tv Huckabee FOX News October 23, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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>> on this day in 1946, the mighty united nations holds its first general assembly meeting here in the united states but did nod not happen at the famous u.n. headquarters. it met at a room in queens. thanks for watching. see you back here for tomorrow, same time, same place. captioned by closed captioning services inc. >> did you see this in the magazine? and i quote, some in the white house say, obama will find himself running against mike huckabee. who said that? what am i going to do with this huckabee guy? people love him. he's got millions watching his show on fox news every weekend. who is on tonight? new york police commissioner ray
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kelly. ray. he is a top cop of the biggest city in the country. they'll all be watching. the foreclosure scandal. hundreds of thousands kicked out of their homes because of shoddy paperwork. you can't talk about that. he'll blame it on me. massachusetts gubernatorial candidate baker, i was just in town campaigning. what is it about this huckabee guy that makes him so appealing? maybe if i watch the show i can learn something. get "fox news" on my tv in the oval office. you heard me right, "fox news." let me be clear. i i don't want anyone to know i'm watching "fox news." ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee.
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[applause] >> thank you very much. and thank you, mr. president, for watching tonight. welcome to huckabee. from the fox news studios in new york city. i have to start with a little permanent word here -- personal word. the texas rangers are in the world series. it's been a long-time coming, and having grown up three hours from the stadium where the rangers play, it's nice to see them go to the world series. so love the yankees, great team, great city, but go rangers. just got to say. all right. [applause] >> desperate democrats are waging an attack against candidates who support the fair tax, and that's the most their thoroughly researched and documented plan to overhaul the 67,000 pages of tax code to make it fair, flat, finite, and family friend limit either
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they're dishonest or just plain dumb when they allege it's going to raise taxes. it doesn't raise taxes. it replaces taxes on productivity with a tax on consumption. people understand less been it than the inner workings of a nuclear reactor. so let me try to speak slowly and clearly so even harry reid can understand it. that means it has to be pretty simple. people have been hurting, and i understand that. and it doesn't give them comfort or solace for me to tell them, you know, but for me we would be in a worldwide depression. >> thank you, harry. you've done such a fine job for nevada and the rest of the country. i've raised three kids, and now that they're gone, my wife and i have three dogs. i learned something from raising kids and training dogs. if you reward behavior 0 our tax
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system penalizes our working by taxing our work, savings, capital gains and debts, and rewards mismanagement and reckless behavior by giving tax benefits for failing at the expense of the people whod anded. the critics of the fair tax who say it's regresssive will and will hurt the poor seem incapable of understanding how it actually untaxes the poor for their basic necessities and it empowers rather than enslaves them, which it does now by punishing them for worker harder anearning more. the fair tax abolishes the irs. [applause] >> now, you'll get your full paycheck no deductions, and the 22% tax in everything you buy will disappear, and you only pay taxes at the retail level in a
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way that's transparent. it ins the underground economy, and then prostitutes, pitches, gamblers, drug dealers and illegals will pay the same taxes you do. i offer to debate any of the democratic candidates who dare on the fair tax. and before one of them accepts, i hope they will at least take the time to know what the heck they're talking about. i will welcome the debate. i certainly kind of feel bad about engauging in a battle of wisconsins -- wits with an unarmed man. the current tax system i if you think it's working for the economy, vote for the democrats bass they want to tax you more. if you think we can do better, you might do what some democrats are afraid of doing, actually fine out about -- find out about the fair tax. that's me view, and i welcome yours. you can contact me at
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>> when i heard that npr fired my colleague juan williams, i was the first to encourage congress to cut federal funds to that radio network, and i'm happy to say that the south carolina senate are going to introduce legislation to strip public funds from npr. so juan. great to see you. >> thank you for having me. i'm glad there's someplace i can call home. >> you certainly can. this has been i think a crazy week in so many ways for you. you have certainly been given a lot of exposure on fox news. i was trying to think, what i can ask you, you haven't been asked? what can you tell me, you haven't said? >> well, you know, the thing about talking with you, governor, it's always been with me and you personal, and it's been about family, and one of the things that really in the midst of this storm that
