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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  October 2, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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should she be deported? >> yes. >> sean: congrats crime ag number one "new york times" best seller. have a great weekend, greta is next. see you monday. >> greta: tonight, did you see who has a new bus? the rnc. this bus has a name. the fire nancy pelosi bus. tonight bus is albuquerque, new mexico. what is with the bus? chairman steele joins us live. what is with this bus? >> bus is a way to communicate a very important message that it is time to take this country in a different direction. we want people to get on the bus and be part of this transformative moment. you have seen this grass roots energy for the past year and a half. it is important when i became national chairman for our party to be on streets of america in neighborhoods and communities. for the last six weeks of this campaign we wanted to get on
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the road. go directly to the people a chance to lift up our candidates. we are here in albuquerque. we had a chance to talk about the leadership of susan martinez and a host of candidates running here. we are excited. >> greta: i imagine some republicans are cheering you on. are you getting pelted with any potatos along the way? >> no. we had some protesters that came out today to protest at the bus. i welcomed it. i love. that is part of the excitement of democracy where people express their points of view. the crowd was small and those who are looking for freedom in a different direction supporting candidates here in arizona turned out in big numbers. our victory centers are operating at full throttle. the energy is real. it examine exciting. -- it is exciting. i think this is a good time for the country to have a
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discussion about not just the policies but the direction of this country the fundamental principles that still matter the constitution and things like that that are still important us to. >> greta: washington has cleared out, it is like a ghost town here. not only that, rahm emanuel is also leaving. what do you make of now the normer chief of staff going back to chicago and running for mayor? >> well, look he's gonna have to go back before the voters. rahm is no stranger to that he's going to have a competitive primary for that job. it is not an automatic. even though the send-off that he today from the president seeped like a mayoral endorsement. but again, the white house whether it is rahm emanuel leaving or you know, the congratulatory tone of the administration for work they think the american people support.
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again, reemphasizes how out of touch they are. there is no discussion about jobs coming out of this white house. certainly out of leadership. they a chance, a chance greta, to say definitively that the bush tax cuts would be kept in place at last for a two year period of time. they couldn't even get that done. these folks ran out of washington without passing a budget for our nation. how incompetent is that? how do you go to the american people, go back home and say reelect me so that we can think more about what we should be doing. the country is ready for people to lead thrhrough action. that's what i chait about what the republican leadership did last week, kevin mccarthy, my good buddy put out this pledge to america. that clearly said legislative there is how we intend to lead. i think that inspires the folks to pay closer attention to what our candidates are talking about and what they will do when they get elected
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this november. growth the message you are talking about the republican leaders came out with last week was cutting spending, small government. basically things that the tea party says. a couple years ago you had your shot at it and you didn't do that. why should the voters now believe you when you come out with this? >> well, because i think a couple of things has happened. one we've learned from that blunder. when you step away from a principle, that's a foundational principle when it comes to tax and fiscal policy to keep government small, to make sure the tax base is not over liburdsome for businesses and families. >> greta: i know that's your principle. the problem is, you got to have the do with it. >> right, that's my point. >> greta: the american voters are raw. a lot of voters are not convinced the democrats are going to do that or the republicans. >> i understand that completely that is part of why we have been on the road talking to voters and
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showcasing our candidates who are emerging, consistent with those principles. committed to that idea of those very things that the voters out there want. so, i think to the point are asking when you are looking at the leadership that is emerging whether it is a joe miller or a christine o'donnell or john bore la or -- or borelli, martinez, this leadership understands what the voters have been saying for the past 18 months. [ talking over each other ] >> they are prepared to make themselves accountable for that greta. >> greta: curious, you mentioned joe miller you got up in alaska, you've got a republican united states senator, lisa murkowski still the senator she didn't win the republican primary. rather than rallying and getting behind the republican party many say she has gone rogue. so it doesn't look like your party is on a total message. has she gone rogue on you?
