tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News October 5, 2010 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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[ talking over each other ] >> sean: why can they stop spending? >> this is better than any hulk hogan match i've ever watched. >> greta: you hear from the wife who says she watched her husband get executed on a jet ski on the texas-mexico border. but first, delaware u.s. senate candidate christine o'donnell fights back in a new ad. she says she is you. >> i'm not a witch. i'm nothing you've heard. i'm you. none of us are perfect. but none of us can be happy with what we see all around us. politicians who think spending, trading favors and backroom deals are the ways to stay in office. i'll go to washington and do what you'd do. i'm christine o'donnell and i approve this message.
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i'm you. >> greta: tucker carlson joins us live. >> greta! >> greta: tucker! all right tucker, i'm you. how about that for an ad? >> look, you are on tapemt conceding that you participated in witchcraft, it is tough. i think this -- >> greta: even though it is high school? >> high school, americans not for black magic as a general matter. it is clever, cool she addresses it directly, i'm not a witch. i think the i'm you element of this ad is uncomfortable. >> greta: why? >> because it is not clear what it means. of course i'm not christine o'donnell. not that i wouldn't want to be, strictly speaking not true, a little weird. >> greta: let's look at it for a second. you are a smart i go. fancy schools, lots of opportunity and stuff like that. christine o'donnell seems to be more like had some hardship,
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she couldn't make mortgage payments. when she says, i'm you is she not connecting with a different type of people, a different group of people? that likely to resonate or could it? >> message is what you described. a populous message we are all going through difficult times i've had trouble paying my bills who hasn't, elect me. i think it is a valley message probably a winning message. probably one of the few available messages. i think the phrase, i'm you has a meta-physical over tone that makes me uncomfortable. >> greta: i felt like she was saying i'm not one of those inside the beltway type of people. i'm not washington. i'm my own person or something like that. i thought by the ad she was saying i'm a regular person, whatever that means. >> right, he get the combination of the witchcraft and i'm you left me spooked.
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i thought the witchcraft part was great. look, this is just one man's opinion doubtless, many are seeing it the way you described it. i think that was the intent. by the way, her numbers are rising. there's still a sizeable gap between her campaign and that of mr. coons, but she is closing it. the trend is in her direction over the past ing cycle. >> greta: i thought it was a cheap shot at mr. coons when people were saying he wren some paper in college when he said i'm a socialist. >> beared marxist. >> greta: 15, 20 years ago and he's been county executive or something, had a government job for 10 years where he's -- i assume he hasn't done anything that is peculiar. people may not agree him politically. >> none of us would like to be judged on our worst moment. >> greta: especially the two of us. especially me. >> greta: or me. >> it is fair to judge the
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guy's position, conventional democrat union hack. what is your position on trimming the government workforce? >> greta: why does he get off the hook for the bearded marxist, which i think he should and the witchcraft thing sticks? >> the press is overwhelmingly her because of her political positions. she is prelife. kind of religious in an -- pro-life. kind of reledge just in an open way. bay the way, i have to say to be fair and honest, she's got a different story. she not your conventional candidate she said some spicy things on television. you have to expect people are going to cover that the coverage has been disproportionate. he has not been covered a 1/10 to the degree she has. >> greta: i don't live in delaware, but it seems with this ad and this i am you, she is leapfrogging the media.
