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tv   America Live  FOX News  October 7, 2010 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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come. jenna: like fine wine. thanks for joining us everybody. jon: "america live" starts right now. see you tomorrow. megyn: we are libras, fair & balanced look it up. fox news alert to kickoff the program we are awaiting new details from a news conference, an alleged murder at the u.s. border that has now become an international incident. that's where we begin this hour of "america live." i'm megyn kelly. welcome. texas law makers now joined by federal and state officials are expected to release new information in the search for the body of david hartley momentarily. hartley's wife says he was shot and killed by a gang of men, possibly members of a drug cartel on lake falcon. his wife tiffany escaped alive. mexico's government is blocking
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u.s. search teams from entering mexico's side of the lake to look for hartley. we are closing in on a deadline set by the governor of texas that gave mexico 48 hours to find hartley's body and return it to the u.s. are or else. trace gallagher has more live from our west coast newsroom, hey, trace. >> reporter: mexico now says it's stepping up its efforts, we are talking about full-scale search teams and helicopters and boats. we can report from the u.s. side of the border they are seeing more action over there. mexico is also saying they have been working and coordinating this search with u.s. authorities since day one, which is odd considering that u.s. authorities say the mexican authorities have done very little in the first several days of this search. texas governor rick perry says that some time, megyn in the next three or four hours he expects mexican president felipe calderon to call him and tell him they have found the body of david hartley. there is a news conference scheduled for about three hours from now. tiffany hartley says of course
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that she and her husband were on the mexican side of the lake when her husband was attacked by pirates, shot and killed. and now tiffany is talking about what happened right before the shooting started. this is interesting, listen. >> they waived and we waived and david didn't feel like they were any threat or any concern. i could tell by his reaction are of waiving me forward and telling me we needed to go, i could tell that this was not going to be a good time. >> reporter: mexico authorities say these pirates are connected to the zeda drug cartel that he actually own the lake. mexican authorities don't even patrol that lake past dusk because it's so dangerous . everybody keeps asking, megyn why in the world would pirates go african-american fisherman. the experts we talked to say
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it's all about terror. what they are trying to do is open up the drug corridors. we caulked about ciudad juarez a lot. falcon lake has become a major drug corridor there. about 550 miles it's pushed down, and the more these pirates can create uncertainty, terror and fear, even if it's for robberies of a couple hundred dollars the more they open up the drug waterways to keep the authorities out, you keep the fishermen out you have these option to bring in loads of drugs, which the authorities say they have been doing now for many, many months. megyn: you mention what are rez, trace in the past year alone 102 police officers have been killed there alone in the past year. unbelievable. trace, thank you. by the way just to update that press conference now on the situation down there takes place within the next two hours, not three hours as we were earlier told. it's going to be within the next two hours, so you should catch it right here, don't miss that.
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'll get the latest from the scene. local tpeurpber man dash ash fishermen taking warnings very seriously. many of them staying away from the mexican side of the lake all together. others are forced to arm themselves if case they are confronted by drug gangs looking for trouble on the water. one fisherman says if you venture to the other side of the lake you are asking for trouble. >> it's not a surprise to me. we fished this lake so many years, we've never had a problem like this, but unfortunately if you do go to the mexican side you will come to that -- surroundings. megyn: coming up we will talk with a man who lived to tell about his experience with armed gunmen chasing him, very much like tiffany hartley claims on this very lake. fox news alert, we are following a security situation on board a u.s. airways flight in philadelphia. you're looking at live pictures of the scene where security teams are now searching an aircraft at the philadelphia
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airport. harris faulkner has the breaking details. >> reporter: megyn we've been watching the situation for almost two hours now. here is how it has changed in the last few minutes. as they go piece by piece with the luggage here it is readily apparent they are looking for something. with the question -- the question is when all of this starting with a person helping load things onto the plane along with employees, this male, this man had on a uniform like u.s. airways people always wear but he didn't have a badge, that was what the problem was. he was help load things on. did that person put something on this plane, that's what they are looking for, that's the question. i credit credit of have not been able to confirm whether this is a true man hunt all around the airport or they have the person sequestered some place. there are two employees who were loading things on on and a third guy that didn't have a security badge. according to police that's what tipped the whole thin off. customs and border protection involved, philadelphia police department runs the security
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police department on the campus of this airport. they are involved in all of this. the ts ark is involved. the 102 passengers and five crew that were aboard this flight on the way to bermuda are sitting in the terminal while the airline tells me they are trying to accommodate people to try to get them onto bermuda. obviously they don't have their luggage. here it is live in the middle of the pictures, the security situation on going is what the airport continues to tell me. megyn. megyn: let us know when you have more, harris faulkner. we are getting reports today that the justice department has launched an investigation into the foreclosure practices of big banks and that the u.s. may be on the verge of a foreclosure crisis with nearly one in five homeowners now in some sort of trouble, one in five. stu varney is the host of varney & company and he's here now. let's start with the latter headline which really matters to
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the afternoon american. one in five homeowners now facing trouble on the mortgage, not necessarily foreclosure, but trouble. >> reporter: 20 out of 100 mortgage holders are in serious trouble. let me break down the 20. who are they? what trouble are they? out of every 209 are way behind on the mortgage, foreclosure is in the near term future. another six have fallen behind on the payments. they tried to catch up, they can't catch up, foreclosure likely for half of them down the road. for the remaining five out of the 20 they are 20% underwater, that means they mayo $120,000 on the mortgage, the house is worth a hundred thousand dollars. megyn: that's why you see the so-called short sales that are out there now where they just sell it for a priceless than they paid for it and the bank approves that and they take a loss. >> reporter: what i've given you is a picture of the ground floor. this is how it is for 20 out of
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every 100 mortgage holding americans. that is a distressed situation. megyn: it's stunning. we are going to get to the segment at 1:30. you've got one in five mortgage holders who are in serious trouble and one in eight americans, one in eight who are on food stamps now, just to under score the numbers for you, one in five and one in eight, which is pretty stunning. let's get to what the doj is doing. you were here earlier this week talking about some of the banks may have foreclosed on people without doing the proper paperwork. >> reporter: yes there is a problem with the paperwork in the foreclosure process. it may be the wrong signature, lost documentation. inaccurate recordkeeping. remember, during the housing bubble, these mortgages were sold, resold, resold all over again literally all the way around the world. now it comes foreclosure time you need all the proper documentation, get it all together to complete the process legally. it's not always there. in fact in so many cases it's not there and they are considering a blanket foreclosure freeze.
