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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  September 26, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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won't be seen tonight, but will return n and het saturday sunday at its usual time 8 p.m. eastern and we will be back at our usual time and you better know it, 7 put saturday, sunday, have a great week everyone, htes e a great night and see you n and het he woo. ♪ >> it's a battle for the lessture of america. >> a >> n f work for us! >> a battle between those who n say we need less government. >> kt and those who actually say. >> you know, the government >> you3 c1 >>e lighorkng at the ills. government as a monster in the hills. it costs to l the gfuternment is us. >> it costsiv to live in ll civilized society and we all ay need to pay our fair share. >> wait a second. >> how do you give a rebate to
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anybody who didn't put any in. >> and today is a batus!e between the takers and it's a battle between the ta government is ttheyeatening to a take us from a maker nation takn into taker nation. sec and priys te sector is t literally dieing and the rovi federal government is providing more and more pay and benefits. >> and the unions are sucking the life out of america. >> that's an absurd statnatient. >> you3 c1 >>e gheeng to endh up withnd lots of people and then lets it spiral and that's the end. >> some say america's wealth is like a pot. are you getting your fair make share. >> and they're mt aing more for. profit and good news, profit got this town a better deal. what differeiche does it mt ae k if the company is makinge a profit, but you3 c1 >>e getting a semuice that costs you lep,. wod >> wish they'd try that where . i live and maybe then i woul% tthe na get taxed eveep waking moment. t >> so many.
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>> i need a breaevad eporti now, r yeorting from fox head'm arters in new york, johny stossel. >> where is america headed. eri the p: oitical left and right a have two different visions to t our future. left wants the left wants more gfuteryanent and the right says, we should have less. have less. >> used our money for what? >> you heard the cries of outrage of people in california who discovered that these town managers paid themselves hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> shame on you! shame on you! >> you were a crook yesterday, you are a crook today and you will be a crook tomorrow. >> maybe. this week they were arrested. >> they used the tax dollars collected from the hard working citizens of bell as their own piggy bank. >> but much of what they did is what lots of taxpayers do, vote to spend money on what they think is important, themselves. >> they want to do whatever the hell they want. >> exactly. every day politicians spend
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your tax dollars on their vision of what america should have. that is what some tea partyers are angry about. in this case, they are yelling kill the healthcare bill but congress didn't kill it. >> the bill is passed. >> passed along with the serve america act and wall street reforms. plus, foreclosure relief. and children's health insurance. and extend unemployment. and, of course, stimulus. thomas jefferson says it is the natural progress of things for liberty to yield and government to gain ground. but never before outsi >> never before outside of war time has government gained so much ground. >> got to be the end of it. >> for most of the life of america and when we grew the fastest, government spent in today's dollars just a few hundred per person, but today,
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the federal government alone spends $10,000 per american. total government now eats up 40% of the economy, 40% yet the mrel class always claims they need more. >> many people are hurting. >> help america's steel workers. >> i average 20 to 30 meetings a day in my office and 20 to 30 meetings are people asking for something from the federal government. >> paul ryan is an unusual congressman because he believes government should do less. >> you're telling your colleagues stay out. don't do anything? >> yeah. >> well, in many of these cases, yes. >> that's not a popular idea around here. congress listens to testimony all day and 99% comes from people asking for stuff. >> i propose that congress pass legislation. >> i propose that congress-- >> ask congress. >> there's a reason that people show up and beg. it does work and it does pay off. >> so the people who are connected get the goodies. >> that's right and that's
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what happens in a big government society. >> most people like getting free stuff, but i think more and more people in america are beginning to wake up to the fact that this thing is coming unglued. and when the health care passed took on the president directly. >> this bill does not control cost. this bill does not reduce deficits. >> there's strong disagreements on the numbers here, paul. >> when it was over the president smiled and they shook hands and nowhere close to agreeing. >> the obligation we have no means to pay for it. >> why are your colleagues saying it's okay to spend more? are you saying they're just stupid or they don't care or pandering for votes? >> i think that pandering could be a part of it. what it is, they believe that the government should be far larger than far bigger. >> stop spending so much. >> well, that's something you should tell the republicans, john. >> democratic congressman rob andrews is a friend of paul ryan. he says, don't blame us. >> president reagan and both president bushes spent more
