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tv   FOX News Watch  FOX News  October 10, 2010 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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that's it for this week's edition of the journal editorial report. thanks to my panel and for all of you watching, i'm paul gigot, hope to see here next week. . >> jon: on fox news watch. >> i hope you're fired up in these last few weeks. >> jon: mr. obama trying hard to gin of support for h. and hope and change. next stop, mtv of course. >> i'm not a witch. >> jon: a republican candidate for senate goes on the defensive, claiming to be a target of character assassination by the mainstream media. >> i think jon stewart is a bigot. >> jon: and rick sanchez gets booted from cnn after calling the daily show host a bigot and implying that jews control the media. what took cnn so long to can them. a rutgers student commits suicide after gay sex is
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exposed on the internet. jessica moore was gunned down days before. which story got the most media attention and why? trouble in the peacock pen. harmony turns to discard when wants to get far away from the tv counterparts after taking an extreme left turn. what could the first lady, martha stewart and lady gaga possibly have in common ♪ don't call my name >> on the panel this week, writer and fox news contributor judy miller. conservative columnist andrea tantaros. jim pinkerton, and fox news radio, alan colmes, i'm jon scott, fox news watch is on right now. >> they figure obama is not on the ballot you're not going to come out and vote. maryland, you've got to prove them wrong. let's show washington one more
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time, change comes from the time it doesn't come from millions of dollars of attack ads, change happens from the bottom up. change happens because of you. >> jon: president obama at buoy university on thursday working hard to get young voters back on his hope and change band wagon for the mid term elections in november. an election which according to most predictions does not bode well for democrats. mr. obama is set to appear on mtv next week in a town forum. let's talk about that taown forum. the company putting it together put out a casting call and they're screening the applications for the event, asking what issues the person is passionate about. >> yeah. >> jon: requiring a short description of your political views. >> right. >> jon: and requiring a recent photo. any chance. >> conspiracy. >> jon: do you think. >> oh, yeah. >> jon: any chance that mtv is trying to stack the deck. >> maybe stacking them against him, you ever think about that.
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>> jon: how i doubt it. >> let's decide ahead of time that the liberal media, mtv is going to do something to make obama to look good. it's not the white house, it's mtv. let's be clear about that. at least obama exposes himself and good up in front of republican leaders and going into back yard homes and stands and takes the fire unlike the tea party candidates who won't face the media. >> jon: you make the point, it's a private company. >> it is a private company and flip the question, what if this private company had been asked, you know, surveying its audiences for that kind of question. do you think the mainstream media would have gone nuts and bee se berserk. >> jon: you're talking about fox. >> yes, a private company, do you think they'd have more integrity than to stack the audience. but it is mtv. >> wait a minute, mtv has made a major contribution for years now getting out youth vote. that's what they do and they do it by asking presidents or president aspireants if they
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wear boxers or briefs. i was going to say. >> they're good at it. raise the voter turnout by 20% first time they did rock the vote. >> jon: what about that andrea, the president himself has been trying to get young voters engaged again. everyone seems to think they're not as excited as two years ago when he was running. and trying it get young voters as well as black voters. >> and young voters being i think it's difficult to get it out. a lot of young voters were part of the digital movement, he did so well. the thing about the digital army, you have to energize your army and left them for dead after he got in office and you know, you need to tell the army where to go and what to do. and he's actually left the young people disengaged and i think it will be tough to motivate them. and we saw thirdway, put out a memo, president obama you should be concentrating on the moderates out and stop focusing on the base. >> he's lost the moderates that's the points.
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>> exactly and he's lost the youth not with him like before. >> he needs the youth they voted 2-1 for him the last time. he's got to energize his base. i understand why he's-- >> a good move to go on mtv. >> exactly. >> bo boxers or briefs. >> one audience member asked that. >> and i predict that viacom that owns mtv will have zero trouble at the fcc for years to come. >> why presume a conspiracy. >> based on the inbed relationship between the obama administration and-- >> look at the relationship with abc news, there was questions around the town hall that abc did. and this administration has had a history of having a very cozy relationship with the media. >> well, look at the presidential candidates who work for fox news on the republican side. let's talk about the-- (laughter) >> let's talk about the-- i was going to say. >> there's four, if you include rick san tore yum.
