tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News October 9, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EDT
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tears? >> sean: all right i'm going home and eat alfalfa sprouts. s. go yanks. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. california gubernatorial candidate jerry brown and his staff are overheard discussing the word whore in relation to his opponent meg whitman. now all hell is breaking loose. we'll have a full report. >> did i or the dobbs group at any time hire any illegal immigrant for any of reason? >> lou the buck stops here. >> lou dobbs accused of hiring illegal aliens as meg whitman was. he is firing back. >> bill: i think the tort of emotional inflection overrides free speech. >> america is doomed. >> if you are across the street and shouting these vile vile
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things,. >> right. >> i'm sorry. >> bill: glenn beck and i disagree about freedom of speech as it relates to the west wore row baptist church. we have a a lively debate. >> so i have convinced you? >> yes. >> bill: caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> i'm bill o'reilly, thanks for watching us tonight. voter anger, that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. the new unemployment figures are out today. the jobless rate remains at 9.6%. that is the 14th consecutive month unemployment has been over 9.5%. a situation not seen since the great depression. and the american workers are angry even if they have jobs because they have a fierce climate of uncertainty in the air. anything could happen in this economy.
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lash out at the source of insecurity. president obama bearing of anger these days. -- there is no question that president obama's massive spending strategy has not improved things and we americans are an impatient people. so, we have displays like this one yesterday. >> unbelievable recession. [you are a liar! [shouting] >> i continue to believe that all presidents should be respected but there is no question there is anger in the air. no rasmussen poll asks americans how angry are you at the policies of the federal government. a whopping 43% say very angry. 20% say somewhat angry. 1% not very angry.
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14% not angry at all. 5% are apparently in a coma. 63% of the country is angry with washington. 63%. there is no way the party in power, the democrats can prosper in that climate. the republicans will most likely benefit on november 2nd. the g.o.p. better not gloat because the americans are very skeptical of them. the economy went off the cliff with the republican was in the white house. to be fair, the democrats ran congress. that is almost always overlooked by the left-wing media: sometimes anger can be a positive thing. it can cause constructive change. we saw that with jessica's law when the nation mobilized against child molesters. other times anger is simply destructive and clouds clear-thinking. in the case of president obama it is wise to step back to examine his policies without emotion. sorry about the plug, but that's what i do in my book "pinheads and patriots." that's what the american voter must do, must do if america is to make a comeback. and that's the memo.
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now for the top story tonight. more trouble in california. governor's race. speaking at a meeting he thought was private, democrat jerry brown and his staff were discussing meg whitman who they believe would extend california law enforcement pensions. jerry brown said, quote: now, that kind of talk is typical in political meetings, but the fact it was caught on tape has caused a stir. with us to react, jehmu greene former president of the women's media center and from washington fox news analyst dana perino. now, the context, so everybody understands this conversation, dana, was that brown and his aides were meeting and he -- brown himself did not disconnect the telephone that he had made a call -- a previous call. so the caller was on the other line. now, in the cell phone world that happens all the time that you think you disconnect but you don't and the line is still open. now they are talking about whitman and you know pensions
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are crippling california. public pensions are just -- have devastated the state. they can't pay it, can't pay the money. brown is trying to figure out how he can mulify california law enforcement who doesn't want their pensions cut. he is thinking if we don't do this whitman. will she will mulify them somehow. that's the context of the discussion. the word whore means not a physical thing but a sell-out kind of thing. all right. so now the audience has it. what say you? >> first of all, i start by saying that while it may be true that some political meetings do use those kind of language, i worked in the white house for george w. bush for seven and a half years. and never did i hear any talk like that. >> bill: you guys were prim. but rahm emanuel? rahm emanuel? >> well, and, again, maybe that's the difference. but 25 days until the election, not a good outcome for jerry brown for this to come out. and i think that meg whitman
