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tv   FOX News Watch  FOX News  October 17, 2010 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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>> paul: fantastic, dan, thanks. that's it for this week's journal editorial report. thanks to my panel and for all of you watching, i'm paul gigot, we hope to see you all right here next week. >> on fox news watch. >> we've got to stop the name calling and stop looking at the next election, we've got to focus on figuring out what we're doing for the neck generation. >> jon: mr. obama continues his road show, taking on a hand picked audience on mtv. >> my question to you is why should we still support you going forward. >> did the press see this as a hard hitting town hall meeting or another white house pr move? >> if the chamber opens up its books and says here is where our political money is coming from, until they do that, all we have is their assertion.
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>> they take on the u.s. chamber of commerce, charging it's trying to steal our democracy with foreign funding. >> is that the best you can do? has the media been blinded by a political smoke screen? a potentially tragic story in chile with a made for tv ending, 33 trapped miners rescued and the whole world watched and cheered. so hue will all of this media attention change their lives? a mid morning meltdown on abc when two of the gals on the couch don't appreciate bill o'reilly's views and a popular comic strip gets stripped from "the washington post." >> can't have it both ways. >> jon: and greg has thoughts about that. on our panel, writer, judy miller. syndicated columnist, cal thomas, jim pinkerton, fellow new american foundation and news day columnist elliss henican. i'm jon scott, fox news watch
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is on right now. . >> my question to you is, why should we still support you going forward with your monetary economic policies and if the economy does not improve over the next two years, why should we vote you back in? >> just one of many questions president obama faced on thursday at that mtv town hall meeting. judy, the audience was hand picked, a lot of speculation about that in the press, but the questions were pretty tough. the president's answers though, again, seemed kind of tired, a little bit more like campaign rhetoric. has he lost young voters? and has the press paid attention. >> well, if he's lost young voters, all is lost in november because this is his base, they voted more than 2-1 to him, but i found that the press picked up on the notion he was defensive. remember we sat here last week and said, oh hand picking audience members very bad.
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those kids did well, they were as tough and quote seasoned journalists asking questions. i think we obama on the defensive and in trouble. >> jon: and speaking of defensive the white house steps up attacks on the u.s. chamber of commerce this week, asking, suggesting that the chamber of commerce is accepting foreign money to influence campaigns how has that been. >> they have no proof as bob skciffer. >> paul: says, the obama administration handling thing by politico, john martin sometimes on show and ben smith, obama administration is herky jerky, and wrote the kiss of death compared to the mccain campaign in 2008. >> some speculated elliss,
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they're jumping from issue to issue to issue because some of their accomplishments are less than stellar, the handling of the oil spill. the nation's economy, the jobless rate at almost 10%, is this just a smoke screen? >> hold on a second, john, i mean, going from issue to issue is a kind of multi-tasking frankly that we expect of politicians today. you want to talk about one thing and one thing alone? you're the-- >> doesn't it seem like a strange thing to go out in the media and start attacking the u.s. chamber commerce? >> i would have done the attack differently. the foreign money thing i don't think resonated, but there are concerns about businesses moving jobs overseas and chamber of commerce is one of the instruments helping happen. i'd beat up on them a little bit. wait a minute, you had he a beat up on them and accuse them of a violation of the law without evidence. and even the new york times, where is the proof. >> and i would issue it in a
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direct way, say, hey, these are american jobs and so many companies are finding cheap labor overseas and where are those contributions, cal, you know. >> jon: when you're losing the policy debate. >> when you have run on the force of your personality, and none of it's working, you change the subject. quote the old song, the thrill is gone, even the kids get it. >> jon: well, besides needing to win back young voters the president needs to win back black voters, apparently, some of whom seemed to have abandoned him this week and the president hosted the first african-american online summit at the white house and here is what he said, quote, the media is changing so rapidly that websites like you guys do every day, do two things, number one it allows us to reach audiences that may not be watching "meet the press", i'm just saying, it might be a different demographic. now, some people think that that comment from the president was, first of all, not in in the prompter and
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secondly belittling. >> people who don't watch "meet the press", if a white person had said that, i'm waiting for the all white town hall meeting, you've got women, african-americans, gays, what about jim and me? representing and-- >> not everybody listens to rap, you're not a big rap fan i'll bet. >> listen, i have jay-z and all of those guys. >> not-- no, no, that was the other guy. >> jon: and elliss you're obviously disagreeing with cal on his point, but if president bush had said, you know, the same thing about meet the press, and you guys don't watch meet the press he would have been roasted. >> jon, i hate to break it to you i don't always watch meet the press. >> that's not the point. when ross perot in 1992 said you people, speaking at an naacp event in tennessee or someplace, he got murdered for it, whereas now, you know, jerry brown or somebody in this campaign, refers to meg
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whitman the republican rival as a whore, and now the national organization of women that would have called for the republicans to be fired and crucified. >> and castrated, too. >> and say it was a teachable moment. >> jon: tom brokaw moderated a debate in california. let's play a clip of that and then your reaction. >> we've heard no outrage by you about the use of that kind of language which to many women is equivalent to calling an african-american the n-word. have you been in charge of the investigation of your campaign to find out who was responsible for using that phrase. >> i don't agree with that comparison, number one. and number two, this is a five week old, private conversation. >> oh. >> picked up on cell phone with a garbled transmission, very hard to detect who it is, this is not-- i don't want to get into the term how it's used, but i will say the campaign apologized promptly and i affirm that apology tonight. >> jon: well, how did jerry do with that one in the media?
