tv Bulls and Bears FOX News October 23, 2010 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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>> you want to tune in tomorrow. the tailgating commissioner is with us to figure out who the best tailgater is. >> send us photos. and tune in, because there's a mom to seems to suggest on her blog that bullying is okay. we're going to talk to her. >> and we're also going to be celebrating the philadelphia phillies over the giants, and that's going to be tonight. we'll see that tomorrow. >> and clayton is psychic, he has a crystal ball. >> pete are johnson, jr. will be here tomorrow. >> you won't be here. >> i won't. take a day off. we'll miss you. >> see you guys. >> the stimulus center, before the mid term elections. 48 out of 50 states losing jobs, since the president signed a nearly 1 trillion dollar stimulus bill. now, companies are urging the president to give them a shot. requesting he unlock 1 trillion dollars in cash, they have sitting overseas, so he
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can this bring it back here, and create 2 million new jobs. president obama isn't budging. but if he didn't mind spending a trillion of our own, something is not working, why not give this a try. i'm brenda buttner, this is bulls and bears, get right to it, the bulls and bears, gary b smith, jonas max ferris, eric bolling. and corporate fraud attentions for gina calcaterra. welcome everybody. is this a stimulus plan you could sign on to. >> absolutely, positively not. the government didn't work when only two. >> look at two states it's only working in. my goodness, if we don't do this, we know one thing the money is not coming back. why not give the money a chance to come back and let the private sector create the jobs. when you create a job in the private sector it tends to create another job. in other words, companies are more profitable and spend the money again and create more and more employment. this as been a jobless recovery because the
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government spending does not work, it does not create jobs and this has been an unmitigated disaster and a failure and put it in the private sector. >> the basic idea the corporate tax structure in the united states is way too high. much higher than many, many other countries and we'd have to lower it for companies to bring their profits back here, but there's no guarantee that would create jobs, would it? >> no, absolutely not. because president bush did exactly what is proposed today by a few of the corporate ceo's. in 2004, he signed something called thehold reinvestment act. which had, which allowed corporations to bring their profits back over here to the u.s., and exact 5% tax rates as the ceo's are proposing now, as opposed to the standard 35% tax rate and it worked, it ended up bringing 299 billion dollars back to the u.s. in 2005 alone that we would have not seen. however, 92% of that money,
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actually went towards either increasing dividends or buying back shares by the corporations. it did not go to new jobs, new investors or research and development like the corporations promised and this came out by a way of the report of one of president bush's economic advisors who was involved in the program recent came out with. >> but it's a different time now. unemployment near double digits and we have workers who are doing, two, three jobs apiece. isn't, wouldn't they be hiring new people if they did bring the money back? >> well, i think, yes, absolutely, brenda. i think this is one of those kind of squeeze out of the vest, if you remember that phrase, means the same, this is a no-brainer. and look, dr. bob, we've already seen-- in fact, i don't know what the next, said this is a jobless recovery. i don't know what the next step is, because in fact. more jobs were lost since the stimulus started than were created so we're really down on jobs, showing, look, the
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fact is, the stimulus money that the department of the spent did not create any net new jobs and now, region na said, okay, maybe it comes back here and the companies don't use it as efficiently as possible. well, number one, the one benefit is you get the tax benefit, even off 1 trillion dollars, 50 billion dollars and two, regina, you discount the fact, maybe companies do increase their dividends. what happens with the dividends? it's certainly no worse than the transfer paints that the obama administration made. >> yeah, but it's not a created-- >> and put in place that they're going to do, create jobs. >> let me finish. let me finish. >> go ahead. >> you've got a few extra dollars in your dividend pocket, you might go out and spend it. compound that by a trillion dollars, all that's spent by dividends. more money into the economy and more for people to spend.
