tv Americas News HQ FOX News November 13, 2010 12:00pm-2:00pm EST
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than 5%. they just bought a 2% position in blackrock, the company behind the i shares brand of ets. on my list right now. >> you like the financial. thank you, gang, so much for joining us. that's it for this cost of freedom block. thank you so much for being with us. we love when you're here with us. we hope you have a grade weekend. see -- a great weekend. see you next time. leadership battles. the democrats strike an 11th hour deal to avoid a nasty internal fight and republicans are trying to quell a potential tea party uprising inside the power plays. coming up next, tea talk. members of congress returning from next week's lame duck session have your money on their minds. we'll look ahead, and military history. paperwork and records from west point dating back to the civil war available on line. this weekend only. >> hello, everyone. america's news headquarters live from the nation's capital starts right now.
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hello, everyone. we begin with a late breaking announcement from house democrats that they have settled a brewing leadership battle by creating a brand new office for congressman jim clyburn of south carolina. with the democrats losing control of the house, they also lost one of the traditional leadership offices setting off a contest between clyburn and steny hoyer of maryland. the new arrangement announced by nancy pelosi allows the two men to retain prominent spots in the house democratic caucus. meanwhile, as scores of newly elected republicans come to town, there's a fight brewing in republican circles. tea party activists are concerned that establishments are corrupting the new members. we'll have more as this develops. all of this is coming as members of congress return to washington ahead of next week's lame duck session. there's plenty of work to be done. molly henneberg is following
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that part of story. she's joining us with much more. >> let the lame duck session begin. members of the outgoing 111th congress will have one more shot at passing legislation between this coming monday and sometime in early december with a break for thanksgiving. likely on the table for outgoing house speaker nancy pelosi and other leaders, what to do with the expiring bush tax cuts. also a resolution to fund government agencies. in addition, while the democrats still are in charge of the senate and health, their leaders could try to bring up other measures such as extending unemployment benefits and ending don't ask, don't tell in the military. one capitol hill watcher suggests not to expect too much from the lame duck session. >> there are going to be efforts to bring up all sorts of things in the lame duck session, but i'm dubious as to how much of them are actually going to be successful. when you have the ruling party, the democrats who have lost big in this mid term election, they do not really have the credibility or the power to pass
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a lot of legislation. >> house republicans already have a largely symbolic measure they want to pass, at least within their own caucus next week. the expected next house speaker says the house republican congress will vote on the measure that would impose an immediate ban on earmarks in the next congress. they hope president obama will encourage democrats to do the same. pay ner and other g.o.p. leaders said, quote, we call upon them to urge congressional democrats to hold a vote next week on a similar measure. furthermore, if the president is committed to real ear mark reform, he could demonstrate that immediately by agreeing to veto any spending measure this year or next that includes earmarks. again, that's largely symbolic. there's opposition to the idea in the senate including republican senator jim im hoff who says banning earmarks gives the president and the executive branch too much spending power. >> molly, thanks for the update. for more on the all important question, we turn to julie kirtz.
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>> reporter: the battle followed the president on his asia trip. mr. obama telling reporters he is willing to compromise with newly-empowered republicans, but how much and when he's not saying. today in japan the president seemed to enjoy a theater performance as he prepares to jump back into some political kabuki in washington over those bush era tax cuts. the president said it would be an irresponsible mistake to extend the high income tax cuts permanently but here's where the political dance comes in. he adds, quote, there's a whole host of ways to compromise on taxes. >> i continue to believe that extending permanently the upper income tax cuts would be a mistake, and that we can't afford it. and my hope is that somewhere in between there we can find some sort of solution, but i'm not going to negotiate here in soal. >> the president sits down with
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republican and democratic leaders next week to try to hammer out a deal on taxes. republicans want a tax break for everyone so the pressure is on to avoid a jam. if there's no action by the end of the year during the lame duck session, the current tax rates expire across the board. when you throw in time off for thanksgiving and christmas, talk time is limited. remember, on wednesday david axelrod, a top obama advisor, made headlines essentially telling the huffington post obama was ready to give in on temporarily extending the cuts for the rich. not so, said the president, as he gets ready to fly home. the huge question at this point, how far is obama willing to move on a very real money issue for millions of taxpayers? uma? >> lots going on, julie. thank you very much. well, leaders of the u.s., china, and japan, the world's three biggest comees say they ey they'll push for free trade. president obama added that the u.s. is, quote, eager to expand trade relations with asia. leaders put aside their differences on how to deal with
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currency issues. president obama previously called on china to raise the value of its currency, but failed to win any support. and this is a fox news alert. we're watching a live picture from chicago where former white house chief of staff rahm emanuel is about to make a big announcement about his candidacy for mayor of chicago. he won't officially be a candidate until the board of elections in chicago suffic cers the 12,500 signatures on his petition which he is expected to file on monday. we'll keep a close eye on the story and bring you new developments as they come. after campaigning against career politicians, some newly-elected republicans are vowing to stick to self-imposed term limits. pennsylvania congressman-elect mike patrick is part of that group of republicans and he's joining us now to tell us more about why he feels this way. hello. nice to have you, congressman. >> hello, uma, how are you? >> great to have you here.
