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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  October 12, 2010 2:00am-3:00am EDT

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don't forget to go to our facebook page and bill o'reilly is next at the top of the hour good, night from alaska. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ applause ] >> glenn: hello, america. i want to start with this. tonight we have a different show for you. it's kind of a philosophical show. i'm working on some things in my head. i have to tell you, i feel like i have been filling my body with poison for the last four years. there is a soupy saying. that which you gaze upon you become. i have tried hard not to
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become what i gaze upon. last night at 2:00 i was reading old, just some stuff that happened in the past that's just horror show. i'm tired of reading it and talking to you about it. i'm tired, quite honestly, of being the guy that has to bring it to you. it's poison. it's poison. and the answer isn't just to expose the poison. the answer really comes i think from this guy. it's not the poison of the problem. it is the connection, really where i started here. the 9.12 project. it is the valuables and the principals that make us great. it's the reaching out of the
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slime, trying to grab for something higher. it doesn't seem like that's what we're doing. i'm optimistic on things we've seen. the things that happened recently are miracles. would you have believed that what, a year ago, 18 months ago, would you have believed your country could have changed in the good way as well as the bad? in the good way as much as it has? tremendous progress. tremendous. progress toward a stated goal of restoration. this is dietrich bonnhoffer that hangs on the wall across my desk. i fill my body with so much poison and images and words and everything else that i see that i have taken everything out of my office and replaced it with just
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goodness and courage, and things that i want. it didn't even know who this guy was. this is a book called bonnhoffer, pastor, prophet, spy. i've only read a few bits of it. i haven't head all of it yet. i haven't had time. i'm trying to study this guy. i picked it up the other day, coincidently the guy who wrote this book bumped into me the other day. bumped into one of my staff members. and my staff member came to me and said you really have to talk to guy. i don't think, glenn, you really understand. you guys are meant to talk to each other. i said this i will, i will, i will. i will get to that. i have to get to that. what this man did, this is a guy who was a lutheran minister in germany. he was one of the first guys to see it. he was one of the first guys to say hey, we can't do that
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to the jews. as soon as the chancellor was named as hitler, he stood up and said we can't do this. we're changing. the reason why is because god was being lost. you have to understand, germany was a god-centric place, but he talks later in life in prison and torturing him, he talked about we need -- i think he called at it churchless religion or something like that. the left tries to twist that into see, he's a social justice guy! what he meant by that is in germany, everything was so stiff, everything was by the book and by the rule. all of the people that were behind the pulpit just said don't worry about it. don't worry about it. don't make trouble. it will be okay. we'll get past it. he wouldn't shut up.
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he said silence in the face of evil is itself evil. not to speak is to speak. not to act is to act. my friend bumped into this guy. i will, i will. i have to talk to him. i'll get to that. but i have to find somebody that can talk to me about gandhi first. i have to study gandhi. he said now you really have to talk to somebody about bonnhoffer. he said because bonnhoffer said while he was in germany the whole time, something has to get me in front of gandhi. i know gandhi has the answer. gandhi does the answer. the answer is love. the answer is even jesus turned over the table. so did gandhi. but he found a way to never
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hate. we have found a way in our nation. i don't know, and let me ask the audience. do you feel something is happening to our country? this is a -- you're walking a tightrope. we're talking a tightrope. look at what he has done. for a year they tried set up people like you or me as violent and dangerous. have you noticed they don't make the case anymore? why? because we took that tool away from them. we took that tool away from them. you stood and you were who you were. you stood and you weren't angry, and you weren't dangerous. and you weren't threatening people. then 8-28 happened. you have to take the tools away one at a time.
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and then let them destroy themselves. before we start, i want a conversation with the audience, a one-on-one. it spent a lot of time in new york. new york a weird place. [ laughter ] it is a place -- somebody said hi to me. this happened last night. somebody said hi to me. i'm walking down the street. they're like glenn beck. i'm like where, i hate that guy! and i said hey. he said, "big fan." the thing is he said it out loud and he was a new yorker. usually it's this. "big fan." things are changing. it's a good thing that they are. but sometimes sitting here in new york i can get a little lost.
