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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  October 10, 2010 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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>> a bomb scare forces cops in one mainly city to evacuate an entire neighborhood, plus the military parade fit for a king or actually the heir apparent to one of the most oppressive regimes tonight, details from inside north korea. i'm julie banderas and this is the fox report. rallying debate. as the political suspense intensifies ahead of the mid term elections, president obama, headlining a big democratic event today. >> are you fired up? are you ready to go? >> this, as republicans see red in traditionally blue states and even the possibility of claiming the
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president's former senate seat pt tonight, a closer look at two key races that could shift the balance of power in the senate. also tonight-- >> i carried about four people downstairs and put them on their sides and then, worried about them passing out because they were, they were not responsive. >> at least a dozen college age students, many women, rushed to the hospital after apparently overdosing at a house partiment did someone drug them on purpose? tonight, new information on this disturbing case, and what cops learned in their latest search for evidence. >> plus, this marine died a hero while on prod in iraq. now, a family that's already sacrificed so much is freely giving once again. this time, to help another member of the armed services in need. >> they need a home, i have a home for him. i don't have my marine.
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>> julie: tonight the mission to honor their son's selfless commitment to our freedom. just 23 days remain until a mid term election, that could tip the balance of power in washington or as some political watchers have suggested, at least give republicans more control than congress. both the g.o.p. and democrats now stepping up their efforts to convince voters they must head to the polls or risk some serious consequences. today, vice-president obama and joe biden did that for the democrats. headlining a national committee rally in philadelphia. if evening, president obama calling the crowd and the work they started in back in 2008 is far from over. >> the only they think that the election did, was it gave us a chance to make change happen. it made each of you a shareholder in the mission of rebuilding our country and reclaiming our future. and philly, i'm back here two
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years later because our job is not yet done as a success of our mission is at stake right now. >> the democrats hoping to close what some have called an enthusiasm gap, along voters and their parties. mike emanuel is travelling with the president, live in philadelphia tonight. mike, what about that enthusiasm gap? how does president obama handle that. >> reporter: well, essentially he called on the traditionally democratic audience, inner city philadelphia to be as fired up and enthusiastic as they were when they elected him president and shouldn't believe what they hear on television or what they hear in the newspapers, take a listen. >> well, philadelphia, i think the pundits are wrong, i think we are going to win, but you're going to prove them wrong. >> reporter: and the key is obviously, trying to get these people to go out to the polls and get them to encourage the neighbors to go to the polls and obviously, 23 days to go we expect to see the president on the road a good amount more
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between now and then, julie. >> julie: today the president brought the vice-president along with him and what did he say about that? >> well, there was a lot of red meat for a democratic crowd here, essentially pointing the finger at the president and virs time president obama and vice-president biden appeared at a rally in the election cycle and designed to get people here fired up and trying to send a message across the country that there is some democratic enthusiasm despite what the polls say, julie. >> julie: what about the crowd there aside from the streaker that i understand made an appearance. >> reporter: and family show, we decided know the to show that guy. take my word for it, i saw him, it wasn't pretty. there was a city official here who estimated the crowd size at 18,50 ooh and a police officer said maximum 11,000 and somebody pointed out crowd size is an art not a science, but seemed to be enthusiastic,
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it was a beautiful day here and the importance is whether democrats around the country get the message, julie. >> julie: mike emanuel, thank you very much. well, you just heard from the president, reminding voters their work is only getting started and now we're hearing from americans, and a new poll shows they have a lot more concerns with the government now than they did a decade ago. "the washington post" releasing a new poll, asking thousands of voters for their take on government. the bottom line, people have a more negative view on the economy now than they did ten years ago. and that shouldn't come as much of a surprise though, but many of them giving flunking grades to members of congress. with election day just weeks away, that doesn't bode well for democrats. here is house minority lead republican, with republican eric cantor on fox news sunday with bret baier. >> we've got a sense across the country with unemployment hovering around 10%, 86% of the country knowing someone who is out of a job. people want things to get
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better. >> julie: but some of the poll findings are a bit contradictory suggesting it may not be all bad for the majority party. jennifer griffin is live with more. >> hi, julie, the american electorate is sending a mixed, often contradictory signal to washington right now. while voters say they're anti-washington they still seem to want the government to solve the current economic problems with large government programs, medicare and social security remains popular and almost 60% in this washington post poll say they want their representatives to fight for more government money to get jobs in their home districts. this is a turnabout from september 1994 when republicans rode the discontent to take control of congress and 53% of americans polled said they wanted their representative to battle against spending, but there is still no denying the discontent. 59% of americans say the country is seriously on the redwing track, up a dozen percentage points from the
