tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News November 13, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EST
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if you wish to opine. don't be a -- that's not a good thing to be. as mallard fillmore knows. thank you for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly. the spin stops here in west palm beach, florida, because we are definitely looking out we are definitely looking out for you. >> good morning, everyone, on saturday, november 13. president obama in japan continuing the tour of asia. the question everyone is asking: what will he do about taxes at home? we may see a compromise on tax cuts. >> nancy pelosi trying to stay the top democratic. does the entire party support the secret deals on million hill or is there a potential battle brewing? >> the government launching a war on salt. should lawmakers tell you what
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to eat? we report. you decide. and now, "fox and friends." good morning, everyone, you for getting up early to join us. nice to see you. >> thank you and you forgetting up early. i could not do it without you. >> and we have a lot to get to. >> presbyterian is ready to attend an official dinner after a full day of economic speeches and meetings and now the very latest is our reporter from japan. good morning. good morning. whatever time it may be in japan. the president actually
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washingtoning kabuki with one more day of a trip focused on jobs including the trans pacific partnership rebuilding the u.s. share of the export market in the area which are up 60 percent but the share of the market down mostly to china. he told c.e.o.'s today that one of the lessons of the global recession we are climbing out of is the world can't count entirely on american consumers to drive economic growth here and at the last summit in south korea he has been pushing china to sell more to their people and sell less abirthday. going forward, countries with large surpluses must shift away from unhealthy dependence on exports and boost domestic demand. going forward no nation should assume their path to prosperity is paveed with exports to
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america. >> chinese president said his country will seek more balanced trade and gradually adjust the value of its currency which the u.s. believes is kept low to make chinese goods cheap are but he made clear china will move at its own pace. there were profits. relations between japan and china soured in september after a chinese fishing boat crashed into a couple of jap coast guard cutters near disputed items in the south china sea. after that dispute and a territorial dispute japan has with russian the president said the u.s. military presence here is increasingly important. >> thank you from japan. and now in capitol hill. nancy pelosi has the leadership, the minority leader position locked up and it is interesting. she spoke to npr about her interpretation of exactly what
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the election meant and her role in the losses of seats for democrats. >> we did not lose the election because of me. the reason they had to try to take me down is because i have been effective in meeting special interests in washington, dc. i'm also the most significant attractor of support for the democrats so i'm not looking back on this. they asked me to run. i'm running. and, again, our members understand they made me a target because i'm effective. >> she is in part correct. republicans ran massive ads with her face plastered all over but no one raises more money than democrats. she is a money making machine for democrats. to get rid of the biggest money maker in your party is a mistake. >> she suggested the only reason they lost on tuesday was we have a 9.6 unemployment rate but the voters are say we have a 9.6
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unemployment rate because of the policies you passed have failed to get us out of this mess. you passed through this legislation. we are pinning the blame on you. certainly the domes would have done better if we had 5 percent unemployment rate. they say the policies did not get us there. >> her intention is interesting because it doesn't take that into account. she is saying, i'm the scapegoat, not the cause of all of this. and you are right, she is effective however she does not take into account that she supported the policies that became very unpopular. >> she pushed them through. >> that is her job but people hold her responsible for that. >> a battle brewing among the leadership position because it is not locked up, she will run and the vote is held on wednesday. this morning we are learning that representative from north carolina is officially going to announce his bid to challenge
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her, and he is running for the minority leader position. it is interesting because you listen to democrats and they are saying he does not represent where the democratic party is right now. he represents more moderate wing of the democratic party and they lost on election day. liberals are in charge. >> he is a blue dog and acknowledged this is a race "we probably can't run." he has a losing record as an nfl quaterback and cannot win this, either. 15 touchdowns in his career. >> did -- does he read? it is losing. he promised he would do that on the trail so he is keeping the promise and maybe he will make a name for his house. >> this weekend there are a lot of freshman congressman now would were just elected and are rolling into washington this weekend for the first time, like
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an orientation where you go to college. this week it is interesting what is happening in washington because this are two separate orientations. one represents the tea party patriots. one is another group representiting the g.o.p. establishment. they have orientation meeting at the same time. and they are angry at each other and saying "don't go to the other," one is the establishment, and one represents why you were elected. >> this is exactly like college. what are we doing here? we have more point issues to fight about ahead and this group, the patriots, there are so many different groups under the tea party name. that is the problem. freedom works hard an orientation and they are saying we have one tea party orientation on saturday and now we have one on sunday and choose that over the establishment. if you are a young congressman, associated with the tea party, it is going to be impossible. your head will be spinning.
