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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  October 13, 2010 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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a fox news alert, you are looking live at the scene in chile. it is the first of 33 men a trapped in a collapsed mine have been rescued. two of them so far after 69 days under ground. un they were pulled to the surface about an hour and a andf half ago.. we are now waiting for the wng third miner to come to the surface. you there you see the hoist and a all the men around and the d president of chile is there as well. he has been holding vigil for f days now.he he stands to the side, and as soon as t the men come to the cur if es and hug their wives and children they go to the president, and he gives them ato big bear hug, sometime two or three. the second of the miners who came to the surface a short time ago then went to theent he crowd standing by, and there were hugs there and lots of a
3:01 am lots and all over chile people are tuned to their television sets and are waiting breathlessly for all 33 to come to theorll surface as well as two rescue workers who courageously went down the shaft of the mine tof m get them out. o. >> greg, you mentioned the president, his approval ratingpl is up today as well, as you toda can imagine. our fox news correspondent iss there in chile watching this unfold, and he brings us thenfo latest. steve?re >> 2:00 in the morning here,rd and it is hard to imagine p anybody is sleeping. it goes beyond any world cup soccer match. now the entire world has been waiting and watching as the 33 miners collapsed in a secluded t area are now coming to the operi surface. so far the operation has gonethy smoothly. the wheel behind me is spinning to the right in a clockwise manner. number three should be out anytime soon. soon.
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and bearing witness at theesca t escape hatch is the presidentand and the first lady. the president has been closely h associated with this rescue operation since its very beginning.beginning. standing with his spouse., we have seen two dramaticgs greetings between husband and wife and husband and the families are really some overcome with joy and also relief from the stress when you walk around this tent cityee and see people who have beenths waiting for two months witha in one idea in mind, is my yosband, is my father dead or alive? you can sense the for two families it is over, and there is some thos encouragement for those below wl that so far it is going smoothly. moving the wheel is turning and the sm. cables are pulling and the capsule is i good news so far. two up and 31 more to go here in chile.e. >> steve, there was reports that there might be a second capsule as sort of a back up. is that true?t
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33 trips down the mine shaft plus the practice sessions could cause a lot of wear and tear as you pointed out. rep >> sure, it looks like the the capsule did get banged up in i some of the practice sessions.te they are work at it with some hammc hand tools, some hammers and some wrenches to make sure o it fits.ure there is a very narrow gaper between the escape shaft itself and the size of theft a capsule which is barely enough for these miners to squeeze into. so, yes, since the very startf of this operation there haveions been a multiple of options forom each phase, really remarkable planning going into this.ri besides the engineering feet, dt three different escape shaftsfft drilled early on with different drills.hey we they were going with which wt ever one went the deepest theed fastest. they went with plan b, and these capsules, getting back to your question, they do have t capsules in reserve, and they
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do have seen other reliefey wells in this is a plan with many fallisi back plans. it has been plan b which has proven successful so far. succel >> steve in chile, thank you, steve. as you watch these pictures,el b you can't help but feel the emotion, overcome with emotion. there are language barriers bar and differences in countries,nti but it unite us as a world because you can't help butbee yu watch these pictures and justctd be happy and thrilled for these families that arefamili getting reunited and watchingndg these individuals who it couldv, have gone either way.gone eit we are watching thehem come bach up after two and a half months-l or nearly two and a half months below the surface, and they are alive.w >> they are not out of the woods yet though. we continue to focus our cameras on the top of a shaft. e we are waiting for the apartmently-name -- the aptly-named phoenix 1, named after the mythical bird that rises from the ashes.the
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that's precisely what happened here. several hundred thousand tons r of rock caved in, trappingg those miners on august fifth. and for days they thought w there was no way they could s a drill bit made it way all t the way down, and then the foreman of this crew, he has a become a national hero.ote he put a note on the endwe are saying, "we're alive. we're well it is., -- we're well." simon, tell us about this remarkable event we are watching live on television.rese a rescue the likes of which has never occurred. o >> yes, incredible feelings ofjh jubilation in chile. people are honking their horns and waiving their flags.apo. the relatives and the family of these trapped miners arell
