tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News October 2, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EDT
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good night from washington. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> as a matter of fact, i'm oftentimes stunned by what i hear on fox. >> bill: congresswoman maxine waters a far-left person accuses fox news of being anti-immigration. we will provide proof that ms. waters is not telling the truth. >> i need you you to be fired up. i need you to stay fired up. >> bill: president obama ask americans for more time and not vote out democrats in the upcoming election. >> it took time to free the slaves. >> bill: but some are offended by the slave analogy. perino and marshal will analyze. >> i think outloud a lot. you don't. no also glenn beck and i discuss president obama's beef with some loud mouth cable news anchors.
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>> we are the big dog. >> yeah. yeah. >> bill: to whom could he be referring? >> you are a likeable guy, bill. >> bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. once again congresswoman maxine water dishes propaganda the in the house of representatives. that's the subject of this evening's talking points memo. yesterday michael bloomberg and mr. murdock traveled to capitol hill fair immigration law. the country needs skilled immigrants to prosper in the future. congressman woman mass seen waters turned the testimony into a anti--fox news diatribe. >> why are you hear with
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basically decent proposal talking about the advantage of immigrants to our economy but i don't see that being promoted on fox. as a matter of fact, i'm oftentimes stunned by what i hear on fox, particularly when you have hosts talking about anchor babies and all of that. >> bill: now, ms. waters gives herself away with the anchor babies line. for her the issue is not about legal immigration. it's about illegal immigration, which she likes, which she wants, which she has done everything in her power to encourage. some of us here at fox news see it differently. we believe that chaotic illegal immigration is harmful to the country. that doesn't make us anti-immigration. it makes us anti--law-breaking. as for the immigration debate, all sides are heard here. >> you are not going to take 10 million people, many of whom have been here for many years,
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good, actors, they have not broken the law. they work hard. i'm not going to put them on the buses and deport them. >> bill: i'm pro immigration. i believe america should offer the opportunity to foreigners who want to work hard. i want to continue our tradition of welcoming people who believe that america is the land of opportunity. but i want it done in an orderly, disciplined way. call me crazy. >> bill: and if you want to get into illegal immigration, we also have plenty of voices who feel the same way miss waters does. >> 97% of -- over 97% of all the people in our prisons, federal, state, and local are citizens. they are here legally. illegal aliens are not the problem that commentators who choose to make this a social issue make them out to be. >> bill: do you subscribe to these sanctuary city policies, juan? do you think they are okay? >> yeah. for the most part i think those are people who are acting on
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principle. >> bill: it's too bad that congresswoman waters doesn't know what she is talking about. we have robust debates here on fox news with plenty of opinions on immigration. the congresswoman may notice on our cable news competition they don't have any of that they just toe the liberal line and, of course, that's what congresswoman waters wants to accuse fox news of being anti-immigrant is dishonest and disreputable. ms. waters owes this entire network an apology. that's the memo. reaction, joining us from chicago congressman luis gutierrez who was at the hearing yesterday. congressman, where am i going wrong? >> well, first of all, i never say no to an opportunity to be on fox news network. a couple of weeks ago i think i was on in the 6:20 statement, flew in the night before. i had to literally get up at 4:00 in the morning eastern standard time but i did it because i think all too often,
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bill, the point of view of having a fair, just, reformed immigration system doesn't get covered on fox news. here is how when i come on, there is usually many times anti-immigrant congressman, but most of the time and if you watch the program it's kind of like the anchor and the anti-and luis gutierrez with the other position. >> bill: we don't subscribe in ganging up on anybody. >> okay. >> bill: this is the premier broadcast on the network and i say that with all humility. >> okay. >> bill: thisis the one that pee all over the world watch here. we have been flat-out fair in this debate. we have put just as many liberal voices on as conservative voices. ms. waters characterizes fox news across the board as being anti-immigrant. mr. gutierrez, you know that's not true. you know that's not fair and i would like to you tell ms. waters to knock it off. >> okay. here's what i would like to say
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engage as i always have, bill, in the conversation and dialogue with you. here is what i have to -- what i said to rupert murdoch yesterday. i said thank you very much. thank you for taking this position. thank you for engage america in a conversation that is different and distinct about there is somewhere other than that's amnesty. that's open border. there is a process of legalization which mr. rupert murdoch spoke to yesterday where we could take the 12 million, legalize them, tax them, teach them english because of as he suggested to do otherwise is silly and foolish because there are too many people who would say anything other and many times we hear this on the fox news network because it's what i have encountered each and every time. >> bill: it is true do you hear that point of view but you hear the other point of view as well. just as loud, just as elm passioned and just as often. and i want to get back to this because this is important. you're a fair man.