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than president clinton or president obama. i agree with that, but to assign responsibility to the democrats for this problem is not factually accurate. >> it's true in the past, government has grown just as much, sometimes more under republicans. >> but these days it's the democrats who are most eager to spend. >> here we go. >> (applause) >> do you ever think government is doing too much? >> this is the country, the declaration of independence and the constitution, it's pretty thin. limited government. i mean, you guys have gone way beyond this. i don't knowing that i don't think that social security system is excessive government. i don't think that a medicare system is excessive government. i don't think that the student loan system is excessive. >> we have to make sure that the vulnerable are protected. >> protected by a bigger government. the progressives argument and columbia university president
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mark lamont hill makes the case better than most. >> we have suffering everywhere. >> here a commencement address from california. >> republicans and democrats, poor people and rich people, middle class, black, white, everybody has to be involved in this struggle. >> with those of us who are at the top of the economic ladder have to do is willing to make sacrifices that ultimately will benefit everyone. everyone benefits when we pay more to create university health care. everybody benefits when we have public education systems, everyone benefits from that. >> by we, you mean government. >> we look at the government like it's a monster in the hills and comes down and takes our tax money. >> well, yes. >> on libertarian fairy tales, the government is us. >> the government is us. in your ideal world what percent of the economy should government be. >> for me, housing health care and education is the national defense and the government must provide for people and that's probably where we differ. if it means 20% i'm okay, 30%,
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i'm okay. i don't think it will get that big. >> it's already 40%, here is the graph from the beginning of it. now-- >> much of that has to do with inefficiency and waste. but you want more. >> i don't want more inefficiency and waste. you and i not big enough now, it's not big enough now, it's not big enough now. >> really? it is awfully big. so big that we're now 13 trillion dollars in debt. and yet, they keep spending more. >> there you go. there you go. >> how will we pay for it? we fight most about the income tax. >> raising taxes is a recipe for disaster. but there are so many other taxes, payroll, corporate, capital gains, estate, sales taxes, in fact, equal to the income tax are dozens of sneaky taxes you may not even know about.
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you and i pay them all day long. from the moment i wake up and turn on a light, i pay more when i brush my teeth and license my dog. my building pays property and fuel taxes as does my monthly bill and he when i leave home and take the subway i pay the transportation mobility tax and at work i make some phone calls. >> yes, absolutely. >> or get a bite to eat or soda to drink. >> i'd like a smoked turkey. >> when i gas up my car as much as a quarter of the price of gas is federal, state and city excise taxes. the people pay sales taxes all day long. >> so many taxes. i need a break. >> and lucky i don't smoke. yet, some people say, we should pay more. >> and all those taxes are just fine say progressives.
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>>, but it costs to live this civilized society and we have to pay our fair share. >> our fair share, progressives say taking from the rich to pay for the poor is the fairest system. >> no, the fairest system is one that rewards the makers in society as opposed to rewarding the takers in society. >> arthur brooks wrote "the battle" argues a fight between free enterprise and big government will shape our future. the way that our culture is moving now is towards more redistribution, toward more progressive taxation, exempting more people from paying anything and loading more taxes on to the top earners in our society. >> but i'm wealthy, it's time to take it away from me and give it to people who need more. >> actually it's not. the government does not create wealth, it uses wealth created by the private sector and americans are in open reb rebellion today because the government is threatening to take us from a maker nation into taker nation status. >> a taker nation? well, there are plenty of
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>> some people say either you're a maker or a taker. and today, the makers and takers are battling for america's soul. it's a battle because we're deciding on our culture. 60% of americans take more out of the public finance system than they pay in. they get more in public services than they pay in taxes. >> how do you give a rebate to people that didn't put any bait in. >> there are makers and takers and i live the life of a taker. >> star parker was a taker, lived off well fare and says that the bureaucracy encouraged her to stay dependent. >> made sure you didn't work, didn't save, didn't get married. >> if you didn't work or safe or get married you got a check. >> right, two checks first and the 15th. >> and let's go back--
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and all of your medical spendses paid and dare care for your kids so i could hang out at venice beach all afternoon. >> so she did. >> the creators of well fare meant to help people, but handouts have unintended consequences. >> once i found out about welfare, why work when i could hang out here, fabulous. >> even if welfare encouraged dependenc dependency, other programs don't. >> we have public housing and things designed not to give people a handout, but a fighting chance. >> a fighting chance? so many people vandalized public housing projects that governments have ended up destroying them. again and again. they built it, it wrecked neighborhoods and then they blow it up. >> public housing doesn't wreck neighborhoods, unattended public housing wrecks neighborhoods.
