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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  October 12, 2010 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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ten seconds? no. you have to wait f another episode. from new york, good night, from new york, good night, america. captioned by closed captioning services, inc welcome to "red eye." it is like darr ma and greg if by darr ma you mean vicodin. let's go to andyly vee. what's coming up on this here show? >> on this here show, the new york candidate for governor says he does president like gay pride parades. plus, a republican candidate finds himself in bombosa after they say he likes to spend his time with the votan-ss. and our allstar panel will pray carrie keegan demonstrates on bills. >> thank you, andy. i scorn you, you rascally cheating rogue, away.
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let's welcome our guests. she is back and gigly as ever. i am here with the writer and producer of no good tv. and it begins this saturday on vh1 classic. she's so cute she dots her i's with actual babies. didn't know that was possible. and i would like to welcome a first time guest. he is mike riggs. he is the daily caller and staff writer. i would have him on my knees. repulsive sidekick extraordinary their. he smells of mold and failure. if brains were stamps, his back would be sticky. and he prints frank rich's crap. where are you, pinch? >> the times debuts the invisible read design. the cameraman thinks i am on the table, when i am directly underneath ms. cee egan's
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chair. view-halloo, greg. view halloo. according to people on tv and voices in my head, carl palatino ignited a firestorm over the weekend during a speech to jewish leaders in brooklyn calling himself the, quote, religious values candidate. here is what hot carl had to say about days and children. >> i didn't march in the go parade this year -- in the gay parade this year, the gay pride parade this year. my opponent did. and that's not the example we should be showing our children, certainly not in our schools. [applause] i just think my children and your children would be much better off and
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much more successful getting married and raising a family. i don't want them to be brainwashed into thinking homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option. it isn't. >> what are those guys obsessions with abe lincoln? i don't get it. after they called it a stunning homo phobia, he took to the monday morning shows to smooth over the ruffled boas. here he is talking to matt lauer. >> young people should not be exposed to that at a young age. it is a very difficult thing. exposing them to homosexuality , especially at a gay pride parade -- i don't know if you have ever been to one -- but they wear these speedos and they grind against each other, and it is a terrible thing. >> looks like i picked the wrong day to stop thinking about men in speedos grinding against each other.
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>> that was kyle. he took my credit cards and i don't want to talk about it anymore. nick, this guy is not going to win. >> he's already first in the hearts of his country men. he is what i call a triple threat because i'm half italian and heterosexual and born in new york and he makes me ashamed that i'm half italian and that i was born in new york and heterosexual. >> okay, ridiculous, he is an unfiltered -- he has an unfiltered personality. doesn't he represent an older era where he said things like this? >> yeah, my grandmother hate speedos. and my grand dad if he was still alive would find them deplorable.
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he is actually like a lot of people, and not just old people. sometime less than old people. >> like somewhat old, not quite old. >> 35, 38, whatever that is. >> that makes me old. he looks like he seriously needs to get laid. >> he actually does get laid. he does, but it is not with men. that's the problem. >> the men wouldn't take him. look at him. not a bear nor ferret or any type of gay man. he was probably rejected by dudes. -- dudes. >> to make this just not a pure pylon literally or metaphor rickly, i will say in his defense that anybody who has been to a gay parade knows he is right about that. >> what is he right, they -- there is speedo wearing? now it is all different. >> before it was a lot of thongs and bumping and grinding. he watched. >> when it comes to a gay
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pride parade, there is always a debate about like, what do we do about the groups that go too far? they embarass us. there is a debate among gays about the tenor about the -- but who cares? >> why don't the irish have the same debate? they never say, there are certain groups that tend to vomit all over the fire poles. why don't they have the debate? i would rather see the speedos. >> it is the spinning pizzas and all that stuff. >> i find it morally offensive. i hate all pride parades. >> by the way, if the italians and the irish are gonna be self-hating, why can't the gays? what's with the gay pride? >> i heard a rumor he has a new theme song for his campaign. it is the flight of the concourse 2 many [ bleep [.
