iraq border.
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her answer and that entire interview coming up. iran's president is making news of his own, area ow zone eric shawn, interviewing mahmoud ama ahmadinejad, right now. what he's saying is going to shock you. we have that and the report from eric coming up. jon: there is more drama on the international stage, a fight apparently unfolding at the hilton hotel in new york between delegates of sudan and delegates from iran. security agents reportedly had to restrain one sudanese diplomat. christian whiten served as adviser to the state department under george w. bush and is our guest now. seems like any time the iranians come to town, trouble follows, christian. >> reporter: that's right. future historians are probably going to wonder why we invited these people into our country, why we gave them a platform, why we thought these to the biggest city, the media capitol of the world and gave them a stage to spout antiamericanism and engage in antics like this. jon: is it the case that
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some of the antics that mahmoud ahmadinejad is engaging in are in part to distract attention from the troubles or the pressure he's feeling at home? >> that's right. he faces serious trouble at home. conceptually, what we ought to be doing, instead of talking him out of the nuclear aspirations which essentially is the obama administration policy, a much better plan would be to try to buy time for the korean movement in condition, the come -- in iran, the democratic movement. the government that hoards over them. you look at ahmadinejad, you see this is someone who's not reasonable, truth worth -- trustworthy, but the obama administration has a policy that requires the regime to be truth worth -- trustworthy. after all if you're going to get a deal out of him, that's what you need. instead we ought to be working with democrats. jon: what is, this -- this is, what, the third consecutive year he made the trip to new york and spoke in front of the general assembly? how have you seen his approach change over the three years? >> it's been essentially
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consistent. he uses it as a prove ganda platform. he says things you know isn't true. yesterday, he said that the u.s. and israel were the ones who caused 9/11, who actually made it happen, conspired to do that. you know, he appearstous to be a crazy person, but in fact, he is the president of this very significant country, one of our chief adversaries in the world. he's in the insane, he knows he's lying. so you know, this is a real problem. people say oh well, at least of the u.n. is a gathering place, but actually it's also a very significant propaganda platform for our adversaries and it's being paid for in part by u.s. taxpayer dollars. jon: but when he arrived, one of the things that created him was the news that russians were going to take part in the sangings, that the u.n. has imposed, they're not going to sell that s300 missile system that iran says it wants to protect it from potential attack. i hear different things about whether these sanctions actually are biting iran. your opinion?
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>> my opinion is it's too late. it happened too late. you know, one of the myths about this, it was only recent begun that we talked to the iranian regime and working with other people like russia. in fact this goes well into the bush administration. we either talked to them directly or through proxy. so no, there's nothing really new here. iran is very close to a nuclear weapons capability, at least the materials to make one and really, the time for sanctions would have been a while ago, and at this point, you need to look at i think other options. jon: christian whiten was adviser to the bush state department, christian, thank you. >> thanks jon. jenna: president obama, wrapping up meetings with world leaders in new york city today, and the white house saying mr. obama called the iranian leader's 9/11 conspiracy theories outrageous and offensive i mike emanuel is in new york, following the president. this is a tough spot for the president to be. he wants to respond, at the same time, he doesn't want to give too much credence to some of these crazy comments. >> reporter: no question about that jenna.
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the president particularly outraged by the fact that we are all right here in new york, so close to ground zero, where almost 3000 lives were lost, and so the president blasted back, pretty quickly, through his aides, and we expect to hear more from him today. in terms of his personal outrage and this great drama goes on with both world leaders who cannot stand each other, being in the same city, causing traffic jams for the people of new york but all kidding aside, they are so close, but yet they're talking past one another. jenna: and some would say that ahmadinejad made these comments more for the iranian people rather than his american audience to show how strong and powerful he is in his own country. are we doing anything as americans to make sure our message is getting across from that country? >> president obama is doing an interview with bbc persian, so we will see video clips of him addressing not only ahmadinejad's outrageous comments about 9/11 but also, about better relations with the people of iran, that the united states does not have a beef with the iranian people, it's just their government.
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and so if they want a better way of life, perhaps it's time for a new government. jenna: interesting story to watch as it develops, eric shawn, also sitting down with mahmoud ahmadinejad, and apparently into the newsroom, we're hearing bits and pieces but more outrageous comments coming from iran's leader. mike, thank you very much, always great to have you in the newsroom. jon, breaking news now. jon: that's right, jenna. we are continuing to watch that arms standoff at bank in south florida, rick folbaum is at the breaking news desk. >> reporter: this story, right near the university of miami, not yet contained. it started earlier this morning when a man apparently with an explosive device walked into a bank of america branch right near the university. there were early reports he was holding hostages inside that bank, but according to police, who just wrapped up a news conference, there are no more customers or bank employees inside that building. apparently, now, only the suspects. but they're not taking any
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chances. the entire area has been shut down, people being told to stay away from the area, which is right near the south dixie highway, a very busy thorough fare in south florida, the fbi is helping local law enforcement in miami, and hos ang negotiate -- hostage negotiators are on the scene, they have made contact with the person inside the bank, but we repeat kaorbgsd to go police, the suspect is no longer holding anyone hostage. students at the university of miami got an alert this morning, telling them to stay away from the area near the bank, but classes at the university, still in session other local schools, jon, including local elementary schools nearby are in a lockdown situation as police continue to try to get this situation contained. as of right now, that has not yet happened. jon: rick folbaum, thanks. jenna: a new battle over religion in america's classrooms. what your child may be learning about islam that has many parents upset. plus, it was just a blip on the political radar a
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year and a half ago but the tea party could reach washington as we know it. that's what political analysts have to say, with so much influence. what exactly is the father? we'll talk about golden strategy with three leaders from that movement. we want to hear what your questions for the tea party? e-mail them to us, happening now at we'll read them in a little bit. see you soon.
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jen new textbook war in texas, the board of education is taking up a resolution urging publishers to stop pushing textbooks they say glorify the religion of islam. kris gutierrez is following this live from austin, texas today. hi kris. >> reporter: hi there jenna. this is one book that supporters of this resolution point out as being unbalanced and here's why. in the table of
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contents, islam is mentioned 27 times, in this book alone, while christianty is referenced only once. here's what the man who draft thunderstorm resolution said about this and other perceived biases and in other textbooks. listen here: >> i think whether it passeses -- passes or not we put the textbook companies on notice, that whether it's a five, ten, eight, seven, passes that there are going to be members on this board that are going to be watching this. >> the notion that a world history textbook would be proislamic and antichristian is simply silly to some. critics are calling on the board to reject this resolution because they say it does nothing more than politicize education and exploit antimuslim bigotry. listen here: >> to put forward a resolution that we know affects publishers in the way they present their material is kind of like saying okay, watch out, there are arab guys funding these things, and i think it's kind of ridiculous to
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try and ask people to put together a spider's web that doesn't exist. >> reporter: now, if this resolution passes, it could take effect in as early as two years. jenna: a story we're going to watch. thank you very much. jon: thr-pbd braz new testimony in a case alleging voter intimidation. steve centanni joins us live from the u.s. commission on civil rights in washington, d.c. what's happening there, steve? >> reporter: jon, christopher coate sefplt is testifying today, he was told by the doj not to testify, they still don't want him to appear here but he's going to tell his version of the events surrounding the 2008 incident at a philadelphia polling place, when three new black panther party members who dressed in black and wielding night sticks, at least some of them, tried allegedly to intimidate voters, well, coates, testifying in strong language, saying it was a travesty of justice that the department of justice didn't go after these guys, and he calls the conduct of these black panther party members outrageous. he also claims the department of justice has a long term hostility for
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neutral enforcement of the voting rights act, and he points back to 2005, when a mississippi election official was discriminating against whites on the way down to investigate, one career department official said i can't believe we're going to mississippi to protect white voters and it's that anger partly that led to this situation. listen: >> it is my position that the disposition of the panther case was ordered because of people calling the shots in may 2009, were angry at the filing of the case and angry at the filing of the panther case. that anger was the result of their deep seated opposition to the equal enforcement of the voting rights act against racial minorities and for the protection of white voters who have been discriminated against. >> reporter: and coates says that many appointees of the obama administration in the justice department also hold this deep seated opposition to enforcing the voting rights act across the
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board in a race-neutral way and that's what he says this hearing is all about. so the commissioner is continuing to hear the testimony of coates and they are now asking him questions, trying to get more information, more details on how this could have happened. back to you. jon: steve centanni, keep an eye on it for us, thanks. jenna: your tea party questions, answered. three leaders of the movement on their strategy, their goals and their message to democrats and republicans. plus, a sitdown with freed american sarah shourd after 410 days of solitary confinement, how she kept her sanity, maintained her spirits and how she feels about america today.
