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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  October 23, 2010 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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doesn't slam the brake on the entrepreneurial spirit integral part of culture in america. >> glenn: last thought. >> too many people fear failure, they fear regret and not trying because we have one trip on this earth. >> glenn: amen, brotr. live your life. you were born here for a reason. you have freedom, unlike anybody else. live. don't exist. live. live. from new york, good night. captioned by closed captioning services, inc welcome to "red eye" it is like citizen cane if by cane you mean coke. now to andy levy for a pre game report. what's going on knight rider? >> mel gibson may like the booze, but it looks like he won't have the hangover. you will see what i did there straight ahead. and a new service in maryland let parents rent drug-sniffing dogs. some say it is a great idea, but others say, dude, that's so not cool.
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and what is the late e news from the sub basement headquarters of media matters? greg? >> thank you, andy. >> thou that was sealed in the nativity, display of nature and son of hell. >> thou detestable and piece of witch craft. thou thing of no bowels. >> these things are getting harder to write. >> i know, i know. i welcome unmitigated pain in your life. >> go away. let's welcome our first guest. it is mary smith. it is the co-founder of "who said, you said .com." she is so cool hello kitty owns a mary smith backpack. and he knows conservative it talk like i know outlines in chalk. yes, i am a horrible man. and my repulsive sidekick, bill shultz. bed bugs actually spray for him. and fox business network reporter chris codder.
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he knows corporate takeovers like i know sexy makeovers. i am getting one this weekend. >> good for you. >> and our "new york times" correspondent, good to see you, pinch. >> why can't middle aged women have long hair? better question, why can't a 100-year-old paper have hair, period? i would love bill shultz's hair, it is perfect. he is so gorgeous. >> he is riddled with life. >> so talented. >> go back to sleep. [mowning] >> okay. mike they like, but medical can go to hell. mel gibson's cameo in" hangover 2" after cast and crew protested him being in the flick. according to his source, zach what's his face, and others were outraged the actor would
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be part of the film considering his current problems. what are they? felt he would damage their film. and yet the same folks seem to have no problem resuscitating the career of crazy pants mike tyson who appeared in the first "hangover." says a pal of mel, it is such a huh poke craw see. they cast a convicted rapist, mike tyson, but 86th mel. they replaced mel with a toy-loving parrot. i believe we have the addition tape. -- audition tape. >> from personal experiences, those relationships don't work out. >> the parrot was just as abusive as mel. >> why is tyson okay and mel wasn't? >> the 86 mel, that was the last time tyson had a career.
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why does this resuscitate my tyson's career? it did not. i don't know if mike tyson is okay, but it didn't do anything for his career. >> baby steps for tyson. he is learning to take things slowly and hopefully people will forget he was a crazy, insane maniac who bit off somebody's ear. my theory is time makes all things less bad. >> right. there is a window between what happened with tyson and what is happening right now with mel gibson. i think "the hangover" is a perfect title for his memwiors , among other things. >> good point. are the film makers wimps? >> i thought you couldn't spare feelings for comedy. and isn't the industry that rallies around roman polanski and woody allen and the like? >> zach would be in a roman polanski movie. he would be in a woody allen movie. >> if they were to do a "road
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trip" scene, anything that represents mad max would be awesome. >> mad max now would be great. it would be the greatest movie ever. bill, you could be in that movie. you could be in the scene where they ride the motorcycles around that person and they start ripping their clothes -- you could be that person. >> that would be awesome. call me hollywood people. >> you would have to borrow andy levy's jacket. >> i couldn't wear the jacket because of the bed bugs. >> he is normally a very funny individual. i don't get this. if he was playing a tatoo artist, which is apparently the role, hiding out and being a tatoo artist, they are replacing him withly yes, ma'am knee -- liam-niesen. the news.eplacing somebody >> i remember him in "dark man." >> "love actually" was his
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finest role. >> and justin bateman? >> "may-december romance." >> that's the only romance he can have with justine baitman -- bateman. to the greg-alogue. so many are calling for the de funding of npr. why should americans pay for some so fundamentally anti-american. let's face it, they didn't fire ron williams for expressing an independent opinion. it was an opinion that didn't jive with theirs. and he did so on fox news. two word that bring a pain sneer across the con torted listener. but now everyone can see the duplicity. they suddenly -- then suddenly juan is fired. if it wasn't because of his views, what was it? was it because he was black