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>> and the spokesman are afraid the conservative group of republicans will siphon off some members. >> it is the ground swell already starting, washingtoning is taking a bite out of the freshman already and they are not even congressman yet. we will report throughout the day. and now the rest of the head loans: pro democracy leader suu kyi detained for seven years by burma's june that has been freed. barricades were removed from suu kyi's compound. she is such an important figure there in the country previously nope as burma and won the nobel peace prize but was jailed by the government and is called the nelson mandela of that country. a group of would be bombers are stopped after storming a major nato base in afghanistan. they stormed the check point
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sparking a gun battle that involved nato helicopters firing from overhead. and eight were killed and the taliban claimed responsibility, the second attack there in six months. >> and a search for ten-year-old zahra baker has ended. some found her remains. >> the great regret, i have been dreading this moment, early on in this investigation. >> police say the remains found this week are consistent with zahra. she lost her left leg to bone cancer and her father is questioned. her step mother is in jail on obstruction of justice but neither is charged. >> more than two thirds of the write-in ballots in alaska's nature race have been counted and senator murkowski won 90 percent of them. shell be on track to defeat republican joe miller but not the end of the road there.
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miller sued argue under state law her name must be spelled exactly correctly on write-in ballots and a federal court will make a call on that late next week. former college student who hacked into sarah palin's e-mail account is sentenced to a year and a day in custody. the judge recommended the 22-year-old serve out the sentence in a halfway house rather than a federal prison. he hacked into her personal account to derail her 2008 vice presidential campaign. >>ial son, we will check in with the weather. >> we actually do have a lot going on today with a low pressure system over iowa and on the northwest partf that, snow in minneapolis and duluth, between 6" to 10" so a chilly saturday morning prompting concerns for traveling for anyone along the local roads.
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we are looking at winds between 20 to 30 miles per hour. that is prompting the winter storm warnings across minnesota and extending into northwest parts of wisconsin and down into iowa and ahead of this area, temperatures are too warm for snow in indiana and arkansas, which are looking at temperatures warmer. guys? >> thank you. stay tuned. >> there is an important lesson to be learned from cup takes.
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now i'm emotionally compromised, and... woopsies! [ tires screech ] i'm all omg. becky's not even hot. and if you've got cut-rate insurance, you could be payin' for this yourself. so geallstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ tires screech ] [ dennis ] dlar for dollar nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate. >>alisyn: our national debt is
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approaching $14 trillion and the deficit mission this week unveiled a controversial plan to help us slash the deficit and debt. some proposals include raising the retirement age to 69 by 2075. wiping out tax breaks including home mortgage deduction. and increasing the federal gas tax by 15 cent as flown and cutting the federal workforce by 10 percent. but are there better openings out there? tax practitioner is here along with the president for the committee for a responsible federal budget and co-founder of new york's tea party 365. good morning to all of you. david, let me begin with you. you don't like the proposals. what bothers you? >> everything. this blue ribbon bipartisan commission is looking to get between the wall and the wallpaper and taxing, increasing
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our taxes, americans are already taxed more than enough. the best thing to do is disband the commission. >>alisyn: what do you propose? they have gone after every single element that costs money in our country from social security to defense. you have to cut somewhere. >> you need cut and you need to reduce what government is as far as it size. but in thend you sum this up you get a $700 billion tax increase, you get a reduction in whatever they will do with the mortgage deduction that hurts the middle class, those in trouble in the housing industry, and you do not get real reduction in the government. >>alisyn: you do like it, what do you like? >>guest: you have to be realistic, the way to get on tough the debt problems in this country is not by wishing them away our going forward with plans on earmarks but it takes
