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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  October 16, 2010 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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whole. look at the countries growing, 8 to 10% gdp we have great growth in this world we don't have it in united states and northern europe. >> guys thanks to all of you. tracy i'll see you at the movies this weekend. thank you for join us everyone, have a great weekend. with 17 days to go before the crucial midterms races are tightening. balance of power in congress hangs in the balance. sitting president and a former one hit the campaign trail today for vulnerable democrats. i'm chris wallace and this is america's election headquarters. with little more than two weeks before election day democrats are bringing out the big guns. we have fox news team coverage. molly in boston where president obama hopes to reel in votes for his law school buddy duvall patrick. anita fogle in los angeles
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where former president clinton is bringing his star power to brown's run. carl cameron is in nevada with where the senate race is a dead heat and early voting begins today. we begin in boston where the president headlines a rally in a few hours. molly, what is the latest? >> reporter: we are waiting for the president. it is a blustery day in boston that has not stopped the crowds from beginning to gather. governor patrick is locked in a tight reelection bid his republican challenger charlie baker. governor patrick is seven point as head in the latest poll. this is massachusetts, a place where republican scott brown scored an upset victory in january. it is a closely watched race, despite these poll numbers. anything can happen as we move forward. there's an interesting twist. independents, tim cahill the treasurer running he's run into a number of problems he's trailing far behind in the
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poll that is the least of his worries. his running mate pulled out earlier this month. he's under investigation he and his staff, there are allegations that he used his position as treasurer to run taxpayer funded lottery ads to boost his run towards the governor's office. the attorney general looking into that. this race closely watched because in is a place where political analysts believe president obama may be help to help governor patrick tied with him politically and supports a lot of his positions. >> there aren't a lot of states that barack obama can go to and be helpful to democrats. massachusetts is one. for duvall patrick to win november 2nd, he needs all the base democrats to turn out. barack obama with base democrats in massachusetts, is very popular. >> reporter: the last time president obama was here headlining a big rally in massachusetts it was for martha coakley. that turned out with a brown
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victory. democrats are hoping for a different outcome. >> molly line, thanks for that. former president clinton campaigning for a man who was once his bitter rifle jerry brown. -- bitter rival, jerry brown. anita? >> reporter: of course president clinton remains one. most popular democrats going. his approval and favor ain't ratings are over 60%. what candidate wouldn't want to stan next to the former president? this week former president clinton is hitting the campaign trail here in california. last night he was lending his support to brown and lt. governor newsome. brown is locked in a tight race with meg whitman. despite their rocky past, clinton told a crowd of cheering supporters at a rally at ucla that brown is the man.
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>> i've known jerry brown for almost 35 years. when we were governors, we strongly supported the first big push to clean energy. he was the first governor in america to have green building standards green appliance standards, bringing a million and a half jobs, 30 years ago. >> reporter: early in the week clinton ed in nevada to stump for harry reid in the fight of his life to save the senate seat. reid has been trailing angle. clinton swooped in to lend a little support. >> i think what bill clinton does is he lends star power, on one level. people like to identify with stars. who had a good run. clinton had a good run. clinton is a wonderful debater, or ray for, speaker. better than just about anybody out there. >> reporter: of course president obama is still popular here in california.
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polls show his favorability ratings just above 50%. some analysts say the troubles of running the country can bring down your image if you are an elected leader. of course president clinton doesn't have that problem any more. >> an knee vogel reporting from los angeles, thank you. -- >> more on both stories to be found online. log on to to find out why both races in massachusetts and california are important to the obama administration. molly line is blogging from boston. she isn't the only one posting, log on and see what carl cameron and our correspondents are working on today. >> with just 17 days before voters head to the polls the race between michael bennett and republican challenger ken buck is being regarded as a tossup. yesterday the candidates faced-off in a feisty debate. >> democrats across the
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country are running from their records and trying to distract voters with issues other than what they've done for the last 18 to 20 months. >> i have a lot of sympathy for the fact checkers trying to figure out what your record is ken. because every timec you, i don't know who is coming to the debate. >> joining us the republican nominee ken buck his democratic opponent michael bennet turned down our invitation. mr. buck thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> let's start with your mainline of attack about senator bennet, he says, contrary to what you claim, he has opposed much of the obama agenda. >> yeah, michael bennet is a rubber stamp for president obama's agenda. voted for the health care bill, auto bailouts, the stimulus. he's hand picked by president obama. president obama offered his primary opponent three jobs to get him out of race. michael bennet owes president obama for where he
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is right now. unfortunately, he's not representing california values in washington, d.c.. >> on the other hand senator bennet says you have flipped on some of your positions. , you called social security a horrible program. said the federal department of education isn't necessary. do you or don't you stand on those positions? >> what i've said in 18 months on the campaign trail with the camera on me everyday, is that it is a horrible policy to take the money out of the social security trust fun in the 60s and put worthless iou's in. the bill is going to come due some day and it has come due now. i put a policy on the table to deal with that, my opponent has not. my opponent sits on the committee for aging. he has missed 92% of the meetings of that committee and yet he won't talk about what needs to be done with social security. >> what about the department
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of education? >> i'm not opposed. i said i think education decisions are best made at the lovely levels. we need look at things to reduce the department of education. i think it has a legitimate function in our government. >> do you still want a constitutional amendment that would been abortion even in the case of rape and insist? >> i do. -- and incest? >> i do. >> some say it goes beyond >> federal policy for years has been the federal government would not fund abortions. my opponent voted for federal funding of abortions. voted to fund organizations that perform abortions direct shift from what federal policy has been. >> let's look at the clear politics average of recent polls. it shows you with a small lead 47.7%, to 44.7% which is frankly within the margin of error. clearly this is a tossup. what is going to decide this
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race mr. buck? >> i think the voters are going to decide this race. based on the issues of the day. voters in colorado care about jobs. they care about the economy, about spending. our message on those issues is clear. michael bennet has been part of the problem in washington. >> you were a surprise winner in the primary, backed by the tea party. and you beat the establishment candidate jane norton. if you were to win november 2nd, what do you see your place here -- we a picture of you with the capitol behind what you do you see your place in that building? did you join ththe republican caucus or would you come not only to pose the obama agenda but also to shake-up republicans here in washington? >> i have said over and over on the campaign trail that republicans are every bit as much to blame as the democrats for the mess we are in. i believe the other freshman senators feel the same way. we will join the republican
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caucus. we will work within the republican caucus but they will hear a distinct and conservative voice. >> would you vote for mitch mcconnell to be the republican minority leader or majority leader if they take back the senate >> i hope majority leader. right now i'm focused on winning. >> would you like to see a separate tea party caucus within the senate? >> i can see a group gathering a meeting of folks that believe in tea caucus -- tea party principles, absolutely. >> what is the single biggest issue that you would like to see republicans -- going against what they have stood for or how they voted for the last few years where do you want to see a change in direction in the republican party? >> i think earmarks the number one issue. because it has such a corrupting influence on the budget process and on the per she did sun of americans -- on the perception of americans and how government works.