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and didn't do what he was told? i am one of the few to say keep funding npr. if we don't they will go away. we can't have that. we need them around to remind ourself what's subsidized failure look like. we can . to them and -- we can point to them and say, yeah, we are letting them live. it is like letting the drunk wipe down the tables for pocket change. which leads me to the thing with rachel maddow. remember she accused a man of having advanced knowledge of the oklahoma bombing? remember she blamed it on an editing mistake and mocked those who corrected her. it was scary. >> extremely angry with me. extremely angry with me extremely angry with me. >> someone never got a pony for christmas. if you want to see the face of the angry and entitled, that was it. how else do you explain
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someone assuming and their approach? what do you say to someone with a heads up to 9/11. just kidding, we will fix that in edit. if you disagree you with a racist edit-phobe. >> before everybody here trashes on npr because i know we are, i want to go to you, bill. you made an interesting point in the meeting that nobody brought up yet. >> the fact of the matter is, if you think npr is a bashing of communism and destroying democracy, you don't listen to npr. it is about 5% political and 90% cooking with cale. that's all. t is. >> where did the cale come from? >> i don't know because i missed the program today. i tried to find headphones. >> it is interesting. i have to be honest. i assume the way people assume fox news. fox news is a crazy right wing
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death star. npr is that noodling left wing mush. i would actually listen to it in five years. i would believe on listen to it by force. >> wait, wait, don't tell me. every saturday it is delightful. >> is it good to have them around christmas? >> i am with you. i haven't listened to them all things considered. they go to uganda and you could hear it in the background. i like that. i'm good are to that. now that i consider all things and now that i have andrew's opinion, i don't listen anymore. >> do you go there to torture yourself? >> i went to the university of florida and every one of the proves -- professors worked at pbs or the sound scaips radio station. they were like a slow-moving drill and grinding it into your forecast. >> i was introduced to it car pooling from berkeley to san
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francisco. i had no choice listening to npr and i wanted to kill everyone i heard. that was my experience from a couple years ago. what do they get? $78 million over three years, $90 million for member nation stations, but it is murky. people call it a shell game because we don't know where the money is going. >> every time i listen in, it is a shake down the listener telethon. if they remove the tax money and turn it into all the time telethon, how long will rachel maddow last? >> would a right wing slant be subsidized in america? >> no way. >> i think it is interesting and he made a . to the fox audience which i don't know if you can prove this. it is actually more tolerant than the npr audience. all of the complaints about juan williams having different
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opinions. they fired him because the viewers didn't like him. you don't have that on fox news. on fox news he hosts o'reilly when he is not there. so fox news is more open minded than npr, the vastness of open mindedness. >> the npr donors got him fired. you call in once a year and you get your khaki tote bag with the -- >> i put my weed in it. >> you do put your weed in it. it is actually a weed bag. >> it is. >> it is a satchel. good point though, it is not i hate npr. i hate people who love npr. that's what it is. it is the people who say they listen to it, and they say they enjoy it. those are the people i want to strangle. >> you can apply that to a lot of people you hate. you don't necessarily hate environmentalism, you hate environmentalists. >> many people like npr.
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>> to fund or not to fund? >> de fund. >> it won't matter. it will still be around. >> it may still be around, but we hospital have government subsidized propaganda. that's not the way americans want to live despite getting the handy coffee mug. >> we need privately funded propaganda. >> buy your own coffee mug. >> npr says the incident centers around a collision of values. npr's values with fact-based objective journalism versus the tendency for the news media to promote one side. >> how awesome would it be if their only buds man's name was andrea levey? >> and they met at a coffee shop and were starved and hooked up. >> and she looks like ellen degeneres too. >> who knows? from big babies to bad
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billionaires. he is giving a million to fight glen and bill. he announced he is donating the doctor evil los sum of $1 million to the bed wetting bottom feeders. yeah, $1 million. and now you are asking yourself, why is greg talking about this group of hacks that don't take seriously? it is time for red eye robot theater. he asked him what he is getting for his dollar. >> so, eric. i hope you like the million dollars. >> yes, we are very grateful. we need your money because we could never earn any in the real world. >> but i must ask, why are you called a senior fellow? >> it impresses the interns. also because i am a grown man who likes to say things like epic fail. >> well, i just see a bunch of white men hunched overcome piewters.
