tv Americas News HQ FOX News October 23, 2010 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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next saturday neil kicks off our special election coverage. he'll have the candidates fighting for their political lives with radio talk show host grasso, mr. capitalism himself steve forbes, jack welsh, former chairman of ge just a few of the big names you are going to see next saturday 10 a.m. eastern time right here on the fox news channel. with just 10 days to go the president hits his fifth state in four days trying to rally democrats. >> it was a race that wasn't supposed to be tight. now house leader barney frank is dumping his own cash into his own campaign. we'll talk with his challenger sean beilat.
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ed rendell calls his party a bun of with uss. we'll talk with recent -- rendell. i'm chris wall washington this is america's election headquarters. now a fox news alert. we begin with a much anticipated wick can i leak dock drop defending his decision -- wikileak document drops. the founder julian assange says the documents reveal the truth about the war. the u.s. military condemns it saying it inkers lives. jennifer griffin is here with us. what is the most explosive information that comes out of these documents? >> i think the most explosive information is the scale of the deaths. the pentagon has long said did it not keep a tally of civilian deaths. it is clear they were keeping track all along.
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then there were the repeated instances of u.s. coalition troops turning a blind eye to torture and abuse by iraqi partners. these are civilian deaths and abuse about 300 reports of those abuse about -- there was 15,000 instants of civilian deaths that hadn't been documented up until now there what 109,000 more than 109,000 deaths in iraq. 66,000 were civilians. here's another example from the documents themselves, this was a sergeant that went missing iraqi lieutenant whipped detainee across back with baton kicked second detainee heard whipping noises caught whipping with electrical cable. status of investigation? no investigation initiated. today wick can i leak announced it will publish 17,000 more documents relate
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toed afghan war. get ready for another dump. countries countries within of the -- >> chris: one of the reasons that the american soldiers were not doing more when the police were involved in this abuse they were told by u.s. superiors, higher-ups, stay out of this? >> that's what comes across in these documents. they were ordered to turn a blind eye. that has so many people concerned. >> chris: what damage here? damage to the american war effort. most of the names of iraqis involved with the war effort were redacted, blacked out. also the damage to al-maliki and the political situation in iraq. >> the pentagon is still saying they are very concerned about 300 individual they think the names of -- may have been included in these documents. they've ordered centcom to reach out to those 300 informants. it could have a chilling
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effect of individuals wanting to collaborate with u.s. forces in the future. julian assange said they did redact the names. listen to pentagon press secretary. >> there are thousands of iraqi names in these documents that have been compromised three hundred of whom we believe are in particularly in danger. we've shared with forces in iraq to protect them. >> we have strong confidence in our redaction process, which is an opt-in process. that statement by the pentagon presumably at its base is referring to their own internal review of their collection of significant actions for iraq. it is not referring to our material. >> in essence julian assange justifying he did not jeopardize the lives of anyone by redacting. new york time and ear
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newspapers given access to these documents say they also redacted the names. we still have to see whether there are any attacks on the battle field as a result. >> chris: even if there are names redacted there still might be information that the enemy can use to figure how the is adding the u.s. war effort. jennifer give , thanks. >> al-maliki says the timing of the release is aimed at sabotaging his bid for another term in office. later we check in with david piper in iraq. >> a group of militants disguised as women blew up an entrance to an office in afghanistan today. the attack did not result in the deaths of any u.n. employees was launched in herat in the western part of the country where the taliban and other insurge agents are usually less active. afghans responded killing at least one of the militants.
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continuing to campaign for vulnerable democrats, president obama arrives in minute hint later this afternoon. yesterday the president was in nevada where he campaigned for harry reid. who is locked in a tight race with tea party favorite angle. caroline shively has more on the close race. >> reporter: president obama was on stage last night leading the cheers for the senate majority leader. reid's opponent is thanking the president today. angle's campaign says the president's visit to nevada helped them raise $200,000 friday in online donations alone. they call it the first stimulus package of your administration that actually worked. unfortunately, you arrived in las vegas on the day with it was announced the city has 15% unemployment. the only person you have helped in nevada is sharron angle in her campaign. some have shied away from
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appearances with the president. today president obama is wrapping up a four-day, five state campaign swing through the west and midwest. in las vegas he hit the gop hard telling the crowd not to blame democrats for an economy that went south during a republican administration. >> the president: they said boy we screwed up so bad it is going to take a really longtime to recover those eight million jobs that are it going to take a long time before the housing market fully recovers. our best bet, instead evidence trying to help obama and harry reid to solve problems, we're gonna stand on the sidelines, sit on our hands and basically just say no to everything. >> reporter: >> reporter: in minnesota today he hits another fundraiserer before heading hope to d.c. tonight. >> chris: caroline, thanks. the california's governor's race keeps setting races the
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most expensive general election race in state history. meg whitman and jerry brown have spent more than 188 million dollars combined so far, according to a political watchdog agent the vast majority of that spending comes from whitman the former ebay ceo has spent 142 million dollars of her own money. the previous record of 80 million dollars was set in 20 . >> ballots were printed and mailed late. illinois officials say they will examine end the absentee ballot deadline one day. something many lawmakers say isn't good enough. a close look at the controversy and whose ballots could get left uncounted. >> reporter: absentee ballots which give men and women in combat the ability to vote were printed and mailed late in 35 illinois electoral districts. many 16 to 20 days late. the department of justice, the illinois state of election and
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state attorney general agreed to extend the deadline for returning absentee ballots to be postmarked by one day. >> our sheriff was better at getting ballots to his pretrial detained inmates than the justice was getting military personnel their ballots. >> reporter: inmates in jail did get their ballots on time. >> there's a process that guess on every election that i don't think has been deviated with. that occurs on a regular basis. >> reporter: military and overseas voter empowerment akerman dates ballots be sent out 45 days prior to the vote. officials have agreed compensate for the late mailing by allowing additional days after the elect for the ballots to be counted. illinois republicans say the postmark date counts. servicemen and women are shortchanged with time to receive and send their votes. so, they going to court to intervene. >> hopefully, the court will act quickly and fairly and we'll get this done.
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>> reporter: this fight has become a partisan issue. spokesman for the illinois democratic party says republicans are fanning flames and getting excited over late ballots, he believes none of illinois's fighting men and women will be denied a fair chance to cast a >> chris: the always candid governor of pennsylvania, ed rendell weighs in on the race in his state. and the near failing grid he gave president obama for some aspects of his first term. that and more, when we continue. ♪
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. remember, congressman toomey said as the majority leader said of the rain house said let's get the middle class tax through he went on television and said, not unless the very rich, the top 1%, also get their taxes extended. held hostage our middle class tax cuts. >> back in december joe was an advocate of cutting all taxes now he's changed that tune. joe has no experience in business and doesn't understand the consequences of the bad policies he's been
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proposing. >> chris: one of the exchanges between senate candidates pat toomey and joe sestak last night in their second and final televised debate. the latest polls show their race tightening with 10 days to go. we'll get into the senate race in pennsylvania tomorrow on fox news sunday. republican candidate pat toomey will be my exclusive guest. i'll also talk with west virginia's democratic governor manchin. check your local listings for time and command joining me now the governor of the commonwealth and former chairman of the democratic national committee ed rendell. governor welcome, always good to have you with us. >> good morning chris. >> chris: in the pennsylvania senate race the the average of recent surveys shows toomey has lost his big lead and is tied with sestak. and in the governor's race, he
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still trails by eight points what is going on? >> what is going on in pennsylvania is similar to what is going on across the country. democratic voters have decided to vote. they are no longer questionable, they are likely voters. they've decided even though things aren't perfect, there is a here and the choice is to support democrats who generally are proponents of their values much more than the republican candidates. secondly, a lot of republican fringe candidates have created an atmosphere of uncertainty have scared some democrats and independent voters into deciding they better get out and vote. >> chris: how do you make the senator and governor's race? >> i think sestak and toomey are legitimately tied. onorato has come to five down.
