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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  October 7, 2010 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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couple of minutes. martha: another fox news ahrefrt, hi everybody, i'm jenna lee, south to south bend, indiana where we're seeing most of the downtown area is evacuated. you're seeing some of the newest video we have from the area. this includes most of the downtown area, including the businesses there, the county city building, as well. our local affiliate, wsjv, is reporting this is because of a major gas line break. in fact firefighters say four major gas lines are involved and repairs could take all day long. you can see right there, firefighters on the scene, you have emergency crews on the scene as well, working to repair this leak. we are hearing of one minor health incident, that's what they're calling t. not an injury, but this is still a developing story. a lot could happen, we're going to continue to watch it, we have a team on location and we'll bring you more information as we get it. jon: amazing pictures there. nobody moving in that part of town, it looks like.
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hello once again, i'm jon sko*pb, along with jenna lee, we are here in the fox news room. happening now in the white house, brand new strategy emerging, this as the president hits the campaign trail to shore up the crucial election. jenna: and a real twist, what makes this different from all the others you've seen and why police need your help today. jon: a north korea nuclear threat and fears it's reached an extremely dangerous level. we'll tell where you this warning is coming from and why the u.s. is closely monitoring the situation: breaking news out of los angeles right now, harris is on the story at our breaking news desk. harris. >> reporter: in sherman oaks, california, the valley in the los angeles area, you won't believe what we're following now. police try to figure out which way a guy driving a black honda went. this is a rite aid store and police say two suspects were
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wearing police jackets when they walked into this pharmacy and may have kid nam a farm pharmaceutical salesman, the suspects, driving a black honda. it looks fairly quiet because the action is some place away from here. they're trying to figure out which end of the parking lot this black honda left. the corner of fuller in sherman oaks, california. jon: keep an eye on it, thanks. jenna: as we continue with a fox news alert, inside the a shrine, we're hearing initially that ten people are dead. sid caiffe is on the phone. what do we know? >> we have received information that 50 people have been injured in this twin blast which took place about 45 minutes back. this blast happened at a shrine of abdullah shah
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hazii, a mystical form of islam. these blasts occurred close to the president's house which is called a lallal house, about 1 mile away and close to the sea south in karachi. this blast has hallmarks of the taliban which has previously attacks shrines in lahor in pakistan in which 30 were killed and over 100 injured. we don't have information now if these were suicide blasts or remote controlled detonations but we'll be getting it shortly. jenna: we're working on getting pictures into this newsroom. as soon as we get it, we'll share it about our viewers. sid caiffe, thank you very much. jon: a nightmare scenario for the u.s. banking system and the national economy, a foreclosure freeze in some two dozen states threatens
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to spread, fueled by judges who are stepping n. ruling that lenders have no right to toss homeowners to the curb without the proper paperwork, this as the justice department starts to look into the foreclosure mess. top democrats on capitol hill say they want hearings and mortgage rates just hit record lows. nice, if you can find a bank to actually lend you the money to buy a hoefplt james rosen is live in washington with more for us. bring us up to date, james, on the latest information. i know this story is changing every second. >> reporter: yes, and it's reminiscent of the s & l scandal of the 1980s. possibly tens of thousands of foreclosures here, cases where people were actually econvicted -- evicted from their homes appear to be -- to have been carried out on flawed documents, it will take years to sort it out and have investigations in all 50 states. connecticut, delaware, florida, maryland, massachusetts, north carolina, ohio, texas, officials have all called on
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various combinations of the -- on j.p. morgan, bank of america, although i'd and wells fargo to take action, j.p. morgan, banc of america and although i'd have responded by halting foreclosures in 23 states. >> president obama formed the financial fraud enforcement task force to look at all mortgage fraud. there is a mortgage fraud component of that body, we are aware of the charges that have surfaced in the newspapers in the last couple of days and are look at them. i really can't say much more than that, though. >> reporter: william burnett, president of the virginia association of mortgage brokers told fox news this will have enormous repercussions with real force, shutting down businesses and collateral damage to privilegeral industries like the home improvement sector, jon. jon: what about the people who represent us in congress, james, anything on capitol hill doing anything about this? >> so far, jon, it's been
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the states attorneys general who have taken the lead but as general holder commented, federal officials are springing into action, mindful of the effect that is a scandal like this could have an next month's elections. more than 30 members from california, one of the states hardest hit by foreclosures and led by speaker nancy pelosi and zoe laughlin have to holder and the -- and the federal reserve and the currency which regulates banks calling for intervention. laughlin said tuesday it appears the problem is part of a pattern in the mortgage industry, not just a series of isolated incidents. robert menendez, who chairs a key committee on housing issues and al franken of minnesota have asked the investigative arm of the congress, the government accountability office, to examine whether the federal regulators that oversee mortgage companies were asleep at the switch or worse. one final note, some bank executives have already come out and admitted they signed
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these documents without reading them. jon: unbelievable, thank you, james. a little later on in "happening now" jenna is going to be talking to a couple of experts on this huge wrinkle in the housing cry circumstances what it means for for your friends, family, neighbors. send questions to us at happening now, or post them on our blog, fox now. jenna: certainly a big story there. we have another one in politics. a democratic think tank says to president -- for president obama, his agenda appeals to librates and the party needs moderates in the mid terms. let's head to maryland where the president is due to arrive in a few hours. wend el goler is already there. >> the president is rallies students at boey state
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university, an historically black college outside washington, d.c. it's the second time the president has tried to fire up the youth vote. earlier he was at the university of wisconsin. he was here campaigning for mark o'malley and this is about as good as it gets for the president. o'malley welcomes his support and maryland gives mr. obama a 60 percent job approval rating. now, late last month, o'malley attend the white house for the signing of a small business jobs bill. he leads his republican challenge by 11 points, 52-41, robert erlick, the former governor of maryland, and among black voters, that margin is 83 percent-9 percent. the two maryland suburbs of washington, montgomery, prince georges county, hugely supportive of both the president and martin o'malley and afl-cio leader, promise to deliver those suburbs and said the rest of the state, in his words, can
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do what it wants. jenna: wendell, it's important to point out it depends on which region of the country we're really look at here for what kind of competition the president and the democrats face, right? >> you're absolutely right. the president's appeal to liberals, unlikely to have as much impact on other elections as it is here in the maryland suburbs of washington. he'll have to pull in more moderates and independents for democrats to win. a group called the third way says that the number of people identifying themselves as liberals has fallen so much since the 2008 election that statistically, liberals are simply unable to deliver election toss democrats as much as they could in the past. here's a bit of what ann kim had to say: >> they both make up the smallest this year of the electorate, they've been around 20, 22 percent of the electorate. mathematical, you don't win elections with 20 percent of the voting applicable.