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>> that's not true. we are very diverse. we have one young white man. >> i must ask what exactly do you do? >> we write press releases about fox newschannel and how evil and bad they are. then we send them out. then we write press releases about fox newschannel and how evil and bad they are. >> good. but i want more. >> like what? >> do you work out? >> sometimes. >> would you exercise in front of me? >> i don't see how that's relevant. >> i gave you a million dollars. >> would you like me to take off my shirt? >> why stop there? >> i suppose i could dance like a monkey. >> i would also like you to get on your hands and knees and say "please daddy, don't hurt me." >> right now? >> yes. >> okay. >> and also, get the lotion. with a million dollars, it should buy a lot of it. and i always get what i pay for. >> another work of art by
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those robots. they get to the heart of every matter. chris, you are the business guy. what is his beef with america? where did this start? >> what it gets down to, fox is getting under his skin. it is a new world order. he resisted overall these years and it shows at fox. no matter how much money he has to promote the new world order, they are getting it under his skin. >> i can't get mad. he is a billionaire, but it is like dr. evil. a million dollars. that could get uh year's rent in new york. >> at least. and i don't know why you couldn't come up with an old fat guy for your video. but that is very flattering photo. he looks nothing like that. he is kind of dr. evily. >> and he doesn't have a british ago sent. -- british accent. >> yeah, and he is not a robot. >> but he is an old fat guy. >> andrew, he just threw a
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pile of money at npr. is that a conspiracy, or more importantly, is that a conspiracy? >> nothing makes your radio company seem more unbiased, ethical, out to seek the truth like having 100 people hired by george sorrows and installed on your roster to go out there and do whatever george sorrows orders them to do from high on top of his castle. >> why, bill? why is he intent in doing this, and why should we care? >> he is a billionaire and he is passionate about politics and he happens to be a democrat. if you have a lot of money to spend -- >> there are not enough democrats at npr. we need diversity around here. >> there is always a democrat. >> he was a cap capitalist for awhile. >> a lot of republicans have become democrats. that's the problem. and the democrats have one billionaire. that's it.
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the republicans have -- >> they are millionaires. the republicans have a slew of them. nobody talked about david cook and him funding the entire tea party, the grassroots tea party. he is doing the exact same thing. >> i just think he wants to take over the radio network because the roster won't sound like him. >> i don't like fox news. >> media matters doesn't matter. the people who will read what they are putting out there will read it anyway. >> it comes down to what you believe. >> i don't like any name with the name sore in it. >> it just reminds you of the past. >> and the upcoming future. they never leave you. >> there are all kinds of lefty groups. this cycle, they are not buying what he is selling. they areville fying a different point of view. >> there you go. i don't trust him at all. i almost sound like o'reilly.
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my cousin, seth, is going to the movies and probably will see "the social network." first, drug-sniffing dogs you can hire to find drugs in your kids' room? yes, drug-sniffing dogs you
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is this the worst sort of mark? it is the kind -- the worst sort of narc? the one that can bark? maryland is the latest state to offer a cannibus-sniffing canine to overly protective parents. am i high? dogs finding drugs will unleash their hound into the
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house of an alleged burnout where the poochy police sniff out even the slightest amount of skunkiness. says the owner of the doggie deputies, quote, i knew when my kids were growing up, every once in awhile i would like to know what they were doing. the need and desire are there. and they could root out guns and explosives as well. let's watch one in action. shall we? >> the canine detection for firearms and narcotics is something a family could use. if they suspect their children are into drugs or maybe concealing weapons, we can come in unannounced. maybe the children are not home and we can check the house and the car. >> bring it back to me, dog. bring it back to me. >> sadly not all drug dogs can make the cut.