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so many great issues, mike on the table to talk about. >> so many. >> this guy torpedoed himself. maybe he wasn't going to win, but he had to go there in new york city where more gays are in new york city than anywhere in the country outside san francisco. >> holla. >> in bill's neighborhood. >> he is not coming back. >> he is not coming back. there are all these conservative jews in brooklyn who says maybe new york is slightly more complicated than we think. but it is an important city. i don't think it is going to do anything for him. i don't have a problem with him expressing the sentiment. i find it appalling that he wos try to find -- he would try to find a way to make it policy. >> that was a roomful of closeted bears. there was orthodox jews? wow. >> i thought he was buying an amish fireplace because winter is coming. if you are in the cold zone you can just move there.
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>> i think it is always refreshing -- first of all, i think he is jealous the bumping and grinding he spoke of doesn't lead to children out of wedlock, and it is always refreshing when a guy speaks of family values after having a bass tared daughter out -- bastard daughter out of his own marriage. >> you can say that's wrong, but he didn't abort the kid. >> hey, at least he didn't abort her. >> that's sticking to your principals, right? >> well the principals shouldn't have been made in the first place. >> look, the guy is nuttier than a fruit cake. that's not the right thing to say, but he is nut yes,uttier than something. he is like an old guy that lives next door to you. he just says this stuff. >> anybody, and i realize this is not going to make sense, but anybody who can't beat andrew quomo -- >> you are right, he shot himself in the foot. from one gay thing to another. it is a reversal for
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universal. after doing away with a joke about gays, yes, i speak of universal studios that has pulled a continue verse sal trailer for the new vince vaughn movie after criticism from anderson cooper and the gay organization. at issue, the use of the word "gay." here is the now purged preview. >> ladies and gentlemen, electric cars are gay. >> not homosexual gay, but my parents are sharp paw roaning the dance, gay. >> combine the benefits of electric transportation with the rock and rollness of dodge's current muscle car models. >> last week after seeing the trailer, cnn's cooper had this to say. >> i was sitting in a movie theater and there was a preview of a movie. in it the actor said "that's so gay." i was shocked that not only did they put it in the movie, but they put it in the preview. they thought it was okay in
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the preview to get people to see it. i just want those words, those terms -- we have to do something to change -- to make those words unacceptable. those words are hurting kids. >> he was so mad he knocked over a popcorn. that was like $11. coop wasn't the only one swinging poop. there were other protests. but they caught universal off guard with one person telling hollywood that they, quote, showed the trailer to glad and gave executives -- and gay executives here. glad denied it and for more we go to our "red eye" correspondent. it is cat in a box. what say you c in a b. that's depressing. >> shut up.
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carrie -- >> i don't want to follow that. >> the thing is people at home didn't hear it. >> why they right to take it out of the trailer? it is still in the movie. >> anderson cooper is right. there are still some sensitivities and homosexuals need to have their moment so they can get all of those things out, the arguments, so we can all be on the same playing field. we are not equal yet. there are still gay bashers. that being said, it is dumb they took it out. >> it was funny. >> if it is a character -- go ahead. >> i was just going to tell you, if that's in the preview the rest of the movie must be really great. where was glen when i had to take my kids to see "mall cop"? >> kevin james. >> the king of queens or queen of kings.
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>> here is the thing, what if in the movie the character or the actor is playing a character in which the character says things like that? you can't -- how do you say like i am offended by the character if the character is meant to say offensive things? it is like we are going to do nudity only if it is really essential to the character. >> but then they put the nudity in the trailer to get you to see it. >> he is playing -- only a buffoon would do that in a meeting. he is playing a buffoon, right? >> we are assuming that vince vaughn is asking, right? i think that's a fair assumption. and he is a dude guy character who has a dude guy buddy, and paul blart, mall cop, and he is trying to sell this stuff to a room full of squares. what is that stuff they used to say? i don't know. hip to the cool, something like that.
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jive! that's it. i'm surprised by glad. somebody is lying here. somebody said they showed it to glad and glad was okay with it. i would be surprised that glad was okay with it. and glad was caught off guard. they didn't say anything about it and now they are caught. now they are saying, oh, it is bad. queen latifa is in the scene. you are the president of her fan club. do you think that made the joke okay by having her there? >> what are you infering by that? >> that she is a hip hop artist. >> i'm currently dating queen latifa. that speaks nothing to any type of sexual activity. since when is it gay to have your parents chaperon your prom? if not for my mom i would not dance with anyone. i had some super cool moves with her. prom sham roans -- chaperons, not gay. >> i just remember when vince vaughn did good movies.