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jubilant. some are still anxious as they l wait for their loved ones to come to the surface. see you can see as he makes his way to the surface any secondy e now. feelings of jubilation here. yes >> how important are the how ita miners -- not the miners. they are important b individuals, but the minesemselr themselves for the country coth the gold and thean copper? >> copper is chile's mainit ihe export. it is the engine of then economy here.ticu and this mine in particular is a reasonably small one.but but chile is the world's toper copper producer, and mines areey absolutely crucial to this economy. >> we are looking and waiting for the third individual, andeo people have been given a list.. simon, do you have any idea, i , think you mentioned a moments, ago, who is the third person and what can you tell us aboutes him?ut >> yes, he is basically -- he is of a military background. he is married and 52 years old m
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and he is one of the leaders he' of the miners down below. he in fact on the 9th ofemr ha september had his birthday.know it was 700 meters below. his plan is to stop working in n mines.m suhat >> him sure this -- i'm sure this experience cemented that sentiment. he does he have any health problems or not?>> reporte >> no, he is amoung the group who are considered to be in pretty good shape.o are there are a group in the bit middle who are considered to and thentle more precarious, and then they have left some the of the strongest for last as well. wker in t the weak are in the middle.ill >> any word on how long thisia would take?htt wa >> it would take 40 minutes to get down and 20 minutes for it to come back up. obviously it is taking not asg t long as we expected. look at this. >> it just arrived. t >> yes, wehi are seeing the
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third miner and his name is juan illanes. you can see his wife waiting hi for him at the what an exciting moment. we willisen in for a bit -- we will listen in for a bit. >> the gentleman on the leftes is the president of chile,, who sebastian pinera who weeks ago f cut his foreign trip short and rushed back to the scene and has really taken charge here. let's listen in. here is juan illanes.
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>> what is this experience >>ke, steve? >> these faces tell so much.o we have seen these familieshese really living here in this sort of tent city for the past t two months with such great stress and exhaustion.'s -- agin imagine being in a desert with a a loved one with a husband oran a father down below for two months. and to live in a tent and justt to wait with everybody else here is juan llames, one of the, quote, strong men, one of the four strong men coming out earl. yet he has yet to greet his wife.idd the president and first lady in attendance still. you can just see her breathingly deeply and sighing. bee this has been so stressful for the people on the surface. we heard a lot about the the miners and the hardship thatha n they have gone through. for the family members, the wait and the agony has really been day and night.g ugh
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>> i can imagine what waseet going through his mind. and now the moment where he gets to hug his wife. >> and now -- and they have csen chosen the first few miners well. >> i am amazed.itne >> they seem exuberant.berant. their arms are up. >> i'm amazed how good theyzed w look. i was expecting skin and bones. eti and with a lack of food. that's not what we are seeing.g. these first three guys look fantastic. >> it is certainly a good impression for the men down below and for the nation also to see what kind of shape they are they have had physical training. they had a trainer and had special food. they had a great deal of careand and attention over the last 40 l
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days or so.eye nod it seems to have had great affect.his despite this vying gore, they will be check -- vigor they tr will be checked by doctors to make sure they are handlingio the situation both physically and mentally.ense there is a real sense of nsa exuberance here. the nasa psychologists have spoken with their chilean counter counterpart and, th expressed concerns about thethe problems don't end, the onc challenges don't end once you of get out of the mine. that there will be readjusting to normal society and readjusting to family with perhaps inflated expectations after atee couple months of being able tole mull things over. >> steve, it looks like whenth. these individuals are hugging the rescue workers that theyhath know them very well. wel are these the guys thal.t have g been talking to them and using the communication systems? >> this is a fox news alert. the fifth miner has reached the surface.
