tv Cashin In FOX News October 9, 2010 11:30am-12:00pm EDT
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>> that's it, have a great weekend. keep it right here. if you want to create jobs the quickest way to do it, is to provide more funding for food stamps. and have unemployment insurance for people who have lost their jobs. >> wow, talk about food for thought. as we find out the nation's unemployment rate is stuck at 9.6%, nancy pelosi declaring food stamps and unemployment benefits give us the biggest bang for the buck when it comes to creating jobs. welcome to cash in -- cashin'in. our crew this week, wayne roger, tracy burns be sure to
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pick up a copy of his new book out bought and paid for, charles gasparino. and steve laser. welcome to all of you. tracy, putting more people on the government dole that's the quickest way to create jobs is nancy right? >> oh, the woman is loon by the day. it is the craziest thing i've heard. 42 million on food stamps, 10 million more when our darling president took office. we should keep handing out money, handing out the dole to keep this economy going. because of the recovery act that was supposed to stimulate this economy. instead it is handing hone mo people to stay home, eat popcorn and watch tv because we continue to extend unemployment benefits as well. >> we are spending wayne 54 billion dollars, at last in 2009 on this program. if she is right, we are gonna make more than that in the economy, more bang for our
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buck, right? >> she made a true statement. she said every dollar spent on food stamps results in $1.75 added to gdp. she is wreck that has been verified by moody's. she right about that. -- >> come on wayne, moody's? >> if that is true i'm getting out of the investment game and quitting my hedge fund and put it food stamps. >> you should get out of game and you should quit your hedge fund because you happen to be wrong! it is a proven fact. if you don't like the fact john , stop reading. >> they said the same about infrastructure spending. every dollar spent, they pull some number out of a hat. yes, money is spent. that has been the whole modus operandi from day one that spending equals wealth creation. tracy is right it didn't help with the stimulus, god knows it hasn't helped in europe.
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>> charlie, -- >> there is some stimulative effect when you give someone a dollar they are going to spend it. however it shows how insane she is, that she would go to great lens to say how this is a job creation -- great lengths to say how this is a job creation machine. it shows where the emphasis is, in government hand-outs that's why we have 9.6% unemployment. the country knows. public opinion now is in such a sour mood because of this economy, because of the way this government, the house, the senate, the president is approaching job creation. it is all through government set asides. >> i agree with charlie >> you agree with charlie? am i on the right show? where am i? >> charlie made day good point, it is not creating jobs, that part is correct. she happens to be correct about the numbers. but it is not creating jobs. >> steve, you think it is creating jobs? we should all go on food stamps, that would be perfect. >> if you take a place, let's
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go to a real example. take a place like yuma, arizona unemployment rate around 30%, people receiving unemployment checks what is propping up the local economy you take those checks away and retailers see a 30% drop in sales. what i would like to hear is what the conservative alternative to folks who don't have jobs? [ talking over each other ] >> go to a job opening there's four or five hunt people -- [ talking over each other ] -- four or five hundred people -- >> most of those people would be rather earning a living and employ them at $10 an hour than get food stamps and that crumby cheese they give. >> i think what tracy is trying to say it is about jobs. they want a job. >> the irony sheer that it is
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almost like she is proud of the fact that we got people on food stamps. 42 million wide, 18% increase year over year because president obama lowered the bar so more people can get them. what are we doing? we are just handing money out. we are making our country apathetic. where is the desire to work when i can get a check -- >> it is not just food stamps and unemployment the use of medicaid is going up. >> i think the worse part of listening to nancy pelosi's little sermon is that she actually thinks that food stamps are stimulative to the economy. it is the most economically bizarre, stupid, absurd thing. and she is speaker of the house. >> she is speaker of the house. at the same time, there's no new wealth being created here, steve. where is the wealth being created, if they are
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subsisting on food stamps and unemployment checks, there is no growth and the economy won't grow >> it is hard to prove a negative. imagine you take food stamps and take -- [ talking over each other ] >> the absurdity of her argument is she thinks it is good. it is not good. >> it is good. >> it is not good. >> lower taxes -- [ talking over each other ] >> hold on. wayne let me get your thoughts. 9.5 million people in this country on unemployment that's a good thing? that helps the economy? that is what she saying. -- >> steve makes a point. it gets there immediately. 84% of food stamps spent in the first two weeks, 99% in one month. so it is a quick stimulus. please let me finish jonathan.