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>> when was that? >> money, baby. >> that was 20 years ago. >> well, that's what he was remembering. >> the bottom line is what anderson cooper is saying, let's retire this phrase. i think we can agree, yeah, why not? >> or genericize the phrase. people use it freely like, oh that outfit is so gay. >> i disagree. any regular viewer knows i am captain defend the gays or queen defend the gays depending on where you want to go. i think it is funny. they should lighten up. it is not the f-word which has worse connotation. it can mean two things. we are not that stupid as people to separate them. >> if it is meant to be a derogatory comment, then you are teaching kids that -- like in school if you say you are gay because of something you wear that's a daw roughing terry statement -- derogatory statement. >> it would be nice if they taught kids at school. >> taught them, period? >> yeah.
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>> this other crap is like -- yeah, good point. to the greg-alogue. it is a cup cake of clarity in a bakery of buffoon re. you should see carrie dancing to that song. i love that. imaginary baby being shaken. deadly. don't do that at home, people. >> don't shake the baby. >> because they are wooses. they removed the october 3rd cartoon from the rag. the reason? it mentioned, not showed mohamed. there wasn't a picture of him anywhere. but the post and some other papers polled it. andrew alexzander asked the letter why, and he said it seems a deliberate provocation. he added the point of the joke was not immediately clear. yeah, it is the reason, ambiguity. here is the cartoon.
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so here we see another float in the parade of a cowardly editor making a cowardly decision based on upsetting religious fanatics. a fear he couldn't admit to co-workers which leads me to my only point. why are they reminding us we shouldn't exaggerate the small threat of radicals and then completely change their tact when it comes to their own personal safety. if the average joe expresses safety over fund mentalism, they are called easy llama fobs. but if an editor with the size of electrons removes a comic where mohamed is present that is not islamaphobia. well they can't pull this crap because they may get stabbed by a latte in starbucks. they should admit it and get the hell off our backs for feeling the same way. and if you disagree with me, are you a racist homophobic,
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islamaphobic. you are a basophobe. that's a fear of death. >> we have a legion of basophobe. >> why didn't the washington post sensor the famous nonsecutor, piss christ? >> i read that comic. >> it is actually the english language version of they will do it every time, the crazy, islamic fundamental list. >> carrie, can we all agree that radical fundamental lists are driven by a desire to sleep with you? >> yeah. i mean, come on. i feel like the m pf word as
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we -- the m-word as we hillary feer to now, is on the list. it is the new one. we will have to refer to him as the artist formerly known as mohamed. >> i have never seen this strip. are you as outraged as everybody? >> i think it is funny the arbitor of who is funny is a style editor. i thought that was hilarious. i don't know if that's the case in any other newspaper. the same person who decides whether fan knee pack rtz new man bags deems what is good and bad about ziggy. i think that needs to happen more and more in these consolidated news rooms. that's the real loser, ziggy. >> will he ever win? >> if you behead ziggy you have nothing left. >> you might as well cut america's head off. >> i tell you some of the things he would say it is the simple truth, but in rai comically -- but in a comically done way. >> the love is couple.
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if the radical muslims go after them, it is war. >> if there is anything like taste of the nudity it is them. i normally don't like pda, but "love is" is my pda. >> it brightens up the classified section. >> what are you talking about? i do not read the newspaper. i don't know what you are talking about. is that beatle bailey? >> do you know what mike is? >> you are hated. >> i have to go. so, do puppies taste like chicken? nick gillespie fills us in on his new diet plan. and so what is so controversial about this video game? judging from the last sentence, it certainly sounds controversial.
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i speak of richard iot seen here. he is the republican running for congress in ohio. for years he dawned the uniform. the tea party candidate was involved in a group called viking. the members re-enacted the exploit of a nazi division that fought during world war ii. they even have a recruiting video.
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>> it is like role models for psycho paths. >> his interest in nazi germany was historical and he does not attend to naziism. he is not into nazis, and here is what he said in an interview. >> going back to my college days, i got involved in historical reenacting. over the years i have done civil war and first world war and second world war and both sides. union and confederate. and been involved on both sides in historical reenactments. the purpose of historical reenactments is not to glorify war or the size, but it is to educate people, to learn about what happened.