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happened for me was having this contact with my children, and i found myself the those moments -- the rest of the time you have to be strong. you're involved in a fight. but when you talk to the kids, you want to make sure nobody is picking on them, nobody is saying, your dad is a bigot or crazy or something. this woman -- the head of npr suggested i have psychiatrist, and then they go on this business about attempting to disparage my whole career as a journalist, i'm a lose cannon in an attempt to undermind me. when i reached it out to the kids, they were so terrific, and i said, kids, i hop i haven't done anything to embarrass you, and they just came back and said, dad, we love you. it meant so much to me. >> you know, juan, i think sometimes we forget that people
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that are seen on television like you, they know you in a professional capacity, but you're a father. you have a family. and those are the things that you value most. but that's what i really wanted to talk about with you, is the impact on you personally. when you laid your head on the pillow that first night, after you had been given notice by telephone -- not even by person were you were terminated by npr what was going through your head? >> it's been three nights out and i haven't been sleeping. it just keeps going on in my head. i don't quiet get it. i said to bill oreilly, you know -- bill had been on "the view" and got spoon a cob throw versey in terms of saying there were muslim that attacked us on 9/11, muslims trying to murder americans, and he was rebuked for them and people walked over
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the set. subsequently bill and i are having a conversation on the o'reilly factor, and i said when i'm in an airport and i see people who are dress in muslim garb who are identifying themselves as muslims, it makes my nervous, causes me anxiety. and i said that's the feeling i have. i didn't say i want to discriminate against these people or they have to go through extra security. i said, bill, this is the way i feel. the result of that was npr said i had crossed some journalistic line, i was not in keeping with npr values to have simply stated how i feel in that moment. >> juan, i think with so many americans left and right and all across the political spectrum feel like your kids do. this was not something you did wrong. this is something wrong done to you. i want to thank you for the class that you have exhibited
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through this and the courage and the con vices -- convictions you have stood for. it's a pleasure to call you a colleague. hang tough. >> thanks for having me on. [applause] >> coming up. thousands of americans kicked out of their homes because some lenders cut corners by signing documents, they didn't even read them. the foreclosure scandal that is rocking the country. that's what we're talking about next and how it affects you. stay with us. ♪ [ male announcer ] a bath becomes even more pleasurable when you know that your water is being heated in an environmentally conscious way, while saving you hundreds of dollars on your water heating energy bill. introducing the geospring water heater from ge with advanced hybrid technology. heating the water in your home any other way is just going to seeprimitive. ♪
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>> there was a lot of news about the scandal of these companies that just foreclosed on people. turns out the people who are reading and signing had no experience, no background, and didn't even read the foreclosure. how big a problem and an issue is this? >> the foreclosures are at record levels in our country. it represents 23% of all sales, existing sales, and it's probably going to grow to 40%. so it's other huge problem. foreclosures at 40%? it's predicted to rise as much as 40% of all existing home sales. that's an outstanding number. audiences audibly gasping if you didn't hear that. and they were doing it on my behalf because i'm thinking the same thing. that's staggering. >> it's staggering to look at 23% of existing home sales are forecloses. the problem is we have a huge volume of loans being foreclosed, and these guys -- there's supposed to be an original signature on every document, and in the course of trying to get through 10,000 --
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they want to get home and catch their kids a football game, soccer game. someone just started take something shortcuts and started stamping documents, not even bothering to check if they owned the note. so there there were some issues. the mortgage industry has tried so hard to do things right. we're suffering from a volume issue right now. no one is trying be irresponsible for careless. it's sheer volume we're having to deal with. >> david, that is just -- it's wrong. >> it is. >> somebody could lose their home and be forced out because somebody wanted to go home and watch a soccer game, and they went ahead and signed a foreclosure. that could hurt a lot of families watching. they're going to get this notice and be told they're out, they have to get out of their house. but there is a big problem. people got into homes they could not afford. >> the average loan that is
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delinquent isn't delinquent by 30, 60, 90 days. average across the country is 484 days delinquent. we're not talking been a problem -- they've been living there for a year free. if you can't play, you can't stay. here's the bigger issue. we need to get to the bottom of this. we need to get the government out. we understand those issues that raise -- create a question, they need to be examined. you have to good in, in your state as a judicial foreclosure -- i think it's the nonjudicial state, foreclosure state -- we have to get out of the process of examining everything that's going on at this level. we have to correct this problem, but we have to get the government out so we can get to the bottom of this housing crisis and get moving forward on a recovery in the housing. >> a lot of people said the government needs to step in even more. you're saying the government needs to get out.