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summer of 2000. meanwhile, support for the tea party movement split with 21% supporting and 22% opposing. 49% neither support nor opposed the movement which now threatens to take from incumbent republicans and democrats. >> the republicans offer more failed policy of the past and strangle holds when it came to tax cutting policy and focus on the wealthy, a 5.6 trillion dollar surplus to 1.3 trillion dollar deficit and now they want the keys to the car back. compared to the 2008 presidential election, 29% of those polled said they were more interested in the upcoming elections than they were in the election two years ago, which means turnout could be high with voters feeling there is so much at stake. julie. >> jennifer griffin, thank you. i know you've been back to fox and i believe this is the fuhrs on ffirst on fox weekend
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you look amazing. >> thank you, thank you. >> julie: turn overseas to deadly coalition forces in afghanistan, near kabul, roadside bombs killed two n.a.t.o. troops and five members of an afghan family and a pro taliban militant set off a car bomb nearby, killing a child and wounding members of the family. police say the bomb was meant tore an n.a.t.o. convoy. these attacks come as the parents of a british aide worker are demanding a full explanation for her death saying the 36-year-old norgrove died during a failed rescue attempt when one of her captors detonated a vest and she was company turd in november. >> pakistani officials lifted a 11 day blockade allowing n.a.t.o. supply convoys to cross into afghanistan and the closing has stranded many fuel tankers leaving them vulnerable to attack. militants destroyed more than 150 trucks. the border was shut down after
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a u.s. helicopter strike killed two pakistani soldiers, military officials apologized saying the pilots mistook the soldiers for insurgents. well, kids at a california school now trying to heal after a gunman opened fire on their campus and there's word the school could reopen as early as tomorrow. ahead, brand new information on the accused shooter. plus, a mystery in washington state deepens, investigating a house party where they say someone may have drugged a group of young women. we're going to speak to the chief of police for an update on the investigation just ahead. to stay fit, you might also want to try lifting one of these. a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor.
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so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™
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you do? your medicare card. [ laughing ] but don't let me orone see it except your doctor or their staff. and don't tell anyone your card or social secury number over the phone. guard your card. [ woman 2 ] i hear unauthorized card use is a big source of fraud. the new healthcare law ls us crack down on crinals and win against fraud. making medicare stronger. and speaking of winning... [ man 2 ] not again! [ man ] learn more at
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>> fox news is america's election headquarters and two critical races now taking center stage. the first in connecticut where the battle for senate is turning into a hotly contested race just weeks before election day and some
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considered democrat and five term state attorney general richard blumenthal a shoo-in, but republican linda mcmahon is now threatening to turn the senate seat red after 50 years in the blue. >> the reason i'm not specific as to particular problems and i've dealt with it in trns of rolling back nondiscretionary, level. i took it as a ceo. you look how you're going to cut costs and expenses and look at a 10% cut across the board. >> mcmahon is using attack ads highlighting blumenthal's false comments about serving in vietnam and targeting connecticut's job losses. blumenthal says he's not surprise the pro wrestling ceo has cut his 41 point lead in the polls. >> we've said from the beginning this would be a tight, tough competitive race. and a 50 million dollar negative attack, she is bound
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to narrow the polls and we expected it, it's happened. >> julie: so far mcmahon has outspent blumenthal 16-1, but just got a 2 million dollar boost from the democratic party and the first lady will be campaigning for him in connecticut in the coming weeks. and illinois, also proofing to be a key race in the fight for control of the senate. nasty campaign ads and a war of words over the economy leading to a neck and neck race between democrat gionulous and kirk. and julie has more from washington. >> the high profile race for president obama's senate seat. and the loss there would be symbolic. a tight battle with republican up just about a point in the real clear politics average. and they raced off on on sunday morning, with
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giannoulias charging kirk with false claims about military record and fiscal conservative. >> this is a fundamental policy difference between myself and congress militia kirk and he says you're a fiscal hawk and the congressman has told some whoppers. >> and that's ironic for my opponent to criticize my record on fiscal conservativism. in front of the chicago tribune, name one spending bill you would actually name to cut. and he couldn't name one and when the chicago tribune said when they endorsed me, it was painful to watch. >> when kirk accused the family bargaining for making loans to the mob, he said they didn't know the extent of the activity and called kirk's charge offensive and misleading. sitting side by side both senate hopefuls calmly accused each other with lying weeks before voters in illinois decide who to believe.