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>> for more of this, we go to a press spokesman. >> kind of a jerk if you ask me. shut up! >> i was talking about the old guy. >> are we talking about rick sanchez? >> it was a historical re-enactment just like in -- just like "inglorious bastards" you need people to play bad guys jie. and they need to be republican. >> why are the republicans making it so easy? >> there are so many people and so many, you know, outside agitators running over the streets of youngstown. >> mike, he is not a nazi, he is a nerd. >> he is a nerd. not only was kristine o'donnell a nerd, but this is
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what popism looks like. -- populism looks like. >> he is not a nazi. >> wait a second. >> you are saying he is just a guy with a weird hobby? >> yeah. you should see some of the stuff i do on the weekend. >> wow. >> are you speaking my language, sir. >> crisco and bull horns. >> i question the whole is he a nazi or can he be both? can he be a nerdsy. he does not look like he had a lot of dates before he had power. >> casey, do you find guys like this attractive? >> here is the deal. there is a part of this story that is missing. the part of the story is yes, he dressed up as a nazi, but the second part is he is closing a deal with the s and m thing. and he was being beat for
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being a bad nazi. >> this was his cover so his family didn't find out he was into worse things. >> once the media found out he was screwed either way. >> so jesse james was involved? >> he is dating her now. >> do you think he is the father of sandra bullock's new adopted child? >> that could save him in the election. we have this incredible explosion of new candidates. you can't bet them all. >> it is like a hindenberg. >> there's a lot of crazy this time of day. >> that part of ohio needs a little more living room. he needs to push into part of west virginia. >> two step right in there. >> i don't know why i feel bad for the guy. >> it is an idiotic thing. you don't dress up as the nazi.
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>> you do that or you don't run for -- >> can we point out ted kennedy got to kill a woman and be in the senate? >> this guy is a doufus. >> by the way, he dressed up in the kkk, but that wasn't a costumes. >> those were different times. >> if ted kennedy drove a volkswagen -- >> give me a call, 212-462-5050 with comments. still to come, half time report with tv's andy levy. he is behind the guy, actually. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by my new band. some say the guitar player is a little too aggressive, but i think he will give us the edge we are looking are to. thanks my new band.
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let's see if we have gotten anything wrong so far. let's go to andy levy. how about the giants? >> yeah, they beat the crap out of the texans. >> they did, they d. >> a great game. >> certainly was. >> paladino is no fan of gay pride. you said your grandmother hates speedos. is that why you stopped wearing them? >> that and i put on like a
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hundred pounds. >> thanks for asking. >> the thing is that you can't actually see the speedo. >> that's not the great thing about it. it is adorned with diamonds. >> if you go to my website, big guys in speedos .org you will find maybe you look better in them now. >> those are called diapers. >> carrie, you said paladino's description of the gay pride parade shows he clearly watched it. he told "good morning america" he and his wife accidentally stumbled on a gay pride parade in toronto and they were people in bikini-type outfits grinding and doing gyrations. since then he accidentally stumbled on eight more parades. >> i think he was angry his wife and kids were there. >> very bizarre. >> nick, does paladino have a point the pride parade not being a place for kids. would he be taking this crap?
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>> is he talking about all kids or just his i will legitimate kids? >> he was talking about all kids, legitimate or otherwise. >> i think parades are horrible. i think we can agree kids hate parades more than the adults that take them there. we can get into an inpho nept -- an infinite regret. >> i wouldn't take my kid to the summer of love or woodstock either. >> if paladino were smart that's what he would be saying right now. >> and he didn't. >> he went on and on and said other staff. -- other stuff. >> by the way, based on everyone on the panel's comments about the hasidam, you are all anti-sametic. >> and running for congress. >> i am pro big hats. >> well, who is not pro big hats? there is nothing better than a bonnet. >> that's true. >> gay joke removed from the new ron howard film. universal says we showed the
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trailer to the gays in our marketing department. just say we showed the trailer in our marketing department. carrie, you said it is good universal pulled the joke from the trailer. according to glad, universal refused to remove the joke from the actual movie. >> yeah, well like we were saying, if you are using it to promote the film, you would have to put it in the context. if the character was just an ass, then you know, you should put that into context. otherwise it is just a gay joke. >> they have set up an on-line petition. >> glad is the biggest sack of whiners. they didn't see this coming. the film company says they showed it to them. right? >> yeah, and like you said, glad says they didn't. >> they are playing catch up. >> you don't expect film producers to lie? they must be telling the truth. >> well, there is one other thing about this. can you really assume richie
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cunningham is a homo fob? >> that's a point. >> but maybe pozi. >> nobody liked pozi anybody. >> there was a reason pozi rhymes with nazi. >> the thing he did to susiecua. >> if that joke is in the preview, how bad is the rest of the movie? well, it is being released in january which is hollywood code for it sucks. carrie genericize is not a word. >> it could be. >> president bush made up words. >> i cannot deny that. washington post does not run a picture without mohamed. if the average joe expresses anxiety against fundementalism, they are called islamaphobes.
