tv Red Eye FOX News October 7, 2010 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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our way. on friday, one of the more emotional shows we've done on the "glenn beck program". welcome to "red eye." it is like don't forget the lyrics, if by lyrics you mean baby oil. now let's go to andy levy for a pre game report. what's coming up, old sport? >> thanks, old sport. a federal judge bans a key witness from testifying in the the first trial of a gitmo detainee. and the supreme court hears oral arguments in the baptist church case. we will investigate whether god hates oral arguments. and should guns be allowed in bars? some say no, but others say, come on, what could possibly go wrong? greg? >> thank you, andy. >> you beautiful, tyrant fiend, lamb? >> your means are slender and your waist is great, andy. >> i apologize for nothing. >> i hope your blue eyes melt.
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take care. let's welcome our first guest. it is a first timer, diane masado. she knows on lean news like i know shots of booze. and will cane. if fierce commentary were potatoes, he would be great in the sack. and bill schulz whose dumpster was just feature fed "better homes and dumpsters." and if cogent analysis was a dandelion i would blow him in a park. and he leads the nation in misinformation. good to see you, pinch. >> the new york times sports' department con grat lats roy halladay for the first no hitter for the first -- oh, we don't have a sports department anymore. the new york times housekeeping department con grat lats roy halladay in post season history since 1956. >> you are falling apart. >> i am.
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it is the trial that fills me with bile and makes terrorists smile. the civilian trial hit a huge road block wednesday when the judge ruled prosecutors could not call their most important witness. judge luis kaplan said because he fingered hussein habib only after they used harsh interrogation methods they cannot use habib as a witness. kaplan says "the constitution is the rock upon which our nation rests. we must follow it not only when it is convenient, but when fear and danger beck con in a different direction." jerk. eric holder says he is confident the justice department can still convict him who is allegedly a bomb maker, forger and aide to bin laden. he will be looking at the judge's ruling when he gets back from the cat ballet.
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>> not much of a ballet, if you ask me. i was sold a bill of goods on that video. you must be a -- being a former excia guy, you must be eccstatic. >> this is absolutely the right decision, thank god. and the constitution is the rock upon which we all rest our hopes and dreams. and so we should open up our hearts to individuals like gallani who, among other things, was responsible for the deaths of over 220 people, including 12 americans. what a load of crap. >> you so don't want to say crap, do you? >> i don't. but you and i have a pact. i will behave myself. you mentioned eric holder and you mentioned he is confident. actually, that's not what he said. after this ruling, after they have removed the fact they
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used as evidence this witness, and actually what holder said was i think it is too early to say at this point that the gallani matter is not going to be successful. this is going south quickly. and interestingly enough, and then i will stop banging on about this. >> please. >> thank you. well, the funny thing is, will and i are on the same page. we found that out in the green room when i almost pulled his lungs out from his throat. we just had the life sentence handed down to shahzad, you know, the times square bomber. and now we have this goat rope going on with gallani in, no. because of the life sentence handed down to shahzad, the administration says, see, this is proof that it is a good idea to do the civilian trials. they are comparing shahzad, arrested in the states, to gallani. >> it is like apples and oranges. terrorist apples and terrorist oranges. it works with anything.
