tv FOX and Friends FOX News October 6, 2010 6:00am-9:00am EDT
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with the logo. >> perhaps. and it's the question we've been asking all morning -- why is there a longhorn steer and a calf outside our studio? >> why? why? >> we'll get some answers in a few minutes. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> ♪ do the texas two step and just ♪ >> texas two step and there, it's a little too early even for the longhorn. live in new york city, welcome aboard. we have a special show today that will culminate in a surprise in the next 10 minutes. >> we have transformed our sidewalk into a farm. this looks like main street iowa. >> i hope i'm not any part of this surprise like i have to get on that steer. >> that's a good idea! >> nope, i -- you guys are heading out there to get on that steer. >> really? >> yep, it's man's work. >> there you go. >> that's what i'm going with.
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>> if it involves this -- >> that's a 10. all right. i'm with you on that one. we'll figure out what that's about in a minute. in the meantime, breaking news for you right now. a rocket fired right near a car carrying british diplomats in the college of yemen. one diplomat was hurt. this comes one day after a top u.s. official visited the country to talk about security. no one is claiming responsibility for this attack just yet. in a separate incident outside the capital, reports of a gunman being shot and killed or the gunman shot and killed a french manager of an oil company. insurgents stepping up their attacks on nato convoys setting fire to more than two dozen oil tankers in pakistan. in one attack, near a hotel, a driver was killed. it's the sixth attack now since pakistan shut down a major border crossing last week. leaders there claim a nato chopper ambushed their troops. a pentagon investigation into the incident wraps up today. >> opening arguments today in
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the first civilian trial of a gitmo detainee. that hearing today in new york city. he's accused of plotting the 1998 bombing of two u.s. embassys in africa as well as working alongside osama bin laden. the attacks left 224 people dead including 12 americans. the family of one of america's finest soldiers heads to the white house today to meet president obama and accept the medal of honor after his death. green beret staff sergeant robert miller died in aft afghanistan in 2008. his squad held off insurgents even after he was shot twice. he's credited in saving the lives of 22 fellow soldiers. >> that's an amazing story. meanwhile, bob woodward's books are out a week. little by little, he's trying to boost sales in my mind. he's trying to get off another reason to buy the book and some intrigue in politic, why not? president obama and hillary clinton, a ticket that many thought was going to happen in
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2008, could it be happening in 2012? >> it might. bob woodward promoting his book suggesting that, perhaps, bob and hillary would change spots. he said it's on the table and some of hillary clinton's advisors see it as a real possibility in 2012. could this idea possibly have come from joe biden himself when he was still out on the campaign trail? here's a little snippet, nashua before the election on hillary being vice president. >> hillary clinton is as qualified or more qualified than i am to be vice president of the united states of america. let's get that straight. she's a truly close personal friend. she is qualified to be president of the united states of america. she's easily qualified to be vice president of the united states of america and quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me. >> remember that? that had us going for a couple of weeks here back in the day.
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but anyway, here's the reason why it would be a good choice for democrat. the woman vote, the latino vote, the working class vote. these were all sectors of voters that hillary clinton did well in during the primaries when many thought she would actually be the democratic nominee. this would be a brilliant move for barack obama, whether or not he would actually give her that much power is a whole another question. >> here's the reason i don't see it happening. can't have it both ways. you can't conclude through your sources that hillary clinton does not have the president's ear and is not a key advisor at the same time swapping somebody in. what i've learned after going over two insider books of the administration is it seems like joe biden and barack obama legitimately gets along and plus he goes out, gretchen, in particular and goes for the blue collar vote. they put him in these areas in which -- >> he's not a woman. that's the problem. >> you got me there. >> can't change that.
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he could but he won't. >> right. so the idea is that this could be a way -- there are a lot of women and men who were put off by what happened to hillary clinton in the primaries. i think barack obama might need those votes come 2012. who knows what's going to happen by then? >> it would set hillary up for 2016. >> sure, exactly. this goes to show you what deep water the president is in if he's thinking of rearranging the chairs with the president. like brian mentioned, in the woodward book, he said to bill o'reilly that the white house doesn't trust her and doesn't listen to her. so if fear doing that when she's at foggy bottom, what if she moves up town? politico says a senior administration official says it's totally off base. president obama happy with biden and hillary clinton as secretary of state.
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that's from a lefty blog. >> a spokesman from biden's camp says i think bob woodward has gone to too many dinner parties in georgetown. >> back to the point to why they don't listen to hillary clinton right now, that would lend credence to the fact that president obama selected her for that position as a way to sort of mend the fences with all those voters that i was just talking about. it's one thing to select her. if you're not actual listening to her, then you really haven't settled the voters' minds. >> maybe the president is sick and tired of joe biden being joe biden. here's one of the strange things he said yesterday. he said "if i hear one more republican tell me about balancing the budget, i am going to strangle them." to the press, that, of course, a figure of speech. >> he was out to see republicans in terms of the debt, we balanced the budget with clinton. left us with a $1.3 trillion budget deficit. that would be the good old days compared to the budget is right now, wouldn't you say?
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>> i think joe biden gives the administration a little levity. i think he's more popular than president obama. >> he's funnier. >> that's right. we talk about his funny sort of quips here and there. we have a whole three of them. >> we'll play some a little bit later on. we don't know if it's intentional just like we're almost positive this was unintentional. the president of the united states yesterday speaking to a women's forum, "fortune" magazine's most powerful women's summit in washington, d.c. now, you're going to hear a thud. right? that is the presidential emblem falling off the podium. listen. >> we cannot sustain. whoops. was that my -- that's all right. all of you know who i am. but i'm sure there's somebody back there that's really nervous right now. they're sweating bullets back there right now.
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>> the poor intern that put that up. >> for the intern accident, i h words for you. duct tape. >> i hope not the one that had the reset button spelled out in russian, that didn't work so well. the props department might be a little lacking. >> remember the air force academy when the props department was in charge of putting up joe biden's teleprompter? how did they do on that? >> i don't remember. >> i do. >> also needs a special brand of strategic thinking that gain only in the thin air of colorado springs. and the windy air of colorado springs. what am i going to tell the president when i tell him his teleprompter is broken? what will he do then? >> what did i tell you? he cracks us up, right? he brings levity to the whole thing. i'm sure he got a little talking to after that.
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>> if i'm the president, i wouldn't think that's too funny. did you see walter mondale who is ran for president on the democrat side, referred to the president's teleprompter as idiot boards. >> need to get rid of them. >> part of the reason he's having trouble connecting. >> right. because he's doing it through a screen with words to. >> something to be said to that when you bring it to a sixth grade classroom which is one of the worst examples. >> we don't use them. >> like right now? i'm going to introduce julie kirtz. >> secret talks are apparently under way. we'll be talking about the war in afghanistan. there may be talks now between hamid karz hamid karzai, the guy screen left and the taliban leader. >> all of a sudden, he has two good eyes. >> more on that later. let's get to julie kirtz about that deal in the works. this would be huge. >> this is a big story. taliban representatives and the government of afghan president hamid karzai are in high level
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talks according to sources quoted in "the washington post" this morning. this development follows meetings you might remember that broke down more than a year ago. the report stresses today the preliminary nature of these new secret negotiations but also the high level status of these talks. now, the taliban has insisted in the past that all foreign troops leave afghanistan first. today's report says the afghan taliban is starting to talk about a possible comprehensive agreement that includes the participation of some taliban members and the draw down of u.s. nato troops on a timeline. now, general david petraeus told fox news a month ago the u.s. was aware of the ongoing talks. the u.s. insisting that the taliban accept the afghan constitution, lay down their weapon and cut ties with al-qaida. now, the new element in today's story in "the post" is the reporting that taliban representatives are fully authorized to speak for the afghan taliban or that they should be based in pakistan and
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its leader. that's the new element here. trying to confirm that. >> all right, julie. thank you very much for that update. >> sure. >> that is breaking news. >> it is. 11 minutes after the top of the hour. straight ahead on "fox & friends" on this wednesday, why didn't the stimulus create the jobs it wanted? perhaps bad management? here next to break down the details. there he is in picture. he'll be live shortly. >> father and son come face to face with the barrel of a gun. what the father did next will touch your heart. and we're getting answers why someone dropped this longhorn, why someone dropped this longhorn and calf outside our studio. we're following that story.
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the universe is changing captain too bad these cheap props aren't but la quinta is! la quinta inns and suites? yeah, buddy changing? lets take a gander captain they are changing! they have thousands of new rooms! and lots of neato new lobbies! they're even better than before book rooms at hey, who's captain here? (laughing) wake up on the bright side at la quinta inns and suites la quinta!
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>> welcome back on this wednesday morning. president obama's stimulus package bookmarked $48.1 billion for the department of transportation but according to, only $39 billion of that has been made available and only half of that money has been spent leaving $19 billion sitting around somewhere. where are all of the tax dollars going? republican congressman john mica of florida is here with the first look at a new report that outlines how much waste there is in washington right now. we're happy to have you live. good morning to you. >> good to be with you. >> and you're calling the report sitting on our assets. >> that's right.
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and that's what we're doing in washington and what we've done in the transportation committee the last couple of months is put together all the areas that we oversee and how we could save money rather than spend money and now -- i know that's a crazy idea for washington. >> no kidding. first one we've got right here is how can you save all that dough, $886 million on courthouse spending? >> my goodness, you can't imagine. we have 3 1/2 million extra square feet of courthouse, federal courthouse space that they haven't even used. they've overbuilt and it sits idle. we have courthouses that they're right now spending incredible amounts of money to renovate. one -- one federal building in oregon, $375 a square foot on a building that's -- that was built in 1970. they could build a brand new one and get better efficiency out of it. >> also, you talk about the waste. what about stalled or canceled
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projects. i understand you can save a whole bunch of money. we have a graphic that we can put up right here that shows up to a billion dollars transferred to more viable project? >> oh, well, in the transportation committee, we have tens of billions of dollars that comes through federal gas tax. oftentimes, some of those projects get canceled or delayed. we could move that around. the governor of virginia just found a billion and a half dollars just in the state of virginia. imagine what's in the federal coffers that doesn't move. >> something i read about and i want you to talk about it, the department of transportation headquarters is being built, i believe on federal land but it's going to be a leased building so we own the land but somebody else is going to own the building on top of it. you can save a lot of money that way. >> well, paid probably a peak amount of money at the peak of the real estate market. this is the time to be renegotiating those at least to
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get more for less. again, that goes counter to the washington philosophy. >> right. you say that if the government -- federal government took your suggestions and these -- from the committee, the republicans on the committee, you could save a quarter of a trillion dollars. >> that's just one committee. it's like 18 major committees in congress and imagine if every one of them found ways you could save and you can't tell me there isn't an agency or department in federal government that can't save money. >> now, wait a minute, congressman, i've heard from the democrats that you republicans don't have any idea on how to save money. >> again, that's why we brought this report out today. we're supposed to be in session this week but my boss is a little erratic. she can't make up her mind sometimes. >> she's running for re-election. >> but again, it can be done. again, you have to change the direction in washington. look for ways to save rather than spend. >> what a great idea. john mica, republican from florida, thank you very much. >> great to be with you. >> thank you, sir. >> what do you think?
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do you think that's a good idea? e-mail us right now at that's not mud. it's toxic sludge you're looking at right there and it's running through the streets and burning through people's clothing. we'll tell you where. plus, he flew like an eagle into outer space becoming the first african-american to do so. now, he has a new mission inside our nation's schools to tell american school kids how to fly like an eagle. [ female announcer ] stay once. stay twice... earn a free night! two separate stays at comfort inn or any of these choice hotels can earn you a free night -- only when you book at
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and its whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. [ technician ] are you busy? management just sent over these new technical manuals. they need you to translate them into portuguese. by tomorrow. [ male announcer ] ducati knows it's better for xerox to manage their global publications. so they can focus on building amazing bikes. with xerox, you're ready for real business.