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julie. >> julie: julie kirtz, thank you very much. we're efforting the chief of police investigating that disturbing story in washington, the girls that were drugged and taken to the hospital. and we'll get it live and seems just about everyone is making a hot viral video that gets tons of fans on the web. and some of these celebrities are turning their fame into cash: ♪ >> that was-- aim centers. so i can just drop off my car and you'll take care of everything? yep, even the rental. wh if i'm stuck at the office? if you can't come to us, we'll come to you in one of our immediate response vehicles! what if mother won't let me drive? then you probably wouldn't have had an accident in the first place. and we're walkin'! and we're walkin'...
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>> a southern california elementary school. a shooting expected to reopen tomorrow morning. this as we learn new
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information about cops say on an elementary school children. police say brendan o'rourke, shot in the san diego suburb of carlsbad. police were trying to figure out why he targeted this school. three construction workers tackled the shooter, but not before several students were hit by bullets. you realize how close he was to, what the potential harm would have been except for the intervention of three guys, i can't say enough how i feel about these three people taking action against armed shooting, you know, criminal. >> it's a worst case scenario because it's truly innocent victims and that's the most horrifying crime we've seen. >> according to published report. cops say shooter was a loner who was recently evicted to his apartment and they were
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called to his apartment several times for noise complaints. >> julie: in just days from now, iran's president will be next door to a country he says will be wiped off the map. ahmadnejad planning a two-day visit to lebanon despite massive protests from israelis who just don't want him anywhere near them. his first visit to lebanon as president. leyland vitter with news from jerusalem. >> we're about 60 hours from the visit and appears despite israeli protests the iranian president is going to visit southern lebanon and the border with israel, historically a flash point in the middle east. what's unclear if they're going to make good on his promise to throw stones at israeli troops and the leader of the iranian backed group went on television asking lebanese citizens to turn out and welcome president ahmadnejad for his visit. ahmadnejad has talked at length about turning lebanon into an iranian jut post of sorts in the middle east.
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since his 2006 war with israel, hezbollah has been rearming in southern lebanon and culled from iran. lebanon had a democratically elected president and army, and hezbollah has controlled militarily. and the united states has come out against the visit and the united states is m a tricky position as relates to the northern neighbor. congress threatened to hold back military aid because of shooting on the border and iran quickly offered to make up the funds. we are expecting heavy security on both sides of the border till thursday when ahmadnejad leaves, but the visit is creating problems in lebanon, protest posters have gone up all over the country and sensors of the film festival told at least one film it's critical of the iranian leadership. julie. >> julie: thank you very much. a follow-up matter, disturbing story out of washington state we brought you last night on the fox report.