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look, the housing market is already very, very slow. you freeze the foreclosure section of the housing market and you've got a virtual standstill in housing, and you've got to rego back to some of those foreclosed homes which have been sold and reopen the sale. a mess. megyn: the doj is looking into it which will not speed things along, if they are up to funny business the doj needs to get involved. stewart thank you so much. >> reporter: megyn. megyn: well very big election news shaping up today in the president's home state of illinois. with 26 days to go before the midterm elections we are awaiting the president's departure for chicago. why with is he going there if he needs to drum up support for the democratic candidate for senate there. he is now in a dead heat with the republican mark kirk, although mark kirk is ahead now. the republican is aeu peed and
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real clear politics right now is actually putting this as leans republican right now. it raises new worries for the president and his partly across the very blue state. steve brown is live in chicago. i mean could illinois get less blue? could it be moving to red or purple. >> reporter: i think purple is a stretch. a redder shade of blue is a possibility. when you have the president come in twice to help you with fundraising that is a price. when you get it twice you see urgency there. next week the first lady comes in to pump up the campaign. there are fears in the white house how this race is going. this is in the state where president obama calls home. he has run into a debate flap down state. southern illinois university, the home of the paul simon policy center was going to host a debate tried to get the senate candidates to agree to it.
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janeulius with grew over who was going to be included. and the moderator said that was not his best move. megyn: steve, what is it that's plaguing him? i lived in chicago for five years, i know how blue that state is and that town in particular. this is president obama's old seat that was temporarily filled. obviously it's been held by a democrat who went onto become the president of the united states. he, the first lady, so many have thrown their support behind gianoul ii ous. what are they saying now that puts him behind against the republican. >> reporter: the president is doing very well, very popular in the city. some of the suburban district that he carried he's losing support there. there are five seats, congressional seats that are in play, four of them are held by democrats, the other one is an
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open seat the one kirk left to run for the senate. that says a lot. megyn: we'll have more on that and how it's supposedly leaning into the red column with bret baier at the top of the hour. double life worker at a u.s. nuke plant by day, alleged terrorist by night. disturbing new details about this man. what authorities are doing to keep our nuclear facilities from being infiltrated in general. plus a major airport shut down after workers spot something very strange hovering in the air. an uncle sam's wallet bleeding green. john stossel next on some troubling new numbers on our unbelievable amount of debt as we pay and pay and pay and pay. >> excuse me i have to take some of these. i'm the old person, i need that. you may not have much of a future because you have to pay
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for geezers like me. [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus rushes relief for all-over achy colds. the official cold medicine of the u.s. ski team. alka-seltzer plus. so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? yeah, maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number?
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megyn: fox news alert a bit of an update on the security information on board a u.s. airways flight in philadelphia. you're looking at live pictures of the scene where security teams are searching the aircraft at the philadelphia airport. the tsa is confirming that it is looking for something that it describes as a dangerous item. we haven't seen any bomb teams on location, but we have seen a lot of luggage checked. harris faulkner still working her sources on it. grim economic news. according to newest matter this congress has managed to blow huge amounts of your money. in the last 12 months alone the federal public debt has increased by more than $1.6 trillion. 1.6 trillion. john stossel is host of stossel over on the fox business network and boy has he got some thoughts on this. you know, we hear more and more
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especially in this congress, from the democrats that we really need to raise taxes on the rich and that will help drive the numbers down, that's why they don't want to extend bush cuts for all americans. you say what? >> reporter: i say they might get $700 billion if nobody changed their behavior based on higher taxes but that is unlikely. people do change their behavior. it wouldn't raise that amount of money. in any ways it's not even going to touch the big problem, which is entitlements. by the way i thought it was 1.4 trillion but what is 200 billion. megyn: i thought it went up within the past day. >> reporter: in the past hour or two? okay. look at the history of us, this is america since the beginning of america, for most of the country government was less than 5% of gdp. only since lyndon johnson. megyn: what is that showing. >> reporter: this is spending per person, small, small, small,
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small, world wars. government spending, the great society. we're going to cure poverty, they didn't but they thought they would. going straight up to $10,000 per person this is nondefense spending. this is before obama. now we have tarp and the stimulus even more. but even with all this, this isn't the worst of it. i think we have a clip that tries to address but the big hit is going to be. >> it's going to get worse because the common thread is entitlement. social security, medicaid, medicare, the big one, what are we going to do about that? excuse me i have to take some of these. i'm the old person, i need this. are we baby boomers entitled to their money? no i won't give it back, i need that. we boomers who expect to collect social security and medicare are basically stealing from babies. you two may not have much of a future because you have to pay for geezers like me.
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you better work really hard. megyn: that clip is the best with the kids, i'm sorry, it's sad but it makes the point. >> reporter: we need to make the point, you cover so many things on this program, nothing is more important than this, the coming bankruptcy of the country. megyn: what is the solution, get rid of social security? get rid of medicaid, medicare, it's a political impossibility. >> reporter: right to get rid of it. to shrink it to say you don't get to retire at age 65. remember when social security was passed under fdr most people didn't even live to 65. now we live to 78. megyn: people see it like a retirement fund. >> reporter: even wealthy people like me will continue to get it if i live to 90. american just can't afford it. there won't be enough young people to pay for us -- megyn: i understand there is not the political will to get rid of it or shrink it. any time a politician has tried to discuss it it gets avoided like a third rail.
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>> reporter: even the tea partiers, when you say cut, cut, cut how about cutting the social security, they don't want to mess with that. megyn: seniors like those programs because they vote. what are we heading -- looking at now? >> reporter: my guess is we will see failure elsewhere in the world, in japan and europe where they have more older people and less younger people. and we'll see riots in the street. megyn: here. >> reporter: there. paul ryan himself with his plan has got even more team to think about it. megyn: even the gop has ignored them from their new phrepbl for america, nothing about paul ryan's plan which addresses some of the issues we talked about. >> reporter: even i said look i'm obsessed with this and your plan bores me to death i go to sleep reading it. after people watch riots in japan, watch elderly people get cut off. the other thing is we'll deplate our currency.
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they'll say sure beings here is money for medicare but no doctor will take it. megyn: i look at my son and say, i'm sorry, i'm sorry this is the way it will be unfortunately and we keep passing it down to the next generation. this is going to be on john's program all about america's money would hes, turn in tonight 9 eastern time. toss he will. the reports today that a u.s. ally one of our friends is reportedly encouraging the taliban to attack our troops in afghanistan. we'll find out who may be behind a recent surge of attacks. plus texas putting pressure on mexico to find and return the body of david hartley. it turns out this is not the only incident on the lake. coming up we'll talk with someone who survived a run in with gunmen not unlike tiffany hartley. what do the immigration folks
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plan to do about meg whitman's made who lied. >> as you know she was a illegal aeu lee than who worked for meg whitman and worked for her for nine years. she comes out and admits she had a bogus social security number and was employed for nine years. what is homeland security, ice going to do about her? diabetes testing? it's all the same. nothing changes.