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should do a couple of things. first of all, she could come out with an ad that says stop the name calling. you know, not be defensive. stop the name-calling. i want to focus on jobs. you want a candidate you can be proud of? you want a leader you can be proud of. you want one that can change the state around? that's me. and just use this as momentum to win on november 2nd. >> bill: what do you say? >> i think she has an opportunity here. >> well, i think, bill, that clearly we're at a place where this type of language even some people think it's acceptable or common language in political discussions, this has got to stop. i think that we have seen so many instances of in this year. it's not just jerry brown. joe miller in alaska tweeted a reference to senator marchkowski and said that she was a part of the oldest profession in the world and the level of outrage, i think that needs to happen both i think fingers need to be pointed at democrats and republicans. this is not a part --
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>> bill: you feel that this kind of analogy is unacceptable, period? >> it's absolutely sexist. and there is no place in politics for it. >> bill: you hear what they say about men. i mean my god. so it's not just -- look, in a perfect world, both of you ladies are absolutely correct. that this shouldn't happen. i have got to tell you, i was an athlete for many, many years. the locker room, unbelievable. politics is like the locker room. not justifying it i'm just saying that's the real world. >> here is the issue, bill. we are poised for the first time in my lifetime. for the first time in 32 years to see a roll back in the number of women who are going to be elected to office in congress. that is a drastic switch in the direction of where we should be moving towards parody. we only have 17% of congress right now. we have to push back against this. >> bill: much tougher for a woman to run than a man. i have always said that and it is. now, here is what i would do if i were meg whitman. i want both of to you react to this. i would go out and i would say okay i understand the context of
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it. it was wrong to say that. number one, i am not that and i would do x, y, and z about the issue. number two, i'm not going to make a big deal out of this. i'm just going to move ahead and my policies are better than his policies. that's what i would do, dana. >> i agree. i remember back during the 2008 campaign when president obama made a reference to putting lipstick on a pig or lipstick on a pit bull or whatever it was. and instead of the mccain campaign just saying we're going to focus on the issues if you want to use that kind of language fine but we're not a part of it really they stepped in and had a press conference and it was really ridiculous. >> bill: you can agree with me that she can take the high road here and say unlike jerry brown who did this thing and exploited this house deal not going to exploit it? >> she knows how to create jobs. i would just mention one thing that jim you -- jehmu you said about office there are pickup opportunities for women in the
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governorships. martinez in mexico. nikki haley in south carolina and possibly meg whitman in california. >> bill: would you advise my strategy for ms. whitman or should she make a big deal out of it? >> actually salinda lake did polling on this. it shows candidates should respond. they should not let these statements go. >> bill: you would blow it up. >> she should absolutely hold him accountable for it the piss poor pathetic response we have seen is insulting. >> bill: i would make jerry cut her lawn or something like that. what does she have to do to atone. >> i want to find out hot aide is that said it. >> bill: you are going for blood jehmu. >> i know he is depressing the voters that he absolutely needs because at the end of the day we want to vote for a governor when he hears a word like that that is he going to stop and turn his aide and say that's unacceptable, not in this conversation. >> bill: next on the run down, a far left magazine accuses lou
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straight-forward answer to a simple, sensible straightforward question. have i, or any of my companies, ever hired an illegal immigrant? yes or no? >> no. >> bill: joining us now from lexington, kentucky is lou dobbs. just so the audience knows because nobody reads the dopey magazine "the nation" lowest circumstance of any magazine i have ever heard of. they basically contend that your group, the dobbs group, that runs some of your concerns like where you are now in lexington, your horses, they take care of various things that you do in florida and new jersey and in kentucky. they subcontract out to clean the stables, to do the gardens, to do this, that, and the other thing. and in the subcontracting, there are some illegal aliens who talk to the nation and said, yeah. okay. so that's the beef. and i think that's true, right? some of your subcontractors had a couple of guys in there that were from mexico.