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that's why i have you on the program. i mean, i ask you a question, you give me an answer. all right? i'm asking you a direct question, congressman. right now, and i want a direct answer with all due respect. ms. waters was not fair to this network yesterday. she was not fair. >> let me say the following, bill. i think it is unfair to ask me to come here and act as a spokesperson for any other member of congress. >> bill: you saw what she said. you are not going to be a spokesperson. you saw it? >> bill, bill, bill but i made a fair presentation. i was thankful. i was respectful. >> bill: ms. waters, what she says isn't right. >> but here is what i want. here is why i come. i'm very clear with you. i don't show up on your program because i think i'm going to receive accolades back from the voters in the fourth congressional district. i don't think that's going to happen. given your political persuasion -- that's not going to happen. >> bill: you get cred for coming
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on this program. >> there are many people who turn on the news each and every day to listen to you to think there is value in your perspective. that's why i come on. >> bill: we're privileged to have you on but you are ducking this issue. congresswoman waters was unfair in her characterization of this network. you are on that committee. you saw what she did. and you are telling me you don't have the kohanas to go up to her and pull her aside and say that is not right. is that what you are telling me. >> here is what i think. i think everybody approaches the situations differently. i think there was a different approach between my approach or and my colleague's approach. i too say the following, bill, seriously, it gets difficult when you show up and you see the streaming of those scary brown people who have come here to do harm and we never see them in the fields. we never see them taking their children to school. we never see them going to school. immigrants, illegal and legal here in this country are not really scary people.
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they are wonderful people and we should give them an opportunity. >> bill: we should give them a break by having a decent orderly law abiding system. i think you and i can agree. if it's just you and me we could get it done. but i want you to tell -- >> -- can i invite to you come down and maybe meet with the hispanic congressional caucus. >> bill: sure. next time i'm in d.c. i will set that up. i will be happy. as long as you buy me lunch i'll come down. >> i will buy you lunch. you got it. >> bill: i want you to tell ms. waters to come on this program and knock it off so i don't have to scold her on the air. >> bill, somethin' tells me she heard you. >> bill: all right, congressman. next on the run down, president obama says he needs more time and makes an analogy to slavery and some are upset by that later, glenn beck on the president saying some cable news anchors are out of control. upcoming.ñ÷
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a brand new fox news poll asks 900 registered voters if they would vote for president obama again in 2012. 3% say they would. 54% say they will not. so mr. obama is touring the country trying to change the discussion, asking voters to give him and the democratic party more time to make the country a better place. >> people are frustrated. they are anxious. they are scared about the future. they have a right to be impatient about the pace of change. i'm impatient. but i also know this. now is not the time to quit. now is not the time to give up. [cheers] >> we have been through worse as a nation. we have come out stronger from war to depression to the great struggles for equal rights and civil rights. [cheers] >> it took time to free the slaves. it took time for women to get to vote. it took time for workers to get the right to organize. >> bill: all right. a stem winder. joining us from los angeles with reaction fox news analyst leslie marshall and from washington
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dana perino, also an analyst here at fnc. all right, dana, begin with you. some people got a little upset about that slavery thing. i thought it was just rhetoric. it didn't really bother me. what say you? >> i like the first part of his speech. i thought it was a rare moment where you saw some humility. i thought though that it's a little over the top. we are talking about a jobless recovery. not slavery which actually took a civil war to end. and i certainly don't think he is trying to compare it to that it does, from a communications standpoint, from where i sit, it makes him look like he is just flailing around. he does try to rally his base but rhetoric like that is not going to help him with the voters that he needs to try to turn out this fall. >> bill: what would help him in your opinion if you were advising president obama, what would help him? >> well, okay, another thing that he said yesterday was that he would appreciate a little bit of a break. and i think all of us would. i think it would be smart for him to take a couple of days,