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>> ken buck, thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> fox news is america's election headquarters, bringing the latest political news. for the past seven months fox news has gone inside six key house and senate races around the country. among the featured campaigns, the battle between angle and reid. tune in tonight as bret baier anchors campaign 2010 fight to the finish at 9 p.m. eastern time. >> fbi may have been tipped off to the 2008 mumbai attacks that killed 166 people. "washington post" is reporting that the wife of an american man charged in the bombings warned the fbi three years earlier her husband was involved with phoning al -- potential terrorists. after finding out he had another family she reportedly told agents her husband bragged about training in pakistan with the group that later carried out those
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attacks. officials say the fbi looked into the tip but declined to say if any act was taken. >> the website wick can i leaks reportedly preparing -- wick can i leaks reportedly preparing to release a new set of documents. a letter from gates on the potential impacts on such leaks. >> wikileaks has not said which documents will be released. the pentagon is bracing for another dump in the next few days reportedly to be 400,000 pages of classified u.s. army documents on the war in iraq. that would make it the single largest military leak in u.s. history in july wiki leaks released 77,000 pages on the war on afghanistan. the website has been down most of the day. the founder has not responded. the defense department has a team of 100 people prepared to
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review the material. published reports say defense secretary gates wrote to send for levin chairman of the armed services committee august 16th, to say initial assessment by the pentagon concluded that the afghan war releases by wiki tim leaks had not come -- by wikileaks had not compromised any sources. remember rowley who came forth and detailed how she and others connected the dots a month before the attack teen the 20th hijacker and the -- in a piece in the times she report -- she writes: again wikileaks preparing for
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another massive release of documents on the iraq war as early as this weekend with questions still out there. >> thank you. the pentagon is warning gays in the military now is not the time come out, despite a recent court ruling. citing the legally uncertain environment. the warning comes a day after the obama administration asked a federal judge to stay her ruling overturning the don't ask, don't tell policy while the government prepares an appeal. >> he's had the job almost two years. now president obama is looking back on what's happened and some say looking past the midterm elections. he recently sat down with "new york times" white house correspondent peter baker and made surprising comments. that article hits newsstands tomorrow.
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peter joins us now. first, welcome. what surprised me most was the timing. it seems as if the president is delivering a postmortem on his first two years preelection. before the midterm election. aren't they worried this is going to appear as if the white house is already writing off the midterm? >> sure in their defense it is our timing. we decided to do the article before the election. >> they didn't have to participate. >> they recognized it was more in their interest to see -- if we are going to have a referendum about his presidency so far let's take a deeper look. we asked him these questions. it was interesting to get him to reflect a little, as you say, before the election on what has gone right and wrong and how he sees the next two years playing out. clearly thinking about these things even though the election hasn't happened. >> subtext is the sense it is going to be a changed political environment. i'm not sure, some people will
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say and i know some democrats are upset they feel yes that is going to happen, don't admit it. let's look at some of the reporting in the article. you say the president has spent a lot of time talking to aides about obama 2.0. you say he's reading a book about the clinton presidency. you say he talks about the tax cal lessons he's learned. he let himself look too much like the same old tax and spend liberal democrat. do you get the sense if republicans have a big sweep on november 2nd, that obama might pull a clinton and really move from the left more to the center? >> he's clearly looking at that lesson from that presidency. he's reading the clinton tapes, taylor branch's book on the clinton presidency. he's not as instinctlyive centrist persona, president clinton had been head of the democratic leadership council. he's looking for opportunities where co-possibly make common
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ground with republicans after the election. he told me there might be opportunities to work with the republicans either they would win and they would feel some necessity to govern in his view or they would lose and -- [ inaudible ] >> several times you bring up what i think is fair to say the worst comparison you can make about a democratic president that's the two words jimmy carter. you talk at one point where some of his aide in the white house talk about maybe the best of the obama presidency is already over. is there any fear, either spoken or unspoken, that this could be another brilliant, well-intentioned president who is just over his head? >> they won't say that inside the white house. they recognize there's a great risk at this juncture. president clinton and reagan did rebound after their tough midterm elections. there are examples where presidents didn't. they became mired in this image of unpopularity.
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and the economy is so bad right now 9.6% unemployment it colors everything he's doing. he could make a lot of choices that might be good choices or bad, but the public is in a sour mood and he recognizes that might not change over the next couple of years. >> you made the comparison to carter. do any of them in the white house talk about that as at least a cautionary tale? >> that is obviously on their mines. not two words they -- on their minds. not two words they bring up lightly. the whole know of greatness and grandness they talked about two years ago that's out the window. you don't hear talk about rushmore -- >> you say it used to be talk about a transformative president now there's talk about a transactal president. >> they've gotten the biggest things they could, health care, financial regulation, stimulus. the next two years they may have big issues to fight overlying immigration and energy. also more about implementing
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and defending the legacy that he's already put in place. a lot of what the next two years could be about is making sure the first two years endure past his presidency. >> peter baker i'm not normally a shill for "the new york times", but really to get an opportunity you want to look at this article about the -- in the sunday times magazine peter's story about the mood in the obama white house at the end of the first two years of that term. peter, thank. >> thank four having. >> west virginia's senate race once considered a for democrats. one political insider says not so fast. is crystal ball rankings still consider the race a tossup
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. i'm the only one running for u.s. senate that does not support amnesty. >> i don't amnesty as marco rubio stated before. i even an earned path to citizenship. i'm the only person who was a law enforcement officer sitting at the table.
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>> chris: that's just a taste of the heated debate between florida's three candidates, marco rubio, charlie crist and congressman meek. they also discuss social security and job creation in their third debate. nevada residents can now cast votes in one of the hottest races in the country. the senate contest teen reid and angle -- between reid and angle early voting begins today. carl cameron is live in las vegas. how does early voting change these campaigns? >> reporter: it makes the republicans and democrats think about here in nevada and around the country the possibility half of the ballots could be cast before election day. voting has been open now only 25 minutes. there's a huge line here in suburban las vegas, clark county where 75% of the vote is concentrated.
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across the country early voting is taking place in 35 states in one fashion or another. let's look at the map on this two states have mail-in only ballots in washington and oregon. in states like nevada and around the country, there are about 21 that have some sort of early voting protest. -- process. another dozen or so that have absentee ballots without excuse. you can apply for an absentee ballot and fill it out in advance. the risk is if the race is not close they may not be counted. republicans and democrats are spending a lot of money, recognize that so many ballots are going to be cast in the past democrats have had an opportunity this time republicans are trying to catch up. >> chris: i would think this changes the dynamic of a campaign. election day is -- november 2nd, election day is everyday, starting today. >> reporter: it is. because of that campaigns
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start earlier. they focus on this. dedicate a tremendous amount of money to it. direct mail, lots of voter contact by phone, e-mail, trying to make sure people understand so they can get them out the advantage is, both sides know early on, approximately, how many folks have voted, although not necessarily for who. the secretary state of nevada says first of all it makes it more convenient that makes it more accessible and possible for more peopleñrñr to cast ther ballots that increases participation. and provides an opportunity for greater accuracy, because there is more time to look at this. that improves and makes more efficient the process for the administration for the governments running these elections. that means because they are more efficient, there will be money saved for taxpayers which makes it less costly. look at this line chris, dozens lined up on a saturday morning in they have to cast their ballots. they are a more informed electorate as a consequence.