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>> at most there's three. >> and how many democrats. >> at least 15 republicans, we-- i agree seriously thinking about running. >> all right. >> how many-- >> those three are not declared candidates. >> now, come on. >> the point is, they're working here. >> they're all-- i love newt gingrich personally, not politically. >> jon: all right. let's talk about the delaware senate race, christine o'donnell came out with an ad this week, how did it play in the press? >> i'm not a witch. i'm nothing you've heard. i'm you. none of us are perfect, but none of us can be happy with what we see all around us. politicians who think spending, trading favors and back room deals are the way to stay in office. i'll go to washington and do what you'd do. i'm christine o'donnell, and i approved this message, i'm
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you. >> and she's not a witch. he she says the media was out assassinating her character, jutte i. >> i think she's done enough for the various gaffes. she's the gift that keeps giving as several cemeomment taters. >> i'm sfchl-- she's not me, i went through life thinking she wasn't me and now-- >> that wasn't a good ad. he think this election cycle, they're doing anything they can to distract. and christine o'donnell has become a much bigger issue than if there were other things to talk about. >> jon: all right. time for a break. but first, you've got to he can ch out our new website and keep an eye on the big media stories in the watch list section and also behind the scenes and listen to the discussions we have in here during our break, you'll hear some of the thoughts our panelists don't share on tv as
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in perhaps the answer to this question. answeri anchor rick sanchez gets booted on cnn. what took them so long. >> rick sanchez gets canned by cnn for his rant against john stuart and people like him. >> i think that jon stewart is a bigot. >> oh, my gosh, rick sanchez said my name. >> was he fired for remarks against jews or liberal. >> and what do michelle obama and lady gaga have in common? the answer is next on news watch. [ female announcer ] when you save an average of over 50 a year with the humana walmart preferred prescription plan, you have more time to remember what it's really a about. enroll starting november 15. go to for details.
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>> this incident with jon stewart is where i think what i was feeling got in the way of what i should have done and said and that's why i think i'm going through what i'm going through now. it was my mistake, i screwed up. i take full responsibility. it's not cnn. it's rick sanchez, rick sanchez screwed up. i went in there with a chip on my shoulder and i was a little bit angry and look, i'll be honest with you, and i hope you don't mind my saying this, i'll go ahead and say it. if you look at the landscape in our media, in prime time there's not a single hispanic, there's not a single african-american. in prime time hosting a prime time show in the united states. >> 20/20. >> 20/20 mai am he a talking newscasts. >> in cable news, that's fair.
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>> i'm talking cable newscasts, straight newscasts, not magazine shows. there's not a single hispanic, a single asian-american or a single african-american. >> jon: rick sanchez appearing on good morning america friday. sanchez a lightning rod for controversy, fired from cnn for calling jon stewart a bigot and implying the media are controlled by jews. the daily show host responded earlier in the week. >> they didn't get rid of rick sanchez because they didn't like his show, fine. we weren't that created about him either. if they were firing him for intemperate statements and jew-baiting, i'm not sure that even rick sanchez believes what he was saying. >> rick: there you go. rick sanchez said as we just heard in the clip that it was his mistake not cnn. do you buy that? >> well, it was c. nn that gave him two hours, it was the jewish leadership of
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cnn, the jewish editor who gave him two hours to do his thing. you know, i kind of liked looking through the tweets which were overwhelmingly hostile to rick sanchez. i liked our fox's own andy, who said he's leaving cnn to spend less time with the jews. that's the way to, that's the way to handle this. >> by the way as a jew on the panel i want to thank uncle rupert for letting me come here and sit. >> jon: cnn dumped hip pretty quickly after calling jon stewart a bigot. and he had made some intemperate remarks about rush limbaugh. >> my buddy. >> jon: and remarks that appeared to be racist. is there a double standard here, a double standard? >> look, double standard between what, limbaugh and him? >> no, just, just that cnn let him get away with things for a long time. >> i think there's probably a bag story we don't know. maybe they were looking for an
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excuse to get rid of him. i don't think he should have been fired for it. i think would have been warned, but i think it's a severe reaction, unless cnn had something, some other reason. >> here are other things that sanchez did. pajamas, media put together a montage and one thing when he was going into had a commercial break he put up a picture of the president and he said we'll be right black and got away with this. this is a man with chronic foot in mouth disease and given a pass by joe klein, outgoing cnn and i don't think this will go on with ken johns and a different leader. >> that would be john klein. >> john klein, i'm sorry. >> it's interesting to me that good morning america, he says my mistake, i said what i was feeling. you're dumb enough to say what you were thinking all along. goodbye to you. >> it was worse than that, when he commented on his
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comments on radio, i'm from miami, some of my best friends of jewish. >> and geraldo rivera, he was prime time show. >> half jewish, half hispanic. >> he's on a weekend show. >> i'm sure rick sanchez would take exception-- >> and you don't-- >> and i thought the president in a post racial nation. >> i say it's the president's fault. >> i see. >> if obama was-- he lied when he said, what rick sanchez-- >> he clearly was playing inaccurately as andrew says the inethic race card. say, listen you've got to prove you're not a racist, the best way by hiring me. >> jon: did he get canned in part because of the division within team liberal? he took on another liberal, he took on-- >> the jacket. >> i know we are going to get you one. he took on jon
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stewart. >> let's be clear, it was a completely stupid, anti-semetic rotten thing to say. >> what. >> of all people, jon stewart you really don't agree with him is a decent, fair-minded, funny guy who i thought was enormously generous in what he said in response, although i completely predict that sanchez will be on the stewart show soon enough and that's when we'll watch. >> in media notes, howard kirtz jumping ship from "the washington post" headed to the daily beast. >> that's interesting. of all the trends we have been talking about on the show from print to the electron inmedia and it's interesting, he remains as several comment taeters pointed out a walking conflict of interest. instead of on "the washington post," and cnn he'll be appearing on cnn talking about the daily beast, we have not eliminated the conflict, not
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ott all. >> jon: if you come across a story of bias mail us, and do the media play fair? >> his story made headlines and got national attention, her story did not. how does the news media pick and choose. and this company wants nothing to do with this company. is there an
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>> last month, rutgers student, tyler clementei committed suicide after his roommate secretly streamed video of his sexual encounter.