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get off the television, off the front page. i think the house democrats that are struggling in their re-election efforts would appreciate it as well. because every time he goes out, he doesn't improve his onus cycle. is he making it worse. >> bill: it seems that way. the polls show he is continuing to decline, leslie. does it smack of desperation when you bring in women's sufferage. slavery, the civil rights struggle to compare to stubborn recession that we are in now? does that smack of desperation? >> i don't think it's desperation. i have to say i can't liken the current economy to slavery, although sometimes i hear some pundits making it sound that way. what i think i heard from the president that he has been criticized for not doing lately is energizing the base. energizing the people that voted him, stimulating them to get out in november and to vote again. the pulpit-like, you know, articulation from him that he had prior to being president is what was lacking for me and for
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many others that voted for him. and i think we saw some of that. i think slavery was just a factual event. >> bill: he is upping the rhetoric. but as dana pointed out, every time he does it, then the next poll the next week has him down. he is 42 in consensus on job approval and now 39 in a new fox news opinion dynamics poll poll that says only 39% going to vote for him. what's not changed is that the democrats are going to get whacked in november. almost inevitable. four weeks away. all the polls show. they could lose in nevada. they could lose in connecticut the senate seats reid and blumenthal running against linda mcmahon in connecticut. all of those races are really, really tight. as you probably know, both of you, when the incumbent or the person who is more well-known goes into the final week tied or close, almost always a challenger wins. >> um-huh. that's right.
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i actually think that the connecticut race is probably closer than people think. i think that linda mcmahon could win that race. there are some surprises as well. the republicans are likely to pick up west virginia in the senate. that would have been unheard of about a year ago. >> bill: the late robert byrd's seat. >> yeah, so things are tighten up. >> bill: i don't know how much a diehard democrat you are. you are a liberal woman. i don't know a party -- it looks bad for the dems, does it not. >> i'm not going to say that oh, you know, i'm a pessimist anyway, bill. i don't think we are going to lose the senate. i certainly hope we don't lose the house. but it does look like there is a possibility. i do agree with deign that that west virginia does not look good for democrats. i don't agree what's joe lieberman who was out and came back an as an independent. i never thought i would see him do that. >> bill: won't put any money on that race but i think sharron angle is going to win in nevada. she will win unless there is
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shenanigans out there because she is dead heat with reid. you know, they know reid. and there is not going to be a lot of people undecided going for reid. >> one thing you are going to see, bill, right away in the next four weeks is some really nasty campaigning and believe me there is some personal attacks that are going to be distasteful and, in fact, both of the candidates running in colorado for the senate the democrat and the republican, now their unfavorables are higher than favorable precisely because of the negative campaigning. >> bill: what about meg whitman out there, leslie? is she taking a hit for this? we are going to talk about it with geraldo coming up. do you think she is taking a hit or survive this with the housekeeper. >> well, i think she is tag a hit. rightly so. you can't say look illegal immigration is wrong and they need to come through the front door. we need to send these people packing back and deport them and hello your housekeeper was illegal immigrant. if you are going to run for office left or right you have got to know there is going to be a huge mirror that looks at your entire life.