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bailout of wall street, also , the spending and the political powerhouse that some say could sweep the democrats out of power 40 days from now, but if that's the truth, what exactly is the tea petition, do all the members speak with one voice and who exactly are they backing? let's talk to two players in the movement, matt kibbe, freedom works, mark mechler, cofounder of tea party patriots and david webb, cofounder of tea party 365. here's the main question to all of you. quick answers if we can, starting with matt, matt, what is the tea party? >> the tea party is a broad-based community of local activists that believe that the government's gotten too big and is spending too much. it includes the 912 groups, tea party groups. here in colorado they call tprepls freedom groups and all of these folks agree on the big issues, that it's about activism and showing up. jenna: mark, how would you describe it? >> i'd describe it as a
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spontaneous organic uprising of citizens against the government out of control, it's truly bottom up, driven by no organization in d.c. or anywhere else. it's really just people out in their communities taking back their country. jenna: david? >> it's a citizen revolt, regardless of party affiliation, as we've seen here in new york and nationally against an out of control government and a government that does not exhibit any fiscal restraint, spending america and our future in debt. jenna: sounds like there are a lot of similar themes. we have great questions from our viewers i'm going to ask in a moment. towards the area of fundraising and candidate endorsement, matt, your group actually endorses candidates and raises money for them. how do you choose who you endorse? >> well, we look first at principles, did you stand strong on things like the wall street bailout, are you against spending, and can you prove that to the voters. but we also look at your ability as a candidate to get elected and to come to office with ideas and turn those ideas into good
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legislation. jenna: matt, have you endorsed any democrats? >> we have not been able to find a democrat, at least in the national level, that meets that standard. we have certainly had democrats on our stage from the states, but today, the democratic party is so monolithically liberal, controlled by nancy pelosi and harry reid, it's very difficult for fiscal conservatives to get elected as a democrat today. jenna: mark, what are your thoughts on that? >> you know, i think what matt says is entirely correct. there are democrats running on these principles we saw in west virginia, ellen mollohan was defeated in the primary, alverio ran on tea party principle, smaller government and fiscal restraint. so we are starting to see that shift that's that is going to correct on the democratic side. jenna: does that mean the tea party is about backing republicans? >> no, and to go with matt's earlier point that we just haven't been able to find democrats at the national level, and i would also caution that there are democrats out there, running
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as false conservatives, because their first goal as a politician is to get reelected and that's what we have to be careful of i think at the state level an certainly in new york and in the new york metro, we have many democrats who align with our principles, but if they want to run, their party will not let them identify with the tea party. jenna: david, let me stay with you for a second, because there's a lot that's been said about the tea party and who makes it up. in fact, colleen from madison, alabama, wrote us and asked who are the faces of this tea party revolution? now, you know, as well as i, that the perception of this tea party is that it's white, middle class men who are just angry at the president for who he is. can you talk to us a little about that and that perception of the tea party? >> yeah, and the face of the tea party is the american people. as for white middle class men, when it comes to the health care issue, which was the big issue for the tea parties last year, women played a key role. women understand, they deal with health care at the family level and at the
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corporate level, so they would like to portray it as antiobama, but i don't remember a single time in rick santelli's rant in that seminole moment when he mentioned race or party. he talked about spending. and it is up to the left to be honest, and they probably never will be, and say citizens across america, which there are 60 percent conservatives, 60 percent libertarians or liberal, agree with tea party principles. there just aren't enough to fit what they want to call us. jenna: mark, let's pick up off that point as well, because we're being asked about the social issues of the tea party by some of our viewers, and we talk talk a lot about the grass root movement that is the tea party, you talked about it being spontaneous but there's the tension between being respond -- spontaneous and main street and institutionalized. how do you keep it awe th-pbtic as it is gaining power? >> you know, i don't think that tensions actually exists. i think what you're talking about an old paradigm of old
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politics. the paradigm of the game have changed so it is the powerful -- the powerful are the people, and theo that's the way it's going to be for a long time to come. institutions are not where the powers resides. jenna: this from judy, what did people in the tea party consider themselves before they became the tea party? >> well, a lot of these folks have never been involved in politics or protests or anything like this before, and they consider themselves first good citizens, and they feel like they have a responsibility, we all left our country, our government, our washington, d.c. establishment, to its own devices and now we've got to step up and take america back. jenna: it's interesting to have you guys on board, we appreciate doing this, and look forward to doing it again hopefully as we get over the next couple of weeks and head into mid terms, matt, mark, david, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. jon: and fair and balanced, coming up, we'll talk with someone who's reaching out to americans who are not happy about the way things are going in this country,
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but this person does not agree with the tea party on just about any of the issues. he took out a big ad that aired over times square and wrote a book called a progressive's guide to raising hell. that's in the next hour of "happening now". reliving 410 days of horror, an american hiker is now back in america. after spending over a year in isolation in an iranian jail. jenna sits down with sarah shourd and wait until you hear how she got through her ordeal, each day, behind bars. that's next.