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and jessica moore, shot and killed at an off campus house party. two tragic stories and extremes in media reaction. and i guess the question is the breadth of the coverage of tyler cementi's suicide. what led up to it. he's on the cover of people magazine, and people like anderson cooper are doing tributes and all kinds of teary-eyed exclamations from hollywood stars. why the difference? >> well, we've talked about this differential before, inner city kids kidnapped and killed versus jonbenet ramsey going back 15 years now. it's kind of a cruel truth of the media. certain elements of a story will get attention. one is the gay bashing angle going back to matthew shepherd and lots of people got murdered every year and he got murdered ten years ago or so and made national news and is still a national figure and the other angle is the
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internet and weirdness of the internet, you can videotape something and broadcast it out there. and clementi story had more elements. >> jessica moore, was a hero. her friend was about to get shot and she jumped in front of the person. >> and three were bully and committee had suicide. particularly bullying, or who think are gay. this is the sad, tragic upshot of at series of these stories that have an anti-gay theme. >> is it a double standard? >> no, i think it's pretty much what jim and alan are talking about, which is this is a story that has a lot of dimensions. especially the online, internet dimension, which is so important now, where a fellow student, a student whom
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he trusted, invaded his privacy in that way and exposed him. i think it's an amazing story, an important story and may result in the kinds of legislation that matthew shepherd resulted in, that president obama signed in 2009 making gay, gay murder a hate crime and-- >> and bullying. >> cyber-bullying is the real issue, and prince, got a lot of coverage and cases go unnoticed. this one, however, is different when you have hollywood outpouring now, filming this psa, because he was gay. i think there are certain cases where, if it's a young, gay boy or girl, it seems to get a little more attention than just the typical bullying cases. >> moving on, what's in a name. it seems some feathers are ruffled across the street at the peacock network. the new york times reported the folks at say
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they want nothing to do with the cable channel that carries the same name. they call it brand insanity. one of the big complaints from the journalists at the website is the far left liberal turn the cable channel exhibits pretty much on a daily basis with hosts like those you see on the screen right now. can you imagine being in the room for that argument, jim? >> i mean, knowing that comcast, the big cable conglomerate bought nbc and therefore msnbc. they've got a lot of sorting out to do. why is it that msnbc is the website for nbc news. i can't imagine that brian williams sees he's lumped in with keith olbermann. >> just we at fox news, we have our opinion shows and straight news shows. msnbc and its web component want to differentiate between an opinion channel like msnbc, and a website which is a
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representative of nbc news, may i use the term fair and balanced. we do the same thing here. it's very clear, they want brand distinction, not for some nefarious purposes. >> i don't know that fox news and is changing names, there's a distinction here. >> look at it this way, they're not cnn. whatever problems they have a lot of their shows are more highly rated now than cnn. i think with cnn you're getting a network that's really lost its way and pierce morgan to replace larry king who had all kinds of issues as a journalist, you have the sanchez business and middle of a mess and msnbc has a branding problem. you're going to fix that with this new campaign from spike lee calling it lean forward, msnbc lean forward. >> no, no, forward. >> interesting name. if you lean too far forward, you're bending over. >> instead of leaning backwards. >> and going it fall on your face. >> they had rachel matto you
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kneeling on the sidewalk as if she's picking up a penny, i don't get it. >> is it okay to brand yourself conservative? >> it's supposed to be as an organization that prided itself on news for a long time and then got into opinion, now they're officially saying we're going straight opinion and going out there-- >> i wasn't shocked by that. >> we're not shocked, but i think it's a really strange idea. >> i thought going forward or leaning forward is a pretty good thing. progress stiff or whatever leaning forward means. >> if you don't fall on your face. >> leaning backwards-- >> hamilton nolan, said nbc's futile quest to beat fox at its own game. >> and a terrific look at msnbc and cnn. >> we have a take one more break. an interesting mix of women at the top of their game ♪ poker face >> queen of glam, lady gaga, first lady, michelle obama,
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cbs news anchor, katie couric, what do they have in common? ♪
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obama, next the ceo of kraft foods. media mogul oprah winfrey takes the top spot. helen merkel and number five spotted, secretary of state hillary clinton. rounding out the top ten, pepsico's ceo and then the youngest lady gaga. and singer beyonce and talk show host ellen degeneres. and women that bring in news and entertainment. katie couric and diane sawyer. christiane ammanpour and martha stewart is at 99. judy where were you on the list? >> i was looking for andrea and some of the others, i didn't see any of us. >> jon: maybe next year's list. >> like a popularity contest. >> jon: that


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