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tv   Hannity  FOX News  October 19, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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be a popinjay. please remember the spin stops here, because we are definitely looking out for definitely looking out for you. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. the time has come to pick up the campaign signs and engage because this is how we are going to affect change. >> this campaign was never about just putting within man in the white house. i know they don't know what to do with us. i think that passage put together gets them all wee-weed up. >> the listening better not stop once the elections are over because in could be a short-lived victory. >> they need basic care, health care. >> it is pure unadulterated socialism. >> we are going forward not backward.
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>> we don't work for you any more, nancy pelosi. you're fired. >> i don't have the time to pay attention to what they are saying about me. >> we have mortgaged our children's futures we have committed generational theft. >> i have one question, can we do this? >> the of 2010 that comes to the congress in january of 2011 is going to be very different from anything we've seen or heard before. >> sean: two weeks all that remains before election day 2010. with key races slipping from the democrats the party is getting desperate. candidates are stooping to new lows to maintain the majority. the nastyiest race of all in america appears ton if the senate battle in kentucky. in a moment, republican rand paul will join me first, let's review how this race has spiralled into the gutter. things turned ugly after democrat jack conway launched a malicious attack ad questioning paul's religious beliefs. based on anonymous quotes from
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a if "gq" magazine article a hot topic between the two. >> when is it a good idea to tie-up a woman and ask her to kneel before a false idol, your god that you call aqua buddha. >> jack you know how we tell you are lying? your lips are moving. do you know nothing about the process? you are going to stand there and accuse me of a crime 30 years ago from some anonymous source? how ridiculous are you? >> sean: in addition to confronting conway an at the debate paul has released an ad of his own. >> announcer: now conway is attacking paul's faith. rand paul keeps christ in his heart and in the life he shares with his wife and three boys. don't be fooled by conway's attack it is shameless, disgraceful, gutter politics at its worst. what kind of shameful politician would sink this low
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to bear false witness against another man to win an election? this one would, jack conway. >> sean: we've invited mr. conway to appear and are awaiting a response. his opponent rand paul joins us once again. dr. paul, welcome back. thanks for being with us. >> good to be with you, sean. >> sean: the first question is did you ever tiny women up aunt have them kneel before their god aqua buddha? did you ever do that? >> how do you respond to something so ridiculous. >> sean: i have to ask the question it is my job. >> here is high response in the debate was when -- when someone says when did you quit beating your wife? how could you respond? how do you spoken to things like hearsay and gossip from 30 years ago. there was a time when hearsay ands go sip was used to
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condemn men, 12th century venice. are we still in medieval times? >> sean: i can imagine maybe beyond a college prank of some kind that any college student you or anybody else tying up anybody and having them kneel before aqua buddha. >> look, i'm a pro-life christian. i've never written or said anything to indicate otherwise. i got up in my church when i was 17 and talked about how we weren't doing enough to stop abortion in my church. for them to say i'm not a christian is an unfair attack. to say all of these accusations are from anonymous sources. it really is strange that we live in a world, a medieval type of world where someone can an use you -- can accuse you through gossip and hearsay and you are supposed to
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respond from charges from people who you don't know, and you are supposed to respond to their specific allegations? i think we've stooped to a new low in america. >> sean: i agree. but we've seen a lot of these ads that have come out and charges, meg whitman being one out in california. i guess the questioning is, is the conway campaign now in a desperate search to find the anonymous person in the "gq" article? >> well, the interesting thing is, we are now finding democrats in our state condemning the ad. congressman yarmouth new louie is a -- in louisville is a democrat and has -- claire mccassel, many of his allies are seeing he's crossed the line and this may be the end of his campaign, because i think that people in our state when they see someone who viciously attacks another man's faith, and says that i'm