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the know men tell is clear on on their side do they get there in time? that remains to be seen. i think the enthusiasm gap has been closed. you have heard me say a wildly enthusiastic vote a tepid vote counts for democrats aren't as wildly enthusiastic as the tea partiers are but i think they've decided to i think the momentum is going in our favor. too close to call in both races. >> let's take an overview of mid terps. you had interesting things to say recently about -- president obama's first two years in office. you gave him b -- were you talking specifically about health care reform and the stimulus. do you think the problem was messaging? let's take the stimulus.
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isn't the problem the white house promised 8% unemployment and we've got 9.6 unemployment that is has nothing do with messaging that is substance. >> they put out a bad message. according to the congressional budget office which republicans depend on all the time the stimulus has kept the unemployment rate by somewhere between a point or two points. the unemployment rate could have been as high as 11 %. -- 11 1/2%. we gained jobs, people working on stimulus financed only projects. it does work. it hasn't worked to wipe away all of our problems, but the message was wrong. nobody should have promised it was going to cut unemployment. we didn't know there were so many variables. >> chris: when you spend 800 billion dollars people think it is going for some impact in
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terms of cutting unemployment. you said this the other day. >> we are a bunch of wusses talk being about democratic party running from the things we've gone and believe. instead of saying here's what we stand for. if we are going to lose let's go down fighting for the things we believe in. again, don't the american people know what the president and democrats believe in, they just don't like it? >> no, not at all. the american people are convinced by good spin, that the health care bill is going to increase the deficit. again, nonpartisan cbo says in the first two decades the health care bill will cut the deficit by over a trillion dollars. this year chris and you know is right, every small business that gives health care to its employees gets a 35% federal tax credit. there are so many good things in health care we just haven't talked about them. we've let everyone push us
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around. it is time to start telling voters. do you think it is a god idea for kids 25 or under to be in a position where they can't be denied for a preexisting illness? of course you do. that's in the health care bill we paced. there are so many other things like that. >> chris: that's why i like doing interviews with you, you give the questions and then answer. you not only were governor of pennsylvania you were mayor of fill . you have a building game tonight you are down 3-2 are you worried? >> i was worried game five that was it, our fans are nuts, we are going to proehl to victory and be in the world series. and president bush and you are gonna sit next to each other. >> chris: chris really w or h work? >> no w, i said if it is texas phillies you are coming to
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philadelphia and you and you are sitting next to each other. >> chris: you are talking about the world series. i thought were you talking"mzi tonight >> no, he's a ranger fan all the way >> chris: i know that, that's why i was wondering. thanks governor. >> speaking of baseball texas-ranger fans may still be celebrating after their team won their first pennant again the yankees. final came out alex rodriguez who struck out in the 9th. rangers may not have to wait long to find out who they will play in the world series. game six of the national league championship tonight on fox. giants are leading that series 3-2 against the phillies. as you just heard, governor rendell say it's in the bag for the phillies. >> any way the race for a congressional seat in orange county, california could be decided by vietnamese-american voters many sanchez faces a
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vietnamese immigrant. more on the congresswoman's effort to reach out to vietnamese constituents. >> reporter: the countdown has begun with midterms over a week away. no doubt the political races across the country are heating up. california is no exception. a new power force has emerged in the race for the 47th congressional seat which represents much of orange county, california. an area where big pitical players have predominantly been white and latino. looks like this contest could be decided by a small but mighty demographic vietnamese voters. sanchez beloved in her district by the vietnamese community. she has traveled to vietnam as an advocate and co-founded the congressional caucus on vietnam. she recently came under fire after an interview where she said the vietnamese and the
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republicans are trying to take away this seat. she late area apologized and clarified she did not mean the entire vietnamese community. but still, other opponent republican state assembly man ran with it and put out several vietnamese language ads condemning her comments. he's a vietnamese immigrant himself which many believe could help him get those key votes on election day. latest poll showing sanchez only with a 2 point lead >> the vietnamese population will be voting for loretta san -- loretta sanchez they understand the work we've done for them and they know tran has done nothing for them this entire time. >> unfortunately, she has taken the seat for for granted. challenge will come because people are sick and tired of the lack of representation and accountability on the part of their elected representatives.
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that is why we will take this seat back to our voters. >> reporter: both parties have their eye on this race. most recently former president clinton was here campaigning on behalf of congresswoman san khefpz the national republican congressional committee gave -- gave one million dollars to mr. tran's campaign and named him as one of the young guns in the republican party. we'll have to wait and come election day. >> >> chris: casey stegall reporting from los angeles, thanks. >> the latest wikileaks dock dump could have reverberations around the world. we'll have the latest, next. hey, lawrence, my parents want to talk to you.
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oh. about what? uh, they don't really think you're an exchange student. what? they think you're a businessman, using our house to meet new clients in china. for reals, player? [ woman saks chinese ] they overheard a phone call. speaks chinese ] something about shipping with fedex to shanghai. and then you opened a bottle of champagne. that was for a science project. [ man and woman speaking chinese ] i'm late for..occer... rehearsal. [ man speaks chinese ] you and i are cool? i'll be home by curfew. [ male announcer ] we understand.® you need a partner who can help you go global. fedex.