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>> chris: one final question, is it the sense with these early ballotting, does it increase total turnout or sort of like cash for clunkers shift demand but end up with the final result being not very different? >> reporter: you are right on that over the course of the last few years of experiments across the country and the growth of this early ballotting there's not a lot of indication to suggest turn out has been increased. in nevada there's a bunch of anomalies this state lost population in the last two years, since 2008 the number of registered voters has dropped because of the economy people are moving out of state. so it is very difficult. this is a highly volatile year, tremendously volatile state. over all no great data to show a huge increase in turn out, but certainly -- >> chris: usually in las vegas there's a big line for the casinos or buffet, i know that's usually where you hang out. carl cameron in las vegas,
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thanks. >> reporter: i'm on my way, chris. >> chris: i won't ask whether it is the casino or buffet. >> a boost in predicted wins for republican senate candidates. will the gop get enough seats ֖ gain control. joining me larry, always good to talk with you. >> thank you chris. >> chris: let's start with your overall picture for the midterms. you said republicans are likely to gain seven to eight senate seats, a net gain. they need a net gain of 10 seats. any changes in that forecast? >> yes, we've raised it by one to 8 to 9. that depends on republicans coming back in west virginia. they've fallen behind a bit there. in west virginia, i think you are going to see great volatility in the final two weeks. >> chris: let's talk about west virginia. for a long time it seemed this
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governor manchin, the democrat and republican businessman john racy for a long time, it seemed as if racy had marched off to a surprisingly large lead. but recent polls indicate that manchin is coming from behind. >> chris, this is a great example of what happens when you have a figure who ha very well known and popular, joe manchin and one who in john raese has lost three elections. your past matters in the state. the reason manchin fell behind for a while was to summarize barack obama. obama's ratings are so low, rock bottom in west virginia , 20s or low 30s. but, joe manchin is remerging. he has popularity, 60 to 70%. they've gotten their campaign in gear. i think he took it for granted for too long. he woke up, just in time. i want to add, if the
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republicanway is high enough on election day he could still lose. west virginia is becoming more and more republican nationally. >> chris: larry let's turn to the house. i think most view that as the real battleground if republicans are going to pick up house of congress -- one house or congress november 2nd. how does that look to you now? >> i think they are going to get it and then some. my ratings service the crystal ball took a chance, prior to labor day we came out a with a precise forecast of 347 net republican seats. we are going to update that prior to the i expect go up maybe in the low 50s. essentially we are where we were before labor day, despite all the ups and downs. despite the rollercoaster despite all the spending, all the polls.
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i still think the republicans are likely to take control of the house. >> chris: director of the university of virginia's center for politics. larry, thanks. we'll check back with you before the election. >> thanks chris. >> chris: up next, the seat of a legislative legend up for grabs in pennsylvania. we'll talk to the republican candidate hoping to turn the late john murder that's seat red for the first time in more than -- john murtha's seat red for the first time in more than three decades. [ commentator ] lindsey vonn! she stays tough!
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earlier, she had an all-over achy cold... what's her advantage? it's speedy alka-seltzer! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus rushes relief for all-over achy colds. the official cold medicine of the u.s. ski team. alka-seltzer plus.
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. >> chris: a new report out today says the fbi a warning about the american man charged in the mumbai attacks three years before it happened. >> reporter: good afternoon. the "washington post" reports david's wife tipped off federal agents in 2005 about his intentions after she learned her husband had another family in pakistan. mrs. headly claimed her husband was training in pakistan with the militant group that three years later carried out the mumbai attacks. headly has pleaded guilty in those attacks which killed 160 people. in the united states, the democrats have dispatched heavy hitters to the campaign trail. president obama headlines a rally in boston for his old
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classmate duvall patrick fighting for reelection against republican baker and independent cahill. former president clinton is stumping for jerry brown in his increasingly heated contest with republican meg whitman for california governor. riding a wave of exhilaration in his country following the rescue of 33 trapped miners chile's president is kicking off a european tour. first stop london where the british prime minister and queen will be presented with rock fragments from the mine. the yankees took game one of the american league championship series with a comeback over the rangers last night. tonight in philadelphia with phillies hosting giants. first pitch is 7:57 p.m. eastern right here on fox. those are some of the top stories we are following right now. >> chris: james, thank. >> for 36 years pennsylvania's 12th congressional district was held by democratic
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congressman jack murtha. now fall into republican hands. it is a tossup in a battle ground state where several races are too close to call. joining us republican candidate tim burns. mr. burns, this is a rematch of a special election that was very closely watched last fall in may, where you were favored to win, but you ended up losing to the democrat, mark critz, 50 to 44. why should things be any different this time a few months later? >> a couple of things are different. first of all, this -- we've got an environment that is even more intense than it was in the spring. people are extremely concerned about what they see happening in washington. number two, mark critz now has a voting record this is a guy who ran as a conservative, but he's gone to wash toon, he's voted with nancy pelosi, 94% of the time. -- there's a different electorate. there will be over 90,000
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additional veters that didn't come out in the spring. we a number of factors. i think we'll see a different outcome in november. >> chris: i want to pick up on something you said this was the longtime, more than three decades the seat of one of the lions of the house, jack murtha. interestingly enough, mark critz who worked for murtha succeeded by running again the obama agenda, running against nancy pelosi. what has he done for those of us who haven't been following that closely, in the few months he's been in congress that is going to put the those claims? >> he has gone and voted in lockstep with the obama pillows say agenda. he's voted with them 94% of the time. he campaigned saying he was again the health care bill. now he says he wouldn't repeal it. he also voted to adjourn instead of passing or, you know instead of having an up or down vote on extending the bush tax cuts.
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somebody who campaigned as a conservative but guess to washington ends up voting with business lows , obama, 94% of the time. >> chris: both republicans in the big -- statewide race pat toomey running for senate, corbet running for governor. they both have healthy leads. i know the way guys like you like to think of it. are you going to be riding their coattails? >> i think it shows there's a broader concern in this district and in this state. people think that washington has us going in the wrong direction. they are tired out out of control spending. they know if you and i have to balance our budgets in our households, why not washington? it goes across the country, people are looking for a -- more of a conservative governing of this country. >> chris: along those lines with toomey enjoying a lead in the senate race and corbet a lead in the gubernatorial race
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i got to assume that is helpful to you? >> it certainly is. i think we have voters that are going to the booth that -- i can't tell you how many democrats -- this is a 2-1 democratic voting district. they told me i'm a democrat but i'm not a pelosi obama democrat, i'm a conservative democrat. i think we'll see that in the polls. we've elected a representative who has gone to washington and proved they are not conservative. >> chris: we have less than a minute left. as you pointed out, democrats outnumber republicans, registered voters 2-1 in the 12th district of pennsylvania. that's a big disadvantage. >> like i said, they are democrats but conservative democrats. pro-life, pro gun, they understand you can't spend more than what you take in. they are concerned about the future of this country they want to see the economy and jobs be the focus of our government. and they believe that the current administration has us going down the wrong
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direction. these are folks that want a change and willing to vote for the person over the party. >> chris: tim burn the republican candidate in pennsylvania thanks for talking with us today. >> thanks. if anybody wants to help see the website at timburns >> chris: there you go. a fair and balanced look at that new story about what president obama has learned the past two years and what he plans for the next two. we check in with our panel, next.