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policy change. the truth is they are not going to be changes that anyone likes. what i like is it is honest. it is realistic. it comes to the american people and says these are the changes on the spending side that are required to get on top of the debt challenges. we need that conversation in this country. >>alisyn: david, you don't like this, where would you cut? >>guest: there are a lot of issues we have to address. a great deal of money is leaving our economy each day. dollars that have never been taxed being remitted to mexico and latin america. i have called for a transfer tax on that money. right away that would be a very good idea. i don't think we should be penalize business. what we need is financial accountability from our elected officials. not right to keep squeezing the taxpayer and i would remind the viewing audience that an individual is not a taxpayer if they receive more than they pay in. >>alisyn: a lot of economists have said if you don't start
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towning these third rails of spending -- defense, social security, medicare -- you are trimming around the margins. the proposal says increase the retirement age but not until 2075, to 69 and cutting defense spending. are you comfortable with those? >>guest: we need to do something about the third rails but there is a transition that has to happen and their proposals are not means tested. there is no lockbox. we have another flowery approach we will do something about the entitlements instead of really working on a means tested proposal. >>alisyn: miya? >>guest: that is not really accurate description of the proposal. so what they do on social security and health care, they scare back the spending on the programs in a problemmive way so they protect the people who depend on them and they increase the benefit at the bottom and bring it down on the top. we have to work longer. we are living longer.
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these have to be phased in. but we have to be aggressive open the changes. we waited so long to deal with the deficit and the debt people love to talk tax cuts that is not going to get us there. there are lots of things that no one will like. if the plan has been greeted "it sounds fun," that would an sure sign it was not dealing with the deficit. >>alisyn: thank you, my guests, something tells me we will debate this for weeks to come. come. appreciate your presence. host:o really save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance? do woodchucks chuck wood?
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>> and now quick headlines: the supreme court refusing to block the military from discharging openly gay service member as the obama administration appeals a ruling declares the "don't ask, don't tell" law unconstitutional. and the worst kept secrets in the world, but former white house chief of staff will announce that he is running for mayor of chicago. you can exhale. the candidacy will not be official until the election board reviews his signatures. >> first sugar. now salt. new york city's mayor bloomberg targeting salt in frozen food and soup. the proposal based on research that says too much salt increases the chance for stroke. is this a case of government overstepping its role? doesn't government have better things to do with their time?
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for a fair and balanced debate we have a certified nutritionist and a member of the salt institutes. does the government have better things to do with its time? >>guest: well, this one size fits all no salt diet they want to put us on is unnatural and can be dangerous. the government is behind the times on the science and ignoring new research that shows many unintended consequences of a low salt diet and while some people should be on a low salt diet and under the care of their doctor in doing so, one size fits all for all americans could actually hurt people. there are studies that say, a study from einstein college of medicine in new york shows heart patients put on a low salt diet had more heart attacks than the hardback parents on a regular sat diet.
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>> so out of date research, and a one-size-fits-all approach is not the answer. >> right now 1.5 million new yorkers is high blood pressure. high blood pressure can lead to heart attack, stroke, this is the number one kill are of americans and we can save billions in health care costs and that is what is significant at this time. >> do we have more of a responsibility to teach our children about this? this is interesting that we are seeing the "new york post," with all the calorie numbers in manhattan, you walk into a starbucks and we see a calorie number and we are seeing a spike in doughnut sales so the education campaign may not be working. >> we need to be educating in various directions. the calories, fat, sodium. these are contributing factors to oh boast. if we can educate in any way, shape or form it is significant.