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[ man ] then try this. new and improved freestyle lite® blood glucose test strip. sure, but it's not gonna- [ bp ] wow. [ man ] yeah, that's the patented eestyle zipwik™ design. [ woman ] did it just -- ta the blood? target the blood? yeah, it drew it right in. the test starts fast. you need just a third the blood of onetouch®. that is different. so freestyle lite test strips make testing... [ man ] easy? easy. [ man ] greatcall or click -- we'll send you strips and a meter, free. fr is good. [ man ] freestyle lite te strs. call or click today.
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megyn: new video of the after math of a homicide attack on a who he lee muslim vine in a holy seat. two bombs exploding killing seven people and wounding dozens of others. the attackers detonated their vests as they walked through the metal detectors. a tsunami of sludge is
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threatening to contaminate europe's second biggest river. the sludge burst out of an aluminum plant in hungary on monday. now it's going into the danube river. a break in a high pressure are gas line forcing an evacuation in downtown south bend, indiana. a local utility spokesman says a contractor accidentally damaged the line. new questions today about what is next for nikki diaz, an admitted illegal immigrant who falsified her documentation to her former boss, california's republican candidate for governor meg whitman. here is what janet napolitano told our own bill o'reilly about the case last night. >> we have to go to the nikki diaz situation. as you know she was an illegal alien who worked for meg whitman for nine years.
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she comes out and admits she had a bogus social security number and was employed for nine years. she lied to an employment agency in california, that's how she got to mrs. whitman's house in the first place. now what is homeland security, ice going to do about her? >> i don't know the answer to that question. >> shouldn't you know madam secretary, you're in charge, this is a huge case, shouldn't you know the answer to that question? >> i'll know it at some point, i don't know it right now. i think obviously this is ultimately a matter for california voters to decide. megyn: trace gallagher has much more live in l.a. in case you didn't catch that very interesting interview, trace. >> reporter: gloria allred told you on this show last week that there was no lawsuit, nikki diaz is not going to go after meg whitman. it's trying to portray meg whitman as a hypocrite when she said she wanted to crackdown on employers who hire illegals, yet hiring an illegal herself. nikki diaz died to the government, falsified documents.
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our brain room says she could be looking at 20 years in prison. so bill o'reilly asked the homeland security secretary what she was going to do. she says it was up to california voters. he pressed her further . listen to the rest of this. >> this is the highest profile illegal alien situation that we have had here in this country for years. everybody is locked in on this woman. and i'm not taking an editorial position i'm not going to tell you what to do, that would be insulting and i wouldn't do that. however, the folks want to know what the federal government is going to do about this, because it sends a message to all the other people using bogus social security cards that are hurting the country, madam, secretary. >> indeed. and what i'm saying is we don't have a decision made right now that i could tell you. but i can tell you this, i can tell you that our efforts over the past 19 months have resulted in more people being deported who have used bogus social security numbers, who have criminal records, who have committed crime than in any
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other period in our nice's history. >> can you assure my viewers, millions of people are watching all over the world now, can you insure them that the federal government will do something about this nikki situation? >> i will assure them that we will look at this oriol servia just lee. >> reporter: so the feds are in a pickle, right they've been telling us umpteen times over the past several months that they are going after illegals that commit crimes, that's their focus. meg whitman says when the cameras go away and it's over nikki diaz will be left flapping in the wind. megyn: it's another thing to lie under oath to the federal government and out yourself, make of yourself an international now celebrity calling attention to the flouting of your law. she did it nor political reasons, maybe some believe. the question is what will the consequences be for her. she also said she'd go become on the factor once she has a
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decision. i'll be watching that. >> reporter: me too. megyn: thanks, trace. a virus and a fun gus may be to blame for a mysterious disease that is killing honeybees across the country. bees are needed to pollinate thousands and thousands of crops. you're talking about fruits, vegetables, nuts, and bee colonies have been dying and researchers have been puzzled. samples show the presence of a virus and fun gus. a similar virus was detected in moths years ago. once they pinpoint the virus they can come up with a solution. newt gingrich now telling america that republicans are the party of paychecks while democrats are the party of food stamps. nancy pelosi's angry response next. new details on the search for a
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body in a lake. we will talk with a man who had a run in with similar men on the same lake as tiffany hartley. >> do you think there is any chance that he is alive? >> no. @=h
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megyn: fox news alert, update for you now on the security situation on board a u.s. airways flight in philadelphia. harris faulkner has the latest.
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>> reporter: the scene has changed a little bit in the last few minutes. now we have a bomb squad, police and homeland security in a secured area where they have tax he'd this u.s. airways airbus 319. as they go through now with new screening equipment a dozen or so tsa agents piece by piece. all the luggage and any personal items that people may have left on the plane when the plane was evacuated two and a half hours ago. it never left the ground. workers were loading items onto a plane, they noticed that one man was loading things on who had a u.s. airways uniform on but did not have the proper identification. there is a local report in the area that authorities are in fact looking for that man who walked away and has not been found. i'm trying to confirm that with both the tsa, the faa and the airport now. that screening equipment i'm told has not turned up any positive hits, but they are in fact looking for some dangerous item that might have been left behind by a stranger who was loading things onto this plane. i'll continue to watch it here
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from the newsroom, megyn back to you. megyn: that is a disturbing story if in fact that's what has happened here harris. thank you so much. keep us updated. >> reporter: sure. megyn: battle of the speakers. it all started when former house speaker newt gingrich yesterday offered this advice to the republicans working right now to take back the u.s. congress. >> people are being driven to food stamps because the democratic policies are killing their jobs. people don't voluntarily say, i want to give up a paycheck so i can get food stamps. and the fact is most americans overwhelmingly would rather have a job with a paycheck than be forced to depend on the government for food stamps. megyn: he said that the republicans should run on a platform of this election is about food stamps versus paychecks. current house speaker nancy pelosi firing back, defending her party's support of the food stamp program saying it actually
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helps the economy in the long run. joining me now nancy skinner, and rick santorium. a fox news contributor. nancy pelosi came out and said the following. let me tell you this. she says for every dollar a person gets in food stamps $1.79 is put back into the economy. she says, quote, it is the biggest bang for the buck when you do food stamps and unemployment insurance. the biggest bang for the buck. she says food stamps are fine and doesn't respond to his accusation that it really should be more about the paycheck than the stamps. >> well, first of all newt gingrich is the same guy who said that we have to pass a federal law outlawing sharia law. we all have to run out and get berks, because sharia law is
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going to be adopted. i think it's so upside down what he said, newt gingrich, the reason so many people are on food stamps is because eight years of republican parties had a $20 trillion meltdown and people lost their jobs because of those policies. the obama administration comes in and they use stimulus dollars to get people back to work. the only paychecks the gop are concerned about really are the million dollar bonuses going to wall street. he has this whole idea completely backwards, he's using class war wear and he thinks the people in america are dumb enough to fall for it. megyn: i see you shaking your head, please respond. >> reporter: it was a great narrative in 2008. you need to have us come in here and set things right. they've ballooned the deficit to a record level well over a trillion dollars now two years running which is three times higher than any deficit in the history of this country. they have seen the unemployment
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rate go up not go down even though there were promises that if you follow the democratic path they would in fact see the unemployment rate never go above 8%. what newt gingrich is saying is reflecting the reality. under this administration unemployment has gone up dramatically, the public payrolls have gone up dramatically and private sector payrolls have plummeted. they are down since the obama administration came into play. >> not true. not true. megyn: i want to get you to expand on your point also raised by nancy pelosi that this platform if you will by newt gingrich that he's suggesting is class warfare. that is an accusation that's been made against president obama by a lot of his detractors. how do you and nancy pelosi justify that accusation? >> well that's what he's trying to stir up. that is what he thinks the fear part of that will motivate people to get to the polls. but what she was saying actually is in this economy if we have to spend to fix it, as we had to
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do, and remember, mr. senator, that when obama took office we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. the stock markets now are all way up. manufacturing up, autosales are up. to say there's been no improvement the facts just don't support that. when you spend, give someone food stamp dollars and unemployment insurance they spend it immediately, so it sometime later the economy. they go spend it to the a department store and that person has a job. megyn: senator, it's interesting because we're getting into a debate that we saw highlighted the other night in the debate. where linda bloom burned to pwhrupl even that you will -- blumenthal. it's all about engorging prunes. that seems to be the same line that newt gingrich is attempting to draw between the parties.