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when we look at the best examples, early 1960's in chicago they worked out fine. >> fine? government programs do often start nicely within 15 years the taylor homes were a crime-ridden, graffiti covered wreck. the government solution? once again, demolish the entire project. and yet, the left wants more handouts. >> i think that the basic affording of democratic citizenship are housing, health care and education. >> what happened to life, liberty, and pursuant of happiness. >> that's code ward for health, housing-- >> you can't have life and liberty if you don't have access to a hospital. can't have it if you don't have access to a basic education. >> if you leave people alone to have life, liberty and to pursue their own happiness, that's different from taking money from one group of people to give other people housing and health care. >> first of all, we're not
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giving people housing and health care, people pay taxes, even people in public hsing pay taxes. >> we're not teaching dependency. >> no, you always run the risk of intergenerational laziness, but i don't think that the welfare state necessarily means that. >> but it does, says star parker. >> it's so much easier to take than to make and i think that's one of the greatest tragedies of becoming a taker, you don't think that somebody else had to mick this and you don't think about the amount. >> you're entitled. >> just entitled to it. >> entitled to a nice apartment on a tree-lined street with a balcony. >> i had a fireplace and a spa in the back. >> stories like hers pushed welfare reform. >> today we're taking a historic chance to make welfare what it was meant to be, a second chance, not a way of life. >> some people predicted trauma we haven't known since the cholera epidemics, families will fracture, a
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million people could be forced into poverty. >> there would be people starving in the street. >> nobody starved. the record numbers of people on there left the welfare system and nobody died. >> star parker found jobs. >> i started a magazine and it began to grow over time. >> she never returned to welfare. >> some got jobs and some apologized to their moms, and moved in and started over and got back into school and folks started thinking about their own hives again. >> nearly 2 million children rose out of poverty and welfare caseloads fell by half yet that success hasn't convinced politicians that handouts hurt people. >> it's so essential to pass the unemployment extension. >> unemployment used to last 26 weeks, but congress extended them for nearly two years. that does encourage dependency. >> it did encourage me to pass up open job openings i could have applied for. >> how many. >> probably half a dozen.
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patrick barry lost a job writing software manuals and 99 weeks of unemployment benefits led him to turn jobs down because they paid less than unemployment. >> that would amount to a pay cut. why would i want to do that? >> presidefresno, california 1% unemployment. >> people who run unmrement agencies tell us people turn down jobs all the time. >> we call them for a position and they say no thanks i'm on unemployment. a lot of people take advantage and try to work the system. if the state is going to give me money. >> some people pretend to look for work. >> they pretend because that's required to get your check. >> they're, you know, completely not dressed for an interview, shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops saying oh, yeah, i want a job bad, hire me they'll come to the interview process and we know they're not going to go to work. >> i would say maybe 25 to 35% of the people that we're talking to are just not trying. >> that's not what we hear from our president. >> i haven't met any americans
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who would rather have an unemployment check than a meaningful job that lets you provide for your family. >> incentives matter. in denmark the socialist government once offered laid off workers five years of unemployment benefits. when did many danes find work? surprise after exactly five years. so denmark cut benefits to four years and then danes found jobs in four years. this year, denmark cut the benefits in half. >> the survey found that one third of the unemployed find work immediately when their unemployment benefits run out. when there were only a few weeks left i actually did start looking at jobs i had been passing up. we should have a safety net for people who cannot help themselves, but i don't think we ought to have a safety net that loans people complacency in the federal government. >> again, it is kind to want to help people who have fallen on to hard times, but government handouts encourage people to rely on handouts.
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instead of on themselves. coming up, the alternative. [ male annouer ] the u.s. gornment may soon require brake override technogy on all new cs and trucks. at nissan, wehink this is a good idea. so we did it... ...six years ago. [ wind howling ] nissan. innovation for safety. innovation for all.