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>> reporter: anne kim says the number of people identifying themselves as conservatives has grown so much since 2008 that they need a much smaller percentage of moderates and dependents to actually win elections. jenna: it's hearing to -- interesting to hear that breakdown. wendell goler, thank you very much for us today. for us tphao*bgs -- fox news is your headquarters for all political platforms. log on to check out the politics, correspondets like w*ebdel, for example, always posting the latest information you need at jon: back to that breaking news story in south bend, indiana. harris is on it from the breaking news desk. >> reporter: we're getting word that several hundred people were asked to leave the offices in the downtown area of south bend earlier this morning, and it hasn't been all that long that they've had to basically make a run for it, this could be a very dangerous situation when you have a
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high pressure gas line that breaks in the middle of a city, and that's exactly what's happened. so there's a 4-block-square area where they've evacuated, they're rerouteing rush hour traffic. you mentioned earlier as we opened our newscast here that this was a mess. it's a dangerous mess, and they are working very, very fast, the northern indiana public service company to try to get a cap on this high pressure gas line that was hit bay worker who was working on a street project this morning. back to you guys. jon: we all remember what happened in san bruno, california, that's why they're treating this with such an abundance of caution. harris, we'll check in with you in a bit. jen yuen this into fox news, we have brand new video from miami, florida where we're seeing incredible flooding there. we'll bring you that as soon as we get it. there it is there, you can see been the street. you don't see any rain, obviously, but there's an lot six -- a lot of tough weather, high tides, helping this out and not in a good way. janice dean says even if you
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see 2 inches of water, you're not supposed to drive through it. jon: you can get washed off the road in some of these culverts. that's not such a problem in miami where things are flat but you can certainly stall out an engine when you go through that deep water. never a good thing to do. jenna: we'll continue to watch the video out of miami and in the meantime, to other news as well. jon: bad guys on the run, a high-speed place chase, this one in central florida but it doesn't end the way most car chases do. we'll tell you why, after the break.
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jon: is man hunt is on right now in central florida for two guy necessary a stolen white infiniti, this is dash cam footage, there is the car, you can see it there. lots of dramatic car chases have run on this channel and most of the time cops wind up catching the bad guy but this high speed chase lasted through two counties, near orlando, and the suspect got
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away. joining us now, lieutenant john harrell with the lake county sheriff's oeufplt how did you get on to them in the first place? >> well, our agency had received a call regarding a burglary in progress in our county, and as deputies responded to the area, they met the suspects coming out of the subdivision where the victim lived and at that point they attempted to pull the vehicle over, it stopped briefly when it was met with another oncoming deputy and at that point as you can see on the dash cam video they put it in reverse, slammed or deputy and the chase was on at that point. >> they had an infiniti and your patrol cars couldn't keep up, huh? >> that's exactly right. as can you tell, they were faster than we were and we had stops laid out, did everything we could to stop them. because of the fact it was a violent crime they were committing, they were trying to get into a house that was occupied and we did everything we could to stop them but they were able to
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avoid the stop sticks and they were able to step it up a notch. jon: spike sticks that what you put down to blow up the tires. you found the car? >> it was recovered in orange county, and the detectives are aware of that and what we're trying to do is get the word out to everyone in central florida to see if anyone may recognize them or be familiar with them and get their identity to us so we can get them in custody and off the streets. detectives have been looking at a number of burglary necessary our county and it really looks as though they're connected to several burglaries. so we're hoping to get them identified and in jail. jon: we've got the tipline on our screen: this was a stolen car, correct? >> that's correct. we're hope to go process this, hopefully -- it was recovered in orange county, stolen out of another neighboring county, these
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guys are definitely violent offenders, appear to be habitual offenders, they are involved in several crimes and quite possibly throughout the central florida area. jon: we thank you for the information and our viewers will be on the lookout for these two and we appreciate it. >> thank you. jenna: want to bring you brand new video that we've seen from the terrible storm damage that happened in arizona yesterday when the strange tornadoes touched down in the area of belmont. we're getting some of these local pictures, not exactly sure what area this is around, but the worst damage from the tornadoes was bell phofpblt and there were about 15 homes so badly damaged there, again, very unusual for this area to have these type of twisters touch down very early in the morning yesterday and you can see the damage is profound. you had, again, about 15 homes being damaged, multiple families being evacuated, there were even reports of a freight train kind of being derailed because of the storm and several rvs damaged, but you
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can see on our screen right now, a lot of the damage is among the forestry there, but just very wild weather happening around this country and we'll continue to watch as we get new video in from arizona today. the foreclosure crisis, how it can swamp america's banking system and economy and what this means for your family, your home, your wallet. we put the question to our panel of financial experts next and we're going to be asking your -- answering your questions now. e-mail us, happening now, fox news dom -- or on our blog. even in the best economic times, not a lot of folks would be in the market for this. check out that. that's pretty! we're going to show you everything about this enormous pink diamond. it's going on the auction block today. how much is it worth? how much will it fetch? we have that ahead.
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jenna: the houses cryoo housing crisis is becoming more and more confusion every day. the banks, courts, trying to figure out who legally owns millions of foreclosed homes and whether they should have been foreclosed on in the first place. what does this mean for the housing market, your home, our financial system overall? drew kessler is, mark madison, and fox news contributor charles payne, ceo of wall street strategy ies and author of be smart, act fast and get rich. welcome, gentlemen. it's great to you have on this story, which is really a big one, charles. >> yes.
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jenna: what does this all of this mean, what we're hearing of reports of this mass confusion in the foreclosure market? >> well, it means that they're probably going to have to put the brakes ton and really go back to square one. let's not forget, a lot of this crisis came but they chopped up the markets -- mortgages, they were sold, resold and otherwise disbursed all over the place but recently it's the robo signings, where you have one person signing off on 10,000 foreclosure as week and of course we also had someone who admit that's they might have signed off on 8000 of them without reading them. so it's back to basics, and what it means is that it slows down the ultimate recovery of the housing market, and if you want to connect the dots, slows down the ultimate recovery of our economy. jenna: drew, you work in the mortgage market every day. or questions, they want to know what happens when you've been foreclosed on and when you've been foreclosed on and it's not legit, what happens?