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isn't that right, wallly? >> clearly he didn't just stop at finding the narcotics. by the way, that clip was only three seconds long. you are so high you thought it was like 20. it was only three seconds. >> we have an audience full of walllies. >> as i was loading up this morning. mary, is this a great thing for parents or a terrible injustice to their kids? >> come on, i'm the only mom here. what happened to the good old days -- >> i'm a mother of five, thank you very much. >> take a look. look in your tissue box. if you suspect it, do it yourself. you don't need a bomb-sniffing dog. >> i have to ask you, chris, how would you have responded
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if mom and dad did this to you? >> i would have spent my entire allowance on maxwellhoust the marijuana under to fool the dog. i heard that didn't work though. >> it worked in that movie. >> i was told peanut butter. >> it is sticky, and you can use it later. >> andrew, should a teen's right to privacy be considered, and i am kidding when i ask that. >> some of the mothers will find out there are way worse things to find under a teen aiming boy -- a teenage boy's bed. >> like a corpse. >> or naked old people monthly. >> that only ended up there because it was left there by a boarder. >> or a hoarder if you see how many issues i have. it will be worth something some day. and only the center folds. and they are extra long because they are saggy. >> it is the human body!
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>> bill, something tells me you would actually hire these dogs to help you find drugs. >> here i am. i am with dogs with drugs. go on, lassie. >> we will go burn these -- in my mouth. no, i don't have a problem with this. you would need a really strung out kid to not see this. they are across the street and you hide them in the yard and give them to uncrazy parents next door. if you are so f-ed up on drugs you deserve to get caught and possibly get arrested and go to rehab. >> i live in denver where there are more medical marijuana outlet than starbucks, what happens with the dogs whether they are next door or whether it crews it up. i don't know. >> i would just go wherever. you probably make more money
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getting the drugs. >> i want to know where the comer is, "i learned it from you, dad! i learned it from you"! >> do you have a comment on the show? it is red eye at fox news .com. to leave a voice male call 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by baby brant. it has swept across europe and promises to make a splash here in the states on holiday season. thanks, baby pants.
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welcome back. let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong so far. for that we go to andy levy. andy, what's shaking in the members only world? >> my left quad, greg. >> why? >> i worked out hard this morning. lots of squats and lungs. and then i went to the -- lots of squats and lunges and then i went to the gym. the members only comment was hysterical. i couldn't leave without commenting on that. it was really, really funny. >> you could ridicule how i dress, if you like. >> why should tonight be any different? mel gibson won't be in "hangover 2". you wouldn't call it resuscitating mike tyson's career, but since they he has been on "entourage" and presented at the globes and
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going to the movie"co2". >> i guess where he came from, i guess it has. >> oh yeah. bill, you said "love actually" was niesen's finest role. and he was one of the greatest films ever made. but have i to go with "dark man." >> andy, the original name of "love actually" was [explative" actually. >> i wish they would do that again because it demands a sequel. >> the last time you saw the shouldou spent the night on the couch. and you will do it again tonight. >> luckily my nickname is couch. you lose, andy. >> by the way, my guess is there are people who wouldn't have gone to see "hangover 2" if gibson was in it, so a good move with him not in it. >> or they go for the curiosity of him in it.
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>> and "hangover 2" is a great title. >> yeah, hours on that. yeah, mel did awful things, but he did "apocolypto." how can he come in and say like, i don't want to be with this guy. >> remember "what women wouldn't"? he could read women's thought, greg. he could read women's thoughts, america. >> too bad for him he lost that ability somewhere down the road. >> he could read women's thoughts. >> that was fiction. >> women. >> greg-alogue, edit-phobe is not a word. >> fear of editing mistakes? >> it is now. >> also, i don't believe you are going to fix what you said about rachel maddow having knowledge of 9/11 in edit. >> no, in case they have to apologize i can point to the
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greg-alogue and say, edit mistake. i was thinking ahead of the curve. >> greg, here is why i love rachel maddow. she linked conservatives to the oklahoma city bombing. and then she goes after fox news for fear mongering. she does it without a trace of irony or realization that she is a hipocrite. that takes mad skills. >> i have a crush on her ability to not see things correctly. >> and i spilled skills with a "z." >> that's mad skillz. >> and refer together program all things considered, they changed the name to some things considered. andrew, how do you feel about npr? >> not a fan. i do not like it on facebook. >> really? >> i did not click on pr. >> you feel that strongly? >> yes, that strongly. you can see it in my face.