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>> it appears be to the case. i had no knowledge of it we do every -- we had asked for guarantees that it wouldn't happen it did. we all without our control. and everything that is in our control i assure you, bill, we go to great lengths to make sure it just doesn't happen. >> bill: i want to just tell the audience that i have almost the same problem. i'm not nearly as affluent as you and i don't have any horses, i have a little dog, but i subcontract out, too. and i have people that come in and they do certain things for my corporation. and i don't go around asking for their passports and taking fingerprints. i trust the company. i say the company -- i want all legal workers. obviously i'm a high profile guy oh yes, mr. o'reilly they are all legal. you know, i have guys that come in and do a pool. they do construction. but i'm not going around climbing up on the ladder saying jose can i see your passport.
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i mean, if i did that, i would be a racial profiling guy. >> exactly. and that is essentially what the nation is suggesting that i should have done is racial profiling. and then other os have asked well, am i firing the landscaping firm that now it turns out may have had these illegal immigrants in the answer again is, no. not in this environment, not at any time am i going to be responsible for anyone losing a job. and that's their responsibility. >> bill: yeah, but i would tell them, lou. with your profile. >> i did. >> bill: illegal alien hiring and this and that i would say look, you guys, you have got one more chance. i want all legal workers working on my properties. and if it happens again you are fired. i think you give them another chance. >> you captured the gist of that conversation, bill. >> bill: great minds think alike, dobbs. >> you bet. >> bill: you know, this magazine, "the nation" you know
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what this is all about. >> it's left wing. >> bill: way left wing. >> it's left wing rag. >> bill: i wouldn't call it a rag but it's far left. the woman you have got to give her props comes on your radio program and actually tells you the truth that you and your group never knowlying hired why the hell did you do this story in the first place. >> the suggestion is because i relied on ultimately the labor of illegal immigrants. i have been reporting as you on this issue 10 years? >> bill: yeah. bill we you can have talked about 12 million illegal immigrants in this country. this should not be a surprise to anyone across this great country are now using illegal immigrant
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labor in our hotels, our restaurants, landscaping, construction, my god, you know, they are absolutely -- our economy. >> bill: unless you are going to do a personal body search check. >> right. >> bill: i mean, come on, the people are doing the work for you, you are trying to be a good guy. and you paying them good money. and then you have o -- all right. well, i think they are hurting their own cause. go ahead. >> you know what, bill? i think so, too. let me tell you why. in addition to everything else, i'm working with senator schumer, congressman luis gutierrez with factions from the left, the right, trying to come up with a sensible compromise that will resolve this issue while the so-called, purported representatives and those who suggest they are representing the interest of illegal immigrants haven't gotten it done in four years. >> bill: they want open border -- look, the nation wants open border amnesty and that's not going to happen in this country. have fun out there in the
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country. it's beautiful territory. >> thanks so much. >> bill: black and white americans have drastically declined. we think we know the reason why. glenn beck and i disagree over the hateful westboro baptist church free speech issue now before the supreme court. coming right back with those stories. host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? is a bird in the hand worth 2 in the bush? appraiser: well you rarely see them in this good of shape. appraiser: for example the fingers are perfect.
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appraiser: the bird is in mint condition. appraiser: and i would say if this were to go to auction today, appraiser: conservatively it would be worth 2 in the bush. woman: really? appraiser: it's just beautiful, thank you so much for bringing it in. woman: unbelievable anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more.
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>> bill: unresolved problem segment tonight back in july of 2009, 62% of americans told a rasmussen poll they thought race relations between black and white americans were improving. but now that number has fallen to 36%. a stunning decline a short period of time. so what happened? well, i believe one of the big reasons that the far left media often labels people who disagree with president obama's policies racist. you saw that with the tea party coverage. that has made millions of
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americans furious. but there are other reasons as well. joining us now from washington, dr. chris metzler teaches at gorgeous town university and sally quinn who writes a blog for religion on the "the washington post." what do you think is going on here? >> let's start with religion first. i think that the whole idea of obama being thought of as a muslim has been a huge issue between blacks and whites. because 18 or 20% of americans think obama is a muslim. they don't even know what that means. but when they think that he is a muslim, they sort of are beginning to think well, black people are muslims because he is a christian. well, i think that there is an element of sort of -- >> bill: you know, i never connected the muslim deal with the racial deal. doctor, do you see it that way? >> no. i have never made that connection. i mean, let's talk about what's going on here. i think first of all in once obama was elected, there are a couple of things going on.