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>> i understand what the agony of defeat is about. after all, i grew up a roman catholic black conservative from washington, d.c.. you know defeat a lot, it is not the easiest thing in the world, so i get that. there comes a point where the campaign for office ends after a primary. we need to come together as a party and support the nominees of our party who are going to carry that standard for us through the fall. i appreciate senator murkowski's effort. the fact of it is, the republican party has its nominee, that's joe miller. we are behind him and we are going to work very hard to make sure he comes to washington to fill that seat to make sure that harry reid does not have the tools. in fact, we hope that seat is the difference between being in the minority or the majority. be that as it may, the fact is, that voice is important to be there. i think that the commitment that our candidates have made to the votes, by looking them in the eye and saying we
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understand we've learned from the mistakes of the past and committing ourselves to working towards solutions that you want. i think is a positive step. the last point you made on the tea parties, that's a synergy that is working together. we have a common interest. all this noise about opposition between tea party and the gop is just crazy. it is not -- that's not the reality out there in america. >> greta: 30 seconds left. are you going -- the rnc are you throwing yourself behind christine o'donnell? how much money are you giving her to help with her campaign? >> we have absolutely committed to her race. we have two victory office there. two of the 352 victory offices, we have fully staffed around the country. we are competitive now 100 congressional districts around the nation. >> greta: how about her? >> she is part of that commitment we are making to win. we put resources on the ground we it fully staffed. we are working with her to do
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fundraisers with her over the next couple of weeks. we are fully committed to christine's success as we are commit odd to every republican nominee winning this year. that's the difference between whether we continue to grow wealth and prosperity or redistribute it as the obama administration and the others want to do. >> greta: chairman steele, thank you. >> you got it. >> greta: an american gunned down on the u.s./mexico border, in the water. the american man was shot in the head while jet skiing yesterday with his wife on falcon lake a body of water separating texas from mexico. the attack happened on the mexican said of the lake. what did happen? joining us on the phone ap reporter. tell us what the facts are as we know them tonight? >> right now, the game wardens
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have been searching the u.s. side of falcon lake all day. >> they've called off their search for he tonight. as of right now they don't know where david hartley might be. they've only been able to search the u.s. side of the lake. the search is going to continue tomorrow. >> greta: tell me what happened? >> thursday, david hartley and his wife tiffany, they both had jet skis and they took a trip to some old mexican ruins on the mexico side, obviously. they were there sightseeing, taking photos. when they were about to leave, as they were leaving, they were approached by two boats and armed gunmen in the boats. tiffany hartley told authorities they didn't talk to them, they just saw their weapons and immediately began to turn their jet skis toward the u.s. side and started to flee back. as they fled, tiffany hartley said her husband was shot in
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the head from behind. she said she turned around to try to rescue him, but as she did that, she can hear bullets whizzing by. rescue wasn't possible she told police then she rode her jet ski five to six mimes back to u.s. soil and called for help. >> greta: there any eyewitnesses and have they recovered his jet can i -- his jet ski. this poor woman lost her husband. i have to ask, any suspicion other than what she said? >> no, authorities haven't said that right now they do believe this was pirates out at falcon lake. this was the five incident at falcon lake this year that has been reported. so authorities do believe her story is what happened. >> greta: did they ask for anything? >> no, they didn't ask her for anything. in the four previous incidents this year those boaters all told police that the pilots
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had asked for things. they asked for money, drugs. in all those cases, the american boaters were able to get away, without incident. in this case, tiffany hartley told authorities they just saw the gunmen, never spoke to them, rather than just turned around and tried to make a run for it. >> greta: paul, thank. >> there are bad signs coming out of pakistan. militants have set fire to more than a dozen nato tankers. pakistan has just shutdown down our main supply route to our troops in afghanistan. why is pakistan doing this now? ambassador bolton next. >> if you are making a 2012 obama campaign sign. there is a problem you should know about. >> next rush limbaugh gets animated, literally. ♪ [ man ] i thought our family business would always be boots. until one day,y daughter showed me a designer handbag.
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and like that, we had a new side to our business. [ male announcer ] when the martinez family saw an opportunity, the hartford was there. protecting their emoyees and property, and helping them prepare for the future. nice boots. nice bag. [ male announcer ] see how the hartford helps businesses at
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>> greta: we've taken you to pakistan with our cameras so it is no secret pakistan has been double dealing the united states. tonight more bad signs. armed militants torching more than two dozen nato tankers carrying fuel to our troops in afghanistan. today's attacks one day after pakistan closed a major border crossing shutting done a major supply route to our troop s. john bolton joins us live that was in retaliation to a helicopter crossing over into pakistan and killing some pakistanis. this isn't getting any better. >> no, look it is a very complicated situation in pakistan. the population is largely hostile two the united states, because of -- because of radical islamist teaching in the schools over a long period of time. the democratically elected government is corrupt and incompetent. the military is more on our side but it too has its share of infiltration by political radical islamists.
