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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  October 14, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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the celebration should begin when the fin worker gets lifted out of the mine. the o'reilly facr is next g night from new york. >> tonight, target gave $150,000 to one of the most antigay politicians in this state. >> a boycott against target stores is driven by the far left. wait until you hear the dirty tricks behind this action. christine o'donnell running almost 20 points behind in delaware puts out an ad chastising her opponent. we'll show it to you. >> i got nowhere else to go. >> dennis miller with thoughts on bristol palin doing the rumba. caution.
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you're about to enter the no-spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the dirtiest campaign trick we've seen so far this year is the subject of the evening's talking points memo. you might have shopped at target store. they're all over the country. according to a editorial today in the "wall street journal", target has gotten targeted and you may not believe what i'm about to tell you. in july, target donated $150,000 to a pro-business group that gives support to political people that are business friendly. both democrats and republican get backing. after target's donation, mn forward put out a tv ad supporting tom hammer a republican running for governor in minnesota.
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the ad highlighted his positions on spending. enter the vishis move crew. after hearing about target's donation, move on attacked the company. >> target and other big corporations are trying to buy our elections. but if we work together... we can stop them. boycott target. our democracy is not for sale. >> bill: move onn't didn't stop there there. because tom emmer opposes gay marriage, move on accused target of bias. the company has a 100% rating from the human rights campaign. some folks did what they told
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hem to do and target got hammered in areas. >> is the ceo here to talk to us? we have petitions from 240,000 people. >> target gave 150,000ses today one of the anti-gay politicians in this state. >> if that isn't dirty and disgusting nothing s target delivers low-cost goods to americans and helps communities and just because it donated money to a pro-business organization, the far left wants to punish it and label it antigay. this is what our democracy has come to. so the next time you hear the left scream about dirty money and shifty tactics on the right think about target. you might also go to a store, this upcoming weekend and buy something at target. just to send move on a message. and that is a memo. the top story tonight one of the guys involved in the
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political process this year is carl rove. writing today, columnist maureen dowd said that joining us now from austin, texas is there rove. i guess she missed a target thing. and she's after you, i'm not sure what she's after you about. i mean, have you done anything wrong? come clean. >> she's after me because i'm a conservative who is following the tactics of liberals. i notice she's never written a column in the league of conservation voters which is a 501 c 4 using money from anonymous donors to run television ads. she hasn't attacked and does not disclose donors. she doesn't attack the unions to disclose names of the
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people contributing to their political funds, unions have got a special carve out in politics not obligated to report people who give them money. >> bill: you're saying the left is the same thing as the right does there are organization that's don't have to put forth donors and don't. what about this target? what about this target thing? this is... >> the target thing give meez concern. they've, the left won this battle taking a high profile company and beat them up publicly. every ceo's nightmare is to be in the place target was. and in this case give money to a pro-business group in the state that has said something favorable about a conservative republican candidate. they get beaten up for it this, is probably caused not only target to step back from being involved in groups like minnesota forward but it's going to discourage business groups and executives from taking an active role in politics. that is what they want.
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the left wants to intimidate people into stepping back from active political tar -- participation tt country. >> bill: the right plays hard ball, too. i'm not sure there are boycotts in motion now. what disturbed me most about the target thing is that the company has -- just gave money to a pro-business organization. they didn't give money to emmer. so move on this, is what they always do. i hope you don't do this. i'm -- i haven't seen you do it. >> don't accuse us of doing it. there is no evidence of this. >> i said i hope you never do it. all right? because, move on is so dishonest. they basically convince morons, people with no idea what is going on, target for some reason gave money to an antigay politician. that is not what happened. that is not close to what
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happened. target gave money to a pro-business organization, then, that organization makes its own determination about who to support and who not to support. so by move on's definition, if you gave any money to any organization that supports capitolism in the united states and any of that support wound up in any candidate who opposes gay marriage should be boycotted. that is insane. >> the suggestion is that leadership in target were bigots. >> bill: but that is a lie. >> i know. i'm not defending it. just saying it's reality of the left. they're trying to signal to american business leaders you better fall in line, shut up, sit down. remain on the side lines. or there will be a price paid for you. the likelihood of any law being changed in minnesota that would undermine gay-friendly policies of target are slim and none. slim is getting known as force. there is an alliance between