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>> you're looking at a marriage class action lawsuit, you're going to have a lot of homeowners or would have been homeowners, now taking legal action to either refund the money they lost in the foreclosure or take steps necessary to possibly even get back into the house if it's vacant. this is opening up so many loopholes on situations that might not have been done properly. bottom line, when they took the mortgages out originally they acknowledged the fact that they're signing a note and paying back debt. for whatever circumstances, things happen, they didn't make the debt, they went into default and they lost the house. this might be an opportunity to jump back in or get monetary benefit for having these issues created. jenna: marks, you're anevidentor. does this send slivers -- shivers through the market in i'm seeing reports of a t.a.r.p.2, that's what we're going to need to get out of this second phase of the housing crisis. >> markets need two things to be effective and efficient, number one, ease of trade and number two,
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liquidity and all this minutia and confusion kills both. what it's going to do is slow down the real estate recovery to the extent that we even have one at all and it's also going to hurt investors. if i'm owning stocks in a bank it's going to slow down the ability for the bank to recoup their principal and if i'm trying to buy a home for its true value, this is going to art officially keep that price up and new homeowners are suffering. these people at the end of the day owe the money, they took the loan, they took the risk, no one likes to see anybody lose their home, but this isn't ultimately going to be good for anybody. jenna: but charles, the banks got taxpayer money, they got taxpayer money to help us through this crisis. they were supposed to work, even with the people that defaulted, and try to either keep them in their home or at least again stability to the market. they got billions of dollars. what happened to it? >> not only did they get billions of dollars but more billions were thrown in with things like the program which has been ought utter
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disaster that could have saved 4 million homes, maybe it might save 400,000 homes. i think banks should have tried harder, although we must say they have modified a lot of mortgages, but this might go to the heart of the matter, jen kwrarbgs that so many probably could not afford to be in those houses from the very beginning. jenna: drew, do we even know what a home is worth these days, do we have accurate knowledge of the value of real estate? >> you have to do comparables and see what's selling in the neighborhood. you can't go back a year, two years and use those prices. you have to go by what's recently sold. the past three months shows you what your house is worth. going back fort isn't realistic and going forward things should be stable simply based on value and we'll see where this foreclosure market shakes out. jenna: are we going to see more government intervention? >> that's the main scheme of this government we're in right now. the average closing for a
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foreclosure in florida, 573 days, that's over 19 months. that's plenty of time to get your house in order or unfortunately find a new one. jenna: real quick, charles, your thoughts on fixing this? >> it's going to be a mess because the government is getting involved and perhaps even the federal government so this pushing the can down the road to ultimately the bottom of the housing market being next year rather than this year. jenna: unbelievable, drew, mark, charles, thank you for working us through that, we appreciate it. this is a story we're going to follow closely. as you might imagine, this foreclosure mess is very political right now. don't forget, we're 26 days away from the midterm electricals and now we're hearing some politicians are pushing to halt all foreclosures nationwide. what that means not only for our economy or for politics as well. you can take our scientific poll. we're asking you about this. go to slash happening now, we'll check the results in the next hour of whether or not politicians halt all foreclosures, would that affect your vote in november.
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we want to hear from you. jon: a lot of foreclosures but somebody's got money. talk about a girl's best friend, maybe an investor's best friend, check out this rock, a 24 care at diamond could fetch up to $38 million. new york jeweler harry winston last sold the pricey gem to a collector but now it's on exhibit in hong kong. it will go up for auction in geneva. jenna, get your rid read -- bid ready. >> i like the ring i have, jon onand congratulations! a -- a tphaoeugs wide hunt for the bee killer, an unstable gunman has struck in two states, asking one of his victims about honey bees what police are doing to track him down before he strikes again.
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>> reporter: an amber ahraoert in the state of
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nevada. the pieces are just coming together. i'm harris faulkner at the breaking news desk. we have three beautiful boys, ages 10rbgs eight and six, this is caleb, the eldest, he's ten, dawson, eight, bishop, six, these little boys are mission and there's a good reason why there's an amber alert, they believe the custodial father or the noncustodial father has been and he has a very long history of abuse, violence in the home against the mother and these children. so they have issued an amber alert. they believe the dad may be head to go indiana and we've just gotten a license plate on this, they believe he may be driving a 1996 dark green chefo monte carlo, license plate iu4676. this is information coming in and as more comes i'll bring it to you. this is crossing the alert wires right now. back to you, jenna and jon. jon: harris, thank you. this fox news alert, police
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say there's been a shooting outside lynn city hall in the boston area, this video just coming now to our fox news room. you can see the police tape there, authorities confirm from the district attorney's office that there was a shooting, the detail eh item of lynn is reporting a witness saw a police officer being treated for a hand wound, but we do not know if that was -- if the police officer was the victim of the shooting or if this wound, his wound or her wound, is unrelated. lynn police are not talking about what happened so far, but again, this is just outside the courthouse, the essex county courthouse in lynn, massachusetts, the shooting that seems to in some way have involved a police officer, but the details are still sketchy, we're working ton and will get you more information as it becomes available. jenna: we've heard about companies like mcdonald's, for example, saying that they're going to have to drop some of their insurance, health insurance,
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to some of their employees because of health care reform and now we're hearing that some companies might actually get a waiver from the government so they don't have to follow the health care law. liz mcdonald can explain this to us. is that the case you get a waiver and don't need to adjust to the reform? >> that is the case. it would be bad thing if health insurers or companies started dropping benefits t. would be bad pr for the administration but that is what's happening. the business community is reacting, so are unions, by the way, jen kwrarbgs they're saying essentially that look, we can't afford the health reform bill as it stands now and the way it was structured, health reform, is the democrats front loaded a lot of what they thought would be the thing that consumers would like, uncapping the benefit amount, not allowing preexisting conditions for children to be dropped, having children up to age 26 on their adult parent's plan, but that's proving costly for businesses, costly for unions, so what happened, mcdonald's
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threatened to cut back on the mini-medical plan, jack in the box, cigna. jenna: we should point ut, mcdonald's, the health care they were offering was the -- was to the very basic employees, the ones on the front lines, flipping burgers and fries, the people that really needed some of the health care provided to them. when we talk about a waiver, though, for how long? is it a get out of jail free card? >> that's the key here. it's only for about a year or so. and who would have been affected by it, 968,000 workers would have faced, you know, increased benefits, it would have been great for them, but now because of these waives, they may see their health benefits hurt because of the waivers for a year or so. so is this working the way that the administration thought it would? it seems the business community is reacting, saying not so fast, not just yet. and also, the biggest beneficiary right now is the united federation of teachers here in new york city, a big union, they've
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gotten a lot of workers in that union who will now see the benefits not improving as much as they expected, because that union got a waiver from having to adhere to the new benefit rollout. jenna: that's incredible, what an interesting story. liz, thank you very much, appreciate it. jon, back over to you. jon: right now, a nationwide alert on for the gunman known as the honey bee killer because he reportedly asked one of his victims about honey bees before suddenly opening fire, apparently with no motive whatsoever. police say the suspect is mentally unstable, the shooting attacks across two states appear to be absolutely at random. in the first the gunman began shooting at a construction crew near be. cher, illinois, one worker, killed, another wounded, then about an hour later police say he struck again, shooting a man near lowell, indiana. joining us, pat berry at the will county sheriff's office. pat, what do you have to go on so far? >> well, jon, what we have
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is we're looking for a 1990 chevy, light in color, gray, with a very loud muffler, driven by a mail white, 5-foot eight to 6-foot, 230 pounds, brown hair, wearing a green wind breaker and light blue jeans, appeared to be unshaven, disheveled to a degree, and that's pretty much what we have now. this individual stopped at a construction site in a rural area where construction workers were rehabbing a burnt house, engaged in a conversation with the individuals, then ended upo. >> [inaudible] >> -- engaged in the conversation w. he then went
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into the house that was under construction, shot another individual, a 19-year-old, was able to get out of the house and run into a corn field and that's where a lot of this information came from. jon: so amazing that you have this kind of thing happening in the heart of the country. this so rarely happens there. but you feel he may be mentally unstable. could drugs be a problem here? >> you know, from what we can indicate, i would go more with mental instability, and not so much as the drugs. he engaged in a conversation with our victim in lowell, indiana, talking about honey bees, he seemed to have some knowledge of this, and after that conversation, he then shot a 64-year-old farmer. fortunately, he was able to survive, and he has been a real good source of information. jon: pat berry is a public information officer for the
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will county sheriff's department and the describing of that truck a '70s, probably late '70s or early '80s chevy cheyenne, light blue or gray, has a john deere plate on the front, that should be a very distinctive mark. if you see a vehicle like that in that part of the country, alert your authorities, this man is believed to be armed and very dangerous. jenna: we want to take our viewers back to lynn city hall in massachusetts. we've been following this story, a developing situation, and listen to what we just heard, because it is tough news to take. we have heard that a man was shot and a police officer is down, a 17-year veteran of the police department there was taken to the hospital. apparently what happened outside the city hall is this, there's a mentally disturbed man known in the city, that's known in this area, and he got in a fight with a police officer there right outside city hall and when that fight was taking place, the mentally disturbed man was able to actually pull the gun from the police officer and shot
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the officer in the head. and we're hearing that the officer did not survive that, or is being at least treated right now for a wound. it seems like the information that's coming in here is a little bit sparse. we're hearing one dead, but it's not quite certain which one has actually perished in this situation. we're hearing the police officer, a 17-year veteran of the department, was taken to the hospital, and that he was being treated for a hand wound, but that's from an eyewitness account, and anything you know about a developing situation, sometimes eyewitness accounts are not the most reliable. you can seeing this -- you are seeing this on your screen there, it looks like a body is recovered and we are hearing that one person is dead. we're going to continue to follow this story, bring you updates as we hear them. jon: there are new fears right now about the growing nuclear threat from north korea, this latest warning has the united nations -- has the united states very concerned. we'll tell you why. also happening now,
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cleaning up a huge mess after two twisters sit the -- hit the same town. plus why the tornadoes that hit this area are so very, very rare.