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>> couple of quick news headlines for you on this wednesday. security at the east coast's largest shipping port in new jersey, breached and nine dock workers arrested for coke trafficking. officials seized more than $34 million in cocaine at the elizabeth port authority marine terminal just outside of new york city. meanwhile, ford is trying to save the lincoln towncar by cutting dealerships. they want to compete with foreign luxury cars by losing 35% of dealerships and focusing on major markets where they would use more towncars. gretch, brian, over to you. >> well, eyes around the world on nasa and its astronauts when man, of course, landed on the moon in 1969. >> that's one small step for man. one giant leap for mankind. >> and that moment changed then 13-year-old bernard harris' life putting him on the path to become the first african-american to walk in space. >> dr. harris chronicles that path in his book "dream walker,
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a journey of achievement and inspiration inspirati inspiration" and now he has a new mission as well. good morning. welcome to the show. dr. harris, you've remade yourself a number of times. astronaut would have been good enough for me. you're a nasa researcher, doctor, entrepreneur, went back for your business degree. what's the message of this book? >> the message is really simple, you know, the name says it all, "dream walker". as a kid watching the space program, i watched, you know, buzz aldrin and neil armstrong land on the moon, i wanted to do what they could. on the way to becoming an astronaut, i got a chance to walk in space. >> how many kids had that same reaction when they were watching that in 1969. you were living on an indian reservation and your mom was a teacher there and you were somebody that took that moment and said, i am going to do that. you actually were rejected the first time that you applied to become an astronaut. that's an amazing, powerful message to young kids today, is
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it not? >> it is. it really is. it doesn't matter, you know, i work with kids all the time and have lots of adversity to deal with and the fact that i grew up in a somewhat questionable neighborhood and ended up on the navajo reservation where i was allowed to become who i really was, the message that i take across the country, and being rejected the first time, i could have said, you know what? they don't want me. i'm not going to do that any more but i decided to beef up my resume and say, ok, next time, i'm going to apply and i'm not going to give up on the dream. and that's the message that i'm trying to deliver. >> so these guys who go into space, they're white. you're black living on an indian reservation. plenty says that can't be me. why are you someone that says that will be me? >> i had support from my mother and my family that said i could be and do anything that i wanted to be. and that gave me the license to, you know, go to, you know, finish up high school which is so important these days because
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kids are not graduating high school. >> that's right. that's so important to say to kids every day. be what you want to be. now, you are doing this in the school. you say education is the key. tell us about your dream program. >> well, we have several programs. and we have been fortunate to have the support of the exxon mobil foundation, two programs. our summer science camp. we're in 30 universities around the nation teaching kids about math and science, hands-on types of activities. bringing technology directly to them and our dream tour which is our pep rally on stem, science, technology, energy and mathematics and what we're doing there is trying to get the community rallied around the need for math and science education. >> what do you think before that maybe others can't? >> i bring the visibility of being an astronaut. i walk out there in my blue flight suit and get their attention. at our dream tour, we have music that is their music, not my music and we bring in these people we call rock stars to stem and these are young
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scientists and engineers that are all ethnic backgrounds to show them that they can do it, too. >> that's so important as we look at the test scores for our young kids and how other nations are surpassing us now. >> yep. >> in math and science. dr. bernard harris, the book is "dream walker, a journey of achievement and inspiration." you certainly have lived that. you're a great role model for kids. >> read your biography, that's the true american success story. thanks so much, doctor. coming up straight ahead, he said the war with muslims has just begun. the man who tried to murder people in times square not going to prison quietly. >> a father and son come face to face with a gunman. how would you react? wait until you see what this guy ended up doing. >> it's prince william to the rescue. his lucky day straight ahead.
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v8. what's your number? [ e. clark ] i'm an engineer. i love my job. i can see what it's doing for the community on a day-to-day basis. natural gas is cleaner burning than most fossil fuels and it's vital to our energy needs. increasingly we're finding gas in hard to reach areas, but now we've developed new technology that enables us to access gas in hard rocks so we can bring more fuel to homes and help provide a reliable source of energy into the future. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every y thousands of pple are switching from tylenol to advil. to learn more go to the first 500,000 people get a free bottle of advil.
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take action. take advil. >> remember the travel -- the state department issues a travel alert for terror attacks in europe. you hear about this? they issued this warning based on very credible evidence that the president needs to get people's minds off the economy before the election. >> remind him about that. all right. thanks for joining us on this wednesday. we get some headlines for you first thing. the legal battles against protests at military funerals heads to the nation's highest court today. the family of matthew snyder taking on westboro baptist church. he staged a protest at snyder's funeral and has done so at many other burials as well. one taking place an hour from now. the church will be outside arlington national cemetery protesting the funeral of
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lieutenant colonel robert baldwin. he died in afghanistan last week. >> that's not mud. it's toxic sludge. and it's burning people's clothes. a six foot wall of disgusting brown sludge hit up to seven villages in budapest, hungary. it came through the streets after a chemical exploded at a big farm. three are missing and more than 100 are injured some with broken bones. >> all right. rutgers university students charged with secretly webcasting the gay encounter says their client is innocent. attorneys for molly way are trying to paint their client as a victim saying "this is a tragic situation but this tragedy has also led to misinformation that tend to overshadow the facts in the matter." wei and another student are
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charged with invasion of privacy. tyler clementi jumped to his death, you may remember, after the alleged video stream aired. >> father and son come face to face with a gunman in south florida. what would you do? this dad followed orders and dropped to the floor immediately. as you can see, he scrambled on top of his 9-year-old son using his own body to protect him in case gunfire breaks out. >> i had to do what i had to do. hopefully everybody -- every father that has the same feeling. it's just a protective extinct. >> that father says his son is still having nightmares, of course, about that incident and doesn't like to be alone. that might take a while to get over something like that. >> he's not going to the bank any time soon. meanwhile, let's take a look. time for a look at the extreme weather in arizona. not always crystal blue skies and a red hot sun. metropolitan police in phoenix just got hammered by two storms joining forces from the east and the west. no serious injuries reported.
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damaged cars, broken trees and downed power lines as well. real quick scan of what's going on. another rainy one in the northeast back through ohio. as you can see right there, eastern portions of kentucky, widely scattered stuff along the west coast. meanwhile, as you can see the current temperatures as we wake up, 30's in portions of central mississippi valley, southern portions of illinois and western portions of kentucky and also tennessee as well. 45 right now in raleigh. it's 60 in new orleans. later on today on this glorious wednesday, it's going to be 70 in raleigh. 74 in atlanta. 82 in dallas and if we're lucky, the city of angels, los angeles will top out at 63 degrees. >> the man known as the times square bomber will be behind bars for life with no chance of parole. during sentencing, he gave a chilling warning saying "brace yourselves because the war with muslims has just begun. consider me a first droplet of
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the flood that will follow me." antoine lewis from our affiliate wnyw is here live with more on that. if you're listening to this character, you don't feel too booed about our situation, right? >> you're right. the sad part is a lot of times he's been referred to as defiant and all these sort of anti-rebel descriptions, if you will. if anything, it was just complete arrogance that was displayed not just yesterday but from the very beginning of this, once he was captured and in connection with that failed plot that took place here. not very far from where we're standing but in court yesterday as you mentioned, he did tell the judge warnings if you will about more of what he says will come as far as his failed attempt, you know, and with regards to a couple of other things that he said, he also talked about how he did swear his allegiance to the country when he became a citizen a few years ago. he told his judge he did not mean it. to remind everybody what happened. may 1st, an s. u.v. packed with explosives here in times square, it did not go off. they caught him within a couple of days as he was trying to
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escape through j.f.k. and thankfully it was an alert street handler that saw the car and saw smoke coming from it. from the very beginning, from the time that faisal shahzad was arrested, he has displayed the same arrogance, if you will, and that's kept through all the way through the sentencing yesterday. life was mandatory because he . new york this terrorist is now off the streets and we're bracing for the next one to follow in his steps, if you will. back to you. >> thank you very much. and hopefully there won't be a next one. meanwhile coming up straight ahead, i have to talk about sports. we saw the potential shocker at the national football league. good news for gretchen carlson and bad news for the patriots. randy moss, the outstanding wide receiver, may be headed back to minnesota to join bret favre and the vikings. forces tell, jay
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glazer that moss who was in the final year of his contract wants out of new england because he hasn't received an extension yet. that makes him sad. he would be a welcome addition. basketball now, it's being called the most hyped preseason game in nba history. lebron james and the heat and those two other guys, hosting the pistons in miami. yes, the big three. chris bosh, dwayne wade already having problems. watch dewayne wade. he hurts his hamstring three minutes into the game. my heart goes out to him. lebron and bosh would pick up the slack and he would leave the game. they combine for 38 points. heat wins 105-89. wade expected to be ok but those things linger. sportsmanship at a high school football game in washington state. watch it, as ike who has down's syndrome scores a touchdown for a snobihigh school in lake stev. his opponents from lake stevens
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high act like they're trying to tackle him as he heads to the end zone to make it seem real. we salute them to make this kid's dream come true. >> that's awesome. >> a rudy moment. >> all right. that's really good. by the way, coming up on the radio show from 9:00 until noon, a senator will be joining us and michael gershwin will be here and we'll be there. we'll have martha and bill hemmer joining us live in studio. >> a little later on, we'll do a political panel and larry ga gaitlin from the gaitlin brothers will be joining us. remember when he brought you a jacket? >> martha took it. >> here's that moment right here. >> you like my jacket, right? >> and i did. >> bought me a jacket? >> no, i got you a jacket. there's a difference. here's the bill. >> oh! >> there's the bill. >> wonderful gift box.
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>> and steve, do you remember what you got from larry back in april of 2010. >> hold on. i remember it. >> the last time we were here, you said you liked my boots. >> i did like them. >> oh! >> oh, my gosh. >> that's awesome! thanks, larry. >> so you got to keep it without a bill. right? so you got to keep it. you -- >> he showed me the bill during the commercial. >> if i got something and you got something, who's left? >> hold on, let me think. that woman gretchen carlson standing next to him. larry, the ball is yours. >> it's meant to be. >> it's meant to be. i'm very nervous about this because larry gaitlin stole me from the studio and brought me outside next to a huge longhorn. what do you got going on here? >> doocy got the boots and kilmeade got the jacket. last time we were here we were sitting on the couch, you said i was in dallas for two years, and i love those longhorn cows and
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steers so we tell people that. >> i said that? >> see, i took a lot of drugs in the 1980's. >> oh. >> sometimes i think they're time released. that's back when i voted for jimmy carter. that's another story. when you said that, i got a hold of a friend of mine who actually has a cattle ranch, longhorn steer ranch up in upstate new york, right, thomas? >> downsville, new york so i -- you know, i made some arrangements here and so texas longhorn breeders association of america, this certificate certifies gretchen carlson as the owner of -- easy, girl. as the owner of a registered longhorn named gretchen cowson and her baby, the owner is responsible for the health and welfare of the registered animal and its offspring. the health and welfare includes acreage for grazing. heard you had a nice place in connecticut, little acreage. >> is this supposed to be a gift? >> yes, ma'am. i can't do that.