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thank you. at this moment we're hearing roughly reports that half of the 80 plus republican house freshmen and some newly elected g.o.p. senators are making promises to limit their tenures on capitol hill with some backing term limits, momentum on term limits. why are you and others making this pledge even before you're actually sworn in? >> well, uma, people spoke with a powerful voice last week at the polls on november 2nd. they want reform and reform takes many forms, and for me in bucks county in the philadelphia area of pennsylvania, part of the campaign for reform included a self imposed term limit. i've committed to the people of my district that if i was elected that i would not serve more than two additional terms beyond this coming 112th congress, and that will give me the capacity and the ability to really focus entirely on what's best for the people of my district rather than what's best for reelection. >> that's what you think works for you. what kind of term limits are you
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hoping that your colleagues seek? >> everybody has to answer this question for themselves and for their constituents. i'm prepared if the matter comes before the congress to vote for a constitutional amendment. i think, you know, what's good for me is six years, and i think that was important to lay out in front of the voters this year as part of the -- as part of the election process and the debate, but a reasonable period of time, you know, anywhere between 6 and 12 years i think is reasonable, and i'd be prepared to support that. >> now, i understand that term limits, of course, aim to curtail the political ambitions of those who hope to be career politicians. when this type of legislation was introduced in the past, for example, many of those who backed it ended up opposing term limits. once they got a taste of power, term limits ended up on the back burner. what makes this new class of legislators different? >> well, i think this new class is very close to the people,
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certainly. everybody's close to the people when they're running for election. in the past in 1994 when the new class was elected, i think it was a supreme court decision that followed close after their election that threw some cold water on the question. but here in pennsylvania, for instance, pat to too toomey wasa congress who made a six-term limit pledge which he kept. i'm not sure, you know what the future's going to hold other than i can look my constituents in the eye and say i've made a pledge to you, i'm going to keep it. that gives me perhaps with the support of the people six years to do as much good work as i can and put this country back on the right track sp. >> quickly, congressman, what about the seniority issue in congress, a new conditionin cong on monday. has it become a country club for career politicians? >> well, certainly, you know, the town is a town that's based on seniority and committee
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chairmanships are sometimes selected based upon seniority, but i think we need to recognize that hard work and being forthright as well. i'm going to go to orientation this week and put hard to put my credentials on the line, match them up to everybody else, ask for decent committee assignments, and most importantly, once sworn in on january 5th, work as hard as i can every single day on legislation that's important, on balancing the budget and those sorts of things the people of pennsylvania have sent me to washing to do. the fact is a member's term is only twot years. you need 2 years. i wouldn't understand the importance of hard work as well. >> congressman fitzpatrick, we thank you very much. congressman fitzpatrick from the great state of pennsylvania. good luck to you. >> all the best. it appears lisa murkowski may be picking up speed in the ballot battle with republican
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nominee joe miller. if the first days of ballot's counting, miller's campaign was challenging 10% of the ballots. now they're only challenging around 8%. that's significant because the miller campaign needs about 12% of write in votes tossed out for their lawsuit. there are still tens of thousands of absentee and questioned ballots to tally, but so far murkowski has maintained 90% of the write-in balanc ball. freshmen members of congress arrive in washington this weekend, and former alaska governor sarah palin has advice for them. in a letter posted on her facebook page, palin congrat lates the incoming members on their victories and big wins on election night. she writes, quote, some of you have asked for my thoughts on how best to proceed and how best to advance an agenda that can move our country forward. i have a simple answer. stick to the principles that propelled your campaign. palin also says defunding obama
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care should be a top priority and staked out positions on number of other issues. you can read the letter in its entirety on our website. just log onto fox well, one of the key players in how the next congress takes ship will be an exclusive guest on "fox news sunday" tomorrow. south klein senator and tea party supporter jim dement is chris wallace's guest. white house senior advisor david axelrod will join him with a look at the president's diswren dpresident agendagoing forward. am son takin amazon taking r selling a controversial pedophilia guide. that book was available for download in its kindle store. after thousands of people protested, threatening a boycott, the book was pulled, but now comes news that amazon is still playing host to other books and videos with similar content. amazon says it believes its censorship not to sell certain
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kinds of books. the issue of pedophiles and child trafficking is being spotlighted tonight on america's most wanted after undercover cameras revealed that children as muc under 6 are beid for sex in cambodian brothels. child trafficking is a $32 billion business. stopping the exploitation of a chipper ichildren is the purposa group called not for sale. david, graitd to hav great to h. >> thanks for having me on, uma. >> we mentioned america's most wanted is going after pedophiles in america and england who travel to countries like cambodia to pay to have sex with young children. many people are actually surprised how widespread this is around the world and that law enforcement officials often partner with people in the sex trade. what's being done to protect these children? >> we've cry 8d monitor red fle
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see in the community. just this last week the f.b.i. found here in the united states that there were 40 cities with child sex trafficking rings and they busted over 100 traffickers, so it was a big week for the f.b.i. and for the protection of children. you know, 69 kids around the country this week, many of them american born, were being deployed for the pleasures of these men who really prey on young kids. >> that's absolutely outranges. i mean, you're talking about 40 cities. that's amazing. how effective are the international partnerships to stop child thraskin trafficking? >> it's a real uphill battle. i was in romania earlier this week, and i met these really great women who were almost like a united nations at their shelter when i visit cred them. teams on the ground are trying to stop the flow of kids from russia or even latin america
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that go through romania into western europe. in cambodia and thailand we have sensors with over 130 kids who have been sold along the borders. so it really requires some vigilance but also, you know, better enforcement. the u.s. did pass a great law, uma, where any sex tourist who leaves the united states and goes to a place where he thinks that he might be free from prosecution, that he's held lie alto the same laws that he would face here in the united states if he engages in pedophilia or child sex exploitation. >> you've been on the front lines rescuing these children. what can you tell us about this experience? >> well, you know, one is just the shock of how young they are. you mention heed some as young as 6 years old. i'll go to my watershed experience. how i started not for sale was being in cambodia and going under cover to a place that was selling 25 young girls, you know, 11, 12, and 13. it just struck me approximate
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how bizarre it was. i felt it couldn't be real. it was a nightmare. walking out of there, i made a conviction. i had t to do something. i had to stand by those kids. we need more people who say enough. we can't let this happen. they're well over 10 million kids in the world today who are being held in modern slavery, forced to sell their bodies, forced to work against their will. we really need to fight that. we need to put it as a priority on the national agenda. >> david, i know you're doing great work on the front lines there. your organization is really making a difference. thanks for joining us with your insight. we appreciate it very much. good luck to you. >> thanks. if folks want to see where in their communities slavery might be happening for kids or other people, go to that's our website. they can see case studies in their own neighborhood, their own community. we need to fight it locally. >> thank you, david, very much. a bold new fda campaign to curb smoking is garnering attention for its aggressive
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approach. we'll talk to an expert who thinks the government is going too far. >> ,000 anderso thousands of miy documents are on line. peter doocy will join us with a preview. >> that's right. this weekend only you can see the west point cadet applications of some of america's most famous men. i will tell you how after the break. [ male announcer ] this is rachel, a busy mom. she starts at dawn and so does her back pain. that's two pills for a four hour drive. the drive is done. so it's a day of games and two more pills. the games are over, her pain is back, that's two more pills. and when she's finally home, but hang on, just two aleve can keep back pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rachel, who chose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. ♪
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and this is a fox news alert. we're watching live pictures at this hour where former white house chief of staff rahm emanuel is about to declare his canada see focan candidacy for e windy city. he left his white house post a couple months ago just before the mid term elections which rubdrubbed some democrats the wg way. he needs to submit a petition with the required enoug number f verified signatures. let's listen in to what he has to say. >> welcome to you, my friends, my neighbors, fellow chicagoans. i'm pleased to be joined t today by my wife, my family, my son and my daughters and my parents,
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ben and marcia. these are the people who mean the most to me in the world. anything i've accomplished in life has been because of their love and support. chicago is where i was born and where my children were raised. they are the fourth generation of my family to live here. only the opportunity to help president obama as his chief of staff could have pried me away from chicago and only the opportunity to be away from this city could have pried me away from the president's side. because he knows and loves chicago, president obama supported my decision for which i'm grateful. as many of you know, i spent the last five weeks traveling around this great city. grocery store to grocery store, el stop to el stop, hearing the
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many things we love about chicago, and also the things that must change to make it better. my tell it like it is. >> rahm emanuel getting settle o announce his candidacy. this comes as no surprise to most political watchers. he resigned his post as chief of staff a couple months back. now he's going to submit his signatures from 12,500 signatures on a petition declaring his candidacy. that deadline comes november 22nd. we'll keep you posted on his campaign throughout this broadcast. more than 100,000 u.s. military documents from west point, some dating back as far as civil war times have just become available to you on line and they are now free. for now. peter doocy has more on the story. he's joining us from new york with more. hi, peter. >> hey, uma. starting on veteran's this past thursday until tomorrow, anyone
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with a computer hooked up to the internet has free access to documents that are normally only available for free to people that work at the national archives and those 115,000 documents are u.s. military academy cadet applications from 1805 when west point was just three years old to 1866. so as your teenage kids and the teenage kids in your neighborhood like my sister are putting the finishing touches on their college applications this fall, you can take a look at what some teenagers put on their applications to west point before they became some of the most famous figures in our nation's history. for example, you can see that before he led pickett's charge, he wrote, quote, i'm a young man, 19 years old, 6 feet tall, and moderately good looking as i'm told. he was, of course, accepted as a cadet. so was george a. custer who had a recommendation from an ohio congressman that said custer, quote, writes a fair and ledgeble hand, able to perform
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with facility and accuracy the ground rules of arithmetic. that letter was good enough to get custer end but he ended up finishing last in his class. some other cool cadet applications we saw include thomas stonewall jackson and others, and you can see the handwriting is a little tough to decipher, but the documents are in great shape thanks to the hard working folks at the national archives. >> we have 80 million items in our holdings. we go back to the spanish american wars. the records are all permanent records never to be destroyed. our mission is to preserve them for posterity and to make them available to people who need them now. >> reporter: you can look up these famous warriors or your own ab a an ses ancestors until. >> it's all very fascinating. i'm a big civil war buff. this is great for people to see all this on line, you know, to be able to sample history there. thank you, peter.