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if you have any skeltons you better bury them deeply. >> bill: maybe she knew. when she found out the woman lost her $23 an hour job. that's not bad, you know? in fact, i put my resume in to ms. whitman, valet. >> want to watch my kids, bill? you want to watch my kids, bill? >> bill: for $23 an hour? i will consider it on a saturday. >> one of my first question to the woman who watches my kids was do you have a green card yes she showed it to me along with her photo i.d. >> bill: they went through reputable employment agency that's what i do when i hire people. >> i think she overcomes it because she sticks on the economic message and on that and on the policy argue. she wins. >> bill: all right. ladies thank you very much. in reply to glenn beck's big rally in d.c., liberal groups are trying to do the same thing. on the very nasty new york
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gubernatorial race. >> you sent send do you know to my daughter's house i will take you out. >> you will take me out. >> yeah. >> how will you do that? >> watch. host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? did the little piggy cry wee wee wee all the way home? piggy: weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeee weeeeeeee. mom: max. ...maxwell!
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>> bill: some liberal groups putting together a meeting in the mall in washington tomorrow called the one nation working together rally it is designed to feature progressive values. joining us now from washington clarissa martinez from the group la rassa. and from d.c. hillary shelton for the naacp. is this in reply to glenn beck. >> not at all. as a matter of fact, this march was actually planned before glenn beck's rally. our march is quite frankly focused on the real values that
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were emanated from the real march conducted by dr. king in 1963. coalition of people working on jobs, justice, and education, trying to continue to move forward on agenda of one america working together to secure the american dream. >> bill: okay. some of the groups involved are the afl-cio the national education association. sciu code pink and communist party of america. ms. martinez, the communist party is going to be there. what say you? >> well, what i would say is that brings us to the table is the notion that as americans we have the power to build an economy that works for everyone. >> bill: does that include communist tenets though? why is the communist party taking part in this? are they happy with la rassa and naacp vision of what the economy should be? >> well, i think that most americans are concerned about the state of our economy right now and believe that we need jobs that allow us to provide for our families, a good
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education system that prepares the american workforce to be competitive globally, and also that we need measures that allow our families to do better. right now there is a lot of concern. >> bill: do you think ms. martinez the government can impose that? doesn't that have to arise from the private sector? do you think the government can impose it? >> our spirit for the rally tomorrow is that we all have a shared interest and a shared responsibility. >> bill: shared interest. >> there is a role for business. there is a role for government. and there is a role for each one of us. >> bill: progressive value valley which is more powerful? mr. shelton, i didn't know you were a communist. you know, look at you. you have got a snappy tie there. that doesn't look like a communist outfit for me. >> no. i'm all american and i believe in american capitalism. quite frankly, that is the genius of this march. this wrings together so many different perspectives and some different values and so many different religious, ethnic groups religious groups and others that are focus on the
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american dream. we are a pluralist society. >> bill: would the tea party be welcome tomorrow. >> absolutely. we would love the tea party to endorse our agenda. it would help create jobs, justice, and education. something everyone should support. bill: i'm glad it's inclusive. if you watch, you know i don't have any animus against you at all. i'm giving you jazz on the comis. we have code pink on here all the time. what is your mission, no rhetoric, just tell me what is economic justice to you? what does that mean? >> well, we believe that right now we have lots of americans working really hard and concerned that still their kids might not do better than themselves. >> bill: they are not earning enough money even though they are working hard. what is the solution to that? >> we think that there needs to be more investment to put
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americans back to work. >> bill: does that investment come from ibm or does it come from the federal government? >> i think there has to be a partnership between government and the private sector. we're all in this together. >> bill: but what if the private sector doesn't want the partnership? what if they say we don't want to be partners, do you force them. >> actually, i think the private sector is very concerned about seeing the state economy in our education system. if we don't have americans receiving good education, those employers are not going to be able to fill their jobs. >> bill: one more question and i will let mr. shell ton wrap it up. are you worried, ms. martinez about the 1.2 trillion-dollar deficit for 2010? are you worried about we spend more -- we can't pay $1.2 trillion. we can't pay for that are you worried about that? >> of course we're worried about the deficit, but we also are worried that we need to move americans from welfare to work. that is going to help all of us
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better. it's the same thing. >> bill: i like that. i want to move them as fast as we can move them. all right, mr. shelton, what is your definition of economic justice? >> economic justice means that everybody from the various sectors of our society have an opportunity to fully participate in our economic system. the private sectors, the public sector and some hybrids of both. >> bill: how do you get that when you know intellect, education, motivation is not all the same that some people are more intelligent, some people are more motivated. how do you get that equality across the board? it's almost impossible. >> everybody brings their gifts. in one size does not fit all. we want to see small business grow and develop. we want to make sure provides the kind of suring up that the federal government can often do to help small business. we want to make sure that the federal government is doing their part as well. we want to create a million new public sector jobs. >> bill: public sector jobs. that goes into the taxpayer 1.2 trillion-dollar deficit. it's hard to do that?