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most of the people on the left so they take care of each other. one of the things is intimidating people from taking an active role in politics. >> bill: all right. karl rove is a target for move on. pardon the pun. they're after you. and you have, you and john pedesta and those guys are real heavy duty lobbyists for the left have criticized him but move on says you're just like him. you guys do the same thing. >> well, that is my point. center for american progress is a 501 c 4 playing an active role, a liberal interest group. american cross roads reports donors on a monthly basis. cross roads gps is subject to the same rules and does not have to disclose donors. we have set up an institution modeled on what the left as been doing several years, since the passage of bic
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bich -- bipartisan campaign reform act, they're criticizing us to use these entities under the law and not have to disclose donors. center for american progress doesn't disclose donors. neither does a group for american values required to disclose donors before the end of the 2004 democratic primaries. the spokesman was robert gibs for months refused to say who is contributing to americans for jobs, health care and progressive values. they savaged howard dean. makes him look hypocritical. >> i think the whole thing is dirty and newscasty. but this target thing bothered me, it was so dishonest. thank you very much. and more bad polling news for president obama. george stephanopoulos will analyze. and jim morris trying hard to get republicans elected
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>> bill: impact segment tonight, 43% of americans approve of the president's job performance. 53% disapprove. the lowest approveal number the routers poll ever reported. joining us is one of the stars of "good morning america" george stephanopoulos. we know about the economy and how that is hurting mr. obama and democrats but there has got to be more to. it looks like it's taking on a life of its own now. the routers poll shows that democrats, people who are in the party are now turning a little bit away from the president. so what? there has got to be something. >> remember, the president is still in a higher place than bill clinton was at this point in his term, and ronald reagan and all of their major political institutions. he's not in a death row right
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now. as far as problem with democrats, they're upset about the economy but there is a problem with liberals wishing he would have done more on issues like gays in the military on health care, and on other issues they feel he hasn't been the liberal hope they wanted. i think on the other hand, part of the reason the president is being held back, though it's mostly the economy is because he went forward. with health care for a lot of independents and republican that's kind of sealed in this big government image he's been trying to fight. i think something else going on is that the president doesn't lf the theater of politics. i think he's paid a price for that. something as small as, and i get why, he would want to pray in private. the fact he hasn't gone publicly to church very much over the course of the presidency. >> bill: i think you're getting closer to really beside the economy what the president's problem is. that is that the folks aren't
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connecting with him any longer. you say he's not in a spiral. he is. when you're inauguration poll stands at 70% approveal, 70% of the country wishing you well wants to you to do well, now down at 40? >> and you're on to something there. the third thing that is causing the trouble right now is that unrealistic expectations m the beginning. >> he's a rock star, everybody wanted a hit after hit. >> they're promising something he could have never delivered on. >> bill: maybe. >> there was a promise of fixing washington. bringing parties together. >> bill: you can work towards that. look. the problem now, george as i see it here, two problems. number one, a lot of people say oh, well, reagan was like this and clinton, but that is true. it's true here is the deal. reagan didn't lose the folks.
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folks still liked him but they're unsure about his leadership. >> not at the time. not in october of 1982. >> bill: you're telling me reagan had a separation from folks the way that obama has now? you're crazy. >> he had separation from democrats at that time. the way obama is having trouble. he had less of a problem i agree with you. i think reagan had a base. >> bill: it was more than that. when you go to a state like ohio, it's 33% approveal rating for president obama you're done. that is a bell weather state. the state with regular folks saying look. we've lost confidence in his leadership. number one. lost confidence. and number two is, this is really going to be very difficult for president obama to overcome. if it's armageddon, on november 2, and he loses both houses, which could happen, power is gone. he's gone. >> again, you know bill
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clinton lost both houses of congress in 1994 ending up being a boon and helping get reelected. >> bill: different time then, though. >> i agree. getting back to the fundamental point f it happened in 1995, 1996, economy roars back. or in 1983, 1984, economy roars back. barack obama is going to be fine. >> bill: it's true f the economy, the key word is roars back. this is what. >> the problem is that we may northbound a different economic time. >> bill: but this is what very few people are taking into consideration. in 2010 new cycle is unrelenting. it's 24-7. right now, obama is being pounded into putting on talk radio, and on many cable news chat shows. he pounded relentlessly. it's reality. he's going to have to deal with that reality. he hasn't really learned how to do that.