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are they doing the right thing? that shows why civilian courts suck, right? >> exactly right. my point was spot on. this was supposed to be a showcase for how our showcase could hold enemy combatants. and now it shows they cannot handle it. they brought this dude from tanzania and gave him all of the constitutional rights of an american citizen. and, what? the trial turned into a big fail. >> diane, should we kill everybody? >> yes fnlt. >> i'm glad you see things the way i do. >> am i done now? >> what do you think? >> i can understand not wanting to allow a confession issued under duress, because maybe they did it to stop the interrogation. but i i will go out on a limb that if someone names someone that sold them a bomb and then that person admits to sold the bomb. it is safe to say the guy bought a bomb. >> if he pulled that name out of a hat. >> and we don't use handguns
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to knee caps. >> even if that happened i would be okay. >> i just want to be clear for the record. >> the point is this guy admitted to having sold the bomb. this is not one of those, i'm getting my boyfriend back by saying he was a bomb dealer. >> who would do that? >> he said he would testify to it, so let him. >> i was more interested in the idea of implicating a boyfriend. >> i am just saying in this case that's not what happened. >> what's his name and where does he live? >> mike will take care of him. if you see him again it will be in eight different bags. >> as an officianado which you write about, what do you make of this? >> my harsh interrogation log is misspelled, so i will give you the spelling so you can log on. i would say civilian courts suck not only for terrorists, but trumped up drug charges. i think a lot of times people
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will accidentally have something on their person and the civilian court will go out of their way to make sure that person goes to jail. they are just trying to bring some fun to a late-night talk show. i will go to you on this one. my question is, what is the worst case scenario here? if this gets thrown out, it is not like he is going to walk free, is he? >> i wouldn't be so sure. the problem is we are dealing with a lot of unknowns. part of it is -- it is a difficult issue. the question is, what do you do with these guys? >> it involves a hot tub. >> okay, we can't hold them somewhere forever. but we have a facility to do this. we can go through the best effort we've got which is a military commission. we have the facility in guantanamo. use it because the world is not perfect. >> i want to show you a clip. let's make up his name. >> this case will be tried
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upon lawful evidence, not torture, not coercion. for our system of justice to work, the 5th amendment must apply to achmed gallani. >> that was his attorney. i only bring this up because this guy would be an awesome lawyer in a movie because in a movie you can say things like that, and it actually means something. like, "we're doing the right thing." in the real world people die because of a movie mentality. am i right, bill? >> you are right. you are usually right. >> you are on the fast track to another appearance here, will. >> your original point was right. he should not be involved in the trial. the judge is not doing anything wrong. it should be in a military tribunal. >> you know what gets me mad, and then i will shut up and move on, we seed this would happen when we heard they were moving from a military to
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civilian court. holder said there is nothing to worry about. it is just like healthcare reform. nothing to worry about. nothing to worry about. and then we get screwed. >> it is too early to say there is nothing to worry about. but the other thing is, we should go out there right now on the street of new york city and find out how many people are aware that we are currently holding the trial of a terrorist in new york city. >> i think that is a strong word. >> hoo-ha. >> okay. i don't know what that is. from bombers to bigots. if a gravesite is disrespected, should free speech be protected? that's the problem facing the u.s. supreme court, a court who began hearing an appeal filed by the father of a u.s. marine whose funeral was hijacked by the west burrow dirt bags. the crap-spewing colt staged an anti-gay protest against matthew snyder's procession in 2006. with the message being that
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his and other troop deaths are related to the all mighty's disgust with our accentance of homosexuality. the snyder fam wants a million and the reverend want to hide behind the amendment. snyder had one and only one opportunity to bury his son, and the occasion has been tarnished forever. but freedom of speech is freedom of speech. on wednesday, west burrow spokesman held a conference and had this to say. >> he makes a point. it is a stupid point. >> bill, i am going to go to you. i have a theory here. when ever i watch west burrow, it is amazing performance art. they put a lot of earth --
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effort into the costumes and into the signs. they are gay. >> okay, i give you the costumes. you know they are gay. >> how many times does this show have to prove to someone so add meantly obsessed that others are doing it in their bedrooms they end up being gay every time. >> they sang an:00 pell law song on capitol hill. >> since you bring it up, it was a version of gravy train. let's play that. >> ♪ crying about your feelings ♪ for your sin ♪ no shame ♪ you're going straight to hell ♪ ♪ on your crazy train >> did they improve on the song, the original black sabath song? >> no. i want to go back to my theory. they are obsessed with pop culture. they covered a lady gaga song.
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they feel strongly they are homosexuals and they are gay people and feel guilty. >> i support the two butch lumber jacks' right to marry. usually you don't hear good voices coming from that side of the table. >> the question is -- i say this -- doing this stuff at a funeral is like shouting fire in a theater. it is inciting violence. you are not allowed to shout fire at a theater, why this? >> you are em powering empowering the respawn dents to what you have to say. >> can we do that to muslims? we are scared if we say something -- >> who is we? >> i am talking about bill. >> we shouldn't do that. that's the best point about this. what these dirt bags have to say is highly offensive, but that's why it is the perfect test to the first amendment. we cannot go around suing people fore mowingal distress. it opens a pandora's box for allowing the government.