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>> you understand how the cycle of economics works in our society. if we create more people that are making a living wage, they are actually spending money in the economic cycle. >> bill: that is a theory. but we are 1.2 trillion in the hole now. i don't think we can raise it anymore. listen, i wish you the best with your rally. we will cover it over the weekend fox news. and we appreciate you guys coming on tonight. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening, the dumbest thing of the week. did the u.n. really hire an ambassador to deal with outerspace aliens? [ laughter ] we will join the -- true story. also glenn beck on president obama saying some cable news people are harming the country. who could that be? we hope you stay tuned for those reports.
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nasty. andrew cuomo -- >> most people consider a smear. >> i want to know why you sent you're goons after my daughter. >> what does this have to do with your charge against cuomo? do you have the evidence or not. >> no fingers, don't poke. >> this guy is the attorney general of new york and you are mistalking to him. you are his bird dog. you send another goon to my daughter's house and i will take you out, buddy. >> you will take me out. >> yeah. >> how are you going to do that? >> watch. >> are you threatening me? >> bill: with us now fox news anchor geraldo rivera. sounds like you. >> fridays with the people o'reilly. do you have any white people on this show? >> bill: i think leslie and dana were on this show. aren't they? >> bill: shows you the diversity of the factor. >> very diverse. >> bill: for people who don't know karl palladino, is he a multimillionaire. >> developer.
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>> bill: takes no garbage from anybody. won the republican nomination basically because he takes no garbage from anybody. all right. that's why he won. >> he is unkuth. he is intemperate. is he my kind of guy in many regards. rather hang around with both of them than andrew cuomo who still is the son of the former governor of the beloved cuomo. palladino in an ordinary year wouldn't have a chance against him. because it is not an ordinary year, that's my point exactly. >> bill: here is my theory. listen to my theory. palladino s going to be here on monday. i want you to sit here in case he tries to punch me. >> if he tries to take you out? >> bill: and many people want to. >> he could actually try it. >> bill: i think palladino doing what he did, the wisdom that he hurt himself i think he helped
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himself. people in new york are so fed up. they despise albany so much. the state is so dysfunctional even though he is a mad man that even though there is no censorship on him at all, they are going to say you know what? that might be what we need to get this state under control. >> let me say that the reporter fredericker is geraldo rivera without hair. >> bill: he didn't back off at all. >> good for him. >> bill: good for him, absolutely. >> i agree. i think that the fact that he is only behind by 15 points, he was down by 30. >> bill: in quinnipiac he is down by 9. >> i believe that could be a reasonable reflection of where the race stands now. >> people are so energized by the tax and spend issue that it is the only issue. you have christine o'donnell with witchcraft. it would have been out of the race. she is against evolution. she is for creationism in a liberal state.
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she would have been out of the race. she is not. meg whitman, i know we will talk about her with the illegal immigrant thing. she would have been out of the race in an ordinary year. this is not an ordinary year. what people are totally focused on is the fact that government is nonfunctional. the tea party has hit the nerve here in the country. and people are responding. and the fact that karl palladino has a love child or he wants to take the reporter out, you are right, it is energizing his base rather than turning them away. >> bill: grover cleveland had a love child, did you know that? >> and they made it a big -- >> bill: they elected him. it was the same reason. the country was chaotic economically. so palladino, look, i don't want anybody threatening any reporters this and that i think you have got to calm down. i will tell him that when he comes in here on monday. you are absolutely right. this year, all bets are off. and anything can happen because people are angry and they are as angry as palladino.