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jenna: brand new information coming to us from massachusetts outside the lynn city hall there, fox news has been able to confirm this, and we're getting some of those live pictures and they can't be interrupted but we were talking before the break that there was a shooting outa city hall, a mentally
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disturbed man known throughout the area, taking the police officer's gun and shooting himself in the head, committing suicide. the officer did survive, he has a gunshot wound to his hand and is being treated, but a developing story out of lynn, massachusetts today jon: an unprecedented type of development in the north korean nuclear threat, one that the u.s. is monitoring very closely. remember, we have a lot of troops on the border there between north and south korea. south korea's national security adviser just out with a warning about the north's nuclear program saying it has reached, quote, an extremely dangerous level. significant because the warning comes directly from south korea's government which usually doesn't make comments like this one. let's talk about it with christian whiten, former deputy special envoy to north korean human rights. why do you think the south put out this statement, christian? >> jon, it's a big deal.
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and there could be a couple of things, probably two main drivers of it. first of all, you have signs of -- very significant signs of instability coming out of north korea, just last week, you had kim jung-il, a lead dictator, name his son as successor but surround also surrounded himself by family members. he named his sister, his brother-in-law, as other high officials and it's frankly an keugs that the man who knows the most about the instability of north korea because he has the most to lose from instability is concerned. analysts look at the rhetoric out of pyongyang and see patterns similar to when north korea has begun and getting ready to test nuclear weapons or ballistic weapons. some of the patterns are similar to what you typically see one, two, three months ahead of one of these provocative acts. jon: you have said we should watch from the response from our u.s. state department and we have obtained a statement.
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here is part of it. it's a direct quote from secretary of state hillary clinton. she says the path that will lead north korea to security and prosperity is to stop its provocative behavior, halt its policy of threats and belligerence towards its neighbor and take reverseible steps to fulfill its de nuclearization commitments and comply with international law and obligations. what should the u.s. be doing about all of this? >> the obama administration essentially has nonpolicy. the statement from the secretary is pretty g. and frankly, policy now is better than it was in the second half of the bush administration when the u.s. was giving large amounts of aid to north korea in exchange for apparently false promises to disarm. what we ought to do is get with south korea, get with our specific allies, japan, for example, and look at ways to actually give north korea a shove. the rhetoric that we've seen, this recent statement and other acts by south korea's president, president
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buck, are fairly significant and inspiring, he talked about setting aside revenue for the eventual cost of unification with the north if that regime collapses, again, sort of unprecedented rhetoric from our ally, south korea, so we should have a more forward leaning policy aimed not on getting the deal out of the century from pyongyang but giving that regime a push and ultimately we'll have security and safety when people of north korea can choose their own destiny. jon: let's hope they don't push the button. more shoe toss drop in that very dangerous part of the world. christian whiten, thank you. >> thanks jon. jon:jon -- jenna: we have a fox news alert, want to tell but this story going on in philadelphia at the airport. apparently there was a u.s. air flight, 1070, taking off from philadelphia and heading to bermuda. you know when you get off the plane you have employees that help you get seated and there were two u.s. air employees that were helping folks get on the plane, apparently there was also a third person that was
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helping but had no i.d. and suddenly, just disappeared, is lo -- no longer around, so what happened to that plane, it has been evacuated and being towed back to the gate. obviously the plane has been checked and it's a developing story out of philadelphia that sounds pretty strange and we're going to keep an eye on this story as it continues. moving on here, too good to be true? a new study saying light drinking is okay for pregnant women. what exactly is light? there are so many different definitions. is it really a good idea? dr. manny, the baby doctor, weighs in. >> you're not talking about that bottle of water. >> not the water, that's correct, jon. plus how would you like to dunk on the president? how would you like that? or sarah palin, even? the new video game that lets you watch your skills with real power players. that's next.
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jon: deadly floods sweep across parts of arab kwrarbgs hundreds of people are dead, in vietnam, nearly 50 people -- 50 people were killed, two dozen missing, rescue efforts are difficult. in southern china, more than 200,000 people, can you imagine that, forced to get out of their villages. in indo nes kwrarbgs security forces are looking for survivors under homes collapsed by mud and debris, 91 people reported killed in that country. here in the u.s., it is far away from tornado alley but four tornadoes ripped through northern arizona. we are just getting in the first pictures now. the powerful twisters pushing tractor trailers off highways, destroying homes, all of this is in bellemont,
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west of flagstaff, marn a dozen homes destroyed. one twister measured with winds up to 110 miles an hour, 28 freight train cars, also damaged, the train, knocked off the tracks. it all happened early in the morning so folks woke up to all this chaos. jenna: "happening now", lots of reaction over a new study suggesting drinking an occasional glass of wine during pregnancy is okay. dr. manny alvarez, one of the foss nukes medical a teamers this year. these tkae bates come up every two months almost, right, doctor? >> the question of alcohol and pregnancy has always been a very classic one, don't drink if you're preparing nan. that's always been the case because of something called fetal alcohol syndrome which is incredibly terrible for new borne children that have a lot of different,
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cognitive deficiency, they're very small for weight but an occasional drink was the big question. >> what kind of drink? >> you could have wine a. martini, but look -- and i'm going to -- you have to pay attention to my message. if you have -- if you are healthy and if you have a healthy pregnancy and you say to yourself, i'm going out on a date with my husband or friend and i want to have a glass of wine, it's okay. what is not okay is to drink every day if you're pregnant, because we still don't know how much alcohol is safe in a pregnancy at all. so you know, most of these are european studies, they have different standards, the first study that came out on this was in 2008, out of the french, and of course we're concerned that french women would end up drinking wine with their pregnancies, god forbid and now this was a british study, they looked at children the ages of 3-5 to see if there were difficulties in their growing up or challenges in their education and there were none, so the message
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is, if you took a drink and you were pregnant, don't panic, everything is going to be fine, if you need to have a drink, don't panic, it's probably okay but don't just wake up every day and have wine with dinner. jon: let's remember the british determined that a little guinness is good for pregnant women. >> a good ginnence certainly doesn't hurt anybody once in a while, certainly doesn't help me. jenna: we're going to head to this developing situation out of philadelphia. this is the plane that we've been watching, we'll bring it to you as soon as we get it. it's u.s. air 1070. we're watching this airport closely because apparently there were two u.s. air employees that were helping people get on a plane, then there was a third who didn't apparently have any i.d., but these are just new reports. there were three people helping folks get on this plane, but one apparently wasn't an employee. who was that person? we do not know. the third person, a man, is
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no longer around, apparently just disappeared so, that plane is being evacuated obviously and taken back to the gate. a developing situation in philadelphia, and we'll have more for you after the break. medicare. it doesn't cover everything.