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>> that's exactly right. there was a study done which determine that for every thousand government jobs that are created, 1500 private sector jobs are lost. so growing government and having government do more things does not help the private sector. in fact it depresses the private sector. we've seen that, we've seen government jobs explode in this country and contrary to what nancy says, while there may be some modest private sector employment gains over the last six months and modest is a generous term the fact is that there are less private sector jobs now than when obama came into place and there seems to be no hope in the future, there are just economic forecasts out this week that we're looking at one, one and a half to two percent growth next year, that means unemployment will go up even more because we can't grow ourselves out of this depression that obama has put us in. >> under the republican poll sews we had a negative 6.5% gdp. at one point we had 3%. we've turned this around.
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it doesn't happen overnight. megyn: even if the democrats have turned it around or are starting to turn it around the numbers are what the numbers are as we head into election season. we stalked to stu varney about one in five morning tkpwapblgs are in serious trouble. one in eight americans are on food stamps. >> under the bush administration poverty among african-americans and single never married women was at the lowest rate ever in the history of this country. obama's policies are not working, bush policies worked for a longtime in fact. megyn: we'll see what the voters think is working come november 2nd. thank you so much. a new york teacher manages to keep her job even after revealing her past career as a stripper, and a sex worker. just ahead we'll show you the big, new offers she is getting after she outed herself but not until she received tenure. and you may have seen us do this story yesterday the tennessee family that lost their home
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pause they didn't pay a fire protection fee of $75. today the fire department is speaking out with its side. >> this home burned as a result of not paying a real fire subject skreupbgs. it was not the fault of the south city tpult ton fire department, but rather failure of the family to not pay the subscription. [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus rushes relief for all-over achy colds. the official cold medicine of the u.s. ski team. alka-seltzer plus.
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like medicare.
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this year, like always, we'll have our guaranteed benefits, anwithhe new healthcare law, more good things are coming: free check-ups, lower prescription costs, and better ways to protect us and medicare from fraud. see what else is new. i think you're gonna like it. ♪ fox news alert mexican authorities say in the last 15 minutes that they have just resumed searching falcon lake for david hartley, the american apparently gunned down by drug cartels last week. my next guest fled what could have been a deadly attack by armed gunman. dr. richard drake joins me with his story. you yourself went out on lake falcon, why? you had heard the reports hadn't you of the mexican pirates, drug cartels, whoever they are
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harassing tourists and others who go out on boats. >> i had heard reports that some of the fishermen were being robbed, yes, i had. megyn: so why did you do it? >> because the fishing is great at falcon, number one, and number two all of the reports that had happened had happened deep into the mexico side. all in the same area where the hartleys were, it's the upper end of the lake on the northwest side of the lake, they were back by the old town of guerrero and the old church that people like to go and take pictures of. that's five or six miles back into the mexico side. when we went in may, you know, the dock talk amongst the fishermen was to stay out of mexico and stay on the american side. megyn: so you did that and what happened? >> i was on the american side and i was going down the interest national border is marked by these big concrete pillars, they are about a mile apart. i was not going into mexico so i was on american side and i came
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out of a cove and i was heading down the lake south when i heard -- so was i in mexico or was i in the u.s. if i was in mexico i was in there by a foot. i was going from one marker to the next. when i looked over my left shoulder and i was probably going about 30 miles an hour in the boat, and i heard some kind of yelling, hey, hey, i looked over my left shoulder and there were three people in a bath boat. two of them had machine guns. one of them jumped up on the front of the boat and he straddled the butt seat that sits up on the bass both. they were yelling and screaming and cussing trying to get me to pull over. at that point your throat kind of goes -- your heart goes up in your throat and you say my gosh what did i get myself into? i just decided to give it some gas and try to outrun it. megyn: get the heck out of dodge, but then they followed you? >> yeah they chased me for probably about a mile and a half.
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fortunately i had a faster boat, but they came out of the bushes and kind of -- just kind of ambushed me, and, you know, you're on the boat and the mother is making noise and water is making noise, and i never saw them come up from behind me. had they wanted to shoot me, obviously they could have. megyn: so when you hear tiffany hartley's story does it ring true to you? >> it does. you know i think there are still some questions that need to be answered in her story, but the fact that that happened to me going down the center of the lake, and the fact that there have been reports of other fishermen and people being robbed certainly gives it some credence. megyn: you still go out on that lake, or do you get your bass somewhere else now? >> i haven't been back since. megyn: i don't blame you, sir. dr. drake thank you so much. all the best to you. >> you're very welcome. megyn: miss turk revelations about a suspected terrorist with
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ties to al-qaida al-qaida, this is sharif phoeb lee who has worked at a half dozen nuclear plants in the past years. what the nuclear regulatory committee is planning to do about that. oliver north on a special mission with the dea and nato forces. we'll tell you what they found along pakistan's border. this 14-year-old girl gets her nose peered with her mom's permission but the school suspends her, it's not consistent with the dress code and now comes running in the aclu, and even incredible lawsuit. wait until you hear the details and her defense in "kelly's court."