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it is islamaphobia. >> with no media -- no one in the media can mock the average person for saying they are worried about whatever. >> the style section is where they run. that's why it was the style editor's decision of. >> is it the art section or the style section? >> the style section is the art section. >> style is art, bill. >> mike, i'm with you. it is not a nazi, but he did violate the law that is you never, ever dress up as a nazi outside the bedroom. >> i can get on board with that. >> there is a great nazi speedo i can introduce you to. >> i have to get on nick's diet before i can support the speedo. >> i have been cited like three times in the last week. >> nick, you said the problem was it was in a part of ohio where they just need a living room. to be fair, west virginia
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invited them. >> and i understand they tried to impress the van trap family. >> getting tired of a dashing ducumentarian. >> by the way, one famous alum nis of the viking division was joseph mengola. my calls were not returned. >> well, you don't have his private number. >> go away. >> you go away first. i'm here and you are there. ha, ha, i win. it was a sad victory. so what is it like to strangle a hobo wit a shoelace? we'll talk to carrie keegan about stuff she does for fun. and what do i ask my next guest, rob zombie?
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mostly rob zombie-related questions. that's the way it works on tv, folks.
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15 million albums sold and grammy nominations and five motion pictures. i hate his guts. and he was the founder of the awesome band white zombie and a string of mind upmbing solo albums. and some call him the best horror films for films like "the devils reject" and the" halloween" remake. they will be melting faces in a city near you. and he eats babies.
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nobody knows that. we are thrilled to welcome rob zombie. great to have you here. >> thanks for having me. >> i listened to you forever. i have to ask you about -- >> i want to say seven grammy nominations. so doesn't that mean seven losses? it is really not that great. >> who did you lose to that pissed you off? >> i don't know, everyone. >> can we just talk about some serious stuff here? >> yeah, what do you want to talk about. >> susie cuatro. >> yes, big fan. >> she was leather tescaderro. >> yes. >> do you remember her -- >> oh yeah. >> she still plays in her leather jump suit. >> interesting you bring that up. you have a tremendous knowledge of pop culture, and it shows up in your music.
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you love it. you have -- in "more human than human" you sampled cafe flesh. >> yes. i don't know what is worse that i sampled it or you recognized it. >> what was the girl's name? she was a porn actress that was a b-movie actress. i can't remember her name. >> wilamina shultz? >> yeah, that's it. >> best job i ever had. >> what did you do in porn? >> i laid out all the magazines for a couple years. that was after i -- > so what magazines did you work at? >> all of the ones you would think, who would buy that? >> greg is intau meantly aware. >> are you talking "cherry," "club." >> no, below. it goes like "playboy,"" hos -- hos leer" "penthouse."
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>> the most famous is celebrity soup. >> you were in all of the lurid stuff. >> technically these were the only jobs i could get. >> you had another great job "pee wee's play house." >> it sounds cool now, but it was terrible. paid terrible. >> how was pee wee? >> he was funny. i never talked to him. well i did once. he walked by and said, hey, do you know where the bathroom is? i said -- that's the extend of. it i was there the day he showed up. the day he showed up the first day he looked like his mug shop. all of the animaters say, let's play "tequilla" and he will love us. he steps off the elevator and looked like charles mann son and walked out of the room.