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molly henneberg is standing by with top stories. >> reporter: the pent gone is calling release deplorable. some of the secret files show u.s. forces at times failed to follow up on evidence that iraqi troops abused or killed captives. wikileaks says thousands more documents are coming in. >> an american who accesses spokesman for al-qaeda is urging muslims in the u.s. and europe to carry out attacks. in a video add damned done decked his appeal to muslim -- adam directed his appeal to muslims. >> tropical storm richard is churning towards honduras with 45 miles per hour. forcasters say it could become a hurricane over the weekend. >> levi johnston says he's not sure whether he will run for
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mayor as a democrat or republican. johnston the father of sarah palin's grandson plans to run for the office in wasilla as part of a reality tv show. those are your top stories. i'm sure both republican and democrat will be o'fighting to see which ticket johnston will be on. >> president obama lending his support to vulnerable incumbents. he arrives in minnesota this afternoon and will attend a rally for dayton and other democrats running for house seats. the president will deliver remarks at a dinner which nancy pelosi will also attend. yesterday the president was in nevada where he campaigned for harry reid. who is up against tea party favorite sharron angle. with just 10 days until the midterm election, there's a
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prediction republicans will make big gains, how big? larry start's start with predictions for the senate. you see a republican net gain of 8 to 9 seats. has there been any big movement in the last week? >> there has been movement. there has been tightening which is very natural at the end of a race. things tightened for john mccain in 2008. the margin shrunk a bit for obama nationally in the last week this is very natural. i'd say there are two races that have become really close where republicans had been further area head. that's the colorado stat race. ken burke is the democrat, -- ken buck is the republican, pennsylvania with toomey the republican and the democrat sestak. they are very close. i still give a fingernail's
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edge to both republicans, buck and toomey. they have to work hard in the last 10 days. >> chris: you get us to eight or nine gop net gain. what's the best chance the republicans have to pick up that all important 10th seat that would i go them back control of the senate and conversely, are there any seats that are currently republican either being held by incumbent or where there's an a republican running for an open gop seat where they are in danger of losing? >> to your second one first, i don't see a single case where a republican seat is likely to go democratic. i think they are pretty secure in those seats. i'll tell what the critical seat looks to most people to be. washington state. that is a deeply blue state. it used to be competitive. it hasn't been in a long time. senator murray the democratic incumbent has an edge over
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ross. >> but rossi the republican nominee, nearly won a governor's race under the worst possible set of circumstances in 2004. i think he lost it by 129 votes statewide that is really close. rossi has a chance. if he wins that race, and it will be an upset if he wins, but if he wins, republicans could win the 10th seat. >> chris: let me turn to the house. people think that's where republicans have a better chance taking back control. they need a net gain of 39 seats. give us a sense of the landscape now. how many competitive races are there out there? how many of them are democrats defending and how many are republicans defending? >> on our crystal ball website we have more than 90 competitive seats in the country. meaning the winner is likely to win 53% or less. almost all you have them are democratic held seats. we only have about four or five republican seats in that
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category currently, since before labor day we've predicted republicans would pick up the house. we were the first to predict that republicans would pick up it house. we had them winning a net 47 seats. they only need 39 to take control. we're updating that thursday, chris. i expect the number will grow somewhat. the republican gains will go over 50. i think democrats don't have much of a chance at retaining control of the house. >> chris: we have to leave it there. larry sabato university of virginia center for politics, thank you larry >> after days of speculation, kentucky gop senate candidate rand paul says he's in for monday's debate against democrat jack conway. the announcement came after an ad by his opponent claimed paul joined a secret society while in college that mocked christians. paul denies those accusations and says he wants to focus on
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issues. conway says he still has some questions for paul. >> i remain disappointed that my opponent continues these personal attacks, i do respect the voters of kentucky and i made the decision to go through with the debate >> i just don't ever see why someone would join a secret society that mocks people of faith. i anticipate a good debate monday night. i think is a fight for the gust kentucky. i look forward to the last debate. we asked the question value us are important. the issues are important too. i'm looking forward to monday. >> chris: the race between the two candidates still close. latest real clear politics average puts paul ahead of conway by a little over four points. the two are seeking to replace retiring republican senator. >> with just 10 days to go until election day things are heating up in the race for the house seat held by massachusetts congressman frank. he's up against republican
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businessman beilat hoping to unseat the 29 year veteran of congress. mr. beilat joins us today. we've reached out to congressman frank's campaign but they not spoken. mr. beilat you have given congressman frank the toughest race for reelection than he's had a inn a long time. still leading by 12 points. how are you going to make that up in the final week? >> first we think that's misleading there's a large enthusiasm gap. based on what we know we believe that the gap is much closer. the other thing we have is momentum his numbers are sinking while ours are rising. wee feel good. there's a lot of issues people care about primarily economic people say barney frank on the wrong side of those issues. >> chris: as a committee chairman that was involved in
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tarp, congressman frank promised that he would not take any money from institutions that had gotten bailouts from lenders. it now turns out he has received more than $40,000 in campaign donations from those interests. his campaign says he didn't take any from the top 10 recipients of tarp. does that make any difference? >> no it doesn't. we've seen how he was involved with maxine waters in one united giving a bank that didn't deserve it tarp bailout funds. they were small interests. is it then all right for him to take money from them? i don't think so i don't think voters think so we've seen this over and over where barney frank skirts the rules or acts as if he's above them and nobody will notice this year they noticed. >> chris: i'm going to put up an ad you put on the internet which is getting a lot of attention. it shows barney frank dancing around the issues.
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you stuck his head on the body a dancer that you taped against a green screen. it has become something of a hit on the internet the frank campaign calls it immature and sophomoric. it is kind of entertaining, but how do you think that helps you? >> these are very serious issues that we're talking about in terms of how he's voted and how it has affected this country. we are trying to direct that in a light hearted manner. always talking about it in a more serious manner. i think it is important we raise these issues. frankly, he is dancing around them. we put it out there. kind of attempt at humor to make light of a serious situation that we are going to continue to talk about. >> chris: congressman frank says he's been targeted by weigh calls bigoted tea partiers and right wing special interests. i'm sure you don't agree that. would you agree that he is one
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of the, if not the top target for the gop in this congressional election? >> i would absolutely agree that he's one of the top targets. also for people across the country. small dollar donations coming along since we started this race from people who care about his role in fannie mae and freddie mac. some of the bad votes he's taken. financial reform bill, tarp, et cetera. yes, he's a target but there's reasons he's a target. they have to do with bad policy making over a long period of time and the harm he's done to this country. so, i think it is accurate to say there are a lot of people interested in this race. >> chris: sean beilat running against barney frank in what everyone assumed would be a safe district in massachusetts. at this point it looks like he's got a lead being but not as much of a lead as he would feel comfortable with. he just donated $200,000 of his own money so he's taking you serious mr. beilat, thank.
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>> thank. >> >> chris: virginia congressman taking heat for comments he made about military service not being equal to public service. we'll look at the new campaign ad put out by his opponent, next. ♪ [ male announcer ] ever have morning pain slow you down? introducing bayer am, an extra strength pain reliever with alertness aid to fight fatigue. so get up and get goin'! with new bayer am. the morning pain reliever. we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned an la getaway twice as fast.
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we get double miles every time we use our card. [ histling ] no matter what we're buying. and since double miles add up quick... romans! get em! [ garth ] ...we can bring the whole gang. [ sheep bleats ] it's hard to beat dble miles. whoa -- 's on the list. but we're with him. [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one anearn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to [ indistinct suting ] what's in your wallet? so, you can eat them right here... or eat green giant beans at home... ...frozen within 8 hours to lock in nutrients. up to you. [ green giant ] ho ho ho ♪ green giant.
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>> chris: democratic congressman who represents the 8th district of virginia is coming fire for remarks he made about his opponent republican murray. an ad put out by murray's campaign features a clip of moran accusing him of never having performed any kind of public service. murray, retired army colonel with 24 years of service in the military including a tour during the iraq surge has cop out swinging. in an ad murray asks moran whose district includes arlington cemetery and the pentagon to explain to family members who have lost loved ones in the war how military service not public service? >> candidates that haven't been in office, haven't served
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performed in any kind of public service, my opponent is typical, frankly. >> congressman moran, i'm proud to have served my country in the army for 24 years including bosnia, kosovo and iraq during the surge. why don't you with me to arlington cemetery where more of my friends and fell shroefs members are buried than i care to think about and tell their surviving family members their loved ones had no public service. i'm patrick murray and i approve this message. -- >> chris: yesterday moran responded saying he misspoke and his constituents know that's not what he meant. >> with just 10 days until midterm elections democrats are fighting to keep key demographic voters is obama losing his connection with voters who put him in office two years ago? here to weigh in is nina easton and byron york.
