tv Cashin In FOX News October 23, 2010 11:30am-12:00pm EDT
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>> david: one thing that is not cheap a share of google? >> high price earnings ratio stocks at a 52 peek high. i think they are going to see -- week i think they are going to see a lot of competition from the iphone. >> david: that's it for forbes on fox. next saturday we have a special live edition election coverage. neil is going to be with you then, don't miss it. democrats said to be edging out republicans in the early turn-out unions bus members directly to the polls. whether there's a direct connection is unclear. here's what is not unclear. one democratic congressman from california pushing a wipe out turn law in 20 to states protecting a worker's -- 22 states a worker's right to
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join a union. that is why the big turn out by big labor is the biggest threat to jobs in this country. hi i'm cheryl casone, well -- welcome to cashin'in. pick up a copy of his new book bought and paid for on store shelf right now. also joining us -- welcome to all of you. wayne, this big labor bill worries you from congressman sherman, why? >> two reasons. number one sherman is a captive shill, if you will of the labor unions that's where he gets all of his campaign contributions so these going to do what they say. he's a puppet. the facts are that the right to work states, those states that have right to work laws, had added 1.5 million jobs
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from 1999 to 2009. those states that did not have right to work laws, lost 1.8 million jobs in that same period of time. i that i says it right there. >> jonathan when you've got unemployment in the situation we have in this country the picture not getting better. do we need some kind of bill like this? why not leave the system alone for a while until we can get jobs going once again. >> what congressman sherman wants to do, wayne is right, give more power to unions taking from it folks who own the company! businessmen i know they are not congressman sherman's favorite constituency they succeed because of voluntary trade customers and employees. unions succeed because they use government force. in this case forcing people to join the unions. wayne is right, in texas over
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last decade 1.6 million jobs added ohio which is not a right to work state, lost jobs i am >> the congressman tried this a couple years ago he failed. to wayne's point and wayne is correct the second biggest contributor to him is the public sector unions. so he does seem to have a horse in this race. >> they support him because he proposes good policy. you are incorrect stating that anyone in this country is forced to join a union that is not the case. it has been settled law for decades, any employee has the right not to join a union. no employee can be compelled to contribute money for union activities that are political or otherwise not related to collective bar beginning. what congressman sherman wants to do is avoid the freeloader concept. someone who works for a company that is unionized where every other employee pays dues and has collective
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bargaining that employee enjoys those benefits and dent get to pay that's wrong. that's what he is -- trying to correct. >> if you look at the jobs right and amount of unemployment in the states that are not recognizing this law it is a better deal for them. >> and full disclosure my dad was a union guy. listen, you give businesses more costs, add to what they have to pay out they are gonna offer less jobs. simple equation. if you are barack obama and you want unemployment to go down and increase taxes on business, put health care man days on 'em they are not going to hire as many people. i don't know why he's doing it now why don't you wait until the economy improves? this is the dumbest law for right now. >> why do it at all at this point? we've seen what the unions have done to this country. we know there was a time and place for them we are done with it. be done, move on. brad sherman as well.
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find another cause this is not what the economy needs. >> tracy, it does depend on the union. i don't have a problem -- >> i don't have a problem with coal miners having a union. >> i suppose there are some out there, right now we don't need to be doing this. >> christian respond. >> it is amazing you are all beating up on unions. >> i didn't. >> not you charlie other people. beating up on unions given unions are at their lowest rate since 1900. you can't blame the economy and job losses on unions it -- >> that's the point. why do the unions get special rights? why do they get special treatments? i am an employer, employment agreement is lieu the employer and the employee. it is a mutually beneficial
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voluntary trade. why does government, in this case congressman sherman has anything to do the process at all. >> jonathan, a union is a collection of employees. >> who are given special treatment by government. >> they are not given special treatment they are given the ability to bargain with their employer. >> let me go back to wayne. you pointed out the 10 year spread for private sector jobs added. if you look intob9d '05 less thn 10 years private sector jobs 20%. the more you shrink it the better it looks for those states that are right to work. >> i don't think should be a debate about whether you should be a union or not. that's not what it is about. i am a member of a union. that unit has been very good for me this is a debate about whether jobs are being created
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by right to work states or not. and the facts are, that if you have a right to work state, private sector jobs are created more than than in nonright to work states. that's a fact. let me finish, please. this is not a debate about whether unions are good or bad, this is saying a fact about job creation. >> i was trying to agree with you wayne. this is about the compulsive nature of government that's about. like said, i believe in unions. you tell me there shouldn't be a coal miners' union i'll fight you everyday of the week this is about making it come pulls , a huge problem. >> they do play a large role whether there are not a large number of people they have a loud voice part of the reason our auto industry has gone done. they have more after effective than you are giving them credit for. >> we can argue about the auto industry.
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again, the data is clear. in so-called right to work state wages are lower, benefits are lower. it is a worse deal for workers. this bill is not about [ talking over each other ] >> christian hold on. private sector jobs added sometimes by 20% -- [ talking over each other ] >> all you have to do is go to texas and go to ohio. it is so clear there's a stark difference. s we have nationally 10% unemployment look at those two states. this notion of come pulls union membership is one of the driving forces that drives jobs out of states. >> all right guys. colling up, lose at the polls and lose your poe we are to spend? new plan that might save america from going a trillion dollars deeper in debt during the lame duck session. >> plus, the government says its three million dollar ad campaign is to inform america about the health care law.