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palladino reflects their anger. >> i do. but do you believe that anger will sustain itself for the next 30 days? >> bill: i do. getting angrier. it's not peeked. meg whitman, what do you think? >> same deal. i think in an ordinary year -- first of all, california is different. in california one out of every five voters are latino. and god bless chris christie is a great campaigner. he did a wonderful job for her out there i believe latinos in california historically don't vote for the republican. two thirds of them vote for the democrat. i don't think in looking at meg whitman that she hurt herself because she wouldn't get the votes anyway. i will say. this because she has such a la visually funded campaign, she has attempted to reach out to the latino community in california by example this prop
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187, you are too young to remember. remember pete wilson in the 1990s? he ran to deny the children of illegal immigrants public school education or other public benefits, public services. he got killed. it killed the republican party in california for a decade and meg whitman has taken out billboards say she would never have voted for prop 187. she is against arizona's law. she was reaching out to latinos. >> bill: whether she knew or didn't know meg whitman treated this woman very kindly 23 bucks an hour. you don't even make that 23 bucks an hour and then she is weeping about meg? 23 bucks an hour, geraldo. >> i would say as gloria allred, the attorney pointed out. you don't want to mess with gloria. that was for 15 hours 23 bucks an hour. i have no problem with meg whitman's employment.
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>> bill: nine years the woman was in the house. >> she is not for amnesty. our bogs rupert murdoch has the right position on immigration. >> bill: you are rambling now. >> brownie points with the boss. >> bill: when we come right back, glenn beck -- president obama saying some cable news anchors are out of control. who is he referring? al franken has trouble on the senate floor. you have got to hear this. you have got to hear this. up mmmmmm. mmmmmm. wow! you have got to be kidding me.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the at your beck and call segment tonight, president obama criticizing cable news commentators. can that be possible? also a new survey saying that fox news is dominating election coverage this year. i spoke with beck last night. >> so here is beck. and we're going to analyze this new politico, george washington university poll. a very fine poll. >> sure. >> bill: says cable news is dominating the election cycle
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coverage and of course fox news is dominating cable news so we are the big dog. would've. >> they also said please tell me if you think this person has a positive impact or negative impact on political debate in the country and then they named me and you and a whole bunch of other people. >> let's just con ventricle trait on you. >> bill: positive impact bill o'reilly 49%. nearly half the country. 49%. negative impact 32. >> let's stop there. that is a happy story. congratulations. >> bill: what does that say to you? >> that says that you are a -- i can't believe i'm saying this to bill o'reilly. you are a likeable guy, bill? >> bill: o, that had to hurt. so half the country thinks i'm a positive country in the political -- >> you know what that is? that is my effect. >> bill: you humanize me. >> you humanize. >> bill: glenn beck positive force on the 38%. you came in second.
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3% say yes but 32%, same as mine negative say no. so i beat you by 11 points. what's that all about? >> show your ring, i have got to kiss your ring. >> bill: you are on the cover of "new york times" magazine. you are the big guy. >> here's the thing. i think i even said in that interview i wasn't born for this because i think outloud a lot. you think and then all of the sudden you are like now i will proclaim where i think outloud a lot. i say things that i regret. >> i know. now you have to become more disciplined. in the same vein, president obama weighed in on the cable news universe. >> of course he did. >> bill: roll the tape. >> what happens is these cable shows and talk show hosts a lot of them have figured out the
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more controversial i can be, if i'm going out there and i'm calling obama this name or that name or saying he wasn't born in this country, that will get me attention. i will then write a book. i will go and sell it. they are folks on the left trying to do the same thing being purposely provocative saying the meanest nasaest things you can say on the other side. they get rewarded in the way our media is set up right now. >> bill: see the kid in the back yawn? >> i know. why is he talking to 8-year-olds here? 12-year-olds? >> bill: he is right. >> he is right. >> i haven't read about any of these books any time i hear about his birth certificate is from him or somebody in the white house. >> bill: there are people that do that. >> only one notice mainstream media that talk about it is him and robert gibbs. >> it's a talking point in some precincts but the two big guys, you and me, we don't do that.