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>> mary, you said we hospital have subsidized propaganda, but shouldn't it be radio or television of any kind? >> yeah, we don't need the additional funding. people like the product they are buying, and they will support the product they are buying. if they don't want. it the government should not be the one providing it. >> this is not china. >> it is not china. >> but it will be. >> you can tell it is not china because we are in debt. >> chris, why does media matters need a million dollars. how much does it cost to watch tv and bang out a press released. >> have you seen the cost of ink these days? >> they are e-mailing it. it is zero cost. >> have you seen the cost of spell check these days? >> maybe they can do a specific telethon. maybe he can under if npr. >> i feel like all of this money is going for his lavish party.
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someone should investigate that. >> it is going to huge amounts of just for men gray -- >> and lotion. >> rent a drug dog. i agree with you. these are lazy ass parents. just search the room. >> go in the drawers and look in the kleenex box. the dog was looking for soap and stumbled on the drugs. >> parents are afraid to go through their kid's room because they would be violating their space. >> find me the right to privacy in the constitution, especially when it applies to a minor. >> i am so anti-drug i have gone -- i don't have other kids, but i wept to other rooms and searched for drugs. >> we will be at a party at somebody's house and they are like, i'm so angry right now about our drug problem. let's find out if they have drugs in this case.
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>> yes, i don't like to say stuff like this, but we are the real heroes. >> the true drug warriors. >> we are the true drug warriors. >> absolutely. >> no medicine cabinets. >> chris, hiding your stash and coffee doesn't work because the dogs can still smell the drugs. but if you traveling by car, take a cat tau log. the canine will not stop playing with the cat even if the cat was removed from the car. you know where i read that i am sorting to think we should have loaded them up a little more. see you later, alligator. so is chinese wine on america decline? it is making a splash. they call it the most powerful
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ad of the year, but what do they know? and the atlantic says it is a decade from now, the atlantic, the ocean spoke. the one-minute spot is against citizens against government waste. watch. >> wrong video. but i don't think you mind. can we see the real ad, please?
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>> you can change the future. you have to. join citizens against government waste to stop the spending that is bankrupting america. >> i hope that doesn't happen, or do i? andrew, what is this -- what is the purpose of this ad? i did not co -- >> i did not co lewd with the citizens. i think they are addressing what is known as the cycle where you go from spiritual beliefs to liberated courage to abundance and to apathy and come play sen see and them back into bondage. it is a cycle of revolution
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where according to alexzander frasier, all societies collapse under fiscal society as they vote for themselves -- >> this is "red eye." >> i was watching their expressions. >> bill want to skip all those in between and go to bondage. >> when is the bondage? >> if you google it, it will explain it. he was a scottish politician. >> you have a cycle in your basement. >> wait until you are on that cycle, you do not get out. no helmets for you. why would you. >> mary, is this -- people think it is bashing china, but isn't it bashing america? it is saying china is doing well. >> i thought the first video was scare yes, sir than the second video. villa fying an -- lillifynig
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the empire is not going to do help. >> i thought they are attractive. >> there are easier and better ways helping people think. i saw one at www. sound economy. >> i think that was a including. >> that message completely missed me. 10 seconds in i completely got distracted. >> but people are talking about it as a great ad. you want this future to occur. >> why wouldn't anyone? the future looks awesome. i would kill to work for those guys. that is a small portion of minority report. that was cool. >> more chini. >> chinese. >> no, chini. >> i am getting out of here. we have to take a break. more stories with our guest
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straight ahead. don't forget to buy my book. that's right, it is called "the bible of unspeakable truths. get your copy gnaw. if you buy one you can get the second one at the exact same price. >> you are a lot hotter in person. >> thank you.