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because it is calories, it is sodium, it is water retention. all the factors are contributing to obesity. and this is a problem that is affecting us in many, many ways. >> it may not be perfect, but we need to educate in some capacity. what do you say to that? >>guest: well, researchers came out showing that sodium intake in the united states has been the same for 40 years but hypertension is rising. so we know sodium is not the culprit and i am glad we brought up obesity because the researchers point out that obesity is more likely the cause of the hypertension than sodium and so it's very dangerous to the government to target something that is probably not the problem, put everyone on a low salt diet and put people at risk including the elderly, pregnant women, children, and healthy patients we know can develop insulin resistance.
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>>guest: we have to start educating overall on how to exercise, look at our health, and start learning how to over all take care of ourself. >> we can all agree about that. thank you for joining us. president obama pushing for tax cuts for the middle class but he is signaling he is willing to compromise? [ j. weissman ] it was 1975.
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my professor at berkeley asked me if i wanted to change the world. i said "sure." "well, let's grow some algae." and that's what started it. exxonmobil and synthetic genomi have built a new facility to identify the most productive strains of algae. algae a amazing little critters. they secrete oil, which we could turn into biofuels. they also absorb co2. we're hoping to supplement the fuels that we use in our vehicles, and to do this at a large enough scale to someday help meet the wor's energy demands.
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>>alisyn: rise and shine, time to wake up, everyone. >> people are responding about the salt controversy and they are saying don't move to new york city i don't want people telling me what kind of salt i can have. president obama continues the trip to asia a battle offer extending the bush tax cuts is waiting when he returns. >> and now live from washington, dc with more. a long battle still ahead when he comes home, right?
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>> and that question of whether the president will actually agree to a compromise and citizen the bush tax cuts followed him on the trip there at a news conference in south korea he refused to say he is willing to cave on this and support a temporary extension of the tax cuts for wealthy americans. on wednesday, axelrod, a top advisor, made headlines saying obama was ready to give in. not so, says the president. >> a wrong interpretation because i have not had a conversation with republican and democratic leaders. here is the right interpretation: i want to make sure taxes don't go up for middle class families starting january 1st. that's my number one priority. for those families and our economy. >> republicans want the tax cuts extended for everyone so push back from the president as he is ready to fly back to washington
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and face the newly empowered g.o.p. in the first big battle since the mid-term. and the steaks are big outside washington. millions of taxpayers could see the paychecks hit in january unless they figure this out and no one wants to answer to that. >> the key points, people will be paying for christmas and then get lit with the tax increase if this is not passed. >> that is when the bills come due, at that same moment in january. >>alisyn: here are the had lines: al qaeda is making a new push to attack the west. a british newspaper says they appointed a egyptian born man as head of the national operations and they are unsure if the appointment was made. he could still be in iran where he has been hiding since being released in 2009 in a bring nor swap. the f.b.i. and ohio investigators are investigating significant amounts of blood
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found in the home of a missing ohio woman. she and her friend vanished on thursday along with her two children. the case prompted a lockdown on the kenyon college campus after her abandoned truck was found. >> charlie wrangle faces the music on monday, the howght ethics committee will hear the case against the new york democrat, and rangel is facing 13 ethic violation accounts including misusing campaign funds. and maximum each -- and maxine wars will face the panel as well. >> if you dreamed of wearing a suit of may dove you are in luck, because the marshal will auction off personal items from the madoff's house on the water.