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call now for this free information kit and medicare guide. if you're turning 65 or you're already on medicare... you should know about this card -- it's the only one of its kind endorsed by aarp; see if it's right for you. all medicare supplement plans let you keep your own doctor, or hospital that accepts medicare. there are no networks and no referrals needed. help protect yourself from some of what medicare doesn't pay... and save up to thousands of dollars in potential... out-of-pocket expenses with an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. call this toll-free number on your screen now... for this free information kit, including this... medicare guide and customized rate quote. jon: a fox news alert, a deadly shooting outs a city hall in massachusetts. i'm jon scott. jenna: i'm jenna lee. we are getting new details out of the city of lynn today.
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brand-new tape we just got into the newsroom, one person is dead. police say the mentally disturbed man wrestled a gun from an officer, a 17-year-old veteran of this police force and then he shot himself in the head. the officer survived, a gunshot wound to his hand during the attack. he's getting treatment at a local hospital. this is a develop story. we are bringing you updates as they come into our newsroom. also another fox news alert a big story overseas today, two blasts in the pakistani city of ka rafp key. sid is in islamabad, pakistan. >> reporter: two bomb explosions killed 15 people injuring more than 50. there were two suspected bombers let their bombs off near the
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president's hope. most of the injured have been shifted to the city's main hospital where an emergency has been declared and the country has been ripped by a waive of terrorist attacks. followers of s urbs fism, an intermystical religion is behind it. jenna: a very chaotic situation happening in pakistan today, thank you. jon: right now a nationwide alert is on for the gunman known as the honey bee killer, because he reportedly asked one of his victims about honeybees. this all taking place in indiana and illinois. police say they suspect this suspect is mentally unstable. the shooting attacks across two states appear to be absolutely random. harris faulkner is on it from the breaking news desk.
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>> reporter: we are hoping to hear from authorities at a news conference. these shootings they say were random. that's part of the challenge. you see a sketch of the suspect right there. they want to make sure everybody understands what they are dealing with here. you mentioned the instability of this man. what police are concerned about is somebody, maybe an innocent bystander responding to this guy perhaps if the wrong way and not really able to tell what that would be. what is the honey bee connection? no one really knows. they've already got the mikes prepped and everything, it's a couple of minutes away. as news breaks i'll bring it back to you. jon: an explosive accusation racing -- raising tensions between the u.s. and pakistan right now. the wall street skwrourpl were told that spy masters are pushing the taliban to fight the
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u.s. in afghanistan undermining efforts to try to bring that war to an end. jennifer griffin is live with more information. what is the pentagon saying, jennifer. >> reporter: jon the "wall street journal" article quotes an afghan commander, and he says that the isa, pakistan's spy agency is essentially telling them to -- paying them and telling them to keep fighting against nato troops despite reconciliation efforts by the karzai government. we asked kernel dave lapann about reaction to the involvement with terrorist groups and the tal pan -- the taliban. he says they as a hole are not sue sporting the taliban. they have concern. listen to senator john kerry who
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was meeting with secretary hillary clinton. here is what he said about the isi. >> the isi's continued involvement with various entities, some of which we find troubling remains an issue of concern between us. >> reporter: that's a diplomatic way of saying what is on everyone's minds today here in washington. the white house, the state department, the pentagon, all concerned about deteriorating relations with pakistan right now and isi's involvement with the taliban in afghanistan. jon: hundreds of nato supply trucks are still getting stuck at the border there where pakistan shut down the border crossing and our troops can't get the supplies they need as they fight theafter began war. >> reporter: there are hundreds of supply tracks lined up at the main supply routes. there are two main routes from pakistan into afghanistan.
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ann patterson apologized for the killing of the three border policemen who were killed by a nato helicopter. many here in the pentagon thought that after that apology took place that the border would be open. just yesterday 70 nato trucks were torched and ended up in flames by militants inside pakistan in two separate incidents. there have been six attacks on nato trucks in pakistan in the last week alone. jon: thank you, jennifer from the pentagon. jenna: right now we are just 26 days from what is shaping up to really be a monumental national election. with so much at stake some incumbents are going to extremes to keep their jobs even if the primary shows that's not exactly what the voters wanted. they point to what is happening in alaska as one case in point. there are other places to watch. dan springer picks up the store
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row from alaska today. >> reporter: it has become a campaign issue in alaska. the ads attacking senator lisa murkowski are brutal. they try to paint her as a spoiled career politician who refuses to give up power but of course the incumbent senator has a rebuttal. she points out that 85% of alaska registered voters did not vote for either of her opponents in the primary. after she lost the primary she said she was flooded with phone calls and emails from supporters urging her to go on. joe miller the republican that beat lisa murkowski isn't buying it. in attacking her he tkpwoegs after the whole culture in congress, listen up. >> we've establishing a ruling class in this country. they've got even so used to this power, it's the see deduction of power. they get treated like royalty. >> the suggestion out there that somehow or other that this is my seat. the fact of the matter is this
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is ask's seat. >> reporter: lisa murkowski joins a growing list of politicians going to extraordinary lengths to keep office or in the case of florida's charlie crist to win a new seat when it became clear he would loose to marco ru pweurbgs io he launched a campaign as an independent. before crist there was arlen specter becoming a democrat when he lost support from the conservative base in his state. more often than not the moves do not pan out. specter lost in the primary. parker griffith switched from democrat to republican, he also lost in the republican primary. there was roland burris, he sued to keep his office, his senate seat which was given to him by rod blagojevich in illinois. he only kept his seat for two months. jenna: dan springer in alaska. new information on a developing story out on the east coast, in
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philadelphia. we are watching this story that has to do with u.s. air flight 1070. it was supposed to depart from philadelphia to bermuda around 10:15 this morning. fox news has been able to talk with an airport spokesperson that is kind of fill us in on the situation. i want you to be clear about what you are seeing on your screen. we have heard about the flight, according to the airport spokesperson the flight actually never left the gate. what we are seeing on the screen may or may not actually be the plane in question. there have been several different reports, someone being on the plane, helping out with passengers, pretending to be a u.s. air employee. the details are very sketchy right now. they are telling us there was a possible security issue. we are getting no other details than that. because this is an international flight, philadelphia to bermuda there are extra pr precautions t are obviously taking place. as the information comes in on
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this we will make sure we bring this to you. the plane is clear, has been de planed. we'll try to clear up some of these reports, get a person from the airport to talk to us hopefully in the next few minutes. a developing situation in philadelphia, an investigation on going by the police there and no comment coming from the faa as we continue to watch this story coming out of philadelphia today. jon. jon: in today's power play democrats are considering plans to call for a freeze on all home foreclosures nationwide. this of course in the final weeks before midterm elections. sounds like a brilliant political move but it also could easily backfire. let's talk about it with a fox news digital politics editor. the democrats have seized on this as a potential campaign issue, chris.