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>> no. i think he was born in this country. >> bill: we don't use inventriclive to marginalize. >> no. >> bill: that's not what we do. >> i have said things that are more controversial in the last year than you have. >> bill: the worst thing you said and you apologized for it on the factor was that president obama is a racist. >> that was not only wrong to say. i talked to chris wallace about it. and i really did with it shows on it this week it was naive to say or it was -- it was just purely wrong. it was purely wrong. >> bill: if you want to make a point that president obama may not be doing something responsibly, have you got to really zero in on it. >> this is, again, where i think outloud. you look at his policies and you say okay, well that -- you know what it is, when you are trying to figure him out, you have got all of these round pegs and square holes or square pegs and round holes and you are like it must be this one.
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no, that's not it. it must be this one. >> bill: he is hard to figure out sometimes i will cede you that. if you look at his policies if you look at pinheads and patriots. >> are you trying to sell a book. that's what the president was talking about here. >> bill: don't be jealous. [ laughter ] >> bill: this is what is -- and you just made an interesting point and i don't think you knew you made it if somebody went up to the president and said you know, i agree with your statement that you just made about some host being mean and despicable and trying to market that. he might put you and me in that category. >> oh, i know he would. >> bill: he doesn't really see us enough to know what we are doing that we are trying to get to the bottom of president obama. at least i am. i think you are. >> you think i am? >> bill: i think you really want to know who he is. >> i don't have anything against the president personally. i don't know him personally. he is affecting your life, my life, everybody's life.
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>> bill: that's pinheads and patriots. >> it is our responsibility to question. it is our responsibility to understand. >> bill: right. we have got to do it in a very responsible way. >> yes. >> bill: you can't be throwing these hand grenades out. i don't think the president likes criticism at all across the board. i don't think he responds well to it. >> no. >> bill: unlike you and me who just lap it up. >> you like it. >> bill: do you go home and broad when people say bad stuff. >> no i quit listening to it. >> bill: i don't like it but i understand where it's come from and intent. when the intent is malicious. i go. when it's just stupid, i ignore it. >> yeah. i would agree with that. but the intent being malicious is usually from anyone who really rises to the level of paying attention to. >> bill: the malicious stuff comes from the far left lobby. >> yes. >> bill: which is funded, organized and -- >> george soros. >> bill: we know how are. all right, glenn beck, everybody. >> that is spooky man george
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soros. >> >> bill: notice the nifty suit tonight, very, very good. >> i dressed well. i'm coming to the big boy table tonight. >> bill: one footnote, beck and i will be appearing together. if you would like to see us please go to bold for information. dumbest things of the week, did u.n. hire ambassador to deal with outerspace aliens. right back with the real story on that.