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megyn: riding shotgun with the dea and nato special ops along the pakistan afghanistan border. fighting shoulder to shoulder with afghan police trying to shut down a multi-million dollar drug smuggling ring. ollie north is in the middle of it all outside of kabul, afghanistan. >> reporter: a great way to celebrate my birthday. megyn: happy birthday. >> reporter: this is the way the taliban gets about half their support. before dawn we hit that objective over 60 afghan, allied and american forces on that objective. it's an opium transshipment point at the pakistan border literally at the ridge line behind me. the heroin and morphine that they collected here is used to support the taliban in building ied's and attacking afghan and
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u.s. troops. on my birthday, allied, american and afghan, probably $4 million. eight helicopters all of which came home, free except for the gas. watching $10 million worth of heroin blown up on your birthday, it was priceless. megyn: nicely done, sir. you actually have the same birthday as fox news channel? >> reporter: i've got it. i've got it right there. fox news channel, oliver north and it's a great privilege to cover these young americans and these great afghan troops that are out there fighting and doing so well, megyn, it's a great story that isn't getting enough coverage. megyn: and you do so so well, as all of our viewers know you are brave and courageous yourself, ollie north, thank you very much and happy birthday, sir. >> thank you. megyn: bomb teams are now going through luggage next to a runway at philadelphia's airport.
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they just showed up about a half an hour ago. someone was spotted trying to put bags on the u.s. airways plane who they do not believe was a u.s. airways employee. plus fire at macy's in chicago. that's right after this break, we are just getting these pictures in. don't go away. to stay fit, you might also want to try lifting one of these. a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™
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[ man ] then try this. new and improved freestyle lite® blood glucose test strip. sure, but it's not gonna- [ bp ] wow. [ man ] yeah, that's the patented eestyle zipwik™ design.
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[ woman ] did it just -- ta the blood? target the blood? yeah, it drew it right in. the test starts fast. you need just a third the blood of onetouch®. that is different. so freestyle lite test strips make testing... [ man ] easy? easy. [ man ] greatcall or click -- we'll send you strips and a meter, free. fr is good. [ man ] freestyle lite te strs. call or click today. megyn: we are getting new details on that security situation onboard a u.s. airways flight in philadelphia. it was about to take off, it did not. as the baggage carriers were loading up the plane they saw something they hoped not to see. now a bomb squad is on the scene following a report a suspicious luggage ands a suspicious person. all passengers are off the plane and an investigation is underway. rick leventhal picks up the story from there. >> reporter: this is a strange situation involving a mysterious
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baggage handler who did not have identification. three men were loading baggage while the was at the gate. they were waiting to taxi away when two of the three baggage handlers noticed the third did not have an i.d. badge. when they questioned him, he ran off, and drove away from the scene. all the passengers were deplaned. the plane was taxis out to the remote section of the runway. local philly police, the fbi and homeland security investigating along with customs and border protection because this flight was bound for bermuda. no hazardous materials have been found in any of the bags taken off that plane and according to fox philly they are checking the bags for drugs and cash to see if this was part of some smuggling operation.
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but no hazardous materials town on that plane. but a missing mysterious baggage handler who lacked identification has fled the scene. police are looking for that guy but have thought found him yet. megyn: thanks so much. we'll get back to you as you get more information. fox news election alert. big developments in the battle for the senate as one of the country's leading political web sites makes a first time ever prediction that republicans could pick up as many as nine senate streets come november. that would make it 50-50 the balance of power in the senate. what a remarkable change. in january real clear politics predicted democrats would keep 57 seats in the senate, enthusiastic they are expecting the democrats to hold just 50 seats. predicting the gop will gain enough ground to make it a 50-50 split in the senate. bret baier of anchor of "special
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report" and my co-anchor to be on election night. >> reporter: i'm looking forward to that night. it will be a big one. megyn: a lot of people consider the senate not so likely for the republicans to take over. they are not saying they are going to take over, but real clear politics putting it at 9 gop pickups. as i get your thoughts about it, to put the nine they are saying are likely to go republican. your thoughts as you see these states move over to the likely "r" column. >> reporter: the biggest one is nevada. a new rasmussen poll has sharon age up 4 points. they are pointing towards nevada saying average of polls. these are all -- megyn: that puts her up 0 .3. >> reporter: there is a poll that suggests with the tea party candidate getting out of the race and the undecideds, and
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none of the above line on the ballot. there is that line in nevada. it stands at 1%. there is a sense that undecideds are not going to go toward harry reid, the senate majority leader in that race. so real clear politics is looking at race that it's opening up toward republican sharron angle. there is a lot of time to go and these are all polls that have margin of error and a lot of things can change. that said, when analysts look at these races they are trending towards the republican side. that's why real clear politics says they are moving it to plus 9. plus 10 is the takeover number. megyn: i want to talk about a couple other races. as you look at the real clear politics history they lean democrat, now they are leaning republican. there is colorado where it many michael bennett versus kennebec.
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they are putting that likely gop territory. illinois, you have got kirk versusversusgiannoulias. you have got this extremely popular governor joe manchin, but he's getting beaten by raez. west virginia should be easy for raese at this point. >> reporter: there is a lot of time to go. the manchin race is interesting. 65% approval rate. but here is the approval rating that matters in that race. president will be's approval rating stands at 38% i the last poll. so the republican john raese has effectively managed to stay joe manchin to the administration, even though manchin opposes many
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of the administration policies. today there is news out that the national senatorial be rep cal committee had a casting call for a commercial for an ad, manchin is out saying this is an offense to the people of west virginia. this race is tight enough that things can happen. and it can goat other way. megyn: i want to point out, california according to real clear is leaning blue in the fiorina, boxer race. connecticut which you just moderated the debate in is leading blue for dick blumenthal. delaware, christine o'donnell apparently not expected to win that race either. she is still trailing considerably. so karl rove's prediction, her take over that gop nomination if she does stay behind, he could be right that she could cost the gop the control of the senate.