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i want to hear what you are concerned about. about what you need. about what your neighbors are saying. what is it going to take to wake them up? how can we best make the case? this isn't about an election. this is not about an election. it's not about the president. it is about three things here. where did we come from? these are the only three questions in life, i think. where did we come from? where are we going to end up? where are we going? and what happens in between? is the what happens in between related to the where did we come from or where are we going? that is the real secret. what is the natural order of things? is it this?
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come here for a second. what is the natural order of things? you come here for a second. my staff was paid handsomely today to put these all like this. now for free, ronald, and tyson, shake -- don't shake hard. shake from the bottom. shake from the bottom. just keep shaking. now here is my question. see the order -- how long, anyone, do these guys have to shake before the pattern comes back that we started? how long? gabe? >> forever. >> glenn: forever. it will never go back to the order. never. you can shake and shake and shake and that pattern will
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never be repeated in nature. it won't. you can shake forever. what does that tell you? that tells you -- thanks, guys. that tells you -- this i'm taking home. [ laughter ] that tells you that when you find order, something is afoot. and this really is, this is life. this is what happens in life. is your life what you plan it to be? mine isn't anything like that. my daughter said to me the other day, she said, "dad, my life never turns out the way it's supposed to." no! life never turns out in a nice neat pattern. order.
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entropy. what is entropy? entropy is this. everything decays. why am i telling you about this and i doubt i'll get to pineapple. why am i telling you this? that is what has happened to the nation. entropy. that's what happened to us. that's what happened to our family. entropy. it's natural. spiritual gravity. it pulls you apart. it's why you don't want to see me with my shirt off. after a while, everything just goes. it decays. that's what life is all about, really. the endurance of the decay. how does that relate? what happens when you decay? if you live in a nation that needs order and it just keep s decaying, where do you get
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the order? you get the order from somebody. you usually end up begging somebody. i can't make sense of this. i don't know what this is. nothing is working. then usually somebody will come in and say i can make it work. let me shake it for a while. instead, what we need is not somebody to teach us how to do that. we need to figure out what the order is supposed to look like. if it requires to us take and dump it out and start all over again, then that is what we need to do. no matter what you do or how you shake it no, matter who is in charge, unless they take everything out of the and look for the pattern, and say okay, this was the pattern. you are never going to get it
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back. it is going to decay. even if they go to socialism which will transform us, that is what is happening, even if we go in a new global order, it is a lower order that freedom. lower order than a republic. that will decay as well. that's why socialism always ends poorly. that is putting it mildly. it always ends poorly. because it will decay as well. then you need another nudge. can anybody explain why i think we should stop concentrating on the rights? everybody is concentrating on the rights. does anybody have thoughts on why we shouldn't concentrate on our rights? is there anybody jewish here? you are?
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samara. do you tell me in the torah how many times is the word "right" used? 80,000 words. how many times is "right" used? >> i don't know. >> glenn: don't know? gabe says zero. zero. why? why? because the torah, god's law is all about responsibilities. wait, don't i get rights from god? yes, yes. how many have children? when your children were little, do you make a list of all the things you have to do. make your bed, do this. put a star by their name. they check it off. make sure you have done this, and this and this. why don't we write down -- by the way, you have a right to a roof over your head? by the way, you have a right to three square a day and a bed? why don't i teach my chirp that? because that's implied.
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i'm a good dad. good mom. that's implied. all that mom and dad have to do is focus on the responsibilities, because we all know as parents once we lose our our responsibility, once somebody is not pulling their weight in the house, the pattern is lost. the whole thing breaks apart. this is usually happens in the teenage years when a parent says as long as you're living under my house, you will obey my rules. right? that is usually when the teenager at their worst says you can't do that to me. i have rights! that is when your house is in chaos. that is what is happening now. we don't have to worry. about our rights. when we start concentrating about the responsibilities. we start concentrating on the
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pattern, the pattern. we will be okay. it will restore itself. the free market, the free mark market, i think it's god's way of teaching people how to do good. here's why. how can you get game? how can you get game? you can either come up with an idea and convince other people this is a great idea. then you can sell it to them. then they can buy it. and they'll tell a friend, this is fantastic. they'll buy another one from you. it will spread. what are you doing? for the free market to work, does it only work if you are selling your friends and people crap, it will only work for a short period of
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time. people will go that's crap. for the free market to work provide something that somebody needs, somebody wants. something that will enrich their life or make them have an easier go of it. that is the free market system. the only other way to make money is cheat, steal or swindle. it's really just the choices. guess which one we've been doing lately? back in a second.