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. >> chris: president obama is taking some heat for that big interview he gave to "new york times" white house reporter peter baker. he discussed everything from the economy to the tea party. democrat doug schoen former poll for president clinton was not impressed with what obama had to say. >> it is clear to me based on this interview that the president is saying, i've given up. you're on your own. >> chris: joining us our political panel todd harris campaign adviser to marco rubio. fox news contributor kirsten powers. let me start with you kirsten. i have something of the same
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reaction. what surprised me about the article was the timing. it seems like a postmortem about the last two years where they've gone wrong, preelection. >> you had peter baker on earlier. his point was correct, they can control the timing. this article was going to happen. >> chris: they didn't have to participate >> it is usually better if you want to shape things. some of the things the president said weren't helpful. i think it also said to me, i don't think you really understand what went wrong. talking about we should have focused on the politics more than policy part of the problem is policies. people don't like the policies. maybe they need do a better job selling them. but they have to look at the policies and see where they went wrong. >> chris: todd your reaction to the timing and what the president and top white house aides say in it? >> i was shocked by the timing of the story. i think one of the lessons
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that they probably learned and i think it is a good lesson for democrats, talking to "the new york times" is not necessarily the solution to every problem. but, i think that what we see as far as what the story says, about how they are looking back at lessons learned. the biggest mistake they've made is that they outsourced whole parts of their public poll see to nancy pelosi and harry reid. -- and that true the administration to the left and they are paying the price for. >> chris: i don't know if you todd can see it up on the screen you can see the motorcade the president heading to andrews air force base flying up to massachusetts today to campaign for governor patrick who is in a tough race there. let me pick up on that. one of the things, the subtext in the article is obama 2.0. they say he's started talking to his top aides about that.
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he's reading bill clinton's book, written by a biographer which has a lot of discussion of the turn in the clinton presidency after the defeat in 1994. what do you think of the chances this president and white house pull a clinton and move center if they take a beating on november 2nd, todd? >> i think the chances are very small. i have even less hope for the next two years than i did for the first two, a simple reason. the political operation in the white house is terrified of being challenged, believe it or not, from the left in the democratic primary. which means there is absolutely nothing they are going to be able to do to alienate further the liberal base of the democratic party that is already fairly alienated from this white house. i have very little hope or confidence in their next two years. i think as soon as november 2nd, is over he's going to start running for reelection.
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>> chris: on the other hand, that's the question no question that obama is gonna run for reelection. does it make more sense for him to run on the left where now or move to the center like bill clinton did? >> the idea that obama caters to left to me is, i reject that. i can tell you most people on the left would say he doesn't. the reason they are angry at him is because he doesn't move to the left. the question of whether he will do -- pull a clinton, they will look at it and try decide, realize they were out you have touch and didn't -- in touch with what the american people wanted. you have to remember bill clinton and barack obama are different people. bill clinton was a southern governor more of a centrist person so it was a much easier switch for him. >> chris: stay right there. when we come back with just over two weeks until election day which party has the momentum? we are bang with our panel f in a moment. with capital one's vture card,
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>> chris: with so many hotly contested campaigns heading into election day every race is crucial. we are become with our political panel. after a busy week, filled with debates in california, nevada and delaware. let me ask where do you see
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the midterms now? >> i don't think there's been a huge change. i think the next couple of weeks will be great because we start to see things solidify more. with are i sthaoeupbgs now is republicans will probably -- are essentially now is republicans will probably win. >> chris: win back the house? >> probably win back the mouse by a few seats. they are not going to win the senate back. i don't see any clear path to that. somewhere around seven eight seats. that is not radically changed from what we've been looking at over last many months. things will start to shift. we'll see people moving out of the undecided -- >> chris: we should point out as we see this balance of power alignment in the house, democrats draw a big majority now. republicans need a net gain of 39 seats to take back control. kirsten saying they are going to get it but not a lot more. todd, your projection?
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>> not that i'm counting or anything, but we have 16 days, 18 hours and about five minutes until the polls open on it election day. which in the -- for an individual campaign can be an eternity. in terms of the macro picture, it is not enough time, i think to really fundamentally change what is going to happen on election day. i would guess that right now, we're looking at a 50, maybe 55 seat pick-up in the house. i think there's an outside shot still that republicans have to pick-up the senate. we'd have to -- that will be certainly a lot tougher. >> chris: let's talk about a couple of the specific races. i think it is fair to say because harry reid is the democratic majority leader, the key race, the one everybody is going to be following is that race in nevada between harry reid and the tea party candidate
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sharron angle. todd where do you see that race? they had a big fiesty debate in week their only debate of the campaign. >> i think sharron angle they are tied right now. you've got to give -- angle the advantage because of the mood of the country right now. nevadans know harry reid, from top to bottom. they obviously are very dissatisfied with him. given the anger and the mood of this country, i'm going to give the advantage to the outsider. >> chris: kirsten? >> i think pretty much that's the think what race is. the fact it is so close for somebody like harry reid she out performed peck expectations in the debate. i think the wind is at her back it is leaning in her direction. >> chris: let me ask you both any upset, either democrat you didn't expect to win or republican, one upset for either of you? >> at this point we've been following it so closely there
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aren't any big surprises. maybe in west virginia possibly, there could be >> chris: the republican winner? >> i was trying to think of something for you. i don't think there are any big surprises. >> chris: todd? >> i'm going to look close to where i am right now. while i do thing that marco is going to be victorious on election day the upset is going to be i believe kendrick meek is going to beast crist and come in second. >> chris: interesting. there could be three dozen plus tea party candidates who win on election day. and there are a half dozen in the senate. quickly todd, how is that going to affect the republican party in washington? >> well, i think there's going to be -- they are going to be like a constant rock of gibraltar saying to the party we are not going to spend more as a country than we take in. we are going to be looking at
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constantly to reduce the size of government, not grow it. and the republican party, which has always had that message has not always governed that way. i think they are going to be a great influence on the way we govern. >> chris: kirsten, your sense of the tea party's impact in washington, post election? >> i think they can be disruptive some see that as good, some see that as bad. i think they will start making demands on politicians they are not used to having. people saying, other people in their party say you have to stick to what you promised. >> chris: kirsten powers, todd harris, thank you both. >> a little more news, former and possibly future presidential republican presidential candidate mitt romney apparently had help getting his book to the top of the best seller's list. politico reports he asked organizations he he was speaking to, to buy up to $50,000 worth of the book. "no apology."
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the practice is not unusual on book tours one official says piles of books are leftover. >> the election board in illinois working furiously to fix an embarrassing typo, a glitch in some voting machines shows one gubernatorial candidate's name as rich whitey. about half of those misspelled ballots are in largely african-american areas. the green party candidate's name is rich whitney. a spokesman for the board says 4200 months will need to be reprogrammed. >> that is all for us near washington. our live coverage rolls on. kelly wright and jamie colby are standing by in new york to take over from here. you won't want to miss tonight's election special. campaign 2010 fight to finish anchored by bret baier at 9 p.m. eastern right here on the fox news channel many be sure to catch tomorrow's fox news sunday. i will sit down with california senate candidate carly fiorina. and i'll get predictions from
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john cornyn and democratic senator claire mccaskell. i'm chris wallace in washington. thanks for watching the fox news channel we report, you decide. >> well, hello, i'm kelly wright. welcome to a brand new hour of america's news headquarters. >> jamie: great to have you with us, i'm jamie colby and topping the issue, there's another mining rescue underway and 15 miners are trapped in china. following an explosion killing at least 21 workers and some dangerous obstacles are standing in the way of getting those still alive to safety. >> kelly: plus, could the deadly terror attacks in mumbai, india have been prevented. the wife of an american implicated in the plot reportedly told the fbi three
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years before the event. >> jamie: unbelievable story. and early voting is kicking off in nevada where a bruising neck-in-neck race is underway and giving folks a chance to vote at their convenience. convenience could forever change how campaigns are run. and speaking of campaigns, campaign carl cameron live is live at a polling site in las vegas where people are already lined up. to cast their votes and carl, great to see you. tell us, does either party benefit from any of the early voting we're seeing? >> in the past there's been a hurricane advantage with democrats taking better advantage, but republicans are trying to pick up. but in a state like nevada where you've got a combative, close race, probably the most consequential in the country because democratic majority leader harry reid is on the ballot, facing a tossup channel from sharron angle.