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>> reporter: it's not coincidental that a lot of the states where democrats are struggling or not doing as great as they thought they would have real high foreclosure rates. if you sake nevada, harry reid has had so much difficulty, this is a state with a nation's leading foreclosure rate, you couple that with high unemployment you get a lot of angry voters. democrats have certainly taken up the mantel of getting these foreclosure freezes based on questionable pape paperwork from lenders. a lot of democratic strategists see it as a way to pick up votes and get votes in swing states. jon: we have asked voters, would they vote for a politician or would it change their vote if they knew that foreclosures were stopped? the country. 72% said no, it won't change their vote at all. it doesn't soupbtd lining --
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sound like there would be a whole pool of votes available to those i guess democrats who might want to change this thing. >> reporter: john that's exactly how it cuts the other way. s-s a much as it sounds like a good idea, and democrats have been pushing this era and the president and administration for the whole obama era have been talking to slowing down the process and doing all these other things, when speaker pelosi and the states attorney general talk about a foreclosure frees there is another side to it and i think that comes in where you get the 97, 98% of the borrowers that are up to date on their mortgages. they probably recent the idea that anybody that is in foreclosure is going to get off the hook or delayed when they are doing their part. democrats are at a point when it comes to economic issues that they are willing to try almost anything. jon: our fox digital editor thank you.
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our poll unscientific of course. our viewers said, 72% said wouldn't change their vote if a poll situation said he or she were willing to frees foreclosure. you can go to fox getle all of the app details. it is your short-cut to american politics, and boy is it great. jenna: fox news alert president obama about to inch sign the intelligence authorization act into law. under this new law that definitely was controversial the white house will have to share more information on covert operations with congress. intelligence agencies are also going to face more scrutiny from auditors and more cost control measures. the president about to sign that bill today in the white house. jon: last hour we told you about a possible kidnap victim from a pharmacy, harris is at the breaking news desk with more information. harris.
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>> reporter: i tell you this almost never happens. they have found the kidnapping victim and the car, the get away car. no word yet about the kidnapping suspects. the police car that you see right there, this is brand-new video coming in from kttv that is our fox affiliate out in los angeles, this area sherman oaks, the rite aid pharmacy, two guys sitting in a car outside watching pharmaceutical salesman doing his business in and out of the store the rite aid. they apparently get this guy, kidnap, take his vehicle and drive some distance away, but wait it's all foiled by police. they get the car, they get the victim, the victim is okay, we actually see him, he's in this car being taken back to a safe place, now the hunt for the people who did this, back to you. jon: good to have that person safe at lease, harris faulkner, thanks. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] this is steven, a busy man.
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>> reporter: jon: the u.s. is sending new
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reinforcements to afghanistan. they are well-trained and furry. they smell out ied's improvised explosive devices. adam is live where some of the dogs will be shipping out soon. >> reporter: getting a look at some of the guys from the second battalion first marines, they are leaving on monday with their dog teams here. you can see the black labs, all black labs except for one yellow labs, as they get prepared to go overseas. it's a serious problem the ied's, what these dogs can do is basically sniff them out. we'll talk to one of the marines in a second. i want to show you one of the exercises they do. you'll see corporal wolf and his dog which is suzie, she is sergeant suzie, the dogs will out rank the marine. the dog is coming up here and sniffing for an ied, she sniffs it out and takes it to her handler. how information is this to have
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the dogs with you as you guys go over to afghanistan. >> very important for the role we are trying to pursue over there. definitely trying to get the ied's found. so it doesn't hurt any marines. >> reporter: 75% of all the injuries, jon and death overseas are called by improvised explosive devices, basically bombs placed on roads and pathways. each one of the marines is taught how to do basic veterinarian sets. you're seeing this lance corporal checking his dog. what is your dog's name? >> chaney. >> reporter: what are you doing. >> making sure there are no fluids coming out of the ears. checking the nose, check being the teeth. making sure there are no cracks in the pads, nothing stuck in the toes and that they are all around healthy. >> reporter: these are black labs, great dogs, they are also
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such a great morale boost as well not only for the marines but also for the local population, and they talk about when they take the dogs out the guys that don't have a dog as part of the team can come over and it makes them feel a bit like hope. you told me your parents were excited when you said you were going to have a dog with you. >> i told them that same day, they were as happy as i were. >> reporter: seven months deployment, the dogs go with him. the only negative here the dogs are handed off to another marine. seven months after coming back from afghanistan they have to give the dog up, that will be tough for the guys, jon. jon: that separation will be really tough. adam housley, we wish them well, thanks. jenna: the biggest tea party convention ever is in the works right now. that is a working title by the way. we think it's one of the biggest in the entire country. is the movement unifying its message and what will it mean
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for the midterms? a major take down more than one hundred police officers, prison guards and u.s. army officers bussed. where it happened and what they are accused of next. diabetes testing? it's all the same. nothing changes.
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>> reporter: i'm harris faulkner at the breaking news desk, following the situation that is happening at the philadelphia international airport. the security issue is on going, it's still happening there. i've got even off the phone with a spokesperson for the airport and she's told me that now they can no longer comment on what possibly might have happened, and continues to happen right now on the u.s. airways jet that they are sweeping security wise. they've got several crews, you have a live picture now looking out at this plane. they've got several crews that are sweeping that plane to
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detect any sort of a problem. we've got even conflicting reports about what might have triggered all of this . i'm not going to go down that road until we get final confirmation. all of this has forced the evacuation of this u.s. air flight number 1070. it's an international flight. it had 102 passengers and five crew members, and now they have evacuated and now boarded with customs and border protection agents on that flight sleeping it. i'm going to continue to stay on this. it's kyw to us at fox news channel right now. i'll stay on it. i'm going to get u.s. air on the phone next, find out how they are going to accommodate those passengers now that i understand are sitting in the terminal waiting, they don't have their luggage, they don't have answers. i'll stay on it, jenna and jon back to you. jon: harris, thanks. jenna: right now in virginia tea party groups from apart -- across the state are gearing up for a big two-day convention.