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not a christian, really, does that have any place in civil discourse? >> sean: no, i would agree. i think were you very clear in the debate. have you no decency? have you no shame? what profit a man to gain the world and lose your soul in the process? during that debate you said at the end i will not be shaking my opponent's hand. you stand by that decision? have you thought about the upcoming debate, you are now contemplating not going? >> i think a handshake is something that honorable men do. before when contracts when handshakes that expressed we were making an arrangement based on our honor. i don't think i can shake the hand of someone who shows and lacks honor, by attack a man's faith. really, i think that i can't imagine that i can shake his hand. i'm not sure if i can appear
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on the same stage as him. i think voters of kentucky deserve to learn about the issues. it is a program that i've been on before and i know the moderator to be an honest and fair man. so it is a tough decision. >> sean: you haven't decided yet? >> we are still thinking about it. it really -- it saddens my wife and my kids, my wife is a deacon in our local church. we've been going there since we came to kentucky. people at church come up to us and are saddened by the fact that people are condemning my religion who know me can you know a manuel enough to condemn his religion? i've met you a couple times but i could never say anything about your religion, one way or another. >> sean: especially if he's reaching back third -- 30 years, using an anonymous source to get there. it is fairly transparent this is an act of desperation on
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his part. we'll watch and see which way you zydeco on this whole thing. i think it is reflective of the times that we live in. the president has used some pretty incendiary language in recent weeks as well, trying to suggest that republicans want to suppress the voting blocs in this election. and certain demographics and certain groups of people. this is coming from the top. they've tacked fox news talk radio, they've attacked karl rove, ed gillespie, even the chamber of commerce. i assume it is going to get worse before it gets better. your thoughts? >> i think the attacks are because they don't want to talk about obamacare, the largest tax increase in our history that's coming. they don't want to talk about cap and trade which will be a big energy tax. because my opponent is on the wrong side of all these issues, he's got to attack me, my
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religion and my family. i think it is disappointing. there's a lot of people out there, i think a lot of independent voters see this, know -- they don't like attacks from either side. when a guy gets so vicious like this, i think it may backfire. >> sean: governor palin was on the campaign stop and was asked the question if she thought the republican establishment and the tea party movement are gonna work hand-in-hand and move an agenda forward? she said if they don't then the republican party would risk its status as a second tier party and the tea party movement could emerge as an alternative. do you agree that assessment? >> i think the tea party is shaping the debate now. the candidates won many of the primaries. i think we are shaping the national debate and that's good. i also see the republican caucus and the republican party seems to be coming in our direction. i like what i hear about
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opposing more bailouts, stimulus packages and people who will stand up. one of the things that was particularly galling recently, 77,000 dead people received stimulus checks. 17,000 in jail received stimulus checks. those things are appalling. i think that gets the electorate up and i think will help turn our peep out to say we need new people in government. >> sean: rand paul, appreciate you taking time. thanks we'll be watching closely, thank you. >> thank you. >> sean: even the democratic candidate campaigning for the president's old seat is urn against the anointed one >> plus in one of the president's latest speeches he was sounding a little like carter. we'll tell you what he said that everyone talking. that and more coming up.
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>> sean: illinois senate candidate alexi giannoulias appears to be turning his back on the anointed one. in a recent interview he hammered the president on a number of fronts. giannoulias says the administration is not focused enough on jobs. and says the president has been too nice. alexi nobody would make the mistake of saying the same about you. stuart varney, dana perino, frank luntz and more, straight ahead. may be possible.
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lame arguments, you are not thinking clear -- clearly. it reminds me of carter. he told the american people the problem was not him, but them. remember this? >> i want to talk to you right now about a fundamental threat to american democracy. the threat is nearly invisible in ordinary ways. it is a crisis of confidence. it is a crisis that strikes at heart, soul and spirit of our national will. we can see this crisis in the growing doubt by the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of unity, purpose for our nation. >> sean: both carter and obama rode to office promising a government as good as the people. when their policies failed they turned on the people and said they were the problem.