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>> you cannot. >> i can and i will. now get your, what did you call it? >> boney ass. >> right, bony ass out of my sight. >> such a great movie. you get fired like she did. does your boss let you come in for a pew more weeks? of course not. unless you are in congress. more than 80 democrats are in tight races. even if they lose their seats they are still going to have the power to vote massive spending bills during the lame duck session this is the way it is. maybe we should change things.
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just because you have done something over and over in the past doesn't make it right this makes no sense for a bunch of reasons. the first, we have a trillion dollar spending bill over the lame duck session. if we are voting them out why are we allowing them to vote on our money? if i get laid off here, they are going to walk me out of the door without a cup of coffee. i can't go to my e-mail. i can't do anything this is not the way our government should be doing. >> tracy, i'll take you out. christian, the movie kidding aside, the truth is in corporate america when you do go, you just go. that's how it works. why shouldn't it be the same way in congress? >> it is not a proper analogy. these folks are not getting fired on november 2nd. [ talking over each other ] >> let me finish. they are not going to have their contracts renewed. we are not giving them a break from completing the job they were elected to do.
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they have a two year contract and they haven't finished their work. part of their work is to appropriate money if they haven't finished that work i want to hold them accountable for finishing it. >> wayne, again they hey in the lame duck session they could pass a trillion dollar spending bill. let's keep on spending. we are going out the door any way. let's keep on rolling. >> it is outrageous because congress never passed a budget in the first place this is money used for earmarks and bailing out the -- bribing the electorate with self-serving votes is the same people who are probably responsible for having juan williams fired which is outrageous thing and we are committed to those people to do something like that which i find deplorable. >> wayne they were voted in to finish this term. here's the bottom line have you heard of the contract? i'm going to sound liberal
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here. the would tom line is the voters have to -- the bottom line is the voters have to take responsibility for their action. they voted these clowns in. the consequences is they could spend a trillion dollars. too bad vote them out next time. voted in to finish a two year term. [ talking over each other ] >> they did not meet their responsibilities. [ talking over each other ] >> one at a time. jonathan? >> i think you've got to be very careful about supporting silencing people's representatives in washington. charlie hit the nail on the we are still a constitutional republic. these people are our voices in washington. you might not like what they say or do. [ talking over each other ] >> we have to live with the consequences of putting those dopes in there. [ talking over each other ] >> no matter what party they
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are in they've been spending like drunken sailors. >> we are saying change it. we are not saying we shouldn't adhere to it. [ talking over each other ] >> would you lease let me finish? -- please let me finish. i said that should be changed. it may be a fact but change that fact so not have the right to do that. >> next, new government ads plotting the health care law hit the air as voters hit the polls. guess who's paying for them? you the tax pair. we are going to play it and you decide. >> with the new health care law, more good things are coming. hey, guys, i know i've been bad at this in the past,
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10 days until election day and a major bomb dropped by wikileaks. the founder of that controversial site speaking out about his decision to release 400,000 class fight u.s. military documents about the iraq war. we'll get a live report from jennifer griffith. president obama continues his campaign push with a series of vents in minnesota. last night he stumped for harry reid in las vegas. reid is in a fight for his political life with republican challenger sharron angle. latest polls show the race in a dead heat. former republican vice presidential candidate sarah palin also on the pain trail appearing in orlando, florida. she will be there with marco rubio. more on these and the rest of today's big stories coming up at the top of the hour.
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an educational ad to inform folks about medicareor a little ad? independent government agency ruling the three million dollars in taxpayer money the administration is spending on these ads legal. jonathan has another word for it. what is that jonathan? >> propaganda. to have will ford brehmly telling you about the free -- checkups you are going to
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>> andy griffith, you don't remember andy griffith? >> they are using million of tax dollars to like a program they have to support any way that's what makes this propaganda. people don't have a choice. they think people don't get it. they get it they don't like it. >> wayne, jonathan doesn't recognize andy griffith. >> the problem with this is the government spending taxpayer money to advertise something else by the federal government. fred dee and fannie 16 million dollars a quarter -- it is an outrageous thing for the federal government taking taxpayer money to sell the federal bureaucracy's plan and you have -- [ talking over each other ] >> in a couple of ads they
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overstated benefits. they got a slip on the writes. >> this is about -- on the wrist. >> this is about public educating. andy griffith, matlock -- how can you not knee. everyday you will an ad on television trying to people for the military in the last administration -- [ talking over each other ] >> four times as much in the last term to advertise and promote medicare part d. don't like -- don't act like this is anything new. >> the polls show americans don't like this >> i find it insulting and consenting they think these ads they are spending -- condescending that they think these ads are going to convince me it is the right way to go. >> you wouldn't believe how
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much this goes on city, state, levels. new york state used to spend taxpayer money to put on commercials to tell people to vote for bond acts to vote to go into deeper depth. even military ads that's propaganda. >> you have a join the military. >> you are right about that. >> christian last word? >> public education in the ground scheme of things is relatively little. so let's go on to something else. >> thank you for being here. great to have you. coming up, forget the midterms, charlie gasparino's the inside tip who executives want for the commander in chief role for 2012. why who it is could mean profits for you. set it in motion... and it goes out into the world like fuel for the economy.
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the irony costing this economy 33 million dollars a year. charging more and costing more? >> kparlly? >> prodded by wall street mike bloomberg -- highly considers a run for the president 2012. >> bloomberg the money guy, wayne what do you have? >> i'm still bullish on the chinese economy. j is the symbol if you like china you will like this one. >> jonathan? >> i don't invest in china. but i'm looking at mergers. 1.7 trillion dollars worth of merger activity including a big utility merger last week, csma it attempts to profit through the market neutral strategy of -- this is the type of stock that could do well even if the broad market
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