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the tea party started out as a gas roots movement with independent groups springing up all over the place. now they are coordinating their efforts. we'll talk about why they are doing that and what they want to accomplish here. in richmond virginia, we have the chairman of the federation of virginia tea party patriots. we also have the vice president of just liberty. and we have the founder of the hansen roads tea party. jaime starting off with you, all of you are members and have a role in local groups. how did the idea for the federation come about? >> you know, last year pelosi had sort of accused us of astro turfing and said we were coordinating our efforts, and it occurred to us we didn't even know the tea party next door. i spent two months going around the county and around the commonwealth finding the tea party patriot groups and would he had our first leadership summit in the back of a retail store to see if we could learn how to coordinate and
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collaborate and communicate on issues that are important to all of us across the commonwealth. jenna: i was read tph-g some of the reports that one of the federations first meetings happened in your kitchen? why did you choose to get involved here. jenna: when i started the hampton rhodes tea party we are the second largest tea party in the state. we got some notoriety. taeps were calling me -- tea parties were calling me. we kind of got this idea together. we found jaime and decided jaime had time. we had the first meeting in my kitchen to figure out what is it we wanted to do. jaime said why not go around and look for the tea parties, and that's how it started. jenna: there's been a lot said about tea party members. some say tea party members are recovering republicans, or they are just folks that are just outraged. there is a lot of different terms kind of thrown around. how would you describe your role
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and why you decided to get involved? >> i think it's actually discontent with parties in general, with runaway spending, and the growth of power in the federal government. i chose to get involved because i have a one and three-year-old and i'm very fearful of what the future will hold for them. jenna: and jaime it's interesting again to note this convention, some say this is going to be the biggest that we've seen in the nation so far, 3,000 people attending. you have major legislators going as well. what do you want? what do you hope to accomplish? >> this is the one year anniversary of the virginia tea party federation. we want to educate, motivate and activate people going into the midterms and beyond the midterms into next year. we also want to unveil our legislative panel. we have a plan that we want to introduce to the virginia general assembly. we were very successful last year in passing the healthcare
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freedom act which says you could not mandate insurance in virginia. jenna: getting back to some of the sterotypes of the tea party, a lot of folks say it's just a bunch of mid aged white men. and it's interesting that all of you are women. just from what you see who makes up the tea party? >> surprise. jenna: it was a little bit of a surprise when we booked this segment we didn't realize we were going to get three women. >> over 50% of the tea parties were started by women and angie hit on it. a lot of taoeufpls we refer to ourselves as -- times we refer to ourselves with patriotic mamma bears. there was a gut level response, you can't take the future away from my children and grandchildren. so the tea party movement is a gut level response to an unresponsive government. jenna: it is really interesting. we hope to have this conversation continue with all of you, jaime, karen and age gee, thank you so much.
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we'll be out at the convention tomorrow, fox news is going to cover it. we'll keep tabs on the convention friday and saturday. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. jon: a big rig has overturned on train tracks in pasadena, california disrupting rush-hour commuter rail service headed into downtown los angeles. california highway patrol officer ed jacobs says a traffic accident involving that rig and another vehicle caused the truck to crash through the center divider on interstate 210, it then rolled over onto the tracks just before 8:00 this morning pacific time. you can see it made a mess of the truck. it's going to make a bigger mess of the train situation for those commuters. that vehicle there does not look to be in good shape. we haven't heard any reports yet of fatalities or injuries as a result of this accident, but that other vehicle sure does not look to be in good shape. we will continue to watch this
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one and let you know more as we get the information in. jenna: jon calling that a mess, check out this as well, this growing disaster in hungary is threatening several different countries. you have toxic sludge getting closed to contaminating the mighty danube river. we also have an update on the mucky mess straight ahead, unbelievable. a galaxy of hollywood stars speaking out about the death of rut tkpwer's student tyler clementi, trying to china light on bullies. we have that story straight ahead. a lump sum of cash today.
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jenna: right now an all-out effort to prevent a disaster from spreading. you can see some of it on your screen -- your screen right now, the toxic sludge is in hungary, it's reaching the danube river who flows through several nations. greg palkot is following this from london. greg, what's the latest? >> reporter: more on that developing criminal probe in a minute, jenna, but first to what one expert me is an ecological catastrophe in the making. it started monday, 100 miles southeast of budapest, a reservoir full of foxic -- toxic materials at anluma plant burst and that sent a wall of these toxins, 6 feet tall, through villages and false, four -- four dead, three missing and 134 injured. that sludge can burn the
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skin, be deadly if inhaled and ingested. it's killing off wildlife in the neighboring rivers. the reservoir has been sealed off and we're told that dams have been built to slow the flow of the material and chemicals put in the water to try to de contaminate it and i'm told a police investigation is underway about criminal negligence. at the scene today, the hundred gairan prime minister, victor orben, he branded the incident irresponsible, jenna. jenna: it may be too early to ask this but we're looking at the images of the cleanup effort. is there any sort of feeling about what the long term effects of this still may stph-b. >> the concerns are for the immediate area, of course, devastation there, but also for the broader effect, that danube river flows through six different countries in europe. experts tell tphae in hungary, there are concerns, neighboring countries like serbia, croatia, are also bracing, also this
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poisonous, toxic stuff hangs earnings not just for weeks, not just for months, but maybe for years. right now the mass of pollutetants -- pollutants have not hit the danube river yet. when it goes into that river it's hoping there's a natural diluting effect and decimate some of the effects but we heard the same thing about the bp gulf oil spill, so experts say it's too early to see what the impact may be. they're worried but watching. jenna: unbelievable story, greg. thank you very much. jon: tim gunn reveals he tried to commit suicide as a gay teenager because of harassment. tyler clemente killed himself when he was outed on the internet. some of these deaths sparking outrage around the nation and in hollywood against cyberbullying. live with the fox 411 on how
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celebrities are getting involved in this cause. >> hollywood is sending an urgent message that teenage bullying and teasing are reaching epidemic proportions and becoming deadlier every day. four other teens besides tyler clemente took their lives after being victimized because they were gay. here's a clip of that ad by ann hathaway and jenny mccarthy, saying things get better. >> people are there for you, people understand. >> you need to understand there is hope, there is always hope and help. >> if you or a friend are feeling lost and lonely, there's someone who can help >> reporter: that help that they're tpwaug is the trevor project, a national toll-free confidential suicide hotline for gay and questioning youth. his own nephew killed himself after being taunted
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for taking a boy to a school dance. there's a ub tube channel called it gets better and over 200 videos have been uploaded from neil patrick harris, neil gunn, ellen degeneres pleads in her video that intolerance and ignorance cannot take another kid's life and the hit fox show-glee" is having an episode on bullying and the show's stars tell us how seriously they're taking the potentially deadly issue. you can read more stories from jessica alba, ifa mendez at fox i don't know about you but i could fill a whole book on high school bullying stories, in my experience. not fun. jon we all had them happen. courtney friele, thank you very much. jenna: to philadelphia and this ongoing situation with
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flight 1070 on its way to bermuda when there was some sort of security issue that is trying to be dealt with. you can look what is a dog sniffing luggage taken off the plane. the details that are coming in are a little sketchy about why exactly this plane was stopped from leaving the philadelphia airport. we do know that the passengers were de planed. just a quick thought from the transportation security administration. they're just giving us a statement, talking about how they are aware of what's going on, that all the passengers have been de planed safely, and the aircraft has been removed to a remote location, as well as law enforcement continues to sweep the aircraft along with the tsa. we also have a statement from us airways. harris, you were working the phones, trying to get in touch with them with what to do with some of these passengers. we have to careful -- to be careful with these reports
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because they're just coming in now about what's actually going on with this plane. >> reporter: because the airport spokesperson said she could no longer comment on this and i know for a fact that the security here is run by the police department in that area, we got the police department on the phone and their spokesperson has been confirmed for me how they think all of this started. and it is, jenna, exactly what we reported previously but now confirmed through the police department of philadelphia, that there were three men working an area where they were loading some things on to the plane and loading passengers on to the flight 1070, this us airways flight 1070. one of those three had a uniform on but did not have a badge. that person then walked away from the scene. my question, can they confirm that they are now hunting for this person, police could not confirm, and they're no longer commenting. it was serious enough to force an evacuation. the airport is moving, the
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passengers are not. they're trying to accommodate them, jenna. jon: a bombshell report that could have serious consequences for relations between the united states and a critical ally, some shocking new allegations directed at pakistan. we'll speak with one of the
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megyn: hey everybody i'm megyn kelly for the first time top political site is predicting the gop will likely take control of nine seats in the u.s. senate ph-pl the -- come the mid terms. that's big news and bret baier is here to break it down. stossel is here on how america is bankrupt and who's to blame. >> dana perino on the democrats calling for irs investigations of some conservative groups donating to republicans. and she wants to wear her nose ring to class, the school says no, the aclu says oh, you'd better let her because her church of body modification requires it. that's in kelly's court, see you top of the hour.
