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tv   FOX News Watch  FOX News  October 2, 2010 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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compete directly with federal express and ups. >> paul: dream on. thanks to my panel and all of you for watching, i'm paul gigot we hope to see you right here next week. . >> jon: on fox news watch. >> i don't know about you, but i'm fired up. >> jon: with a tough mid term elections moving the president takes his show on the road to gin up support for his party. and has the media who helped him into office lost hope. bad time being, rahm emanuel takes his colorful charisma to the chicago mayor's race bailing on mr. obama in his time of need. how will his move affect coverage of the white house. striking out, the president gives rolling stone some verbal gems taking on the tea party and calling your favorite news channel destructive. how did that play in the press. >> you guys were the inventors of face book. >> jon: a big box office
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winner hits theaters this week. the social network. >> there was a human tragedy. >> jon: a tragic failure this week from a social network. on the panel this week, writer and fox news contributor judy miller. national review editor rich lawrie. jim pinkerton, fellow, new american foundation and news day columnist elliss henican, i'm jon scott, news watch it on right now. >> this morning, everybody, and welcome to the least suspensable announcement of all time. as almost all of you have reported my chief of staff, rahm emanuel, has informed me that he will be leaving his post today to explore other opportunities gentleman so, off he goes. rahm emanuel, the man who has run the obama white house from the start, bailing from his chief of staff role, headed
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for chicago and the run for mayor of that city. so it was the worst kept secret in washington. the president alluded to it there, it's secret no more and rahm emanuel is out. give us a history lesson how he treated the press. >> well, he had a fascinating relationship with the press. he was use-- used the press, fought with the press, debated with the press and used a lot of really vulgar words with the press and we were always suckers for that. makes us feel like we're brought in the inner circle and trusts us a little bit. on balance he was an effective manipulator of the press and angered a lot of people. >> jon: did that help with the press the white house got, the fact he was so colorful, quote unquote. >>s there are so many other largers forces at work, the chief of staff doesn't have an affect one way or the other. a prominent media person i talked to, rahm emanuel never cursed me out, i feel he doesn't like me or trust me. >> jon: and it's also said,
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judy, that rahm emanuel was the source of a lot of leaks to his favorites in the press. >> absolutely. we always have the third graph of every story that says, even though mr. emanuel is portrayed as being eversized and loud mouthed, and foul mouthed, he was actually in this, whatever instance it was a voice of restraint and moderation. he was one of the most effective leakers on capitol hill. he was when he was in the congress and certainly continued that for the president in the white house. i think the press is going to miss him. >> jon: jim, i want to get into the sort of conversation that the president had with rolling stone magazine and said some rather amazing things and talked about the war in afghanistan. the tea party, financial reform, the new found appreciation he has for rapper lil wayne. one topic though is getting the coverage. fox news. here is his quote, he says the golden age of an objective press was a pretty narrow span of time in our history. about of that you had folks like hearst who used their
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newspapers very intentionally to promote their viewpoints. i think fox is part of that tradition. it is part of the tradition that has a very clear, undeniable point of view. it's a point of view that i disagree with, it's a point of view that i think is ultimately destructive for the long-term growth of a country that has a vibrant middle class and is competitive in the world. now, fox didn't respond to that, but-- >> i will. >> jon: go ahead. >> i will say that i've never-- i'm not aware of an american president in heft saying that a significant chunk of the population of the country is destructive, that's just not the way presidents who are of defending the entire nation ought to talk. on top of this, this golden age of journalism, about when the columbia school of journalism began into the turn of the century and into the '90s, include such figures as walter grantee, the new york times reporter who went to
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soviet russia and said there's no family here. a pulitzer prize and seven years later never returned and includes people like daniel shore who went to germany and said that goldwater to be a nazi in the 1964-- that's the golden age that obama is talking about. >> and we never forget. we never forget. [laughter] >> let me say, i'm not totally proud of everything, but listen, there's something to what he's saying, there is far more frank point of view with television news today than it's ever been and we can find examples in the past. >> jon: is it sour grapes? >> no, i don't think there's anything wrong thinking that people who have differing views from your own or strong views that there sometimes is something destructive about other people's political views, isn't that part of feeling-- >> the idea that any cable channel, even one as hugely influential as fox news is destructive of the middle class is absurd. i think it's pretty simple what's going on here.