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how much did the government contribute to the mess we're in because they pushed lending institutions institutions to loan people money that they honestly couldn't afford to pay it back. >> really great question. i started in 1977 with the carter administration launching something call the community reinvestment act. it had great motives. we needed to get lending institutions lending into the communities where it was needed, and there was an understandable hesitancy not to do so. in 1995, under the clinton administration, we watched the cra program, the community reinvestment act program -- expand to dangerous levels. that's where this problem started. we started looking at it. then in 2000, congress and -- under pressure from regulators said let's start secure --
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securitizing subprime loans. >> many people were pressured, pushed, and even told, that you can good ahead and do this and it's safe and -- i guess my heart goes out to people who aren't bankers, not professional finance years they just want to live the american dream, and they were sold a bill of goods. how do you balance the sense of you're responsible for your loan, and you basically were defrauded, cheated and pushed into something you really cooperate -- couldn't afford? >> this is the heartbreak. you look at the collateral damage this is doing to people's lives. the tragedy, yes, there were programs that made available the lending, the whole economic financial system created that opportunity, governor. what happened is we also need personal accountability. some folks went out and got loans they couldn't afford on homes and did it in a market knowing they couldn't afford it, hoping that rapid appreciation,
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caused by -- started with c.a.r. -- that allowed that to happen. so homes quit being a long-term investment and started being a short-term commodity trade and that's part of what contributed to this. >> it's a mess. thank you for being here to share your perspective. let me just say that we're going to continue to follow this situation. violence in cities across america is made worse from a lack of understanding of the police and the young people in a community who question their authority. coming up, police chief ray kelly and a pastor, working together to cut down on crime and to save lives. we'll be right back.
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>> the bible teaches us to love thy neighbor but in many communities that lesson has been forgotten. street gangs are killing our children and devastating our communities. >> when are they going to stop? when i -- is it going for them to come up? who it going be tomorrow. >> this week in the nation's capitol, 19-year-old map died of multiple gunshot wounds, raising d.c.'s homicide rate to 104. a gang fight broke out after a church event in oklahoma city. killing one, injuring five young girls. >> shots fired. >> according to chicago police, of the 344 murders in this city today, half are gang-related. and half the number of murder victims were 25 years old or younger. new york city police have
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noticed the surge in what community leader have called black-on-black violence. the homicide rate of young african-american males is 12 times higher than their white counterparts. the statistics have launched a new initiative. the nypd and commissioner ray kelly is joining forces with new york pastors to reduce crime, save lives and restore the love thy neighbor lesson back to new york. >>me police commissioner ray kelly and sea brooks. >> commissioner, what was the catalyst getting the partnership established between the new york city police department and the spiritual community of brooklyn. >> the catalyst was the core leadership of clergy in brooklyn got fed up with the
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black-on-black crime, and they came to us, it was the clergy initiative to band together and do things in a collaborative fashion to reduce the number of young people killing themselves over stupid issues in their community. >> bishop, there's been a long tradition of mistrust and even hostility of people in african-american communities towards the police department. has this created for you any issue with some of your parishioners who say, i don't know if we can trust the police? or is it helping to open up those relationships? >> it's helping things to open up. we sat down, a group of pastors in the brooklyn area, and said we need to build a better relationship between the african-american community and the police department, so we thank commissioner kelly for establishing this relationship.