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who is appalled she doesn't meet what you expect a u.s. to be. i think -- >> i don't think there is any question. the fact there is this odd element in the ad, i'm you. >> greta: a man running for governor when he says i'm cheap. meaning i won't spend your money. people are constantly make references like we are the same. >> i've never heard anybody say it the way she said it. >> greta: i never heard witchcraft. >> the beauty of the ad is she is leading your show tonight. if you watch her on television and we saw this in an interview she did elsewhere on fox recently, there's nothing scary about her. she is appealing, her fox is attractive there is something about her that is not scary or witchy. >> greta: tucker, thanks. murkowski's lawyer just fired off a letter to the media
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warning them not to run a new tea party express ad saying it is littered with lyes and should be yanked from the air. -- with lyes and should be yanked from the air. >> she her senate seat when her father appointed her she didn't earn it. she promised she would respect the bill of the electorate and support the winner of the republican primary. but lisa wasn't really willing to give up the gift her daddy gave her. she tried to influence the absentee vote count. when that didn't work, she said she would concede. then she tried to manipulate the libertarian party into giving her their slot on the ballot. that didn't work either. and now, lisa is trying to pretend she is running to serve us? yeah, right! >> i'm here to tell you, you are disinfranchised no more. >> announcer: you lost lisa it is time you respect this senate seat doesn't belong to
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you. paid for by tea party the tea party express group is not from alaska and stands by the ad. not the first out of state group to attack senator murkowski. is this fair? rick santorum joins us live. outside the state of alaska, the second thing whether it is factually correct? >> there are some points that the lowers for lisa murkowski say are not correct. they say she did not approach the libertarian party. the party said they weren't approached. there was a lot of speculation they would be approached. that may be a factual error. the station has a right to go to the tea party group and say back up, where is this information from? that's number one. the absentee ballot issue, again there's some question as to whether she was trying to manipulate the ballot. they need to back it up.
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i think everything else, there may be some hyperbole -- >> greta: they sort of covertly threatened the media, her lawyer talked about the license granted by the fcc. >> standard fare. >> greta: in the ad it says she did not earn it and an penned by daddy that is true. what is not in the ad is she later ran for office and was elected. >> that's right. they ed over that. >> greta: glossed over it! i don't blame murkowski for being mad about that. >> -- >> when they said she didn't earn it they were referring to the time she was first elected. >> greta: it was slippery. >> they slide the two together, no question. >> greta: they don't mention the fact she ever ran and was elected that's a huge emission
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-- huge omission. the media loves it, they will run the ad. >> a lot of stations will not. there were independent groups when i was running, the stations because they don't want to be sued that has a heavy letter. >> greta: how about just being decent? she did run, she was elected, not in the ad. j i with say that the greater concern is, it is factually incorrect. does it stretch things here and there? every ad does. on a couple of counts it may be factually incorrect. you can have effective ad without having to push those two buttons and get what you want accomplished. if i were them, i would redo the ad to make sure it is factually correct on all things. and make sure it gets aren't. i think there's a chance this could be pulled. >> greta: did you have any thought this is an out of
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state organization? >> she represents everybody in the country, she is from alaska but votes and affects everybody in the country -- [ talking over each other ] >> a lot of california money came into pennsylvania when i was running, i didn't have a problem with that. these are national elections even though they are in particular states. i don't have a problem with people from other areas coming in. >> greta: she certainly does seem like a sore loser. that's another issue. nonetheless, she has a right to run as a write-in. it seems it ought to be fair. and the 5 thes -- there ought to be -- i guess she can run ads saying they are lying or omitting, i should say. >> i came up and campaigned for lisa six years ago in october and express reason was to help, because she defeated a conservative in the primary. she was concerned that these
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people were gonna sort of form an effort against her. they asked me, a conservative, a fire brand in the leadership. i flew up to alaska and i talked to sarah palin. and i talked to the person who was in the primary against her, all try to get them to sort of join the team. here we see six years later, she loses the primary. now she's doing what she asked me to quell six years ago. >> greta: it is interesting how often times you have a right do something but it isn't necessarily something you should do. >> you may have a right to run a write-in. >> greta: yes. but leaving out, omitting some details -- >> look. i think they should redo the ad, have it right. i think stations have a right to demand proof and evidence of the things they claim in the ad. >> greta: thank you. arizona getting new opponents. not only has the illegal
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immigration bill brought out a fight with the obama administration now 11 countries wants to jump into the fight. is this any of their business? and hear from the distraught wife who watched her husband gunned down while jet skiing on the border with mexico that wife goes on the record coming up. plus, christine o'donnell joins the same club as president obama and former governor sarah palin. what is going on? what could be that club? find out in minutes. ud, nothing without a big miles upcharge. it's either pay their miles upcharges or connect through mooseneck! [ freezing ] i can't feel my feet. we switched to the venture card from capital one -- so no more games. let's go see those grandkids. [ male announcer ] don't pay miles upcharges. don't play games. get the flight you want with the venture card at [ lovinit ] help! what's in your llet? with the venture card at ready to try something new?