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liberals hate fox news, obama is a liberal. obama hates fox. but let me tell you, he pretends as though he's above the cable chatter and back and forth and he's obviously consumed by it and now is very much a part of it himself. >> buts an a passionate political person we all have views we disagree with that we think harm our country. >> it's the president of the united states. >> it will do nothing, but drive up fox ratings. so bring it on because anybody who wants a skeptical point of view may be turning that dial to fox, it didn't work the first time the white house launched an attack on fox and it's not going to work this time. >> when you have the deputy press secretary of the white house, of course we don't like fox, but let's now praise, pat them on the head keith olbermann and rachel mat dow, if you want a different point than the white house, msnbc, same, go somewhere else. >> and olbermann and maddow
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pat on the head-- >> for viewers who didn't see the quote. read it for you here. if you're on the left. somebody like keith oler aboutman or rachel maddow one of those who keeps our government honest, and pushes and prodz to make sure that the folks are true to progressive values, then the president thinks that those folks provide an invaluable service. then we salute you for providing an invaluable service. i don't know what fox is doing. >> what's wrong with the president say i like people who like me. >> providing an invaluable service to the country. >> it does make me very nervous the rare occasions when politicians praise me, that kind of gives me the willies. >> as well it should. if he doesn't like you, you're doing something right. >> jon: but it just seems like to single out one network and call it destructive, i mean, you can say, i disagree, or i have problems with the
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reporting. >> it's politically stupid and it's also inaccurate because whatever fox's lineup at night is, the news division is very straight, breaks a lot of stories that other networks have to follow. this is, i don't understand why the president is-- >> and we never got a chance to talk about it, fox saying they were n't going to cover the koran burning in florida and fox was first on that and if anybody did a favor, squelching a story, maybe called and thanked rupert murdoch. >> it's vestiges of-- >> keep an eye on the big media stories in the watch list section and go behind the scenes and listen to the discussions we have in here during the commercial breaks, always very interesting. up next, are the media using the tea party movement to try to hurt the republican party? >> tea party politics in the mainstream press.
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why is the media using voter outrage to pull apart the g.o.p.? and new jersey governor chris christie is fighting to restore financial order in the garden state, but the media don't like it. that's next on news watch. it's our honeymoon. but we've parted wa with our old airline credit card that promid flights for 25,000 miles. it was always... [ laughing ] that seat's not happening without a big mileupcharge. a miles upcharge wasn't part of the deal. was i supposed to go without my wife? [ elevator bell dings ] [ grunting ] haha, that was awkward. so we upgraded to the venture card from capital one. we've had it with the games. [ male announcer ] don't pay miles upcharges. don't play games get the flight you want
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>> all right. let's start with this wall street journal, asking if they agree with the movement. 71% said yes. obviously a big majority there, judy. the question, is that reflected in the media coverage? it seems like the media wants to denigrate the tea party movement and try to use it to attack republicans. >> i think the media started out, john, underestimating the tea party movement except for this network, by the way, which covered it from the beginning. and then, many of them everdid it, and suddenly the tea party
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was the source of death and destruction of the republican party. i think that now we're having some truly analytical and ensightful reporting on the movement. who they are, what they believe. finally, finally. >> would you say, assist, that the media tried to drive a wedge between the tea party movement on one hand and the republican party on the other? >> well, i'm not thinking there is a wedge. i think it ought to be reported. so far the fellow republicans in the primaries, what we don't know, john, is the question that's so important in november, which is is that power broad enough and deep enough to actually affect general elections and so far it's mostly been an inner republican fight. >> it seems like the media have taken an opinion on that. like the tea party candidates are never going to win. >> i agree with judy though, i think there's something after the delaware primary where a little switch went off and i detected a change in tone a
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little bit more serious effort to grapple with the tea party on its own terms than we've seen before. there's still a lot of negative stuff out there and make christine o'donnell and every unusual thing emblematic and it's serious. >> she's one who beat a heavily favored incumbent. the reaction in the media seems to be more about distan than anything else. >> i bet mike castle never knew he had so many admires in the mainstream media. >> since he got back. >> and murkowski, i trend to agree with the media exchange, but i think the o'donnell victory gave brian williams, to name one, license to say look, this is now a-- in paladino in new york, this is now a season of anger, i think that's template for the month of october, obviously, angry, angry republicans. why can anybody be mad at obama, but they are and study