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>> that is one thing he concedes he's got to figure out a way to step up the game on communications. these cycles spin fast in part because it's a 24-7 cycle f things turn around for the president and catching a break, if the economy gets better you'll see that pick up as well. that is what propels him in the beginning of the term. >> bill: george we appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> bill: head dick morris is a big g.o.p. guy this time around. and then, dennis miller has advise for president obama doing a big mtv town hall ç@eting tomorrow.
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personal segment story. dick morris was one a democrat but now he's become a
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republican. and so you want to talk about stephanopoulos just a moment? >> yes. there are a couple flaws in what he said. first, just statistics saying obama is higher than clinton or reagan was. reagan had a democratic congress. it was not an issue in the electrics there is not united obama and congress negative that you have now. and clinton had very high negatives and lost control of both houses of congress. obama's negatives are lower than either reagan's or clintons because he has a golf handicap of 12% of the elecotrate are african american and all of whom, 0 of the 12 have a favorable view of him. what i thought was interesting
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is an antiseptic yield economy is doing it. and if the economy goes up, obama is going to go down. it's down because economy is down? not the case. the reason obama is in serious trouble now and reason democrats are going to get swept is because of what they did. the spending. the borrowing. the obama care. >> bill: let me submit this. it's not -- . >> wait. >> bill: if what president obama did and democratic party did ignited the economy? >> yeah. >> bill: they took a gam skpbl lost. >> because they did knit a high profile way. >> bill: sure. going to vegas saying this is $100,000 on black. the wheel said red. >> right. right you have to ask why he did that. was he stupid? i believe his goal was always to increase government spending.
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>> bill: i believe he thoughts is it's going to work. i don't think for a moment president obama thought it won't work. do you believe this target stuff? >> it's more than just a political attack. they know that this isn't going to cause a single person to vote republican as opposed to democrat. what it is, or the other way around, what it is is a repression of free speech. their goal is now in the last two weeks ask every board room in the country is conservative companies putting on table should we contribute additional money to the republican campaign? and in every board room someone is going say look at what happened to target. you don't do that. and suddenly it will be against the interest of the stock holders. >> bill: look. i think they're villains. think that they're very dangerous.
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but you've got to give move on one thing. they're effective. if i didn't do that target story tonight you never would have heard about it. i didn't know it until wall street journal wrote it today. >> republicans have a field army. >> bill: why didn't they make a deal out of this target thing? nobody knew it. move on attacked that company. under the radar, and when i saw that this morning i went woah of i've got to lead with that tonight. >> exactly. i believe what we're facing now three weeks from election day. we're going to have the most fundamental shift in american politics that has happened in 20th century. that the previous record was 74 seats in 1922. that is the height of the tea pot doming scandal in the house. i believe you're going to exceed that. i think the republicans will take both houses and i think you're talking about an
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unbelievable seismic shift. >> bill: how will that play out? >> republicans will have an agenda the public will have bought into. if the republicans are faithful to that agenda and don't compromise and hold firm on that line, obama will batter himself against it for a year in 2011 destroying what is left of his presidency in the process f republicans accommodate him by retreating or stepping back then they try to learn the lessons of 95, 96. >> bill: what if as stephanopoulos says the economy roars back? >> it's not going roar back. it's going to inch back. the recession is, in fact, over. that is the point. the up and down ended a year ago. what we're in now is new normal. what we're in now is a man-made recession caused by the actions of this president.
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>> bill: dick morris, everybody. there he is. >> on my web site i talk about this every day. >> bill: you ought to to do a dance on your web site like bristol palin. >> i tape something every morning. should i be dancing? >> yes. >> bill: results from our poll we asked will sara palin try for white house in 2012? 32% saying yes. 68% said no. and there is plenty more ahead this evening. body language taking a look at hillary clinton denying she wants to be vice president. then, dennis miller on president obama's mtv show and bristol palin's rumba routine. bristol palin's rumba routine. can't wait for miller.
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blue! i touched the ball before it went out, coach. come on, alex, the ref did not call that! it's the championship game! i touched, it's their ball. don't foul them when they inbound. team! alex! good call. >> bill: body language segment. many of you wrote to me, wanting to analyze the body language of nicky diaz. >> then, i said, meg. please. can you help me? and she was very upset and said no. and you don't know me. and i have never seen you. i'm doing this because i know that a lot of megs out there.