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> what mak >> what makes you happy? well then what can be better than weng a lottery? look at the big smiles. >> oh, my gosh. >> here is the sprees for most. a few months later. >> they're not happier at all. on the contrary the lottery winners are less happy. when people don't earn their own success they're not happy and healthy. >> arthur brooks wrote a book about happiness. >> what do you mean they're not as happy. >> not as happy. >> it would make you happy to get a check. >> it seems like it, but it's not true.
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people who accomplish things. >> exactly, people who earn their success. >> people like jessie walter. >> the cook. >> she runs cupcake kids, a business that does cooking events for kids. and here she teaches them how to make zuchini muffins. what do you think, doesn't this make them feel good. >> walter lost a job on wall street when the housing public burst, she didn't mope and ask for a handout. thought what she could do next. >> i could do this, teach kids to cook. and built the kitchen. >> while helping herself, she helped others. not just kids, she created jobs. >> an events manager, a kitchen manager. >> awesome, i work more than i did, if that's believable. >> and despite that, she says she's happier. >> i love it. you know, every day is different. >> these are the happiest people and those are the people who are most rewarded most of the time by the free enterprise system. >> a recent poll showed business owners have a higher
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sense of well-being even though they work longer hours and make less money. >> there's an enormous causal relationship between how much success that you think you've earned and how happy you are and if that's all about money, so much the better. >> i live in janesville, wisconsin i can think of ten entrepreneurs over the top of my head who started with nothing and made great businesses and look at this as the american dream. >> one of those is ralph. >> hi, hi, how are you? >> he started this deli with his father. >> he bought this little candy store. >> in 60 years grew it into a famous wisconsin super deli. >> i love everything about it. i've taken my daughter her, she's from california so she can experience it. >> where you been? >> the owners have given lots of kids their first job. >> we must have hired through the years, thousands of kids. >> this is what makers do, they create opportunities for themselves and others salute. >> you can start off and go
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and make it yourself. that's what built the country. >> absolutely. >> it's what has made us so exceptional. >> will we be exceptional tomorrow? that's next. >> you union thugs are sucking the life out of america. ♪ [car horn honks] our outbacalways gets us there... ... sotimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪
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you love the aroma of beef tenderloin, don't you? you inspired a very special dog food. [ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. chef inspired. dog desired. >> from america's news headquarters, hello i'm julie banderas and the minnesota national guard, more than 100 soldiers on flood duty. dumped 11 inches of rain in some places and some regions are ghost towns as rivers crest above their normal levels and destroyed buildings in the trail of debris, more flooding is expected later this week. american diplomates say intense efforts are underway to save the mideast peace process, only hours ago israel's ten month moratorium expired and a cause for
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celebration in the west bank today and palestinian leaders threatened to quit the talks that construction resumed, but for now, it appears they're willing to wait another week allowing an arab league body to assess the situation. back to the battle of the future, hosted by john stossel. stossel. >> . >> how i get to work most mornings, i take the subway. sometimes i take the bus. both the bus and the subways in my town are run by an organization called the mta, the government monopoly losing money hand over fist. most of that money goes to pay bus drivers, mechanics, subway drivers, and so forth and most are union members and belong to local 100. >> we represent 34,000 subway and bus workers.