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let's look at the pill lore -- pillars of obama base in 2008. back then women voted for obama over mccain by 12 points. according to a recent poll the gender gap now favoring democrats by four points in some polls less. nina what has happened to women voters? >> democrats are trying to combat that by running ads on social issues they think will resonate like abortion. i think women voters are responding the same way independent voters are now. it is all about the economy. women are 40% of privately owned firms are women-owned. meaning small businesses. women run small businesses, they increasingly step out of workplace out of wage jobs and make their own path. they are very sensitive to the same kind of economic issues, the same kind of small business concerns driving other independent voters. >> chris: usually the economy and sensitivity to economic concerns has helped democrats
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and helped form this gender gap. now it seems to be hurting democrats because of their performance the last couple of years. >> women as entrepreneurs, women being on their own, they are sensitive to health care, sense i have to regulations, sensitive to taxes. -- sensitive to regulations, sensitive to tax. >> chris: byron the youth vote. you can't go a couple days without seeing obama and a college campus us -- surrounded by tends of thousands of students. can he get those young people out to vote again? >> they are still with him if you look at the detailed demographic breakdown of groups. youths are among the few groups that he's still above 50%. he's at 54% with people 18 to 29. >> chris: are they gonna vote? >> even if they do vote if people have turned against him other demographic groups they have a lot of trouble. even in 2008, when we heard a
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lot about thehey still voted less than higher age groups. this time it is going to happen again. >> chris: the president and vice president have gone to ohio more than 50 times since they took office in january of 2009. ohio was always the linchpin for their election campaign in 2008. clearly part of their linchpin for 2012. look at these numbers. 50% of ohio residents now say that ohio -- obama policies have hurt the state's economy. only 24% say obama policies have helped the state's economy. nina, that's devastating. >> it is as you said ohio is a swing state. the other interesting thing in ohio his personal favorables are down as well. a lot of other states where he could rely on people liking him personally, even if they don't like his policies that's turning against him in ohio as
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well. >> chris: part of their plan which worked in 2008 was to get some of states had been red like indiana, virginia, north carolina. but ohio was the linchpin. if he loses ohio, pretty hard for him to regain the presidency. >> there are so many voters who he was able to support who earlier thought of -- liked hillary clinton. now his support on white voters have gone very low working-class even lower if that doesn't turn around it is hard to see how he wins ohio. >> chris: what are you going to be look at the final week of the campaign? >> black turn-out, illinois, pennsylvania, democrats are going to rely on getting a black turn-out the black vote is very much standing behind the president still. they are looking to get the black vote. >> early voting seems to be favoring republicans a lot. whether that continues up to election day will be important.
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>> chris: some studies say the democrats seem energized in a number of states more democratic ballots returned than republicans. >> in the past democrats have benefited more but there are significant places where republicans are doing well. >> chris: after the break, we'll examine the fall-fraught that wikileaks document -- fall-out from that wikileaks document drop and what it could mean for the safety of american troops. well somewhere along the way, emily went right on living but you see, with the help of her raymond james financiaadvisor, she had planned f every eventuality. which meant she continued to have the means to live on... even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. my kids say i speak a different language. but i love math and math and science develop new ideas.
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>> quote the largest classified military leak in history and we're back now with our panel, nina easten and byron, york. massive documents, 400,000 classified documents from the iraq war, one of the revelations that 66,000 iraqi civilians apparently died between 2004 and 2009, the administration originally said they weren't keeping track of the civilians, but turns out they did and also 15,000 more than had been reported. >> it says two things, first of all, remember, this is not americans killing all of these civilians. this is the civil violence that was going on in iraq and what it really does, it does shed new light on the bush administration's insistence that iraq was not slipping
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into civil war at the time in the worst days. looking back, there was terrible, terrible violence more perhaps than what we thought was going on. and lends new live to that. >> nina, your reaction. >> the document dump, i think we have to take this in the context. the head of the wikileaks was a one time australian hacker, who said he believes america is a threat to the democracy and is becoming increasingly militarized and so there's a political agenda behind this dump of documents and he's actually lost the support of a lot of his allies because in the previous dump about the afghan war, they disclosed names of intelligence sources who cooperated. the afghans on the ground who cooperated with n.a.t.o. troops and people were afraid, people like in amnesty international were concerned that this threatened the lives of those people and also the taliban has set up a commission to go after and
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look in afghanistan. >> they did black out the names. >>, but he decided what to black out and i think you see now the pentagon saying, look, you're more qualified to decide what's blacked out or redacted than we are? so he's taken it upon himself to decide about the safety of troops in and more to the point, of iraqis on the ground. >> we should point out he's under investigation right now by swedish authorities for sexual misduct and possibly rape. and it turns out that iran's government was more involved than we knew. shiites in sectarian violence and confronting american soldiers. >> this is something that american military sources were saying at the time. there was some skepticism perhaps they were exaggerating and now appears that they absolutely were not exaggerating and we should talk when we talk about the source of the leaks, he did
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not get the stuff, he was given this by somebody inside the u.s. government. and private manning is in the bringing awaiting the leak for the first 77,000 afghanistan documents. not sure who leaked the stuff now, could be him, but that's, that's something that you're going to have to have prosecuted to the height. >> and absolutely. and very briefly, because we're running out of time, nina, the damage for these leaks, particularly inside iran, iraq, rather, where we find out at that iraqi soldiers, military, police, were abusing and torturing some victims and u.s. soldiers basically were helpless because they were told don't interfere. >> right, and experienced anti-u.s. sentiment at the time when the iraqi democracy as we know, the iraqi government is in a fragile state. >> we have to leave it there, nena and byron, thanks for coming in today.