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you can't give it to them like brother doocy still owes me for the boots. >> you realize i have two kids and a husband. i have a full plate. now i have to take care of this? >> i heard you had a big place. grooming, vaccinations, that's important. day-to-daycare of the animals. on behalf of the texas longhorn association and you're lucky the cattle market is down a little bit. it's only $18,500. >> that's how much i'm going to pay a year? >> no, that's the total price. you get to take it home today. >> wow! i think i'm going to say thank you. >> yes. >> to larry. >> steve and brian, would you like to trade? i'll take the boots or the jacket? >> no, you know why? i never saw larry gatlin so moved by this. if you could write hum a check for $18,500, you can have the gift. you can take it home today! >> that sounds like that show i used to watch growing up "let's make a deal." remember when you could choose between one, two and three.
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>> boots or the jacket. >> i'd like -- i'd like to -- are you monte hall now? monte hall, i'd like door number one. i would like to choose a different door. no offense to the longhorn. i just got a full plate already in my life. >> and i love the view again. >> i might take the calf. i might cut you a deal and take the calf. >> thomas, how much is the calf? >> how about just a calf? is it weaned? here's the deal here. >> gretchen, $1,000. >> $1,000 for the calf. is it tax deductible? >> if you're putting it through school. >> yeah, get a receipt. >> larry, i think i love you. i think. thanks. >> you're sweet. thank you, darling. >> that was nice. >> all right, guys. thanks for the big surprise. >> glad you could bring this steer in and we'll bring him to the back of the studios. >> not bringing this thing into you guys. >> this is a big place. just out in the backyard. throw a little feed out there.
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>> my kids would be thrilled. >> larry, thank you very much. mary rig mary writes in, mary says the longhorn cow and calf should be the new fox symbol. there's no bull at fox. >> very nice. good job. >> congratulations, larry. that was very good introduction. we'll see you in about an hour, two hours, you'll be in our pit. coming up straight ahead, how would dick blumenthal or richard to some create jobs in connecticut? >> created and it can be in a variety of ways by a variety of people but principally by people and businesses in response to demand. >> his answer has left many voters confused. stuart varney is not confused and will tell us how to create a real job and that ain't no bull, right, stu? >> you're correct. >> beef stew. >> thank you, sir. royal rescue, prince william stays alive days after g
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>> all right. quick headlines coming your way now. the government has started using female crash test dummies. the change to see what happens when smaller bodies happen in accidents. england prince william is making his debut as a rescue pilot. he helped air lift a man suspected of having a heart attack off a rig. royal royal air finished training. as a person who is half irish, i thank you on behalf of my peeps. >> connecticut senate candidate rick blumenthal is confident he can fix the economy. he seemed to struck we will the basic question posed by the republican opponent in a debate on monday night.
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>> tell me something -- how do you create a job? >> a job is created and it can be in a variety of ways by a variety of people but principally by people and businesses in response to demand for products and services and the main point about jobs in connecticut is we can and we should create more of them by creative policies and that's the kind of approach that i want to bring to washington. >> what? what? >> how do you get america back to work if you have no clue what it takes to create jobs. we have stu varney here. would you like to buy a longhorn? >> not a good investment. >> i thought i'd ask the investment guy. so we saw dick blumenthal there. did he answer the question? >> wait a second, you only saw part of what blumenthal said. it went on for one minute and 21 seconds. i watched it all. he didn't -- well, eventually he came up with the answer that the
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government has to create jobs which is not a good answer. >> well, should that surprise you -- they're trying to paint him, his campaign people as an outsider to washington. but this guy has been in washington a long time so why wouldn't he default back to the government? he has to. >> he's reluctant to default back but he has to. he's got to defend the democrats' record which is we've spent over a trillion dollars and in the last 18 months, unemployment rate has gone to 9.6% and on friday, this is the key thing for that debate. on friday, we get the new numbers, the last numbers on the unemployment rate before the election, it's likely to have gone up 9.6%, 9.7% and maybe 9.8% before the election. >> you think an accomplished businesswoman like linda mcmahon would benefit from that, we'll see. here's the response when bret baier moderated. >> government. government. government. government does not create jobs. it's simple how you create jobs. an entrepreneur takes a risk.
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he or she believes that he creates a good or service that is sold for more than it costs to make it. if the entrepreneur thinks he can do that, he creates a job. >> that's framing the debate. framing the jobs debate for the entire election. private enterprise vs. -- >> that's the ad she puts on tv. >> that was 19 seconds as opposed to a minute 21 from mr. blumenthal. >> right now, she trails by 10. it's pretty good considering she once trailed by 30. >> that poll was taken before that debate, i believe. >> stuart varney see you at 9:20 on the fox business network. >> we're talking about a nationwide possible freeze on foreclosures. it may happen. big deal. >> all right. >> 9:20. we'll be standing by. meanwhile, "waiting for superman" begs the question, what's more important? protecting teachers' jobs or educating our kids? tucker carlson here with an answer next. >> will this help him reconnect with the voters? those who are recommending the president get rid of his teleprompter. >> say it ain't so!
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[ monkey cheeps ] [ male announcer ] a bath becomes even more pleasurable when you know that your water is being heated in an environmentally- conscious way while saving you hundreds of dollars on your water-heating energy bill. the geospring water heater from ge with advanced hybrid technology. heating the water in your home any other way is just going to seem primitive. [ monkey cheeps ] ♪ maryland residents can save up to $780 while funds last.
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>> welcome back. the trouble with schools highlighted in the new documentary "waiting for superman" that opens nationwide this friday. it levees sharp criticism on the teachers union. movie is part a movement now that could finally break the stranglehold of those unions. do you really believe that, tucker? >> i do. i think this is a pivot point. i think looking back 20 years from now, we will see this movie and actually a" new yorker" piece written in the last year
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called "the rubber room" which is an expose of shuffling bad teachers throughout the system. we'll see these two events as the moment when decent liberals decided to break from the teachers union and their stranglehold will begin to lesson. i think this is the beginning of the end, actually. >> part of that do you believe is the great surprise of this movie is it was put together by a liberal. >> that's exactly right. david guggenheim to produced "an inconvenient truth" for al gore. this is essentially an authentic hollywood representative saying that the teachers unions are not helping. look, here's the problem with teachers unions. teachers unions exist to protect the jobs of their members. the average parent sees schools as a place where he wants his kids to be educated. those two goals are often in conflict with one another. but most democrats are not willing to admit that because teachers unions, of course, are one of the most reliable donors to the party. this is a break with many years of orthodoxy on the left.
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and it's good news. >> in fact, you find out in the documentary that 90% of the funds that come from the teachers unions go to democrats. >> that's right. >> maybe that's why the president of the american federation of teachers randy weingarten is saying quotes like this one. let's hear what she had to say. the film casts several outliars in leading roles, charter schools as heroes ready to save the day. i guess she has to come out swinging like that. after you see this documentary and i hope every american does, you're going to have a bunch of questions for the unions, right? >> well, look, it's not working. it's not working. i mean, look from the teachers union point of view, things are working great. teachers get to keep their jobs. they get to retire early. they get to work fewer days a year than most people and they get decent pay and those are the goals of the teachers unions. from the point of view of parents, the schools are not working in many cases and in some cases, they're almost criminally bad and so this is an adjustment that we've been needing for a long, long time and, of course, the unions
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aren't going to like it. tough. >> it will be very interesting to see if what you see actually comes true, it's the beginning of the end for the stranglehold on the school system. >> i think it is. >> good to see you. thanks for getting up so early. >> thank, gretchen. >> coming up, an independent poll shows there's no sure fire ways for republicans to win in november. we'll tell you what those are. a radical muslim makes some shocking comments on network television and his comments go completely unchallenged. another example of media bias, next hour. so what happens if someone gets my credit or debit card and buys a ton of stuff? that would be... really, really bad. [ male announcer ] with banof america's zero liability guarant, you're not reonsible for any frdulent charges on your card. guaranteed. bank of america says they'll credit any fraudulent charges back to my account s soon as the next day. the next day! that makes me feel bet about using these cards. they've got my back. they've got my ba. [ male announcer ] the opportity to worry less abt fraud with the zero liility guarantee from bank of ameri.
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♪ ♪ ♪ another day ♪ another dollar ♪ daylight comes ♪ i'm on my way [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ another day ♪ another dollar ♪ working my whole life away [ dogs barking ] ♪ the boss told me ♪ i'd get paid weakly ♪ and that's exactly [ bull lows ] ♪ how i'm paid ♪ another day ♪ another dolr ♪ working my wholeife away ♪ another day ♪ another dollar ♪ daylight comes
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>> good morning, everyone. wednesday, october 6, 2010. two is couple and three is a crowd. a new rumor that president obama and hillary clinton could be on the same ticket in 2012? but then what happens to the third guy, vice president biden? >> hey, if he does, it could be because of things like this. i'm talking about the swap. vice president biden says he's going to strangle republicans. what got the v.p. so hot under the collar? >> uh-oh! president obama loses some furniture. >> whoops! was that my -- oh, goodness. that's all right. all of you know who i am. >> we do.
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funny line, mr. president. it looks like someone on his staff could be looking for work and jobs are hard to find these days. "fox & friends" hour two for wednesday starting right now! >> it's "fox & friends"! >> that's a cow and a calf, folks, with long horns. >> pay attention, new york city. hands off the cow! it's gretchen's. >> cows and cow and calf. >> imagine a couple of folks can have some fun with that. fact of the matter is i don't have $18,000 to buy that thing. so -- i know, i might need some help! >> stand by. >> well, if anyone wants to chip in. >> at $2.99 a pound. >> what happens to that longhorn? that's my question. i don't want to be responsible for what happens to that longhorn? >> prudential commercial? >> what do do you with longhorn? >> i think that particular guy that larry gatlin introduced us to earlier, i think he raises
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them. i don't know that he sends them to -- >> there you go, gretchen. >> that's what i was wondering. >> i don't think he does. >> he's giving me his much used visa card. >> congratulations. >> it actually looks fake. is it real? >> i had brian's printer and we -- >> can't put his number on there. >> get yourself a cow. >> have a cow. >> thank you to larry gatlin for that wonderful, fabulous gift. >> that's great. >> now your headlines and a fox news alert. secret talks reportedly under way to end the war in afghanistan. according to a new report in the "washington post," afghan's president hamid karzai negotiating with a high level rep of taliban leader. the taliban insisted in the past there can be no truce until all foreign troops leave afghanistan. last week, u.s. general david petraeus told fox news the u.s. is aware of the taliban's interest in talks but insist
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that it accepts the afghan constitution and cut ties with taek. a british diplomatic convoy under rocket attack in yemen. officials there believe al-qaida is to blame. britain's number two diplomat in yemen was in the convoy along with several staff members. one staffer was hurt and three bystanders also hit. in a separate incident outside the capital, a french security guard was shot to death and it's believed that al-qaida is responsible for that attack as well. insurgents have set fire to 25 more nato fuel tankers in pakistan this morning. one of the drivers was killed in this fiery attack. it's the sixth incident since pakistan shut down a major border crossing last week. leaders there claim it's retaliation after a nato chopper ambushed their troops. an investigation into the incident wraps up today. is it a sign of the times for president obama? the presidential seal comes crashing down right in the middle of his speech. watch him. >> we cannot sustain -- whoops.