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jon: new next hour, more heart wrenching testimony in the trial of a man charged in the horrific killings of a connecticut doctor's entire family. we're at the courthouse with a report on what jurors are hearing now. new riot necessary the holy city of jerusalem, israeli police crack down on palestinians, throwing stones and setting fires in the streets. what this means for those peace talks underway right now. and they call him devil's lake, a slow growing monster devouring acres of land, homes, and at least two towns. what the people on the front lines are doing to hold back mother nature. jenna: "haw' now", freed american hiker sarah shourd is trying to meet with iran's president while in new york city. sarah spent more than a year in one of iran's worst prisons, she, her fiance and her friend, you're seeing the photo on your screen
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now, were hiking near the iraq-iran border when arrested and aexcused of spying for the united states, forcing sarah to sit in isolation for 410 days. her fiance and friend are still in prison. sarah finally saw her mother earlier this month, giving her a tearful hug and emotional reunion. i just sat down with sarah today and started by asking her how she's holding up. >> i am pretty numb. it's a shock to be all of the sudden thrown into the free world and not have my fiance and my friend with me, you know, we've been dreaming about this moment and sharing it together, and everything is sort of, you know, a lot of the life and a lot of the excitement is taken out of it, because all of my energy is put into getting their freedom. jenna: and it must be so extreme to going from being in prison for months and months and months, then suddenly being freed. what is that transition like ? >> it's really something. i mean, it's beautiful in so
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many ways, it's beautiful to learn about this huge groundswell of support, you know. we got information from it from the letters we received in prison but i could never have imagined that it's this big, like how many governments and people around the world really and truly believe in our innocence, and there's no doubt that we were just innocent victims of an unfortunate situation, and my fiance and friend are still suffering. and their families are still suffering. skpwr*epb jen -- jenna: when you were in prison, did you have any idea that that was happening? that the world had really taken to your story? >> yeah, i mean, we knew that we had incredible friends and an incredible community of people that believe and do humanitarian work in the world, anyway, and we knew they would jump on to our cause and put everything into it but it's impossible to imagine the details, like learning that desmond tutu in south africa
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spoke about us or a homeless woman in san francisco who's been donating money to our cause and doing vigils, and one thing that really touched me, one of my best friends from elmentry school, she's from iran originally, but grew up in the united states, and we haven't seen each other in 20 years and she's been like one of the main people in the campaign, you know, she's like doing everything for me, and i can't wait to see her. it's incredible. jenna: take us back to that day. there's so many questions around the day that you were taken into captivity. just tell us that story. >> well, we had only been in northern iraq for three days, and we only had another day before i had to return back to damascus to continue my teaching job, northern iraq, different from most peoples' expectations and understanding of the region. it's a semiautonomous part of iraq, and there's not a war zone, has not had active
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conflict. jenna: so you felt safe going there. >> we d we knew other people who traveled there, we looked online and researched hotels and hiking. there's a lot of websites that advertise their booming tourist industry, so yeah, we never would have gone if we didn't feel safe, and we woke up that morning and we said oh, it's a beautiful day, it would be so nice to do a little hiking, see a little nature, and we asked the hotel manager where would be a good place to go and he recommended this spot, aq -- aqmidowa, where there's a waterfall, and no reason to be concerned about our safety. jenna: you were received well, did they know you were american and did you kind of go along your business by yourself or did you talk to people? >> we talked to people, sat near them and ate and slept by the waterfall. we stayed there overnight. and yeah, we spoke with people. we don't speak the kurdish language, so we were trying to communicate a little in english and arabic. but everyone, you know, is
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just -- we didn't say we were americans, but no one asked, either. i think it's common to see westerners in this location, even at the hotel, there was a photograph of other westerners that had gone to the waterfall and we were like okay, this looks like a nice spot. jen how did you go on the hike? >> we asked where a good trail was, and we followed the trail, the next morning, for about three hours, and it was just, you know, a well made trail. we didn't see another human being hiking, or any human beings around, or any indication that we were near the border. there was no flag or fence or any indication, no signs. when we stumbled on the soldiers, they were -- >> jenna: were they just there along the trail, were they sitting there, was there some sort of outpost or something? >> no, we didn't see anything, we just saw soldiers in the distance. jenna: did you think that maybe you could have been
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set up, sent on this trail on purpose? >> i really can't -- i'll never know. i mean, i never -- that never occurred to me, but i do know the theory that's circulating. jenna: well, then tell us, then, about prison now. what happened in that moment that you realized that you weren't getting out, that you were going to be staying in this iranian prison? >> well, it was devastating. i mean, in the beginning, we just thought well, we're innocent, you know, there's no evidence, once they ask us a few questions, this is all going to be cleared up and it's going to be over, but of course, there were like two voices playing, you know, in your head, the really terrified voice that's looking at the worst case scenario, like i'm going to be year for -- here for years, or i really just need to say goodbye to the world because i don't know when i'm going to see it again. jenna: what was a typical day like? >> well, a typical day, i'll try to -- i always tried to keep myself busy, we had
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some books that i read and i exercised a lot, you know, even on days when i couldn't really hold myself together, i would be, you know, tears streaming down my face, i would force myself to run and exercise and do pushups and -- because you really need to stay physically fit for mental health. but my whole day was focused around seeing shane and josh and in the beginning, that didn't happen, we were in complete solitary confinement and then they let us see each other for half an hour, it was an hour and finally towards the end, two hours a day. but all day, i would save up every anecdote, every thought to share with them and as it came closer to the outside, i would be pacing around my room and wringing my hands, full of anxiety and stress and when i saw them, the relief was incredible, and whenever i thought i was really losing control, they would bring me back, keep me strong and grounded, and -- >> jenna: let's talk about iran. when you ever been for that -- to that country before? >> no, and i had absolutely
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no intention of going there. jenna: did you ever come face to face with any iranian leadership while there? >> no. jenna: so you never had any contact with officials from the government? >> no. jenna: there's been, of course, reports about you want to go meet face to face with mahmoud ahmadinejad. would you like to do that? >> very much. jenna: what would you like to say to stph-pl. >> i just want to beseech him to extend the same humanitarian gesture to my fiance, shane bauer, and my friend josh, they don't deserve to be in prison a day longer than i today. -- than i do. they committed no crime, and i would just like him to do everything he can to help them. jenna: one of the things that he has said, and he said this to the associated press, he said he hopes that shane and josh will be able to provide evidence that they had no ill intention in his country. of course, there's going to be a trial upcoming, we understand, and the information is spotty, but what do you know, what are your chances about having to go back to iran and have to testify? >> well, if that's what it
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takes to prove that we did nothing wrong, then i'm not ruling it out. it's something i'm willing to do. i hope i don't have to do that, but this needs to end for shane and josh. my whole mission now is to keep their pain visible because when you're in prison, no one sees your pain. everyone sees me now and i look pretty good on the outside but no one will see what it was like for me to northbound that cell, screaming, crying, and having no idea when i was going to get out and shane and josh are in the same sized room that i was in but they're cramped in there, very little sunlight, very little time, one hour outside of the cell, no contact with any other human beings except for each other and the prison guards. it's not healthy, and they've been there far, far too long. jenna: a final question for you, now that you've experienced all of this, how has it changed the way that you felt about being an american, about your country >> well, you know, being in