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. >> i used to think that the left wing was the tolerance of all the viewpoints, but that's not the case, now i've found out the hard way. >> that was juan williams over the npr decision to fire him as an analyst and find out what juan's former boss said when she fired him. rocker john mellencamp is impressed with sarah palin and even asked the mccain campaign to stop using the songs at his rally and now he says that the former alaskan government is smarter than people gave her credit for. and added quote, palin knows exactly what she's doing. and that's it for us in washington. kelly wright and jamie colby are standing by in new york to take over from here and be sure to tune in tomorrow for our exclusive interviews with two senate candidates,
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pennsylvania republican pat toomey and west virginia's governor joe manchin for the latest on two races that could play critical roles for the balance of power on election day and of course, juan williams will be back as a member of our panel. i'm chris wallace, thanks for watching fox where we report, and you decide. america's election headquarters rolls on. >> hello, i'm kelly wright. welcome to america's news headquarters. >> jamie: good to have you with us, busy day, i'm jamie colby. we're going to begin with what we're calling the biggest leak of classified information in u.s. history. the wikileaks website releasing nearly 400,000 secret documents on the iraq
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war this time. the pentagon is criticizing the release, saying the documents could endanger our troops and informants in the field. and now, we're learning more could be on the way. jennifer griffin is live in washington. jen, thanks for joining us, what can you tell us about the information that's been leaked in these war logs? >> reporter: well, essentially it's nothing that we haven't seen in press reports over the last nine years, but essentially, what is somewhat shocking and is the detail and the cataloging of instances and the scale of civilian deaths. more than 109,000 iraqis killed during the course of the iraq war. two-thirds of them civilians, the pentagon had long said it did not keep tally of the deaths, but it's clear from the secret records, from the battle field they were keeping track all along and there were the repeated instances of coalition troops turning a blind eye to torture and abuse by the iraqi partners. this was reported by the second brigade combat team in
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2005. americans soldiers found 173 iraqis detained by the police, according to the wikileaks document. quote, many of them bare marks of abuse, that has cigarette burns and open soars and many of the detainees are coughing and described as walking wounded. approximately 95 detainees were being held in one room as were sitting cross legged with blind folds, all facing the same direction. another example, from august 17th, 2006, in this battlefield report, the sergeant witnessed lieutenant whip detainees across the back with a baton and the lieutenant heard whipping noises and with electrical cable. status of investigation, no investigation initiated. today, wikileaks says it will publish in the near future, 17,000 more secret documents related to the afghan war and
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get ready for another embarrassing dump, jamie. >> jamie: on this particular one do we have any estimates of damage from the pentagon and do they work diligently to corroborate each and every page of the documents? >> they've actually been working for months and set up a task force of 120 defense intelligence analysts what they thought it would be in the dump and a chilling effect on afghan and iraqi locals that cooperate with the u.s. a key part of the war effort. and the secretary of defense says centcom is reaching out to 300 informants whose names they think might be compromised. >> what we're more concerned about is not intelligence, but harm to our forces and those fighting with us and exposes how we operate in the field and how we respond after the attack, capabilities of our equipment and things such as that. >> reporter: wikileaks founder says they
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intentionally did not publish any names of iraqis and expunged those names, redacted them and so did the newspapers, the new york times, guardian and others who were given access to these 400,000 secret documents back in june. >> jamie: jennifer thanks so much for joining us live from washington, wikileaks. kelly. >> kelly: all right. we've got a busy schedule for you right now. here in america, the election headquarters, with just ten days until decision day. the political heavy weights from both parties out in full force today, sarah palin, headlining a g.o.p. rally in florida today. beginning two hours from now, the former alaska governor and fox contributor will be joined by rnc chair michael steele in orlando. and former g.o.p. senate cad marco rubio set to speak. rubio currently locked in a
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red-hot three-way race with charlie crist and meek. and when it happens we will let you know. >> jamie: meanwhile, president obama is barn storming in minnesota later today and trying to win support for democrats in a tough election year. last night the president throwing his power behind senate majority leader, harry reid. reid trying to keep his job in a tough campaign against tea party favorite sharron angle. caroline shively is joining us live. hi, caroline, president obama didn't just take swipes at reid's opponent, he went after the republican party and tell us what he said. >> you've got it, jamie. mr. obama used the opportunity to hit the g.o.p. hard, telling the crowd not to blame democrats for an economy that went south during a republican administration. here is part of what he had to say. >> imagine that the economy is a car and the republicans drove this car into a ditch. and it was a really deep
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ditch. and somehow they were able to walk away from the accident, from the scene of the crime, they left the car down in the ditch. . >> that rally last night and the events today are part of a four day, five state swing through the west and midwest. for the president this is looking like a dead heat in nevada. here is the math what they'll look at pollster, 60,000 registered voters in nevada than the republicans do and that's fewer than they had in the elections a few years ago, jamie. >> jamie: and this nevada race is definitely one to watch and so interesting that angle's camp today is actually thanking the president for the trip to nevada, saying that it's helped her campaign. tell us how. >> yeah, you've got it. she was able to fund raise pre basically and angle's campaign says the president's visit helped them raise a couple hundred grand on friday, online donations alone. part of what they released
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overnight. thank you, mr. president for your visit to nevada helped us raise nearly 200,000 online today alone. i guess you can say this is the first stimulus package of your administration that actually worked. and also pointed out the local jobless numbers in las vegas has 15% unemployment. worst i country, jamie. >> jamie: caroline shively, thank you. >> reporter: you bet. >> kelly: all right, so president obama and the republicans are squaring off, over driving lessons. as many americans are afraid to take a ride with either party this november, they're not sure if there is a road map out there, to recovery or who can steer the country safely to recovery. chairman of the republican policy committee, senator john thune of south dakota said this today. the president likes to say that when you want to drive forward you put your car in d and when you want to go in reverse, you put it in r. it's a clever line. but when you're speeding toward a cliff, you don't want to keep the car in drive. republicans want to reverse the dangerous course the
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democrats have us on. we've learned the lessons, not only what hasn't worked in the past few years, but what didn't work the last time republicans controlled congress. republicans are listening to the frustrations being expressed by americans all across this country. and we are determined to take this country in the right direction. >> kelly: all right. so for more analysis on this, bring in our political panel. andrea tantaros, a conservative columnist and fox news contributor and alan colmes, thanks for being here. and get to. we heard what senator john thune said and he went on to say that the obama experiment has failed. is he a little premature in that? it's just two years in. >> look, i think that it has failed. he's pumped so much money into the economy and this is their belief. that if you flood the economy with taxpayer money, it's going to stimulus, so we let them try their little experiment and it really
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hasn't worked and a lot is expectations and barack obama set the bar so high when he came into office, that he hasn't been able to deliver so i think that's why you see this, this outlash from this-- or backlash from the american electora electorate. look, i agree with what you said earlier. there is some distrust with the republicans, as well, when you look at generic ballots, republicans are leading, but they have to prove if they take back the house, that they can keep their principles in order and they can cut spending and do all the things that they said they were going to do and get back to the real principles, but going back to expectations again, kelly, it's going to be very hard for republicans to enact change if democrats have the white house and have the senate. there's going to be a lot of gridlock, so they have to manage expectations, too, but i think they've learned their lesson. >> kelly: alan, she brings up a good point. what i was talking about, everybody is talking driving lessons, the republicans doing it and the president's doing. everybody would like to see the americans get on board the
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bus. americans are saying, you want me to get on the bus and which direction are you taking and-- >> i'm not sure all americans are saying that. i heard what john thune had to say, no solutions just bromides and anti-obama rhetoric with no specifics, other than republicans saying let's go back to bush. all right, let's go lower taxes. they've offered nothing new, they're the ones who got us into this problem and we're here because the republicans took us years to get here and after a year and a half, of obama, the stock market is up as he starts her up, the job situation, yes, unemployment still at 9.6. nine months in a row of private sector growth in jobs, it would be a lot worse without the stimulus, and had a vigorous stimulus and should have gotten out there faster and wished it would have gotten out there faster to credit markets. and most economists agree it would have been worse if we had done nothing. it takes a while to get out of the ditch that was very, very deep and took us a long time
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to get there. >> but, alan, the course that democrats took. why isn't one democrat touting that course. >> they should be. >> why isn't one democrat talking about obama care or the stimulus? they're running away from this, alan, there's not one ad out there where the democrat taken and paid for that said i love health care, i voted for it. really, why are they running away. >> i'll agree with you, democrats should do and i agree with former dnc chair and republican-- rather, democratic governor of pennsylvania, ed rendell, saying they're acting like a bunch of wusses, they should be out there embarrassing obama, exchange for candidates elsewhere around the country and they should embrace these policies and not run away and show that they stand for the direction the country is going. >> i think they're running away. >> i think they're running away because they look at the polls and the polls show that the people don't like obama care. they know that it's lelectoral
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suicide to talk about the vote they took and the stimulus package and nothing to run on. obama pelosi and reid haven't given them much to run on. >> show me a better plan, what the alternative is. john thune offered nothing, but attacking democrats and attacking obama. give me an alternative to what bush did, and i haven't heard that. >> you guys have given us a good snapshot of the debate going on around water coolers around america and as we look at what's going to unfold during the mid terms. let me ask you the question, regardless who wins during the mid terms, where does this country have to go? how does congress and the president work in a bipartisanship fashion to move the country forward, to actually get it out of the ditch and keep it moving on all, all cylinders, and towards recovery. >> you're going to have some support from republicans, when you had jim demint who said i'm not going to sign any piece of legislation, say no
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to health care. do republicans want to give no punishment to preexisting conditions to children and we want no part of this and you're-- what are they going to say, what are they running on, what are they going to do for the american people. andrea, the final word here. >> yeah, it's a great question that you ask and i think it's going to be very tough and here is why. you have two very different you views of what should be done. you have republicans who believe smaller government, government is too big and that plays out in the polls and everyone think the government have gotten too big and the democrats who want to make it bigger and it's very hard, especially in the year of a presidential election to find compromise because their ideologies are just so denver and a lot of these moderate democrats who would have come to the middle aren't going to be there. all i want to know though, alan, can you help out the president and maybe give him another analogy? this one is getting pretty old.