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>> and their contract much too rich says the mta. >> the mta says we're 800 million dollars in the hole. cut us some slack. >> there's nothing funny about it, says james mcdougle. >> public sector unions are parasites that will bankrupt america. >> it's literally the parasite devouring the host. >> the host is business. the parasite unions. >> the private sector a literally dying and the federal government is providing more and more benefits. >> mcdougle is a businessman who built the service company from scratch and his business was all about employee pay so over the years he's been dismayed to watch government award their workers raises an and special benefits like retirement at age 55. >> it used to be the deal, you go work for the government
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because it's safe, you can't be fired. but you make less. now, they make, if you include the pension, double. >> more than double, because they have fantastic benefits. >> people say you union thugs are sucking the life out of america. >> you know what i say to that. i say that's a trade union movement. it's the greatest anti-poverty program that was ever developed. >> jobs is the best anti-poverty more jobs when you guys are nod voft. >> that's false, the trade union service has been gateway to the middle class. that's what this is about. >> really? i don't know many in the middle class with benefits like these. union transit workers reach top pay grades after just three years and take lots of sick days with full pay and they can get to retire with a good pension at age 55. why is that fair? >> well, let me tell you, why isn't that fair? this is. >> because most people can't,
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most people work till 65 or longer. >> let's address that. we work in disgusting conditions, we work around human fecal matter, dead rats. we breathe in steel dust all day long and keeping the system running while folks leak you are in a studio interviewing guys like me, is that fair. >> and to make it fair you get to retire at 55? >> absolutely. >> transit workers like cops and firemen say they deserve higher pay because their jobs are dangerous. >> and america's most dangerous jobs are logging and most dangerous of all, fishing. much more dangerous than police or transit work. loggers don't retire at 55. people who fish for a living-- >> i don't know anything about loggers. >> but i look at the most deadly jobs, fishing is is he top of the list, log, farming, garbage men, roofers, transit
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workers are way down. >> this is the richest country in the world, to-- who can't afford you anymore. >> that's an absurd statement. >> the company competes with the mta. >> the pay is so much higher than a private business is able to pay and it's a corrupt practice to see how they burn taxpayer dollars. >> schools train bus drivers, but often lose them to mta. >> very hard to compete. >> not to mention all the sick days. >> a fourth of your workers took more than 15 sick days in the private sector, they wouldn't last long doing that. >> i don't believe that's true. >> it's not true that a quarter of the people take 15 sick days? >> about 25% of our work force are women. women have babies. >> but in the private sector, there are women getting pregnant. >> are you saying that women who are pregnant, how long is
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a-- let's-- ments i'm wondering why there are so many sick days. >> i'm telling you why so many sick days, a significant amount of new york city transit workers are women now whereas it never was that. >> there are a lot of women around here, too. >> when they get pregnant how much time do they take off work. >> so are' pointing your finger at me and at my union and you really don't have an answer for it. >> so i got an answer. new mothers at both the mta and fox get maternity leave and lots of women around here have gotten pregnant, but not a single fox employee took 15 sick days. the afternoon was three sick days. and women take no more than ten men. >> 83 transit workers claimed a passenger spat on me. 51 of them took an average 64 days off. >> have you ever been spit on? >> yeah, actually. >> you have. >> i don't like it, but i wouldn't get 64 days off. >> we've had folks spat upon
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that have gotten hepatitis, they've been spit in the eye and gotten eye infections and have taken significant amount of times off for that. >> unions always have reasons why taxpayers money pay, but why do government officials agree to the deal? >> unions do what unions do. if you're dumb enough to negotiate the stupid deals that the mta management has negotiated, then shame on them. >> most of those elected forbes don't know how to read a balance sheet. they're not equipped to mapping the process of managing 22 million people to work in the public sector. >> some who were equipped didn't seem to care, after all the pension bill won't come due until later. >> the person who did it 15 to 20 years ago is long gone. the congress or congressman or senator so we have in effect a cre crimeless victim. the victim is the taxpayer, but nobody really committed a crime. >> we won. >> and the political machinery perpetuates the scam. politicians give workers
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raises and then the workers campaign for the polls. >> it's a money, from the taxpayer to the public employee to dues to the union, from the union to the candidate who prompts more for the public sector employee, it's crazy. >> even popular politicians cannot break the cycle. when arnold schwarzenegger tried he was met with this. >> arnold, arnold, shame on you! >> and cuts didn't happen. >> the legislature has decided it's more important to protect state employees. >> california now in the 19 billion dollar deficit. were the state a private company, it would be bargaining rubankrupt and replaced by efficient competition. most government workers don't have competition. in the private sector there are no monopolies so if somebody overpays, overpromises their workers, they go out of business. >> yes, they do. >> but in government. >> we don't have a choice of saying we're going to have someone else be our police
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department. and someone else be our fire department. >> union benefits are so good that in miami, thousands line up to apply for fire department jobs. some camped out for two days. a few towns have escaped the money-- by privatizing public services. these workers fixing streets and picking up trash in sandy springs, georgia, gee, aren't they working fast? these workers worked for a private company and they got more work done in in less time. >> we have fewer employees than the city to the north of us and exactly the same population. >> the mayor, it's coincidence she looks like margaret thatcher, started privatizing her town's government work five years ago. some in town were not happy that their tax money was becoming some company's profit. >> honestly, what difference does it make if the company is making a profit, but you're getting a service that costs you less? >> we've got 18 cameras we currently have on the road.