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>> that that reminds me. i want to open a store called pandora's box. i want to say, this weekend we are opening pandora's box. >> i think it would be a better bar for those two ladies. welcome to pandora's box, ladies. >> if repugnant speech can be freedom of speech, why can't beating the crap out of them be performance art? >> you could probably actually do that and find somebody, maybe gallani's lawyer who would defend you. >> yeah, artists crap in cans and sell it as art. why not punch them in the face? >> i can't imagine the horror ofingving these people show up at your son's funeral, but as painful as it is, i have to agree with will on this of the this is why we have the first amendment. i don't think the founding fathers ever considered that we would have psychos like this out there carrying on.
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but what do you do? you can't fight this. >> i want to get back to you making fun of my crap cans. bill bought a six-pack and they ines crewed in value. as far as -- and they increased in value. but keep them refrigerated. >> do you think we have to protect these people? okay, personally, they showed up at a funeral of relative -- >> say your ex-boyfriend. >> let's just get it out there. you go to the funeral and these people are showing up. ett let me ask you -- let me ask you this, they would never show up at like a mofia funeral. they would die. >> why are you saying that to diane? how dare you? >> are you italian? i. >> no. >> what do you think? i don't even know what the question was. >> i can answer you anyway. i don't know. at some point, i don't know where the line is drawn
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between protest and harassment. it seems like harassment. when you are shouting things at somebody's funeral and holding up a sign that says "god hates you" and i think that's harassment especially when it is based on sexual has ras meant. even if you protest being gay, military funerals, don't they have a lady gaga concert to go to. >> it is cowardess on their part. any other situation, if you use the word "fag" or discrimination -- that's sexual harassment. but at a funeral, you can't sexual harass? why is that? bill, you sexually harass people at funerals all the time. >> that's why i am not invited back. >> why hasn't been there an effort to go after these people the same way they are going after the funerals? why is there not a 24-hour campaign right outside their residences. >> there are counter protests at the funerals where people show up and they are scared away by other demonstrators.
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>> i have been following them. >> by the way, that's what your question to diane was. what would you do? and it should be handled privately. they are not a dime a dozen. they are flakes and they can handled. >> one of the thing the judges said is they have a right for an injunction against people. i wonder how legal that is. i don't think it is as easy as the judges made it sound. >> cane tell you something weird. i like ponies. no, i got a letter a year ago. it was a press letter that was well written telling me they had tapes available to show them. they were like almost as though they were selling a new book or any kind of product. they were completely blind as to what they were doing except they wanted press. i really do believe there is a performance art aspect. these people are scamers. they are into it for the -- >> you are giving them the exact press they need.
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they are gay. >> i think the -- say it now. they are a gay organization. that's what it is. >> even the psychos can be somewhat sophisticated. you see it on the street. just the average person can carry an interview. 10 years ago it wouldn't happen. >> you are talking about john stocil? >> you think, oh my god, they are complete nut bags. but they have a level of sophistication about carrying out this incredible hateful campaign. i say the same thing. i would be happy to help support a rally that basically would never end until these people go away. it would follow them around and make their lives miserable. carrying out the same first amendment right. >> just shame them and then never talk about them again. so, vanilla, chocolate or strawberry? bill schulz discusses his favorite in flavored condoms.