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first of all, you can't criticize him if you are black because if you do, then you are an uncle tom or you are a sell-out. you can't criticize him if you are white because if you do, then you're a racist. and here is the problem with that. the problem with that is we are supposed to be looking at the president despite his race. so that contradiction is really what's making a lot of people upset. >> bill: okay. that's pretty much what i said. but here is what the interesting thing about this. 53% of americans voted for barack obama. okay? they elected him president. and then when he took the oath of office in his inauguration. 70% told all the polls we like him. we like him. overwhelming. so, you would -- that's with as was reflected in the 64% saying race relations are getting better. everybody saw that and said, hey, this chasm between blacks and whites 70% wishing him well on inauguration anybody would say that's a good thing.
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but, since he has run into trouble, ms. quinn, and since people have been criticized, the far left ferocious fight back machine on his behalf has used the racial card over and over again. that's got to be what is driving it down. >> well, i think that the president first of all took over the titanic. he came in. everybody was ready for a change. and they said first black president, we're so thrilled with ourselves. this is incredible. look at us, we love blacks, blacks love whites. everybody loves everybody. then things didn't improve drastically overnight. and i think people are in a really bad mood. i don't think that they would like anybody at this point. i think the expectations for obama were highly unrealistic. and so i think that people, as we have just talked about, that blacks feel they can't criticize them. the whites feel they can't criticize them. the fact is that i think nobody is satisfied with the way things
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are. that polarizes people. >> bill: i don't know -- it would be the same -- look, let me throw out two very specific stories. the failure to prosecute the black panthers in philadelphia. >> exactly. >> bill: to the mainstream media, ms. quinn, the "the washington post" and you guys was not a big story. trust me when i tell you in middle america, that was huge. when holder basically said and guys testified to this we don't care whether blacks abuse rights in the civil rights area. we are not interested in that. huge. the second one, professor, was the cambridge professor and the white police officer. where obama inserted himself into that controversy. those two stories, i'll submit to you both, really caught people's attention. professor, you first and then ms. quinn you can answer. >> absolutely. so, you have got this whole refusal to prosecute the black panthers. you know, what we're looking at is essentially the justice department taking a path on that. i think you also forgot one,
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bill. the one you forgot was the discussion by attorney general holder about the nation being being cowards on the nation of race. so, i think you take all of those kinds of things together and what ends up happening is people are saying enough with the race card. enough with shout -- with really shutting down dissent on the issue of race. i think we ought to be able to have a conversation about race and not really shout each other down. i think we can't have this grown up conversation. it's policy. and a lot of people are essentially saying if the justice department is going to decide, not to enforce the voting rights act against whites, hello. i mean. >> bill: that was huge. there is no doubt. >> yeah. >> bill: ms. quinn, i'm going to give you time to wrap it up for us. one is economics. economy is not doing well not doing jobs, polarizes the races.
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look at the school system and look at the inner cities. facilities same kind of sources that they see upper middle class whites getting in their neighborhoods, i think that is a polarizing factor as well. i think that, you know, there is not just one answer here. >> bill: no. there isn't. a whole bunch of things. very interesting discussion. thank you both. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. glenn beck and i disagree over freedom of speech and the westboro baptist crew. the supreme court will decide the case and beck and i will kick it around. next, many celebrities ask you to give money to help the haitian people but, surprise, much of that money hasn't gotten to the suffering folks. geraldo has been investigating. and we hope you stay tuned to those reports.