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arizona governor brewer filed the motion opposing the 11 countries saying she finds it deeply offensive. joining us live howard fisher cheap correspondent for capital media. good evening how war. these countries want to get into the fight. why did they claim to have any right to get into the fight? >> it comes down to whose theory you belief in terms of why this bill should be enjoined. when judge billion ton end joined the law in july, she said the federal government had shown hit a likelihood of success on the merits. one of the issues was the balance of hardships there. that the federal government said not only is arizona's law preempted but the federal government's interests would be harmed. those federal government interests include trade, international relations, combat about thing drugs and illegally immigration what the
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mexican government is saying that we belief if arizona keeps senate bill 1070 in place it will harm international relations. when that is like -- we are not as likely to work closely with them on combating gun and drug trafficking. they believe they have at last an -- a least an interest or supporting the federal government department of justice on this >> greta: there is going to be a hearing in two or three weeks. united states court of appeals in which the state of arizona says the trial court judge was wrong in striking portions of sb-1070. the federal government has responded they are going to send the ruling of the trial court below. now these 11 countries come in and say, we want in too. governor brewer says, no get out, it is none of your business. the federal government says what these 11 countries trying to come in? >> federal government is in support. obviously, what mexico has written and these other 10
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countries have joined, supports the federal government's contention that yes, we have an obligation to pick up illegal immigrants that can be trumped by trade. that can be trumped by international relations. now, who is right on this? it is hard to say. i mean, if in fact the 9th circuit judges belief the arguments of mexico and the other countries are irrelevant they will ignore them if the judges say, they have some viewpoint that needs to be heard, then they will listen. that's the nature of an an$ amicus brief. >> greta: it is interesting. if you are in a car accident with your neighbor in arizona, i can't -- and your neighbor sues you, i can't just jump into it. i don't have standing that is none of my business. it is a dispute between you and your neighbor. in looking at this, this was originally a statute in arizona, that the federal government says is no good,
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unconstitutional. a dispute between these two. now these 11 countries say me too. so it is everybody against arizona. it is interesting see whether or not these 11 countries, do they have the interests or are they remote like i am to your car accident? >> that's an interesting question if you want to intercede in a car accident case that doesn't involve you, you have to show the court some reason that either you perhaps were affected by it. how he was going to take me to the hospital except for the fact he got into the car accident. or you have a unique legal perspective on it. you might know something about the traffic laws in the city of phoenix that the 9th circuit needs to know. you as a friend of the court literally are going to help provide the judge help make a decision. >> greta: it will be curious to find out who rounded up these 11 countries? did mexico round up these
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countries did the federal government say let's led the deck? any idea who gathered up these 11 countries? >> mexico filed a motion in the original trial court with some arguments that judge bolton agreed to listen to. whether she used that in terms of her decision, hard to tell. i would be hard pressed to belief the mexican government didn't talk to somebody at the. is department of state in terms of, are you okay if we intercede on this and would it be helpful to the cause? mexico has a lot of interest bone international trade. their concern in part their citizens here legally or otherwise are treated properly. they believe the bill interferes with the rights of their citizens. >> greta: we'll see what the citizens have to say when we look at tomorrow's newspapers. howard, thank you. >> you're welcome. >> greta: next, a giant united states corporation drops a bomb. announcing it will end health
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care benefits for certain retirees because of the health care law. which company? how many does it impact? plus, the wife is here, terrible story. desperate for nighttime heartburn relief? for many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms caused by acid reflux disease. and for the majority of patients with prescription coverage for nexium, it can cost $30 or less per month. headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain
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>> greta: if you think president obama's health care law isn't changing things, listen to this. the giant company 3m just announced beginning 2013 it will stop offering its health care plan to some retirees. why? because of the new national health care law. there's more to this story. joining us live business reporter for the st. paul pioneer press. good evening. tell what is it that g -- 3m is going to do? >> starting in 2013 for retirees who are medicare eligible they will have the option of taking cash from the company instead in the -- instead of being in the 3m plan in 2015 for all retirees including those who are not medicare eligible, they will be participating in the health care examine changes that will be part of the new health reform. they won't be able to participate in the 3m plan as they do now.