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here to help analyze this the host of varney & company, stuart varney. and dana perino. guys, good to see you. crisis, confidence, malaise. we are not thinking racially stuart. we are afraid now. the american people are scared. >> we are not confused, scared and fearful, none of the above. we are angry. we have seen what president obama has done to us. >> sean: that's an emotional weakness to be angry. how dare you try unseat president carter as the worst president of my lifetime by placing obama ahead of him, how dare you do that! >> sean: my fault now. there's a certain level of disconnect and i think arrogance in what the president is saying. almost suggesting that the people are too stupid. we are just not strong enough, weather not tough enough to you follow through on -- we
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are not tough enough to follow through on his brilliance. >> if that is not what he meant that is how it came across. on the campaign trail he said conservatives cling to god and guns. and i that is going to follow him a long time. in those unguarded moments that's how you really think. >> the voters are not confused. they've seen what's happened to health care reform. boeing today says, 90,000 of its workers will not be able to keep the poll i -- the policy they like. debt we saw in the obama days we've added three trillion. it goes on and on. gallup says we've got 10% unemployment. we as vote kersee what has happened. we don't like it. we are not confused. it is crystal clear we are heading in the wrong direction. >> sean: look at the numbers, stu rothberg says 100 seats
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are in play, charlie cook at 97, politico pegs it at 99. >> the people are so scared they might vote for republicans. what are people asking for? to slow down the agenda as they've seen it. they are unhappy with the process. people are not just mad about the substance of the health care bill they are mad about the substance the czars. they want lower taxes and smaller government because that will lead to more jobs. >> the actual number of seats that the republicans win in the house or the senate, okay we don't know what that's gonna be. what we want to see is a repudiation of president obama's failed policies. >> i think the numbers already show that. five been in the pr business for 15 years. it is a losing strategy to blame the voters for your loss. i don't know how he pivots on november 3rd, to try to win back a lot of hearts and minds. >> sean: we just went over
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this with rand paul. what i think is an attack of desperation. we are seeing this all over the country. the one thing that is very clear, crystal clear in this election, democrats cannot run on their achievements. they can run on the economy. >> they are running away from health care reform. >> sean: two more democrats bailed on nancy pelosi today, they are running against her. >> president obama said that facts and science are not winning the day. that's precisely what is winning the day. when you have all of these facts that are not in their favor and they can't spin out of it. >> sean: if he believes facts and science are not winning the day and the argument, does that mean he digs in deeper, doubles down, triples down on socialism? if he's got a republican house, senate, certainly not as large a majority in the senate, does he have any inclination to move from the center? >> no, i think the man is an
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ideologue he would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the center. however, he may be dragged. when you have this lame duck sitting with a 10% unemployment rate, i think it will be 10%, that changes the political calculus. it is hard to give another big new stimulus plan or card check. very hard to get that through with 10% unemployment. >> sean: dana, the last word. >> by saying voters are scared and that's why you see this reaction he's setting the expectation that he will blame them. so it will be our fault in addition, this week he came out and said 15 senate seats are in play. there's no objective analyst saying 15 seas are in play. i thought when they only lose seven or eight they will say it wasn't that bad. >> sean: he's governed against the will of the american people. as a strategy democrats have attacked the american people. >> i tried to explain their strategy but it is kind of inexplicable. >> sean: desperation.
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good to see you both. we have the latest poll numbers. we'll tell you who fared well and could soon be saying farewell. much more coming up next. they come to us for help. at ge capital, we've been financing taylor guitars for over eight years, helpi them build a strong dealer network. bringing music to people... i like that. ♪ ♪ [ bob ] i didn't know you could play. i didn't either. ♪ we get double mi on every purchase. echo! so we earned a trip thgrand canyon twice as fast. uhoh. we get double miles evy time we use our card. i'ltake these. no matter what we're buying. plus the damas. and since double miles add up quick, we can bring the whole gang.