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>> let's talk about what specifically you do the partnership. does it mean you take police officer into the churches or what ways are you partnering to get this message out to the people? >> well, just this morning, for instance, we had a group of clergy up at our police range, went through a series of scenarios. it was an eye-opener as to what the police experience. they literally have a bully pulpit where they can talk to their congregations about the dangers of guns. we are going to have a grandmothers program where women executives come together with grandmothers who are now de facto family leaders in areas. we're going to have a gun buyback program through the clergy. this particular group of clergy churches. it's been successful in the past. we're going expand that. next saturday we have an open house in one of our precincts where members of the community,
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accompanied with the clergy, will go in and lessen the mystery of what goes on in police stations. they're going to do intervention with gang leaders, to lessen the level of violence in that area. so a lot of things are moving forward. the most unique aspect is the effect the initiative cam from the clergy themselves. >> a lot of mothers and grandmothers end up burying their children and their grandchildren in your communities. i want you to tell me, as a pastor, when you have to go to a mom to a grandmother, and say, your 16-year-old was shot dead, and there's no good explanation, tell me, what do you say? what do you feel? is that kind of what was -- >> i think that's what prompted to us get involved. number one, we're burying too many youth and we have to bury these youth and then speak to
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their parents and it's just horrific. we think it's now a god assignment to bring healing to our city and to try to bring some prevention to the black-on-black crime in our city. >> commissioner, are you getting criticism? anytime there's any mention that the church might be involved in the public square, you have people going berserk about it. civil rights groups thinking we don't want anything religious, that would be an imposition. are you hearing any of that so far? >> not so far. this is new york. so, it's certainly possible. >> now that you're on the show, it will probably happen. that will be great. >> we have had -- the elm tuesday has come from the police department reaching out to at the clergy and this is the clergy reaching out to the department. >> how much is this like the broken windows approach that new york really pioneered back in
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the '80s and '90s that changed the whole, i think, edge of new -- image of new york worldwide. >> crime was down. last year we the lowest numbers of murders since 1963. even so, it's disproportionate in the black community, and i think broken windows, you have to pay attention to the little things and that will take care of some of the big things. that's what we're doing here. we want to -- also, another aspect of the program is a model block program. a couple of streets are blocked around a particular church, will get special attention from the crime prevention officers, from the community affairs ofs. so, yeah, it is taking care of the little things, and the big things, you might say, together. >> so a big thing is when someone is tragically and violent hi killed -- violently killed in a community. i want to say thanks for both of you partnering together,
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one that more cities need to emulate. bishop, commissioner, thank you for'ing here. >> thank you for having us. [applause] >> massachusetts has traditionally been a very blue state. earlier this year, republican scott brown came from in where to win the senate seat that was long hemmed by the late ted kennedy. now a republican is presenting a big challenge to the democratic governor. what's going on in massachusetts? we ask charlie baker when we come back. how are those flat rate boxes working out?
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iraqi forces tortured or killed. more bloody violence in mexico. 13 people dead after attackers with automatic weapons opened fire at a party in juarez. children as young as 14 were killed. drug wars have turn juarez into the world's deadliest city. now back to huckabee. you're watching fox. >> if you would like to comment on tonight's show, e-mail at huck mail at >> a tight race with the governor of massachusetts, and the latest real clear politics shows that patrick is ahead of the republican challenger charles baker by less than seven percentage points, joining us, charles baker. charles, good to have you with
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us here today. and thank you for taking time off the campaign trail to say hello. you have -- >> thanks very much. you can call my charlie. >> okay, i'll call you char limp we'll be chums. i like that. charlie -- >> i'll call you governor. >> you can call me mikey. charlie, people call me stuff we can't say on television. i can tell you that right now. i want to talk -- >> they call me stuff like that, too. >> you may be the only candidate that has a democratic opponent that is embracing obama. your opponent has continued that close friendship. what impact is that having on the closeness of your race in massachusetts? >> i think the federal government and the folks on beacon hill, the president and the governor, both pursuing tax and spend policies and there's no walking away from that. they've been friends for years.
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they have the same political advisors, and their message is all the same, which is more government is a good thing. we need raise taxes so we can make investments, and they simply don't understand that if we cut taxes and we rein in state and federal spending, we create opportunities for jobs. we have the same job problems in massachusetts that people have elsewhere. massachusetts lost 20,000 jobs in the month of september. that's the single biggest job loss in 20 years. >> charlie, we made numerous attempts to invite patrick. our calls were not returned. so we're not trying to be unfair to him and generous to you. i want to ask you about scott brown's election earlier this year in massachusetts was the vote heard around the world. do you sense the same kind of sentiment going on in your race that propelled massachusetts to do something that's out of character for it in the gubernatorial election in.