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>> thank you. >> moving along now, the crisis over cholera continues in haiti with the united nations predicting that as many as 200,000 haitians could contract the disease by the time the outbreak ends. the u.n. is asking for $164 million additional dollars to bring in doctors and medical supplies. here are some of the sobering statistics. the health ministry said so far more than 12,000 cases of cholera have been reported and 796 people have died. in the capitol of port-au-prince, there have been 443 confirmed cases alone. recent flooding from tropical storms and hurricanes has accelerated the spread of cholera since the disease thrives in contaminated water. the fda is proposing that cigarette makers be required to put very graphic images on every pack of cigarettes. it's all part of a new federal government effort to curb smoking, especially among young people. while no one disputes smoking is harmful to your health, are
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these new warning labels which include unsettling images of diseased lungs and dying people an example of what's being described as a nanny state, trying to control the behavior of u.s. citizens? joining us now is the general counsel at the competitive enterprise institute of free market advocacy organization. welcome. thanks for being here. >> you find some of these proposal efforts over the top and overkill. why? there's not a perfectl perfect , certainly not an adult live that doesn't know smoking is a risky activity. what is the fd trying t a tryi? it does not like the fact that certain people are making decisions that are not what the fda wants us to do. it's trying to shout louder at people and gross them out. i don't think the fda should spread this sort of grossness and ugliness across the country. >> they say this campaign is targeting teenagers, young
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people very specifically, in order to shock them into understanding more about the con consequences of what could happen if you're addicted to nicotine. why is that not a positive message to get more people to pay attention. >> it's a shock. >> it's a positive message in the sense of the effort being maid to try to make them more aware. >> there's no evidence whatsoever this is going to have any impact on this. secondly, a lot of young people love to rebel. if they can rebel by pulling cigarettes out of out outrageous packs, they might be attracted to do it more. i don't think that's what the fda ought to be doing here. frankly, in terms of what they do with regulation of tobacco is the same thing they'll be do with food and the big war against obesity five years down the line. that will be even worse.
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>> you're more concerned about the government intervention in the situation. >> right. i don't think it's government function to be grossing out citizens. you check the government job description in the u.s. constitution, that's not there. >> so do you believe if enough people raise the red flag in protest and say they're concerned and they don't want this type of intervention, this will stop the effort to move forward. >> fda in a sense is acting at the direction of congress. congress is in the midst of going through a power shift. i hope they'll reverse themselves wanting to keep in mine the law under which the fda is acting was signed by president obama who was imself a smoker. when enr henry wax man, the spor of this bill, was asked what do you think about our president pt being a smoker. he responded he's an adult. >> i think wha that same respect should be shown to americans.
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is the joe miller camp losing steam? we'll tell you the latest move that has some questioning his campaign drive. plus, two of the children made famous on jon and kate plus 8 have reportedly been expelled from school. we'll tell you why after the break. stay with us. with capital one's vture card, we get double mi on every purchase. echo! so we earned a trip thgrand canyon twice as fast. uhoh. we get double miles evy time we use our card. i'ltake these. no matter what we're buying. plus the damas. and since double miles add up quick, we can bring the whole gang. it's hard to beat double miles. no, we ride them. [ male announcer ] get the vente card from capital one and earn double miles on eve purchase, every day. go what's in your wallet? oh, that's the spot!
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to stay fit,in your wallet? you might also want to try lifting one of these. a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ welcome back, everybody. after nearly two decades of house arrest, burma's military government has freed a woman who has come to symbolize that nation's struggle for democracy. her release comes as welcome news to who sands of supporterss who live under oppressive military rule. she had been under house arrest for seven and a half years. president obama releasing a statement saying, quote, while the burmese rege has gone to
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extraordinary lengths to sigh leps her, she has continued her brave fight for democracy, peace, and change in pur ma. she is a hero of mine and a source of inspiration for all who work to advance basic human rights in burma and around the world. top democrats in the house are trying to figure out who will lead their party now that they are in the m minority. molly henneberg is standing by with more on this and your other top stories making news. hi, molly. >> reporter: house speaker nancy pelosi is trying to settle a battle over leadership. she's created caucus chairman and backing congressman james clyburn for it, giving him the number three position among house democrats. steny hoyer will actually likely continue as her number two in command. president obama touted the benefits of the u.s. trade agenda today as he met with leaders in japan. the president urged nations to work together to share in the
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prosperity that comes from expanded trade. the commissioning of the u.s.s. jason dunham has wrapped up in fort lauderdale, florida. the stroir is name stroir is nan marine who received a medal of honor for heroism in iraq. two of kate gos gosselin's 6-year-old children were kick ott foout for behavioral probles including name calling and fighting with other students. the children currently star along side their mother in the tlc series kate plus 8. now kate plus 8 and two back at home because they were kicked out of school. >> molly, thank you. well, the hand countingful write in ballots is well underway in las ca. joe miller's campaign doesn't seem to be challenging nearly as many votes as the days go on. dan springer is joining us while watching the vote count.