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>> kelly: alan colmes and andrea tantaros, good insight, good discussion. >> thank you. >> jamie: a party in one of the world's most dangerous cities, across the river from el paso, texas, why the crime is stirring outrage even in a country prone to vicious violence. and plus voting ages to the polls, get them off on the right foot. tell them to vote. what happens when the sample ballot they're shown lists only the democratic candidates? a fair and balanced debate from those involved next. wit. that's breakfast with two pills. the morning is over, it's time for two more pills. the day marches on, back to more pills. and when he's finally home... but hang on; just two aleve can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is steven, who chose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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party in juarez, mexico across the border. attackers using weapons tiply associated with drug gangs. the youngest 14. and the retirement age hurting the economy. disrupting train services and causing gas shortages. and leaders from around the world's economies, working together to keep the global currencies strong and coming ahead of the next month's g-20 meeting in seoul. >> a cincinnati public school system is now facing a lawsuit after busing three vanloads of students to show them how to vote. why? well all the students were of voting age and registered, but here are the allegations when they arrived at voting poll location, they were shown sample ballots that only listed the candidates of one
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party, completely neglecting the other. and then they were told, go inside and volt and taken for ice cream after. and some say the school system may have crossed the line, may have shown them more than how to vote. joining us is an attorney, chris finney, represents the republican candidate for county auditor, who filed this lawsuit. and good to see both of you, thanks for joining us. >> good to see you. >> good to see you. >> jamie: we have a heard a lot of this story and now it's good to have both of you. mark on behalf of the school system, the school system does say that they didn't do anything wrong and won't do it again. if it's a good seicivics lesson why wouldn't you do it again. >> they would go to the board of elections to cast the first
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ballot and use public transportation, this year, the funding didn't come through and offered to use the church van. >> why, something on the bus that shouldn't have been? >> well, it turns out. as it turns out that there was somebody on the bus who when the students alighted from the bus, handed them democrat sample ballots. only the democrats. >> it's not a policy-- >> i saw the ballot and i understand you wouldn't do that again if you did it at all. >> no, correct. >> jamie: and you're the attorney. if in fact the school says no more, the three busloads of kids were given one-sided dlts and went in and vote, perhaps even name recognition, they saw just those candidates. they won't do it again. why-- >> and the biggest reason why, our volunteer who intercepted these folks at the board of elections, reported that they were bragging to him they were wrig down four more high schools in the coming week so we stopped by filing suit on
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monday and we believe we stopped more of this activity from occurring. but in addition to what mark says, first of all, some of the students were given the sample ballots, meaning these are democrats, campaign propaganda while they were on the buses and the volunteers were wearing drehouse for congress and they were programming the children how to vote and actual voters that cast actual ballots and told to vote the democratic ticket and there would be four more high schools coming down if we didn't move quickly to stop it. >> you're saying they weren't just shown the ballot. they were told who to vote for. mark, have you investigated this? has the school board checked it out and that's the case? >> we found no evidence that was the case, i think it's true that the students as they got off the bus were given a sample ballot, that's one party and should not have happened, but the idea that the board of education for the student or anybody else who
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worked for cincinnati public schools was orchestrating a massive get out the vote campaign and busing students to the board of elections for that purpose was not true. >> jamie: chris, what do you want to happen? you want an injunction to prevent it from happening at other schools. donning this is something that happens across the country? >> we, based upon what we've heard this week, we understand that there are democratic national committee staffers that have standed out to the public schools in the key states throughout ohio, i'm sorry, throughout thenation to get out the vote. and to program these kids to vote the democrat line. you have to remember, that this lawsuit arose from a 2002 agreement that we had from the cincinnati public schools where they were trying to use school property again for political purposes, so this is the second time that we've caught cincinnati public schools doing this, so it's not an isolated incident. >> so, mark, will you take any further steps before i let you go? you'll have to face this lawsuit, the school system will have to defend its
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actions. what's your defense other than the fact you didn't know until after that these leaflets were handed out and the students were directed perhaps how they should vote? >> sure, two things, first, the agreement that chris mentioned had to do with campaign activity in favor of a school leafy, not a partisan thing, the steps we've taken, we've notified the high schools that before any students were taken to the board of education, i've told mr. finney personally if that were to happen in the future we would alert him in advance so it could be monitored and it's not for any particular party or candidate. >> jamie: chris, will the vets count? >> yeah, there were 30 or 40 kids that came down and told how to vote and those are valid ballots counted on election day. >> jamie: it's an interesting story, i'm glad we could present it fair and balanced, and actual parties involved.