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it'sse than what the government does. >> gary makes a good point. the government plan didn't work. why don't we let the private sector give it a try? >> because it's not a jobs plan. i'm actually for low corporate tax rates competitive for other reasons not job creation. this money is largely in the hand of a lot of cash abroad. oracle, apple, sisco. and apple is like, oh, i wish i could hire people in california. we don't have any money, it's all abroad, and they don't need to hire people there. they're hiring those people, this money is there, yes, it's a tax punish pt, but if you bring it back not only are they not going to hire people, they have money to hire people and can borrow money, but it's going to raise the dollar if you repatriate the money and hurt exports which actually will hurt the unemployment rate. >> eric, what do you say to that. >> all right, jonzas, a couple
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of companies with-- >> billions. >> those tech companies hundreds of billions. >> listen, a trillion dollars could come back here, or any economy that we've lost, gary b points we've lost 4 million jobs since the stimulus panel was signed and companies cut back completely, not hiring. and this would be a great time to bring a trillion dollars back and that's what would take to get the companies to start hiring again. >> and sisco is not hiring people because they don't have enough money in america. >> what are you talking, you're talking microsoft. >> microsoft. >> and the other-- >> 40 billion dollars. >> and we can't hire people and we can't afford it, it's ridiculous. >> you've made that point. so, truly, it is a trillion dollars that you know, out of what, 13 trillion dollar economy that's-- >> a trillion here, a trillion there, it adds up. the thing is if we don't do it
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to eric's point. we'll never get the money. i don't care what to do with it. that drove our economy and why the markets were in today. >> 92% of the money that came back last night was specifically towards that. >> good. >> and that's job creation. >> and that's in america, that's a great thing. >> the reason we have employment is because dividends is share buyback, sifdz shadividends share buybacks-- >> i don't know what companies you're talking about, but-- >> and that's exactly where the companies need to be, they need to pay dividends so you can get investors. when they get investments, they can hire. and they're afraid of the next down turn, whether they have enough money to pay health care, any number of different things down the road and bringing the money back, nothing wrong with paying a dividend. >> and, but it's not a guarantee. >> we have to be a little fair here though, eric, and we did say we lost what, 4 million jobs. >> we lost 4 million jobs. >> and it's not as many.
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we did gain some back, so it's important to point that outments listen, everything, we've lost about 3 million, 3 to 4 million jobs since the stimulus package was signed. >> okay. last, last word to bob. >> yeah, well, i think at the end of the day, why not give them a chance. we gave the government a chance, it proved it failed, it did not work. give america a chance to create the jobs. it doesn't get any simpler. >> that's the last word, i'm expecting toby to pujump in, he's not here. and vote on our poll. would slashing taxes on is trillion dollars and corporate cash on the sidelines, help create jobs? it could very well be the most important vote cast before the mid term. the results are in, but the teachers union keeping them
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from coming out. why big labor performance grades could cost all of us. it's so explosive, some channels won't run it, it's the ad bashing government spending. some of us here could that sway an election and create a huge upswing in the markets? [ male announcer ] opportunity is a powerful force. set it in motion... and it goes out into the world like fuel for the economy. one opportunity leading to another... and another. we all have a hand in it. because opportunity can start anywhere,
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i'm jamie colby. in western afghanistan, homicide bombers an assault on the united nations compound. one terrorist drove a car packed with explosives into the compound gates and allowed three other men, dressed in women's burqas to enter the compound. afghan security forces killed those men. no staffers were hurt, but three afghan guards were injured. on the campaign trail, former alaskan governor sarah palin headed to orlando, headlining a rally for florida republicans and senate candidate marco rubio, palin appeared at an election push yesterday in phoenix with the tea party express. all of your campaign coverage begins with chris wallace 12 noon eastern today. i'm jamie colby, i'll see you back at 1 p.m. eastern, too. >> brenda: parents up in arms and unions fight teachers
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rankings, this is blowing up nationwide. the latest fight in a new york court. they say it's unfair to release the status to everyone, including parents, but gary b. you say something there's much more out there? >> there is, brenda, here is the unfiair part. what do the unions care about? they don't care about them at all and i can't blame the unions, that's their mission, to make sure that the teachers stay employed and get paid as much as possible. and here is the problem in fact with public education and why that would occur, it's a monopoly, not only a monopoly, you see the same with health care, the end user, the consumer in this case, in this case the parents or the kids are removed from the feedback process and it's like, i don't go to pay the doctors normally cashing in and an insurance card and there's some intermediary, that's the same with public education and the parents can't vote and the reason they can't vote and see what's going on is the unions
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block it, they don't want to see what teachers are lousy and believe me, there's probably a lot of them out there that in any other corporation, any other one that competed with the private enterprise, they'd be thrown out. >> well, regina, i'm a parent and i'm a customer and i want to know if my teachers are doing well by my kids. what's wrong with that? >> there's nothing wrong with that. i think that you could go hopefully have a conversation with the superintendent or some school administrator and they could share with you what the ratings of that particular is. but to publicly post someone's ratings out on the internet and have that scrutinized and then become a victim of the anonymous blogs sphere. >> it happens with ceo's, it happens with all sorts of people in the business world. >> and they did not sign up to be publicly scrutinized out there in the press and what recently happened in l.a., and i'm not defending the teachers union here, but i'm just saying what recently happened in l.a. the ratings were put out for teachers, it resulted in one very hard working