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jaw droppingly incompetent and mean woman. >> hilarious. how odd is it a man who paid thousands to den gnaw grate women took pleasure in other den gnaw grating others. not to be outdone the next day , the perverse oliver stone waddled on to the same show and called palin a more ron comparing -- a moron and comparing them to the kkk, and not in a good way. >> she is a moron in my opinion, and she doesn't say anything. she is very colorful. but you give her more and more power. she is an andy griffith character. >> let's not make a movie of her right now. >> as we look back, it is a very unusual phenomenon she entered the political stage. >> american history is all over the place. you find candidates coming in, ignorant people who run for office and they win. the ku klux klan was marching 100,000 on the streets of
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washington, d.c. in 1923 to astounding success. >> so, yeah, i think there is a theme here. get a famous lib on and ask, what do you think of sarah palin and then chuckle like a lemur. i came up with a game. just match a lefty guest to a predictable palin insult. he would add, she is a thick-skulled skipilton. susan saw ran dan candice miss her as a nazi and nice breasts. this can go on for years. and with cnn doing a shot on bullying, his hipocritical. rip away. as long as they are laughing, who cares? meanwhile, "red eye" a show at 3:00 with no billboards and no ads beats them in the key demo. imagine how we do it if we took our socks off. if you disagree, it is a
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face-o-phobe. that's a fear of sitting. >> that's what you have. >> i know. >> there are so many shows and now we figured it out. >> when i was six years old i was at the zoo and sat on a hipo and it went like that. >> right on hi lap. >> diane, do you sense a woman-hating vibe there? >> i don't think it is a woman in general. >> palin? >> yeah, i think they hate palin. they don't like how she came on to the scene and don't like her message. the only way to put her down is calling her an idiot. it would be better if they attacked her policies, but they choose to name call. that's fine. >> you were on the premiere show, right? >> i was. do you think they will get tired of the new schtick. >> i think bagging on palin is weak. i am not offended if you call
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palin an idiot and moron. but if you don't back it up, it is offensive. and they can't back it up. if you name call for the sake of name calling, that's weak. if you name call and then tell me why, it is clear. >> i think stone had an extra amount of grecian formula in his mustache and eyebrows. >> when you look at that picture, it looked like he was becoming a dictator in a third world country. >> slowly more ofing -- morphing. >> bill, their demos are not great, but they are just starting out. do they need a talking paper or a repulsive sidekick? >> i hope not. hollywood hates palin. palin hates hollywood. i am glad we are much more even handed. my problem with the show is the name in and of itself. , paer spitzer sounds like a dirty euphemism to me.
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i hear that and i am thinking late-night sin gnaw max. -- cinemax. >> i love the way the guests walk into the show. they always come off -- they come in and sit down. i love that. >> you are doing a show. have them seated because the people at home, they don't need to wait for the guests to come in. it is idiotic. >> you were on the show. parker and spitzer, did they seem to sit close together? maybe it was the an -- angle. he was rubbing something. >> you can't get parker spitzer. >> we must move on. do you have a comment on the show? i bet you do. e-mail us. it is red eye at fox news .com. and it is so simple it will make your head throw up. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy liberal.
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asleep with your earphones listening to pink floyd, didn't you? >> perhaps. >> you have to stop doing that. >> i know, i know. i woke up in an alley. >> and the geese were running away with the pixie. >> nice story. >> mike, you said gillani is responsible for the death of over 220 americans. >> yes, 224 and 12 were americans. >> allegedly. >> yeah, allegedly. let's go with that, why not? he will be walking the streets. >> and you said you hate the judge's ruling, but he said everything could have been coerced. but i didn't know the judge had any choice but to rule as he did as will .ed out. >> i am not arguing with the judge. the judge made the decision he was supposed to make. what i am arguing with, it is complete crap they are holding it in a civilian court. >> is the cia, they are not
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authorized to read miranda rights, or are they? >> no. and they tried to get -- never mind, i don't want to go off on a tangent. >> i didn't know the answer. >> don't get me started. >> okay. diane, i'm glad the first thing you ever said on "red eye" was agreeing to kill everyone. so far, so good. and i am glad i am not one of your ex-boyfriends. greg, i thought it was rude of gillani's lawyer to interrupt you the way he did. >> i know. he didn't allow me time to introduce him. >> not cool. >> they ask that you not use the world hullabalu. >> did they provide any substitutes? >> no. >> they said you could use hubub. >> depending on the context it is acceptable. >> okay. i am making notes. >> you can't call someone a hubbub. supreme court hears oral arguments in the baptist church. the gay community called and
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they don't want the phelps. >> that's homophobic. you have to have the phelps. >> it is phelps uh phobic. >> they are gay not that anything is wrong with that. >> and they will accept olympic swimmer michael phelps. but only if he is dressed while playing. >> you said the church is legally restricting their speech. and i agree. i think the court will agree too. the first amendment expert points out that the court ruled in my favorite case, by the way. >> mine too. >> an outrageousness standard has a refusal for damages to be rewarded because it may have an adverse reaction to the audience. >> that was long, andy. >> i know. and i don't know what it means. basically it means because your speech is outrageous, it doesn't mean it is not protected by the first
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amendment. i don't know why the court couldn't say that and not the crap i just read. >> it is not the fact that the speech is outrageous. it is where the speech is. it is the right of privacy. >> i believe the funeral in question was in public cemeteries where the phelps was on public land. >> yes, that's correct. >> so you can't restrict them on public land, i don't think. >> you can get your mofia relatives after them. >> again, not a bad idea. >> mike, you asked why there hasn't been a counter effort aimed at the church. i think it is because nobody wants to give them the publicity except us. >> they are not going to go away. it is like fraud sisters and scamers. they are not going away. they keep doing what they do. they won't go away until somebody makes their life as miserable as they make other. >> i can't imagine they make anybody's lives more miz believe rai. these are literally the most
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miserable people. >> i tell you, the worst thing they have done so far is mutilate "crazy train." >> greg-alogue. greg, you refer to storkin as a coke head, but in 2001 he was busted at the burbank airport while carrying shrooms, marijuana and crack in his bag. >> i am beginning to like this guy. >> although people -- have i to say people smoke glass pipes, guys. they shouldn't throw rocks. >> you said name calling for the same of name calling is incredibly weak. you are an idiot. >> you need to back that up, andy. >> i don't, though. and bill, greg asked if you think parker spitzer needs a sidekick and you said you are happy here. do you want to tell him? >> this doesn't seem appropriate for on air.