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nonetheless this is the country we've got to work with on one side of the border with afghanistan to destroy taliban and al-qaeda. >> greta: when i read that a major supply route for us to get troops -- to get materials, everything, fuel, whatever to our troops in afghanistan i thought what is a major supply route we'll just use another one. then i read it supplies 80%. then i thought who is shutting this down? who did the torching of the nato tankers? and it is islamic militants. do you think that the pakistani government or military was at all complicit with the tar. ing of those tankers? >> i think it is possible. what i would say is, don't believe that the government, the civilian side or the military is completely unify. they are split, fragmented, at odds with each other on religious and other grounds that is the one of the reasons this is so hard. it is not the case that dealing with pakistan as an
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ally is necessarily different from dealing with fractious difficult allies in other wars. imagine, remember franklin roosevelt trying to deal with charles degall and the free french during -- charles de gaulle and the free french during world war ii. >> greta: the fact never nuclear weapons, look what happened in mumbai with -- it is said that the pakistani intelligence has helped the terrorist groups they went into mumbai and killed 168 or something that just rattles of course understandably india. i think is different. >> well it is worse. for the reason you mentioned. at stake here is control over pakistan's arsenal of nuclear weapons which reports put it between 60 and 200 that's a lot of nuclear weapons with respect to possible conflict with india and even more dangerous the notion that a radical pakistani government
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could give a handful of those weapons to terrorist groups who could detonate them anywhere in the worm. when all is said and done, i come down to the nuclear weapons. it is very unpleasant. he i don't have much good to say about the pakistani government except, they happen to be in the same place as taliban and al-qaeda we need their help to crush those resistance forces. >> greta: in terms of the supply route that has been shutdown do you think it is momentary where they want to each us a lesson or are we going to talk about this a week from now? >> i say this not to justify the pakistani conduct. i think what they are trying to do the most benign explanation is to show to the militants in their own country they can stand up to the united states. that may be satisfied as a political proposition by a relatively brief closure. we are fighting a war in afghanistan in a land locked country without much
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infrastructure we have to go in by land that means through pakistan. >> greta:er in helping their own terrorists and sending a signal to their people -- they are not sending a signal to people the americans are there as their partners. i don't know how that makes it any better. >> if we could be rational with the pakistani government particularly the pro democratic forces in the country and the government we should be arguing to them, i hope we, expect we are, they ought to be just as much against the radical islamists as we are. there isn't going to be any free election once pakistani taliban and al-qaeda take over. so i think their interests are lined with ours. the flat truth is they don't necessarily see that it way. >> greta: certainly is disturbing. >> it is complicated. it is not going to get any better. >> greta: that makes it even worse because it isn't great now. ambassador, thank you. >> thank you.
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>> greta: next, gloria allred is here. she at the center of a huge controversy in california. she says she has the smoking gun, but does she? gloria is next. >> a star is here. to be buy keith goes on the record about his new album, record about his new album, "life on the road" [ tires screech ] [ engine revving ] [ drums playing ] [ male announcer ] 306 horsepower. race-inspired paddle shifters. and f-sport-tuned suspension. all available on the new 2011 lexus is. it isn't real performance unless it's wielded with precision. so i've come up with some mnemonic devices to help me learn your nas. hello, a "penny" saved a "penny" earned. oh, that's 'cause fedex ground helps you save money. that'sht, penny. do you know ours? heavens to betsy.
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dwayne the bathtub. magic wanda. ah! what's mine? uh, you're a dan fool. oh. it's just a device, dan. you c take it personally. yeah, i suppose. [ male announcer ] we uerstand. you need a partner whhelps you save. fedex ground.