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jimmy sanchez, 19 years old, the youngest of the miners trapped below the surface. 28 miners still remape underground waiting for their own trip up to the surface. you can see him embracing friends and family. we will continue to monitor things in chile for you and come back with a live look as a miner makes it up to the surface. what you are seeing here is he just got out of the capsule. he is hugging all of the rescue crew members and the guy in the maroon jersey it looks like with the number 14 or sweatshirt might be a friend, might be a father, we are not sure of the details right now. but he is the youngest person down there, the youngest miner. his name is jimmy sanchez and he is number five. the fifth miner rescued and brought to the surface. a long process. the first one was hoisted up
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at 11:11 p.m. eastern time, our time. here it is at 3:00 a.m --3:12 a.m. eastern time. we are averaging about an hour per person. they have been trapped down there since august fifth. 69 full days. and this just seems to be protocol. they put them on these gurneys. they wheel them into the makeshift hospital through the white double doors that you will see if you keep watching. even though these individuals come up with a smile on their face, they put them on the gurney. this is protocol. they go back through the doors to make sure they are a-okay and make sure they have fluids. many of these men, as the doctors have said throughout the night, are suffering dehydration and they have been trapped for so long. >> it looks like the rescue crew are hugging family members and loved ones, so thankful their children and their loved ones are still alive. keep it here on the fox newschannel.
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we will continue to keep you lodate date with new information. ???????????????????.
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>> three miners have been rescued successfully. iiduals and there are more down belowown that were sent down first. earlier tonight, or earlierarli last night i should say.hould you are watching live video of these rescues and what ishat i going on in chile. it has been an exciting time, an emotion ali vent.vent >> and there is a live picturee of the phoenix as it is calledii after the mythical bird, andmy it will now go down yet again. it has been down -- several
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times, a couple of practice sessions and bringing up three so far. and this is tape of the last individual -- no that's the o t first one brought up. here comes the second there were three individuals. avalos was the first and here was the second individual that n was brought up. his wife standing by.the thry emotional. the president of chile was there.feet t this capsule is 13 feet tall and 21 inches in diameter andile it moves one mile per hour.'s at and it is about a 15-minute ride, and these individualsinrus have been instructed as to the t escape hatch at the bottom in case it get stuck. wea they have to wear headphones so they can communicate up is an oxygen mask is in place. they are wearing protectivehelmt
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helmet and sunglasses to protect against the bright lights.l joining us is dr. mark siegel. these precautions areren' they. necessary, aren't they? >> you don't know what is g going to go wrong. w it is important to monitorortaoe they miners as they come up to make sure their heart rate is not out of whack.out to make sure they don't have a problem with breathing. greg, i'm amazed that theav third miner we just saw over 50 year of age. talk about a prague -- prognostic sign, i don't care what shape they are in, 50 isex. not 30. he is raising his arms. to be fair, we don't know what n will happen down the road.ispec i especially don't know whatxihe toxins they have been exposed >> methane gas.etha >> yes, for sure. cbon carbon monoxide for sure.own what will happen down the roadsf as far as respiratory problems. >> how about neurological problems? >> yes, cognitive thinking, wl
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decision making. it can cause numbness in the nus hands and feet. >> so a chance of permanent damage. >> there is a ns cha of permanent damage certainly for several weeks. up there is a -- an issue of underling conditions.damageth we will start to see some of the sicker miners coming out. sh we want to see how they ritually do. but this is an amazing sign 50- right here that the ain, 50-year-old miner, again one of of the heart yes,artier ones looks or months >> do you think they will want w to be friends with each other? are they so tired with one or another because they have been trapped for so long? >> they have bonded together here. i think they establishede. a pecking order. i think they took orders fromer each other. oth i think they saved each other's lives.ea it is an incredible display of courage and teamwork. they never would have been a i believe to make it out withoute this, and they will love eachou other for the rest of theiritarn lives. to >> it mgeight be like theseen military. they are in the trenches andn'tt haven't seen their familiescomib for