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prison, i think, made me a lot more grateful for everything in my life, you know, and there are many things that i missed about my country,n hough i had been away for a year, and i loved living in the wonderful, vibrant place and there are many things i missed, but mostly, it's my family, and i do, i love how diverse and dynamic our culture is. and -- yeah. jenna: well, we thank you for joining us today, and wish you the best of luck. >> yeah, thanks. jenna: thank you very much. that was sarah shourd in her own words, her own story. right now in new york city, the iranian president, mahmoud ahmadinejad is speaking, once again talking about the conspiracy theories of 911. eric shawn, our very own eric shawn, took on ahmadinejad with these conspiracy theories and we'll have the interview, a live report coming up at the top of the hour. jon: can't wait to hear that. that's going to be interesting. also we have new
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information coming in on that armed standoff at bank in south florida. rick folbaum at the breaking news desk with more. >> reporter: looks like it's all over, we're getting word from some local media reports down in south florida that a man has been taken out of that bank, and is now in police custody. apparently, the standoff has ended. no word yet if police are continuing their search for two other men. there were some earlier reports, jon, that a bank of america employee had been abducted during a home invasion robbery and then driven to the bank and forced to take money out. police were apparently looking perhaps for some accomplices in a red ford mustang. again, some early reports that there was an explosive device taken into the building. we're trying to work on getting confirmation, but again, a worth from wsbn in florida that the standoff at that bank is now over. back to you. jon: that sounds like good news, thank you very much, rick. jenna: a lot of news happening today, next hour, we kick off the brand new
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hot seat seeing men, we'll ask big names the questions you want answered about the hot topics of the week. guest who's our first guest? jeraldo rivera, send him your questions about the top news stories by 1215 time tie and leave a message on our blog by going to fox news.cole/happening now or also e-mail us, happening now,, or you can also use the twitter, as some people call t. and you can tweet us. we will ask your question during our live interview. we're looking forward to that. jon: going to be fun. there's a new cyber weapon out that can wreak real world carnage, this sophisticated cyber worm reportedly has already claimed its first victim. what this thing can do and who's behind it. a cyber security expert joins us. and an aircraft engineer realizing one of mankind also unfulfilled dreams, the first person to fly like a bird. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪
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jon: cyber security experts expose a superweapon capable of ordering nuclear power plant toss self destruct of the it is the most sophisticated computer worm the world has ever seen and apparently targets the software that operates industrial machinery. new reports this digital bomb may have already hit its target. founder of online safety consulting firm ssp blue and former prosecutor for the justice department's online crimes division, himachi, how did we find out about this thing, where did it come from? >> thank you for having me, jon. what happened is the researchers found a system that had been victimized, it had malware on it and they reverse engineered it and
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essentially what they found out was that this is like taking a bomb and creating a honing device for that bomb, and i say that because for many years, hackers have had the ability to destroy systems, including power grids, but what this actually does is that it pin points which system to attack, when to attack it, and does it in a way that there's no collateral damage. in other words, no civilian casualties. and i'm pointing that out specifically because that to me means that there's some nation state behind the creation of this, because it's really nation states that actually care about collateral damage. jon: so this isn't a teenage kid sitting somewhere in his bedroom trying to irritate people. >> absolutely not not and if i'm the white house this should be a cause to go into warp speed and put the cyber defenses up, put up the resources that you need and if you docket it yourself, bring in the hackers out
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there, the good guys who are experts in this and tell them the hacker's system, penetrate, find the hold and fix it as soon as possible. experts like -- go ahead. jon: we had up for a moment a graphic of iran and some video of some of iran's nuclear facilities because some of the thinking is that iranian nuclear plants at places like natanz and bushehr may be the target of these things. >> researchers are saying that -- they're seeing things like what's happening here but if it can be done in a nuclear plant in one country, it can be done against a nuclear plant in any country. which is why i say, for our own government and for those watching at home, keeping your computer systems up to date and more secure is more critical than it has ever been before. jon: it is apparently an amazingly complicated piece of technological mayhem,
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telling plant toss shut down and do all kinds of things, cause damage in the physical world. hemanshu, thank you. >> thank you for having me. jenna: outrage after iran's president called the 9/11 attacks an inside job, our very own eric shawn just sat down in an interview with mahmoud ahmadinejad. we'll bring you all the news from that coming up. and hip new ads featuring every tkae folks, doing cool things like skateboarding and surfing, but what they're selling is actually religious. what's behind the push, just ahead.
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hoping to pump up its image, no bible verses or doctrinal discussions, just every day folks talking about their every day lives. lauren greene has this story from new york city. >> reporter: actually, they are the new spokespeople for the church of latter day saints, we've got a jazz musician, a surfer, a mother, an artist, people with compelling life stories that also happen to be mormon. it's an effort to change peoples' perception, the mormon church launching an extensive tv ad campaign in nine cities such as minneapolis and pittsburgh to show that mormons are just like you and me and they send people to a corresponding website, where they can find out about the church and a live chat with a mormon. so far they've had really great responses. >> web traffic is up, 2 percent to 3 percent on, especially in the test markets, people who come on and ask substantive questions is up significantly, spend more time. there's a chat feature, people are spending more
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time than before the campaign, asking questions. so we're pleased with all those numbers. >> reporter: most people think of missionaries as the traditional way mormons introduce themselves to the public, but they've been using advertising for decades. we spoke with one expert who said it all comes down to one thing: expanding the church. >> mormons are very good at marketing themselves, they understand the principles behind markets, they understand the principles behind public opinion, and they are not averse to trying to use the media in order to advance themselves, whether it's the mormon tabernacle choir or the series of advertisements on television. >> reporter: the ads run through the end of the year with the hope of expanding them into a national campaign, jenna. jenna: i hate to bring it to politics but i have to ask you this question because we're near the mid terms and 2012 in sight and mitt romney, he's a high profile mormon. do you think anything maybe has to do with this?
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>> this is a question that every journalist has asked the mormon church about this, because it's the first thing that pops into your mind, the mormon church categorically denies this that -- that this has anything to do with mitt romney and the election but experts say it couldn't hurt him. we'll see, they have no election but certainly it won't do him any harm. jenna: in the meantime, we can chat with a mormon! who knew. thank you very much, lauren greene. jon: realizing leonardo tk* vinci's dream, hundreds of years after he envisioned it, the employers human human-powered flight taking flight in ontear oefplt it's called the snow bird. not entirely human, a car towed this down a runway and sud beenly its wings start to flap. inside the cockpit, they fly by a set of pedals that runs a pulley. it's comparable to a boeing
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747, called the snow bird, it's the result of four years of work by engineering students and volunteers at the university of toronto. cool. all right. how would you like to sit down, one on one, with mahmoud ahmadinejad, the controversial president of iran? we'll talk to a fellow who just did, our own eric shawn, a sit-down interview with the iranian president, up next. no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi plce around the corner. well, in that case, i better get bk to these invoices... whh i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office.
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moments ago police leading someone out of a bank where they've been investigating a possible bomb situation. phil keating is lye in miami. -- live in miami. >> reporter: the threat to the public that a possible bomb could go off and ininjury anyone is now over. reporting that police have removed what was the device, the explosive device from the bank taking it to a remote location to go ahead and deal with it, possibly detonate it there. they did remove one person from the bank just about within the last half hour. we believe that person was the bank employee that two other men, according to reports citing police sources, kidnapped last night after a home invasion. so the motive appears to play out like this: two men, masked, go to and abduct an employee of this bank last night, take him hostage, and then this morning force him to go to the bank to either withdraw cash or get