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>> yeah. i think there are three big compare sons here, mike. the first would be we have been getting closer and closer every day to the -- and all the dat and the enthusiasm we feel on the campaign trail is palpable. second thing is, we have been talking about jobs and spending and taxes, what i call the pocketbook issues, every since we got into this race 15 months ago. that's why i got into it. governor patrick was not doing the kind of things that would generate jobs and create economic opportunity. and the their is, you got one party domination. on beacon hill in massachusetts, just like in washington, and you get a lot of bad behavior and bad decisionmaking when win team controls the playing field and voters are saying i don't appreciate the, now i have and it now i want it. >> the massachusetts healthcare plan is considered the blueprint or the matrix for which obama care was drafted.
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you saw very closely because you were c.e.o. of harvard medical care, of what it did to the whole healthcare industry of massachusetts. is the dissatisfaction which is significant in massachusetts -- is that also a factor in your campaign? and tell us how obama care and the massachusetts plan are so similar. >> well, i the think emergency comparisons between the two are sort of what i would describe as a significant increase in the state's role and the federal government's role in insurance and small group insurance and individual insurance, and i would say here in massachusetts, over the past four years, there's been nothing of huge increases in health care coverages for small businesses as the government has gotten involved, and i expect the same thing to happen at the federal level as well. i think the other big issue, mike, is the federal reform bill
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is like the massachusetts bill in the sense that nobody who voted for it really knows how to pay for it. and massachusetts faces the same problem. this is not sustainable in its current form, and i have made all kinds of proposals which i will pursue if i win to make this more affordable. the federal bill has the same issue, nobody knows how to pay for it. >> you look like your surrounded bay great bunch of folks there. thanks for joining us. wishing you the best. thank you very much, charlie. >> thank you. >> coming up, something i'm very excited about. a dream come true for me. going to make a dream come through for a lot of kids who want to play music. erin tippen and james brown join me next to day but the "i wanna play" c.d. [ male announcer ] it's ram truck season.
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>> i think you know i love music, and i believe music ought to be a part of every student's education. i'm proud to announce through the partnership with the national association of music marketers foundation, and the wanna play fund and with the help of the music industries biggest names we put together a c.d. called "i wanna play. " it's a full length album being
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released this weekend, debuting right here, and includes contributions from george jones, ronnie milsap and many more. joining me aaron tippen and james cloud. good to have both you guys here. we started this thing as a result of away being -- aaron being on the show a year and a half ago and started talking about what we could do to get music to kids. you started talking to the nashville artists, the biggest people in the music business, legends. what kind of response did you get when you asked them to participate? >> i don't think we had anybody that didn't want to participate. everybody wanted to be part of this. i'm a lucky guy, james sent me to new york to get the tracks on
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neil. so that was exciting. >> isn't he a great guy? >> awesome to be in a room with him and watch him perform. >> james, many people have no idea. you produced platinum selling, grammy winning records for tony keith and aaron tipin and willie nelson. >> tim mcgraw, and faith hill, and charlie daniels. it goes on. >> the list is shorter if you don't mention -- >> it's an amazing thing. tell me something that happened in a studio? >> well, we talked about this earlier, talking about what happens in -- when we're recording. we talk about charlie daniels, and everybody has seen the commercial. charlie really fiddles really hard, and i was an upcoming producer at the time, and he wanted know make a record with them. i was very honored.