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i can't help but think of men coming back from >> it is very similar.hing g there is a psychological thingpt going on down do t >> how long do thehey need to be monitored medically? >> years. -- years?d monit >> well, i am cautious and i would monitor them for thee next several weeks.inbou and there are long-termrm affects of the vapors. we trocked about ptsd. sever -- we talked about ptsd.feel you you are numb when you first come out.u dosee an you don't see any of it infas. their faces. it >> the respiratory and the neurological deficit strikesheot me as the most likely. talng >> and we talked about thatheord for years. you may see it here. it is not the same thingam thi because nothing is burning, but there is a b lot of toxic vapors in the mine. 1. methane is number one. we >> i think we have all experienced hardship in ourand w life.ll we have all had things thatars take years to get over. what i can't imagine what it isy like to go through what they went through. >> absolutely. talking about methane, thee firs
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first sign of methane intoxication is ear tau built. -- irritability. >> i'm sure we saw a little of that.m sure there was some of that downth below.w. >> for sure. >> this was a fleeting moment for them. a glance. traps the adrenalin of the situation is overriding thehe ear tau bill tee that may be tto inhaisht with methane with exposure. >> and carbon dioxide that can w cause brain damage andther misjudgment.nty there is plenty of that downow t there. as you rise to the surface you y get more and more carbon dioxide. the issue is getting them enough oxygen and making sureoxd their levels are normal whenir they get to the hospital they are going to, number one on the list.mb when --il >> when will we see the symptoms if they experienceuld e them? >> as soon as the initial adrenalin surge is off. >> like tomorrow then? -- >> within the next day. when they get to the hospital, , we are going to see if they ha have impaired judgment, if
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they are not thinking clearly,ly not exactly who you think -- whu of course, we don't know theirhe baseline. they look incredibly in tact lok right now.dibly >> now, we are looking at the capsule and they are preparing it to go back down. they have to refill the oxygen tanks. is that similar to something scuba divers use?rs? >> and something that is important, we don't know what the pressure is at 2,000 feet below.'s what ey but that is exactly what they ta have to do.hey they have to figure outfi thehe exact pressure as they go to t the wan they want a high level of oxygen to counter the carbon dioxide. c >> the problem occurs when you are under super pressure downesu around a hundred feet as a scuba diver, right? nobody has been talking about tl the benz here. >> nobody has been talkings about the benz here, but there u is clearly a higher level of,0 air pressure 2,000 feet down. r if you rose too quickly you
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would have issues. >> one mile per hour is okay. >> i think so. been sentsule has down. per the next guy is carlos mamani. we will take a short break and b hopefully we will see himhopefuw coming up in a few minutes. stay with us.
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well, a wonderful moment. there is the wife of juan wrf illanes looking on with the president of chile as her husband after 69 days under as
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ground trapped more than 2,000 feet emerges in an escape capsule specially designed by the chilean navy. goo and my goodness, what a moment of enormous relief for her, for for her family and friends, fri for the entire community.che! for chile. there is juan illanes, and this is the third of the 33 minersthat has emerged frome >>r.depths of the mine in chile. more now on the historicalc context of the rescue and the ms conditions they survived. joseph sefoni is on the phone se and is the director of minepenna safety. joseph, were you in pennsylvania during the mine rescue? >> yes.20 >> how does this compare? when you watch this video, does it bring back memories?ac >> there is no question.