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>> thanks. >> thanks for covering it. >> kelly: there's a possibility that tropical storm richard could become a hurricane in the future. sweeping the caribbean sea close to honduras, storm warning and watches are going to upper coast al areas there. and the meteorologist maria, welcome to the fox family first time you're here. >> thank you. just like you mentioned we're currently tracking tropical storm richard near hurricane strength around 65 miles per hour and sustained winds and once it reaches 74 miles per hour that's when it's a hurricane. producing plenty of rain off the coast of honduras and flash flooding is a concern and mudslides as well as lots of flooding so a major concern now. right before land fall on sunday night we're expecting it to be a category 1
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hurricane around 80 miles per hour and so that's going to be a pretty big story out there and making land fall around central portions of belize, it will continue to dissipate. once it enters the gulf there's not a big concern for redevelopment, but we'll keep you updated throughout the weather center. the u.s. we have a frontal system currently moving eastward, one swath of rain near chicago, up into the great lakes reghe area of severe weather we're watching is in texas where a tornado watch across the dallas, fort worth area and this is in effect until 8 p.m. central time. large winds and damaging hail will also be a concern here and you can see that line of storms just continuing to move eastward. flash flooding has been reported in the area and high water rescues have also taken place, and this threat for severe weather will basically persist throughout the day today, extending from austin into portions west of chicago
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and chicago, you guys are in the clear outside of the area and once again, this is going to be the concern, large hail, strong winds and also, some isolated tornados, main tornado threat will be right around the state of texas. back to you guys. >> kelly: it's tough going out there in texas. maria, thanks for that. thanks for joining us. >> jamie: well, still ahead, you've heard more sharks than ever. a student is killed after a deadly attack. look at the shark bites on the victim's boogie board. there are words coming out from the wild life officials as the friends describe exactly what happened and the latest analysis over the wicky leaves military documentary dump, a warning comes, more documents may be on the way. ñ÷ how are those flat rate boxes working out?
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e. >> jamie:. >> kelly: wikileaks strikes again. the online whistleblower releasing almost 400,000 secret documents about the war in iraq. the website saying documents have been edited to conceal people's names and reveal no information that would put u.s. troops at risk, but the move sparking anger in the pentagon, slamming wikileaks for putting the lives of u.s. troops and our allies in great danger. what are the implications? joining me now, retired u.s. major general bob scales, also a fox news military analyst, thank you for joining us this afternoon. this is a very important top
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elk out here. wikileaks striking once again, this time about the theater of war in iraq. just how much of a blow is this? >> well, this is very bad news, kelly. i don't believe that the-- that the sources argument by the pentagon is going to be-- will impact the war quite as much as they claim. but the real impact is going to be on the narrative. on the impression that these salacious bits and pieces will have on the larger middle east and particularly in europe, as we know, germany and britton are committed in afghanistan. and read the press about some of these sensational bits and pieces from the reports will clearly have a negative political impact in those regions and that's what he's trying to do. this is not an attempt to get the truth. this is an attempt to influence the politics in the
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rest of the world. >> kelly: you're talking about the politics in the rest of the world and on the ground there in iraq itself with maliki. now, of course the election has not been settled since march 7th of this year and now he faces an uphill battle because of the things revealed in this. what does he now do? >> well, first of all, i talked to some of my friends in the region to prepare for this show and the general rule shall the iraqis are not quite as incensed about this as those in the west, simply because the iraqis have been putting up with a level of violence from saddam hussein and from their own government for the last 40 or 50 years. coming from them, it's something of a yawn. now, the impact on maliki, specifically, hard to tell at this point, but frankly, i don't believe this will have the impact that he thinks. >> kelly: general, what about the impact? you've been in the theater of war and you know it's important to rely on human intelligen intelligence. and a lot of the human intelligence that helped the u.s. coalition in iraq, came from the iraqis themselves and
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some of them having to cover themselves up to the informants and having to work alongside u.s. troops, are their identities now at risk? >> yeah, i tell you, this is the thing that really worries me, kelly, the chilling effect that this is going to have on the ability of u.s. forces not only in iraq, but also in afghanistan, to be able to get the key information that they need for when it is insurgency, look, this is of global news network that we deal with and everybody in the world is watching this and so our allies today and even in the allies in the future, perhaps a decade or two from now. when the united states trying to go to the theater and gain local intelligence, they'll remember the leaks and this could have a terribly chilling effect and a real impact on future operatings, kelly. >> you're talking about afghanistan and of course, the owner of wikileaks is now predicting that another document dump will be coming out about that, in a few short weeks. what can we anticipate from
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that? and will that further damage our efforts there? >> oh, i think it is. my sense is, or what i'm hearing is he's saving the best for last or the worst for last in this case and i'm very concerned about that. in all likelihood since the afghan war is going on at a high pace these leaks could have a much more immediate impact on the conduct of operatings and an even more chilling effect on the ability of u.s. forces to gain essential information and remember, in an eninsurgentsy, at the end of the day, kelly, these wars or won or lost through gathering of information. >> kelly: and those so critical to the efforts in iraq as well as afghanistan. major general bob scales, thanks for sharing your insights and we'll continue to see what's happening with the wikileaks and if something can be done to prevent him from doing another one. >> thanks, kelly. >> jamie: well, this week, we continue our new cancer
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screening series with a look at prostate cancer. there's a significant development on this, we wanted you to know about. food and drug administration asked for new warning labels about increased risk of diabetes, heart attack, stroke, even sudden death, some of these medications and the member of our fox news medical a-team and the vice chair of the department in mount sinai in new york. >> thank you, jamie. >> prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of death for men behind skin cancer and this is an important warning, what can you tell us? >> f.d.a. finally decided to put the label on the medications and the list of the medications such as-- medications used for high risk prostate cancers and they have the effect of lowering testosterones such as medical castrations and so far the symptoms are like medical
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menopause. >> jamie: there are a list of the drugs, generics, also. >> that's right. now they're saying the effect on diabetes and heart disease and even stroke. so, if you have any history of this disease you need to talk to your physician and make sure what the side effects are and as doctors, you have to really go over the side effects before they started. a lot of times these medications are used with radiation or if the cancer is spread to the bone. so, have this discussion with your physician before you go on these hormones. now, when indicated there are great medications, very helpful and can actually help the patient. >> you're saying they basically put the patients into a male menopause by reducing the it is test trone. if you can't take it because of a history of heart disease, stroke or otherwise can't use them? are there alternative therapies? >> there's always chemotherapy even though many studies are done. that's why it's great to catch it early on and a lot of times try to cure them.
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and removing the prostate and making sure the psa going down to zero so they don't have to be on hormonal treatment. >> what about preventing it in the first place? what's the best thing that a man can do or a woman that cares about what a man can do to prevent the disease. >> obviously, healthy diet and exercise plays a big role. a lot of times you can't do anything about it. genetics plays a big role, if you have a family history, you can't avoid it. that's why doing this is very vital. and it should be done at age 40, early age to get to baseline, if you have a family history or high risk, getting that is very important and now, there are also a lot of misconceptions about prostate cancer. for example, it's been said that prostate cancer is a slow growing disease, not always true. there are some low risk prostate cancers and some aggressive prostate cancers.