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was that my -- that's all right. all of you know who i am. but i'm sure there's somebody back there that's really nervous right now. they're sweating bullets back there right now. >> it happened during a speech at "fortune" magazine's most powerful woman summit and those are your headlines. >> that's embarrassing. and you can see the little hook we sell there something on haywire. >> in 1984, a swap took place. he was upset that he was able to get certain tax issues through. james baker, chief of staff said i'm going to visit donald regan. he said i know your feelings are hurt. an hour later, they agreed to swap jobs. treasury secretary, chief of staff. >> that's inside the cabinet. when is the last time the vice president of the united states actually changed jobs with somebody in the cabinet. bob woodward who is out trying to get all of us to buy his
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works "obama wars" is canned by a reporter. when you put the book together, did you hear anything about the rumor about hillary and joe? he goes whether or not they would swap jobs and he said it's on the table. and some of hillary clinton's advisors see it as a real possibility in 2012 that hillary and joe would switch jobs. >> yeah. it might be a rumor but it makes for fascinating talk, doesn't it? in fact, joe biden thought it was a good idea in 2008 before the election. >> hillary clinton is as qualified or more qualified than i am to be vice president of the united states of america. let's get that straight. she's a truly close, personal friend. she is qualified to be president of the united states of america. she's easily qualified to be vice president of the united states of america. and quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me. >> you know what? it might have made more sense to have the swap take place. remember, senator biden when he was senator biden was chairman
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for the senate relations committee. he has passions and connections over there. it wouldn't look as a demotion, would it, from vice president to secretary of state. one thing about being secretary of state, you feel like you got your own job and you got your own plane. you have your own set of things to do. >> yeah. already been vice president. >> yeah, i think that it is -- i think it would -- >> it would be a step down. >> but here's the thing, we talked last week about how barack obama was using bill clinton now because bill clinton is much more popular than barack obama. there's no way that barack obama is going to switch and put hillary in there unless it's an act of desperation which some have believed him using bill clinton is an act of desperation right now. there's no way he's going to do it unless he feel likes he cannot win any other way. >> things aren't looking good for him right now. you have to wonder whether bob woodward is being played by hillary's confib can'ts. they're being the blame on the current situation that the president is in on the fact that
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he didn't select hillary as his vice president and can't win without putting her on the ticket in 2012. that's interesting. that would allow her -- if you're obama and you hear that, then i got to keep joe which would open up the possibility that then she could leave the white house and the cabinet and, perhaps, go ahead and stage her own primary challenge? >> i think 2016 is more likely and she'll be 69 years old. that's a little bit younger than when ronald reagan was elected as president the first time. she's said in the past, don't look for me to run again. i'm going to retire. i'm getting a little tired. i'm going to retire. you know, i'd have to finaled out if you felt at 69 years old if you really believe she feels like she's retired. she looks like she has plenty of bite in that step. >> joe biden is kind a loose cannon. >> i don't know what you mean. >> he said this yesterday "if i hear one more republican tell me
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about balancing the budget, i am going to strangle them." to the press, that's a figure of speech. e-mail us -- >> to me, that's one of the more subtle things that he's said. he gives me some chuckle. you know, he brings life to the whole idea of what politics are all about. sometimes boring and dry. i like to see what he's going to say. >> what do you think? do you think the president of the united states is going to jump joe? e-mail us right now, fends at, we'll share some of your comments one hour from now. >> in the meantime, what's going to happen to this? two polls have to do with likely voters so these are people who would likely go to the polls so november 2nd. high turnout and low turnouts? it looks good tore republicans in both scenarios so look at this one. if there's high turnout, republicans would win 53% to 40%. at least those would be the people that would show up. republicans -- they would vote for the republican candidate
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over the democratic candidate. what happens in low turnout? >> i > >> g.o.p. 56-38. either way, the republicans would look better. i don't know the theory behind that. the republicans will more motivated to come out, the more voters that come out, the more votes they get. >> michael borrone says in "the examiner" on line, people have been asking does this election stack up much like 1994 when newt gingrich and the road to glory in washington, d.c. is it 94? yeah, kind of. more like 1894 when the g.o.p. gained more than 100 seats in the house. he says this is bigger than anything we've seen in it country since 1948 and even 1928 because so many people on the republican side are so fed up with what washington, d.c. is doing, even though it's a midterm election, they're going to get out there and they are going to vote on the first tuesday in november. >> president obama says don't count the democrats out.
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that's why he's been going on all tours across america. >> yeah. that's why he's gone on mtv two weeks before election, that goes to show you how much trouble this white house is in right now. >> it's good when you can call up and get the time of mtv and bet and talk to the young people that he sees is his ticket to eliminating the damage after the midterms. here are both sides weighing in last night when it comes to tacks. you have newt gingrich and dennis could y dennis kucinich, polar opposites. >> it will be one more body blow to the democrats and then frankly the fact that they left town without passing a tax bill, every business i've talked to has said the level of irresponsibility of going home with no business in america, knowing what his taxes will be on january 1st. >> here's the problem. there's been newspaper reports to this effect that corporations flushed with cash right now aren't reinvesting in jobs.
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banks are hoarding money and not loaning it to small business. unless you get cash out in the economy, you're not going to have jobs. so if you can prove that it will go to a vote to create jobs, that might make the arc gument. if you can't approve that, they'll say help these people out. >> the president told us, i know you're recommending to take the taxes out, i'm not moving. >> prove it to me that the tax cuts help everyone. you would think that he would automatically say what the president is saying which is no tax cuts for the rich. that was interesting to me. that he might have some wiggle room there. >> i talked to a lot of people about this very issue on whether or not they should raise taxes a lot of people that i know that are not in that upper income thing, they are against raising taxes on anybody during the recession especially considering that for a lot of time, it would
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raise their taxes on small businesses that employ them for their bosses who gave them jobs and is this really the time for some kwhek spirit? they don't think so. >> i would be talking to a lot of people but as you know, i have no friends. that's sadly a story. >> i won't have any either. i'll be taking care of that longhorn oochlt ev longhorn. >> do you have the beagle at your house because of bed bugs? >> that's absolutely true. don't that you can about that. a radical muslim makes some shocking comments on network television but the comments go completely unchallenged. is it another case of media base? here's more next. >> president obama taking a page from jimmy carter? solar panels at the white house. don't we have bigger problems in this country? if you suffer from heartburn two or more days a week,
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you're one of the 50 million americans with frequent heartburn. did you know, with prilosec otc, you can stop frequent heartburn before it starts? heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes, or backs up into the esophagus. this causes the burning sensation in your chest, known as heartburn. with just one pill a day, prilosec otc treats frequent heartburn for 24 hours, providing all-day and all-night protection. here's how it works -- prilosec otc's unique delayed-release system protects the medicine as it passes through the stomach's tough acid. the medicine then gets absorbed into the body, turning off many acid-producing pumps at the source,
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so less acid is produced. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection all day and all night, satisfaction guaranteed. trust the number-one doctor-, gastroenterologist-, and pharmacist-recommended brand to treat your frequent heartburn. to request a free sample, visit prilosec otc. heartburn gone. power on. >> welcome back. on sunday, the host of abc's "this week" moderated a town hall debate between christian leaders and moderate and extremist muslim. take a listen to this. >> gary bower, as you know, a series of politicians have used
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the islamic center, have used sort of islamaphobia and scare tactics in their campaign. >> that's a loaded question, you know, people are using a fear of muslims. >> people are talking the same kind of thing. >> really? >> yes. >> she was -- so was she fair and balanced or not? president of the media research center is here, took some notes. has some comments. first off, answer, gary, weigh in on that. >> well, ever since 9/11, the media have been telling us that we shouldn't be judging all muslims and blaming all muslim for 9/11 which is absolutely fair and true. but they can turn around and blame christianity for any opposition to muslims so because there is some fanatic somewhere in tennessee that desecrates a mosque somewhere, gary bower is being held responsible for it. this is the double standard. >> in fact, here's another soundbite. listen to this regarding gary
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bower. >> should it be insensitive and then i will ask -- why should it be insensitive if you're not blurring the lines between those who kill and the rest of the religion? >> why are you deliberately blurring the line? >> because -- >> what's she doing there? >> that's a -- that is propaganda at the worst. gary bower isn't blurring any lines. how dare she make that accusation? she would like him to do it. he's not. but she wants that to happen so she makes that very outrageous accusation. remember, this is a woman who is supposed to be a moderator. a moderator. not a participant. >> she knows when to back off, that's when the radicals talk in this case. you'll see that in a second. imam rauf wants to build that mosque at ground zero. his wife, daisy caan was there as a voice of moderation.
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listen to her defend daisy. >> the question, though, from what i'm hearing from you, do you think daisy khan is al-qaida? >> no, i didn't say that. i didn't say that. i never said such a thing. >> i'm asking you. >> you have tied our hands. you don't allow us to do this because you brand somebody like me as an extremist and throw me into the arms of al-qaida. >> is she attacking the christians, and defending the other point of view, the muslim point of view in this instance? >> steve, you know, daisy khan can say what she wants. this is what you expect from a radical like her but she can participate that way but what is the difference between here and the leader in that clip. both are one side of the debate. again, she was supposed to be the moderator. she doesn't understand that. she sees her role as that of an
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educator. she might as well pick up her chair and move to that side of the table. >> time to book an extremist. he's in london where most of them are and he weighs in and tells us what we can expect in this country. listen. >> we believe in muslims the government should be run by sharia. we believe that the flags will fly over the white house, that they have judgment on -- and conquer the white house. >> ok. where was the comeback? where was the reigning in? it didn't happen. >> this is the third time that this has happened, by wthe way. the first two times, there wasn't a single credit ishg on the board there. now half were supporters. she attacked the critics and supported the supporters. no semblance of fairness here. >> are you suggesting that she's on her own personal jihad here? >> i am. i am. she doesn't understand what her role is.
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she is the quintessential elite liberal looking down on the world and snubing her nose and out to educate people and i want george stephanopoulos back now. >> o > >> or at least jake tapper. thank you very much, bret bozell. >> thanks, guys. >> remember when joe biden said this? >> when many i going to tell the president when i tell him his teleprompter is broken? what will he do then? >> so what if the president didn't have his teleprompter, would that help him reconnect with voters? a former presidential speechwriter says yes! he's next. >> so will walter mondale. a look at dollar store dangers coming up. ring ring ring ring
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>> good news. time for your news by the numbers. first $5 million. that's how much the nypd's counterterrorism patrols have been costing the city in overtime pay. so guess what? those highly successful patrols now being scaled back. next, $448 million. that's the cost of nasa's next mission to mars in 2013. nasa still trying to determine if there has never been life on the red planet. they should have asked me. i say yes. finally 300. that's how many times a former passport worker is accused of cyber snooping on hundreds of celebrities including lindsay lohan's sister ali. the federal clerk is accused of looking up confidential information about the stars and their families. gretch, something different. >> thank you, brian. you've seen this before. president obama giving a speech and reading off the teleprompter. former vice president walter mondale had this to say about that. >> i think he tends to and he
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uses these idiot boards to read speeches on television and i think he loses the connection that he needs emotionally. with the american voters. >> idiot boards? is the president overusing the teleprompter? with us now, former presidential speechwriter and former deputy assistant to president bush, peter winger. they've written a new book together called "city of land, religion and politics in a new era." you heard a former vice president calling the teleprompter idiot boards. i don't know if he misspoke or not but he basically thinks that obama should ditch them. >> i think he does use them too much. in my big picture here, when walter mondale is telling you you're losing connection with the american people, you're in trouble and -- >> why? >> well, because walter mondale lost 49 states to ronald reagan and if you have to take advice from walter mondale on how to connect to people politically, that's a problem.