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police saying tonight they have found no drugs in a house where a dozen underaged girls were sickened by an unknown substance. cops though are still trying to determine whether someone spiked their drinks and what reports suggest may have been some sort of sex assault scheme. we're told the girls were all attending a party at a house in rosalyn, just outside seattle. investigators say they were initially called to a nearby grocery store, late friday night. that's where they found a college aged girl unconscious. the girl's friends told police where she was partying, leading cops to the house and here is how one girl described it. >> the girls were basically unconscious and everywhere all over the house and outside, and it was a very bad scene. >> upon their arrival they encountered approximately 50 underage kids at the party, as they made entry into the house they observed numerous people in a semi unconscious or unconscious state. >> 12 people in all were taken to the hospital and one of
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them police found outside the store is in still in the hospital. we efforted an interview, but unfortunately found he cannot make it. we apologize for that. a massive military parade and the guest of honor is the man expected to run one of the world's most repressive regimes. we go to north korea to learn how that country is making preparations to hand off power to the third youngest son of kim jong-il and for the trapped miners in chile more trouble tonight, but not the kind you would expect. we'll have that story next. ♪ one, two, three, four ♪ ♪ you say ♪ flip it over and replay ♪ we'll make everything okay
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>> bottom of the hour. top of the news. president obama and vice-president joe biden heading in philadelphia a couple hours ago. the president encouraging supporters to head to the polls this november. police in california saying a large firecracker is behind an earlier blast near los angeles harbor. we're told an m-80 explosive device went off the seam time and an suv around an abandoned garbage and feared a car bomb was to blame.
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the bomb squad sending in robots and police evacuated nearby businesses, turns out the incident were not related and gave the all clear. near kabul, a bomb killing two native troops and family. a pro taliban group setting off a bomb killing a child and police say the bomb was meant to be for an n.a.t.o. convoy. kim jong-un, waving and cracking a smile joining his moth father kim jong-il. the 27-year-old has no experience that we know of, but now in line to lead a nation of 24 million as many of his people starve. a report from greg palkot in pyongyang. >> you're looking at the tail
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end of a huge coming out party for the apparent next leader, the son of the current and ailing leader kim jong-il. again, these dancers behind me going at an an hour and a half going through the coordinated dancing paces and over here 75 yards to the right of me, the father and son have been watching everything very closely. earlier today, we saw a huge military parade here, the biggest military display ever seen in pyongyang. troops, tanks, missiles, rolling by, a sign on one tank that had a particular message for us in the united states. we will defeat the u.s. military. all again, aimed to underscore this new regime and underscore the support for the regime. and it's incredible. never before has it happened. 75 yards away from kim jong-il and of course we were watching them closely. the young guy, 20-something, he looks fairly composed, he was smiling and waving, kim
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jong-il i would say he does not look good. he's aged severely and we watched him walk, he walked with a limp and hold the bannister, not in good shape at all, maybe not for too much longer and the u.s. of course watching all of this closely, too. i mean, north korean's performance has been erratic in the past few years, and suspect is their program. long range missiles, you name it. and finally a personal note for me, this has been remarkable access for us, a couple of totalitarian regimes from the past come to mind a that could have actually pulled off something leak this as well. and another note, i can imagine, the these folks might be enjoying the party tonight, but tomorrow, they've got to go back to working and living in this country and the rest of the world has got to go back to watching this country. julie. >> julie: wow. very interesting stuff. greg, thank you. workers now racing to build a dam in western hungary in hopes of blocking more sludge
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leaking from a cracked reservoir. they think one village and a river of chemicals killed seven people and polluted the danube river earlier this he can woo. police had to evacuate residents in case the reservoir gives way again. the trapped miners are arguing about, this is no surprise, who is going to be pulled out last. they're so excited to get out they're actually fighting for position. and crews are expected to begin the rescue attempts wednesday and we're told the half mile ascent inside a rescue tube will last about 20 minutes for each man. and chile's health minister says they're worried about hypertension and blood clotting because of the speed at which they're going to be lifted from the mine. the 33 men have been down there more than two months. eight gang members arrested for brutal anti-a gay attacks and a special memorial for two missing balloon racers, two stops as we go across america.