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making it more convenient and presumably boosts participation. is it working? take a look. the polls open for an hour and a half and folks ready to vote and cast their ballots. it's not believed there's been a lot of undecided voters left. one of the toxic campaigns in the country. can't turn on a radio, tv or mailbox without finding a flyer with one candidate attacking another. as they've said, 35 states have some sort of early voting, early walk in voting such as the case here in nevada or mail in ballots and a couple of ways that works. in washington and oregon they have nothing, but mail in ballots, you can't go to a place and find a voting booth, you've got to do it by mail and that's underway for some time and states have absentee ballot rules and you don't need to have an excuse. you can get an absentee ballot and mail it in early as well. there's a risk, if they're not close often choose not to
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count those and your vote might not be counted were you to send it in as an ab sen see just in case in some states. designed to increase participation and the information that voters can have and make it convenient, make it efficient and perhaps improve accuracy and ultimately, in a state like nevada, half the votes will be cast before election day, they're expecting the turnout to be somewhere around a million so 500,000 people today begin their voting, before election day and that makes it a lot easier for both parties, republicans ab democrats to assess where the momentum is. while they haven't been counted they're in the system and can be determined in rough numbers, how many republicans and democrats have been voting. so, it's very important and this year, more than any. because so many states are doing it, it's become a huge part of the political calculation for election day. >> i think a huge part is to the point you made about absentee ballots, carl. i don't think people know or maybe may not understand that those ballots may not be counted. there's a real incentive to do early voting or day-of voting,
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isn't there? >> absolutely. pick any close race, let's say hypothetically speaking nevada as the u.s. senate race with harry reid and sharron angle. everybody knows it's going down to the wire, a late night counting the votes and every single person they can put in take advantage to cast the vote is going to matter. this process effectively gives the campaigns increased control and constant voter contact, calling, e-mailing, knocking on doors and remind being people there's increased convenience, but there's a big question, if the race turns out to be not so close, maybe beyond 2%, those absentee ballots may not be enough to influence the outcome. and never be counted. that's a risk. an upside or a down side. it's not clear how it improves turnout too much, but you can tell from the line here, 70, 80% of the vote is concentrated they've been lined up for an hour and a half to do it. >> jamie: an impressive
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turnout. carl, good to see you, thanks. >> reporter: you bet. >> jamie: kelly. >> kelly: president obama due in massachusetts within an hour, campaigning for his former harvard law school classmate, governor duval patrick. of the democratic incumbent is facing a tough challenge there from republican charlie baker and what's proving to be a very interesting contest in the states. our molly line is live outside the heinz convention center in boston where the campaign rally is about to get underway. and people are milling about, and just how close is the race with just over two weeks ago. >> and hi, kelly, yeah, this was a blustery day in boston and despite that we've mentioned buses are coming in for the rally and president coming in to rally for his harvard pal, as well as a man with chicago roots. governor duval patrick and here in the state today, this is a close race. this is one to watch, although the most recent southern news
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poll put the governor up by about seven points and still a very, very close contest in the state and it's hard to predict what will actually happen and this is a state that had an upset win by scott brown back in january. so one to watch and the governor is facing off against republican charlie baker and also, independent tim cahill, a lot more twists, he has more to worry about trailing in the polls and he is under investigation for possibly taking advantage of his position as the treasurer here in the state of massachusetts and running some lottery, paid for with taxpayer money and may have coincided with the attempt to run for governor, to boost his run for governor. a possibility he may pull away and the critical independent voters needed to win here. here strategist mary anne marsh. and as that goes at the top of the ticket, and competitive congressional races and down ballot races, all of them will
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benefit. >> reporter: and one of the key down ballot races she's talking about is congressional barney frank also up for reelection, and she's talking about rallying the base and getting the democrats to the polls and the republicans are expected to do well at the polls. >> there is some tough going and some candidates are keeping president obama at arm's length, if you will. will this visit from the president help governor patrick at all? >> yes, governor patrick is not one of those folks that is keeping the president arms length. he's welcoming president obama with open arms, hoping he will rally the base here, last time president obama was here, he was campaigning for the attorney general, remember the senate race where ultimately scott brown one, the republicans and see how much the visit actually helps here and if he can bring that democratic base to the poll. kelly. >> all right, molly, thanks for keeping us up-to-date and keeping our eyes on the base there. thank you. jamie. >> as molly was telling us, president obama campaigning in
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the traditionally blue state of massachusetts and yesterday in delaware, senate candidate chris coons, enjoying a double digit lead over republican christine o'donnell, a tea party candidate. and is it a signal no one is willing to take anything for granted as election day nears. and he served as spokesperson for a former florida governor, and michael dukakis and a fox news contributor, welcome to both of you. >> thank you. >> susan, swear, 20 point lead, both the president and the vice-president stomping for the democratic candidates is already ahead. why? >> leave nothing to chance, it's a funny year, i feel better, i should tell you, than i did a couple of weeks ago and i feel very optimistic, not only about delaware, but about my other home state, massachusetts. and i think duval patrick is going to win and i think that bar any frank is going to win and it's not the situation with martha coakley where she
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was very unpopular in the state. a lot of the kennedy base was not with her and you know, it was an unfortunate race, but i think the president is there and he's got to gin the groups up and the republicans have the enthusiasm. >> jamie: and when they made the visit to delaware, there was some feeling that the president was trying to say that christine o'donnell is the new trend, the new type of candidate. is that true or is that a stretch? >> of course, that's a stretch. christine o'donnell is a republican dom knee in one state, but we have a number of republican nominees all over the country and people like sharron angle in nevada look like they're going to defeat harry reid in that state for the united states senate which is incredible and look, it's a tactic that the white house and democrats are trying to use and i find it interesting, susan is feeling good how the
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democrats are going to do in traditionally hard core states like massachusetts and delaware, like saying i'd feel good in george bush or dick cheney with in wyoming. how defensive the white house? . one of the boston papers they talk about the president coming to massachusetts to campaign for the governor candidates there, duval patrick, they say that the stakes are high for patrick, but they're higher for president obama, what's your feeling about that? >> well, i mean, it would certainly be a slap in the face to obama if, you know, duval patrick were to lose in massachusetts although i should say there's a lot of local issues at play, in governor races, but, look, you know, the republicans were growing just a few months ago, a month or so ago, saying we're going to win everywhere and i don't think that's true and i think you have to-- the president going into a place like delaware to say, if
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you strength of the tea party is christine o'donnell and even sharon angle, it helps democratincumbents who are better known. >> jamie: that's a comparison we hear again and again from democrats and justin, i'm interested in independents and we see carl cameron in nevada with the lineup of early vote,. do independents show up for mid term elections? do you think they will this year? >> typically the voters registered with a party, turn out higher numbers than people without a party. and however, this year, a political independents are upside down on nancy pelosi and leadership in congress and upside down and more independents disapprove of president obama's job in office than approve and a lot is driven by the stimulus policies and health care reform and i think you'll see higher turnout this year amongst independents and that's bad news for the democrats. the same independents that helped put barack obama in
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office two years ago and now coming out against him and his candidate. >> jamie: i'm up against a break, yes or no, do independents come out for democrats or republicans? >> they come out for both. how is that. >> jamie: that's fair and balanced, i like it. thank you so much. >> you know. >> jamie: thank you. have a great day. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> jamie: kelly. >> kelly: uncle sam is entering the debate over legalizing marijuana and the u.s. government says it will vigorously enforce laws against smoking pot. even if california voters make the golden state the first to officially legalize the drug. if the measure passes in just over two weeks, the state would be able to regulate regular use, but eric holder says that's not going to stop the justice department from enforcing federal drug laws even if it's permitted under state law. >> jamie: and secretary of state hillary clinton is saying u.s. needs to do more to stop the drug violence in
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mexico. but she's nbacking down from a remark she made comparing mexico to colombia in the cocaine wars. telling an audience in san francisco, cartels south of the border have begun behaving more like terrorists than groups. and mexican drug lords the first time are using car bombings adding quote, you see them being much more organized in a kind of paramilitary way. according to the secretary of state. >> a potential bombshell from whistleblower website wikileaks, this time the site is planning to release 400,000 classified documents related to the iraq war. the move comes months after wikileaks reveals thousands of secret afghan war documents back in july. julie kirtz is live in washington with the latest details on this one and julie, what do we know so far about the anticipated new documents? >> well, you know, wikileaks has not said exactly which documents or war logs will be
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released on the website, but the pentagon is bracing for another massive document dump in the next few days. with a team of 100 or so people ready to review any new leaked documents, looking for names or sensitive information that could compromise, you know, or harm people in iraq that work with the u.s. now shall the new releases according, as you said, nearly 400,000 pages of classified u.s. army documents on the war in iraq and that would make this the single largest military leak in u.s. history, kelly. remember, in july, wikileaks released more than 70,000 pages of material on the war in afghanistan, by the way the wikileaks website had been down for most of today and wikileaks founder has not responded to my e-mails throughout the day, kelly. >> kelly: we appreciate you reaching out to him. it's alarming to hear this kind of report and secretary gates reportedly said that the leak, wikileaks release in july did not jeopardize u.s.