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>> as a traffic management center they have computers and tam rahs. >> and so when a car catches fire, they send out rescue vehicles right away. >> we try to find the problems before anybody's actually calling us with it. >> our government is more efficient. >> this realtor was amazed at the difference. >> five or six miles of new sidewalks installed, our traffic lights are synchronized now, so there aren't traffic jams. >> we have a survey done asking the public how do you feel about each of these services? and the answers came back 90% very good. excellent. >> but sandy springs is an exception. most cities and states are still at the mercy of public sector unions and the debts keep adding up. so far, america's been able to pay the bill. >> but one day, the parasite gets so big there is no host anymore and then they both die and we're headed in that
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direction now. >> when we return, the battle over the pie. are you getting your fair share? pro. lord of the carry-on. sovereign of the security line. you never take an upgrade for granted. and you rent from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay th mid-size price. i deserve this. [ male announcer ] you do, business pro. you do. go national. go like a pro. since our beginning, we've been there for clients through good times and bad, when our clients' needs changed we changed to meet them. through the years, when some lost their way, we led the way with new ideas for the financi challenges we knew would lie ahead. this rock has never stood still. and there's one thing that will never change.
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rich people keep too much pie. they cheat the middle class and poor out of their fair share. the rich do take home lots of pie, but does that really hurt the poor? if this represents the welt of america, progressives would say the rich take so much that the poor just get a sliver. >> after all, the movie "wall street" says. >> it's a zero sum game. somebody wins, somebody loses, money itself isn't lost or made, it's simply transferred. >> and that's a mistake a lot of people make, says congressman ryan. >> so it's the government's job to slice up the pie versus a society that grows a pie. >> a society that grows the pie. what a concept. and in fact, the that's how it works in the free society because it's not a zero sum game. the makers who get rich, get rich by baking many more pies.
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>> welcome. >> steve jobs making millions and leaving the rest of us billions poorer. his new technology makes us all richer. >> we keep making it better and better and better. >> rich capitalists aren't evil they grow the pie. >> despite the recession the average american income keeps rising, still, some rich people are very rich. the guy who owns this house owns a dozen others. since our department of the's so deep in debt, shouldn't people this retch pay more? >> they should pay more, those who have more should pay more. >> is there a point where the rich leave or stop producing wealth? >> well, the rich have always cried wolf like that and said if we change this one bit the country is going to go away. that never happens. >> look what happened to maryland's tax revenues when that state created a special tax on rich people. >> it was supposed to bring in 106 million dollars. >> that's right. >> what happened? >> it lost 257 million
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dollars. >> surprise. >> well, i'm surprised. >> everybody should be surprised. >> this former maryland governor who's now running again, opposed the tax. >> they're always spraysurprise john, it reminds me of charlie brown, he was always surprised when lucy pulled the football away and they're always surprised when the dollars never come in. >> some of the maryland's rich people left the state. >> they're out of here, the people aren't stupid. >> i've lived here all my life. >> a new york billionaire isn't stupid, he lives in the big house we showed you before. he made millions building this which is which processes paychecks for companies. >> i started with $3000 and one employee. >> then, he created 13,000 jobs, but will they and he keep paying taxes here in new york state after the governor signs a tax increase? >> we increased the income tax for millionaires last year, quite frankly, it was a straw
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that broke the camel's back. not that i like to throw the number around, but my personal income tax last year would have been $13,800 a day. would you like to write a check for $13,800 a day to a state government as opposed to moving to another state where there's no state income tax or a very low state income tax? >> he did also have this house in florida. and moving to florida, zero. zero personal income tax. >> so he just moved. he now spends more than half the year in florida. new york's governor says the tax increase was a mistake. >> we projected that we'd get 4 billion dollars and we actually got well short of it. >> it's just economics. people don't work to pay taxes. people work to get what they can after taxes. >> art laffer was a check advisor to president reagan. >> they'll change where they earn their income. how they earn their income. how much they earn, when they receive the income. they'll change all of those
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things to minimize taxes. >> but most of us won't. most of us will just say okay i make a little less, it's not enough to make me move or stop working. >> i moved from california to tennessee because of it. >> donald trump says of course they'll leave. >> they'll leave the united states. they're international people. whether they live here or a police like switzerland doesn't matter to em this. >> you haven't left. >> i haven't left yesterday. >> if i leave new york that's a big step. the rich people are going to leave and other people are going to leave. end up with lots of people that don't produce and then that's the spiral, that's the end. >> so, are we in a death spiral with no hope of return? no, say some. we can fix this. i'll show you their plan when we come back. [ male announcer ] fact -- no pain medicinis proven to last longer than advil.