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dan, is this a change in miller's camp a sign that they are planning to give up? >> reporter: well, it appears that way, uma. let me just tell you that joe miller has not made his way to the vote counting center, and there's no sign whatsoever that he is going to succeed until every last vote is counted and his challenge is heard in court. we saw yesterday a subtle change in his observers. the body language started to change a bit. we started to notice there were fewer challenges to votes where lisa murkowski's name was spelled correctly. those folks had been getting he's in the local press and quite frankly on fox and other networks for challenging votes that were obviously valid votes where there wer there was poor p or because the voters put republican after her name. as those type of challenges decline, murkowski's percent of unchallenged votes ends up to 91%. if that trend continues, she could win despite the court case
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over misspelled names and voter intent. yesterday she spoke about how the count was going. >> if what we're arguing over is whether the o is completely closed at the top so that maybe it could be an o, maybe it could be a u but everything else is correct, i -- i -- i do not think that most aalaskans would agree the intent of that particular voter is not clear. >> reporter: in the meantime joe miller has gone back to his meme in fairbanks but is pumping up the race on his website saying it's not over, it's a cliff hanger, and asking for donation toss defray the cost of the hand count that will go through at least wednesday. we're told they have about 70,000 ballots yet to separate, so it's groundhog day here in juneau. joe miller is saying he's not giving up until it's over.
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>> wow. it ain't over until it's over. all right, dan springer, thank you very much for the update. we appreciate it very much. well, he plans to walk thousands of miles across the country over the next year in the hopes of raising more awareness for the nation's military veterans. he hahe is known as tony the ved he's beginning his journey in san diego and is determined to make it to ground zero in new york city next year for the ten year anniversary of 9/11. tony is joining us live from tucson to tell us more about his crusade. tony, great to have you here. i understand that you are a vietnam vet. why was this important for you to make this journey? >> first, i wish to correct that i'm not a vietnam vet but a war time veteran from the vietnam era. >> okay. i stand corrected. >> and what is important for me for this mission is that we intend to create a grassroots movement known as support our
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veterans association as the flip side of support our troops. it's obvious that when troops are in harm's way that everyone, including the general public, will support their best efforts. >> what are some of -- >> this new organization. go ahead, sir. >> support our veterans association is designed as the grassroots movement which helps all veterans, their families, and their communities and their service organizations in ways in which they are currently underserved or not served at all. >> what are some of the biggest concerns when it comes to our veterans, in your view? >> well, first, that they are recognized for their service, respected for their service, and then rewarded with all the benefits to which they were legally entitled. >> good luck making it all the
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way to new york city. we wish you all the best. we'll be checking back with you again before your adventure ends. thanks for joining us today. >> my pleasure. >> a heroic marine is being honored thonored today with a nn commissioned in -- a new ship commissioned in his name. we'll tell you how his quick thinking saved the lives of others. hi. you know, if we had let fedex office pri our presentation,
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they could have shipped it too. saved ourselves the hassle. i'm not too sure about this. look at this. [ security agent ] right. you never kick off with sales figures. kicking off with sales figures! i'm yawning. i'm yawning some more. aaaaaaaand... [ snores ] i see your pnt. yeah. snores ] [ malannouncer ] we understand.® you need a partner who delivers convenience. next time use fedex office.
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for cleaner air and your right to breathe it. for those who want to quit smoking and for those who need them to. we're fighting for clear skies over every city and healthy lungs throughout the country. the american lung association isn't just fighting for air. we're fighting for all the things that make it worth breathing. join us in the fight at
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we are back with news of a marine who was honored for his heroic actions that saved the lives of his squad. this ship being commissioned today is being named after corporal jason dunham who died saving other marines. jason's family along with the ship's crew and many others were on hand for today's big event. ohere's much more on the ship's
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namesake. >> reporter: the u.s.s. jason dunham, the u.s. navy's newest state of the art destroyer, 10,000 tons of steel, soul, and self sacrifice. named in honor of marine corporal jason dunham who died in 2004 saving fellow marines while fighting in iraq. >> every single marine in that squad that he was responsible for, those ten american sons, they all came back. >> jason's story is timeless. near the syrian border, an insurgent threw a grenade. dunham wor warned his marines ad threw off his el me helmet and d on the marine. he died eight days later. >> we'll be cheek to cheek or close to each other and we'll say i love you to each other, and she goes and i love jason, too.
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>> reporter: an officer told me earlier this is a tragically beautiful story of self-sacrifice. 22-year-old scrai so22-year-olde wrong place, and yet he did the right thing. jason's parents say not a day goes by that they don't remember their boy. >> people tell you it will get better with time. it's a lie. what you will learn how to do is find a way to move on and to live through each day. >> the crew of the u.s.s. jason dunham will home court in norfolk, virginia where they train for their first deploymen. >> what an amazing tribute. former president bush's new memoirs getting a lot of buzz in the media this week. we'll get liz trotter's take on it coming up next. my professor at berkeley asked me if i wanted to change the world. i said "sure." "well, let's grow some algae." and that's what started it. exxonmobil and synthetic genomi have built a new facility
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to identify the most productive strains of algae. algae a amazing little critters. they secrete oil, which we could turn into biofuels. they also absorb co2. we're hoping to supplement the fuels that we use in our vehicles, and to do this at a large enough scale to someday help meet the wor's energy demands.
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okay. folks, it may not be thanksgiving just yet, but winter has already arrived in some parts of the nation. snow is falling on highway 100 in plymouth, minnesota and so far, get this. 9 inches have already fallen and as much as a foot is expected. the white stuff a sign of the times is what may be heading our way in the next few weetion. okay. former president george w. bush has just finished a whirl wind week of interviews and public
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appearances as his new memoir, decision points, hits book shelves on tuesday. reaction has come pouring in from all corners of the media landscape. liz trotter joins us now with her thoughts. liz, what did you see in the way of media reaction to bush and his book? did the bush team have a plan in place. did they ever. this has got to be one of the most monumental media campaigns i've ever seen. very well consulted and thought out and very strategized. bush might have said when we used to criticize his english, the networks apparently parenned packages.
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okay. it's a huge army of people voted on those things. they decided beginning with somebody like matt lauer who would be unchallenging who he was in the classic interview began and worked their way through some of the other networks. most interestingly the first magazine that they gave anything to was the -- the first interview was aarp which has a circulation of 23.7 million people. it's part of the price of joining aarp, so he certainly reached an audience through this. it's a juggernaut. bush in general is coming off very well. he's after fabl affable, quick ,
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a lot of things people didn't see when he was in the strait jacket of the white house. >> do you think he'll be changing any minds of those critics who were pretty hard on him. >> i don't think he changed his mind. let's look at one review. the "new york times" is a good example. a respected reviewer said certainly it's the most casual of presidential memoirs. how many works start as a sort of 12 step confession that i continue to walk closer to the al mighty and include some off color jokes and conclude with an aside about dog food? the pros and decision points is ooh till tearan, the language is sta castaccafoato and blunt, and vas lates.