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them under the microphone. >> jon: do the media understand the anger. i agree with judy on that. it's a legitimate conversation to be having, what's the soul of the republican party and i don't think we know that. >> the anger means it's so predictable what we saw in 1994 we there was a republican route and seeing in anticipation of another republican route and you never heard in '08, oh, people are angry with george w. bush and that's a terrible frightening thing. it just never works that way. >> and john kerry didn't say the voters in '06 and '08 are misininformed. the same voters back then, misinformed and now-- >> two years gotten dumber. >> and saying the tea party the anger is misdirected and probably some aspects of the tea party that are darker that had do with anti-immigrant sentiment or troubled by what i represent as the president. i mean, it sounds like he's reading or mimmicing your old employer the new york times. >> or jimmy carter who
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basically said that this was a party of racists and bigots, and a statements and assertions for which no evidence was presented that was picked up by the media. i think that the president was-- >> there's counter evidence, simply obama won the election in 2008. if there were racists now why weren't there two years ago when they voted for him. >> jon: so is the president well served by going out in the media and casting aspersions on what he calls the darker aspects of the tea party movement. >> absolutely not. the self-pity, paranoid, unhelpful and if he were smarter in the treatment of this he would take a cue from bill clinton who talks of the tea party in a respectful way and say i understand why they're-- >> i feel your pain. >> yes and once we go about different ways of addressing it, for the president of the united states to say at that people hate him because he's african-american, extraordinary saying and slander. >> clinton is a master at it and that's a pretty high bar
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for any politician to reach. one thing that everyone in politics needs and that's enemies, in the same way that sarah palin has gotten mileage from her base how picked on she is by the media. once in a while barack obama saying hey, some of the extremists don't like me, but they have reason. >> president roosevelt attacked martin barton fish and that's a difference between that. >> i'm amazed at the rolling stone interview, he's pet lent. if rahm emanuel hadn't been running for mayor of chicago that interview wouldn't have happened. >> has he been looking at the poll numbers? >> that might put him on the defensive and there's a way to counter that and i think rich is right, the clintonesque, give quick credit to rolling stone barely mentioned in any conversations for 20 years and out breaking stories and giving lie to every reporters complaint i get much better
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interviews if i work for a big paper. now what, those guys are doing well. >> don't forget matt taibbi who did the best work on wall street in the last year, from rolling stone. >> jon: if you come across a story you think shows media bias, e-mail awes the news up next, does anyone trust the media these days? >> a new poll shows a majority of americans don't trust the media. really? >> i do not bash teachers, i bash their stubborn, self-interested unions. >> aen the garden state governor is no favorite of the mainstream media. really? all next on news watch.
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>> a new gallop pl poll out this week, majority of americans, 57% say they have little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately and fairly. while 43% express a fair amount of trust. and then 48% say the media are too liberal, just 15% say they are too conservative. rich, sounds like fruitful area for a magazine. >> yeah. no, absolutely. look, i think the era that was characterized or the decades after world war ii where you had a couple of big dominant media institutions and people just inherently and instinctively put their trust in them is gone, good riddance, it's never coming back. >> jon: why are we in the media disliked so much or at least mistrusted? >> well, i think one of the commentators made an excellent observation. he said you know, when the news is this bad, it's really hard not to blame the
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messenger. and there's been a spate of bad news, that's part of it and the secd part journalists ourselves we love beating up on one another. the only institution less popular than we are is the congress which i think speaks well of the american people. >> jon: and we like beating up on just about anybody else. >> and that's-- the splintering is part, always someone to hate and plus, remember, we hate all institutions, copingress, president, the church, no one is doing well in the polls. >> jon: pew research center poll the apple is getting more press than rivals google and microsoft. 42% of the coverage lauded apple as innovative or superior and praised the fan base. only 17% of the coverage focused on the shortcomings of apple products. the first ipad i ever saw belongeded to jim pinkerton, so i've got to ask you. does apple get unfairly glowing reviews?