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>> reporter: one caution, 26 days, a long time of. megyn: if it goes 50-50 the vice president cast the deciding vote. that means the democrats still have a considerable advantage. fox news is your source for complete elect news coverage. you can keep it right here for all the result in our expert fair and balanced analysis. we appreciate it want to let you know we are awaiting news conference within this hour of what is quickly become an international incident. three border state congressmen expected to speak to reporters about what has been found in the search for david hartley. his wife tiffany saying the 30-year-old was shot in the head by mexican drug gangs while jet skiing on falcon lake, a body of water straddling the border. we'll look how the mexican drug war is increasingly impacting the united states of america and
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how the administration is handling that. we have details about the al qaeda suspect who spent years work a u.s. nuclear power plant. those are two things you don't want to hear in the same sentence. an investigative report says co-workers saw this guy on a jihadist web site that featured a mushroom cloud on its front page. despite his suspicious behavior he was still allowed to work there. hind site is always 20-20, trace. >> reporter: the nuclear regulatory commission says they will make safety changes here. i'll give you the two big takeaways from this. one they are saying the commission wants to have access to this industry database to know who is coming and going at these nuclear power plants, and they want to train employees to be able to spot potential terrorist behavior. makes sense.
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sharif mobley was said to have worked at 60s different plants in three states. he said after having unescorted access to the plant, he told taco worker, we are brother in the union. but if holy war comes, look out. and then he said islam is the only true faith, all non-muslims are infidels. on web site he pulled up they were web sites of mushroom cloud, nuclear mushroom clouds. until the commission began investigating this -- this is twut, that the co-workers knew therabout this. they didn't say a word. not until the commission started investigating this did it come out. you would think if a coworker knew of you were looking at mushroom clouds and said if the holy war comes watch out would you say something. now the protocol is in place if you see something, say something. they are teaching people to
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recognize what might be potential terrorist behavior. sharif mobley is in yemen in prison. he killed a guard, he's now facing murder charges in yemen. megyn: i'm going to guess the nuclear power plants if they now see somebody with a mushroom cloud and that kind of messaging they will make a phone call. let's hope. the mud has been flying for weeks. things just got even dirtier. could democrats be using the irs as a weapon to shut down republicans? dana perino clears the air next. a major airport in china closed because of a close encounter with a u forecast o. we are not kidding. we'll have the report just ahead. she got suspended from school for what she claims was an observation of her religion. of the church of body modification. a giant leap of faith in "kelly's court."
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>> everybody thinks she can take it nose stud out and go. but in america we do not make people sacrifice their religion to an administration. diabetes testing? what else is new?
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megyn: we are now getting word that the security situation at the philadelphia airport is over. bomb squads responding to reports an airport luggage handler without an i.d. loading the plane, then when he was confronted about it other baggage handlers he basically made a run for it. they just gave it all clear. no word on whether they apprehended that third man. accusations that dirty politics are getting even dirtier on capitol hill. democratic senator max baucus asking the irs to audit certain
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groups, specifically certain conservative groups. orrin hatch is saying it's politically motor rated and will chill free speech. dana, thanks so much for being here. this is a major dust-up between some big names. there was an article in the "new york times" and baucused an interview, and one is karl rove's group. and he wants them among unnamed others to be targeted about it irs for miss use non-profit fund? >> i was thinking about this today, i thought desperate times call for desperate measures when you are the democrats leading up to this november mid-term. this smacks of a political interference that is inappropriate and possibly unlawful with some of the tactics.
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i also think it doesn't sit well with the american people. this all stems from the supreme court decision -- remember president obama mentioning it in the state of the union address, calling out the supreme court justices who were there, talking about the parade of horribles that was going to happen because the supreme court sided with the first amendment. and now we see three weeks before the election calls for investigations and tax audits into this. there was a letter from max baucus, that's an anomaly. then there was an attack by a group, a liberal leaning group on that americans for prosperity, that could be a coincidence. but third one against karl's group, that's a conspiracy or at least a coordinated attack. there is also reports, megyn, that one of the big unions was called and told, don't worry, you are not going to be part of this investigation. megyn: even though the unions were the biggest donors.
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>> $145 million. megyn: compared to the gop side. >> 56 million. megyn: when you look at these investigations into groups that are suppose to be tax exempt making political -- making their for ray into the political world. rooms there has been that accusation about the naacp. and before the acorn investigation. republicans were calling into investigation of acorn's use of taxpayer dollars and they were ignored. now before the election you have this top democrat saying irs investigate these groups. and he focused two articles that focus on conservative groups. there are other things like the investigation into coke industries which is a big gop donor. >> the white house has to defend
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itself today. i take it at its work when it mentioned the tax status of coke industries it didn't mean to. but it's hard to swallow that. from where i was as the press secretary at the white house you are not even supposed to have access to information about any specific individual or company. megyn: so our viewers know what we are talking about. it's koch. so the white house specifically made mention of this particular taxpayer in making its what is about why there may need to be a crackdown on certain corporations. koch said don't be talking about us and out our tax information and don't target any donor when they are talking to reporters. the white house said we won't do that again. >> one of the reasons is it could be illegal. after watergate laws were put in place to make sure political
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interference regarding your taxes and how much you pay and sow much you owe could not be used against you in political speech. so the white house was right to come out and try to stop this and not massage it or pretend it was okay to do. it wasn't. megyn: do you think you call think beforehand a political witch hunt. do you think that's real or do you think it's coincidental. >> fit was just one you would say the' a coincidence. you saw several in the media start to write about the groups. then they all want to talk about karl rove. he's their favorite subject. then they bring up karl rove it many just three weeks before the election. i just think if they had not been in the dire straits they are they probably wouldn't have brought this up in this way. i think it's a last ditch measure. in 2004 george soros said would do whatever it took to unseat george bush. well, he wasn't successful, but
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there was no calls for investigations from democrats about that activity at that time. megyn: if you are running one of these groups, if the irs is threatening to investigate, you have got to be nervous. no one wants to be investigated about it irs. i don't care how above board you may be. it's a pain in the butt. it costs money, it takes time, it's nerve-racking. it will chill their free speech. >> these groups know they are going to be targeted so they are usually crystal clear. and clean. so we can waste taxpayer dollars investigating them for political points but for the administration and the democrats but it won't work for them. i think it did show some desperation on their part. megyn: thank you, ma'am, always a pleasure. we heard of bad weather shutting down airports. but a ufo? in three minutes we'll show you what happened when air traffic
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controllers spot one and sounded the alarm. the search for an american presumed dead. his wife said mexican drug gangs shot him in the head. they are saying needs to do something about the bloody drug war that is apparently getting closer every day. >> when i was pulling him up, i just kept hearing got say you have got to go, you have got to go. i had to decide to leave david or stay and ultimately if i stayed may be killed orchid napped. [ woman ] alright, so this tylenol 8 hour lasts 8 hours. but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve was proven to work better on pain
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than tylenol 8 hour. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? good, how are you? [ male announcer ] aleve. proven better on pain.