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>> greta: any indication these retirees are unhappy with the change or they had any voice in the change? >> they didn't have a voice in the change. i talked to a couple. i think generally they have questions about how much the company will be providing them in these health reimbursement arrangements? how that will compare to the plan they are currently in? there's a lot of uncertainty about that. >> greta: what does the company say when the retirees say -- this was presumably going to give people certainty. what do they say what are you going to give us? what is the plan? what's the deal? >> well, the way -- right now they are saying it is just health reimbursement accounts, they are not specifying dollar amounts. i did ask about that. these health care examine changes that will be part of the new bill that marketplace
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hasn't been established. it is hard to say how that will work when they can participate. >> greta: i guess therein lies the problem. they are told they can't have it, the market exchanges don't exist, they den know fit is going to cost more and get less services. it does change things at the least it -- with a huge level of certainty. >> 3m's letter said they wanted to give them time, year's advance warning. i think things will have to play out in terms of how this affects the health exchanges which are run buy the states. it will vary from -- run by the stays. it will vary from state to state in minnesota we didn't know what it will look like yet. >> greta: advance warning for what? something that they don't know that doesn't exist. and 3m is doing this because of a national health care
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program that hasn't gonna effect. i assume 3m is doing this to save money. any idea how much they are saving? >> i spoke with consultants and i asked 3m those questions. they are not saying how much. for the retirees, there are no good answers right now. they have to hope that something will come out from the company and to get some answers. >> greta: just so i'm clear 3m made this decision based on the new national health care law? >> right. they said that the changes in the health care reform that people can be cut out of health insurance plans because they have a preexisting condition and other changes that basically the advantage they say 3 - m's plan had over private plans will go away they are an early adapter of this. it is not certain other companies will be doing the same thing.
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and don't tell anyone your card or social secury number over the phone. guard your card. [ woman 2 ] i hear unauthorized card use is a big source of fraud. the new healthcare law ls us crack down on crinals and win against fraud. making medicare stronger. and speaking of winning... [ man 2 ] not again! [ man ] learn more at
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>> greta: you hear directly from the wife who says she watched her husband get gunned didn't while jet skiing on the texas/mexican border. she reported the attack police who joins us live we are also joined by david's sister, nikki. i must say it is always so awkward what say to family members at these horrible
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moments. pardon me if i'm clumsy in how i ask you questions. tiffany, what happened? >> david and i were on the mexico side taking pictures. we were heading back. just had some boats come after us and started chasing us and started shooting at us. several bullets going over me and hitting behind me and and i looked back and david was hit. growth were you riding side by side at the time you were flag or was he behind you? what happened? >> he was between me and the boats. so he was keeping himself between me and the three boats that were shooting. >> greta: did they say anything to you these people? did they ever get close enough to say anything to you? >> no, they didn't.
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>> greta: had you soon them before the encounter? >> no. we hadn't seen any boats from the time that we had launched to the time that we were at the church. >> greta: so, as you are fleeing, bullets are flying, you look at your husband, is that right? >> yeah, i saw two shots hit next to me. i looked back at my husband, that's when i saw, that he was flying over the jet ski. >> greta: what did you do next? >> i turned around to go help him. see if i could get him back on my jet ski and get out of there. >> greta: when you were doing that, when you were attempting to help your husband, where were those other boats? >> two were in front of me, quite aways away. within came up to my boat -- one came up to my boat -- my jet ski, they pointed the gun
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at me. they were talking amongst each other and pointed it back at me. then they decided to leave. >> greta: did you say anything to them? >> and meet up with the other two boats? >> did you say anything to them? >> yeah i told them please don't shoot, don't shoot. >> greta: at that point your husband was there, was he within reach of you? >> i had a hold of him and i had ahold of my ski. we were both in the water, at that time. >> greta: how did you get away? if you got in other boat, and you are hanging on to your husk hanging on to the jet ski, what happened? -- to your husband, hanging on to the jet ski, what happened? >> after i told them please don't shoot they left and went with the other two boats. i on trying to pull him up on my ski. and i couldn't get him up. i felt like god was telling me i had to go otherwise i wasn't gonna make it out. i had to go past them.