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>> sean: tonight brand new fox polls have gop candidates holding a steady lead in several states. the race for west virginia's senate seat may have tightened by raese still leads. strickland trails kasich. colorado senate race neck-and-neck with buck leading democratic senator bennet by only one. in missouri six point lead
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could be enough to carry blunt to victory over carnahan in the state's heated senate race. with just weeks until election day what do these numbers mean for the gop? are the days of a democratic majority as good as dead? here with reaction is tucker carlson, margaret hoover, both fox news contributors. am i living in a fantasy? as i woke this morning, my mind is clear the birds are chirping, i'm thinking imagine no nancy pelosi as speaker, no harry reid as majority leader. barn if i frank in jeopardy. historic election. >> i think you can dream, dream and be excited about the possibility of nancy pelosi no longer being third in line for the presidency. in terms of the senate we have to see. this manchin very popular, 70% almost approval ratings in west virginia is running to the right of the republican. as tucker said even running to
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the right of tucker. >> not that that's possible. >> that is going to be tough to watch raese has had a bad couple of weeks. >> sean: why? manchin is a popular governor nearly 70% approval rating. he takes a rifle and aims at the cap and tax bill. a guy who supported a carbon tax in his state of west virginia now firing a bullet through the cap and tax bill. is he going to successfully pull off that don't worry about me i'm going to stand up to obama? >> if you ask west virginians who is a truer west virginian man -- manchin wins by a broad margin. it is a democratic state, we imagine it is this republican state it not he hasn't ever been. it is a lot like arkansas in that regard. a get margaret whenever you have a democrat with a deer
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rifle firing into democratic legislation is -- >> bill clinton was the last democrat to own the state. democrats are bleeding white working-class voters. manchin is one of those their guys. >> sean: it seems like the reagan democrats in pennsylvania, ohio, wisconsin are coming home. maybe not in west virginia or not in enough members. if he's a 70% approval rating as governor and raese is still ahead. >> it is a charismatic leadership of that personality. if manchin pulls it out it is because he is running against obama and he's so popular as governor. i think it will come down to the wire. >> it is not about the individual candidates. on the margins that matters. it is about the president. obama by the way -- >> sean: all these polls show that. when you ask if obama's economic policies help or hurt -- >> i should put a finer point
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on it. it is not they dislike his personal stuff, they don't like his ideas and legislation and they despite the health care. >> sean: west virginia one, nevada another, washington state is another, i think wisconsin is a big race. illinois is a big ray. any others? >> california certainly a big race. if meg whitman is able to pull it off in california that will be interesting for 2012 and beyond. also ohio if kasich wins that will be interesting for 2012. no republican has won the presidency post lincoln without winning ohio. if we have the gubernatorial seat the executive position in ohio you win the state. >> sean: there's got to be a reason why obama has gone into ohio 11 times. kasich's argument this is obama's firewall for 2012. you agree with that? >> of course it is.
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same with colorado, i think for spiritual purposes california the senate race -- >> sean: spreur wall because they have pot legislation? >> the cosmic battle between good and evil. >> sean: brown is evil? >> no one is evil. boxer and fiorina for republicans is the sort of race if boxer were to lose, -- [ unintelligible ] that would be like the most satisfying victory. >> sean: those polls show that boxer got a little bounce but still below 50. both rays pretty much within the margin of error. if this is a blue state, tough win for whitman. >> there are public sector unions running hard. because they know it is the end of them meg whitman has made it clear if she wins she will take them on tooth and nail. >> sean: what race are you looking at to say this
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represents major shift change? >> if christine o'donnell wins every one of my neighbors is moving to cana . for me that -- moving to canada. for me that would be a personal effect. >> sean: if they keep dismissing christine o'donnell why does the president keep going back company >> i'm not. >> sean: she a great appearance in that debate. [ talking over each other ] >> a lot of these house races we need watch, beilat taking on frank, 50% independent district. it could win. >> voters in new bedford come to their senses. sean i'm sure they are listening to you tucker. good to see you. next, frank luntz and his nevada focus group react to the political ad blitz hitting the airwaves with harry reid and sharron angle. will it affect how they vote come election day? frank asks a very contentious group, coming up, straight
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with a long-term asthma control medicin like inhaled corticosteroids. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop symbicort without loss of control, and prescribe a long-term asthma control medicine. be sure to see your doctor if yoursthma does not improve or gets worse. symbicort is a good choice to help control my asthma all day and night. [ inhales ] [ exhales ] ask yr doctor if symbicort is a good choice for you. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. . >> sean: the national debt has increased three trillion on the anointed one's watch according to numbers released yesterday. what is the president's out of control spending gotten us? sky high unemployment. numbers put the unemployment rate at 10% up from july where it stood at 9.2%. news flash, mr. president this is why democrats across the country will lose on november 2nd. back in 90 seconds with frank luntz.