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we were in the studio. the control room was sort of small. he played an electric fiddle, like a guitar, you plug it in. he says i want to play fiddle on this song, and we're sitting here, and we're standing, and we start the track, and he is playing. i start seeing what i thought was smoke. i thought the console was on fire. and then i started feeling this stuff and he was playing to hard the bow was coming apart and and the rosin was falling on our heads. and this went on for days. so the engineer said-this is getting on the equipment, we have to stop this. so we got -- i went and got a ten-gallon cowboy hat and put them on our heads and we walked in. he was very honored. he said, this is great. so you just really are into the project and you want to have a
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hat like mine. >> absolutely, charlie. he had no idea. the dreaded word was, get my fiddle. but i finally saw him -- this has been 15-20 years ago. i saw him two weeks ago and told him about this, and he grabbed me and said, you lied to me. and we had a great time. but that was a fun moment for charlie. >> aaron, this c.d. has great songs, laurie mortgage -- morgan, and louise mandrell, and everybody on this project, james jones, john anderson, have unique pieces of music. this is a great compilation. >> like i said earlier, when we started hunting for folks, we didn't have a bit of trouble having people step up and play.
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we need to give back, and this is our opportunity to do it. >> one thing i want arch to know, this project -- everybody participated and donates their time and talents. we have a-list musicians from nashville that helped us work on this thing. victory foundation supplied the basic costs of production so all the profit from this are going to go to buy musical instruments for kids. so, the ten -- is ten bucks. you can give a donation above that but you can buy a bunch of these and give them away, and you're actually helping to put musical instruments in the hands of some kid who wants to play. the title cut of the album is called "i want to play." who wrote that? >> my lovely boss did. my owner. we got so involved, we had conversations going, and i was real excited about it.
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we talked about it all the time at the house. finally we thought, the best way to come up with a song is to use the wanna play, and it's "i wanna play," and it's about kids. we wrote a song that is sing-along, and the greatest thing that could happen to this song is to hear some kid just belting it out. so that's what i'm looking for. i want it to be like that. and so we got a cool sing-along song that everyone can enjoy, and maybe inspire folks to go out and dig in their pockets and let's get these kids something to play. my picker are old. i got have new ones. >> i even got to play on a couple of the cuts. you're going to love the song. we're going to do it when we come back from the break. there's a number on the screen, you can get it from the web site. we're going to do the title track "i want to play." everyone in the audience gets a copy of this. the very first people in america
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to get a copy of the c.d., "i wanna play. " we'll be right back. it's our honeymoon. but we've parted wa with our old airline credit card that promid flights for 25,000 miles. it was always... [ laughing ] that seat's not happening without a big mileupcharge. a miles upcharge wasn't part of the deal. was i supposed to go without my wife? [ elevator bell dings ] [ grunting ] haha, that was awkward. so we upgraded to the venture card from capital one.
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>> mike: i want to say thanks to reggie brown, the obama impersonator who opened our show tonight. he is going to be appearing with laura ingraham on production of the obama diaries. you can catch him on october the 30th or go to presidential for more details. if you want a copy of the wanna play cd and, yes, you do. here's how you get it. go to wanna play also call a toll free number. we will leave it up during the song so you will be able to order yours. remember, the profits from this are going to go putting musical instruments in the hands of kids. joining james stroud, legendary
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producer was a drummer before that. he is on drums. aaron tippin singing his song with sons tim and tom. we have musicians and eric is on steel guitar today. let's play the you are going to love i wanna play. ♪ ♪ i got a man inside of me ♪ i need helping hand ♪ i will give you something good ♪ i wanna play some music ♪ i wanna play some music.
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♪ just let me show you what i was born to do ♪ god gave me a gift ♪ now i want to give it to you ♪ ♪ i wanna play some music ♪ yeah, i wanna play along ♪ oh i wanna play some music ♪ yeah, i wanna play a song ♪ oh, i wanna play some music ♪ yeah i wanna play a long ♪ oh, i wanna play some music ♪ i wanna play a song ♪ say i wanna play some music ♪ i wanna play along
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♪ i wanna play some music ♪ yeah, i wanna play a song ♪ [ applause ] >> aaron tippin, james stroud, thanks for joining us, get your copy of "i wanna play" cd. hoping you are having a great time from new york, this is mike huckabee, good night, god bless. have a great week. [cheers and applause] my job at ge capital is to get bobcat all the financial and business support they need. we provide financing for every bobcat dealer in north america. together, wee rolled out over 100,000 machines to small businesses all over the country so they too can grow. ♪ ge capital. we're there for bobcat every step of the way.
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