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>> bill: i have been there a number of time and i think gutfeld buys his drugs there. >> i went to school there. i slept in a tree. >> bill: citycity council in berkeley apart from the university likes attention. the latest attention is they have passed a resolution to do what? >> this resolution is called the no to torture week. >> bill: a week. >> october 10th through 16th on the campus. if you want to go. basically, this is against alleged war crimes, all right? >> bill: by the united states. >> of course. >> bill: not the taliban. >> not the toll ban. >> bill: not the nazis, the japanese, by the united states. >> by the united states. dealing with leaked photos from abu ghraib. >> bill: we are going back to abu ghraib. >> we can go back farther. >> bill: civil war. >> not that far. go back to 2006. another resolution passed the bush-cheney impeachment resolution. basically so the council voted
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to let the public vote to impeach the president. >> bill: so they are spending money, berkeley, california, on this kind of stuff. >> that was $10,000 to get it that measure on the ballot. >> bill: gutfeld, since you are alumni any comment on that. >> they are having performance artists doing theatrical readings which is worse torture. >> bill: torture by performance artists. >> exactly. >> bill: you nailed it gutfeld has chosen a political ad, go. >> congressman allen grayson wants your vote but is he too extreme. what about his health care plan for florida's seniors? >> i do quickly. >> unbelievable. >> grayson even believes president obama is a muslim. >> but i understand what the president is doing and, you know, people attack him and he turns the other cheek like any good muslim would do. >> radical. and whom does grayson turn to most often for spiritual
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guidance. aristophanes. >> disturbing allen grayson loves satan. >> bill: do you know what the music was for that? >> exorcist gill. >> bill: that was a gag. >> correct. taken everything out of context. grayson hates children, the elderly and loves say ton, all things i'm for which convinces me. you know i have a pentagon gram in my -- pentagran in my office. >> bill: apparently in the no spin zone. they would know not to spin. >> bill: sunday times of london reported that they had appointed an ambassador to deal with aliens from outerspace. all right? the ambassador is that legislation astro physicist
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mazlonorman. the problem with the story is it isn't true. it's false. and a lot of pick-up. "new york post," vancouver sun, boston geraldo, globe mail. st. louis dispatch. all of those papers printed the story. it is false. >> i disagree. i think it really happened. our minds were erased by the aliens. it really happened. i know for a fact that i was probed. >> bill: do we have security? >> give him -- >> bill: most bowous -- bogus stories. al franken having a hard time on the senate floor. we will show you exactly what this guy did in just a few moments. [ male announcer ] you can't un-smoke a cigarette. and you can't go back and un-do the times you tried quitting... ♪ ...then started again. but every smoker was a non-smoker once.
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p m's dennis miller coming next week. you guys get an exclusive interview just for you each week so check out that program. also buy a copy pan get a tote bag free of charge. -- the mail. according to bill maher, george washington, lincoln, martin luther king, jr. and barack obama are all morons because they all believe in god. terrific interview with maher. i am praying for him that will make him happy. i am an abilitiest but do not disrespect people of faith -- i'm an abilitiest but do not disrespect people of faith. maher deserves a slap in the head. but we can't do that we turn the other cheek. katie per very a patriot for appearing on sesame street. i'll buy a tote bag when i see you carrying one.
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giving the totes away free. did not make her a pate . i get the feeling the factor -- may be too much for you. kristin: i agree with you bill those kids are bad. what they did to tyler clementi caused him to commit suicide their acts were premeditated and cruel. >> all meg whitman had to do was ask for her housekeeper's passport to verify citizenship. >> bill, my local cost toe is -- local costco has a huge display of i. i picked it up. i know money is tight i appreciate your reading my book.
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october is national breast cancer awareness month. we believe in is a disease that can be defeated, perhaps soon. leading the fundraising efforts is estee lauder and its spokesperson actress elizabeth hurley. >> i've been doing this for years now. i have to say to date, has raised nearly 300 million dollars for breast cancer research. >> phenomenal achievement. i've been helping in any capacity i can since then. we go around the world raising funds and awareness. >> bill: i say they are patriots. on the pinhead front, al franken, still tough for me to say was on the senate floor earlier this week. >> senator from utah. >> new mexico. >> oh god. i'm sorry. >> thank you mr. president. >> senator from new mexico. >> since the wars in iraq and afghanistan began -- >> wait we are in a core rum
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call. -- quorum call. without objection the senator from new mexico -- >> bill: pinhead? of course that is it for us tonight. check out if you would in weekend the fox news factor website different from we would like you to spout off about the factor name a town if you wish to opine. when writing to the factor, no honeyfuggle. brand new word. if your dictionary has that word you have a good dictionary. no honeyfuggle when writing not factor. again, we appreciate you watching. i am bill o'reilly please remember, the spin stops right
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