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>> new york city, police arresting eight members of a street gang accused of several brutal anti-gay attacks. the victims are two teens and another man who police say were beaten, burned and surveillance repeated sexual adults in manhattan and police say the suspects, members of the gang called the latin king-- shouted anti-gay slurs during the attacks and they're facing charges of committing hate crimes, unlawful imprisonment and assault among others, cops also looking for another suspect in connection with the attack. >> colorado, little dylan hart couldn't be more proud of his dad. his father is part of a team of american workers hoping 33 miners trapped underground in chile. >> and he fixes my bike and does pretty much everything you can imagine. >> jeff hart was the one operating the drill when it finally pushed through the
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underground chamber, clearing the way for crews to begin the dangerous work bringing them up by one one to the surface. >> didn't say a whole lot. but he had met most the families and they were grateful and emotional. >> we're told to rescuers plan it begin pulling them out by the middle of next week. le noi, a beautiful day for the 33rd annual chicago marathon. crossing first with a man from kenya, 2 hours, 6 minutes and 24 seconds and his prize, a wro wrong $75,000. this is the 8th year a man from kenya won the men's race. and for the women took the prize in the third major their mon victory, close to 45,000 runners took part in the event. new mexico, balloon racers in albuquerque lifting off for a weekend commission, but sadly doing it without two of their best racers.
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both veteran pilot disappeared over the adriatic sea and they're worried they'll never find them. two large balloons were released and the crowd releasing hundreds of smaller balloons. for people looking for a fast way to make a quick buck, creating viral videos for the web may be the answer, you know the type of videos, right, they're the kind of videos that you see that everybody talks about. they're usually pretty funny, well, it turns out that while this may be free ent tament for us, some people are actually making some pretty serious cash. casey stegall is live in los angeles with more, hi, casey. >> hi, julie, you said that the wedding video, the dancers at the wedding was your favorite. and if only we could have come up with that we could have been on the vacation on the beach. >> i wish i would have thought of that. >> don't we all. there's no magic ingredient by the way when it comes to
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making the so-called viral videos, julie. usually the people posting them have no idea whether they're going to take off or not. and at the time. but if you are one of the lucky ones, the dollars can certainly start rolling in from the internet. the definition of a viral video, one that's passed electronically and quickly via e-mail and websites like youtube and facebook. now, most the time the key to success is humor attracting millions of hits from all offer the world, but just because they're free for people like you and me to watch, doesn't mean there is not money to be made. the according to business insider and a recently study by the website, tube, the top ten youtube videos made have generated more than $100,000 apiece in the last year, through everything from ad sales to merchandising. >> several youtube celebrities have t-shirts lines, hot topic and they will often do product placement, like brands will
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pay to get in the videos just like they pay to get into tv and a lot of times a better deal because you'll get a tv sized audience in three days that might be an hour of tv, but like 1/10 the price. >> reporter: the only sad news to give you is that your chances of becoming an overnight sensation with a viral video are about the same as your chances of winning the lottery, because there is an awful lot of competition out there. a lot of people trying to cash in. get this, every 24 hours, there is 24 hours-- or i should say every minute there is 24 hours of video uploaded to the site youtube, there are currently more than 100 million videos on that site. meaning if you wanted to watch every second of video on youtube alone, it would take you roughly a thousand years. julie. >> julie: all right. casey stegall, thank you very much. well, nashville's beloved grand ole opry celebrating its 85th birthday this weekend after devastating flooding back in may when close to six
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feet of water from the coup cumberland river. they were forced to move several miles away, as the saying goes, the show must go on and this weekend, country superstars like dolly parton were back on the original opry stage with a birthday bash like no others and dolly sang three songs like "i will always love you" and country music favorites like taylor swift got in on the celebration. it's a foreclosure fiasco that could affect every american with a mortgage and now there's word officials from nearly every state in the nation could soon join a massive investigation into problems with bank documents and led several financial institutions to halt foreclosures. we'll have details coming up next. ♪ [ man ] i thought our family business would always be boots.
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untilne day, my daughter showed me a designer handbag. and like that, we had a new side to our business. [ male announcer ] when the martinez mily saw an opportunity, the hartford was there. procting their employees and property, and helping them prepare for the future. nice boots. nice bag. [ male announcer ] see how the hartford helps businesses at home of one of the coldest, longest nights on the planet. and asked frequent heartburn sufferers, like carl, to put prilosec otc's 24 hour heartburn protection to the test for two weeks. the results? i can concentrate on everything i'm doing, not even think about it anymore. since i've been taking it, i've been heartburn free, which is a big relief for me. [ male announcer ] take your 14-day challenge. ♪ prilosec otc. heartburn gone. power on.