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somebody shut him up would you? >> he's well behaved -- >> he's just attacking me i'm saying that's a quick fix. if you are going to give away the money, we all know we are not in favor of giving away the money. if you are going to give away the money it is not a bad program for stimulating immediately an economy. i'm not in favor of. >> i'm not advocating this, just trying to be the devil here. suppose you pull the food stamps from them, what would they do? maybe they get a job somewhere. maybe they would move somewhere where there were jobs yuma, arizona. >> i don't mean to be kurt maybe they would lose some weight in your own state of new york. the governors are talking about restricting foods you can buy with those food stamps no sugary drinks. why? because those who use it are a
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little on the obese side. that's the danger -- [ talking over each other ] >> charlie, that's the whole point when you make government the parent and put them in charge of feeding you, then they get to tell what to put in your body. >> i'm going to leave it there. speaking of unemployment, a year ago someone right here said the jobless rate would drop to 7 1/2% by now or they would come in dressed as clinger from mash. wait until you see this wardrobe malfunction. >> how china is reacting has our debt officially become a national security risk? [ male announcer ] this rock has never stood still. since our beginning, we've been there for clients through good times and bad, when our clients' needs changed we changed to meet them.
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through the years, when some lost their way, we led the way with new ideas for the financi challenges we knew would lie ahead. this rock has never stood still. and there's one thing that will never change. we are, the rock you can rely on. prudential. key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night its something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight...
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national debt to over 13 1/2 trillion. now worry the huge hole is officially a national security risk. as we keep borrowing cash, money-rich china is making huge deals with our enemies and allies this week they are promising hunts of billions to eu nations. charlie this has you worried, why? >> china is not just any other country. this is a country with designs of world domination. they are still a dictatorship. they are semi communist, i don't know what you want to call them. they have designs on taking us out and i worry about them. look at it this way, chinese can control monetary policy in the u.s. by boycotting our debt, long term interest rates go up and that has a major i am back on the economy. i worry about these guys. >> wayne he has a point they hold 846 billion dollars in u.s. treasuries they are the biggest holder of u.s. treasuries. >> biggest problem is they can
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use their influence with foreign countries by virtue of the fact they are now, maybe getting close to the largest capitalist country in the world regardless of what they call themselves. i'm not so sure what charlie is saying, in is -- our printing of money going to -- we have potential inflation of this country, regardless of who owns the debt. >> i'm not talking about inflation. i'm talking about, suppose the chinese boycott an auction? >> what charlie is saying -- >> and interest rates spike? if that doesn't scare anybody, it should. [ talking over each other ] >> they are crown any capitalists, at best. -- they are crony capitalists at best. >> it is not just us, they are going out to the eu now. that's the first time they've put their claws into the eu. >> there's so many scary
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aspects to the way china has approached this. the one that concerns me the most is one i don't think people are talking about. next year they are going to have the most amount of patents per year filed by any country in the world, most fully high-technology. by 24 teen double the amount of new patents applied for than any other country in the world. they are going after being the global leader of innovation. that is scary. >> look at the laundry list of countries they are doing deals with. not just taking on great debt. they just cut deals with italy, australia, argentina, they are moving around the worm. used to be the u.s. was the country that everybody went to and we are not any more. charlie's point is that is a serious problem when you've got a communist government. >> on one hand you are saying they are going to us they are the largest holder of our debt. charlie is in a scare nun dumb,
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charlie i know you -- a scare conundrum. charlie i know you have an an version to the chinese -- >> i don't have an an version to the chinese. i have an an version to chinese communist. >> a dictatorship that murders its own people, no religious freedom, owns our debt -- >> tracy they could quit buying u.s. treasuries they could go to italy and united states and say bye-bye united states. who do we have to back us up? no one. >> they can do whatever the heck they want bus there is no checks and balances in that system. i'm afraid of china as much as charlie. there's no auditing system. there's no fda they make it up as they go and we sit here and believes every number that comes out of that country when most are made up and guesses. there's no system. there's no system. why do we go off their numbers and trust everything they say?
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>> well, they are buying our debt now, we'll see. >> coming up, cash for chunkers works? you heard me right one big private company successfully paying employees to shed the pounds. did it just prove that trillion dollar health care law is a waste? lelelelele annou] many people don't understand their occasional digestive upsets. gastroenterologists do.
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theye made align the #1 recommended probiotic. ♪ align is the product of 10 years of research... and it has something you can't get anywhere else, a patented good bacteria called bifantis. and when it's added to occasionally unbalanced digestive systems... they can become balanced again. align. great digestion through science. breaking news relating to third -- 33 chilean miners. the drill has reached the mine rescue workers will use an escape capsule to pull the miners out one by one. we'll get a live report from chilly coming up. right now tea partiers are holding -- holding what is build as their largest convention in richmond. aimed at uniting the movement around a legislative agenda.