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intelligence there. so is this new information or a new assessment by the pentagon? >> this is a letter reportedly secretary gates wrote to carl levin, and reportedly it was written on august 16th to say that the initial assessment, the initial assessment by the pentagon included that the afghan war logs released, hadn't compromised u.s. intelligence sources, but questions continue about the impact, of course, of these leaked war logs and the chairman of the chiefs, mullen, said back in late july that wikileaks may have blood on their hands. and we asked former ambassador holts today a fox contributor about this. >> i think the risk here is substantial and i hope the pentagon is considering what states they need to take to identify individuals who are potential problems before it's
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more serious. >> again,the pentagon is braced for another huge document leak from wikileaks. >> kelly: 400,000 pages. >> right. >> kelly: all right, julie kirtz, thank you for bringing us up-to-date on that. >> sure. >> jamie: new threats out of north korea's world regime. the communist country is saying it will increase the military buildup by, as they're putting it, 1,000 fold. those statements are coming after the united states ruled out listening sanctions on north korea. the u.s. is trying to get north korea to resume peace talks and recently the north has been stepping up threats in response to u.s. naval drills being run in south korea. . >> rescuers in china are trying to reach 16 miners, believed trapped there, after a deadly explosion in a coal mine. however, it's not clear just how far down they are, or if they're even still alive. coal dust, falling rocks and dangerous gas levels are making it difficult for rescue crews. the blast killed 21 miners,
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china's mining industry is one of the most dangerous in the world. >> and it's a much happier story for you in chile, where all, but two of the 33 chilean miners are out of the hospital. the released men home to family and friends since they've been trapped in the mine more than two months and we haven't heard much about the time they spent underground. they're closely guarding the story. you can understand. they made a pack that they will charge for interviews and then share the profits. >> all right. shocking new revelations about the mumbai terror attacks that killed 166 people. new information now that the fbi may have been tipped off years before, about an american involved in the attack. ready to try something new? campbell's has made changes. adding lower sodium sea salt to more soups. plus five dollars in coupons to get you started. campbell's condensed soup. pass it on.
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these kids,
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>> welcome back. new report that the wife of a terrorist suspected one, who executed the mumbai attacks, warned the fbi ahead of time. according to "the washington post," investigators were tipped off about the man who played a key role in the attack that killed 166 people. three years before that group. and james rosen joins us from washington. james, the published reports we're seeing, it sounds as if the information the woman gave the u.s. authorities was accurate and in the context of something else, a very interesting story. >> yes, the information she gave may have figured in the warning that u.s. officials conveyed to u.s. and indian authorities prior to the bloodshed in mumbai. those attack in 2008 involved close to a dozen coordinated
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shootings and bombings across the city, including assaults on the building there, the iconic taj mahal hotel and at least 166 people were killed every two days and the attacks were carried out by let, a terrorist group with al-qaeda connections. and a chicago man, david kowallman hedley, later pleaded guilty in connection with the attacks and "the washington post" reports that back in 2005, hedley's wife, after learning he had another wife and more children in pakistan, and the two got into a physical altercation, she went to federal authorities in new york and in the case of three interviews told them that hedley was involved with them. and hedley was arrested for domestic assault at the time, but not prosecuted, jamie. >> jamie: the lessons that u.s. policy makers and intelligence officers will likely draw from this, what do you think? >> well, connecting some dots on our own here, brings to mild the foiled christmas day airline bombing plot against
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northwest flight 253 almost a year ago, in that case, you'll recall that man there, his father, this was the alleged bomber, 23-year-old u mar farouk abdul, he will grown disturbed by text messages and signals from his son and took it to cia officials in nigeria and led to umar farouk abdulmutallab on one data terror days, but not on the u.s.'s no-fly list. >> the front line in warning us about potential existence of jihadists among us, not yet the terrorists, but jihadists are members of a family, members of a club, or the association and any government, unfortunately we don't have a good reception for that, we excuse several of them with indicators, and institutes and that's not the same thing. >> and he added that let, that carried out the mumbai attacks remains a threat to u.s.