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>> fundraisers of earthquake hit last january. celebrities like angelina jolie, brad pitt, sean penn, demi more nicole kidman traveled to haiti to bring attention to the desperation down there. it's estimated that 80% of the 1.5 million haitians made homeless by the earthquake are still homeless, 0%. most remain living in the streets or in tents. we asked a bunch of celebrities to come on this program tonight to redirect attention to the problem. so far they have all declined and won't even issue statements. kind of like that 9/11 situation. remember that, the telethon george clooney when we asked the celebrities who help raise money for the 9/11 families, when the
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money didn't get to the families, we asked them. no. same thing here. geraldo rivera did cover the earthquake in haiti and has been investigating the situation. he joins us now. all right. a few stats. this is stunning. this is stunning. almost $9 billion was pledged to help the haitian people. by countries around the world. all right? less than 10% of that has gotten to the island. okay? the island nation. 1.3 given by individuals. mostly americans to help them. nobody knows where that money is the clinton global initiative is supposed to be running it 80%, as i said, still living. there is no infrom a structure. no improvement. no construction. nothing. you can explain that to me? >> well, yeah. you have put on the table a lot of different issues. but, let me deal with it piece by piece. first, on the celebrities, excuse me. you know that there are many, many catastrophes competing for center stage and a lot of people
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when the spotlight is on a particular issue they run to the light. and then once the light moves on, they follow the spotlight. >> bill: is that hypocritical? >> it is but it's also human nature. let me give you the heros and the goats as i see it sean penn, and i know that you know. >> bill: we have been talking to him. i have no beef with him here. >> he has been the most consistently engaged of every celebrity. >> bill: i agree with that. >> i saw him down there. whatever you say about sean penn he has really paid attention and gone back repeatedly. angelina jolie i say the same thing. >> bill: wouldn't issue a statement tonight. >> be that as it may, she has been engaged and she goes back and i believe that she sincerely cares. >> bill: let me stop you there look, geraldo, you can care but then when you are faced with the fact that what you did isn't helping and you have power like jolie has, you can get on the program and say, hey, you better get that money to the island. >> angelina jolie can be
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criticized for whatever you want to criticize her for, but she puts her. >> bill: where is she tonight? where is she? we have got satellites all over the world. where is she? >> the fact that she doesn't want to talk to you -- >> bill: wouldn't talk to anybody. wouldn't issue a statement. >> why don't you show that range at tom coburn the republican senator from. >> bill: oklahoma. >> where the hell is senator coburn? >> bill: he is holding it up because the money that we pledged. >> bill, is he holding up $1.5 billion and he was doing it secretly. he was trying to issue his pocket veto and investigation by the associated press that revealed that the $1.5 billion that the united states congress has already passed for reconstruction of haiti is being held up by senator tom coburn. >> bill: do you know why? >> why? because of a 5-million-dollar beef. >> bill: it's more than that. >> half of 1% of the total amount. >> bill: i think coburn should let it go but coburn's argument
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is. >> he was a sneak. he was a sneak. he tried to do that in secret. >> bill: okay. i'm not going to defend coburn. if he wants to defend he can come on the program on monday and defend himself. i will tell you. this he held it up because it's not funded, all right? the money isn't funded. >> it's not his call. >> bill: it isn't his call. >> his colleagues passed it. >> bill: he should have been upfront about it? >> in a broader view, how is it that one senator on whatever issue u right, left, red, blue. >> bill: because they are powerful people. >> one senator can do it secretly. >> bill: where is president obama saying hey, coburn, you are holding it up. obama could use bully pulpit. >> now it's obama's problem? >> bill: no, he could do what you are asking. the president could do what you are asking. >> if you and i, two members of the senate, and you could clearly be elected, i probably would have -- >> bill: there is no doubt you couldn't be. okay. [ laughter ] >> and paladino can be? as a governor i'm pleased. >> bill: let's not digress.