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>> intriguing new report about american mortgages. up to four states now looking into the flawed mortgage mess that led several bank essentially to freeze foreclosures. evidence is now surfacing that mortgage lenders may have been using flawed court papers to evict home owners and the feds are looking into the mess with a potential hearing on the issue being talked about for november. adam shapiro from the fox business network is here. what about the foreclosure moratorium. we have been talking a lot about this weekend. what about those of us who are not in trouble? >> a lot of people are not in trouble. take a look at numbers. there are 52 million outstanding mortgages in the united states. roughly 2.3 million are in foreclosure. what you have is 49 million people who are not in foreclosure, the moratorium actually slows down the
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process of selling your house, maybe even, you know, moving to a new city and the concern is that by not clearing out the inventory of foreclosed homes we're now going to delay everybody, the 42 million others and take a look at the other graphic i've prepared for you. 11.6 month supply of homes on the market and in august the national association of realtors, 34% of the homes we sold were distressed properties, foreclosure properties. and with the moratorium in place, those aren't sold. and the inventory is brought down because you have the distressed properties not being cleared and we need the properties to be cleared through the system so we can get on to the recovery and selling the homes. >> julie: so this basically slows down the economic recovery? >> it slows down the housing recovery. >> julie: the housing. >> very well could slow down the economic recovery. you could easily-- >> the two sort of go hand in hand and without consumer confidence and slowing down the housing market, obviously, our economic recovery is going
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to be slower than expected. >> it creates a lot of trouble going forward. now, congress, members of congress calling for a nationwide moratorium and we are going to have a hearing in november, senator dodd is going to have a hearing on the issue. at the end of the day, none of this is about helping the 2.3 million people who are being foreclosed and they're going to wind up possibly more likely losing the homes, and it's a horrible situation to be in and what it's doing is slowing down, gumming up the works, they have to follow the law. >> right. >> and you have foreclosures taking place, with documentation that isn't accurate so the banks have to get that accurate because the problem there isn't necessarily for the person being foreclosed, if you buy the foreclosed property, but it was sold to you with faulty documentation, you're exposed later on down the road to who knows what if someone should come after you. >> we've got pretty good bad jobs numbers on friday and i guess the market is closed up. how in the world could that be? >> well, it's very simple. the bad economic news for wall
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street means that the federal reserve at least they're betting the federal reserve is going to make money easy to obtain of the they're going to take steps, keep interest rates very low at the november meeting and may start doing it this term you're going to hear a lot of quantitative easing, a fancy phrase, the fed is going to start buying more-- 1.7 trillion worth of-- the end result of that, it devalues the dollar and makes money cheap and makes people want to invest in case they get a better return. wall street. >> adam shapiro from the fox business network, good to see you, thank you so much. don't miss a special series by the way coming up on the fox business network this week, it's called the burning your money and look at who is to really be blamed for the deficit, for the latest business updates you go to fox and more money concern for millions of people who rely on social security. the government expected to announce this week that more than 58 million social security recipients will not
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be getting an increase in their monthly benefits next year. it would be only the second time the government scrapped the annual cost of living increase since 1975. now, according to the government figures, social security was the primary source of income for 64 percent of retirees. parents' worst nightmare, losing the son to the war in iraq. how this guy is helping a grieving family heal. the common link the pup has with a lost soldier and why he needs healing of his own. plenty of couples decided today should be the day to tie the knot. what makes this day unique from any other day. find out. ♪ [ female announcer ] when you save an average of over 50 a year with the humana walmart preferred prescription plan, you have more time to remember what it's really a about. enroll starting november 15.
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go to for details. enroll starting november 15. so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? yeah, maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number?