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access into the bank. what we do know is about 8 a.m. they did gain access into the bank, and it is being reported by local media down here that this bank employee had some sort of explosive device placed on him by the two suspects who right now police are looking for driving away in the bank employee's car, a late model redford mustang. but all of the hostages that were being held at the bank employees this morning, they're all safe, they've been released. the bank situation on the scene is over, no more threat to the public here. but police do you do have a flud situation as they look for these home invaders and abductors and that stolen car right now. jon: the u of miami campus is close. what's the impact? >> reporter: yeah. all students were e-mailed about this. it's right across u.s. 1 where this bank situation happened. all students there were alerted
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to avoid the area, but classes resumed. they played out as normal on this friday. a couple of elementary schools were on lockdown, all of that has now been lifted though. jon: all right. phil keating live in miami. keep an eye on it for us. thanks. jenna: from miami straight to connecticut where there's graphic and emotional testimony in the trial of a man accused of a brutal triple murder. steven hayes is one of two men charged with killing a mother and her two daughters during a home invasion back in 2007. laura ingal is following this story live in new haven, connecticut. laura, testimony continues today. tough as it is, what's happening right now? >> reporter: hi, jenna. well, indeed. there is more tough evidence to get through and, of course, the family members are here hearing every bit of it today. and today the jurors are hearing about how the evidence was collected, hearing from the state lab biologist and from crime scene experts. and we're talking about a forensic biologist who has been on the stand for the majority of the morning. she works with blood, semen and
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saliva evidence. she testified about the sex crime kits and gave her analysis of the evidence collected, also described the daughters' clothing items that were charred and torn after the fire in the house was set. now, the biologist also talked of evidence of the sex crimes committed against the 11-year-old daughter in this case, her name was michaela, and her mother jennifer. no evidence of a sex crime found on haley, the 17-year-old. all three victims found murdered inside of the family home in 2007. jenna: just a horrific case. hayes' criminal history is expected to come up today. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: yeah. there's been a lot of talk here in new haven about steven hayes' rap sheet and long criminal history that stretches back over 25 years. now, expected later on the stand this afternoon we are expected to hear from a state parole officer, state corrections officer, excuse me, who is
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expected to possibly talk about steven hayes' record. again, a 25-year history of burglary and larceny, and he was released, jenna, in 2007 on administrative review. three years ago. a state corrections officer is, hopefully, going to talk about that today. hayes' alleged co-conspirator also has a rap sheet a mile long and was also paroled around the same time as hayes, also out on administrative review which is a less formal procedure than a full-scale state parole hearing. inmates are not present, and victims don't testify during these reviews. the men were released, reportedly, because they had never committed any violent acts, mostly just burglaries. a lot of questions about how these guys were let out. jenna: this happened, again, back in 2007. we're already towards the end of 2010. does the prosecution plan on winding up this case, or their side, anytime soon? >> reporter: yeah. the judge in the case actually said just this morning that he
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does expect the prosecution to start wrapping up its case next week. it's expected to be a short court day today. monday there will be no court. tuesday, the prosecution is expected to call its last witness, then the defense has announced they will have witnesses as well. that could get under way, closing arguments possibly by the end of next week. and, again, the pettitte family is here inside this courtroom and it has been extremely difficult these last seven days of court listening to all of this, and i think everybody here wants to see this just get over it. jenna: all of our viewers as well. laura, thank you so much for that update. jon: tensions are high in the middle east right now where police are on high alert in jerusalem after riot squads arrested 16 people in the east village. reena ninan has the latest for us right now. is the violence still going on, reena? >> reporter: well, jon, there have been violent clashes on and off the for the past 48 hours. last night there were more of those clashes, but for now it
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remains pretty quiet. there was some tense moments this morning after friday prayers. you could hear the helicopters overhead over the old city in the temple mountains where the prayers took place. there wasn't any clashes or incidents in that, but police continue to remain on high alert after an incident this week when an israeli man killed a palestinian father. jon. jon: the ten-month freeze is set to expire on sunday. palestinians say they will drop out of the talks if the that freeze does not continue. any sign of a compromise? >> reporter: we haven't heard anything yet. everyone's eagerly waiting because the faceoff is sunday, as you mentioned. so everyone's quiet right now, but a very ominous warning coming from king abdullah of jordan who appeared on the daily show, actually, and said if the settlement issue is not resolved by the end of this month, expect a war in this region by the end of the year. pretty harsh comments coming from the king. and also he was echoing
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something president obama said on and off, that this is the single greatest conflict internationally that has the biggest influence on global security, the israeli/palestinian one, and he said that it needs to be resolved. jon: reena knew man live in jerusalem, thanks. jenna: following a dangerous development in north dakota. a lake there has been steadily growing for 20 years submerging thousands of acres, taking hundreds of buildings. now, devil's lake, as they call it, is threatening an entire town. rick folbaum has this story from our breaking news desk. >> reporter: in devil's lake the water comes to you, and this is no joke. one resident calls it slow-moving torture. this lake keeps getting bigger and bigger, and it's swallowed up virtually everything in the its past over the last 20 years including countless trees and buildings, almost 150,000 acres of land. the problem is there is no nearby river or stream that can carry away all the excess rain
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water and snow melt. and so the water in the lake just continues to gather. two entire towns have had to pick up and move. 400 homes have been either destroyed or relocated. and now the lake is within 6 feet of overflowing, so a lot more places and homes are in danger. no one seems to have a real good solution to this. it's not like no one's working on it though. in fact, by the end of the year, get this, the feds will have spent more than a billion dollars to try to fix this problem. north dakota, which actually owns the lake, well, that state has spent another 27 million to try to build a flood water diversion channel. electric pumps have been installed, but even with all that money, the water on devil's lake keeps getting higher and higher, and scientists as the u.s. geological survey, jenna, they say there is a 72% chance that the water there is going to continue to rise for at least ten more years. back to you. jenna: those pictures are
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amazing. i mean, you've got the economy, the housing market, can't anyone get a break? >> reporter: people there say they are so tense and so scared about this situation, it's really a very difficult time. jenna: i can't even imagine. rick, thank you for that. we'll keep following that story. jon: crazy. a very public attack on the tea party. it's right in the middle of new york's times square. a liberal group gets its message out there right there in the crossroads of america. we'll talk with the man behind the ad. plus, lindsay lohan in court right now in los angeles. she's learning what will happen to her after failing a drug test. the judge's decision straight ahead. [ male announcer ] if you have type 2 diabetes,
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you struggle to control your blood sugar. you exercise and eat right, but your blood sugar may still be high, and you need extra help. ask your doctor about onglyza, a once daily medicine used with diet and exercise to control high blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. adding onglyza to your current oral medicine may help reduce after meal blood sugar spikes and may help reduce high morning blood sugar. [ male announcer ] onglyza should not be used to treat type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. tell your doctor if you have a history or risk of diabetic ketoacidosis. onglyza has not been studied with insulin. using onglyza with medicines such as sulfonylureas may cause low blood sugar. some symptoms of low blood sugar are shaking, sweating and rapid heartbeat. call your doctor if you have an allergic reaction like rash, hives or swelling of the face, mouth or throat.