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who are mistreating the nickies who work so hard for them. >> bill: now i got a lot of mail saying look. no tears. looked contrived and reading off paper. what did you pick up on? >> she was upset. i saw anger and sadness. i saw that in the chin area. this muscle you can see it buckles. it's tough to do that on your own unless you're feeling emotion. >> she was worked up. >> okay. so that, i heard the voice quivering. and nose is running. when you're upset what happens is that tears sometimes drain down. and they come out that. is why the nose runs like that. what i didn't see any reddening of the face. i didn't see heaving of the shoulders which you expect if someone is sobbing and i didn't see any tears. so i believe she was angry and sad, i think that a lot of it
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is post you'red. >> bill: with k.a lure whip you into that state? the lawyer can whip someone up? >> sure, you can i know you can. she was probably feeling emotive. >> bill: the second is meg whitman with jerry brown. a big debate. tom brokaw was the anchor of the debate last night. brokaw said to brown, hey, using a word like whore, the word captured in a private conversation between brown and staff referring to meg whitman's politics not her person is akin to the "n" word. here is the reaction. go. >> i don't agree with that comparison. number two, this is a five-week old private conversation picked up on a cell phone with a garbled
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transmission. hard to pick up what is said. i will say the campaign apologized promptly and i affirm that apology tonight. >> you're repeating it to miswhitman. >> yes. >> it's not just me. it's the people of california deserve better than slurs and personal attacks. that is not what california is about. >> so there is brown first. >> he doesn't do it well. he doesn't carry himself off well he just did not look sincere. he did turn and look and meg whitman refused to make eye contact. he said yes. i'm sorry. he had the intelligence to turn the body towards her so that she'd feel like it was a real... >> and whitman isn't cutting him slack. >> there is a look she gives him. a look of real deep skepticism there. is a sideways glance.
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when you see that, there is resignation and hostility. >> bill: i saw loathing. >> she raised her eye brows in this skit five times. >> she didn't like excuses. >> she also lean as way from him a lot. >> bill: you lean away from me, tonya. there you go. and bob wood ward floated a rumor hillary clinton may be on the ticket as vice president. >> i think the vice president is doing a wonderful job. he's a great friend of mine. we have a great relationship. i have absolutely no interest and no reason for doing anything other than just dismissing these stories and moving on. there is no -- we have owe no time. there is so much to do. both of us are very happy doing what we're doing. >> bill: not a lot of eye contact. >> when she says we're doing a great job, she's doing a head
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negation. not sure if she thinks he's doing a great job. there are several shoulder shrugs. you're contradicting a statement. she says i think both of us are happy you can see the shrug at the end and also saying they have a great relationship. shoulder shrug. those shrugs contradict the verbal statements. >> bill: you think what? she wants to be vice president or thinks biden is a klutz. >> i think great relationship is questionable and they're both happy in jobs is questionable. >> bill: tonya going out on a limb. thank you very much. and coming right back and will be miller time. bristol palin doing the rumba. president obama going on mtv. miller is next.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. the sage of southern california hanging out in new york city this week. he forced me to buy him dinner monday night. here is dennis miller. >> billy you've got the town wired. we go into the restaurant. the cart runs up. billy says i need aspare gus thing. next thing there is six aspare gus in front of me the size of the club you put on a steering wheel of the car. just like that. >> they take good care of me. it's via italia. >> great, great food. you've got to tell karl rove to change that back up.
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-- drop. it's old. the globe so old south america and africa had yet to separate. >> bill: in texas they don't move that quickly. >> and by the way, target is not, i was in hoboken in target there. waits casual dress up like judy garland day over there. >> bill: are they going open a target in greenwich village? >> yes. >> and in the castro in san francisco. >> i'm going to get myself a pod piece. >> bill: mtv hosting president obama town hall meeting in washington, d.c.. going into the real tough precincts. >> the real world. >> bill: at mtv. you have advice for the president? >> he's got to find a choir to preach to. he's lugsing-losing his audience. that is why they got the
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miners out in chile. they wanted to get out of there where before he came there to speak. kids are much brighter but not any wiser. kids are never wise. when he gets together with kids the kids have kid questions and step up to the mic and one the kid says president obama i work at mcdonalds. i don't want to work at mcdonalds anymore. get me out of mcdonalds. and i'm like what is it? richard gere from "officer and a gentleman"? and other kids are at the counter? you go, girl? it's kids. >> bill: what he is going to accomplish? mobilizing the kid vote sne wants anyone over 18 to go vote for him? >> i don't think you can cheer lead kids into voting in a mid term. they might be there again in 2012. you think you're going to get kids at unlv to save harry reid?