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>> sean: the race for nevada's senate seat is heating up between harry reid and sharron angle. frank luntz went to the new york new york hotel casino in vegas and got reaction from voters directly. both are releasing a slew of political ads and they are trying to rack up votes for election day. >> let's first start with a
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sharon angle ad that guess at what is happening here in nevada and tries to hold one of nevada's leaders accountable. >> they are not stacks they are people the father who got -- they are not statistics they are people. the father who got laid off. the frightened senior who sees half home value disappear. we tried it harry reid's way and it didn't work. time to end the bailouts, reckless spending, higher taxes and put nevadans back to work. >> group, when she talks about the challenges facing the states, you all agreed with her. when she said harry reid was responsible. that's where the split came. by a show of hands, how many of would you say the state is really suffering? really suffering? we all agree there is a problem. can't we hold reid somewhat responsible for it? >> a lot responsible for it.
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>> i'm not asking for a lot. how many would you say he's somewhat responsible? would you support him? >> yes, because i want someone seasoned to fight for nevada, plain and simple. >> i support him because he's looking out for jobs for us. >> you support him because he's a democrat like you but he needs to be held accountable. he can't take all of the credit and none of the blame. >> first of all, i'm president of the black republican round table i've been a republican for over 25 years i'm a reasonable republican, nobody tells me who to vote for. i don't care what is behind your name. >> every citizen in nevada is responsible for who we we elect and how we challenge our leaders. >> i that i he's been supporting, supporting in the past he was good. now, yeah he's partly responsible. >> no one person is going to fix this problem. i would rather have somebody in there that is going to slow down. stop spending all our money.
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stop trying to tax us. and stole trying to think you know better than we do. >> i wanted you at hope -- you see this 30 second ad. it suggests that angle is too extreme. >> announcer: sharron angle voted against background checks to identify sex predators. she against enforcing restraining orders that protect victims of domestic violence. she says rape victims hud be -- should be forced to have the baby. sharron angle would wipe out social security, medicare and privatize the va. >> is angle too extreme? >> far too extreme we are seeing the coached age gull now not the real angle who had these radical ideas many years ago. >> the debate shows she is reasonable. >> we've seen a real reid and angle is what we need for nevada. >> we'll be going backwards.
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>> are those ideas less government? >> that is not the extreme part. the extreme parts are the other things she has said and done and she couches it in good terms but she is she is dangerous. >> like what? >> likecjx, you destroy an eagle's egg you go to jail. if you destroy a human egg you get supported by the government. >> come on jack it is not that simple. >> privatizing social security. supporting yucca mountain is crazy, she extreme. -- she is extreme. >> we've seen extreme since the democrats took over. >> i want to show one more ad. any time viagra enters into politics, i'm interested in the result. >> want to know how out of touch harry reid is 787 billion dollars is a start.
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voting to give illegal aliens special tax breaks. here's the kicker, reid voted to use taxpayer dollars to pay for viagra for convicted child molesters and sex offenders. >> i to ask you guys are you up for the viagra ad? >> ridiculous. >> this is a perfect example of why most of us are muting the tv when these ads come on. they are getting away from the issues. >> the viagra ad was very misleading. 2,000 plus page bill that was one piece of it, one of the misleading ads. >> my understanding is that there was an amendment that he could have voted for would have taken that out. >> these are silly, getting ridiculous. she a change, somebody different. i'm not a huge supporter, it is time to do something different. >> how many angle supporters would tell sharron angle to
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remove that ad ad? maybe she is making a mistake. >> let's remember what nancy pelosi said. first we must pass the bill before we know what's in it. they should have read it. >> in those ads she looks nevada in the eye and lies. you can't get all of your information from am talk radio. >> come on! >> everybody has been talking reid, angle, how about nevadans don't really have a clear choice? i'm a lifelong democrat, i do not vote party. i'm going to hold my nose and vote for harry reid for this reason only. in 2008 people they wanted change and they voted for obama, whom i did not, they got the change. and look at what happened. reid, as you have pointed out, is the most powerful man in the united states senate. she will have zero power and authority.