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security interests. jamie. >> jamie: james rosen, thank you, james. >> thank you. >> kelly: well, they were once political adversaries and now they're burying the hatchet and former president bill clinton, for jerry brown in the tight race for california governor. the one time democratic rivals for the white house, by the looks of it now, letting bygones be bygones and even despite a fighting diss from brown in the past few weeks, alita, a question, what did bill clinton have to say about his old rival last night? >> kelly, it seems like these two have buried the hatchet maybe for the sake of the campaign, but people who follow politics might remember these two clashed several times on the campaign trail when they were running for president back in 1992 and as you mentioned recently in the california governor's race, well, jerry brown remarked
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that president clinton doesn't always tell the truth and referring to a campaign commercial, meg whitman was running and he was heard talking about jerry brown's record of raising taxes and jerry brown quickly apologized for that and now you see clinton stumping for jerry brown. >> i am so grateful to jerry brown, that you know, we're not very far apart in age and we've been doing this a long time. he still cares about your future and that is important. >> reporter: and that was from a rally last night in ucla. president clinton saying glowing things, earlier in the week he was stumping for harry reid, who we know is locked in a tight race there. >> kelly: and bill clinton is extremely popular, so what does the appearance for president clinton do for someone like jerry brown? >> right, well, it can do a lot. he is very popular, and
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probably the most popular democrat going across the country and favorability ratings above 60%, he's especially popular here in californian an analysts say that president clinton can make the case for a candidate probably better than a candidate himself. listen. >> jobs, deficit, raises taxes, that resonates on one level, but when bill clinton comes in and says, i know jerry brown, i know what he did, and different clinton's persona, personality, popularity, for some voters, that could make a difference. >> reporter: and jerry brown is about five points ahead in the race for governor here, but there are so many undecide decided voters, people are experiencing early voting right here, now in california so they believe president clinton can make a difference. kelly, back to you. >> anita vogel, live from los angeles, thank you. >> and uncle sam laying down the law on several states that failed to mail out military ballots overseas, we'll tell you what the justice
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>> it is the bottom of the hour already shall kelly. hard to believe, here is the top of the news. >> against china right now, rescuers there are trying to free 16 miners believed trapped underground by an explosion in a coal mine. >> and a new york man suspected of stabbing his parents to death now being sent back to the united states. he will arrive tonight. eric ballou d chi was taken into custody in israel. >> the justice department is throwing down the gauntlet, for the deadline to mail
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ballots to those overseas, failing to send out absentee ballots 45 days before election day, too little, too late? the co-chairman of the republican national lawyers association, joining us now. and thank you. let's talk about this. this is very serious issue because a lot of military voters who are overseas cannot vote if they don't receive the absentee ballots. what are you saying about this problem? . well, our organization, republican national lawyers association has been urging the justice department to take action and in fact, we were the ones who raised the issue about new york, and about illinois, and how they had failed to meet the deadline and frankly, the obama administration has really done so little to enforce the law that requires that all states and all counties within those states send absentee ballots to overseas military voters. no later than september 18th. and the justice department has just been sittingen 0 its hands.
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we're going to keep pushing the justice depth has been an ongoing problem and we feel as though the obama administration has not been following true to enforcing the law and the men and women in uniform, they get the right to vote they're protecting for the rest of us. >> kelly: the justice department according to what they've stated stepping up the pressure on states that have not complied with the law so far and new mexico until december 6th and then there's the situation in illinois, but do you think that the justice department has done enough as it's stated? >> absolutely not. we're glad that they're doing something this week, finally filed suit this week against new york and illinois, but what we want is, i think, what every american should want and probably does want. which is for the justice department to be really asking for-- asking the state for evidence to make certain that they have actually complied with the law. for instance, in illinois, we
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know for a fact that the justice department contacted the illinois secretary of state before the election and said if you comply with the law shall the illinois officials say yes and the justice department left it sta and we came back and said no, they had not complied with the law and so what we want is for the justice department to be aggressive, and working to make certain that each state has complied. we're glad that they've done what they've done, but up until the time we started making public pronouncement what they hadn't done. all the justice department had done was sued guam. new york, mississippi, other states, it's ridiculous. >> and how do you think that-- let me ask you this, what kind of impact will this have on the voter turnout from military member who are serving in harm's way, as well as those who are serving overseas in germany and other places, representing the united states, yet, not being able to get their vote in time? >> well, i think what has to happen, and this has been an
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ongoing problem even before this administration, but the department of defense, needs to step up its efforts to break the log jam creating systems where it's easier for military men and women to obtain and request their absentee ballots. the states have to do their part in understanding that the loss deadline, and the 45 day deadline is a new requirement, but the justice department has really been sitting on its hands and so what we want is to see the states give that extra time to make sure that those ballots are counted. >> kelly: all right. she's kleta mitchell of the national lawyers association and thank you for talking to us about this. >> thank you, thank you. >> and we are launching a brand new medical series focusing on cancer screenings, there are a lot of questions and much debate who should get them when. and we're going all out for
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you. this week in honor of breast cancer awareness month we focus on mammograms. last year an i lone nearly 200,000 women were diagnosed with breast cancer. the doctor, medical doctor from mount sinai is joining us. good to see you. >> thank you. >> jamie: first of all, the u.s. health officials recommending mammograms start when you turn 50, but all along we had heard much earlier than that. why the controversy? >> well, this big controversy, as a result of when you talk about screenings, you have to consider the population. all this risk embedded that we speak about in the population may be completely different than the individual. so if you're watching this program, we're talking about you. so, what is the risk of getting breast cancer in individuals? and that's the difference between the u.s. task force, where they look at the big population of hundreds of thousands of people, as opposed to one individual. for example, we use mammograms
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or sonograms or breast exams, but if you're a high risk patient, have a first degree family, over 20% chance of getting breast cancer, if you've been radiated between the age of 10 to 30, you're at a higher risk of getting breast cancer and not only you need mammograms, but you may need mri. for even individual, it's different. make sure you talk to your doctor about your risk and that's really the big message out there. >> jamie: some women will say, particularly when you talk about the number of women diagnosed every year, that why not start earlier. what's the down side if i'm in my 40's and i get a mammogram? >> well, that's a discussion that the u.s. task force really brought up. meaning that they recommend mammogram between the age of 50 to 75. and they believe that the risk outweighs the benefit in the group between 40 to 50. you may find some cancers that are not aggressive and the only thing that's going to do is to do more surgery, more
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anxiety and stress for the patient. perhaps cost and finances have something to do with this. you have to screen about 800 women to find one answer and that odds more to the cost of the economy. so for 799 who didn't do a good job, the for one person found the cancer, we help that person. what is the cost for that individual, to me as a doctor, there's no price for that. >> jamie: priceless if you save a life. >> and that's the purpose of screening, you're going to do a lot more just to find that individual and that's a big discussion. >> jamie: brought up a great point. talk to your doctor and the american cancer society recommendations, have he this changed given what the task force is saying, and what do you recommend. >> none of the doctors i know of have change, mammograms at age 40 once a year, and clinical breast example, also along every year, the self-breast example and the clinical breast example for
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junker age, mammogram doesn't have a big role in that group. and mammograms in 20 and 30's are not recommended and ultimately talk to your physician and make sure what the risks are, i recommend a second and third opinion and we need to be a smart consumer, smart patient. not every biopsy, not every biopsy needs surgery. take the recommendation and talk to your physician. >> jamie: it's a great series and looking forward to it and so are the other cancer screenings you'll discuss. >> about prostate cancer next week and continue with colon cancer and perhaps skin cancer. >> jamie: doctor, good to see you. >> thank you very much. >> jamie: if you're at home and you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you can always contact the doctor at men's next week, the doctor says he's going to talk more about cancer screening, the series will continue and we'll discuss a similar controversy
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that regards prostate cancer and now it affects the men in our lives and the doctor will be here to tell us what he recommends and clear up any questions and go ahead and e-mail him. thanks so much, doc. >> kelly: america get ready for a wave of electrical cars from detroit and japan. soon to hit dealer show rooms near you, but will going green actually save you green? gary gastelu takes mitsubishi's battery powered offering out for a spin. >> finally, an electric car that looks like an electric car. the mitsubishi battery power sub compacts hits u.s. show rooms next year, one of a growing number of electric vehicles headed our way to manufactures. the i-mi is based on the conventional car called the i and uses an internal comustion engine. it looks cool because it does. did i mention it's already on sale in japan? the motor in the i-mi isn't powerful, but the car is light
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and goes through with little effort. and a complete opposite what you're used to in a small car, the engine revving mildly and gears shifting to keep up with the flow of traffic. nothing odd about the interior, has cup holdings and a glove compartment and the rest of the world has a thing or two looking out for the rest of the car. it's actually smaller than a mini cooper, there's plenty of room for four passengers, and u.s. versions will be slightly larger on the outside for safety standards and interior upgrades to justify a price of $30,000. and this will be over there, as will i. running on skinny little tires, it's a nearly silent motor. pretty quiet even if you approach the top speed of 84 miles per hour. mitsubishi says between 80 and 100 miles, does little good in is one. recharging takes 14 hours on a standard, and you can have
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that on 240 volt charger, assuming you have one. here in new york, for example, there's only one public charging station and that's it. and no one else is using it. >> in the mitsubishi i-mi, gary gastelu, fox news. >> jamie: maybe you're not facing foreclosure, but you know about the freeze, it's putting a bill chill on the mortgage industry. what effect will it have on wall street and your wallet? plus, the celebrations continue for the chilean miners. why their story of survival though is so special to a family right here in the u.s. . >> chi, chi, chi, lay, lay, lay, lay. hurley to the miners in chile and that's what our country is, we are a big family. ñ÷
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>> 31 years and counting in the world's largest extreme sporting event of the today marks this year's fringe day.