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jen right now, there is an alarming new report about who is actually influencing attacks on u.s. forces in afghanistan. the "wall street journal" citing sources in both the u.s. and in pakistan who say members of a pakistan spy agency incyte the taliban to carry out the violence, they're helping then. this bombshell report comes amid tension between the u.s. and pakistan. one of the "wall street journal" reporters who reported on this story, matt, you recently returned from afghanistan. there are so many different complex relationships here that are so important for every american to understand. what do you think the main news nugget from our piece that we really need to know about? >> right now you're seeing finally the u.s. and pakistan have very different aims here. pakistan really wants to be in control of whatever kind of peace settlement in afghanistan that emerges and they for a very long time have aided the taliban to a degree and they're going to
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-- they've kind of made it clear they're going to continue doing it. jenna: let me stop you there. do we know if it is the entire intelligence agency overall that is helping the taliban or this may be a rogue group inside the agency that's doing it? >> that's something u.s. officials have debated for a very long time. some u.s. officials think there's a rogue element to the spy agency but you find many that say the spy agency is a disciplined military operation run by military officers that we don't believe this could go on without the very top. >> what dilemma do our leaders face in trying to deal with it? >> it's incredibly difficult. pakistan has nuclear weapons, we're going to need pakistan to bring some kind of stability to afghanistan. yet, at the same time, they have continued to undermine many of our own policy aims there. how -- how do you fix that is something that was
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trouble for the bush administration, is causing headaches for the obama administration. it's hard to imagine a simple solution to this. jenna: we hope to have you back to talk about it. great piece in the "wall street journal" today. thank you. >> thank you. jon: a fox news alert, a kidnapping victim, apparently a pharmaceutical salesman, found. some amazing new video. harris is on it from the breaking news desk. >> reporter: this started at the rite nade sher many oaks, two guys dressed in police officer uniforms attacked a guy, kid nam him, put him in the pharmaceutical vehicle, there is the vehicle, guns drawn now. the victim is safe. we showed you that earlier. he's okay. but now police in this brand new video coming into fox news channel is searching the pharmaceutical salesman's truck. what became the getaway vehicle for two guys who tried a heist, who were dressed up as cops and going car by car in this parking lot. they have not found the suspects yesterday but we
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are told they are possibly armed, this is tarzana, might next to sherman oaks where it started at the rite aid, that employee, that pharmaceutical salesman okay, now the man hunt for the two guys dressed up in police officers' uniforms. the focus, they may be armed and dangerous. back to you guys, i'm all over this. jon: harris, thank you. jenna: it's your chance to play hoops with the president as democrats face off against republicans in fantasy basketball. take the shot, knock it down, get ready to bounce. we'll show you the latest and greatest in video games.
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>> reporter: i'm harris
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faulkner at the breaking news desk, you're watching "happening now" and this is what's going on at the philadelphia international airport. that's luggage. the passengers on fight 1070 are in the terminal after having been evacuated along with the crew on board this flight and now they're going through luggage, piece by paoeg with bomb sniffing dogs. i verified with the airport and the police this this area that there has an security incident, police say possibly with two u.s. air employees, a third guy wore a uniform but did not have a badge. they have not located him, they won't confirm if there's a man hunt going on for that third person, but meanwhile the 101 passengers on us airways flight 1070 are off and they are going, sweeping the plane, piece by piece with this luggage. the airport is still up and running and the airline says they'll reaccommodate those passengers on their way to bermuda. back to jon and jenna.
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jon: it's game on! sarah palin facing off against president obama in basketball. not on some sort in -- some court in washington or wasilla. it's the nba jam, they hit the court in head to head competition, shooting hoops along with a host of high profile competition. how do you get the idea to pick the president and palin, among some of the others? >> as you point out, nba jam is one of the most famous games in history, in its inception, bill and hillary were in the game and we thought as we brought the game town date we would update it with current players. jon: if i want to dunk over the president, i can do that >> yes, you k it's a very simple game to play. as you point out, it's in
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the wi. , it will be with the xbox 360, and ps3. jenna: looking at this video, it's fun to watch! and sarah palin's hair doesn't move. she's in perfect condition there. is this a bipartisan game, peter? i read the president had special skills. do any of the republicans have special skills, peter? >> you know what, jenna, we try to be nonpartisan in what we do, but at the same time, the president, who as you know is a pretty good player himself, we try to represent his skills there. so the president does have special skills, which you'll have to buy the game to find out what they are. jenna: well handled peter. jon: it's my understanding you don't just get to populate your roster are political heavyweights, there are secrets to unlocking these players, right? >> that's right, jon. it's what we call unlockable players, so you've got to work through the gain. my assumption would be that probably the pinnacle would be president obama and sarah
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palin. jon: one on one. >> it may be an indicator for what's to come. jon: i bet you're going to sell a lot of games with this one. just out this week, nba jam. peter moore is president of nba sports. >> thank you. jenna: history is made in philadelphia again, a stunning feat from the mound, coming up. you don't want to miss it.
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jenna: maybe only winning the world series could top this, maybe, maybe, roy halladay making major league baseball history throwing a no-hitter in the post-season. we are getting some applause in the newsroom, apparently some philly fans. he did this in the city of brotherly love. the phillies and the fans very exaoeuplted about that.
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halladay jones yankee's great don larsen to become only the second pitcher in history to complete this feat as they take game one from the reds. bill hem era big reds fan. there might be quite a showdown between the shows. jon: including our producer tr i ina. today marks another milestone for fox news channel. break out the birthday candles. it was exactly 14 years ago today fox went live across the nation. when fox news breaks from the very beginning we set out to be your destination for news fair & balanced. we want to thank you for joining us each and every day. jenna: thank you for reminding us of that today. jon: i was here on opening day 14 years ago. what a great event. jenna: things have changed. jon:


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