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>> if all these politicians would take every ad off or if one did, they would get a ton of votes. >> how many of you by show of hands would tell both to stop the negativity? how many would say don't tell is wrong with your opponent, tell is right with you? how many would tell reid and angle you owe nevada one more debate? >> we know enough and we've heard enough. >> sean, we got consensus on two out of the three. even if we don't have silence from the group at the end. i love nevada. i hope it comes back. i love spending time here. you got to give them credit they are about the feistiest voters in america. >> sean: let not your heart be troubled our great, great american panel, straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] opportunity
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just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies? [ glass shatters ] more passion for the one you love? more fun with your family and friends? it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone, or low t. c'mon, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to
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to find out more. >> sean: tonight on our great american panel. actress best known for her role on "dallas." morgan brittany is back. nation -- he was national campaign manager for howard dean. fox news contributor, except for his political views, a good guy. joe trippi. he's the host of war stories here on the fox news channel colonel oliver north is back. guys thanks for being with us. we've got the west virginia senate debate gets feisty. let's roll the tape. >> i'm not a rubber stamp for anybody never have been. in the spirit of senator byrd, he didn't care who the president was if they were wrong, they were wrong no matter what political party. i will operate in the same
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vein. >> certainly sounds like a career politician to me. i'm not out for special interest i'm sure governor manchin prides himself on special interests, i'm not. the reason we are concerned now about what president obama has done, if you are in business today, i defy anybody to supply a business plan moving forward. it is virtually impossible. >> sean: can manchin pull off he's not going to vote with the democratic leadership? >> this is taking place eight miles from home. i've been in afghanistan, but raese, very close and it shouldn't be. manchin who should have this thing sewn up, he's well within the capability of losing because he is tied at the hip with barack obama. >> sean: raese is winning, manchin is popular.
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maybe it is a little effective, he's closed the gap a little in the latest poll. >> one of the things i think manchin's popularity is working against him. people can vote foray and keep their popular governor. and -- for raese and keep their popular governor and tell obama they are angry at him. although i think raese has made mistakes in the last couple of weeks. came out against minimum wage in a state like west virginia with coal miners a lot of people out of work. regardless of what you think should happen about the minimum wage it was a mistake politically. >> after the 2008 obama victory, and the last two years that we've had, i believe that the american people are looking at all of these debates, new york, west virginia, all of these debates and looking at these people like their lips are moving but they are lying to
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me they are not believing it any more. they are not believing what these politicians are saying. it is fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me. i'll tell you something, the people are not going to accept it any more. whoever wins, in the next two weeks, they are going to hold their feet to the fire.7f >> sean: i'm tolding all republicans this is not a republican ascendancy is a conservative ascendancy. they are going to get into office and they are going to be on probation. probably the most bizarre debate took place in new york. you've got a candidate from the rent is too damn high party. a former madame running on the anti-prohibition party line. a green party member, libertarian. then you got this nut charles baron in this debate. and then you the republican and democratic candidates. here's how it went down. >> i represent the rent is too damn high party. people working eight hours a day and 40 hours a week and
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some a third job. women can't afford to take care of their children, feed their children. >> the taxes will force businesses out of state. businesses will leave this state quicker than carl paladino at a gay bar. >> cuomo will be the king of lay-offs. that's why you better go with me. in guy gets in you are going to be laid off. >> i'm not your typical new york politician. i've never been caught with a prostitute. my dad wasn't governor. and i've never been convicted of a crime. so you may not be used to me as a politician. >> sean: the rent is too damn high party. former madame. black panther. >> i used to be a taxpayer in the state. i'm glad i'm no longer -- this is the new zoo review. gives new meaning to the lincoln-douglas debates. >> sean: it does. >> the rent is too damn high. >> sean: he said it 50 times
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in the debate. >> i think this debate that works for cuomo because they all got lost -- >> sean: 90 minute debate he spoke for 12 minutes, paladino spoke for 12 minutes. >> i think it is a bunch of gobbledygook that went out there and didn't have any effect on cuomo which is what he wanted. >> sean: i'm thinking the madame has more experience she says her services are better, on time she is bringing that experience to albany, in new york. >> if you put will ferrell and steve corell on that panel. >> sean: if "saturday night live" doesn't start with that they have totally missed it. we to take a break. let me get my football. more with our great, great american panel, straight ahead. [ male announcer ] it simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stain motion.