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base jumpers launch will themselves off virginia's new river george bridge. a long bridge. it's the largest in the western hemisphere and the brave men and women have been going there since 1980. turning bridge day in one of the largest within day festival. >> kelly: we should try that. >> jamie: sure, why not. >> there are concerns over a new wave of red ink in the mortgage industry and is it causing or dragging down the dow? many are worried and the foreclosure fiasco could have a ripple effect on wall street, so how worried should we all be? joining us now, managing partner for chatwood investment managers, ed, you know, every time you hear something, it looks like we're going forward and then we hear from the bargaining industry in particular about these mortgage foreclosures, and we're taking a deep breath to
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watch what's going on. what's happening right here aen how concerned should we be about these mortgage foreclosures slowing down the growth in our economy? >> yeah, sure, and by the way, it was really, you know, be terrible to be a bank executive in the last two years, you know, it's been very, very tough, but to understand this, kelly, what you have to do is look and understand how stocks move. stock prices move based on projected earnings. they either go up or down and you have a lot of very smart people on wall street who do analysis on the big banks, with the mortgage fiasco and the news that just came out. really, people don't have a lot of clarity where stock prices are going to go, they don't know where the earnings are going to be for the companies and because of that, people are selling those things off. should you be worried long-term about the overall market, kelly, no, this market is going higher and a lot higher for a couple of years, but in the banking sector, a lot of people are starting to
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sell out of stocks and rethink how much money they'll have that because of what's taking place recently. >> kelly: that's encouraging, you're telling me that the overall mart will do well and money will flow. what about the administration, what can it do to ensure that this whole mortgage foreclosure fiasco will not become something that slows down a recovery? >> well, i tell you, i'm always amazed because you never know what's coming out of the administration to restore recovery again then ear they doing it again at this point. i grew up in a way and i'm sure you did, too, you follow the rules and take out a mortgage, you pay the mortgage. if you can't pay the mortgage you probably shouldn't be in that house and everyone is always looking to take responsibility and shove it someplace instead of in front of them where it should be. i think that people, if you're going to be foreclosed on, you've got to be foreclosed on if you can't pay the mortgage and this administration, not only every bit of the details, shouldn't be standing in the way of that process, my personal feeling about it. >> kelly: all right. so, if i own a home and i want
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to invest my money for my future and yet, i see what's going on with the foreclosure market. some homes are short sold. i'm going to be a little hesitant to put my money anywhere, what do you say to the average home owner who is doing the right thing and might be underwater yet, still doing the right thing? >> well, from that home owner's standpoint, we're talking two different things. should you buy a home? if you can afford the monthly payment and afford that house, you buy a home. i mean, that's if you can afford it. but in terms of planning for your future, you must get your money invested in equities, stay away from bonds, because you're getting nothing on bonds, getting about 0, you know, 0 to somewhere around 1%, if you're buying bonds, if you're looking long path here, we all should be, you get invested in the equitiment market. 14 to 18% undervalued right now and going a lot higher kelly. >> kelly: so your advice is continue to invest long-term. >> jamie: absolutely with-- >> look at your future. >> kelly. >> kelly: right.
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go ahead, it will me, you're the expert. >> no, i'm-- no, and i'm sorry, sorry for interrupting there, but there's absolutely no question you should be a long-term investor and you must invest in equities because you have to, really, to offset, you know, taxes and what i think is inflation a lot higher than what the government is telling us right now. you must be a long-term investor and you'll always make money, at least you always have, if you're a long-term investor in equities. >> kelly: great advice, and a lot of people will be listening to you, as well, doing the same thing. thank you, sir. >> right, thank you. >> jamie: election day may be more than two weeks away, but as we've seen today, voting starts today. we're already seeing long lines in some parts of the country. how big an impact will the early voting make come november 2nd? keep an eye on fox. i love my curves. but the love i have for strawberry shortcake, threw a curve at my curves so i threw it right back... with yoplait light --
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around 100 calories. now i love my curves in all the right places. ♪
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>> welcome back, the white house waging a battle this week with the u.s. department of commerce over campaign contributions and charging that some of those contributions come from frn sources, but those allegations and where they may have come from igniting even more controversy. so how has the media been covering all of this? author and journalist and fox news contributor liz trotta joins us with more details and liz, what say you about the situation? >> kelly, remember the days when we heard hillary clinton talk about the vast right wing conspiracy? well, it turns out we might have a left wing conspiracy in the left wing blogs. this is a story that separates real journalists from bloggers, it's so interesting. the story about the chamber of commerce, namely they were siphoning funds off political,
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from taking from foreign contributions and giving them elections, came from, a far left website and they are part of or an arm of the center for american progress, but from there it seemed to morph into and seemed it turn up in the senate with senator al franken democrat from minnesota and from there, it went to president obama who calls it a threat to democracy. well, of course, the new york times among other mainstream media to point out that none of this was true. but let me read you just a little quote from a new york times piece putting this into perspective. on closer examination shows there's little evidence what the cahamber does, according to liberal and conservative election law lawyers and
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campaign finance documents. in fact, the controversy over the chamber of commerce financing makes a more about the washington spend cycle, where an internet blog posting can be quickly picked up by like minded groups, political power with the president himself, than it does about the vagueries of campaign finance. they led the charge and who put the story down and the white house, there was no evidence that the chamber was doing this. >> kelly: and you know, the chamber of commerce came on our air, the representatives came on fox news and flatley denied the allegations that the president and vice-president have charged them with. so what happens after this? >> well, i think what happens after this, i think, you know, all it did was put the obama administration in more trouble and of course, democrats everywhere, because it's so
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unseemly and had this unseemly picture of a president of the united states using unsourced and really illegitimate material from left wing blogs. one would hope that his sources were better than that. one would think that the president had the best sources in the world. but this really was a faux pas on their part. but kudos to the main street media for not setting it right and not buying into the left wing conspiracy. >> we're facing the med terms and the president is falling in terms of popularity, is this something that could be construed as an act of desperation in terms of trying to make sure the democrats win? >> yes, i think that's absolutely right and you know, especially, also, wonderful little detail, the white house press spokesman spent all week putting the chamber of commerce, he worked for a group like this where nobody developed where the funds went
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so there you are. >> kelly: liz trotta we thank you for that and thank you to your report for us as well. >> thank you. >> kelly: and liz trotta on fox news, that will do it for us, i'm kelly wright. >> jamie: i'm jamie colby. the journal editorial report is next. we hope you have a great day! . ♪ [ male announcer ] there is nothing more profound than hope. it is the promise that compels us to make the journey from wonder to discovery. the science of chemistry, our guide.
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