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the drilling and wait was much, longer here in chile, but very similar at what we had to do drilling the hole and using a we capsule like the one in chile. e we were dealing with a more critical time frame because of a mine filling up with water tht and other factors that camethe into play. the critical issue here is the 17 days that no one knew if they were still alive. once the 17 days occurred andth they were identified, the the location of where they were, twe then they were able to be able to communicate with andfo provide food and water which then the time frame for then drilling came to play.said is when they said it would take u until december, that seemed long based on my experience of a the technology that is available.t
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i think they were being a. little --tious. >> cautious and they could get t it done sooner.. >> yeah.s look you are an expert on these things.ust this is not a straight shot. there is an angle to this. toll does that invite thee the opportunity that the capsule could actually get stuck here? that rock after the repeated pressure of up and down and up and down could shift and regl the capsule against the wall of the shaft?ou alw >> you always run that risk. but the fact they evaluated the bore hole and determined hao they only had to case the top portion about 300 feet was an indication that they felt very felt comfortable with the bore hole stability. that rock is very hard. you the drillers were able to tellrn you what they were drilling
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for. it seems like all the experts said the bore hole is adequate . to do what has to be done inut it and without casing it. >> we have been spending a lotof of time talking about psychological issues here,--nd both in terms of getting them to out. then we see them and they are exuberant.he what was your experience fromexn the case in pennsylvania from a psychological perspective? >> things went quickly.houghty it was filling up with wateruall and they were thinking theyhere were going to drowned. they tied themselves up in the t corner and wrote notes to their family. in under76 hours they were out. and for awhile we had no communication. that's when we drilled through with the rescue hole and found out all nine were alive and in
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relatively good shape.e they were wet, they were dirtyav and didn't have preparation. little different scenarios.raum probably a lot more traumatic quickly. sai like i said, once the miners in chile were located and ableni to provide for them, it was a earth ma of, okay, we have to wait for them to drill this t r rescue hole.le. >> have you talked with the nine miners lately? if so, what are their thoughtst >>out this now? >> these things just bringie memories back. some of the miners are goingighc wher to work. it was the same mine they werens trapped. tur two of the others are working on the surface, and some of the others went to different operations. a few have never gone back to work.h i think each individual is i different and it affects each of them in a little differentan
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way. anytime you have something orke this come up, especially in this situation where you have to drill a rescue hole to rescue the miners, it would play on your emotions. you >> and last question, you say>>y it affected the miners inthe different ways. i in what ways and emotionallyon and psychologically in particular? >> some will never be able toack go back into the mine.eiramil some of the families were affected and some of thesomef th families with never let them go back into the mine. that's a heck of an ordeal wn when you are staring death eye right in the eye, and you are able to survive.we dt the water was coming in, and be we didn't know if we could prevent them from drowning. we didn't know if we could t keep them breathing good air.y l every decision we made was theyu right one. they all came out of the mine.
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i think a lot of help from the man upstairs. >> job well done. m thank you so much. best wishes to you. >> thank you, joseph. dr. siegel, does it surprise t you some would go backhe to theo mine and want to work? >> i can't believe that. the . joseph was making thatg pr heard from a previous guess is that everyone is different.i everyone reacts differently and they have a different makey up. this is all they know. this is what they know, and it is sign of immense ho >> sometime you have to do that to move on. >> for some people you have to . face your fears to move on. >> there are stories of people who lived through plane crashes and thrifd throughd th then.lane -- lived through them. >> and some people it affectsecs so profoundly they can't fly after that. >> we are waiting for the nextn miner to emerge.
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three have been saved, but who there are 30 others who are still waiting to get to the surface. capsu one should be in a capsule shortly. this could be one of the individuals suffering from some of the health issues. i want to go back to somethingud you touched on earlier, thear heart conditions and thear stroke possibilities. of the fi arers those some of the firstut. things you check for? >> absolutely.i ink the blood pressure will be low f coming out of this situation. you will get an akg to see iff there has been damage. you willisen to the heart andhih listen to the test.coulve a you can have a heart attack, aao small amount of damage without knowing it. i would be concerned aboutin a that happening in a personigh with high blood pressure and diabetes. >> with this w heat. >> with this heat and theu kn dehydration they experienced. they got some of the knewet ients, but not the fluids.