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megyn: update for you on the story of tennessee firefighters who stood by and watched as a family's home burned to ashes because the homeowners did not
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pay the required $75 fee. the fire chief speaking out to defend his department. >> the point in all this is, we have to go to the subscription program. that's what we have been dealt. the people should understand that houses are going to burn. megyn: they would have put the fire out who paid the fee. kran fee. cronick said a neighbor helped. >> my neighbor was standing there with an open checkbook telling hem to put it out. it's not like the money wasn't there. $75 versus $5,000 or $10,000. which would you rather have? megyn: firefighters did not do anything per the policy until the fire spread to the
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neighbor's yard. the neighbor did pay the fee. >> you wake up, you greet your loved ones, you grab the morning paper, and although it seems like any ordinary day, it isn't. for one extraordinary reason. megyn: that was the scene from "independence day." airport traffic controllers report seeing a ufo sparking a major airport in china to shut down. this is not the first time. trace gallagher following the story from our west coast newsroom. >> reporter: that's the big headline. the airport traffic controller's
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in mongolia shut the airport down because some lights were buzzing the runway. airport traffic controllers know everything that flies the skies like the back of their hand. they didn't recognize this one. it's the second time an airport in china has been shut down in recent months. look at this thing. this shut down another airport because it was on the radar. and the air traffic controller's say it was flyingerred aically -- say the was flying erratically. the chinese government said this was a military something or other. military exercise. that was then. but they have had six other sightings of ufos in china since june. and nobody has explained the one that shut down the airport in september. nobody has explained it. there were pictures we had, we are not quite sure if they are the same ones. when we find out we'll show them
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to you. but six times ufos in china. air traffic controller's. when they see something weird, the plumber says what is that coming outs bottom of your sink. megyn: you get so many of these sightings from air traffic controller's. the biggest desert. why doesn't anybody ever have a picture of up close. why is it always from afar and the weird light. why isn't it i got up close. we sent a chop kerr up and this is what we saw? >> reporter: because the pictures that are taken up close, those people are clearly abducted. common sense, right? they are taken. they are abducted. off they go. i don't know. megyn: we are getting word of some new developments on the border where we are awaiting a news conference on the apparent murder of an american along the border with mexico. these are live pictures.
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david hartley is believed to have been gunned down while riding a jet ski. now the question is what is mexico doing about this? plus a new report accusing the white house of misleading the public on the gulf oil disaster. block scientists from telling americans exactly how bad this thing was. and she calls it a religion. the school of not convinces. could a nose ring really be covered under the first amendment? is the church of body modification the same as judaism, islam and christianity? "kelly's court." stick around. so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? yeah, maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit.
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estimate. we are awaiting a white house news conference. three texas congressmen are expected to brief reporters on the search for david hartley. his wife tiffany says her husband was shot in the head by mexican thugs. mexican authorities say they stepped up their search after complaints from hartley's wife and family, not the mention the governor of texas. chris, we understand you just learned about a significant development. tell us. >> reporter: according to the sheriff in webb county, he tells me authorities on the mexican side of falcon lake halted their search yesterday around 3:00 when word spread that the search teams could be ambushed. that happened around 3:00 yesterday afternoon local time. he tells me the search resumed
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around 9:30 this morning. i didn't get a lot of details because he was on his way into the zapata courthouse. they are in there meeting with mexican officials, i'm told, to discuss where they go from here to resolve this incident that has blossomed into this international story. we know at this hour on the u.s. side of the borderer game wardens and the border patrol are searching for david hartley's body. around 9:30 this morning they are using military assets, not only the mexican army, but they are using helicopters and trained dive teams. megyn: are the mexican authorities continuing to cast doubts on tiffany hartley's story? >> already some on both sides of the border questioning the validity of tiffany's accounts of what happened a week ago this morning. we know according to texas governor rick perry he is taking
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this story seriously as are the authorities in the state of texas along the border. they are taking it seriously. even though there may be some skeptics even on the mexican side, they continue their search at this hour. megyn: the hartley case could be the latest spillover from the increasingly brutal drug war that largely runs along our southern border. 28,000 people have been killed in cartel-related drug violence in the last four years. 28,000 people. 5,000 just since last may. former u.n. ambassador john bolton says the u.s. needs to do more about this conflict. michael brown is the retired chief of operations for the drug enforcement agency. the numbers you spell out in your piece in the daily news are really stunning. 28,000 people killed in the past four years. 30 journalists.
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11 mayors assassinated so far in 2010. in juarez along the bored. 102 police officers have died just this year. now we get reports that the mexican authorities can't even search for the body of david hartley because they are too concerned about getting ambushed by drug cartels or other thugs in the region. have they completely lost control down there? >> i don't think they completely lost control. but the drug cartels are growing in power. they are challenging mexican authorities in many parts of the country. the problem of police and judicial corruption in mexico is a deep-rooted long standing one. and the assistance the united states has tried to give recently has not been delivered or been delivered effectively. just as we were concerned with what happened in colombia several decades ago, a severe problem for the united states. we are at a point where we could see mexico go the same way, and
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that is a problem right on our border. megyn: what about that do you disagree with? >> let me start out by saying i agree with most everything that the ambassador is saying. we can and should do more. the $1.6 billion that our congress has committed to the merit initiative is a step in the right direction. but when you consider we spent a trillion dollars in iraq and afghanistan the past 10 years that puts it into more proper perspective. what most folks don't understand in our country and quite frankly many mexicans don't understand either are the actual facts. and the facts are these. mexico's homicide rates have continued to drop since 1997. last year they dropped from 17 per 100,000 in 1997 down to 14 this past year. mexico city, the cap tall of
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mexico, their homicide rate was 9 per 100,000. ours in our nation's capital was 30 per 100,000. i agree with the ambassador. there are certain areas of mexico that are very dangerous to live in or visit as a tourist. but reality of the situation is that it's not as bleak as most folks believe. megyn: ambassador, you have a different take on it. you think our national security may potentially be at stake and you think president obama does not recognize the problem. >> there are areas of the bored on the u.s. side of the u.s.-mexican border that are dangerous because of the activity of the drug cartels. i think as we understand the distribution of drugs in this country, illegal drugs, is
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largely in the urban area through drug gangs. i think the risk of the drug-related violence spreading is very sea cute. i think it's a problem the mexican authorities recognize. the state department has issued travel advisories for american citizens. we have seen diplomats from honduras kidnapped, tourists in acapulco kidnapped. everybody indication is mexico is find can it more and more difficult to deal with the cartels and the drug related violence it brings. i think we need some leadership from the white house and specifically from president obama. megyn: you mention the state depth and hillary clinton, the secretary of state. she said this in early september, and it was quickly contradicted by the president. sheer is what she said. >> these drug cartels are now showing more and more indices of insurgency. it's looking more and more like colombia looked 20 years ago.