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. >> greta: with election day closing in fast the race for california governor has just been turned on its head. republican whitman's long time maid an illegal immigrant said whitman new she -- knew she was in the country illegally and was abusive to her. whitman denies it. when she learned the news he fired the woman immediately. gloria allred is represent
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being the maid and says she has the smoking gun. gloria allred joins us. you know i like you gloria, but i think this is absolutely unthinkable. let me tell you what you have done. one, you are getting your client deported by putting a big neon sign i'm here illegally, signed documents falsely and i've done that under penalty of perjury saying this is my social security number. that is the first thing. the second thing is i think your for instances from this social security document. i think you got it wrong. i think it helps meg whitman and her husband because i think that's the more reasonable for instance and you would get barbecued if you took it to court. on the eve of an election to raise something like this which has the possibility of smearing unfairly, calling someone a liar and subverting the electoral process. all three things, you know i like you but i think all three things are rotten. so go ahead, respond. >> well you have asked three things. which would you like me to
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start with? >> greta: take your pick they are all bad. let's talk about the social security document or the document where the social security administration, start there the. >> all right. here's the heart of it -- two days ago meg whitman, when we said she had notice that she was possibly hiring or continuing to employ, i should say an undocumented worker namely nicky, my client the housekeeper in her home, i said that she received that letter on april 22nd, from the social security administration, warning her or suggesting to her that there might be a mismatch in the social security number, which is usually a clue that you might have an undocumented worker working for you. what happened was meg whitman used the following words in response to what i said, quote to the associated press, "we
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never received that letter be or the notification." she also denied it to the "los angeles times" and "the new york times." when i -- what i did yesterday was simply show she did in fact lie. because she said we, meaning -- wait, here the letter. she said, we meaning her husband and herself never received it. here it is. it's her address on it. it's got her name on it. it's her husband's handwriting on it. >> greta: gloria this is almost al this is where you get barbecued in court. it has her husband's handwriting on it. her handwriting is not on it. and it says nicky that's the housekeeper, check on this, thanks. that shows that the husband didn't have a clue. that's why you get barbecued in court. this doesn't show meg whitman knows it. it showers husband was confused by it, turns it over to the housekeeper and the housekeeper sits on it because she knows she has this big fat lie.
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>> no, that is not true. here's where you are wrong greta. first of all meg whitman said to the public and the press before i showed this letter. we never received that letter. she saying, flatly denying that her husband ever received it. [ talking over each other ] growth gloria if this -- >> greta: gloria if in ever went to -- >> it is not going to court. >> greta: another horrible thing to do, why smear her and call her a liar. there's no prove she ever got it! >> well, you know the lie is she denied -- >> greta: and the husband says he doesn't remember getting this document several years ago. it is like -- it is insane that you assign this knowledge to her. >> greta, she didn't say on wednesday that they didn't remember getting it. she denied, we never received that letter or notification is
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what she said to at associated press the "l.a. times", "new york times" and so forth. she was clear they denied receiving it. she didn't know i had a copy of it with her husband's handwriting on it that is a lie that shows character. >> greta: the thing that doesn't have her handwriting but her husband's doesn't even hurt either one of them it actually helps her, because it says, nicky please check on this because they don't have a clue that your client has lied to them. they've been duped. now you have what you have done is you have outed your client told the world here we've got this undocumented person in the united states now under penalty of perjury has lied big neon sign come arrest my client look, she has kids born here in the united states. blown up huge and we are on the verge of an election. >> two points. one, when he gave nicky, and said, nicky please check on
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it. he never asked for it back. if you look at the form, which i have right here, the government is telling the employer, fill in the information above and return this letter in the enclosed envelope. it is the employer's job to do what the government says. >> greta: then scream about the husband. i don't agree with you. i think you -- [ talking over each other ] for god's sakes this isn't meg whitman this is her husband, a surgeon at stanford who doesn't though anything about these documents would be my guess. >> he's a neurosurgeon who somehow can't recall. let me address your other point. besides the fact that a multi-millionaire somehow doesn't think -- >> greta: is blackmail that's the problem gloria. you are blackmailing, she looks like the creep because she is the rich person against the person who is here illegally who is gonna --
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[ talking over each other ] >> greta, hold on. that is complete defamation of character. >> greta: your client lied! >> no, no. >> greta: your client is the liar not meg whitman. >> greta, i would appreciate it if you let me respond that is defamatory to accuse my client or blackmail. meg whitman didn't even pay for'vmyzi2ufdñuxt her for all e worked. >> greta: why do you do this? you referred to your client as rosa parks because she lied and duped meg whitman into thinking she was legal. rosa parks wars an enormous hero to many in the country and ought to be. not someone who lied on a document, dupe add employer and outed her on the eve of an election and accusing her of having knowledge of something her husband wrote and it was innocent to begin with! >> i'll tell you why she is