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so i on my ski and i had to leave david behind. >> greta: you drove towards those boats? >> yes. i had to drive towards boats, go past them to get to safety. >> greta: how does did you them when you drove past them? >> i honestly have no idea. i didn't and look at 'em. i just drove and went as fast as my jet ski could go. >> greta: what did you think the motive was? >> who knows? we have no idea. most likely they just wanted money, which we don't carry on our -- with us. it could have turned to both of us dying or me getting kidnapped, i don't know. we have no idea what the motive was. >> greta: nikki, this is your brother. i suppose you know there's been some controversy about whether or not the mexican government has been helpful in
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the investigation. there have been plays hopefully made to president obama and secretary of state clinton to get -- involved. also a suggest by the investigator in mexico and the d.a. they don't buy this story is your thought about this? >> we den belief it for a minute. we believe everything that we have heard from tiffany. we've never dutted that. and we stan heene her -- we stand behind her 120% more than we can say there was never a question or thought that ever crossed our mind and it never will. >> greta: nikki is mexico helping you recover the jet ski and the body? any effort by mexico to help you? >> we've made our pleas, originally we believed they were helping. but there's been some question as to how much help that's why we are making a plea out to
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everybody to help us to ensure they are doing what they are telling us. so far we haven't been able to verify that. and we've heard contradicting reports on what is being done. >> today i have met with the mexican consulate. >> greta: what did they ask you, tiffany? >> same thing everyone else is asking me, just the story, what happened. they are sending my story wren document to mexico city and also, to whoever it needs to go to -- >> greta: tiffany have they indicated that they have fully exhausted the search? are they actively looking for your husband? >> i didn't know if they are actively looking right now. but, with that documentation they can at least start doing what they need to do and connecting with the federal police and whoever they need
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to. i believe that they are gonna do whatever it -- what it takes, as of right now. >> our concern is nothing has been done on the mexico side yet. what we've been told is they've been unable to go over yet. and the search is only taken place is side. this didn't occur on that side. we need to get over to the other side. >> greta: tiffany, nikki, thank you both. i hope you get answers. and i hope everyone aggressively investigates to find out what happened. >> yes. >> greta: good luck to both of you. >> thank you very much. >> greta: next, is mexico helping or getting in the way for the search? an american sheriff working on the case is next. sarah palin endorsed christine o'donnell now the two women are part of an exclusive club, stay tuned. okay, guys, heads or tails. heds. no, that's the name of the new oreo cookie. wht's the name of the neoreo cookie?
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[ eli ] heads or tails. tails. tails. heads. heads. tails. heads. ads? oh, no. heads. what? [ shaq heads. [ venus ] tails. [ apolo ] tails. but my smile just wasn't white enough. now what? [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white professional effects whitestrs. it'srofessional-level whitening. start seeing results in 3 days. new crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. you know, if we had let fedex office pri our presentation, they could have shipped it too. saved ourselves the hassle.