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megyn: the president came out and said specifically no, you cannot compare what's happening in mexico with what mapped in colombia 20 years ago which lead some like ambassador bolton to charge president obama doesn't get it. >> i disagree with the president on this one. and i once again agree with the ambassador on the comparison with colombia. and look the important message when it comes to colombia is the success story behind plan colombia. if you look at what was happening 20-25 years ago in colombia, the levels of violence there surpass the levels of violence in connection coright now. what when heed to do is we need to invest more with respect to money. we need to get that money moving. a lot of that money is static. it has not been moved into the right places. but here is what i can say. here is what concerns me more than anything else.
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permissive environments in mexico have been created by powerful drug trafficking cartels because they invest hundreds of millions of dollars to corrupt virtually all levels of government in those particular permissive environments. what this administration, our administration in the united states needs to focus on is getting serious on focusing on corruption on our side of the borderer. megyn: president calderon has been making that point. he says you have to stop the demand for drugs and you have got to stop the drugs coming from of the border. thank you both for being here. coming up at at top of the hour. studio "b" with shepard smith. shep: much more on afghanistan in the next hour. the "wall street journal" reports that the pakistan spy agency is pressing fighters to
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attack the u.s. in afghanistan and leaving soldiers dead on the battlefield. megyn: jewish men were yamakas, muslim women wear veils, this woman going with spa divine diamond in her nose for the church of body modification. religious symbol? her school said we don't think so. guess what the aclu thinks. go to, click on our on the docket section before the gavel drops next.
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megyn: "kelly's court" is back in session. kicks out of school for keeping the faith. a 14-year-old along with her
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mother say they are devout members of the church of body modification, channeling god through tattoos and body piercings, including the new one she just got in her nose. the problem is her $school suspending her. so she is suing the school with a little help from the aclu. let's ask our panel, mark eiglarsh and lee armstrong. the church of body modification which i guess she says allows nose piercing and i don't know what he will she wants to modify in her body, but does she have a point? >> absolutely. it's a matter of time before the suspension is overruled. the school board is violating their own dress code policy which allows an exceptio an exer
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religious beliefs. megyn: the requirement is that you have got to have a sincerely held belief -- is there a requirement that it be a religion that's widely recognized. >> no, that's not a requirement. we understand the notion that freedom of religion is a bedrock principle. any time a governmental authority starts to say something about what you can or can't do people get upset. these have complicated issues. there are two defenses available. what there is to say this is not a legitimate religion. you have got some legs. you go to that site and there are people flank their backs by hooks. i'm not making this up. they talk about splitting their tongue, chopping off hair ears. scarring themselves. courts have said over and over, they believe that the courts are ill suited to decide what is a good religious and what is not a bona fide religion. what the school should focus on is whether this particularly piercing the nose -- if that's a
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central tenet of the religion. this is not the church of nose piercing. it's not. if you go to their literature they don't talk about that whatsoever. that's the difference. megyn: the principal determined the nose piercing was not a requirement of the religion. that's why she got suspend because of the school dress code. >> i'm surprised lee is being so close minded in light of all his body piercings. i did go to their web site and i did some research. they are tax exempt. they are incorporated as a non-profit entity. they have a clear mission station. and part of that is the belief that by modifying and manipulating one's flesh it creates a bond between mind and body. megyn: how far can you take this? we pulled a couple cases we have done in "kelly's court." look at this guy. could see or somebody like this
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guy walk into the school and say this is how i have chosen to modify my body? you tell me. disruptive in the school system? should they grant and exemption to somebody like that? >> the nose piercing is not the same. she is 14. this makes her feel good. you are telling me went hours of 8:00 and 3:00 she can't take that out? that is central to her religion? there has been one case on this directly on point. 2004, a woman sued costco, she said she had to have the piercing in her eyebrow. the courtside stepped the issue of whether this church is a religion and sit's not central to the religion. under that same reasoning this case will be dismissed. >> i have got to make two points. tinker, 1969. does that little tiny nose
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piercing in any way materially and substantially disstrupt school discipline? the answer in no. >> how do you know that? >> because if little johnny is claiming his grades are plummeting because he's distracted by a nose ring, it ain't a nose ring. megyn: there is a question whether this is religion or she just wants to wear the nose ring. >> what if little johnny wants to wear his underwear on the outside. is that where we draw the line? >> in this case it 7 the honor students -- it's the honor students that brought the case forward. megyn: the church of body modification? i have serious questions about this woman's sincerely held religious beliefs and whether it requires the nose ring to be
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placed in the nose for a certain number of hours during the school day. but i'll leave it to the courts to give the ultimate ruling on that. we'll be right back.
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megyn: the rush of toxic sludge racing through hungary is unbelievable. this is threatening to become a continental crisis. its brew of dangerous chemicals pouring into the danube river. >> reporter: terrible stuff. the late news we are getting in the past hour or so is that the continental threat of this ecological disaster appears to be lessening. still it's an ugly scene at the immediate source. it happened 100 miles southwest
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of budapest, hungary. a reservoir of toxic sludge at an aluminum plant burst open. a 6-foot high wall of poison muck slammed through villages and farms. four killed, three missing. 150 injured because the flood when it hits the skin burns. if it's ingested or inhaled, it's potentially deadly. also killing fish and wildlife. emergency teams and haz mat suits looking like something out of a science fiction movie worked to seal the reservoir. they built dams in the river to stop the flow. they threw agents in the water to try to neutralize it. the sludge is now mixing in with the big danube river, the tributary. the ph or alkaline level in the rivers will are almost close to normal. we are told that's a good thing. the experts we have been talking
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to all day were speaking in dark terms about the effects of this thing now say for the other parts of hungary and europe it's looking better. but that immediate area very, very bad. it could be like this for years we are told. back to you, megyn. megyn: what a nightmare. there are breaking developments on the search for an american whose wife said he was shot dead by mexican pirates. thee texas congressmen about to weigh in on the search for david hartley. captioning made possible by fox news network a heart attack that's caused by a clot, one that could be fatal. but plavix helps save lives. plavix, taken with other heart medicines, goes beyond what other heart medicines do alone, to provide greater protection against heart attack or stroke and even death by helping to keep blood platelets from sticking together and forming dangerous clots.
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>>megyn: she is the first ever speaker of the house, female but she has nothing on lady gaga ranked the 100 most powerful women putting the famed monster ahead of the house speaker based on broader, cultural influence rather than traditional titles. first lady obama tops the list. lady


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