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rosa parks. she is rosa parks and very admired by a lot of people who are latinas and latinos and others who are not, everyone appreciates the huge risk she taking. i want you to know, she appreciates those risks too. she understands that these are enormous risks she's taking by speaking out i know a lot of people like you and a lot of people on fox news channel would like her to be silent -- >> greta: now gloria, don't you dare do that to me. you know i've vented more people than you have in situations -- i've represents more people than you have in situations in terms of people who need representations. don't try to pull that stunt on to say she shouldn't speak out because she is taking a risk somehow she could be deported. she has chosen to do this greta. she is well aware -- >> greta: gloria, i think you
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chose to do this. i don't buy it. if this women knew that she runs the risk of being deported and maybe she made an admission of lying under oath, i don't know. if she did that, i don't know what you are advising this woman. i would never advise an client to out yourself. you have kids born here in the united states and now she's got this personal mess. >> greta, since you have no idea what the were because you never heard any of the conversations between my client and myself. for to you conclude that i must have told her that he has to do it. growth i didn't say that. >> or -- >> greta: i didn't say that >> or should do it. >> greta: you know what, my goal is not to hurt the client. my goal is to help the client. gloria we gotta go. >> my goal is to support her what she wants to do. >> greta: gloria, thank you. >> next, pop quiz.
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what the three most important midterm elections that could decide everything. dick morris tells you next. >> did you see what rush limbaugh is doing? he's trying his hand at comedy. comedy. we have proof on tape, [ female announcer ] how well did total effects body wash shape up for good housekeeping? they believe with olay you can challenge what's possible and gave us their good housekeeping seal. for smooth, firm, younger looking skin shape up in the shower wit olay total effects body wash.
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growth if president obama is planning to run for reelection which we are guessing , this new poll may ruin his night. new fox news poll finds if the election were held today only 39% would vote to reelectric
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the president. 54% would vote for someones. joining us dick morris. of course i should say we probably don't know if we polled all republicans or not but we assume it was across the spectrum. nonetheless, let's talk about the races. what do you see as the three most important races going into the midterms? >> first, about that poll. what i found was fascinating only 41% of the democrats sampled say they would definitely vote for obama for reelection. 74% said they probably would or definitely would. a quarter of all democrats said they would vote for somebody else. which is terrible performance for him. back to your the three most important races are nevada, washington and new york. >> greta: why, let's start with nevada? >> okay. the republicans now have leads in eight states.
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north dakota, arkansas, indiana, colorado, pennsylvania, illinois, west virginia and wisconsin. leads in those states. theé that is tied at 44-44. it has been died -- been tied since august 1st. my feeling is harry reid is dead in the water that he's been doing a huge amount of advertising. hasn't been able to move up. most of the undecided goes against the incumbent. then you come to -- that's -- >> greta: let me ask you about. we are off camera we talk to people, both speaker gingrich and karl rove say that senator harry reid is going to lose this race. i've been out to nevada, at this point i think a lot of it is tea leaves. i still think he's going to win by a sizeable margin. he always wins close races.
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i wouldn't be surprised if he surprises everybody. >> well, it is not a close race right now. because the -- if i say you are going to be mary to the same person next year and you tell me you are undecided it doesn't say good things about your marriage. when you asked people do you want harry reid to stay on on only 44% say yes and 44% want angle and 12% want undecides -- >> greta: schoppe going to go out and vote? that's the probe -- except, who is going to go out and vote? that's the problem. any way. >> every index shows republicans are much more enthusiastic about voting this year than democrats are. >> greta: that i agree. i've seen that. >> with nevada we only get nine seats. the republicans need 10. i think the most likely 10th seat is in washington state where dino rossi is fighting
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patty murray the incumbent democrat. rossi just came out with an ad that is so funny. he says, battery murray says she is fighting for washington. our question is, which one? i thought it was just great. originally, rossi had a little bit of a lead then he lost it and murray was ahead. now rossi is coming back and retaking the lead. that will probably be the 10th seat that is the crucial race now in the country, washington state. >> greta: how about([ç wisconsi? >> wisconsin has won already. feingold is six or seven points behind the republican john. they have to work hard and keep fighting. wisconsin is one of the eight states that republicans lead in that are take aways. the other possible 10th seat is in new york state. where dioguardi who won the primary is only one point
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behind gillibrand, who never really was elected. she was appointed to fill hillary clinton's seat. dioguardi has an excellent shot at over taking her. you've got to look at nevada. they have to win that, that's the 9th seat. for the 10th seat it could be washington, new york, it could be connecticut where blumenthal is only four points ahead of mcmahon. and it could be delaware, mcdonnell could come back and it could be fiorina against boxer. the most likely two for the 10th seat are washington and new york right now. >> greta: dick, thank you as always. it is going to be a long month. thank you. >> thank you. >> greta: coming up, the inside story on country music megastar toby keith's new album. he goes on the record, next. >> the one and only rush limbaugh guest starring on a
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[ male announcer ] millions of men 45 and older just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies? [ glass shatters ] more passion for the one you love? more fun with your family and friends? it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone, or low t. c'mon, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more.