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is a bride too young toed with if she is still spoon fed? what if a groom still wines when he colors outside the lines? here is proof other cultures suck. a boy gotten gauged to a three-year-old girl. the pre-k pair met on vacation with their respective families. but when they got home they missed each other. the parent arranged an engagement ceremony and bought the rings. they don't plan toed with for another 10 years, but that is still yucky. says the boy's father, "we know they may change their mind in the future, but what we do know at this date is that they are very happy and
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talk to each other every day." sources say the wedding reception promises to be an amazing event. they already hired entertainment. if that happens we will go to the wedding. this is what pisses me off. she is three and he is five. is this another example of a trophy wife? >> maybe. that trophy wife may not lose her baby fat. he said, please don't come in. the mother-in-law is a little nut. she can start torturing her future daughter-in-law right now. she is still in a crib. >> that's true. bill, with this age gap being five and three, how will they find anything in common? you know, strange foods, one is wearing diapers and one isn't. this will not work. >> truly they will grow together. first of all, have i to say baby marying babies, same old thing. but am i the only one that
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doesn't think they are adorable? the baby tuxedos, those are great. you know one of the bride's babies or the groom's babies will mess themselves, awesome. that would be hilarious. this will be the best wedding ever. >> who does the rings? who does the flowers? >> an adult brings the ring. you know how a baby brings the ripping, but a 90-year-old guy will bring the ring. >> on a diaper. oh, i can't wait. i hope they invite me. >> chris, do other cultures suck? >> no. >> can't we just admit it? >> human rights groups are engaged by this. they are not enraged by the stonings and the beheadings. it is based on religion that we try and put ourselves into. that's why they are so mad. >> it makes us believe that america is the greatest place in the world and other countries are weird, weird, weird. >> have you ever been to the country of hawaii? it is gorgeous.
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they speak our language. >> they rarely accept our currency. andrew, how long will this last? >> i am not afraid to say other cultures suck. he will be sitting there, i am trying to watch big bird and you keep pulling at my diaper. i just want to watch the big bird. >> that's bill though. we are talking about this couple. >> i wish them luck, but they suck. we are taking a break. more pointless crap when we come back.
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and now it is time for a look at the weather. >> the next one that could affect us later in the week. this is how it looks tomorrow. temperatures are going to be a few degrees higher tomorrow in the mid to upper 90s for most of us. afternoon thunderstorms are staying north of interstate 20, so it doesn't look like we will see that, maybe an isolated storm for sterling city or towards big lake, but really that is in the valley. the high will steer the storms away from us, and the cooler air will not make it into the valley until the weekend. >> that was a look at the weather, and now letsy take a look at this. -- let's take a look at this.
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>> now that's not that impressive. i used to get crabs at the
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mall all the time. >> it is mail time. the address is red eye at fox news .com. you write, i read. jim from leewood start things off. the fluorescent green butterfly just showed up. what should i do? very simple. do you have a camera nearby? remove your clothing immediately. photograph yourself near the fluorescent green butterfly. send the picture immediately to me, and then wait for further instruction. mark from huntington beach, california says, i don't have a comment on the show. what should i do? very simple. wait for the fluorescent green butterfly to show up. follow the instructions that i gave jim. if the butterfly does president show up, pretend it does and then follow it. curtis, you may be right, but there is no excuse of the
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picture of the mule. i don't think the mule is enjoying it. on a side note, call me. 245* is impressive. sackule e-mails us -- i >> sam mule e-mailed us, >> who is losing their mind? how about you? you claim to have been a fan of the show since 2005 when in fact the show didn't begin until february of 2007. anyway, i am taking your idea on board much like your mom did with me last night. we will close things out with andy levy. to remore shows go to
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you can watch us for the next two nights at 3:00 a.m. eastern time, midnight pacific
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time. coming up monday on the next "red eye" return appearances from criminal defense attorney remi spencer and thadeus mccoder will be here in studio. time to go back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> the nba regular season starts tuesday. how do you think lebron will be treated by the fans? >> he will be booed and he starts in boston. you know what the celtic fans will do. 15,000 in atlanta booing him in the first quarter. he needs a new pr agency. all he needs to do is play basketball. stop putting these bad tweets and stop pulling the race card and play basketball and it will die down. >> do you think it will die down? >> eventually. the first time he goes on the road in every one of these cities he will get hammered. if he shuts up and plays basketball it will die. >> the domain name f-cleavland was bad.
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>> the thing is, i think cleavland fans will embrace him. >> absolutely. >> they will, ef time he goes back. >> mary, what are you working on these days? >> lots going on, andy. the www. who said you said is going great. i am helping my buddy win his race for the state treasurer in colorado. and i am starting a new business. i will tell you about that the next time i come. >> all right. >> andrew, how did you end up back stage at an aaron lewis concert? >> he is a listener to the program. he came up to promote his uso tour. i went back stage and courtney love threw up on me. >> true story? >> true story. >> we willed dit that later -- will edit that later? okay, it was rachel maddow. >> the bigger story would be if courtney love didn't throw up on you. >> any hoda updates? >> no, i am free. hoda call


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