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i think obama's main problem is the condition of the country and the policy he's pursuing. there's a weird sense in which this is like a kid on training wheels on a bike. if you take away the training wheels, he'll fall off the bike so i think it is a problem. >> and michael, let me turn to you. you were a speechwriter. >> yeah. >> if you were advising. >> a former speechwriter, i like the teleprompter. >> they stick to the script. >> they stick to the script. but in informal circumstances, it becomes a shield. it separates you from people. i think, though, the bigger problem is not when it comes to emotional connection is not the teleprompter but really the president's manner which is prophetsorial and you look at the "rolling stone" magazine interview that he did, he's scolding everyone. democrats, republicans, the american voter. he tends to stand above these debates and it comes across as rather cold. >> two of you have written a
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book together called "city of man." you explore this sort of political engagement with religion and politics. and you claim that it would be better for both church and skunt if they listen to what you say in the book. >> what we argue is religion and politics is an important role in political life. they have to be separated, while we're thifk for what they argued for, too afternoon it was seen as an appendage of the republican party and politics. you have to be very careful about that and has to be something distinctive that people are facing in politics. if you lose that, you lose a lot. >> take a look at a poll. because evangelicals and moderates. then you go to the next poll that says is it important for members of congress to have strong religious beliefs? 61% say yes. and there's the poll of the uncertainty of president obama
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peace religion which has gone up immensed in just 18 months as far as people questioning that. how do you read those polls with regard to religion and president obama? >> well, obama made a serious outreach to religious voters in the 2008 campaign. really unprecedented for a democrat. he talked about his own faith, the role of faith based institutions. made a real repeal. that's largely been forgotten in the last two years. maybe in a rush of events. but americans have grown more uncertain about the president's fake perspective. and i think it's one of his problems moving forward. >> you can read more about this and your thoughts together in "city of man". the new book that they've written together. >> great to be with you, thank you. >> so many have e-mailed us your living paycheck to paycheck and you still can't pay your bills. dave ramsey will be here about
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with some advice for you. president bush taking a page from the panel. i'm rocking out with my new pet this morning. thanks to larry gatlin and also gave me a calf. i still love you! >> i love you, too. i've already sold it for you. right here at the corner of 49th and 6th. you want some fiber one honeclusters? yeah. you must really care about him. what? you gave him fiber. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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to challenge ourselves on the most demanding track in the world. with us, in spirit, wasvery great car that we'd ever competed with. the bmw m5. and the mercedes-benz e63. for it was their amazing abilities that pushed us to refine, improve and, ultimately, develop the worls fastest production sedan. [ engine revving ] the cts-v, from cadillac. the new standard of the world. >> welcome back. folks, it's a live picture of the white house. 1600 pennsylvania avenue. actually from this vantage point across lafayette square from, i believe, the hay adams hotel, you can see the roof of the white house and you know what's going in there, folks, solar panels. and they haven't been there for 25 years when president ronald
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reagan says this is stupid. the price of oil is low. i'm going to yank them off. >> he said he had to fix the roof. >> he did. >> he never put the panels back. here's jimmy carter, the year, june 20, 1979. he had a vision and a hope. >> we must work together to turn our vision and our dream into a solar reality. by the end of this century, i want our nation to derive 20% of all the energy we use from the sun. direct solar energy and radiation and also renewable forms of energy derived more indirectly from the sun. >> for decades, we've talked about the importance of ending our dependence on foreign oil and getting new kinds of energy like wind and solar power. just as long, power had been prevented at every turn about the special interests and their allies in washington. that's why since we took office, my administration has made a historic commitment to promote clean energy technology. >> "welcome back carter" was
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the headline right there. what the president of the united states, barack obama is doing is he's going back to the carter days when jimmy carter installed solar panels on the roof of the white house and now barack obama is doing the same thing which is causing some -- thaurz a historical comparison now between carter and obama and the scenario goes like this. that carter and obama both liberal one termers who left office with a 34% approval rating. that was carter then. will it be obama at election time? >> if you listen to jimmy carter. >> this might be the big picture analysis. right now, he's looking for people to go out and vote in the midterms. if this is a way to pump up the base with sort of a green initiative, this might be one reason to get them to go out and say finally he's doing something for us. >> by the way, that was the pool at the white house with panels that heated that pool that george w. bush put in. >> yeah. >> right there. >> that so that's -- that's -- >> solar energy didn't start then with jimmy carter but if you read jimmy carter's book,
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he's the best president since washington. >> they say these solar panels on the roof will save $1600 a month in energy. what will it dos to put it up there on the roof? and also, in this nod to the environmental is, should we call it the greenhouse now? >> i think it's a good idea. if it saves energy, i think it's a good idea but at the same time, you should be creating jobs. that's what the american people are concerned about. >> i think it's sustaining jobs. >> it is. >> that's possibility it. all right. you have a fox news alert now, officials in europe getting more specific on this week's potential terror strike. france's foreign ministry warning terrorists of a high risk of an attack in england. they say the risk of an attack in britain is very likely. they have stepped up security due to increased chatter from terrorist groups including al-qaida. they warned in yemen and still
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on tack in yemen. >> take a look at the video here. it's not mud. that is toxic sludge and burning yew people's clothes. emergency workers trying to clear the road and the homes of the disgusting brown sludge. this happened in hungary. the wave was so powerful that it swept cars off the road. a chemical holding pit explode near a hog farm. more than 100 injured. hungary, after this, has been e declared a state of emergency. >> the times square bomber behind bars with no chance of parole. faisal shahzad led guilty at his sentencing and he said terrorists are proud and "the defeat of the u.s. is eminent. and will happen in the near future." shahzad is expected to serve out his sentence at the prison in colorado and that prison is home to failed shoe bomber richard
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reed and september 11th plotter, zacarias moussaoui. also, the legal battle against protests amilitary funerals heading to supreme court today. the family of matthew snyder tying on the controversial westboro cap tis church. that church staged a protest at snyder's funeral as well as many, many others. the church claims it's protected under the first amend mament. they're picketing a burial that's happening 30 minutes from now at a church outside arlington national cemetery. he died lats week in afghanistan. >> baseball playoffs get under way and happening this afternoon finally. the rays in tampa hosting them in tampa. cincinnati back in the playoffs for the first time in 39 years. the new york yankees are in minnesota playing outdoors in minnesota.
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uh-oh! >> it's 80 degrees out there today. >> it's unseasonably nice. they will not have a.j. burnett in the starting rotation. why? because he's bad. he's costs $82 million and can't get anybody out. that's why. why are you asking? it looks like the whole crew at to bei "fox & friends" now have playoff fever. look at chris, he said i'm so thankful, $180 million yankees won the wild card by dropping 2-3 in the final. how about gretchen carlson saying they play under a tight budget, win the division and game again. could this be the year that you take them down in a playoff. >> i have cognizant dissidence going on. i have a yankee hat on and a twins shirt. i can't decide who i want! >> so your head says yankees. >> my head -- well, yeah. >> they have the san francisco giants. how unlikely are they?
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bonds list now in the post season, do they have a prayer? he won't weigh in because he doesn't speak. >> let's see who dave ramsey likes. >> dave ramsey? >> joining us right now, he joins us by the miracle of television who do you like in baseball? >> i'm thinking the tennessee titans. >> no, that's football! >> millions of americans are living paycheck to paycheck to make ends meet and according it a recent survey nearly 77% of the country falls in the category. when there just isn't enough cash to go around. how can you budget what you do have to maximize your income? that's our question this morning and it's puzzling a lot of people. >> one of the things i've learned about money is if you will do the dreaded b word, the budget or tell your money what to do instead of wondering where it went, it starts to be a men stretcher and it takes a little bit of money and makes it work a whole lot better.
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a lot of people that we go in our classes that we teach on our budget, say stuff like dave, i feel like i got a raise. if you will begin the month, begin with the end in mind at the start of the month and give every dollar a name on paper, on purpose and agree on it with your spouse, it really does cause your money to work a lot harder and removes a lot of the stress out of a household when things are struggling. >> what do you mean give them a name? give your money a name? betty? >> put your income at the top and then you put a certain amount aside for groceries. put a certain amount aside for utilities. certain amount for rent. every dollar down through the budget has a name beside it. this idea of we're going to get to the end of the month and go oh, goodness, what happened? that's a bad plan. and so it makes your income which is your most powerful wealth building tool behave. and it causes it to stretch. it causes it to work. so what i'm saying is at the beginning of the month, have a jerry mcguire moment say "show me the money." >> a lot of it is writing it
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down. it's like going on a diet, it's good to write down what you eat every day. it holds yourself accountable for it. i didn't know money talks about, what do you mean by that? >> again, you're making it behave. the old saying is that if you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every single time and gretchen, you're exactly right. any time you're doing any kind of goal setting, if you write down your goals and break them down into bite sized pieces that are achievable on a daily or weekly basis, you start to do it. budgeting is the same way. we're modifying behavior. so you know what happened to that your money. >> if you're not hitting those goals, crumple up the piece of paper of get rid of it. viewer e-mails. how can you do a budget if you're behind on your bills and playing catch up? i'm so far behind, my gas was shut off and struggling to eat. this is a tough one. >> you probably won't have enough money to pay everything
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and so you have to very carefully prioritize in those situations and you start with food. food is your most important thing. then you do lights and water. then you do shelter which is your rent or transportation department. food, shelter, transportation, utilitie utilities, basic necessities of life. do those first and you didn't hear student loans on there and didn't hear mastercard and didn't hear somebody squawking about a medical bill on that list. you have to take care of your family first and live to fight another day. >> i don't see a plaza screen tv on there for now. joe from florida writes in, how can i budget for my income? i'm in sales, my paychecks vary from week to week. how do i plan for that? >> that's probably one of the most difficult things to do. we figured it out years ago. i was in the real estate business, i'd make nothing one month and a whole bunch of money the next month. you have to do a prioritized spending plan. you make a list of everything you need to spend money on that month and say gosh, what
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everybody if i could do one thing, what would i do? if i could do one other thing, what do you do? you put a two beside that. and three and so on and then rewrite the list in order of priority, most important to least important and then as money comes in, that's your plan. you go down that list of priorities. >> right. >> dave, very good stuff. thanks so much. dave ramsey, good job. >> i'm going to go out and get a pen and paper. that's what i learned. i have to write everything down. thanks, dave. republicans enjoying upswing heading into the midterms. what do liberal voters think of the g.o.p.? the results are eye opening. >> one of the dollar store products is a great deal. the other is dangerous. close being llook coming up. >> who is she? e-mail us and you'll be the winner.