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>> the first guy they brought up happened at 11:11 eastern 1 time. i was watching the clock.i wa and here we are acht 1:33i eastern time.s. that's a little more than peo three hours. at you are looking at the first miner when he was brought up. jubilation not only there andt not only at fox news, butprably probably in your house as well. t you can't help but watch and get chills and everyone smiles, laughs, cries. >> you saw there a moment agor-n the seven-year-old son who was sobing uncontrollably. everybody perfectly understood that. and there he is giving dad a lni hug and his wife was there, his other child was there. his father was there. the president of chile.s, there he is giving him a huge h, bear hug over and over and over over again. and then he took the time to thank personally each and every one of the rescuerse
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there at the surface who w worked tirelessly for the better part of two months topawo live his life. >> we are going to take a quick break so we can get back to you when they bring up the fourth person which shouldappen happen any minute. stay with us.
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our live coverage continues. there was the first capsuleus containing the first rescued miner. he wore a helmet and sunglasses to protect him. he smiled broadly as herg emerged and hugged his son wife seven years old, his wife. and a big hunt from the president of chile as well.p also hoisted up was marioone of sepulveda. t
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and this is his wife greetingisi him. he came out and this was the guy with the bag and emptied pre it out he gave presents >>- andn q. i and then he went out to the crowd and it was high five's all-around. e >> he was excited. >> and once again the president was there there is his wife. here is the third one. 52 years old. 52 he came up and he looks like he is 22 years old. it is really quite amazing the energy this man demonstrated when he emerged.n he was standing vigil weeks oni, end. he was waiting, hopeful that her husband would be saved. rf >> you can almost see the relief on her face.sadn the sadness and the happiness, everything she has been
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through. the rescuers are there, and now we are waiting. just received notice a moment ago that the fourth miner is in the capsule. a there you can see a live picture. this is live at 2,041 feet below the surface of the earth h which has been home for 69 days to 33 miners when 700,0000t tons of rock came tumbling down trapping them. essally they made their way to a safe ae area that has food storage and oxygen, but only enough food and milk and water for 48 hours. they made it stretch for 17 days. >> and what was remarkable wase these 33 miner -- well, they were mining, working, they wept into sh -- they went intotr their mmg shelter as they were eating their lunch. landslide he that's where the landslide happened and that's where they
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were trapped. unfortunately it was so long, but the good news is it was in an emergency shelter which definitely aided in their --i. >> think about the luck ofus h that. they it just happened when they went into this shelter.d it had it been a few minutesfew later or before, who knows? on the phone istson dr. patricia watson at the national center for post doaumatic stress disorder. doctor, are these going to be b lifetime emotions for these miners? they will bear this for the day rest of their day? >> if anything like thisbe happens to anyone, it will be fr like this for the rest ofant their life. >> now, as to whether or not they will be suffering from it e , that is a differentmany
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question. for many people, this type ofhig thing is the squint essential w -- the quint-essential wake upaf call that ings brrrr them closer to a sense ofmp worhat is important to them for life, who means something to themith and what they want to do with their life and how m they makear meaning in their life. and for a certain percentage car of people, they will carry with them a harder, deeper and difficult affects that we w would call ptsd or some other type of sim tau mat particular picture. o many would have a blend ofat li they would have honor and lifewe and be more awake and moreha aware of what matters to them. , at the same time, they mayave also have some sort of emotions that linger or come back at different times. >> dr. watson, i wanted to ask you about preexisting conditions. i >> the 33 miners in this group, one or two has suffered h with depression in the how did they cope.