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>> you know, that's one you can never win, trying to explain why you called somebody a whore. that's just not a winnable issue. he should have grovelled, he should have outed the person who said it, fired them, if it wasn't his wife, that's another problem. but you know, when you get into explaining something like that, you've already lost the debate. >> the media didn't make him do all of those things. if this was a republican they would have had a voice analyzianalyz analyzer to figure out who said it. >> it's correct, that they tend not to beat up on a friend and hitting the cham per of commerce, over the head with a club and accept that we're more sympathetic when our friends do dumb things. >> if you agree, that the national organization of women is a left wing, was a-- >> all right. >> and i think we're going to get into big discussion coming up here, and that brings up this point, you have to check out our website, keep an eye on the big media stories in our watch list section and go
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behind the skeents and listen to the discussions we have in here during the break. this one is about to get hot. up next, those 33 trapped miners get the world's attention, now, what? >> as the world watched with cheers and high emotion, 33 miners were rescued in chile. a tragic event with a made for tv ending. was the coverage overproduced? and "the washington post," l.a. times and other big papers yank a popular com [ male announcer ] it simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stain motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief
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>> that was the scene in chile this week as 33 miners safely emerged from their 69 day underground ordeal, the rescue taking just more than 22 hours. incredible to watch. billions around the world did so. some of the headline the next day, from the st. petersburg times, into the light, the houston chronicle, 33 miners on top of the world. usa today, is it made for tv or a happy ending? now the nation begins the lives of national heroes and try to come to grips with the offers coming in. tv deals, movies, as well. the question after all of this judy, was any of the coverage
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overdone. >> it depends how you define overdone. jay rosen was one of the commentator, 1300, turns out it was 2000 journalists assembled to watch this? it's the greatest human interest story i've seen in a long, long time. of course they're going to do it even in a time of budget cuts, it's perfectly understandable what happened and now the real digging has to begin. >> ooh. >> jon: and what if the issue didn't get so much coverage has to do with the religious faith and how it was expressed. here is one of the miners talking about that while he was underground. >> i was with god and i was with the devil. they fought me, but god won. i took the best hand, the hand of god and i held on to him. i never thought for one minute that god wouldn't get me out of there. i always knew. >> jon: so did the media recover-- media coverage reflect that faith? >> i think some of it. i saw that quote on the front page of the washington post,
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hardly a religious, right wing publication, but look, the media are reluctant to cover religious stories unless they have a scandal attached to them. this was a great moment. i read in the fastest of all places one asked for a minister, two or three of them down there half a mile beneath the earth, experienced the conversion. so these are interesting human interests. i think this is one of those stories where the media can be a cheerleader and they can be an observer at the same time. there's no down side to this story. it rings true for everybody. so, it's a wonderful, feel good moment and i think especially our adam housley at fox did a great job, simultaneously translation while cnn was doing a voice over and work with them. >> jon: elliss put aside your negativity for a moment. >> yeah, this story-- >> i'm surprised cal wasn't pulling for them to stay in the hole.
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>> oh, no! >> and the apollo 13 rescue, the baby jessica rescue, maybe on a sports plane when the u.s. hockey team beat the russians hockey team in the 1980 olympics. tell us about the media and how they handled it, tailor made for media. >> absolutely, i'll tell you the reason. the story had risk, there was a possibility that something bad could happen. had people we could care about and it was simple. we can all get our heads around it. it wasn't complex like so much of the news today. so it was an absolute perfect story, it had to be covered 24 hours a day. >> jon: it's one of those stories where the cameras are going to go away pretty quickly and what happens to the miners after that? >> well, that will be the book for journalists to go back to chile, 10 years from now, and one thing, the media usually doesn't focus on much, brotherhood, male teamwork aring the kind of things in sports teams and for the
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miners in the pennsylvania incident, seven or eight years ago where they're sticking together, not out of greed or capitalism or markets, just because they want to help each other get through this and this, louise, usura who seems to be the forman of the group he should be teaching lessons and others inspired how to get things done better. >> i was amazed they found the time and the kind of discipline, to have six hours of television coaching, which is what bloomberg reported. in other words, how they move their hands and shoulders, their expressions, what to do when the wife and mistress shows up (laughter) >> and all of that turns out to be real. >> jon: team for another break. first i'm going to work on my tv coaching. you come across a story of media bias, e-mail us at news watch. and the girls of the view goes berserk when bill o'reilly joins them.