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>> a senator can keep it secret for six days. >> bill: i'm not disagreeing with you. >> i can keep it secret for five days and can i hand it over to you and you keep it secret for five days. >> bill: powerful people like president obama could have outed coburn. the president didn't do it. the associated press had to do it. >> you are not blaming the perpetrator. you are blapping the guy -- >> bill: here is what i'm angry about. i'm angry about powerful people doing nothing. i'm angry about coburn. i'm angry about obama not outing coburn. i'm angry about angelina jolie and celebrity friends getting cred going down there and when the going gets rough just like 9/11 they won't issue a statement. powerful people have a responsibility to follow through geraldo. they don't have to live in the streets. go. >> i agree. then let's praise president bill clinton. this is a man, you say. >> bill: he hasn't made it clear that the money isn't getting there. >> i think that he has made very clear without naming senator coburn in the way we just did,
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he has made clear that the united states senate is dismawrning the pledge made by the united states. it is the largest segment of the unpaid, committed pledged money to restore that nation, that broken nation. >> bill: i want clinton to come on this program. >> i think that clinton would be -- >> i want clinton and coburn to come on the program. let's see what they got. >> but coburn is a doctor, also. he should know this stuff. >> we're going to invite him. all right. we're going to get that money down there. >> i think that you can do it. can you do it. >> bill: we will do it. geraldo. geraldo rivera, everybody. when we come back. glenn beck and i will shoot it out over free speech. the hateful westboro crew and the supreme court. beck is next. ♪
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when you can relax and be yourself. and at thousands of newly refreshed holiday inn express hotels, you always can. holiday inn express. stay you. and now stay rewarded with a sweet dilemma. up to five free nights at any of our properties or double points. >> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the at your beck and call segment tonight, as you may know the supreme court hearing a big freedom of speech case with the hateful westboro baptist church,
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not related to the american baptist church, interrupted the funeral of marine lance corporal matthew snyder who was killed in iraq. the family sued the protesters 1 million. the verdict was overturned on appeal. i say the supreme court should reinstate the jury verdict. beck disagrees. i spoke with him last night. here is beck and he and i disagree on this westboro snyder case on the supreme court. >> no. actually, we do but we don't in principle. >> bill: i know that in spirit, everybody knows that these westboro people -- >> -- despicable. >> bill: vile people. freedom of speech issue. let's walk through it in a very simple way because both you and i are simple men. and the question is. >> you just called me a simpleton? >> which one is simpler. that is a tough call. >> it is. >> bill: do you believe in the civil right of privacy? >> yes. >> bill: okay. so you believe in privacy but you don't believe in the action of intentional infliction of
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emotional distress? >> no. i believe that -- look, if you are coming into the church in a private ceremony, you have no reason to be there. if you are, let's say, across the street and you are shouting these vial, vial things, i'm sorry. i mean, i don't have to write down the constitution to remind me of freedom of speech people say that i don't like. >> bill: in alaska and new york state two rulings against talk radio hosts. and you are one and i used to be one. >> right. >> bill: who picked out individual citizens and then put them up to mock and scorn them. and in both cases, juries ruled that was intentional infliction of a private citizen. >> yeah. >> bill: both cases the jury has ruled intention of emotional discretion the loose to pay. snyder says not only did these people show up to disrupt the funeral but before that they put
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out mailings with our son's picture on then. our slain son's picture on them. >> that's what it's all about. he won the case on intentional infliction of emotional distress. they targeted you and your family for pain. so we're going to give you $10 million. and the feds, the court, said no, overturned it and said because they have the freedom of speech and they can do it. i disagree. i think that the tort of intentional infliction overrides the freedom of speech in this case. >> where i get concerned is when people say that they don't have a right to gather on the street across from the church or whatever and say despicable things. >> bill: if it's not targeted at an individual then you are right. god -- so i have convinced you? i want you to go on the radio and say that i convinced you. that's what it's all about. >> i have no problem with that. >> bill: targeting the snyder family. not the big issue of protest. >> the protests are -- i have respect for the people that are