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ask your doctor if you also take a tzd as swelling in the hands, feet or ankles may worsen. blood tests will check for kidney problems. you may need a lower dose of onglyza if your kidneys are not working well or if you take certain medicines. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about adding onglyza. extra help. extra control. you may be eligible to pay $10 a month with the onglyza value card program. jenna: well, we have a surprise breaking news alert for you. lindsay lohan is going back to jail. this is her arriving in court today in los angeles. she violated some terms of her probation because she failed a drug test. now, she just got out of prison
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and rehab and the whole stint, and it was widely expected the judge would just grant bail and, well, she would be let go and have to return to court. but the judge surprised everybody -- that was her going into court today -- surprised everybody and said, no, you're going to prison right now. we're going to have another trial on october 22nd, and we're not granting you bail. we'll keep you up-to-date as we hear more on that surprising news. jon: also breaking news on that bank hostage situation in florida. phil keating live in miami. >> reporter: the fbi now saying that the person that was the lone remaining person inside the bank was, in fact, a bank of america employee abducted early this morning or late last night by three suspects. they then forced that person to wear a vest which they told the suspect had a woman within it. bomb within it. at 8 a.m. when that bank opens, they take the employee there -- according to the fbi -- gain access into the bank, and the
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fbi says the three suspects did make away with a large amount of money. they didn't say how much it was, but it was definitely some cash. they then left in the suspect's late model redford mustang. that has yesterday to be found, nor have the three suspects been found. but the vest that supposedly had a bomb on it is in the process of being removed from the bank property and taken to a remote location to be detonated. all hostages -- no more hostages, no more threat to the public around that bank of america right across the street from the university of miami campus south of downtown miami. looking for three suspects who, quite inventively, gained access into this bank of america branch early this morning and so far have made it away with some cash. jon: good news nobody hurt there. thanks very much, phil keating. that-and-a-half well, a new ad attacking the tea party running in times square. a consumer advocacy group hopes to rally liberals before the
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midterms by labeling the tea party, quote, insane. you're seeing some of the ad on your screen right now. doesn't have any sound, just these words, as you can see. kind of talks to, well, being mad as hell. jamie court is president of the group running the ad, consumer the ad is promoting "the progressive guide to raising hell," and, jamie, we just saw part of the ad where you say the tea party is insane. why do you think that? >> well, we ask the question, if you're mad as hell and think the tea party's insane, what do you do? we recall the question because i personally do think it's insane to give the reins of government over to people who would largely dismantle it. but that's not what we did with the ad. what we did with the ad was raise the question. we raise the question because our biggest concern in this economic crisis is getting health insurance rate hikes under control, getting the foreclosure situation under control, getting wall street greed under control. and you cannot have a government under the terms the tea party
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wants it take away the powers and do those things. and we think that's what the public's angry about, those corporate problems, the wall street problems. and the only way to deal with it is through effective regulation, through effective accountability for politicians, absolutely, but also accountability for wall street. and if the tea party has its way, we won't do it. jenna: you know, jamie, it's interesting. we had a tea party panel on earlier just to ask the question, what is the tea party. it seems like there are a lot of different groups standing for a lot of different things some of which seems to kind of resonate with you as well. have you ever been to a rally or participated in one of those groups? >> i've actually debated the tea party -- jenna: but have you been to one of the rallies just to see what it was about? >> no. i've read the documents. i've read what the positions are, identify watched -- i've watched what the candidates say. in the book i talk about our history of 20 years at the ballot box bringing left and
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right together to regulate auto insurers in california, regulate health insurer, take on oil companies, take down politicians. i go after democrats and republicans when they're involved in cash register politics. i'd like an honest politician, but i can tell you this. what is the policy after the tea party or its candidates take control of government? the policy i see in writing is all about taking away the power of the agencies that will rein in the corporations. and while there is a lot of talk, i will acknowledge this, that sounds a lot like what i would say in terms of getting wall street under control or worried about how high the cost of health insurance is, the answers are not there. and i also worry about the people behind the tea party because we have oil tycoons like the koch brothers funding the tea party, funding, for instance, a greenhouse gas emissions repeal in california on the ballot, prop 23, and the tea party's fighting with them. so i wonder if people's anger is being misused.
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jenna: that's an interesting question about funding. running this video on times square is not cheap. where are you getting the money to do that? >> we've been doing this for 20 years. our funding is about a third from the insurance companies that we sue to lower rates they have to pay us when we beat them at our california department of insurance, a third from grants that we get from charitable foundations that are public, and another third from major donors. we have done very well by lowering auto insurance rates in the state. we've challenged rate hikes, have saved the prick on the public -- public on the public record about $1.3 million, and the insurance companies pay us money, and we're free to use this money -- jenna: as you mentioned, doing this for 20 years. who are some of your big donors? >> well, as i said, the companies we sue, but we also have a lot of foundations that have helped us over the year. if people want to know, they're well kohl to -- welcome to get in touch with us. the funds for this project are
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really tied to us wanting to promote the web site and what we do, and if people want to find out more, they should come to consumer, and e-mail us. we're happy to talk to them. jenna: that's why we invited you on. just a final question here just about politics today. one of the complaints about washington is that it is so divisive, that there is no bipartisanship, that people can't come together. and i just wonder about this ad and whether or not that's helping the public and trying to come together to start any type of social movement, whatever your point of view is? >> well, i'll tell you what, anger is what fuels change. the reason we had a law taking effect saying insurance companies can't cancel you after you get in the hospital and rack up medical bills is because there was bipartisan anger at the insurance companies over the practice. that's the politics we play. we get people angry at corporations to get government
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to rein them in. if we can get people focused on corporate abuses, we can change practices. i get calls from people who have problems with their insurance companies, i want government to back that up. we put this ad out there to get people's anger, involvement, but we want it focused on the right target, the people who have caused our financial crisis, the people who are raising our insurance rates not in an amorphous way, just rolling back the powers of government. jenna: we appreciate you joining us to explain that, and maybe we'll have some tea partiers back and we can have a discussion. >> i'd love to have a tea party with the tea party. jenna: i like it. jamie court, consumer thank you. >> thank you. jon: that'll be interesting. you've probably heard all the discussion about whether or not to end the bush-era tax cuts. democrats who control the senate had the chance to make a decision and, guess what? they blinked. they're putting off a crucial vote until after the midterm elections. what does that mean?
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why this delay, and what will it effect -- how will it affect you, the taxpayer? it's work through the grime and the muck, month. tow and pull without getting stuck month. sweat every day to make an honest buck...month. and if you're gonna try and do this in anything other than a chevy... well, good luck...month. great deals on the complete family of chevy trucks all backed for a hundred thousand miles. it's truck month. now buy this 2011 all-star edition silverado and combine the option package discount with other offers for a total value o five thousand llars. seyour local chevrolet dealer.
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jon: it appears democrats in the united states senate are a little worried about their chances in november. they've decided they would rather delay a vote to extend tax cuts until after the midterm elections. here's how "the wall street journal" put it in a front page headline: congress punts on taxes. let's talk about it with paul gigot, host of the journal editorial report here on fox and editorial page editor of "the wall street journal." you didn't write that headline. >> i did not. that's the news, front page. we do the opinions. jon: all right. why do they decide? does nobody in washington have a spine? >> well, because the rank and file, and they have, remember, 59 seats, democrats do, in the
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senate. yeah, 59 seats, so they have a big majority, but they decided they didn't want to make a vote before the election that would be a tax increase because they felt it would hurt their candidates to vote in the mid -- middle of a very bad economy for a tax increase. jon: but the president's been saying the rich people can afford it. >> yes, he's been saying that. the overall position of the economy and the potential damage trumps that class argument that he's been making which is, oh, just extend them for the middle class, lower tax rates, but you can raise taxes on people that make more than 200,000. that argument doesn't sell when everybody's worried, wait a minute, we don't want to raise taxes on small business, job creators, and that's what the democrats are reacting to. jon: it's not just tax rates for sam ri earners -- salary earners. >> capital gains would go up from 15% to 20%. the tax on dividends from 15% to nearly 40%. and about half of all small business income in the united states would be taxed at a
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higher rate on individual incomes because a lot of small business owners file as individuals, not as corporations. jon: but does it make any sense to put this off until after the election when you're going to have a bunch of lame ducks, presumably, in office making decisions? >> well, it would have been, i mean, to get rid of uncertainty, it would have been better to have that vote. on the other hand, i'd much rather see this put off if we can delay that tax increase, that potential tax increase and maybe then after a lame duck we'll see what the nature of a new congress looks like. we may be able to extend all of the tax cuts. i think the democrats have been smart to extend all of the tax cuts for everybody. that would have helped them politically, and i think it would help the economy. but they didn't want to do that because a lot of people on their left want to get rid of all of the tax -- jon: and it wouldn't have pleased the guy who lives at 1600 pennsylvania. all right. paul has a lot more to talk about this weekend. check it out when he hosts the
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journal editorial report tomorrow at 2 p.m. eastern right here on this network. and then do not go anywhere because i'll be hosting fox news watch 30 minutes later, 2:30 eastern time. some fascinating developments in the media world to talk about this week. jenna? jenna: well, we have a fox news alert for you. moments ago eye rain man president mahmoud ahmadinejad saying he has no problem meeting with sarah shourd, the freed american hiker who told her story to us earlier today. mahmoud ahmadinejad went on to say he meets with many americans, hundreds even during the trip. so that was his statement about this freed hiker that we wanted to bring you. ahmadinejad also meets with the press on these trips, and he just sat down for an exclusive and wide-ranging interview with fox news' own eric shawn. eric just got back to the newsroom, so take it away. >> reporter: yeah, jenna, it was an interview that touched on a variety of topics, but i wanted to start off with his controversial topics about 9/11.