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frat boy, irreverent, religious certainty and almost willful obliviousness. that's not exactly completely a love letter, but then again, i think it's pretty fair, especially from the "new york times". i think on base this is a winner for george bush. a # i think a lot of people will read the book whether they liked bush or not. the one sour note is coming from the huffing ton post, accusing him from lifting stuff from other books, his advisors' book. that's called research with anybody else. they would give anybody else a pass. on basis, a success. >> i think he's always going to have his critic. i they he didi think he did a lot in terms of being candid with his remarks. it surprised a lot of people. >> liz, thank you very much. a church group has struck it big. a $120 million power ballwin, but wait until you hear where
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they bought the ticket. they may need to do a little repenting before they accept their cash. stay with us. to stay fit, you might also want to try lifting one of these. a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ [ malhis day starts thwith his arthritis pain.. that's breakfast with two pills. the morning is over, it's time for two more pills. the day marches on, back to more pills. and when he's finally home... but hang on; just two aleve can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is steven, who chose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain.
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representative to claim the winnings and the church group ends up splitting estimated 70 million dollars and they say they plan to give some of the money though to the church. and that will do it for me here in washington. but america's news headquarters rolls along. kelly wright and jamie colby are standing by to take over from here, thanks so much for watching the fox news channel. remember, we report, you decide. have a great day everybody! >> a fox news alert. honoring a true american hero, on the shores of our great nation. hello everyone, i'm kelly wright. welcome to a brand new hour of america's headquarters. >> jamie: great to have you with us as well. a special day in fort lauderdale, the u.s. navy commissioning the most advanced war ship of its kind hours ago. take a look at these picturesment it's an honor of the first marine awarded the medal of honor for operation iraqi freedom.
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the state of the art destroyer named for corporal jason dunham, he was killed after he threw himself over a hand grenade, tossed by a terrorist saving the lives of two fellow marines, just 22 years old and today in a very emotional ceremony, his mother spoke out. >> to the crew of jason dunham, rest assured when you sail, you sail with the guardian angel. officers and crew of the u.s.s. jason dunham, man our ship and bring her to life! [applause] >> well, jason's man getting the happy honors of commissioning the ship and president george w. bush presented dunham's parents with the medal of honor back in november 2007 and there they go. the destroyer will travel back to its home base in norfolk, virginia. dunham also the first marine to be awarded the highest military honor since the vietnam war. kel
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kelly. >> kelly: the great state of alaska in limbo today and it looks like it could be a while before we know the winner in the senate race there. the hand counting write-in ballots is now expected to continue to next week. republican senator lisa murkowski is expressing confidence, but tea party favorite gentlemen miller's campaign, well, it's now suing the state. wanting access to election registers from dozens of precincts. dan springer following the count live from juneau alaska. dan, what's going on up there. >> reporter: yeah, kelly, day four of the hand count of the write-in ballots and state wide sorting through and deciding which are the write-ins and which are from lisa murkowski and adding them up. we have a trend about 90% of the ballots that have been, were write-in votes have been going unchallenged 7% or so were challenged and given to
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murkowski after the challenge. i want to bring in randy desoto, the campaign spokesperson for joe miller. what is the mood among the miller campaign as you guys see the way the vote counts are going, 90% going unchallenged and another 7% or so that are challenged, but still being given to her? >> well, our goal has been since the beginning just to make sure that all the votes that didn't match the law's requirement, that they were written as on the statement of her candidacy, declaration of candidacy would be segregated out for further review and so that's been our mission during this whole process and so far, we're going to keep at it. we've got at least another day or so of looking at the ballots, the write-in candidacy ballots. >> as we see the process going on behind us now, we did see a subtle change yesterday. we started to see fewer challenges of votes where it was obvious that lisa murkowski's name was written percentages and the percentage of challenges went down.
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how do you explain that. >> i mean, after today. the first few days going at about 89% and it went up to 90% going unchallenged or so, so there were some variations, but we're just trying to keep applying the law as understood, you know, as written on the books. >> do you have a sense, if the unchallenged murkowski votes are above the miller total, when this is all said and done, wednesday of next week, will joe miller concede? >> well, what he has said, he said the other day in an interview is if we get to a point where it's mathematically impossible for you know, him to come out on the winning side, we won't-- he won't keep going forward, but i can't say what day that will be. we want to get all the votes in, especially the military votes which rose strongly during the general election. >> we understand he's now headed to juneau, he had been in fairbanks and now he's still on the website calling this a cliff hanger and saying that he wants money to help defray the cost of this write-in. what's he going to say to the troops as he arrives here?
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because we're seeing a little change in body language. seeing that there seems to be less plight among the observers. >> we want to thank everyone for the volunteer time and including people coming up from the lower 48 to give their time. so he's encouraged by the effort they've given here and yeah, he wants to make sure how they know how much he appreciate it. >> thanks, randy desoto for joining us, the spokesman for the miller campaign. so, kelly the vote counts continue this juneau and 70,000 yet to separate and that will take until about wednesday of next week, we'll send it back to you. >> kelly: wow, dan springer reporting from juneau, alaska, a lot of counting to do up there. thanks, dan. meantime, new york congressman charlie rangel's ethics trial set for monday and faces 13 counts of violating house rules which include failing to report assets, pay taxes on a vacation property, and using congressional stationary to
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raise funds for an academic center named in his honor. rangel would easily win reelection and insists he's innocent and is rejecting any offers to settle the charges and the trial is expected to last about a week. >> jamie: and congress is getting ready to head back to work, even though it's a lame duck session, there are a number of very serious issues to attend to. molly henneberg joining us now live from washington. hey, molly. outgoing speaker nancy pelosi stepped in trying to avert what many consider to be a bruising battle for the number two position among house democrats. do we now have an outcome? >> we do, hi, jamie, here is the problem though, house democrats have three top leadership positions. speaker, house majority leader and house majority whip. come vjanuary they'll lose the speaker position, minority leader and minority whip. and she says that leaves the minority whip position up for grabs and steny hoyer shall
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the number two position and majority whip tim cliburn the number three position were fighting over that, over the minority wlhip. so speaker pelosi stepped in and wanted hoyer, but she intends to create a new position for congressman cliburn. it's not clear what it will be, but third in line after pelosi and hoyer the minority whip. >> jamie: what about the tea party members coming in and a lot of people are watching how that translates and transforms congress and are the republicans battling at all over that? >> reporter: it's interesting there. the tea party patriots, a national tea party group has an event planned for incoming members of congress, training sessions, seminars, that kind of thing. now, there is also another event this weekend for house g.o.p. freshmen and that's organized by the conservative think tank, the clairmont institute and that second event is rubbing the tea partiers the wrong way.