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in these bike groups that are coming out. >> bill: counter protesting. >> absolutely. they stand between we have to as a nation stop worrying about our rights and pick up our responsibilities. >> bill: tennessee. there is a fire department in a rural county. >> not going to convince me on this one. >> bill: want you to pay $75. if you have a fire they go to your house. you say no. i'm almost with you on that. you know, it's a public service. i got property taxes. i should be able to get fire service here. but, when the guy didn't pay, and his house burnt down. >> i know. >> bill: the fire department just let it burn down. >> i don't know how the firemen stood there and didn't do do it but they had to. this is a community that agreed on how we are going to -- they didn't have any fire coverage before. everybody's house burned down. they said we have to have firemen. how are we going to do it? everybody paid. >> bill: i have a solution to that. >> i don't think you do. >> bill: i do. listen to me. the firemen should have put out the fire and charged him for the action. >> we put it out. if you don't pay the 75, you
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have to pay all the costs of us putting it out. are you with me? >> no. >> bill: oh. >> the idea here, bill, you know what you are proposing? >> bill: what? >> obama care. yes, you are. you are proposing obama care. it doesn't work. this is fire insurance. if i can go buy insurance, which is obama, what he wants to do with obama care and is doing, if i can get oh i have got cancer, i need insurance. insurance that's $75 is to keep everyone -- everyone's house safe. it is to be able to have a fire department. >> bill: under our constitution you can't force. and that's the problem with obama care. you can't force people to do it. but what you can do is charge them for the service that you deliver. i put your house out. i put the fire out. it cost the taxpayers. this you need to reimburse us. >> here is the thing. here is i why i won't go down the road with you. if that's what the people
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decide. >> bill: that's what the people decide. >> no. i wouldn't impose it on them. they would have to vote on it? >> if this is what they decide to do i'm totally fine with you. >> bill: i'm not going to impose. they vote. >> this is their community. this is what they came up with. the fire department, as cold and as awful as it sounds. >> bill: i want that option in there i want them to vote on that option. >> if you move to that county, you can do that. >> bill: okay. worse place to live beautiful rural tennessee? >> absolutely. wondering because maybe there would be a space here. [ laughter ] >> bill: i have convinced you again. >> no, you haven't. you haven't convinced me. i have convinced you. no. >> i have convinced you. >> bill: vote on the back end. >> that's not what you started with. no i -- >> i convinced him. 1 to 1. >> bill: all right, beck. so i won and you lost. >> no. that's not how this works.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, the dumbest things of the week. here they are. two very bright fox news people with our guy greg gutfeld and arthel neville. she has chosen caesar millan the dog whisperer. >> americans who allow their dogs to walk them is one of his biggest pet peeves. evidently we're supposed to be who knew. >> president obama and his new
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dog. you have seen them walk together. >> i have seen them. day one. definitely day one was not a good scene. the dog bo was in front of the president of the united states. >> what about george w. bush? >> he walk the dog in front. >> his dog was in front as well. >> yeah, y. barney. not surprised he didn't want to go in the helicopter. >> bill: apparently the dog is not to go in front. >> the dog whisperer is right. president obama and bush ambush. they have it wrong, bill. this guy knows what he is talking about. the dog whisperer empire is worth close to $100 million. >> bill: so he has made a lot of money. but where is the dog supposed to be in back of you. >> that's right. heel. it's like when we walk around fox and you see me you step back behind me. >> bill: with all due respect i don't care where the dog. >> you have a dog. >> bill: as long as the dog does his business quickly, i don't care where he is. >> this is the greatest job ever.