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>> i don't think they do and i think it goes to this issue of all the institutions that elliss mentioned that nobody trusts, for good reason, they agree, nobody should trust them. some companies do a good job and i trust apple. when i get my software downloaded i never hesitate to take it, i trust it. you can earn trust even in this vierin environment. >> the iphone is good unless you make phone calls. >> jon: and ed schultz is in hot water at the network after these on air comments last week about new jersey governor chris christie. >> here is the bottom line, what we're seeing out of this governor of new jersey is just go to the money, cut whoever you have to cut, there is no ramification for any of this because he's a coldhearted fat slob anyway. >> jon: well, he made a nonapology, apology on his show wednesday night calling himself a fat slob. why all of the ire directed at chris christie, jim.
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>> he's his own kind of media star now. his own cult following including me of youtube watchers and take him on, and number by number by number and do you mind paying 2% more for their pension, and most americans paying 100% for health care and got the facts and no wonder schultz hates him for that. >> he's a youtube phenomenon. 20 years ago there would be rumors among republican insiders how terrific chris christie is and you might see a newspaper article there. now millions of people see it and those confrontations are made to go viral on the internet. >> and has he mastered that medium? >> i don't think he does it deliberately, but the confrontations are perfect for it. >> fat slob in the best sense of the world, i like that. [laughter] >> who would want to be governor of new jersey? the-- i mean, that that state has been in horrible shape and he really-- >> nowhere to go, but up. he's now routinely mentioned as vice-president in 2012 up
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from nowhere a year ago. >> one of the politicians to following-- >> and ed schultz calling christy a bully is really a bit rich. >> jon: all right. we have to take kun more break, when we come back, social media, is there more bad than good? uh, they don't really think you're an exchange student. what? they think you're a businessman, using our house to meet new clients in china. for reals, player? [ woman saks chinese ] they overheard a phone call. speaks chinese ] something about shipping with fedex to shanghai. and then you opened a bottle of champagne. that was for a science project. [ man and woman speaking chinese ] i'm late for..occer... rehearsal. [ man speaks chinese ] you and i are cool? i'll be home by curfew. [ male announcer ] we understand.® you need a partner who can help you go global. fedex.
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looks like we're in for a bumpy ride. go ahead, ignore me. but in this turbulent market, you're going to need help... protecting some of your assets for retirement. an axa equitable annuity could give you... guaranteed income for life. i'd call them, but what do i know? i'm just the 800-pound gorilla in the room. don't worry. i'm here. want guaranteed income for life? axa equitable is redefining what you expect from annuities. ooh, peanuts. >> jon: did you hear about the
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website i launched. >> you called me a [ bleep ] on the internet. >> that is why i wanted to talk to you. >> on the internet, comparing women to farm animals. >> i didn't end up doing that. >> you thought it was so clever it would be a crime. it's not written in pencil mark it's written in ink and you published [ bleep ] before you make a crack on my family's name and.... >> is there a problem? >> no there isn't a problem. that is what the angry you nowadays. i was nice to you, don't torture me. >> can't we go somewhere? >> i don't want to be rude to my friends. >> it's about the birth and success of facebook and the legal issues surrounding who came up with the idea. the film opens this weekend and
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is expected to be the top box office hit. there were some other news about social networking. this one tragic and disturbing. tyler clemente committed suicide after a gay sexual encounter was streamed live on the internet by a roommate and another classroom. the story getting major coverage by the media. do the media play a role in that kind of tragedy? >> sure we do in that, the definition of what belongs on the air has really changed in the past ten years and especially since the internet. all of these difficulty outlets. i think we have a role. >> jon: anybody can get on the internet and put anything out there. >> everybody is the media. andy warhol finally comes true. there is no media, there is no editors, everybody has their own. >> and the meanness of the human heart is not new but there is a
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lot more. >> that is how it gets out there >> it's easier to see more more people. >> you like that movie. >> look, it's a very well done movie. eric sorkel is genius, not a script writer but i think it's hollywood revenge against the new media the internet which is killing the old media. just like we talked about broadcast media and hollywood's chance to put a knife even though it won't affect the larger phenomena. >> but he donated hundred million dollars.... [ laughter ] >> that is a wrap on news watch this week. thanks to our panel. i'm jon scott. thanks for joining us, keep it here on fox news channel. we'll see you next week with another edition of fox news watch.


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