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it is a good charity. >> and the ban on toys and fast food meals for kids but both sides in san francisco say the fight is not over. >> you have to have a certain message of this and that and that and then you can have a toy. that goes too far. >> all we are doing is to create healthy food choices. >> the happy meal nutrition sets certain amounts in meals that have toys for kids. >> it is chilly. not too bad for this time of the year but we will look at the map. we have snow to talk about. that is across parts of central minnesota and to northwest iowa and 6" to 10" of snow in minneapolis. and as we move ahead of the system that is what we are
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looking at, rain across wisconsin and down through parts of chicago seeing rain moving in. and that will stay and rain temperatures will not dip below freezing and the highs ahead of the system, 60 in chicago, 65 in memphis, and 78 in new orleans and high temperatures behind the storm, 33 in minneapolis so the cool air is moving into the region and the rockies are chilly with highs in the 30's and denver is a bit warmer and then los angeles is 74. and now, steve is the only one here in new york city. >> yes, our first annual "fox and friends" snow day. don't you love snow days? all among we will show you the latest trends in clothing and gear to have fun with your family this winter including important safety tips to remember when you are talking,
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taking kids along on trips to the mountains. and we have a former limp peck and professional athlete with a company that specializes in snow eye wear. you are from snow valley, idaho so you know about the snow gear and what it takes. what do you think of the quality of our snow? >> on a 60 degree morning you are not doing too bad. what caught my attention is a ski you see here. these are fat, wider than i have seen. if you have not bought skis in years you will be surprised. >>guest: ski technology is evolving and the materials and the construction and the size are for skiing out of bounds, so it is shaped a special way, that
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allows the ski to float and then it still has a lot of grip on hard snow so you can make hard snow towns and it is a versatile product and the binding, you can walk with the ski on, and the skis come, now, with a climbing skid so on this side i have put the skin on there so you can go out in the soft snow and walk up the hill and it has the ability -- you strip this off and you get a regular looking ski base. >> and these brands you be customed made. >> there is a cottage industry for skis and snow board like beer, food, liquor and everything else, people are growing their own skis so the ski company is down the street from our office and they make a couple hundred skis a year.
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and the snow board is similar, from colorado. >> what you will notice when you see our skiers, helmets. >> i grew up, no way. why is this so important and tell me about the helmets. >> products are more developed, there are more skiers, and ski are faster, and more people on the mountain, more features and your heads are important thing so you never regrow neurons when they are damaged so helmets are more comfortable, more functional, and better looking, and we started making them six years ago and already the stories are pretty amazing. >> and now, the different products from the sled to the goggles. >> this is a woman's ski called the geisha, a responsible, fun ski with bamboo in it, that is popular material on skis now, and also, a layer of a mineral
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that is designed for a woman. this is dangerous right here. this is why you need a helmet. this is the ferrari of sleds, a steering sled, like an olympic luge with differentkis, and it is called a hammer head in vermont and it is a lot of fun. and scary. >> you control this with the feet. >> with the feet. you can lay on your stomach. you can steer it. >> always wear a helmet, young man, that could go a little too fast. and tell us what the kits are wearing. >> kids are wearing helmets. we never wore them as kids i don't know how we survived but now we have cool helmets for kids, make sure it is certified and inside the helmet it tells if it is certified and shows it is safe.
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so, always wear a helmet. it is good advice. >> and you could crash into a skier, tree, a pole. >> it protects you against everything. >> and goggles. everyone has newly designed goggles. has anything changed? >> goggles are cool. iing take pete office off -- pete's off his head. when the conditions change quickly on the hill. and you need a goggle you can change to have the right ability to see. this is a dark lens for bright sun and to change the lens you flip this and the lens pops out so in your pocket you can have the right lens for the conditions and in my pocket here i have low light.
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when it started snowing, pop it out, and this comes out. >> that is for the, extreme and made by smith probably not what the kids need but when you are more advanced. >> the technical advancement in goggles and you can put in the right lens. >> thank you, greg will be here all among talking about different equipment and we will talk about the clothing you see. we hope the snow doesn't melt it is supposed to be up to 60. we hope this sticks and. for those viewers who will stick and for the next three hours, i will be snow boarding. did you alert the city police officers? ! " # $ / 0 i
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>> time for a quick headlines. zsa zsa waking up in a los angeles area hospital this morning, the 93-year-old suffering from a blood clot that could move to her heart. >> and a ship will be officially commissioned named for a corporal who died in iraq after throwing himself on a hand grenade and sake two other marines. >> are americans too afraid to speak their minds?