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in an e-mail the tea party patriots wrote to supporters, quote, d.c. insiders, the rnc, the republican national committee and lobbyists are already trying to push the tea party aside and coop the incoming freshmen, told the wall street journal he's not aware of the conference. >> jamie: interesting, molly henneberg keeping an eye on it, molly, thanks. >> kelly: football, 4th and 10 on the bush era tax cuts. here is why. pressure is mounting on president obama to make a decision in advance of the looming deadline. the president says he's pushing to extend the current tax rates only for middle and lower income households, but one of his top advisors is saying something else. julie kirtz live in washington with more details, julie. fill me in. >> hey, kelly, yeah, the question of whether the president will agree to compromise and extend all of those bush era tax cuts has followed him to asia. today in japan, the president
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seemed to enjoy a theater purchases as he is prepares to jump into political kabuki. the president says it would be an irresponsible mistake to extend the high income tax rates permanently. here is where the political dance comes in. on wednesday david axlerod made headlines, telling "the washington post," obama was ready to give in. not so fast says the president. >> that is the wrong interpretation, because i haven't had a conversation with republican democratic leaders. here is the right interpretation. i want to make sure that taxes don't go up for middle class families starting on january 1st. that's my number one priority. for those families and for our economy. . >> reporter: well, the president sits down with republican and democratic leaders next week to try to hammer out a deal and republicans want a tax break for everyone. so the pressure is on to avoid
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a jam and if there's no action by the end of the year during the lame duck session, kelly current tax rates expire across the board and the huge question at this point of course, how far is obama willing to move on a very really money issue for millions of americans. if the tax rates expire the bottom tax rate jumps from 10 to 15% and the top rate 39.6% from 35%. there's real money differences there, kelly. >> real indeed. julie kirtz bringing us the details. thanks so much, julie. reporting from washington today. here is the question, what's the take away from the mixed messages that we're receiving. will president obama stick to his word on this crucial issue? joining me now for a fair and balanced debate on this topic, 2010 u.s. candidate from new york, republican jay townsend and former texas congressman, democrat, mark frost. good to see you. we'll start with you, first. >> good to see you. >> what do you make of all of this. of course, we're getting mixed messages from the democrats
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themselves. where do you think the president stands on the issue of bush tax cuts? >> kelly, i think what's likely to happen when they all get back in town and sit down. probably a one year extension of all the tax cuts, both for the middle class and for the top two percent and kick this over to the next congress. listen the republicans left this to the election and let them decide what do. at least they gained house and seats in the senate. next year, see what they can do, see how this fits into deficit reduction, in the meantime, the state of the economy is such that you really do need at least a one year extension of all the tax cuts in my judgment. >> what do you think, what do you make of mar continues assessment there in terms of how this goes? i know that republicans certainly want to have the tax cuts permanent, but the art of compromise suggests that you're going to have to find common ground and consensus. >> it's more in tune with the american people than the american president. this is what you saw this week was a smackdown. the president of the united
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states smacking down an aide who dared state the obvious. that the obvious is that the republicans elected somewhere between 240 and 245 members of congress. and very few of them went out and said, well, the tax cuts should be extended for only a few people. i think all of them ran for the most part on saying, tax cuts are for everybody. what is at stake here is a fundamental view of how you fix this economy. the republicans are saying to extract the 720 billion dollars from the most productive job creators in the united states is a wrong headed move and that's what obama's position is and he think it's quite obvious to me there is a communication problem internally at the white house. with all due respect to the president, who said it was all a communication problem after he lost the elections. i think he communicated all too well what his agenda is. the american people communicated very well that they don't like his agenda and
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they want to move in a different direction. at least for the president to start is on the tax bill. >> great, mark kelly. >> the real issue is whether the republicans are serious about deficit reduction. you can't permanently extend the tax cuts on the top two percent without driving up the deficit even more. that's why let's give a one year extension and hear what the deficit reduction commission has to say on december 1st. and let's everybody hold their fire until that report comes out and let's try and work together constructively next year, but you can't extend them permanently right now. that doesn't make any sense. the president also wants to protect the middle class, that makes sense. so, the compromise position is let's do this for one year, but let's also worry about deficit reduction. i don't think it makes a great deal of sense for us to have the top 2% continue indefinitely, to get that tax break. they need to contribute to something the deficit reduction. >> martin, as you know, what you're saying is very
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plausible for people on the left and even center left and even some moderates, but again, the republicans are coming into this thing, wait a minute, we want it permanent for everybody, for business, for those making more than $250,000. when you break out on the brackets, even if they're paying those, paying beyond $250,000, it's broken down in different practices, so, jay, how do you make sense of all of this, as you're going forward. >> look, you have 22 million americans who have either-- are either unemployed or have given up looking for work. if you find jobs for those people, this deficit will solve itself a lot more quickly than-- >> i don't want to interrupt you, but are you saying that it's better than to go forward with the bush tax cuts permanently. if that's the case how will that affect small businesses around america? >> well, small businesses will begin hiring if you permanentize these tax cuts for five years. the trouble with business people right now, they're sitting on money and they're not hiring because they have no idea what their tax rates are going to be next year.
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>> i know it does not square well with you and others from your side of the aisle are saying that simply, you can't sustain that. >> kelly, the question is, are the republicans serious about doing something about deficit. now, if they're not serious, if they say that deficits don't matter, went, okay, have the big tax cuts go on indefinitely or at least five years, as your other guest suggests, for the top 2%, but if they're serious, then everything has to be on the table, and there has to be some spending cuts, there have to be some adjustments in taxes, if we really want to send the deficits headed back down in the right direction. i don't think that's what the american people said. they didn't say just let the deficit run, let's continue being in debt to the degree we are. i believe the election stood for the proposition that the two parties need to sit down and negotiate this with everything on the table. >> kelly: and find some consensus, jay, the final word. >> look the deficit reduction can come in two ways, yes, you
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can tax the prosperity of the american people and confiscate their wages or cut spending. the voters i was watching on november 2nd sent a message to washington to cut spending and what i'm seeing much to my amazement is the deficit reduction committee if the minutes it's suggested to the democrats that any be cut. nancy pelosi howling-- >> and allen simton said, former republican senator that we have to consider raising some taxes. this has to be a total package. >> and i thought the republicans were quite restrained in their reaction to it. let's put this on the table and let's have a discussion. >> kelly: jay and mark, we're getting into-- it's going to take us down a different path and unfortunately time will not allow me to go down the path although i would love to do it. that's a juicy topic indeed that washington is considering. i thank you both, jay townsend and martin. >> jamie: at least they agreed
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to disagree. >> kelly: exactly. >> jamie: all right, well, waiting for justice. that is what's happening. the government claims it's closer to a decision on where the self-professed master mind of the 9/11 attacks will go on trial. it's been more than nine years, folks, since those horrific attacks, so why is their taking so much time-- or why is there so much delay in trieding where the trial will happen? ranking member of the homeland security committee republican congressman peter king will join us live. and those victims of conmen, bernie madoff, seeing justice today. yes, they are, you're seeing the items of his personal possessions sitting the auction block. coming up we are going to give you a glimpse into the luxurious life style into the notorious now convicted swindler and also going to show you which item being auctioned is expected to bring the biggest amount of money. right now, verizon has the new samsung galaxy tab.