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americans are looking for a deal anywhere they can get it. 65 million americans shop at dollar stores with sales climbing 10% this past year. and while shoppers may be saving money, some safety experts still say buyer beware. don mays is joining us from "consumer reports." good morning to you. >> good morning. >> let's start with the good stuff. the good stuff is saving money. >> right. >> and the safe stuff and good and cheap as well are things like paper products and stuff like this we got right here. >> that's exactly right. paper products, party supplies, things like greeting cards, aluminum foil, even some cleaning products, absolutely fine. if you can get a good bargain at the dollar store, go ahead and do it. >> with cleaning products and paper products, you don't put those in your mouth. you put food in your mouths. a box of kix in your mouth, is that safe? >> not a problem at all. here is a major branded product. no concerns about these products and in fact, some of the off
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brands, we don't think that would be a concern. things like baby shampoo, no problem. go ahead and use it if you can get a good bargain on it. you'll find major brands. lipton tea, dove soap. >> that stuff is safe. >> absolutely. >> tricky stuff comes in, though, when you wind up and this is kind of the tricky department over here with something that looks great and you might buy this for a buck for one of your kids. it says patriotic pride. i love america. what could possibly be the matter with that? >> well, it's about 98% lead. and lead is very toxic particularly to children. a child was to take that jewelry and put it in his mouth, they could have very severe effects. don't want it use that and don't want to buy any jewelry from a dollar store. >> something you put in your mouth is toothpaste. this comes with a toothbrush and toothpaste as well, what could go wrong with that? >> one of the things in this product is antifreeze. it's highly toxic. don't want to use this product
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by any means. >> no kidding. all right. what about they do sell cut rate aspirin and stuff like that. is that safe? >> you have to be very cautious there. when we shopped in dollar stores, we found some of the over counter medications had expired dates on them. they were expired products. when we tested multivitamins we found some of the multivitamins didn't have the level of active ingredients they should have. >> i'm always tempted to buy the batteries when they're cheap, batteries are expensive. what could be wrong with something like that? >> we've found some counterfeit batteries, batteries that look like the real mccoy and they've leaked all over the place. don't want to go there. >> with counterfeit stuff, you never know about counter fit stuff. this is a four foot extension cord and this is ok because it's got the underwriter laboratory tag and it's the hologram like it's supposed to have. the problem with electrical stuff comes in the form of stuff like this. these are some christmas lights
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that you presumably would plug in and celebrate the holiday with. what could possibly go wrong with that? >> well, you have to be careful with all electrical products that you might buy from a dollar store. in particular, look for that u.l. label. these don't have the u.l. listed mark on them. when we plugged them in, they actually melted and you can tell here's one -- the bulbs will pop out of these things and will not what will happen if they're a ul listed product. those can be very dangerous. >> no kidding. very good. you can go to our web site at or check out good enough. thanks for making us safe. >> can republicans convince voters like this they'll fix the economy? >> you know, i made $$60,000 a year so now i'm collecting unemployment. i'm looking for a job every single week. >> frank luntz has a new focus group. results -- eye opening.
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>> on this day in 1966 the association had the number one song. vegetables have important vitamins and minerals that can really help protect you. and v8 juice gives you three of your five daily servings. powerful, right? v8. what's your number? may not be getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies the nutrients of a balanced breakfast to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. [ male announcer ] througut our lives, we encounter new opportunities. at the hartford we can help you pursue them with confidence. ♪ by helping you prepare for your finanal future... and protecti ur home and family. so go forward, with confidence.
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>> the answer to the trivia question, bret eckland and the winner is rick from texas and i cherish them. republicans are enjoying an upswing in momentum heading to the midterm elections but can they win over liberal voters? pollster frank luntz traveled to los angeles on our dime to find out. >> all across america, the republicans seem to be going up in the polls in house races, senate races, governor's races but not here in california. so i want to understand from california voters what is it that the republicans don't seem to be doing well here? >> national republican party is absolutely bonkers. they think tax cuts are a way to decrease deficits. they don't believe in the rights
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of the veteran. they are completely out of line with california voters. >> california voters have been for decades, tax cuts do decrease deficits. all the politicians we send to sacramento want to do is tax more, spend more and ask for more taxes. >> california is basically a welfare state and being a welfare state, it's backed up by entitlements. which is backed up by the unions and then we have the newspapers and we have "the times" that support the unions and it's like a cycle that you can't get off of. >> all these people complain about spending but i don't hear a single thing that they would cut. they won't cut education. won't cut defense. won't cut taxes. no way of solving their deficit woes. >> first thing we need to cut are the salaries of the governing workers in california. >> you guys agree with that? >> yeah. absolutely. >> the average citizen is making and pensions are out of control. >> the republican party is so out of step with the california
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vision and lifestyle. people who would be fiscal republicans can't be social republicans. there's all the limitations on personal rights. >> most people like to talk about liberal ideas but, again, i said earlier, fiscally they are more conservative. but when it comes to the propositions, california has propositions. most people read it and they go oh, this sounds nice and they vote for it. you're not really thinking about the issue. >> weather here is so nice and people worry about themselves and people have said that we don't have the concerns that the rest of the country has and we're so insulated and we don't realize that there's such a better way to look at our life and our business than some of the liberal policies we have for decades. >> as far back as i can recall, being a voter and paying attention to the races, there have been republicans that have been in office and all i see is education being cut. >> we keep seeing, i'm not part of we. i'm part of that -- i am the one that i used to have a really
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great job and i made a minimum wage, minimum wage, i was -- i made $60,000 a year and now i'm collecting unemployment so i'm part of that welfare system and i'm looking for a job every single week. >> so you blame barack obama or george w. bush? >> i blame george w. bush because he was there for eight years and we're trying to fund a war. >> a lot of republicans would like to vote democratically, it's just that we need a republican person that's running that we can respect. >> i registered democrat. the past few presidential elections i voted republican because i have not been impressed with a lot of the democratic candidates and the problem over all rule of thumb with the democratic party there's too many voices speaking at once and no unified voice. >> sounds like this focus group right here. anyone who voted for john mccain in 2008 that will vote democrat in 2010. raise your hands. no one. one person.
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we got one person. anyone who voted for barack obama in 2008 who is planning to vote republican in 2010, raise your hands. maybe one person. looks like california is not changing. you cannot have a revolution in politics without it at least containing california. i think this state will be the state to watch. the challenge for the g.o.p. here, can you get back on the bandwagon as you have across the country? back to you. >> frank, i know you can't hear me but i thank you. will president obama have to break another promise on tax cuts? our political panel weighs in at the top of the hour and cheerleaders say their uniforms are too skimpy. what they tried to do about it and did it work? playing )
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♪ can't help it, can't help it ♪ ♪ can't help it, no no no... ♪ come on. ♪ can't help it, can't help it, no no no ♪ ♪ you drive me crazy ♪ and i just can't stop myself, uh! ♪ ♪ can't help it, can't help it, can't help it. ♪ that advertise flights for 25,000 miles? but when you call... let me check. oh fud, nothing without a big miles upcharge. it's either pay their miles upcharges or connect through mooseneck! [ freezing ] i can't feel my feet. we switched to the venture card from capital one -- so no more games. let's go see those grandkids.
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[ male announcer ] don't pay miles upcharges. don't play games. get the flight you want with the venture card at [ lovinit ] help! what's in your llet? with the venture card at ready to try something new? campbell's has made changes. adding lower sodium sea salt to more soups. plus five dollars in coupons to get you started. campbell's condensed soup. pass it on. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every y thousands of pple are switching from tylenol to advil.
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to learn more go to the first 500,000 people get a free bottle of advil. take action. take advil. >> gretchen: top of the morning to you. wednesday, october 6, 2010. thank you for sharing your time with us today. could these two appear on the next presidential ticket? those two? right there together? new rumors that president obama and hillary clinton could join forces in 2012. what happens then to joe biden? >> steve: would hillary be on the top of the ticket? she'd like that. is it bad glue or bad omen for the president. oops, there goes the logo. >> was that my... oh, goodness. that's all right. all of you know who i am. >> steve: good line. the commander in chief laughing off a seal slipup.
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>> brian: yes, are these girls too hot for high school? cheerleaders filing complaints that their coaches are making them dress too skimpy in connecticut. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> howdy, this is roy rogers, junior and you're watching "fox & friends." >> steve: thank you. welcome aboard. we've had a very busy first two hours. >> brian: you remember when roy was here, he was selling all his dad's stuff. >> steve: including trigger. >> brian: trailer dead. >> steve: had been dead for many years and they were auctions off the stuff. >> brian: they stuffed him. right? >> steve: we're talking about that stuffed animal out on our plaza today. larry gatlin brought in a cat and gretchen asked if the longhorn was going to wind up being hamburger. that particular cow is breeding stock. like brian. >> gretchen: so you're telling me my $18,000 gift is not even edible? >> brian: right.
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>> steve: you can't. but you could make many, many dollars breeding it. >> gretchen: oh. >> steve: that's where the money is. >> brian: match maker, match maker, send me a match. >> gretchen: honey, get the backyard ready. my daughter has been wanting a dog. i wonder if she'll settle for a longhorn. >> steve: a really big one with horns. >> gretchen: we got news 'cause we have a fox news alert. security officials in europe releasing more specific details about this week's potential terror strike. france's foreign ministry warning travelers of a high terrorism risk in britain. the risk of a attack there, very likely. france and other european nations stepped up security due to increased chatter from terror groups, including al-qaeda. gunmen in pakistan, they've torched 25 nato fuel tankers, killing a driver. this is the sixth incident now since pakistan shut down a major border crossing last week. leaders claim it's retaliation
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after a nato chopper opened fire on their troops. a pentagon investigation into the incident is expected to wrap up today. new this morning, the threat posed by north korea's nuclear program has reached a, quote, extremely dangerous level, according a south korea official. the warning follows satellite photos following new construction around a reactor, believed to have enough plutonium for half a dozen bombs. family of one of america's finest soldiers heads to the white house today. they're going to meet with president obama and accept the medal of honor post-death for staff sergeant robert miller who died in afghanistan in january of 2008. he and his squad helped hold off nearly 100 insurgents even after miller was shot device. he's credited with saving the lives of 22 fellow soldiers. those are your headlines. >> brian: new report this morning that there are secret talks underway at this hour to
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end the war in afghanistan between karzai and elements of the taliban. now the government is negotiating with high representatives who had the support of lula omar. what does this mean tore troops in afghanistan? wendell goler joins us from the white house. has this been confirmed? >> officials won't go into detail about the talks and the white house won't confirm them, but general petraeus, the commander of u.s. forces in afghanistan, basically confirm the talks were going on in an interview with our jennifer griffin about a month ago. he said the u.s. is not directly involved in the talks, but is aware of what's happening there. these talks involve the taliban, but not al-qaeda. general petraeus says that afghan president hamid karzai said sense -- set sensible ground rules for reaching an agreement. >> president karzai has been very clear about the red lines
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for reconciliation, accept the constitution, lay down their weapon, cut their ties with al-qaeda and essentially become participating members of society in that regard. >> sources say the taliban representatives who are talking with karzai are authorized to speak for mohammed omar, the leader based in the tribal areas of pakistan, and they're apparently serious about finding a way to end the war, but the pentagon says u.s. troops will continue their offensive to make sure the taliban doesn't think that continuing the fight is an acceptable alternative. >> we need to take the fight more aggressively and for a greater duration to the taliban and other extremists in afghanistan for them to feel the kind of pressure necessary for there to be -- to spark a movement of reintegration and reconciliation. >> the "washington post" says one of the things making these
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talks show some promise is that more moderate elements of the taliban are worried about being sidelined by the more hard lined group if the war continues. members of the hatani are not involved in the talks. >> brian: that could be a problem because they're possibly the most brutal group with ties to the pakistan taliban. thanks so much. >> steve: speaking of brutal, politics is brutal and there is something floating around in the internet and elsewhere. it started as a rumor and bob woodward was asked about this rumor floating around in washington. >> a possibility when you were putting this book together, did you hear anybody talk about bouncing biden, getting rid of joe biden as vice president and replacing him with hillary clinton? and mr. woodward replied, it's on the table. some of hillary clinton's advisors see it as a real possibility in 2012.