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e. >> you're not going to like it. >> you must know. >> all right. the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is.... >> julie: do you remember that? i don't. the script says you may remember that, i don't have any recollection, from the cult classic the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. today is the day to find the answer to life, it's 10-10-10 and in computer language 42. and the date popular for weddings, couples across the
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globe headed to the altar with hopes the date will bring them luck. the date itself is rare. the three digit phenomenon only happens 12 times every thousand years. the text two in this millennium being 11-11-11-and 12-12-12. after that ain't going to happen again until the year 3001. the unique american soldier now finding a new home after dealing with the traumas of war in iraq. he's actually a bomb sniffing dog named gunner and this outrageous, courageous pooch is now helping one marine's family deal with the loss of their son. and peter doocy with the story. >> reporter: jan and deb denham are the parrots of one of the bravest fallen soldiers and one of the bravest pets. their son, corporal jason dunham was killed in iraq. during hand-to-hand combat, an
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insurgent dropped a grenade. and he jumped on to protect. and jason's parents say he died doing the right thing, so, now, they always try to do the right thing, too, so this august they adopted gunner, a labrador who served in afghanistan, but was traumatized by the souped of exploding shells and gunshots and never completed a single mission and the marines declared him excess and then came the dunhams to his rescue. this marine needs a home and we have a home for him. i don't have my marine, i've got a place for this one. >> dan and deb say that gunner is slowly adjusting to quiet life at home and he is still skittish sometimes on just the second day at their house he was freaked out by thunder and more recently, dan threw a toilet paper roll to see if he wanted to play and when he did, gunner hit the deck just like a shoulder would.
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they say with the help of the other dog ziggy, he's starting to act less like a soldier and more like a puppy. >> and we tackle each day and to us it's like jason died yesterday. to gunner, whatever happened to him it's probably like it happened yesterday. and we get up each day and we find a new way to get through the day, realizing that, jason's not here. and we have to pass that on to gunner. >> and this is a truly inspiring story, you know, when most pet owners talk about their vet it refers to the animal doctor, but the dunham's vet is a four-legged animal of war. >> julie: that's a cute story. thanks, peter. there's a new team in college football because of pretty good big losses. we'll break it down for you, still looking for the family pumpkin, well, how about this one? probably not going it fit on the front porch though, it will make a massive ja jack-o-lantern, can you guess
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>> before today there was only one undefeated team in the nfl. that's not the case anymore. what's with the new tattoo on forward chris anderson? that's what i'd like to know. peter slegr from fox sports is here right now. let's start, who went down and why is this unusual. >> the kansas city chief only team with a 3-0 record and lost to the indianapolis colts meaning there's no undefeated football team left in the nfl. the first time in week five we've had no undefeated teams left since 1970. a lot of parity and got done with an afternoon raiders beating the chargesers and it's wide open. you new college football, a new number one after the
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upset. >> alabama the defending champions, lost to south carolina, number one seated team in the country is ohio state and the buckeyes take on number one, and boise state, and oregon, tcu. nebraska the first time in a decade makes the top five and next week, ohio state plays at wisconsin should be an interesting one. >> julie: all right. finally, nba player chris anderson unveiling his latest tattoo this weekend. do we have a picture of the tattoo? >> ng he we do. let's see it. ahh! >> what in the world was he thinking? >> this is one of the most-- >> is that one tattoo. >> that's a full body. it says free bird on there. chris anderson the bird man, the most exciting, interesting entertaining player in the nba in my eyes and that's what he came out for in the team picture and nba season kicks off soon. i'm sure you will see some chris anderson, the bird man with the mohawk and i know
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mike tyson is somewhere ready to unup him. that's what i'm looking at, a busy sports day. >> julie: my gosh, thank you. >> thank you. >> julie: not attractive. a pumpkin for the record book. a wisconsin man could be the new world record holder for growing the largest pumpkin ever. this one weighing in at 1800 pounds and submitted this at a festival and contacted the guinness world record to verify the new record and again to respond, the winner says the secret is a precise mixture of sunshine, rain, cow manure, something called first emullings and seaweed. take a note of that the next time i want to grow a big pumpkin. on this day in 1845 a handful of students take place seats, the first class of midshipmen. there were only 50 men in the first class taught by seven protesters now


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