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dog whisperer. nobody c . ce rep for your dog. so he can say whatever the dog is saying and can he make it up. he could be a furniture whisperer, it doesn't matter. >> bill: no malpractice out there. >> bill: he is making the point, gutfeld, that president, the dog should be behind. >> that's right. >> bill: not in front. >> i hate the dog whisperer. $100 million. >> bill: gutfeld is pretty much jealous of everybody. gutfeld has selected lebron james in the dumb zone. roll it. >> do you think there is a role that race plays in this? >> i think so at times. there is always, you know, a race factor. >> bill: he is talking about cleveland people not liking him because he bailed out of cleveland to go to miami. >> it's because is he black not because he is a jerk. this is basketball. this isn't hockey, bill. come on. >> bill: it is pretty dumb though. >> it's amazingly dumb. do you know whose fault it is really for asking that question.
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you were talking earlier about problems with race. >> bill: what else are you going to ask him. >> don't inject race into every problem. this is why we have these polls. >> hang on. not defending her but i have to tell you that there was a poll about this and why a poll was broken down or annualized along racial lines if the first place is wrong. >> bill: they loved him in cleveland, right? they loved him. what color was he? in cleveland? >> i think he was black in cleveland. >> bill: okay. so then he goes to miami for more money, wherever he goes. is he warmer down there. and they don't like him. >> no. >> bill: because he went to miami. not because of his color. >> no, no. here is the deal. it's because of this right here. that stupid big old thing for espn. he is annoying. >> bill: is he a moron. >> he is annoying. >> bill: he is dumb. that's dumb. >> that announcement was way over the top. over it. >> bill: john stossel, you know the name? >> um-huh. >> bill: he went out and asked younger people about me. roll the tape. >> who is this? >> bill o'reilly.
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>> no way. >> politician apolitician. >> he is that tv host. >> no idea. >> no idea? >> no. >> absolutely no idea. >> i don't know his name. i recognize him. he is a politician. i don't know. >> bill o'reilly. >> we win! >> bill: you win nothing. nothing at all. now, they all knew justin bieber. so i'm thinking about getting the hair -- well, i really can't do that, can i? >> no, you can't. you are fine. this is what i suggest to you. all right? i think you should go shoot some hoops with lebron james. you can take him. >> bill: no, i can't. >> boost your ego to get over. this it will take him down a couple of notches. >> bill: look. you may remember the famous moment when i interviewed barack obama and i wanted to play him one-on-one basketball. how many spots, it was 10. i will take that bet.
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lebron james, i would be in the hospital. because i just called him dumb. do you know what that guy would do to me? because he is the best basketball player on the planet. >> great player. >> bill: but that was dumb. arthel and gutfeld, everybody, there they are. pinheads and patriots on deck tonight starring a dad who may have embarrassed his two daughters. you will make the call moments away.
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>> bill: pinheads and patriots in a moment. did a bad embarrass his daughters? you make the call. first last call for den miss miller interview doesn't. -- monday miss laura ingraham takes center stage. if you become a yearly member or reup we will send an mp3 player to the troops. please sign up for premium membership and be a patriot. now the mail. gary: you are too emotional. if the supreme court reframes
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you are not sincere richard? diane davis: we are really in the third tkpwhreud here tragic. beth: -- absolutely they are pinheads if they october. there them out of the car. . no way! i write every word. i would be a pen head if i let other people write my books. that's me and me alone i'm responsible. finally tv edition pinheads and patriots.
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>> dig in buddy. >> where did i even? >> carefully. >> that's a good part right there. >> oh boy. >> come on. >> bill: was that heathead exhibition pinhead or pate why the tick? 87% say pinheads. 13% say patriots. tonight a million on the net have observed a father possibly embarrassing his drawers karaoke a justin bieber song. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ baby, baby, oh baby, baby ♪ >> bill: okay, is that dad a
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pinhead or a patriot for that exposition? please go to and cast your ballot that is it for us tonight. check out the fox news factor website which is different from we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. name a town if you wish to opine. i appreciate you guys -- will first, don't be a miscreant when writing to the factor. i appreciate you guys on bill o' i was there late last night reading the reviews the folks's reviews of pinheads and patriots. thank you, i learn a lot. he they are very good. mostly positive. any way, we appreciate you taking the time. again, thank you for watching the factor tonight.
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