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>> john stossel held an unusual bake sale. >> cupcakes for sale. >> this week in a mall in manhattan i held a bake sale. >> we have different prices. if you are asian $1.50. if you are white $1, if you are latino or black, 50 cents. >> that's not right. >> that is not fair. >> asian cupcake costs more. >> i copy what studented did, an aofficialive action bake sale. here at the university the administration shut the bake sale down and the students just wanted to tart a conversation about affirmative action which does make it harder for asians to get admitted but easier for blacks and latinos. but before the conversation started, they were shut down. so i ran the bake sale so we
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could see what kind of discussion the students missed. >> i am trying to make amends for racism and punish the asians because they have an advantage they have such high s.a.t. scores. >> thank you is not true i had an asian student that was dumb as cardboard. that is stereotyping. >> affirmative action is supposed to help minorities but latinos and blacks who saw the sign did not like it. >> that makes me feel bad because i am latino and black. >> should i not do this because it could hurt people's feelings. >> out of respect. >> it is hurtful and demeaning. >> clearly what i am doing offends some but does that mean i shouldn't do it? was it wrong for this student to talk about guns? or this woman to criticize his school for not being "green," or for someone who have said
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>> a nj high school is trying to him national the popularity contest going through the year book, page by page to make sure all 1,400 high school students are in at least two photographs each. is this a good idea? does it go too far? and now a debate this morning, the vice president of an institute and an author. and now, say there is a student who is the class body student and she is a soccer player, in drama, she volunteered her time and the high school. why should she be in the year book as much as a student who is not involved in anything at high school who comes in at the first bell and leaves at the last and never seen again? why do they get equal exposure?
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>>guest: students can deal with not being in the year book exactly the amount of time because that is silly and that is too difficult and kids can survive. they can survive not having everything equal but we do want to be able to have kids in positions of leadership be responsible leaders and to be effective so the kids who are in positions of power in the year book, it is important lesson for them to be able to think of these kinds of should when they have the power of what represents our school and who represents our school. >> this concept of equal exposure, does it represent what goes on in high school? that is what the yearbook is designed to do, represent what happened lou that year and the expenses of students in high school. what do you think of this concept of? >>guest: it is embarrassing we are talking about this. the rest of the world has caught up to the united states and passing us by in terms of our educational achievement and we are worried about how many times
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someone is in the yearbook. if schools want to make sure all students are engaged, fine, but to blame the yearbook, that is shooting the messenger. >> what would it accomplish, say a student who ordinarily is not seen in the year book, maybe he has an individual portrait when you take the class photographs and he has a photo in the high school year book which happens after the year is over. what does that accomplish? >>guest: well, i think this is important about the educational process being engaged. in a way that actually zone matter if the kid feels better what i think is that we actually have to address the issue not in a way that is silly because this could look like, what are we doing, talking about these issues with so many important issues to deal with. the problem is we have kids in positions of leadership in the school who are not given the training to be able to implement that leadership in responsible
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ways. so, what i do if i work with bullying and hazing, on thursday, i was working with captains of the football team and captains of lacrosse team and the year book editor and we were teaching them skills to 1/2 gate issues of leadership and abuse of power which is fundamental to the educational process. it could be an opportunity for us to, actually, couple education, education and responsibility in the same way. >> the click atmosphere in atmospheres is adding to the bullying we have seen across the country. what can we do to help curb that? is there something through the yearbook that would help? >>guest: if we are concerned, make sure our schools are organized in such a way that young people are known by adults
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and that the leaders in the school including the adults in the school provide leadership and though see kids being hazed or bullied and they do something. look, most of us had miserable high school experience and that is how it will be going forward. >> we can all agree, 1,400 students, 325 pages, good luck to the students on yearbook staff. that is not an easy task. [ amy ] as a dietian, all of my patients are my top priority.
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my mother. lastear mom needed addional nutrition so i recommended boost nutritional drink. and she still drinks it every day. [ male announcer ] boost has 26 vitamins & minerals and calcium to help keepones strong... and 10g of protein to helmaintain muscle. making it the perfect compliment to your daily routine. [ amy ] boost drink gives my favorite patient the complete nutrition she needs to keep doing the things she loves. it's the idea that a car that will never have an accident
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