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>> you are right. it will be of a the show. >> i assume it is positive then. >> i am done. is a shot and a beer something to fear? it is becoming a part of every day life. fans with guns are on a run as more states allow firearms in bars including tennessee, arizona, georgia and virginia. in other words, obama country. in 18 other state, they can serve booze. for a list of the state, stick your and in a toaster. guns and booze don't mix. and it opens the door to trouble. one tennessee law i can maker notes carrying guns in a bar was never the law's intention. it allows them to defend themselves while walking to and from the establishment. and gun permit owners are not supposed to drink while armed.
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>> that just smells like oscar, my dead uncle. >> if you could carry a gun everywhere, you would. i know that. correct? >> i probably would. that's the hard part look at this dress. you have the pocket. girls have a purse. but if you lose the purse, you are screwed. >> that's true. mike, guns in bars, good or bad? >> you know, this is a difficult one. i got myself one hell of an arsonal at home. they are carrying concealed weapons. it is an amazing responsibility. >> and an awesome one. >> but, you know what, i don't think it is a good idea and
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those serious about carrying the weapons, the majority would agree with me. it would force the issue. >> what if you leave it in the car? >> i will be right back. >> you know when you go to a gun range. you lock your guns. why don't you do that at the bar? you have a lock to keep your guns. >> it is like the wild west again. hang your guns as you come in. >> you have to not be drunk enough to take someone else's. i love the idea, but the critics say it will create an unsafe environment. >> this is pushing my libertarian conservative principals. guns and alcohol do not mix. but it is not just guns and alcoholics. bars are chalk full of testosterone. normally i am a high, how are you guy?
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i have been to the bar with this guy once and this guy once -- >> thanks for calling me back. >> the bar you went to coobt have had testosterone. >> well, it was on the floor. >> men are imbeciles when they drink. the drink in hand makes the situation worse. >> i turn into a britishman. >> the bartender can never cut anyone off again. >> the only thing worse than a drunk guy with a gun is a drunk woman with a screechy voice. do you ever get that? they start laughing really loud. >> i thought you were talking about me. >> no, not you. you know women when laughing at the bar? >> sometimes i wish i had a gun. >> or the woman will look at you and say, is that all you carry? >> as one who have been in a couple bar fights in my day, there was one thing worst and that would be a bar gun fight. if everyone is packing it is a blood bath. >> before we go to a break, i believe you should allow guns
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in bars. i think it makes people civil. people's behavior changes when they think somebody is armed. guns don't start trouble. they only stop it. >> but not when they are with jack daniels. >> i don't have a gun, but i am a libertarian. i don't want it guming up my kitchen. i am all about the fire power, but, yeah, this is not good. >> it doesn't have anything to do with the government. it is a private enterprise. i can't bring a backpack into yankee stadium even though there is nothing illegal in it. >> oh yes there is. >> it will just make the baseball game better, but i am not allowed to bring that in. i shouldn't be allowed to bring my gun to a bar as well. i don't think the government has anything to do with it. >> i don't want the government in my kitchen. >> i don't have a kitchen. why do you rub that in.
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became world famous for a disgusting habit. and it was not flaming poop. i speak of charlie the chimp who was known for his adorable addiction to cigarettes. he died at a zoo in the south african zoo. he lived ten years longer than the average chimp. naturally we need to delve deep into the story, aka stories we sort of like, but not enough to include earlier in the show. but still wanted to talk about. so let's really quickly do them now.