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>> gretchen: is this bob woodward wanting to sell more of his books or is this just stirring the pot or any validity to this? the validity argument would be this, he put hillary on the ticket because you want women to vote for you and others, the sectors who were wanting hillary clinton. it would be a desperate move by barak obama because he put her in his cab pet, but the book also says he doesn't really listen to her and maybe doesn't even respect her that much. >> brian: yeah. because you can't have it both ways as far as i'm concerned. but he says he's citing hillary sources and sources in the white house. joe biden's group said perhaps woodward has gone to too many georgetown dinner parties. here is joe biden in new hampshire back in 2008, after he was named number two on the ticket, talking about hillary and the possible angst that could exist between hillary and barak obama when they were both contenders. >> hillary clinton is as
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qualified or more qualified than i am to be vice president of the united states of america. let's get that straight. she's a truly close personal friend. she is qualified to be president of the united states of america. she's easily qualified to be vice president of the united states of america. and quite frankly, might have been a better pick than me. >> steve: so he thinks it's a good idea. what are they talking about on the internet? on the internet, hot says if the economy is flat, next winter, it's a damn near certainty that he would replace him with her. then on politico, they say senior administration official says it's totally off base. barak obama happy with biden and hillary as secretary of state. >> brian: if i tell you it's the first week in october, what are you thinking? the fortune most powerful women -- took place yesterday, the president was a featured speaker and he had a speech prepared, but sometimes things
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go unscripted. watch. >> we can not sustain -- whoops. was that my... that's all right. all of you know who i am. but i'm sure there is somebody back there that's really nervous right now. they're sweating bullets right now. >> gretchen: i bet the person responsible for hanging it correctly was sweating. the thing is we need to create jobs in america. right? so maybe we can create more jobs for people to make sure those types of things don't happen 'cause remember, something happened with the props with joe biden in his teleprompter, too. >> it also needs a special brand of strategic thinking that are gained only in the thin air of colorado springs. and the windy air of colorado springs. [ laughter ] what am i going to tell the
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president his teleprompter is broken? >> steve: that's one of the reasons why barak obama would think, you know what, would hillary stay stuff like that about me? >> gretchen: the props went down and you got a funny from joe biden. let's talk about the cheerleaders outfits. >> brian: bridgeport, connecticut, i'm talking about -- >> steve: there is the problem right there. >> brian: what happened is these cheerleaders ordered outfits and when they came, they were showing way too much midlive. they say they don't fit right. they went in front to change them to something they feel comfortable with. >> steve: one of the girls said to the school board, is this really how you want bridgeport to be represented? it's interesting because the assistant superintendent said look, we spent $77 on each one of these uniforms and last year we took everybody's sizes. maybe the sizes are wrong, maybe they grew out of them. we'll do our best to fix them. what they're going to do now is because there is a league rule that says you can't see the midriff or the belly --
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>> gretchen: wait a minute. wouldn't the school know that there is a rule that you can't show midriff? that's point number one. point two, what a slam to say that these girls grew out of them after they just ordered them probably a couple weeks ago or at least over the summer. and number three, let's hear it for the girls. remember that song, because this is the young people in society standing up saying, something is wrong with this. i say you go for it, girls. >> brian: exactly. let's keep their belly buttons secret. here they are complaining. >> stomach hangs out and sure, you can pull the skirt up, but if you do that, your butt hangs out. >> you have to like put on shorts underneath and shirts underneath, which is ridiculous. >> steve: they're going to have body shirts underneath and also rather than the skirts, because they say the skirts were cheesy in their estimation, they're wearing shorts until the new stuff shows up. >> brian: usually it's the opposite. it's the school board reining in the kids. this time the kids say, school board, help me out. we'll follow the story. straight ahead, a six foot wall
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of toxic sludge sweeping through homes and knocking cars off bridges and burning through people's clothing. don't go outside. >> steve: then an eight-year-old girl snatched by a stranger. we'll talk to the truck driver who saw this video and saved her life. >> gretchen: then will president obama have to break another promise when it comes to taxes? our panel is ready to weigh in on that and it includes larry gatlin. bring in the longhorn, too. >> steve: leave the bull out there.
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investigative reporter bob woodward, the white house could pull a switch in the next election and nominate hillary clinton as the vice president candidate. is that ticket a possibility? joining us on our panel, roger hodge, former editor of harper's magazine and author of audacity of hope, and diedre hall. and larry gatlin, country music song writer and cow giver. good morning. >> care giver. >> steve: larry, what do you think, the estimation is obama is in trouble right now. hillary is popular with a number of group, maybe it makes sense to bounce biden and put her in the chair. >> i hate to argue with someone who has been surprised, but i don't think that will happen. i told my wife a year ago, i really did, i'm not kidding you. i said, i believe that she will say sometime in the future, and probably after the november elections when they get their hat handed to them, i've been a
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good soldier. i've fought the fight and i can no longer see my country and my beloved democratic party, i think she'll quit and run. >> steve: wow. in 2012? >> i certainly do. >> steve: roger, what do you think? >> i don't think that will happen. i think that this is a brilliant move to change the subject. it would be great to get rid of biden. >> you don't like him? >> i don't. >> steve: what's his number one infraction. >> other than being a bafoon? >> steve: he's the vice president. for you to say that... . >> i think biden doesn't really bring anything, whereas clinton solidifies the ticket, but i don't think she'll do it personally. i don't think they'll do it. i think it's too much turmoil. >> steve: what do you think? >> i thought it was a cooking segment. >> steve: one part biden, one part hillary. >> i don't think that president
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obama has any shortage of good information from him, first of all. and i think hillary adds a lot to the ticket and she's good and strong, but i think it's going to be an issue of economics, and of the war. >> steve: so if there is a woman on the ticket, that has little to do with it rather than are the faxes going up? >> this country is in so much trouble right now that anything that can help us get through this time is going to be probably a shoe in. >> i think the democratic party is in shambles. if we've ever known anything about the clinton, first of all, i wish bill clinton were president right now. i wish hillary clinton were president right now. >> steve: why? >> if we know anything about them, they don't like being the second banana. she took the thing -- i don't really know how great a job she's done with that. who knows about our foreign policy. >> i hate to argue with you, just disagree. >> obama doesn't have the kind
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of retail political smarts that clinton does. but he has all the advisors and strategies are clintonesque. >> he's so far throat of bill clinton, it's like a totally different thing. he'd have to come so far right to get back with the john kennedy democratic party or bill clinton. >> steve: here is what ale rod said a little while ago. there is nothing to it. the president is blessed to have a spectacular vice president, outstanding secretary of state. they're both doing great work and he wants to keep them on the job. so sorry, roger. it's going to still be joe biden, maybe. >> we're still going to buy your book, roger. >> steve: we're going to buy your kitchen book, too. >> >> steve: we're going to continue this segment in a moment. our political panel sticks around for this. will president obama have to break another promise? this one on tax cuts. then she says mexican pirates killed her husband on a lake along the texas-mexican border. >> they're not looking.
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>> steve: congress raced home from recess, putting aside a vote on president obama's tax plan 'til at least after the midterm elections. not even speaker nancy pelosi scheduled a vet before the recess. -- vote before the recess. with democratic leadership steering clear of the controversial issue before november, will president obama be able to fulfill his pledge of reversing bush tax cuts for wealthy americans? we're back with religion our
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panel. what do you think will happen here? >> first of all, i don't think the president is in charge of taxation. i think that comes from a suggestion by the house, goes to the senate and he signs the bill. before we start blaming him, that is it. reconciliation means we've got to do something right away because -- >> steve: we have to do something right away, and congress could have done something. they could have voted on it before the election, they said we're going to punt. >> okay, they didn't do that. >> steve: no, they didn't. >> in my belief, continue the tax cuts for the lower middle class and put a roll back on the upper class, over $250,000 a year and use that $30 billion to do something smart with because it won't go back into the economy if we -- >> steve: although the argument is, larry, that those are the people who hire the people and is during a recession the time to hire people? >> but they're not doing that.
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>> steve: is this the time to be doing an experiment? >> i think it's like 7% pay 89 to 90% of the taxes. i know i would hire more people if i thought i was going to get a tax break. i know this, and the truth and disclosure, art laugher is my favorite economist. it works every time you lower tax rates, tax revenues go up. so should not extend these tax cut social security preposterous >> steve: you're going to hire more people. another gatlin brother? >> would he dent have any that we know of. i almost had to tell my piano player, you know, i love you and i love the way you play, but the got lynn brothers can do this without you. i didn't because his wife just had a baby. >> steve: that's nice of you. roger, we'll give you the final word. >> i think the idea that extending these tax cuts for the rich is going to increase jobs
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is a pipe dream. i don't think that works. i think it would be a great idea to extend them for the middle class, but it seems to me that the democratic party is more worried about their wealthy contributors than they are about the american people. that's why they're punting. >> steve: maybe their jobs as well. they don't want to be on record as raising anybody's taxes. >> i think we should duke it out. >> steve: really? the two of you? duke away! guy, thank you very much. straight ahead, serious story, kidnapped girl is alive thanks to one driver who cut off a truck to stop a kidnapper. we're talking to that driver when we come back. then horrifying moments at the circus. a lion turns on its trainer while hundreds of people are watching. you got to see this. oh, my goodness! and hit the road, jack. a six foot wall of sludge
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>> caesar milan, the dog whisperer is criticizing president obama for not properly training his dog, beau. apparently he doesn't respond to simple commands like sit, stay, and fix the economy. he doesn't do any of that stuff. >> brian: thesear will be on our show on friday. >> steve: indeed he is. >> brian: you read his book. >> steve: caesar's rules. >> brian: in this one he trains animals. >> gretchen: let's do some headlines. the man known as the times square bomber will spend the rest of his life in prison now. he will have no chance of parole. during the sentencing, faisal
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shahzad went on a ten minute rant, claiming the defeat of the u.s. is imminent and he gave this chilling warning. brace yourselves, he said, because the war with muslims has just begun. consider me only a first droplet of the flood that will follow me. he's expected to serve out his sentence in a super max prison in colorado. that prison also home to failed shoe bomber richard reid and september 11 plotter mousavi. >> brian: i'm so glad we made him a citizen. this morning, the family of fallen soldier lance corporal matthew snyder taking on the controversial westborough baptist church. that church staged a protest at snyder's funeral and others. now snyder's father sued the church for invasion of privacy, but the church claims it's protected under the first amendment. they were picketing a burial happening right now at a church outside arlington national
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cemetery. robert baldwin is being laid to rest. he died last week in afghanistan. >> steve: take a look at this picture. that is not mud. it's sludge and it's toxic and it's burning through people's clothes. a six foot wall of disgusting brown slime swept through seven villages near budapest. it poured through after a chemical exploding pit exploded near a pig farm. four people are dead. three missing and more than 100 injured. some with broken bones. environmentalists worry now that the ooze will seep into the danube river and worse. >> brian: circus act goes wrong when the lions turn on the tamer. this gets as ugly as possible. american tourists were at the circus in the ukraine and caught it on camera. you can hear the crowd shrieking in terror. some of them only ten feet from the action. other performers spraying water on them, trying to scare them away. the tamer had to get emergency
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surgery, but believe it or not, he's okay. the mauling comes one month after a lion attacked his trainer in las vegas at the mgm grand. >> steve: that's the defense? a hose? >> brian: i know. >> gretchen: thankfully they had that. foreign doctors think a tough process becoming eligible to practice in the u.s., but they can still be of a big help in u.s. hospitals. joining us live from miami is orlando salinas to explain. what's the deal? >> this story is about a foreign trained doctors who migrated here to florida. these folks, men and women, took jobs working as waiters and waitresses, selling cars, cleaning house, any job they could find to start feeding their family. they have come here to florida. they gave up their jobs in the medical field and now they're doing something very different trying to get back into medicine. here you go. >> you don't think it's right.