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at just seven inches, it's the only tablet designed for maximum mobility. and it's android-powered and flash-enabled for the best web browsing experience. get yours at verizon. oh. about what? uh, they don't really think you're an exchange student. what? they think you're a businessman, using our house to meet new clients in china. for reals, player? [ woman saks chinese ] they overheard a phone call. speaks chinese ] something about shipping with fedex to shanghai. and then you opened a bottle of champagne. that was for a science project. [ man and woman speaking chinese ] i'm late for..occer... rehearsal. [ man speaks chinese ] you and i are cool? i'll be home by curfew. [ male announcer ] we understand.® you need a partner who can help you go global. fedex. key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake. no, i've actually lost weight... [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors atround 100 calories each.
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. >> jamie: ichl how about feeling like a tycoon. at a fraction of the cost. the marshals office auctioning off what's left of the convicted swindler bernie madoff's he is skate. thousands on the sheraton tower and everything must go. up for grabs, some decent looking jewelry. including the 10 1/2 carat
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diamond engagement ring once worn by ruth madeoff, worth $300,000. the biggest ticket item. also up for sale, unused boxers and t-shirts, even vet veteen slippers monogrammed of course. the money goes to the 3000 clients. no joke and madoff swindled in a ponzi scheme. >> kelly: few of us can understand what our veterans go through when they return home from war, but now vets from iraq and afghanistan wars are given the chance to share their stories thanks to multi-million dollar grant. our casey stegall is live from tucson, arizona with the details. good to see you. tell us about the program, please. >> well, kelly, good to see you, too. move over james cameron there's a new set of budding directors out there and thnot only do they have a good eye
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and tell good stories, but served in the u.s. military and on the front liens of war and makes their experiences both more personal and compelling. and listen to this, for the last three years, the brave new foundation has selected veterans around the country who have an interest in film and have unique stories to tell. funded by a 4 million dollar grant, the veterans then get hands on training in operation in their boot, how to translate their idea on to the silver screen. >> and began to realize that a lot of veterans either had film making skills before getting deployed or were coming back and going to film school. so, i knew there were a lot of trained, skilled, intelligent film makers who can deliver and produce. >> now, to date, more than 20, 15-minute documentaries have been produced covering issues like substance abuse among
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veterans, troops suffering from survivors guilt when one of their comrades were killed in the line of duty and how difficult the college student to come off the battlefield and head back into the classroom. >> i want people's reaction when they watch it, to obviously like it, to be engaged and entertained and i want them to see like a personal snippet of somebody's life. i want them to be able to put a face and a personality to the veterans returning home. >> all right. so if you want to watch these documentaries you can do so online or on select public tv stations in your area for a complete listing or to watch them on the worldwide web. you can go to their website, and i watched one last night, kelly and they're really amazing to see and especially because they have this real world experience at that really translates on camera. >> kelly: yeah, i think you're 100% right about that one. casey stegall.
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thank you very much. >> jamie: waiting for justice to be served. a few days ago the attorney general attorney general said the decision is near where to try khalid shaikh mohammed. where do things stand now? why don't we know? we'll talk to u.s. congressman from new york, peter king, ranking member, homeland security. [ male announcer ] in the event of a collision, the smartest thing you could do is cut the fuel supply, unlock the doors, and turn on the hazards. or get a car that does it for you. ♪
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>> it's the bottom of the hour. time now for the top of the news. police in north carolina aren't saying if additional charges are going to be filed soon in connection with the death of ten-year-old zahra baker. they confirmed yesterday they have found her remains. >> jamie: and live pictures from minneapolis, heavy snow snarling traffic and causing road accidents and power outages and so far some five inches are on the ground. >> kelly: former white house chief of staff rahm emanuel makes it official, he's
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running for mayor of chicago. he hasn't been campaigning since he stepped down from his job in the obama administration. >> jamie: such an important story. the u.s. government indicating it's getting ready to announce where self-confessed 9/11 master mind khalid shaikh mohammed will stand trial. attorney general eric holder saying days ago that the obama administration is close to deciding where mohammed will face a civilian trial or military tribunal. three days ago he said that, but so much time has passed. the 9/11 families are still waiting for justice and they want it served. will it happen? joining us now, ranking member of the homeland security committee congressman peter king. good to see you, congressman. >> jamie good to be with you. >> thank you, there's a report out that it's possible it's at least suggested. khalid shaikh mohammed may just continue to be held and never tried. is that a possibility? >> jamie, i think it is. certainly the forseeable
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future. because the obama administration sort of boxed itself in. and the first closed guantanamo and a year ago, november 13th, a year ago this week, without consulting anyone at all in new york or the state or any of the federal protective services the attorney general announced that the trial would be held in lower manhattan and then he had a retreat from that and now, they have absolutely nothing. occasionally, somebody in the white house indicated to me that the trial is not going to be in new york and that's like all behind the scenes and really kept it tightly under wraps and i think it was wrong. i think before the election remained known, if it's so important to the administration, they shouldn't be keeping a secret so long. >> congressman king, there's definitely bipartisan support in new york not to have it here and now that the house majority has changed what will be the impact with that? >> jamie, it will be impossible for them to bring the trial to new york and impossible to bring it anywhere in the united states
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because they have to be funded and find the congress actually cutting off funding and the president was talking about actually constructing a super max type of facility to terrorists in the-- illinois and the congress will not fund that, under the republican leadership and wouldn't do it under democratic leadership and certainly wouldn't do it under republican leadership and can't have it here in new york and clear from commissioner kelly and give them credit, governor elect cuomo has come out strongly against the trials in new york and i've been against it since day one in new york and i think the administration has boxed itself in, throughout the campaign, they were so critical of president bush for not having these type civilian trials and to keeping guantanamo open and see if it's going back and the bush strongly than president bush's enforcement. >> jamie: is a military tribunal trial at gitmo, for example, still on the table? >> i think that's the best route to have the trial at
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guantanamo, the courtroom is state of the art. it's super secure and you have a military tribunal which would allow for special rules of evidence and here say and that intelligence material is not leaked out. that's where should be, should be the location and a military commission, i don't know if the obama administration wants to admit that it's reversing itself so much and saying going to close guantanamo almost two years to actually go back there for what could be the trial of the century and after being critical of military commissions having it done at a military commission, loom like from their point of view, housing the felony. so i think that what we may see is this held in limbo and people such as khalid shaikh mohammed just detained without a trial, which now, i can live with that. i know families-- it's important for them to have the trial, but if it's a choice between a civilian trial in new york or held indefinitely i'd rather have him held indefinitely. >> there is a terror trial
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going on in new york and is it possible the administration is watching to see which isn't exactly as high profile of trial perhaps as khalid shaikh mohammed maybe they are watching that to see the circumstances, the verdict rendered and the response before they make a decision, although, attorney general holder he was close. >> yeah, jamie, i don't think that the two trials will be comparable at all. he was involved in the african embassy bombings thats was ten years ago, 12 years ago, nine years ago. that never had the type of intensity that the 9/11 trials did, to have khalid shaikh mohammed here. i know from talking to commissioner kelly and others they believe that it would involve almost 200 million dollars in security. a whole different issue than the african embassy bombings and carried out in 1998, and you have 9/11 trials. they would be so much for emotional. so many more families involved. now, one american life is the
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same as the other not saying one is more valuable, but the emotional intensity of 9/11 trials would be much, much more. >> jamie: i understand you've been steadfast in your position and the administration seems not to have made up its mind and we'll keep on it for the viewers and for their families, thank you very much, congressman king. >> jamie thank you as always. >> israel hopes a gospel artist. influencing people around the world with a powerful membering of hope. and today's beyond a dream we take a look at inspiring and very personal story of israel houghton. ♪ electrifying, mesmerizing, joyful. that's how fans describe israel houghton. hofrn he's a popular recording artist channelling people around the world to
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find faith on a deeper level. >> you love god, by loving people. >> in despair to help people love god, love others, which is the title of his latest cd. he recorded the rondell at abby road in london made famous by the beatles. >> and if you're a catholic and you hope to go visit vatican city and you want to go to abby road at least once, man. >> and putting all jokes aside. israel will tell you he is the man who cares deeply for others, constantly seeking to encourage them through his songs. >> ironically, this ambassador of hope was born amid circumstances that appear to be less. >> simply put my mother is white, she was pregnant at 17. my father was black and she was advised to terminate the pregnancy and even at 17 she had tenacious, when she was eight months pregnant she and my father split up.