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>> sean: before we get back to our panel let's take a look at a clip. it gives us an inside look at the next us is between taliban and opium and how this drug trade fuels the insurgency. >> launched well before dawn,
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40 operators head sit east flying between the soaring peaks of the hindu cush. with the sunup the russian helicopters and three gunships close in on the target. >> the men and women of the dea realize the stakes are very high here in afghanistan. we take this very seriously. we are here to assist our u.s. troops in every way we can. we feel by every operation we go out and are successful we are taking money from the taliban. >> sean: nice guys -- these guys are amazing. you have been 21 times now? >> these are the best we've had. they don't want the election issue to get squandered. >> sean: by the way this is an issue. in illinois, new york asked for an extension in terms of military ballots sent out. they were supposed to be sent out in mid september. they an october 1st, extension
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and still haven't sent them out. that means -- does that mean our military gets disinfranchiseed, their votes? >> absolutely. >> sean: was this done on purpose? where is eric holder? >> they should get their ballots. when you see what these guys -- what our people are doing, what they are putting their lives on the line everyday and can't vote it is crazy. >> sean: you have been a big supporter of the military? >> absolutely if that if our military is disinfranchised that is a crime. they should have their votes done first. >> sean: if they screwed the up now we ought to ensure if they want their ballot in, it ought to count. >> how can something like this happen? i don't understand. >> it is called incompetence. >> sean: same people that are going to run your health care. >> and the financial system
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and everything else. >> sean: right joe? just because you supported that monstrosity, i'm not holding it against you. maryland's governor mate you got o'malley and ehrlich this is what o'malley says, says new americans did not drive wall street into a ditch, didn't have regulators look the other way while credit markets were crashed and driven into the ground. new americans didn't get us into a series of unfunded wars that has driven up the debt. he's talking about illegal immigrants. >> seven issues matter. you are the political strategist i'm the guy that just got back from overseas. health care mandates. number two, 1.2 trillion dollar bailout, stimulus whatever you call it. bailouts, buy-outs and foreclosures. coming tax increases and the 1099, $600 to any subcontractor. cap and trade energy affect
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that west virginia race in a big way. protecting america's borders and the war. those are the only issues that matter. >> this is an insult to people who did it the right way. i'm so tired of all of the people, all of americans who do things the right way, do the right thin, pay their mortgages on time, do everything legally. then they -- what are we just stupid? are we just idiots? >> wasn't it one of your guys that came up with the expression, it's the economy stupid. ? >> it is the economy this year. >> sean: illegal immigrants are new americans? they are not. they did not respect our law and sovereignty, joe. >> i don't think that is what he was talking about. he was saying there should be a pass -- >> sean: he's calling them new americans. they are not in the country legally.
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>> no. >> sean: don't you have to be a citizen? >> to be a new american, yes. but i think we're talking about semantics not about what he was talking about. he was talking about there has to be a path to citizenship. we can scapegoat people. >> sean: no is scapegoating. >> you have to protect the borders. [ talking over each other ] >> i don't think his border has a lot to do with it. >> he enforces the law. isn't he the chief law officer? >> he's done a good job in the state of maryland, i think. >> ehrlich stands a chance, he did a good job. >> i don't know about ehrlich -- >> are you better off since nancy pelosi, harry reid and barack obama came to town? >> people who do it right and legal lawyer the new americans.