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>> you're looking at a room full of foreign trained medical doctors, studying at florida university, part of the foreign educated physicians to nursing program, a one of a kind fast track, 18 month course that retrains foreign physicians to work as registered nurses. >> we have a lot of immigrants, recent immigrants to south florida who cannot get jobs. even though they were foreign educated physicians. >> practicing medicine in america means extensive retraining and retesting and that process takes years. but retraining a doctor to become a nurse takes only a fraction of that time. these former doctors receive free tuition if they agree to work for two years at a florida hospital. >> this is a dream come true for a lot of the students that are here. a lot of the students, whether they just arrived from other countries and don't have the economic opportunities to be able to go through a residency program. >> okay. this foreign doctors to nursing program costs about $13,500 for
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those 18 months. when the program first started, this bill was being footed by local hospitals who were putting the money in and they would have these nurses come into their hospital and contract to stay there for a while. but now since then, since 2006, the state chartered to put in money full time and now fiu has this program growing. interestingly enough, no other university, no one else in the country is doing this right now. guys. >> gretchen: all right. thank you for uncovering that for us and bringing us that report. good to see you. >> brian: i thought if you were a doctor in any nationality, there is a job for you. this is unbelievable. it's true. a truck driver saw the surveillance video of a pick up and a driver who allegedly snatched a little girl. then he saw that same pick up on the street. he took action. stopping the truck with his own truck, cutting him off. >> steve: victor perez's actions helped save an eight-year-old girl in california and joins us
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on the phone. good morning to you, victor. are you there? >> yes, i am. >> steve: i know you saw the amber alert. they were looking for the where abouts of that little girl. you heard the description of the truck. you then saw the truck, noticed that the truck was pulling out and then what did you do? >> i immediately told my cousin like for a brief moment, we were making sure that was the truck or not. but that wasn't really doing anything. i jumped in my truck and i said, call 911, i'm going after the truck. just to make sure that wasn't the truck. when i pulled over next to him, he seemed like a friendly guy. he took off again while we were talking. i chased him down again and on that second chase down, he confronted me. we exchanged words and the little girl showed her face and i said -- that's when i started not being nice and said that's not your little girl.
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>> brian: the way i understand it, when you first saw him, you didn't see the little girl and then you saw he was trying to push the girl down and then what did you do as you saw that there was a little girl there and your suspicions were on the money? >> my heart just started going 100. i said -- 'cause for a split second he did intimidate me with his loud voice. after that, it was all over because i knew there was a little girl that needed to be saved. >> gretchen: so you put your truck in front of his, and basically blocked him so that he could go no further and that little girl was able to get out of the truck. >> yeah. actually on the last time i blocked him, i was already off my truck to go confront him and he opened up the door to the passenger side and put the little girl off and he took off. he kept going and i just stood by with the girl. >> steve: how many times did you pull in front of his truck trying to stop him? >> four times. >> steve: and three times he just drove around you.
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>> yeah. >> steve: the fourth time he pushed her out? >> yeah. he knew i wasn't going to give up on her and i kept going until -- we didn't exchange words no more. it was just action after that. >> gretchen: let me ask you this, because unfortunately, this little girl had been assaulted. but now she is -- she's going to be back home with her family. what is it about you, victor, that made you do this, because we live in an era and time where people simply just don't do this kind of stuff anymore. they don't stop to help. they think somebody else will do it or they just don't care. what is it about you? >> i have children of my own and i have nieces and nephews that i live with and unfortunately, i don't live with my two boys, but they're here in fresno and i just have that in mind. they go to school also and they also hang around with their friends after school. it's here every day i see kids hanging around and it was too close to home for me not to do anything about it. >> brian: this guy has a record, domestic abuse. >> steve: he's in a gang really.
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>> brian: yeah, in a gang. so you got a guy that could potentially have been dangerous. but this girl is now free today. how soon 'til the cops came? >> they were pretty fast because they were out patrolling the area. they were out strong that night. i'd say must have taken two minutes if not less to get there. >> steve: and victor, i understand you told a reporter, quote, i thank god he put me here to help that little girl. that's for sure. >> yeah. those were my words. i do thank god because i'm a construction worker by trade and i happened to be picking grapes and that day i wasn't. so i stayed home. >> steve: you were in the right place at the right time. >> gretchen: what did the police say to you after you did what you did? >> at first they were just asking me which way did he go? but they were like so, like, happy to see the little girl
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alive. there she was. as reward for them and for me that she was okay. >> brian: the girl, we understand, is shaken up understandably, but at least she's okay and back with her family. victor, thank you so much. you're a true hero. >> thank you, thank you. you guys are welcome. >> steve: a big job. would you do the same thing if put in that situation? you saw the truck, would you try to cut him off four times? how many people would actually jump up and do that these days? >> brian: i like to think mast of us are watching and sitting and working the cameras and in the control room. amber alerts work. >> steve: absolutely. they got the video out quickly. >> gretchen: it was a distinctive truck. it had the white stripe. so he was on top of it, but so many people don't step up and do stuff these days. they just don't. so the idea that victor did it, he's the hero today. >> brian: meanwhile, coming up, as we finish up this show, she says mexican pirates gunned down her husband on a lake on the texas border.
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yesterday on here on "fox & friends," she begged for help. >> they're not looking. they're not looking for him and that's what's frustrating because we can't go over there and look for him. we need them to do it. >> brian: can the governor of texas help? governor rick perry here live next. >> steve: then studies show american kids are falling behind in math and science, but the amazing student you're about to meet is shining the light on a job well done. you'll meet him straight ahead.
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>> gretchen: she says mexican pirates shot her husband while they were jet skiing on a lake along the texas-mexico border. his body has not been found and yesterday on our show his wife pleaded for help to find him. >> we need the mexican government, we need the president. we need all of them to just let us come and recover my husband's body so we can give him the proper burial. of course, we're asking president obama. we're asking hillary clinton. we're asking all the governors and senators, whoever they need to call, to make this happen, we need to make it happen. >> gretchen: all right. >> we just want his body back. that's all we want. >> gretchen: so is texas doing anything to help in the search? texas governor rick perry joins me now. good morning to you, governor. >> gretchen. >> gretchen: you heard these
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heartfelt pleas from this woman who says she was with her husband and that he was shot in the head by mexican pirates on this lake while they were jet skiing. what can texas do to help her? >> we've got all of our resources that we can along the border and i was on the phone last night to the sheriff of zapata and he's in contact with the mexican authorities as well. i called the foreign secretary, the acting foreign secretary last night, and we had a lengthy conversation about what mexico needs to be doing. getting their resources in place to find mr. hartley's body. this is a tragedy. it is a result of many years of disregard for the people along that border and the security of the border. we've been telling this administration and administrations before for years that there is not enough support, there is not enough boots on the ground. there is not enough technology
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in place, aviation assets to protect the citizens of the united states and mexico for that matter. and now we're beginning to see concrete evidence of that failure to secure the border when american citizens, innocent american citizen who was down there strictly on a historical trip to take a picture of the old church is murdered on lake falcon just a week ago. we had two americans who were killed, assassination style, the northern part of hidalgo county. there are places along the border that is out of control. i don't know how many more americans have to lose their lives before the federal government steps in and sends the troops. we've had 1,000 national guard request in for almost 20 months now. >> gretchen: just to put the numbers to what you're talking about, this is the fifth incident since april 30 that has involved this kind of violence. but what i'm interested in hearing you say, governor, is that you do not believe that
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this is a mexico corruption issue as much as you believe that it's a u.s. border issue. >> i think it's both. i think our federal government has failed to put the troops on the border to secure our border. we need to be working with mexico. listen, this is a binational problem. we need to be helping mexico fight these drug cartels. but the fact of the matter is, i think both governments failed and all too often, these drug cartels are the law along the border. >> gretchen: i want to get your thoughts on this. the mexican authorities are saying that this didn't happen. they're saying that this whole thing did not happen. do you give that credence or how do you come out on that? >> that's not what i heard from the acting foreign secretary last night. i think it's represencible. anyone who says anything other than this was pirates or just criminal element out on that lake that killed an innocent american, there is nothing there. we've asked all the right
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questions. our sheriff has asked the right questions. anyone who is trying to deflect off of what this actually is ought to be ashamed of themselves. >> gretchen: all right. you heard it from the governor there of texas, rick perry, hopefully you can help out tiffany hartly. thank you for being our guest. >> you're welcome. >> gretchen: coming up, studies show our kids are falling behind in math and science. you heard that before. right? but the amazing student you're about to meet, he's proven that wrong. he will show you the experiment that made him 50 grand richer. first, let's check in with martha macallum. >> we are all about this 2010 race in america's news room today. all the way through the big day really. coming up, we have shocking numbers on voter intensity this time around and what it really means for the democratic base and why pot may be the democrats' secret weapon in this election and beyond. i'll tell what you i'm talking about coming up when bill and i join you at the top of the hour.
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>> brian: the south currently ranked 48th in the world in terms of math and science and education from grade k through 12. that's embarrassing. thanks to cool contests like the discovery education 3 m young scientist challenge, science is making a comeback with kids. joining us, dr. woods, a scientist and judge for the challenge and liam is in ninth grade, the winner and newly named america's top young scientist. welcome. congratulations. >> thank you. >> brian: dr. tom, tell me where 3 m came up with this idea. >> as you know, science and technology is really the life blood of 3m, so we want to develop the next innovators and scientists to continue to innovate and drive our economy. so we partnered with discovery
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education to develop a program to encourage science education among middle school kids. >> brian: you want to be part of this. let's look at the experiment you put together that got you the victory. >> i developed a new wound closure system using some of the materials they sent me 3m kit. i used dual lock fasteners to develop a wound closure system, especially for deep cuts that would be easily repositioned without having to pull off the adhesive. >> brian: you have a better idea. here is the skin. there is the wound. tell us how you would solve that or did solve this problem, dr. tom, and what excited you about it. >> essentially this is a simulation. imagine this is an arm and the black is a cut. if you place my device on either side, like this, you can easily close the wound. this allows for much easier
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repositioning without always having to pull it off. >> brian: and if you have a cut in a sponge, it would also be effective. why did he win? >> in this and two others. but he took materials and used them in a unique way to solve a problem. >> brian: impress me again. tell me what you brought this tank for and why you're wearing the gloves. >> this is a big container of cooking oil. as you can see, when you take a piece of glass and put it into the cooking oil, it seems to almost disappear. this is because when light rays hit the cooking oil, it refracts the light and bends it. this glass refracts light at the same angle so it doesn't change direction when it hits the glass. so when i drop it in, essentially disappears. what you may not have noticed, that there is actually something else in the cooking oil. >> brian: oh, my goodness! i did not know it. >> you are a genius and you could be a magician. >> thank you. >> brian: so liam won and by him
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winning this contest with this wound idea, he gets $50,000 in u.s. savings bonds. right? >> and a trip to 3m to work with scientists, with real scientists in advancing new materials. >> brian: that will be cool. other kids want to get involved. >> they want to get on our web site and look up 3m young scientist challenge and look up for next year. >> brian: we'll be covering it. we like to meet winners like liam. thanks so much. congratulations to you. keep us in the loop. if i get a wound, i'm calling you. when we come back, a special treat in many ways. hooters here.
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right? >> we are. >> steve: all right. >> gretchen: which month are each of you? >> i am miss march. >> steve: you're miss march and jessica? >> i'm actually in the center fold. >> steve: and rachel? >> i'm on the cover. >> steve: you and brook and rachel are once on the front and the other is on the back. right? >> we're inside the calendar. >> steve: great day to have you because of course today is wednesday and that means wings wednesday. special deal on boneless wings? >> 5.99. >> brian: for people who order the wings, do you have to ask them if they can handle it? >> usually during the day, no. >> steve: what are they called? >> breaded or naked. that was a safe choice. >> gren:
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