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[ applause ] >> glenn: so, tonight we're just going to spend some time. i just want to have a conversation with the audience here in new york. a cross section that maybe you stumbled in here somehow or another and are like i thought they were selling hamburgers. a conversation with you onbe what you think the biggest problems are.
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where do you think we're headed? get a temperature check on america's feeling. there is chaos. i don't know how you get jennifer built being doing this. but, you know, by people believe that. it causes other problems because if the natural universe is decay -- how many people believe in god? okay. feel free to disagree with me if i miscast you, but you generally believe there is a god, he is lovering and things will be okay in the end. they may stink on ice for a while. they may not end up the way we want them to, but things
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in the ends because no matter what religion you're in a messiah comes. there is a redemptive period. that's when justice happens. for the god and the bad. which side are you on? naughty list or the nice. if you are religious there will be justice in the end. if you don't believe in god and you know that the natural universe is chaos, where is your hope? there is no hope, is there? so if the natural universe is chaos, what is required? pardon? you put hope in your leaders but what do they have to do? they have to make sure you're in line.
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they have to make the decisions. it doesn't matter. the yellow one doesn't make a difference. we are talking about the whole jar here. they have to take on the god role. if you look at history in our own country, you go back to world war i. immediately, the people, the evolutionists, the fabian socialist and the progressives that said we can never let it happen again. they said the league of nations and freaked america out. they're like okay, progressive are spooky. what happened? after that it was world warrii. they finally got the united nations in. after that they said the united nations would end all war. then nuclear war. we spent all that time worried about being vaporized by people. then nuclear winter and global warming and then population explosion. now it's global warming. it's always something. why? because of this!
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so somebody has to save the whole jar. that is the problem. our job is this. what happens in between? what happens in between? yes? >> i don't think -- in terms of the jar getting back to where it was, partially on the jelly bean part, too, to be morally responsible and move back to an order. if someone is trying to align them, and the people are revisiting, they have to believe that within themselves, too. we have a moral responsibility to be hopeful and find a way to make the pattern come back. >> glenn: what is the order, the pattern of the nation? the basic pattern of our nation? >> american conceptualism. do we believe we accomplished something amazing when we founded this country?
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we won freedom, ordered our freedom and now we have to sustain our freedom. >> glenn: that the hard part. ben franklin said that. give you a republic, if you can keep it. that's one step up. help me with what is the order? >> moral rep titude and how you conduct your affairs and life in general? >> glenn: this is where everybody goes astray on religion. it's not a specific religion. just god. whatever you define god. ben franklin had the best answer. what is the american religion? he said there is a god, we'll meet him when we die and he will hold us responsible. read the first part of the book. the best way to make sure he is cool with you is serve
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him. the best way to serve him is serve his fellow creation. it's not happenstance that we are the most charitable nation ever in the history of the world. you don't have to teach that to americans. we just do it. that is the order. a god will hold us accountable. it's what we do in between. he will hold us accountable for what we do. the best way to please him, is to love each other and help each other out. that starts here and grows to the family. the next first aligned with that. then the next thing is align with the family. look at the families. look at people who say it's out of order. what are they trying to do?