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saddest day ever for you? >> up there. >> but chimps and eek shoulding and drink ring cliche. >> why do you think animals don't smoke? >> thank god they don't drink, smoke and carry guns. they don't have the opportunity nor the money. >> i think that's wrong. i think it is wrong. >> what are your plans to mourn charlie's death? there is one way, to light up the cigarette. as a fellow primate, will it make you smoke more? >> i am for chimps smoking because it stops them from ripping our faces off and then chewing off our hands. they are the worst pry mates ever. >> next topic. james franco is on the cover of candy magazine this month. it is the first fashion magazine celebrating transvestitism, sexuality, cross dressing and so on. to you first, why does franco
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try so hard to be weird? >> his acting job is not doing so well. >> mike, what are your thoughts on james franco? >> thank you for not reading that question. >> who is james franco? >> i don't know who he is. >> he is an actor who is good looking and feels because he is good looking he has to act weird. he does this weird stuff to playoff the fact that he's gorgeous. >> i don't think he is that good looking. >> jarod leto is not that good looking either. >> >> what do you make of this? >> he is not hot. >> obviously they have the corner on drag queen markets. >> i have read that in drag queen marketing. >> as a sequential huh maf raw dite, does it make you want to dress differently? >> i like james franco, but i love jenni franco. next topic, excnn anchor rick sanchez read a statement
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saying it should not have been narrow minded. i apologize to anyone i offended. is this lack luster? >> no, but it was stupid. >> he didn't uhologize for being wrong. why not just admit i am an idiot? >> can i admit i didn't know what he just said? >> he said -- paraphrasing, jews run the media. >> enough said. >> so you agree wholeheartedly? >> that's not what i meant. >> mike baker is going, another in my late night group. >> diane, he said cnn and him parted ways. that's not true. >> that can't possibly be true. i think it is a man thing maybe. you never like to admit you are wrong, and you never like to admit something was not your choice. >> i see a lot of an throp --
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misanthropy. >>? >> how dare you? >> bill, do you want to apologize to anything before we move on? >> no, but we touched on this last night. this guy is the cuban version of ron burgundy. we will hire kristina apple gate. >> what is going on with my mouth? >> actress susan saw dash sash sarandon reminded everyone why. people were coming up to me in the street saying, i cried and cried when i heard. were you one of the ones who were crying? >> yes, but forget that question. i have been on your show twice and we talked about susan sarandon twice. you told me you thought she was hot. >> yes. it was a 1983 film. what kind of person cries over such news?
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>> sad people with nothing better to do. >> susan was in bull durham. >> it is because i screwed up earlier, dye anne. it is because i am a man. >> you admitted you were wrong. >> i admitted i was wrong. do you look up to her? >> only because she is taller than i am. >> nicely done, purple. >> is that her new name, bill? >> i don't know. i like the dress. >> interesting enough, you are the winner because you are now dating tim robins. >> yes, i am. when you look at the advanced age and this is still a talented actor, yes, call me tim. we are taking a break. coming up, a new segent in featuring my mom. yeah, my mom.
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the big sex interview and they were successful after art and sex. okay, the men said they were at 75 -- i think 75% of the time they were very good. the women said of the men that it was only like 50% of the time. we don't really know the answer. so maybe we can find out, bye, bye. >> hello, this is your mother. i was just thinking about you and bill and andy. i would love to see you guys. it is so far away. and i wish you would get an earlier time. i fall asleep and get mad when i fall asleep about 10:30 or 11:00. i wish you were back in that old time of 11:00 which wasn't
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too bad. anyway, i was at leslie's and they said she is just a good friend. i thought what do people mean? well, maybe, greg, you can ask how you can be flu perfect if you are perfect? well, can he be plew perfect? honestly, i don't know. i thought it was kind of funny. it is only the plew perfect people. now, be good and give my love to the boys. i wish it were earlier in the evening. >> say hello. and ask your father friend,
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back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> it means more than perfect, pluw perfect. >> interesting. >> will, i heard you ran into the lobby the first time you were on the show. >> yes, after an earful of lust i ran into hoda. >> they talked and she knew who i was! >> diane, where can people find more of you at fox? >> fox news .com for articles, my video features and
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