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and a comic strip gets stripped from a paper. why? >> comic central stars planning to take their show on the road to the nation's capital. should the real news media ignore them? ignore them? an mmmmmm. mmmmmm. ignore them? an wow! you have got to be kidding me. 80 calories? light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. light & fit. irresistible taste. fewer calories. i love light & fit.
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>> now, let me break this to
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you. 70% of americans don't want that mosque down there. >> where did the we-- >> i'll, all i'm saying. >> americans do not want it down there. >> why is that? why not-- >> it's inappropriate. >> why is it inappropriate. >> and what do you-- >> on 9/11. >> oh, my god! >> muslims didn't kill us on 9/11, is that what you're saying? >> and extremists. >> and what they are-- i'm telling you, 70% of the country-- >> and it's an i don't ut rage-- >> (cheers) >> i want to say something to all of you.
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you have just seen what should not happen. we should be able to have discussions without washing our hands and screaming and walking off stage. my colleagues, should not have happened. >> after that, barbara fired them both (laughter) >> mid morning meltdown on abc's the view on thursday and bill o'reilly trying to give a view why most americans don't want a mosque built so close to the ground zero site in lower manhattan and whoopi goldberg and joy behar did eventually come back to the set when billionare ow nairoed extreme muslims. >> and what got lost in translation. >> could i hear that again. pinkerton says a thousand things a day i disagree with. if i walked out every time he
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said something. >> i mean, that doesn't mean owe really was right, that means you do not leave no matter how obnoxious the other people on the other side. >> i think it's the best thing that happened to the view for years. i'd like to see them walk off and both stay off. whatever happened to freedom of speech and they're liberals, supposed to be for that. o'reilly was expressing an opinion. that's not a walkout moment and that's engagement and b barbara walters was correct saying what she did. >> congratulations to barbara for calling out her colleagues. whoopi goldberg at this moment is promoting a book on decline of civility in america and she walks off the stage? please, case rests, o'reilly wins. >> jon: and the, restoring
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sanity. >> there was a startling announcement how some people in the new york american people can get to the rally. >> and and the bus will be there and we'll take you with us-- >> when are you leaving this-- >> we have many buses and the people to feed them, that's our promise. >> huffington oprahed the bus, you get a bus, everybody gets a bus, everybody gets a bus! >> and apparently, that's right. everyone who shows up in front of the huffington post offices on the 30th gets a bus ride to washington d.c. to be part of the comedy central rally or maybe just use it as a free trip to our nation's capital sort of like the casinos do. another viacom property mtv suppliesing buses for its employees, it sounded more like a call to arm. what about that, jim, busing employees down to washington.
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>> using shareholder money to pay for this, both the huffington post and viacom. this, you think the shareholders might think a better way to keep our-- >> well, ariana huffington wouldn't need to use shareholder money. >> she never uses her own money, she raises money and she might pay her reporters, most the bloggers aren't paid. >> whether she's a journalist or an activist you shouldn't be both. other thing i pointed out the jon stewart clip, it was funny, he was mocking her accent. can anybody think of another instance where, let's say a host was mocking the accent of an al sharpton or a gay person? how does he get away with this? >> and before we get off the double standard plane, maybe we should not be so offended by the buses at viacom as long as the chamber of commerce-- >> and we are apparently told its employees not to go. >> a very professional thing
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to do and they said not only that, but even a bumper sticker, even a yard placard, if it shows bias you should think about it. it shows a political view. >> the stewart thing could be huge and one of the reasons they're going to have music and washington d.c. is well-known for having college kids, it could be a woodstock by the time they get done. >> maybe that's be the-- >> no, it's-- you guys keep fighting, we have to take one more break. when we come back, a cartoon looked for muhammad gets the boot. >> a popular cartoon strip gets pulled from major papers because of the title. are they running scared? next, on news watch. ! " # $ / 0 i
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and at thousands of newly refreshed holiday inn hotels, you always can. holiday inn. stay you. and now stay rewarded with a sweet dilemma. up to five free nights at any of our properties or double points. >> jon: cartoon strips have been around even longer than cal has been writing a column. here a redeye host. >> the washington post removed the october 3rd none at the question tar from its rag. it mentioned not shows mohammad. there wasn't a picture of him anywhere but the post and other papers pulled it. andrew alexander and he asked why, it seemed to deliver provocations without a clear message. the point of the joke was not immediately clear. the reason is ambiguity.
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here is the cartoon. yeah, it's really outrageous so here we see another editor making a decision of upsetting religious fanatics. which leads me to the point. why does the media that we shouldn't exaggerate the threat of a is small group of radicals but changes tact when it comes to their own safety. if the average joe expresses anxiety over muslim fundamental vandalism they are called someone but if mohammad is not present, isn't that islam phobia they can't criticize the public for concerns over islam and pull this stunt over a fear they may get stabbed in front of a starbucks. it's governing principle in the newsroom is fear, get the hell off our backs for feeling pretty much the same way. for fox


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