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speakers include attorney general cuccinelli and texas congressman rand paul who will join us live next hour. an interview you won't want to miss. hard to believe the holidays are just around the corner. this year with unemployment at 9.6% seasonal work may sound appealing with so many looking for jobs, look at prospects for getting a job. more coming your way, stay with us. coming up, lose the pounds, gain the cash. one company proving paying employees to be healthy, works. plus, paying the piper. one of our
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overhaul. >> it is so shocking that eating right and getting on a bike now and then could save the economy. who would have thought! ibm did it, 11,000 signed up. they got $150 back. they are healthier. they a little money to spend. at the enter of the day ibm is saving a ton of money. >> half the employees signed up. >> it is a smart idea sheryl. the economic consequences of unhealthy living are terrible. not only obviously for your health but your pocketbook at well. who cares about the bills when you have a right to health care. when government picks up the tab for every ailment. almost like the moral hazard of health care when government pays, you don't think about what it ultimately will cost. that's what we have in the president's plan. >> maybe we should repeal the law all together? >> it didn't matter how much you exercise you are going to get sick. some will get cancer and
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things like that. so people do need health care coverage. but i love what ibm did. i used to have oxford health care they used to give you $200 back if you could prove you went to the gym -- >> we should repeal the health care law? >> no, absolutely not. >> charlie, hop in. >> anybody wants to give me $200 for working out, that's fine. >> when you talk about the health care bill versus this thing, nobody understands the health care bill because nobody read it. the people who passed it didn't read it. 2400 pages of gob did goop -- goob did goop. they have no idea. >> my ailments are going to be different when i get sick as posed to good living. it is a big difference and it does matter at the end of the
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day. >> charlie why not? this is a different idea that seems to be working in the private sector. once again maybe the private sector has it right and the has it wrong. >> you know, i don't have strong opinions about this. if you want to pay me $200 to work-out i'm there. >> it was $150 jonathan and they did it. and half of them collected. >> you incentivize good behavior. when the insurance companies do that, the left likes to call it discrimination. they say you are discriminating. ultimate delay is the end of the day that's why it hasn't been a system under the current regime and it won't be under the president as well. >> i think we are doing pretty good steve. >> if the health insurance companies always did the right things we wouldn't need a new health insurance law. [ talking over each other ]
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>> you wrote a book that talks about how wall street never gets it. that's the same thing. >> i wrote a book that said how wall street was incentivizeed by government to take lousy risk. with this health care bill, there is going to be enter sent advised to do stupid -- incentivizeed to do stupid things. >> coming up, it is time to cash inon a bad bet. -- cash in on a bad bet. last year one of our crew promised to dress up as klinger. who is going to make the costume change? find out, next. re an exchange s. what? they think you're a businessman, using our house to meet new clients in china. for reals, player? [ woman saks chinese ] they overheard a phone call. speaks chinese ] something about shipping with fedex to shanghai. and then you opened a bottle of champagne. that was for a science project. [ man and woman speaking chinese ]
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i'm late for..occer... rehearsal. [ man speaks chinese ] you and i are cool? i'll be home by curfew. [ male announcer ] we understand.® you need a partner who can help you go global. fedex. [ heather ] businesses need a reliable financial partner. one who can stay in sync with their moves. my job at ge capital is to get bobcat all the financial and business support they need. we provide financing for every bobcat dealer in north america. together, wee rolled out over 100,000 machines to small businesses all over the country so they too can grow. ♪ ge capital. we're there for bobcat every step of the way. ♪ sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi plce around the corner. well, in that case, i better get bk to these invoices... whh i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you
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honor of wayne, i will come in dressed as klinger. now the pay back. drum roll please. wait a minute, wayne hold on. wayne hand him a dress. that is so mean, no! >> steve, no! >> he needs a bridal gown. >> this is what you should be wearing. i didn't know who you were. you could have been anybody on the show. you have to be klinger. >> i am dressed as klinger. >> all the women look so nice. i couldn't do justice to any sort of dress. >> oh please. >> i think this is your size. >> jonathan, do you think he has paid up to does as klinger. >> he's an unbelievable liar he made a promise to all of us. here weather pay back time. dressed like a woman is that such a -- here we are payback
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time, dressed like a woman is that such a -- >> if you recall, the last three seasons of mash klin ger showed up in his fatigues. >> i was 4-year-old at the time. >> it is true, i tell you what we'll do. if you don't wear this come down and we'll put you in a wedding dress. >> let's make a new i want to find out where unemployment will be a year from now? >> i'm predicting 9.3%. >> get him another dress. >> wayne? >> i say somewhere between 5 1/2, 6 1/2 and i'm not wearing a dress. >> tracy? >> 10.1% and i'll wear a dress. >> charlie? >> if there's divided government, 8%, nondivided government, 9% a
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