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>> when ever you hear about that you always -- >> i loved him for that. he shut them down. >> i have a lot of questions. i also have to ask you about directing "csi: miami." that's the response i expected. >> longest two weeks of my life. >> david carusso, what was that like? >> not easy. >> so honest. >> i will be honest, i started off enthusiastic. by the last day i wouldn't even get up from the chair. they say, how was is it? i said, i don't give a pran -- [bleep]. >> i heard in terms of direction he can't do two things like talk and pick up something. so when he is walking through a doorway when he has to say something they have to have him walk through a doorway without talking and then put it in. >> this was the funniest stuff. whatever, who cares?
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99.9% of the people i worked with was awesome. david is not great with driving. i was like, okay. we won't have him drive up. he will be parked and then steps up. he is not good with doors. i was like, okay. then we will just sit him there. sitting, not really good with sitting. i'm like, so basically what he does is he will come in and do a hero shot and then we block the scene around him standing in front of mount rushmore. >> that's incredible. i almost admire the guy for forcing everybody to go to sis singular nontalent. >> he is a useless red headed slug and makes millions doing it. >> i don't know whether to kiss him or kill him. >> genius, i guess. i don't know. >> did you write the glasses
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scene? >> you can't write the glasses scene. the glasses scene writes itself. but the best thing was i cast my friend malcolm mcdowell as the bad guy. malcolm came in with the idea that he would drive david up the wall on purpose. mission accomplished. he drove him crazy. >> i love this. we have to take a break, but we haven't talked about your tour, your album and your music. >> who cares? >> no, we will come back. stick around. >> let's talk about nazis.
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we are here with rob zombie and talking about when he directed "csi: miami." his goal was to drive david carusoe crazy. >> the first thing he did -- they shoot david's close ups first. when it was time for david's close up malcolm went to the bathroom so david had to wait. you can hear him say, did malcolm go to the bathroom? by the end you know, david walks into the room and malcolm was on the phone and he was spoke to horatio.
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he kept ad libbing. hi, dear, what are you wearing? he wept on for two minutes until david said, hang up the [bleep] phone. and he said, hold on, hold on. they write it so that character has the last line. whenever he said his button line malcolm would say another one. >> that is genius. >> instead of putting his glasses on -- off he would put them on. >> we drove them crazy. >> it couldn't happen to a more wonderful guy. >> i have to tell you, your new remix, you have to buy it. the great thing about the remix is it forces fans to buy it again. i would buy everything again you put out. what do you do to the music that forces me to pay more? >> i don't know. that's the way you are wired. really, i didn't want to do that. i hate double dipping. we put so much extra content.
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if you download it you don't get it because there is a dvd that has cool stuff. we did a bunch of songs. it is worth buying again. but if people don't want to buy it again they don't have to. >> the sounds you invented -- you invented groove metal. that's how i see it. maybe i am wrong. >> it used to be called white zombie. and now that's the great thing, if you stick around long enough, i remember our first reviews was "ignore thisnd ba, ignore this band, ignore this band." i was like, great, worst band of all time. now they are like, you are classic. >> what is more human, you had a sound that no one else had. it was incredible. your albums are amazing. we have to go. i want to talk about the studio attraction. >> it will be over. >> okay. >> it is in california anyway. >> thank you, rob. david carusoe, you will be seeing this all over youtube.
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we will close things out with a post game wrap up. >> i will not be back to "red eye." >> go to
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now back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> when does rock and roll fantasy camp premiere? >> october sixteenth, are you excited? >> very excited jie. vh1 classic, make sure you get. it i need to feel you watching, andy. >> you will feel me watching. >> andy will be feeling himself watching. >> nick, what new videos you have coming up at the old reason .tv? >> we are taking off the mini kiss, the all midget kiss band is doing well, so we are going to start a mini vincent invasion, a mini vincent invasion, and we are doing something about detroit.
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it has to replace them with a new light rail system. it is back from the edge to slightly closer to the edge. that is being released very soon. >> why has no one thought of doing a mini cover band? >> they need to do a mini slaughter is what they need to do. >> and it might be that the midget band would be taller than vin gee sin sent. -- vinny vincent. >> mike, i understand you usually develop a relationship with a certain someone. >> yes, i spent some time pal pating cow uteruses on a ranch in florida. and in case you are curious, the way you get to it is through the rectum. >> that is bill's story of his life. >> same thing to getting to carnegie hall, by the way. >> and indeed my rectum is in carnegie hall. >> practice, practice,


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