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yesterday during his speech he raised the issue of whether or not the u.s. government was behind the horrible terrorist attacks. he also said in the our interview he is awaiting a response to a letter that he sent to president obama. that letter about what he called terrorists infiltrating iran from pakistan and afghanistan. yet again he criticized the u.n. security council resolutions on his country's nuclear program, again denied that iran is trying to build a nuclear bomb. let's now take a look at what he said about 9/11. you wished americans well, but you have insulted millions and millions of americans by claiming that the u.s. government had a hand this 9/11. had a hand in 9/11. quite frankly, sir, how could you say such an insane and nutty thing? >> translator: would you address your own president the same way? would they allow you to? >> reporter: in terms of that remark, sir. in terms of those remarks -- >> translator: you probably
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didn't read the full -- >> reporter: yes, i was there yesterday. what evidence do you have that the u.s. government is responsible for 9/11? well, you're smiling. >> translator: well, if you like to talk, please, do that. it sounds to me you want to give a speech, so please do. i don't think you need to respond. it's your television -- >> reporter: i'm just asking a question. let me, let me then switch to something else. >> translator: well, you're not even allowing me to respond. >> reporter: go ahead. >> translator: and you insult me as well. i announced and actually suggested three theories. and these three theories are present here in the minds of american people. numerous books have been written on them. >> reporter: do you believe that the government had a hand in 9/11? >> translator: i did not say -- give an opinion of my own. i actually suggested that a
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fact-finding group and mission be formed to delve into the truth. do you think that the entire world has to accept what the u.s. government tells them? or do you think that perhaps a fact-finding mission is necessary to tell the world -- >> reporter: osama bin laden has taken credit, al-qaeda officials have taken credit. it seems very clear. >> translator: that's fine, but the fact-finding mission can shed light on who the perpetrators were. who is alibi, who is -- where does it exist, who was it backed by and supported. all these should come to light. where do they receive their financial resources? we like to shed light on these. how come is it that they were able to infiltrate the security layers and intelligence layers of the united states?
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>> reporter: well, during the interview he also denied that iran supports terrorism. he said what he calls the u.s. occupation of iraq and afghanistan have not stopped terrorism around the globe, and as far as the proposed islamic center two blocks from ground zero that would include that mosque, i asked him if he thinks it could be built, and he said he has no position on that. he called it a local matter. he also indicated it is up to the judicial system to try and free the two hikers who are still imprisoned in iran. he said that that is not up to him. i gave him the opportunity on television to look at the camera and actually say that they could be released, and he said that is up to the court system in iran. so, basically, a wide-ranging interview on a variety of subjects continuing what he has been saying in other interviews and also what he says at the u.n., that in his view, iran wants peace and is not trying to build a nuclear bomb. jenna: we're all looking forward to seeing and hearing more of that interview throughout the
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day, eric. great job, and thank you so much for bringing that to us on "happening now." >> reporter: all right, jenna. jon: pinning him down is fun, huh? time to skip the experts and analysts, it's time to hear from you. what american voters have to say about the upcoming elections, that's coming up. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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drug test. courtney friel knows what happened. she is live across the newsroom from me. courtney? >> reporter: i've been watching the scene outside of beverly hills courtroom. there were three options, lindsey was sent back to jail, rehab or judgement postponed. the judge chose to send the actress behind bars and would not grant bail. her next court appearance is set for october 22nd for a full probation violation hearing. she could remain in jail until then. of course there is the overcrowding issue but the l.a. sheriff's department spokesman says the jail is ready to book lohan if necessary. she is in custody right now. this is lohan's third stint in the clink. according to our reporter inside the courtroom he said she was led away in handcuffs and was reprimanded. she was not crying. her father is in the courtroom speaking out at the press conference saying jail is no good for anyone. he really wants lindsey to go back to rehab. we show rehab of lindsay
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arriving in court a little over an hour ago. media crews all over the place. there are no cameras allowed inside. lindsay wearing a black jacket. a white skirt. her hair is strawberry blond. she had lots of jewelry on. she wasn't premed to go to jail any way. she failed two drug tests reportedly using cocaine. the other admitted to a set back on the twitter account. had this out come not been the case there would have been a lot of people upset with the system. some are wondering if this was a cry for help. after all lindsay knew she was getting drug tested every day. she has movies lined up. there was talk of hosting december 4th episode of "saturday night live." lindsay sent out tweets she is working hard to overcome the addiction and is prepared for the consequences. latest update from the twitter account, she was thanking awesome responses of support. you guys are so great on her
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twitter page. to recap, judge eldon fox sent lindsay back to jail. she is in custody and we're covering this at "fox 411".com. jon: keep an eye on it for us. jenna? jenna: back to politics now. we know our viewers have plenty to say on the political issues shaping our nation. so instead of listening to the usual analysts and consultants although we do appreciate them, it is your turn to speak out. starting today, a new series, listening to america. we head to the nation's largest fishing port in massachusetts. we talked to farmers outside chicago. we talk to shoppers along rodeo drive in beverly hills. we have william la jeunesse live in the west coast newsroom kicking this off for us. hi, william? >>. >> reporter: jenna our intended to get outside the new york, d.c. echo chamber. to find out why voters feel the way they do about money politics and gridlock in
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washington. so we posed the same question to a cross-section of america. >> if this is the change everyone was looking for, it's not a good change. >> maybe too much change. changes in the wrong direction. >> reporter: from new england, to the midwest, -- >> there are definitely some needs for, you know, some changes. >> we need to cut spending. of course cut taxes. >> reporter: to the streets of beverly hills. >> i'm wondering why it is taking so long for the economy to kick back. >> my perspective we're still in the right direction. >> reporter: america speaks. what is exactly washington doing that is bugging you? >> no matter what the people say they seem to do the opposite. >> be more concerned about our country. >> the republicans and democrats they can't even get along but they expect us to get along. >> reporter: voters hate the blame game. >> it is all about intolerance and shifting the blame. >> politicians get in there and have their own little agenda. >> we the people are being
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punished when they don't work together. >> reporter: how do americans grade the president? >> i would love to say it was a b-plus by i think it is more a d. >> i would give him an "a.". >> i would say a d. >> i thought he was going to do a better job. >> certainly give him an a for effort. i think he came in there with the right mind set and, meaning to do the right stuff. i don't think he got there anywhere close. >> you had if one question for the president -- >> why did you want to become president if you can not handle, handle it? >> how much longer until things turn around? >> my first thing came to my head, i would ask him, is happy? you know, because he has got quite a load on his shoulder. >> reporter: jenna, one of the takeaways that i came away with is number one, it seems like the people we talked to still like the president. they believe he's trying and they admit they had unreal list i canly high expectations. part of that is their fault. part of that is the party's fault. and secondly, that, they don't like the blame game at all.