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come on.. >> bill: no. no. obama is not on the ballot. they'll turn out for the meeting. the chilean mine escape. you watching last night? the guys got pulled up, what do you think? >> it's a sweet story. i was watching a unbelievable scene yesterday. and how soft the world has gotten. a good man on this network named dr. keith ablow. good guy. nice guy. talking about the guys being back on the surface hoping there was counseling for them there because they're going to go through a lot of stress. i said what happened to good old days like how green was my valley. the mine caves in, you go home and get blasted for a couple days before worrying about how bummed out you are you've been saved? and i noticed the way the elevator got up to the top there was a guy working triage not opening the damn door. people stuck in this little area, he's like no. you might have. can you open the door?
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you might be this. open the door! don't be upset now. you might have rage let me out of here! >> i've been in bowels of the earth. >> bill: good point. maybe they just want to go to the beach for a few day autos yes. >> i saw that when they came down and opening the camera up i thought look. it's assistant manager day at target. >> bill: bristol palin's daughter -- daughter of governor palin is on "dancing with the stars". let's roll it. ♪ [ music ] . >> bill: so did they she get high marks? was she successful? >> this is going to break your heart. i was watching the bachelor
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chile last night. i don't watch "dancing with the stars" anymore. i'm trying to wean myself off reality tv. i find it's too representative of the real world now. undeserving people are winning. i watched "survivor" 10 years. i can't watch anymore. there are doltish kids winning. and "dancing with the stars" as sweet as it is. i find it sweet. bristol palin gets out there. must be exciting for them. she's just having a gas at it. i find that a couple people won who aren't the best dancers and i want the best to win. it almost represents the united states of america. who do you feel should win? >> bill: it's a huge show. people need escapism. reality, these aren't reality shows. these are dopey shows. i don't see a majority is good. reality is frightening and terrible now. >> one thing about the
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failins. she's in there five, six weeks in. they hang around. i've got to give it to them. they stick to it. >> bill: she may northbound there because she's bristol palin not because she did the rumba. you can do a better rumba. >> the day i'm on that show it will be like adam west in season three of "batman". you're thinking he's a little descended around the belly area. robin going you know? batman? weight watchers is over there. >> joker wants to give you a sauna belt. >> bill: that is a tough uniform to wear if you've got the midas. >> especially the kid, the situation who got voted off. there is a silhouette of him at the beginning. >> bill: that is the guy on the jersey show. >> and obama fakes it like he
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knows snooky. she's a patron saint to these kids. >> bill: snooky going to be the new secretary of interior. >> bingo. only in america. >> bill: needs a jersey vote. and apparently she knows all about the interior. dennis miller everybody. there he s coming back with did you see that. an ad from christine o'donnell lashing out against her opponent. you'll see it right here when we come back. ñ÷ñ>úo
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>> bill: back in the books segment tonight. did you see that? president clinton is running around the country trying to help democratic candidates. here is what he said in nork. >> fox news and their committees and their fabulous misinformation campaign ripped those poor republicans and
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honest to god half of them need psychiatric care now. they're just so -- nobody can be that angry that long and it be healthy for you. >> here now to analyze, you know speak together choir. democratic crew. and... >> is he saying fox news people need psychatic help? >> bill: some of us do need psychiatric help. it's accurate. and what he's trying to do is demonize fox as carrying water for republicans. it's the new... >> not new. are you kidding me? >> bill: it's a theme they've been using for month autos we've talked about this before. you hear this now from last demonizing fox news sounds like peanuts teacher. wah, wah. >> bill: nobody outside of crazy left wing loons believes it. he's trying to raise money for
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a congressman. >> isn't it unstatesman like to say that against fellow members of occur country. not that there is anything wrong with going to a therapist. >> bill: if he'd take a look around. he'd understand why people are furious. >> he was heckled. >> bill: i don't like when obama gets heckled and i think that is disrespeckful. >> it can be entertaining at times. >> bill: christine o'donnell 20 points down in delaware now going after chris coons. cool it. >> in delaware the economy is suffering and families are losing their homes... there is one man against the tide and raised taxes.
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hide if you will. hide your light. because he's taxing everything out here. chris coons is the tax man. >> made to look like a preview. it's slick very to say. >> now, here is the question. miss o'donnell running way behind in the points. >> 20 points. >> bill: delaware has a favorable rating for president obama. it's 48 favorable. 45 unfavorable. most other states switched. and his favoribility is lower. i don't know and it's a tiny state like delaware it can put her over the top. >> i don't node. the ad is a slick ad. i'm sure it costs a fortune. and we tried to find out how much it was and couldn't get that information.