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i'm not too sure about this. look at this. [ security agent ] right. you never kick off with sales figures. kicking off with sales figures! i'm yawning. i'm yawning some more. aaaaaaaand... [ snores ] i see your pnt. yeah. snores ] [ malannouncer ] we understand.® you need a partner who delivers convenience. next time use fedex office. you're one of the 50 million americans with frequent heartburn. did you know, with prilosec otc, you can stop frequent heartburn before it starts? heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes, or backs up into the esophagus. this causes the burning sensation in your chest, known as heartburn. with just one pill a day, prilosec otc treats frequent heartburn for 24 hours, providing all-day and all-night protection. here's how it works -- prilosec otc's unique delayed-release system protects the medicine as it passes through the stomach's tough acid. the medicine then gets absorbed into the body, turning off many acid-producing pumps at the source,
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so less acid is produced. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection all day and all night, satisfaction guaranteed. trust the number-one doctor-, gastroenterologist-, and pharmacist-recommended brand to treat your frequent heartburn. to request a free sample, visit prilosec otc. heartburn gone. power on. >> greta: there's much more
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ahead. but first to our new york newsroom. >> reporter: police in southern france holding a dozen people now following two conner terrorism raids. most of the suspects were nabbed in marseille, where investigators were targeting islamic militants. a cache of weapons also seized. several might be linked a network which recruits to fight in afghanistan. no word whether these arrests were tied to alert across europe. >> hungarian authorities declaring a state of emergency in three counties after a containment reservoir filled with toxic sludge burst open. the mud as you see, pouring through the streets of a number of villages monday at last four people were killed. more than 100 injured. the sludge coming from a refinery said to con -- contain a mix of heavy metals. t to neutralize the tox sends. i'm ainsley earhardt, now back
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to greta. >> greta: is next chopping or getting in the way for the search of a man gunned down? joining us texas county sheriff, good evening, sir. >> good evening greta how are you? >> greta: very well. sir, any eyewitnesses to this horrible event? >> on the mexico side, no eyewitnesses. on the u.s. side, tiffany was coming over she went straight to an individual at thez restaurant, he was gardening he provided some assistance. he did witness contrary to what a lot of people are saying. he did witness where tiffany was being chased by mexican commercial fishing boat who made the u-turn and headed back to mexico as soon as tiffany arrived and sought assistance. >> greta: is that water patrolled by any law enforcement on the u.s. side
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and the mexican side as well? >> u.s. side is very much patrolled by the texas department of parks and wildlife. also patrolled by u.s. border patrol. every once in a while u.s. coast guard also patrols. yes it is patrolled by state and federal agencies. >> greta: is next chopping in the search? >> well, toe -- is mexico helping in the search? >> this is something i'm first disclosing now. we just finished talking with an official in mexico thanks to the efforts of my count party sheriff, where this individual with the state -- i'm sorry with the police, they are putting together a search party tomorrow to search the whole area. he has assured me they will continue to search until they find something or until all efforts have been exhausted. he told me they did search friday and saturday. >> greta: have you heard there is some doubt by some in mexico or part of the
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investigation team, i think it is the d.a. or one of the police, they doubt this story? have you heard that? >> i've heard it through news sources. as far as i'm concerned i have no doubt about tiffany's story. i didn't think she has any reason to lie. there's an independent witness that saw the mexican fishing boat chasing her way into the united states. >> greta: was he able to describe that fishing boat? >> yes. he described it with white bet several individuals in the boat, the same description that tiffany gave. >> greta: do you have this problem done there or is this unusual? >> falcon lake is one of the best fishing lakes in the nation on the u.s. side of the border. it is safe. we've never had this type of incident this is the first i can remember in april and may we had what i called pirate that were preying on u.s. fishermen that would cross over to mexico, legitimately because they
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would buy mexican fishing licenses. they were accosted, they were robbed. four incidents that happened in april and may of this year. we put out an alert warning people to not go to mexico. to stay in the united states. and if mexican boats approaching them to head back. the u.s. side is safe. >> greta: sheriff, thank you. good luck on your investigation. >> thank you. >> greta: a verdict has been reached in a grisly crime. stephen hayes has been found guilty in a crime that left three family members brutalized and murdered. breaking into the home torturing and killing the mother and her two daughters and burning the house down. dr. petit was the only family member who survived. today he smoke outside the
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courthouse. >> we did our best to -- to keep our faith in god that justice would be served. we really thank the jury for their due diligence and careful conversation of the charges in reaching what we feel is an appropriate verdict. and we hope they will continue to use the same diligence and clarity of thought as they consider arguments in the penalty phase of the trial. there's some relief, but my family is still gone. it doesn't bring them back. it doesn't bring back the home that we had. but, certainly guilty verdict is a much better sentence than
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guilty -- a verdict of not guilty. what matters to me most is my family and my memories of my family and trying to do good things through our foundation. i didn't know, over the last couple of weeks, i just kept trying to tell myself that good will overcome evil we will keep trying do good things and try to refocus on the positive and stay away from the negative. i think you would all did the same for your families if your family was destroyed by evil. i think that you would all try to do the same thing and be there for your family. i mean, it is the one thing that you can do. so, do i really want to do it? did i look forward to this ride everyday? no. i have a little nausea every time i get off the exit ramp.