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they're trying to control our families, parent for us. that doesn't give us the opportunity to learn. it doesn't give us the opportunity -- who here hasn't learned more from their children than any teacher? i have. you can line up teacher after teacher. my children are the ones who teach me the greatest rules. i have mean the ones that really count. they're the ones that teach. we're supposed to teach them but i don't know about you, i learn more from them. if that is the order, what are we doing about it now? has anybody changed their life? anybody found themselves -- i know i'm not alone in the feeling of what i said at the beginning of the so. this isn't what i planned. this isn't how i saw my life five years ago. has anybody changed? is anybody doing anything
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that pushed them to an uncomfortable place and push them to doing something they thought no way, i would do that? anybody? c'mon. barbara? >> i was never involved with politics, i was happy being a c.p.a., college professor and mom. when this started and i started to research what is going on in the country and why doesn't it make sense to me. i started to talk about healthcare. i was sitting at my parent's table and my mom said i'm glad i had heart surgery already because i don't think i'd get it now. i said mom, we would take care of you no matter what. as the words came out of my mouth i knew that may not be true. that my not be true. i realized the seniors have a target on them. especially the older seniors. the target on the asset, on the retirement savings, on
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the healthcare. on their security. i said i have to do something. this process went on in my mind after the conversation with my mother. i said i have to do something. never thought i would. it started a group in florida to w the help of other people. 9.12 super seniors to give seniors 55 and older a forum and voice. today they had a six-month meeting in florida because other people lead it when i'm not there. never thought i'd do that. >> glenn: amazing. so what is the goal? >> the goal is come together in groups and hopefully it will spread. the south florida 9.12 helped us get started. enable senior groups tom to. the purpose is educate ourselves and others and empower seniors and know we have life experiences.
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good judgment and values. >> glenn: may i add something to your plate? this is something -- i was out west and talking to a friend of mine. who with us trying to figure out how to restart america. i sat there at 3:00 in the morning. it had been bothering me. i woke up and i started writing. he is in the particular situation and i thought what are his assets? what are the assets he has available? forget about the problems. look at the assets. that led me to series of ideas. the same thing happened to me recently. what are the assets of america? what are they? seniors were the first on my list. i want to talk about that
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here next. [ applause ] money attack?
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brit hume is here. join me at the top of the hour for special now. back to glenn. ♪ ♪ >> glenn: later this week, i'm going to a place slightly
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more hostile than new york city. hollywood, california. i'm planning to spend zero time in, if i can help it and hang out at the comfortable place, los angeles, california. later this week in california. we're in new york and talking -- i was speaking to barbara. where are you from? florida? >> i wenter in florida. i live on long island. >> glenn: wow! [ laughter ] barbara said earlier she started a group of seniors or retirees, and i started telling the story recently i was, i was trying to think of our country and say what are the resources we have? the first thing is the enormous mental and physical capacity idle on a golf course.
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we must ask -- i'm asking the seniors. i'm asking you if you are retired. what the hell are you doing on a golf course? what are you doing? you worked your whole life and deserve a time off. i get it. the country is on fire. you can help. you built the country and served in wars. you built company and you taught school and you raised a family. you raised grandchildren. what haven't you done? go to somebody who is 15 years old and figure this out? think of the collective years of knowledge that is idle right now waiting to what? get another tee time? walk around in big goofy shorts?
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i want to ask you the question. a lot of parents are having to work two jobs. a lot of parents who say i'd like to home school the kids but i don't have the time. we have can't. i understand that. it's huge. my grandparents ed and clara januarison, my grandfather had a fourth grade education. some of my best memories is spending days at their farm. there is nothing better than spending time with your grand parents. will you consider homeschooling your grandchildren? picking it up is a process. it will give you new life. who here thinks we have a problem with education in the country?
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who thinks it' getting better? the answer to the question is knowing correct history and knowing what is true. they are not teaching that. not teaching critical thinking. they are teaching obedience. not teaching the skill that your grand kids are going to need to be able to rebuild this country. lost, once we lose your knowledge it's gone. so please, i'm asking you. what is your website, barbara? >> it's >> glenn: just crash that website. reach out to barbara and reach out to each other and reach out to your family. it's a huge thing. you am telling you it will be the best decision of your life. i get calls all the time from people on radio who say glep, i don't know what to do.