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it seems to me it is very, very well.dach they assigned different tasks including somebody in the group they assigned as a som asg counselor. they had somebody they as assigned as a poet. i imagine they were make -- making meaning in what was happening. they had regular scheduled events. that was an amazing story from what i it was a difficult situation. if some end up with postom traumatic stress disorder.n p >> you see people with a pattern of what we call reexperiencing symptoms. these are things like flash backs and they are less commonla and truth of memories of what happened to them and a lot of stress or physiological
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reactions when these types of things happen. you avoid thinking or feeling what happens or a sense ofut numbing or denial about what y a happened. you can see sleep disturbance, aping gear, ear tau bill tee. what makes pt sd is they usually last for greater thanana a month.nt they have some sort of f impaired function as well thattn goes along with us. >> dr. watson, is there is t something unique about havingbot been confined in a mine like this that would lead you to treat a patient a t certain wayc that developed post traumatic stress as a result?ious, th >> obviously, yes. what you would want to do isyo you have to deal with the fact that this is not a one-time experience that happened over a long period of time.h and for those people thateelis might have feelings of clawser o
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fob -- claws phobia and they thm could not deny what happenedof to them for that long of a t time, they may have alonger different symptom and we would call it distinguish. you have to find a way to distinguish some of thetomst symptoms that come along with s that. it lasted for such a longtime. >> dr. pawricia watson, thankuc. you so much.ictu there you can see the picture live at the bottom of the s 30 shaft. there are still 30 miners bel below as well as two rescue hous workers who arrived a couple wai hours ago.n, they are waiting their turp oto one by one to be freed, liberated.ed, their lives saved a after arrg x harrowing special of a mine -- harrowing experience of a mine collapse. h they were found and then hade to wait for the drills to make their way and the shift to besu built. the capsule will lift them to their safety. and this is the fourth miner w entering the escape capsule in
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just a moment.ontinug to we will continue to follow this. this. m puting onsee the the compression overalls anderls sttting ready to step into the capsule. stay with us. we will be right back.
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welcome back to our live coverage of the rescue of 33 miners on the left hand side
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of your what could have been their scr graveyard to be sure when an massive collapse occurred on sun august fifth. 17 days later discovered days alive. disre and today they are beingng rescued., 33 to the surface. sur and there you can see their vehicle "freedom." the it is the escape capsule beingig loaded with a fourth miner now. now. three have been rescued.threve we will continue to follow this. flo >> dr. see gill and i been adding up the numbers. the first miner was brought uptr at 11:11 last it was eastern time.te so we are averaging about -- the capsule was sitting down s there at 10:45. do, so an hour peres skew.4 if we have 33 rescue had -- a abscues total, we are averaging 9:00 a.m. this will all be complete on thursdayon morning. right? a r >> if everything goes exactly as planned. as we will be seeing these rescues throughout the day. da steve is our correspondent who is live covering this throughout the night in steve, what is the latest
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there? >> we are watching the bottom and carlos is about to get ino g what looks like a strangeli a s neon-type elevator, but it is really their rescue capsule.ll and you can see it going up at an angle and it shoot up thethro rock halfway up the surface.lf mimi is the bowl live yuanian among the 33 he is the only one, the otherthr 30 2w0* chileans.resi we are likely to see the president eva morales to make tt sure everything is going wellin with him.ith an international contingent among the miners. this would be number four. 4. the first three have come slowly and steadily and ci without incident.egins that means the capsule took a few dings during dressrss.
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rehearsals and they hammered it out, but it is running smoothly. you can see the paint chipped in someplaces, but right now as the nation continues to watch, these rescues are still t coming off without a hitch. whou the president himself still up at at the pod um why --podium rte. greeting them as they reunite. >> i have a feeling, steve, chi the president of chile will be there until the last miner and rescue worker comes to the surface. we are going to pause and take a quick break as we and continue to follow thisquick eak enormous human drama that isfoow playing out on world hum television in a moment. >>
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>> the disoir developed -- thed story developed on august day fifth. they are reporting good news for you.ray. it could have gone either way. we are happy at the fox newschannel to report that
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four miners have successfully fo been brought up alive. it has been an emotional night and a positive, successful has n story of survival. >> three are on the surface and the fourth is on his way. want to thank adam howsley who has done a wonderful job reporting from the scene there. and dr. mark siegel thank youga for your advice and council mu jie. that will do it for us. thanks for joining us. stay tuned to the fox newsr newschannel throughout the day for more live developments.
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