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does elevated psa always mean prostate cancer, no, if you've had sexuality activity before, but every looks for treatment. there is watchful waiting and what's important with surgery you can remove the cancer. if you need radiation you can get it after surgery and difficult to get surgery after radiation. so, if you're young and you're diagnosed with prostate cancer, make sure to look into surgical options because you can always get radiation in the future, if necessary and that's a very important point. obviously, if you're older and have multiple medical issues of course, watchful waiting and close surveillance. case by case has to be studied and multiple factors go into this. and aim, and you need to talk to the experts in prostate cancer before you make a decision. >> jamie: let's, if we can put up the list of drugs again or go to for the information. these drugs, they're a lot of them on the list. what being too the f.d.a. till now to decide that these drugs
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may not be indicated for some prostate cancer patients? >> you know, there was a lot of background discussions with mopping the doctors about the medications and we now we had to control the blood sugar and cardiac enzymes and liver enzymes with the medications and they're used sort of like a last resort. when surgery fails and radiation, if the cancer is spread to the bone, this is the way to really lower testosterone. so, that's why, overuse of these medications is always concerning to me. and you need to make sure you speak to your physician before you take these medications. >> as you said, check your sugar, check your heart, check everything. get your psa done. doc, thank you very much. a great series. >> thank you. >> in fact, next week dr. samadi's cancer series, we'll discuss a disease that affects men and women, colon cancer and clear up questions. >> kelly: i hope the guys are taking notes on that one. a very good one. soon to hit dealer show rooms,
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the highly anticipated chevy volt. general motors has a lot riding on this car, a plug-in hybrid that promises to go 40 miles without a drop of gas. gary gastelu tells us if the volt lives up to its hype. >> the most anticipated car of all time is finally here, the chevrolet volt. the first mass produced electric vehicle that promises the benefits of emissions free driving with none of the drawbacks. simply put for the first 25 to 50 miles of driving the volt is battery powered electric car, until the level of charge depletes to the point where the comustion engine helps to kick in for generated electric and drive as long as you want as long as you fill in the dank or plug it in and wait four to ten hours to takes to recharge. i've already driven one of these over 40 miles on a single charge which costs about a buck 50 and tell you
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general motors did a fantastic job. the drive train is nearly silent, power delivery very smooth and with as much torque on tap as a big v-6, it's quite quick. now, however, i'm in that range extended mode, so the internal comustion engine is kicking in to help out and where it gets a little strange. first of all, i'm getting about 35 miles per gallon the further i drive the lower miles or economy it's going to be. the same power available, but even though it doesn't feel different, it sounds different because the engine doesn't follow the throttle linearly. sometimes lags your input and other times jumps to a higher rpm and sits there trying to maintain a certain level offing charge. more of an odd sound, than a loud one and takes some getting used to, but not much. and better than the alternative running out of juice miles from home. while it lives up to it, at $41,000, if you drive less
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than 50 miles a day and live in one of these and plug in one of these could be for you. in any case, it's one of the most interesting cars. >> the 2011 chevy volt. gary gastelu, fox news. >> kelly: that was gary. automotive editor at if you want to learn more about the chevy volt go to fox car >> protecting those who are the most vulnerable, not just kids, but adorable animals like these, take a look, we're going to have a report on a ground breaking new law that is taking effect. it's the first of its kind in the u.s. and we'll tell you. how could you resist this? you've got to stick around. it's next. [ female announcer ] with rheumatoid arthritis, there's the life you live...
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> >> some new details for you and a california tragedy, a sheriff now saying that a shark that killed a body surfer in santa barbara county. may have been a great white. the victim floating just a couple of feet from a-- from the coast line, when in a flash, a huge shark rose out of the water, before chomping on his leg, pulling him under in a cloud of red surf. the victim, 19-year-old lucas ransom, a junior at university of california santa barbara and investigators looking at the bite the shark took out of the young man's board and could help determine how big and the kind of shark involved in the deadly attack.
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>> the race is definitely on for a key congressional seat in orange county, california. locked in a dead height between incumbent democrat, loretta sanchez and the g.o.p. challenger, van tramp. within voting law could turn the tide for either candidate. both of them are trying to appeal to a growing number of vietnamese american voters. our casey stegall is joining us live from the los angeles bureau, do we have casey? he's going to be coming up for us in a couple of minutes on the story. interesting, that vote could turn the tide. for ten days and counting to the crucial mid term elections and the political guns are out in force. crisscrossing the country and today, we'll hear from president obama and former vice-presidential candidate, sarah palin. live coverage on america's election headquarters, next. my producer is telling me,
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>> we're sharing news about a mainly issue between one of america's largest newspapers and the catholic church. what exactly is the big issue and how has the media been covering it? joining us now is author, journalist and fox news contributor, liz trotta. what is happening with the story? >> well, it's interesting, almost an anniversary, a year ago this weekend, archbishop timothy dolan, relative new to new york, took on the new york times because of maureen dowd's very self-consciencely secure lus anti-catholic remarks. and a year later, the
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archbishop who has a blog, first thing review and pictures of a new off broadway show called "divine sister", and it's the picture that they actually showed in the new york times, it's rather suggestivive of a nun sort of fooling around and the writers' answer to all of this is this was a celebration of the nuns in the iconic works of old movies. and it was done with a wink and a smile. well, that's, that's really hogwash. the arts section of the new york times for many months now has been self-consciously receptive to arts, plays, taken over the whole section. that was point number one, point number two was a little bit more serious and refers to an art show, an art exhibit of the history of act up.
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the most notorious and left wing of the homosexuality activist groups and part of that history includes, a poster of father park o'connor, who is no longer with us, and they had him compared to a condom and underneath the headline, scumbag. and now, that's pretty, pretty serious stuff and that's the subject thing that archbishop dolan took off on. so, now, the story went, sort of quiet for, it wasn't the story for about 24 hours and then cbs, a local cbs weighed in and led their show one evening this past week with that very story. and we hear the cardinal saying to cbs, if they're going to say, oh, no, we do that all the time, i'm going to say, show me when you do it
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to the islamic community to the jewish community, to the african-american community, to the gay community. show me when you live it when you do it there. they don't do it because they know that's out of bounds. what he's basically saying, the cardinal saying there's a double standard. the latest reaction from the times, by the way, is we usually cover them as we see them we're very fair and balanced and the rest of it, the news that-- but i think that many, many critic of the new york times feel there's a decided anti-catholic bias and what they have now in timothy dolan, who is sick and tired and not going to take it anymore. and one year later and he's gone on the attack and this is, this is where it rests. the art exhibit, by the way, sponsored by harvard, no big surprise there, and if you want to see it, you can go out to cambridge. one of the really bad hangups about the story, in 1989 they
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rushed into the cathedral and desecrated the host and that's been a hard act to forgive or forget on the part of many catholics and this is the frame work in which the story is set. >> kelly: liz trotta, i recall that 1989 situation in st. patrick's cathedral as a young reporter. thank you, liz. >> thank you, kelly. >> the vietnamese american vote could turn a race in california already locked in a dead heat, casey stegall is joining us now with a quick update. hi, casey. >> hi, jamie, in the district that represents much of orange county, california the major political players have traditionally been white and latino. in fact, the latinos make up about 68% of the constituents there, but only about 44% of the actual voting base. vietnamese american voters make up roughly 15% of the district, but a higher
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percentage of them usually turn out to the polls according to analysts. now unwith of the candidates, a california assemblyman who happens to be a vietnamese immigrant himself and is hoping to harness the votes and a 14 year incumbent and showing him trailing his democratic opponent by just about two points according to the real clear politics average. jamie. >> jamie: all right, casey stegall live for us in los angeles watching this race. fox news watching all the races you want to keep it right here for the election coverage and that's it for us. >> kelly: i'm kelly wright, thanks for joining us. >> jamie: i'm jamie colby. the journal editorial report is straight ahead for you, keep it right here and have a great day everybody, bye-bye.
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