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>> from america's news headquarters, i'm marianne rafferty. the rain has slowed down, about flooding is posing a threat to parts of the northeast. high water warnings remain in effect. the storm systems that made it up the coast are blamed for five deaths in north carolina and one in pennsylvania. at one point, more than 50,000 customers were without power in new york, new jersey, connecticut and massachusetts. but many had their electricity restored by friday afternoon. bank of america's the latest lender to delay foreclosures because processors may have rushed through documents after one bank official said she signed 8,000 foreclosure documents a month and didn't always read them. a bank of america spokesman says haycan't estimate the number of cases. but it will affect foreclosures in 23 states. now back to "on the record."
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go to for the latest headlines. >> greta: on the record is going country. toby keith gives you the inside story about his new album, "bullets in the gun. "toby nice to see you and thank you for joining us. >> good to be here. >> greta: sighting moment, i've been able to get a copy of the music. tell our viewers, what is so different about this one? >> well, i had more songs to pick from. that's the only difference. i write every year at the end of the year i put my brand on 'em and we record 'em. it's the same thing. i didn't do any movies the last couple of years so i had more time to write. i had 50 songs as opposed to 15, 16, 20. >> greta: do you like writing better than performing or performing better than writing? >> they are different. i like doing both. i write a lot by myself.
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i've got three, four people i co-write with throughout the year. going out there and playing on those big stages are about as good as fun as you can have. >> greta: can you tell when you have written a song, this is going to be a big hit everyone is going to love this? >> i can tell on some of them. bullets in the gun is unique. it wasn't the first we put out. we put out trailer hood, when everybody the album on the preshipment radio stations started playing the other one. they are playing the title cut. i thought it was too long maybe too hard-core for it to work. but that was the radio stations and people's favorite. >> greta: i've talked to a lot of people successful in the music business like you. they always talk about the first time they heard their music on the radio. do you remember that? >> i do. mercury was the first -- you
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are talking about the first time you heard yourself on the radio? >> greta: yeah the first time you are driving down the street or whatever, and that's me! >> i was leaving on a bus tour, mercury had put out three artists the other two were -- we were all new, me and shania twain and a good named john brannan. they sent us out on a bus and they leased our singles two weeks apart. my first should have been a cowboy. we had stereo on, on the bus acting like a bunch of kids first time in a limousine and it came on. and i remember exactly where we were. >> greta: cmt big invitation-only october 8th, right? >> yeah, it is coming. i think the album is in the store on the 5th, bullets in the gun. >> greta: in all fairness, let
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me tell everybody who has tivo to tivo from it 10 to 11 since it conflicts with us. they should tivo one of us, right? >> i've been watching you congratulations on your success. i remember back in on the o.j. trial you did a fabulous job and we saw your court tv years and doing wonderful. >> greta: i'm flattered you have been watching. needless to say i'm likewise a fan. 1993 you had your debut album. was the music business different then than it is now for you? >> internet and digital download part changed it for everybody. it is still, the creative part and the reason you got in the business to make music is still just as valid as it ever was. the record sales and record labels are not -- they don't
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deliver the music the same way they used to. that's a different ballgame. the passion for it and the music really is a big part of mankind. >> greta: i think that we sort of own country music. it is unique to the united states. but you perform all over the world. is the audience different? different appetite for country music? >> it was really strange we went to europe for the first time last year and toured in november. we played different venues obviously we ampitheaters here we play. in arenas, they have a different kind we played some clubs and pubs and we played some small area arenas. they don't have the same set-up. the kong list that the radio stations played over there on like bbc and stuff like that they played whatever they want off your album as opposed to whatever the commercial single was. i would have people come up at