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my kids are going to school and learning insame stuff -- insane stuff. all they do is prepare for tests over and over and over again. it's not about date or tests. it's about knowledge. how to find the answers. not just the answers but how to find them. think outside the box. back in a second. wú@÷ú÷@úúúú7
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[ applause ] >> glenn: welcome back to the program. jennifer, you were in london, england and you saw disturbing trend there i gather that you are fearful is coming here. >> it's about the culture of compassion for evolving to a canture of dependency. i had the opportunity while i lived in london for three years to be a volunteer mentor to a bright little girl. she and her parents lifted on welfare. what i saw and was i saw was how damaging it can be for a child to grow up in such a culture of dew pendency. it -- dependency. i robbed her of emotion to seek out a life than what she was and her fate was sealed.
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>> glenn: when you say "seek out a better life than she had," what was she doing? >> if i look at her role model, her family and friend and everybody she grew up with, i go to work and i provide for my family, her family would go to work by working the system. that all they knew. what they grew up with themselves. their lives were how can i sustain an illness or perhaps get pregnant or bring more money in to provide for my family? that was their career. >> glenn: it goes back to free market is god's way of teaching us how to be good. create something good that helps the other option. is cheat, steal or defraud.
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has anybody -- i hate to use the word. jon stewart, this one is for free. i hate to use the word "evil." because i know what that is. when you have saul alinsky's book dedicated to lucifer, dedicated to lucifer, the one rebel who caused enough trouble that got his own kingdom. that is incredible to me! is anyone starting to see what is bad policies? this isn't about barack obama. this has been going on since the beginning of time. is inelse starting to see and go this is the battle of good and evil. not the people, but policy and the ideas?
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michael? >> it rewards bad behavior. a lot of people they look up to are rappers and stuff who committed crime. children nowadays. they see that. they are gaining popularity. the good people are viewed -- made fun of. >> glenn: who are the good people? >> religion. >> glenn: are they? the guy in atlanta? this is the problem, when you put your faith in man, he will always disappoint you. that has happened to us. we put our faith in the party. we put faith in the parties and we accept and say they're just like me. they're not. they will disappoint you. we have to be back with principles. i have this guy's picture on my desk, this guy says to me
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courage. courage. you stand up in the face of evil. you do what is right even at your own expense. that doesn't happen in america. this guy's picture is on my desk because he teaches me a principle of love. we have to go to the principles, not necessarily to the people. back in a second.
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[ applause ] >> glenn: all right. phil, you start us off here -- jill, you start us off here. >> if they're retired now or whatever, but what they could offer society. my grand parents taught me about bonnhoffer. and they remember him, they know him. we don't learn -- our kids don't learn about people like this in school these days. >> glenn: right. >> we also, i don't personally, my grandparents did. and young kids these days do not know and can imagine what can happen to this country. because it happened before.
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but we don't really realize what could truly happen. >> glenn: right. ronald, you said that you don't think what is happening is good and evil. >> no, i said i don't think good and evil explains it. it's smart and stupid. the fact is people haven't learned from history, as wisely said, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. the intent of government provide for everybody failed every time and failed in the concepti conception. it never works. but people still try. not out of evil intentions. >> glenn: i don't mean that the people involved are evil. if you look at the president of the united states, i have come to the place i believe he has the best intentions. he sleeps at night and he says this is the right thing,
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i'm doing good. i really believe that. i don't think he is out thinking muahhhh, he is not doing that. >> not a good student of history. he hasn't learned the lessons of history. >> glenn: he would argue i bet that you have history wrong. >> patrick? >> your screener asked me are you prepared for the worst? what is the worst? what is it? some of the things i see that look like it will happen are terrible. >> glenn: what is the worst? >> i'm wondering are we at the worst point now? we're being led by a bunch of -- >> glenn: who believes we're at the worst point? the seasons are changing but going the wrong way. tell you what the worst is. the worst is, where did we come from? we came from god. where are we going? we're going the finish line. the worst that can happen is we get to the finish line and the other side.
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we then have full recollection of what we were supposed to do and we say my gosh, i filled all of that space in between with nothing meaningful. we have to find what is meaningful and pass it on to the children. back in a minute. ñ÷4n
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>> bret: duane asked if i could explain thein


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