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teacher committing suicide because he felt publicly humiliated and we have to be careful who we scrutinize. >> brenda: great sympathy about that, but overall, bob, is there anything wrong with making public these sorts of performance grades? >> no, absolutely not. look it, the only people that don't want performance public, is people that don't perform. so what are the unions doing? protecting the underperformers, i think that gary b made a great point. this would 'cause a problem for the schools, if there are three math teachers, one is good and two are horrible, all the parents and students are going there. and all of a sudden, it's going to be competitive and they're going to have to hire better teachers and they don't want to see this problem coming and that's what the union is trying to protect. they're trying to protect the weak link. this thing about disclosure. at the end. day, everyone on wall street and everyone knows what the performance are. you get paid for performance, if you don't perform you're gone. ratings on tv are the same thing and the-- >> actually, you only know the
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salary of the top income makers and you don't know what salary they make and-- >> as a part manager, they're there. the numbers are the numbers, they don't lie, if they don't perform, they are he a done. >> brenda: eric, they don't mind giving our kids grades, but they don't want to get it. >> i'll talk about the california example of one teacher who had a problem and committed suicide. that's teenager. i -- that's terrible. across the river in new york, 100 million dollars was given to newark by mark zuckerberg of facebook, you match it and the teachers have to be graded. if they don't perform, the money goes away. they said yes and here is what happened. the teachers association said no we don't like it don't want the 200 million. and the teachers almost blocked 200 million dollars going to the kids, it's terrible. >> i'm not disagreeing with the grading process. >> brenda: you're talking
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about the mayor of newark and governor of new jersey. i want to get jonas quickly, what's your take. >> i think something there's something wrong with parents knowing the grades. they're going to attack the people and-- >> they're the consumer though, they're paying for it. >> it's not a monopoly, and back to the point. the rankings should be there so they can decide who is a better student and you don't have to be on the internet for the masses to know. we don't know the rankings entirely of all the companies we deal with either. >> brenda: i'll point out, jonas you're the only one in this group who is not a parent and you're probably thankful for this at this point now. are banks helping bail out, and what are they doing now? . [ whistling ]
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>> bailout news. sparking new calls to stop bailed out banks from handing o bailout bucks from lawmakers. taking companies and execs taking tarp funds after primming i will not take any bank funds from those who took bailout funds. they've all been taking tarp bank paths and-- >> february 23rd '09, not
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taking it, and here it is, bank of america, bank of new york, u.s. bancorp, he took it as soon as that race started getting tight and said, well maybe this one time. >> brenda: all right. anything wrong with it? >> well, in general, no, i mean, this is the same as if exxon gave money to a senator that helped them clear oil drilling rights. in general, i don't have a problem with it. >> brenda: regina what about you. >> i don't think any lawmaker, whether congress or a local legislator. bp, halliburton, doesn't matter, shouldn't take it. >> brenda: and bob, you think this should be outlawed, plain and simple. >> not so much because of the government money aspect. if you're on a committee that regulates an industry, i don't think you should be able to take money from an industry and i don't think that after you leave congress you should be able to consult or speak for that industry, that's a
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clear conflict of interest. >> brenda: jonas, what's your take? >> first of all, taking money from companies that have been profitable through american taxpayers, so i'll give them that. i think it should be illegal in general, not specifically in this case, if it is legal, there's nothing wrong with it. >> all right. >> brenda, but he promised not to and that's part of the problem now with politicians. >> he's a hypocrite, that's not the point. >> okay, okay, last word, guys. thank you, and we give thanks to regina, thanks for being with us. from barney, to the bailout backlash, the latest numbers on how much freddie and fannie will cost us and the real people the cavuto gang should be demanding a bailout. all that at the bottom of the hour, but first-- >> (laughter) the ad so controversial, some networks won't air it, but someone here says look for a major stock rally come november 2nd because of it.
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you have to. join citizens against government waste to stop the spending that is bankrupting america. >> brenda: bob a look at the market. >> this is not a laughing matter. that ad is a wakeup call and i think we'll see a change in the house and senate, gridlock, gridlock, the dow about be at 12-5 the end of this year. >> brenda: jonas. >> compelling the chinese has a bigger stimulus than we do, i tell you. >> brenda: gary b, your prediction. >> you've got to have a halloween pre decks this time of year, you know that with your kids. hershey up, a great buying opportunity. >> brenda: bull or bear? >> cocoa prices are on the rise and i think that hershey is going to get squeezed. >> brenda: jonas your prediction. >> hitting the streets with a prediction, no squeeze yet, but, pepsi maker of frito-lay snacks will be benefitting from that. >> brenda: we know what toby would say. not going to j
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