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next week we're going to go to denver, miami, and san francisco to talk about taxes. back to you. jenna: that's going to be a good one. this is a great segment. you and i both know the smartest people in the room when you're on tv is the viewer, right? >> reporter: that's very right and true. jenna: we look forward to that report. thank you. >> reporter: thank you. jon: he is well-known for making people laugh. as a character on his own show but today, comedian stephen colbert is headed to capitol hill where lawmakers weren't exactly amused by his visit. so what brought him to washington? geraldo rivera joins us next. he is on the hot seat. it is not the only thing we're going to be talking to him about. we asked him questions that viewers like you have sent in. you can go to to post your question. we'll be right back with geraldo next. c cken broth that adds msg, cken broth
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before u.s. congress and makes a mockery of our u.s. immigration policy. congressman steven king is not happy. a second department of justice whistle-blower testifying against doj orders that justice is refusing to enforce the voting rights laws of this country where the victim is white. two members of that commission, both sides join me live in a must-see report. you saw it here yesterday. chrysler auto union workers boozing and smoking pot on the job. the reporter who broke the story is here live with an update. plus did david beckham cheat on posh spice with a prostitute? he says no. three witnesses allegedly say yes. we'll have a full report. see you at the top of the hour. jon: you heard it when we spoke with paul gigot the senate is postponing a vote on extending the bush era tax cuts until after the november midterms. top democratic leaders say republicans are to blame but there also are deep division
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within their own ranks. jim angle live in washington with more on that. so why exactly did they postpone this vote, jim? >> reporter: as you say, jon, democratic leaders say they couldn't get cooperation from republicans, because they want to extend all the tax cuts not just for those families making 250,000 or less. the real reason is too many democrats who agreed with republicans. those republicans who say raising taxes on higher incomes would reduce economic growth in the midst of a recession. listen. >> if we let this go to the next step with reversion of these tax levels to the 2000 year levels it will create an economic katrina in this country. >> reporter: something no democrat wants to see, obviously. some quibble over whether increase in taxes would affect small business or big business or just lots of wealthy people. one analyst says none of that really matters. >> raising tax rates on the top two to 3% of the population has a much bigger impact than may initially seem to be the case. the top two or 3% provide
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almost half of funds of saving and investment in the united states. raising tax rates on this group is a severe disincentive to invest in america's economy. >> reporter: therefore it affects job growth but also the growth in workers incomes. that's an issue mentioned by many democrats, jon. jon: but the argument has also been raging whether those wealthier taxpayers are really job-creating businesses or not. >> reporter: it is hard to tell from irs data how many employers would be hurt by a tax increase on higher incomes but the national federation of independent business did a survey and found job-creating businesses would be hurt. >> what we're seeing in our survey is, the businesses that employ between 20 and 250 workers are the businesses that are most likely to see their taxes go up if you let the top two rates expire. those businesses account for 25% of the american workforce. >> reporter: so a number of democrats in the house and senate agree with these assessments which is why democratic leaders had to
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propose a vote that would eliminate taxes for higher incomes because in the short term there are too many democrats who oppose taking that kind of action. jon: jim angle in washington for us. thanks, jim. >> reporter: you bet. jenna: straight ahead, geraldo rivera in the hot seat with your questions is and breaking news out of england. he is in the hot seat coming up. [ male announcer ] ever have morning pain slow you down? introducing bayer am, an extra strength pain reliever with alertness aid to fight fatigue. so get up and get goin'! with new bayer am. the morning pain reliever. everyday i eat your soups, i save a lot of money. that's great. so, your rich and hearty soups have made me, rich and hearty. that's funny. i'm hearty because of your juicy steak, your potatoes... you're really, rich and happy. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. host: could switching to geico did the little piggy cry wee wee wee all the way home? piggy: weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeee weeeeeeee.
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jon: a "fox news alert". britain has raised its terror alert. the government there saying quote, there is a strong possibility of an attack by irish dissidents. the threat level going up there from moderate to substantial. that's considered the middle rung on britain's five-tiered threat scale. last week the head of mi5, britain's intelligence agency, warned dissidents who reject northern ireland's
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peace process could strike britain main land cities for the first time since 2001. jenna: there it is. today we begin our new segment, the hot seat where some of the biggest names answer questions from you the viewer on the hottest topics of week. our first guest in the hot seat, geraldo rivera. he anchors geraldo at large on weekends at 10:00 p.m. he is here on stephen colbert's visit to capitol hill where colbert was talking about immigration. listen to this. we'll get geraldo's reaction. >> this is america. i don't want a tomato picked by a mexican. i want it picked by an american. sliced by guatemalan and served by a venezuela. jenna: i mean what is wrong with that? joe in detroit shows why you think he should be allowed? >> i think the testimony was brilliant. i think that john conyers, the ranking democrat, really is very humorless. he tried to ban stephen when he was obviously going to be
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in character from giving testimony. if you watch c-span on a regular basis you see what a joke many of these committee hearings are anyway. so i think he did a great job. i predict he will bring more attention to this issue because it is a fact now. the pew research institute has issued its latest findings, one out of every seven agricultural workers in this country today is an undocumented immigrant. so he brings a real issue to the public in a humor russ way. satire has always been used in that way. jenna: he is covering his mouth. laughing --. >> reporter: trying to stay in character. jenna: we'll see if he returns again. one of the things we talked about tea party. tea party panel. the guy says i don't like the tea party. lynn asks do you feel you underestimated tea party movement in the other days? >> jen, i like to, had my 40th anniversary and point out all the things i did right. no doubt i missed the tea party phenomenon when that
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tsunami was building. jenna: why? >> i underplayed it. i thought it was another incarnation of the religious right or the old jerry fallwell silent majority. this is kind of 25% on the extreme right. this is different. it is organic. it has many more independents in it. it is still largely an all-white movement but that shouldn't, in the same way that glenn beck had the right, white people have the right to access our national monuments a few weeks ago, in d.c., that doesn't in any way delegitimatize the fact that there are tens of millions of people who are sick of government at every level, who think spending is out of control. they have forced us to reconsider many of our preconceived notions for instance, about public service employees unions and, pension plans. and they really have opened my eyes and there is no doubt i low-balled them and gave them short-shrift in the beginning. jenna: final question about iran a lot being made about ahmadinejad.
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robbie in jacksonville, florida, asked this. if ahmadinejad is big threat to the u.s. make as osama bin laden why is he allowed to come to our shore? do you think he should be allowed her? >> as a native-born new yorker. new york is the center of the universe. we want the united nations to be here. when they characters come they only add to flavor of new york. he will not go light a bomb. he has got nypd escort. they have been disrupting traffic. i'm much more concerned about the fact i got stopped in three different road closures yesterday. it took me to get to work, you know, a ride that should take eight minutes, took me an hour. that's much more concern. the fact that ahmadinejad or all the bad guys before him came here to the united nations, i remember when khrushchev was here. that was far more dramatic. ahmadinejad in my view is someone who is destablizing the planet but the more he talks the more i like it because the more absurd his positions are, like the 9/11 was an inside job. now he is a conspiracy
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theorist. it is preposterous. we should know our enemy. new york is different, if not a free pass they get a passport to be here to attend the general assembly. it makes the city richer. jenna: geraldo, appreciate you being first one on the "hot sheet.". >> thank you. jenna: it wasn't too bad. >> not too bad. i love you and jon together. you do a great program. jenna: we didn't tell him to say that thank you. we'll see you this weekend. >> my pleasure. >> we'll be right back with more you should talk to the specialist. the specialist? he compares rates side by side. you could sa hundreds. it's easy. eat. okay, pickles! do your thing. [ bell rings ] that's amazing! i trained him myself. i meant the... okay. same coverage, more savings. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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jenna: do you want to start? do we want to start? [laughter] you caught us -- you have to coordinate and decide who's going to speak first. jon: have a good weekend. jenna: you too. we'll see you on fox news watch. jon: 3:30 eastern time. >> i watch it. jon: "america live" starts right now. megyn: thanks, guys. a fox news alertn
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