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concerts and hold signs up, several signs would show up for the same song. they would say play this song or that song and it was songs we never did release. we spent a lot of time trying to work 'em up and give them what they wanted. >> greta: how about angry american? >> how about angry american? >> greta: how about angry american? it >> it was written four, five days somewhere after 9/11. my father was a vet. he returned from the military with one eye. and never griped, never complained, was very proud to be a veteran of our country's army. and i think i was 16, 17 before i realized that he couldn't see out of that eye that he was completely blind he never complained. he had just passed away six months before 9/11. i kept thinking while i was in my gym working out, i thought
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he would be freaking out right now. i wonder what the old man would think? i wrote it in 20 minutes on the back of a fantasy football sheet that i had in the gym i was turning my line-up in for the week. i played it for general jones national security adviser now, commandant in the marine corp at the time. he we were at the pentagon and i was playing it privately for 4,000 ma seens -- marines shipping off to afghanistan. he said you need to record that song to where we can all have a copy, because there wasn't an unclinched fist or a dry eye in the house. i prayed about it couple days and put it on the album as an after thank you soon as the album came out radio stations started playing it immediately. >> greta: next, the best of the rest. video you have been waiting for. a sneak peek of rush limbaugh playing himself on a comedy show. he gets animated. rush, next. >> nfl scandal involving a star wide receiver.
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a phone sex hotline and cereal. the story next. >> hundreds of flying bras ♪ [ male announcer ] you're at the age where you don't get thrown by curve balls. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to get things done. ♪ so why would you let something le erectile dysfunction get in your way? isn't it time you talked to your doctor about viagra? 20 million men already have. ♪ with every age comes responsibility. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy ough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects may include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action.
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>> greta: here's the best of the rest. finally, your long waited sneak peek of rush limbaugh guest starring as himself on "family guy." >> everybody has said why are you doing "family guy" done you understand what that show is? -- don't you understand what that show is? >> i'm sorry. >> it has been nothing but fun. it is hill laugh . we sing a song together. >> trees grown from republican sod and everyone prays to a right, free, god.
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>> if you can't laugh at yourself there is no reason to be alive. the show makes fun of everybody. pelosi is a monster and addicted to crack, you are with me on this. >> of course, she is, but you can't say that you got to lead people there. why not be a part of it. i've learned so much about animation. it has been a worthwhile expense, mind expanding on many levels. >> right there there, the fact that you would give a woman credit for anything it means you are a liberal bryan. >> greta: the only word to describe the next story is oops. chad ochocinco has his own cereal. as you have noticed on the box there's a number for a charity called "feed the children." only problem if you dial that number, you will be connected to a phone sex hotline.
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ochocinco says the buck stops with him. >> i would like to take the blame i'm the one endorsing the cereal. i apologize to everyone who is affected. in a positive light it is bringing more attention not just to feed the children and the cereal but myself, once again. >> greta: cereal boxes with that wrong number are being pulled from the shelves. >> finally, if you happen to fly over washington state ut noticed something odd. parasailing man with hundreds of bras dangling under him. why? to remind people that october is breast cancer awareness month. a seattle radio station organized the event called bras across lake washington. the bras are being given to the ymca women's shelter. the best of the rest. >> president obama says he has lowered taxes. not so fast. there's a catch [ water ] hey, it's me water. check this out. boo-yah! shazam! h2...o! ydrolicious! magic bananas!
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to see the latest video clips on the record from you're on the go go fox and click on "on the record". >> greta: 11:00 is almost here, flash those studio lights. it's time. last call. here is an economic theory we've not heard. >> yesterday, an iowa president obama pointed out taxes have gone down during his administration. that is one way to get rid of income tax. getting rid of income. >> and he doesn't sound like a good idea but that is your last call. lights are blinking and we're closing down shop. we'll see you again on monday. make sure you check on our facebook fan page. and also go to greta visit open thread to talk about tonight's show. greta i'm sure have you a lot to say. until then keep it here on fox news channel. guess what is up next?