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>> is america going to hell in a hand basket? will government feed the takers until the makers are crippled? that's been the trend, but now, there's something new in the air. >> you work for us! you work for us! >> for the first time mount of people are visibly mad and pushing back against the growth of government for good reason. >> the interest that our debt alone will soon eat our future. >> we've got all of these time bombs built into the programs and they will come due and they'll crash the economy, we've got to correct them. politicians promise to protect the spending. >> i will protect benefits. >> republicans, too. >> it's going to cut medicare for our seniors. >> occasionally a politician
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says enough. >> i have vetoed the budget. >> when jerry johnson was governor of new mexico he kept saying no. >> i vetoed half of the legislative product. >> and they must have hated you. they did, they did. a fellow republican called him ignorant to the political process. one of my veto messages was i'm vetoing this piece of legislation because it's just way too long and we don't even sawn what it says. >> after all these vetoes, new mexico must have collapsed in a heap of misery and poverty. >> no, what you would think is you've got to sign the bills to get reelected. i vetoed the bells and got reelected. >> reelected by a wide margin while criticizing government. >> man is superior to government and should remain master over it, not the other way around. [applause] >> voters seemed to like this. but much of the political class didn't. and johnson vetoed even nice
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sounding bills like what does he have against child care. >> establish a pilot program allowing the state to reimburse grandparents who take care of children in welfare families. [laughter] >> pilot program, i think, is the key, the key word there. >> pilot program sounds that we're going to test it before we fund it. the agenda was really about growing government about spending more money and really not making a difference. come on, guys. >> but always spending more. >> i vetoed a dog and cat exercise bill. this was a republican bill, but for my signature it would have been a law in new mexico that pet stores exercise their dogs and cats two hours a day, three times a week. i signed that piece of legislation, i have to then establish the dog and cat exercise police, well intentioned, but come on, where does government end and where does personal responsibility begin? >> the founders knew. government should end at
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keeping the peace and enforcing contracts and property rights. limited government leaves people free to pursue their own dream. and that's worth fighting for. we're in a fight up near, not over ideas, over an idea. which is the american idea. built upon the founders principles. >> when he sees the tea party protests and entrepreneurs overcoming obstacles, he believes the american idea will prevail and that's why i'm really optimistic about this. he think we're going to turn this thing around. >> and then the same reason that art laffer can talk about entitlements and still look cheerful. >> why can you smile if we're going to hell. >> i think we'll reverse it, once you get to the position of low rate flat tax and turning the programs into defined contribution plans and selling off fannie mae, freddie mac, and selling off gm and you'll get economic growth and huge increases in revenue.
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we could really change america and make it back into the dream that we've all really hoped it will be, we can do that. >> i hope he's right. and that's our program on the battle for the future. i'm john stossel, good night. ♪ [ male announcer ] ever have morning pain slow you down? introducing bayer am, an extra strength pain reliever with alertness aid to fight fatigue. so get up and get goin'! with new bayer am. the morning pain reliever.
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that was for a science project. [ man and woman speaking chinese ] i'm late for..occer... rehearsal. [ man speaks chinese ] you and i are cool? i'll be home by curfew. [ male announcer ] we understand.® you need a partner who can help you go global. fedex. i love my grandma. i love you grandma. grandma just makes me happy. ♪ to know, know, know you grandma is the bestest. theotal package. grandpa's cooooooooool. way cool. ♪ grandpa spoils me rotten. ♪ to know, know, know you ♪ is to love... some people call us frick and frack we do finger painting. this is how grandpa and i roll. ♪ and i do pins fall ] grandma's my best friend. my best friend ever. my best friend ever. ♪ [ laughing ] [ boy laughs ] ♪ to know, know, know you


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