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a little nausea every time i get out the car and walk across the street. but i did it for my family. i think all of you i think would do the same thing for your families. >> greta: hayes could face the death penalty. his accomplice will stand trial next year is >> next, the best of the rest, president obama, sarah palin and christine o'donnell all have something in common. what is that? stay tuned. >> vice president biden says some wild things. this might be his wildest. we are gonna tell you. >> plus, what big named is in trouble with the nfl? trouble? stay tuned.
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>> greta: here is the best of the rest! the nfl takes on wisconsin senator russ feingold. why? watch this ad from the senator. look at it closely. >> in pro football they call this excessive celebration. they punish it with fines and 15 yard penalties. the kind of behavior the corporate special interests and ron johnson are engaging in. they are dancing in the end zone because they think they are going to take didn't the senator named the number one enemy of washington lobbyists.
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fortunately, the game isn't over yet. i'm russ feingold and a prove this message because wisconsin deserves an independent voice. >> greta: did you notice the footage of randy moss pretending to moon the crowd at lambeau field? the nfl did not authorize the senator to use that clip. oops! they asked him to remove the footage and agreed. he tells politico the nfl doesn't understand that randy moss' horrible rudeness to fans is one of the most significant moments in packer history. no comment. >> in a new political ad chriine o'donnell says she is not a witch. however you can be the proud owner of a christine o'donnell witch doll sold by hero if you are more interested in o'donnell dressed in a business suit, those are also available. the website sells s of president obama, sarah palin and president bush 43.
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you have to wonder why anyone wants to be a public figure. >> president obama ran into a problem at fortune magazine's most powerful women's summit. his podium had the president seal on it, but it wasn't attached well. watch and more importantly, listen. >> the president: we cannot sustain -- whoops. was that my -- [ laughing ] >> the president: oh, goodness. that's all right. all of you know who i am. [ laughing ] [ applause ] >> the president: but i'm sure there is somebody back there that is really nervous right now. [ laughing ] stphfplt -- [ laughing ] >> the president: don't you think? they are sweating bullets back there right now. >> greta: the president handled that one very well. >> finally we know politics is
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a bloody sport in might be ridiculous. speaking in minnesota vice president biden said, if i hear within more republican tell me about balancing the budget i'm going to strangle them. the vice president added in a zinger for the media saying to the press that's a figure of speech. we know that mr. vice president but your statement did have a grammatical error it should be him or her, not them. >> still head another illegal immigration scandal in california involving a politician you would never expect. stay tuned. essor at berkeley asked me if i wanted to change the world. i said "sure." "well, let's grow some algae." and that's what started it. exxonmobil and synthetic genomi have built a new facility to identify the most productive strains of algae. algae a amazing little critters. they secrete oil, which we could turn into biofuels. they also absorb co2. we're hoping to supplement the fuels that we use in our vehicles, and to do this at a large enough scale
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boss: and now i'll turn it over gecko: ah, thank you, sir. as we all know, geico has been saving people money on rv, camper and trailer insurance... well as motorcycle insurance... gecko: oh...sorry, technical difficulties. boss: uh...what about this? gecko: what's this one do? gecko: um...maybe that one. ♪ dance music boss: ok, let's keep rolling. we're on motorcycle insurance. vo: take fifteen minutes to see how much you can save
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on motorcycle, rv, and camper insurance. >> greta: 11:00 is almost here, flash those studio lights. it's time. last call. now, as you probably know this, tonight show is shot in california where politics and controversy is in the air. >> i know this whole meg whitman story. she allegedly had an illegal housekeeper. you know the story. it's become a huge deal. allegedly the housekeeper was here illegally. please this, is california. okay? i'm not sure the governor we have now is here legally. all right? >> greta: we do this think that is a bit of an overstatement. we're closing down shop. thanks for being with us tonight. we'll see you tomorrow. go to there is a special open thread now on gretawire to talk about the show. until then, keep it here
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