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it should pop up voters. i guarantee it's probably not going to. >> bill: why? >> i do agree. >> with you. >> bill: there is not enough people to persuade in this state? >> yes. yes. >> bill: the independents aren't going over. i don't know. if she keeps doing what and just concentrating on him being a huge spender and that is what he is, she might make some headway. >> this is based on a viral video with 35 million hits and very funny video. if you want to look it up. it's about a clip of a guy who is interviewed on local news talking, a real guy talking about his sister who had an intruder break into her home and he said, hide your kids wife and husband, they're raping everybody out there. it's a horrible thing to say. it's taken as. >> bill: taking so hide that,
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into the commercial. >> yes. >> that is why we have you on there. thank you. >> bill: pin heads and patriots on deck. and vince vaughn headlines pnp tonight. back in a a
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>> signed looks make great christmas gifts so. see you out there on long island friday at 7:00. 7:00 p.m. and in addition, i'm on "the view" tomorrow. you might want to tape it z also, miss laura ingram in the spotlight for premium members. and a lot of inside stuff if you sign sign up for a membership we'll send an mp 3 player to troops overseas in your name. operation shoe box and my publisher making that
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possible. please, check out premium mem ship. now, to mail. this small business owner enraged that charles krauthammer thinks it's okay for general electric to layoff workers. chris in missouri, he's right, ge has an obligation to maximize profits. janey, from georgia the purpose was to create jobs. and ge should give it back to the government. michelle buster, new south wales australia. thanks for the debate, bill. and donna sterner o'reilly miley cyrus will be 18 soon. allow her to grow up not stopping the young woman from doing that, donna. just pointing out she'd made millions off american children. may want to keep that in mind. and westin from texas you're wrong about eminem. he's a word smith.
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not not to be jealous. i'll try, wes, it's going to be hard. marcy from miss. bill, tell my husband i got tickets for the bold fresh show in new orleans. there you go. see new new orleans on december 4th. matt garrett in oklahoma. my sisters and i got our parents tickets for the show in connecticut. happy anniversary mom and dad. see, we're making everybody happy here. matt, we'll see your parents saturday, october 30th in connecticut. the bold fresh show in dallas december 4, sold out. we may do a second show if i can get beck's attention. details on bold fresh and got pinheads and patriots for my wife. she'll love the free tote bag. hope so. and you know i'm happy you guys are all using this stuff for good. and tonight a new movie called "the dilemma" starring vince
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vaughn opens in january. trailers being shown in theaters. one is very controversial. >> ladies and gentlemen, electric cars are gay. i mean, not homosexual gay, but my parents are chaperoning the dance gay. >> i was sitting in a movie theater over the weekend tlchl is a preview. in it the actor said that is so gay. i was shocked that not only did they put that into a movie but they put that into the preview thought waits okay to put into the preview in the movery z i just kind those words, terms, we've got to do something to change and make those words unacceptable. they're hurting kids. >> that has now been pulled from theaters. our question is was it pinheaded or patriotic? you can vote on last time we asked whether the late john lenno was a pinhead
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or a patriot. unfortunately for fans 84% say he was a pinhead. only 16% think he was a patriot. i think it's something to do with drugs or yoko. possibly both. that is it for us tonight. please check out fox news factor web site. we've got talking points memo there. if you miss aid target thing tonight go and check out the key points. it's some story. we'd like ou to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. and please when writing to the factor do not be maudlin. there is a guy named sammy maudlin. do you remember him? in melonville? i love those guys. probably don't know what i'm talking about. and again, thanks for watching us tonight. i am bill o'reilly.
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please remember, the spin stops right here. because we're definitely looking out for you. >> thursday morning, everyone. good morning. october 14, 2010. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time. miracle in the mine. world watching and celebrating as the 33rd miner emerges from the surface ending an unbelievable ordeal that unfolded thousands of feet underground. >> meanwhile, christine o'donnell and chris coons showing their claws in last night's senate debate in delaware. >> they jokingly called me a bearded marxist. i am not now nor have ever been. >> i would tend to disagree when you look at his position on things like raising taxes. >> and you know what? they weren't just attacking each other, christine o'donnell had some strong words for her own republican party! mr. kilmeade? >> yeah, help me out. meantime


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