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messed up on drugs. the doctor informed the state and we are going to take your baby from you. she came up to her on the street, you're loved and not forgotten and god wants to meet your needs. >> kelly: israel says those encouraging words from a complete stranger helped his mother take hold of an unwavering faith that pulled her out of the darkness enabling her to rise above the ashes of drug addiction. >> my mom can tell you her life became defined at that moment. so vicariously so did mine because by a series of miracles and events i've been with my mother since day one. i could have easily been a statistic. i could have easily been one of those numbers of you've read and probably read on your show, this many eye boringses happen every year and this many kids ends up in foster care and eventually end up in prison. >> kelly: but a higher destiny awaited israel. today he's a winner of three
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grammy's and multiple awards and yet more than his photographs israel cherishes being the husband of his lively wife and their three beautiful children. >> my life is defined by the hope of bringing definition to other people's lives. ♪ >> israel is the embodiment of how hard work and perseverance needs to great success, but he tells me there there's more to living the american dream. >> what you almost never associate with living the american dream strength you've been given and empowerment that has come to you to serve humanity. not to reach a place of status and as a matter of fact whatever status you reach is so you can serve that much more effectively. ♪ ♪ the way that you love me >> ist houghton quite a young man and destined to do great
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things and by the way, in keeping with his american dream, he's out actually performing music around the world, but created the power of one foundation, which is a nonprofit organization to help people in need everywhere that they might live. israel houghton, the name of the cd by the way jamie, "love god love people". >> jamie: great, great voice. thank you, kelly. if you have a pocketful of cash and need for speed. the new lamborghini, 100% italian street muscle.'s gary gastelu, lucky guy, took it for a spin frnl the clothes i'm wearing are perfectly suited to what i'm doing. warm, comfortable, just the thing for a relaxing jog in the country. if i want to run as fast as i can i'd be better off wearing these, this, which is i'm sure what you'd rather be looking at. >> it's the lamborghini, lp
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570-4 italian for feather light. using polly carbonite windows and drops over 150 pounds and ends up looking like something from the clone wars. since it's lighter that means it's quicker and has more responsive handling and it gets 7 1/2% jump in city fuel economy compared to the regular car. from 13 to 14 miles per gallon. that's money in the bank. and you'll need it. priced at $240,000, the racing inspired super is about 25 grand more than the standard. >> yes, the suspension is kind of stiff and can beat you up on rough roads, but you've got to think of it this way like the car is trying to talk to you and convince you to find a good road what it's capable of. as the name suggests the cranks out at 570 horsepower.
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562 to you and me. >> and 0 to 60 less than 3 1/2 seconds on the way to 202 mile an hour top speed and that's with all wheel drive. less about rain and snow and more about this. . >> and there are super cars and then there are super heroes among the super cars. this is one of those. the only thing missing is a case. oh, yeah, i guess that will do it. >> in the lamborghini, gar i gastelu. fox news. >> jamie: if you want to know more about the car. go to fox and who wouldn't want it. >> kelly: and dropped it and-- >> skinning over that. >> and the focus on the bush tax cuts how they could affect american families. the decision to extend or expire, could have a major i am pocket on wall street and job creation. we'll explain that.
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>> wall street investors anxiously awaiting a crucial meeting next thursday. that's when president obama and leaders will discuss including the bush era tax cuts. how important are these to the market? from capitalist pig, jonathan hoenig. how would the bush era tax cuts affect the market. >> not renewing that could cost not economy as much as 3/4 of a percent of gdp. even on a micro level think about the people for example, living on a fixed income. off dividends, et cetera. but as you pointed out there's
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a lot more than just the tax cuts on the table and investors are keeping a close eye on inflation. new reports out next week p the pi, cpi, worried about the fed printing more money and tax cuts are one part of issues, not the only part when it comes to the market however. >> kelly: and also information we'll be looking at next week on data coming in from manufacturing, from food and energy, as well as retail. how vital is that as it pertains to these tax cuts? >> very much so. i mean, the business of the country is still trying to get done and for example, last week, kelly, you had a company like sisco coming out with earnings that actually disappointed the market. it fell 16% last week. now, that's not some rinky dink company. that's a major u.s. company. so, having its worst week in 16 years doesn't exactly bode a lot of confidence and money is mobile. one of the big things in the first half of the year was people investing overseas, getting out of the u.s. dollar. so, whether or not our newly
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elected officials, not to mention the president can bolster confidence in the market will be crucial in the months ahead. >> kelly: i can't let you go without asking you up front what's your opinion, should the tax cuts continue? >> i think we need more tax cuts and less spending. that's going to be vital to restoring confidence in the market. >> kelly: and you watch the market better than anyone else, my friend. thanks for sharing your insights with that. jonathan hoenig, capitalist >> thanks. >> jamie: you know what i'm watching burgers, pot roast and pizza, typical foots that guys love that is not always healthy. fear not you manly men because our fox medical a-team's got six guy friendly foods to keep you in good shape and ladies can enjoy them, too, and one of them, pretty tasty glass or carafe. don't miss it straight ahead. ♪ boss: and now i'll turn it over to the gecko.
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gecko: ah, thank you, sir. as we all know, geico has been saving people money on rv, camper and trailer insurance... well as motorcycle insurance... gecko: oh...sorry, technical difficulties. boss: uh...what about this? gecko: what's this one do? gecko: um...maybe that one. ♪ dance music boss: ok, let's keep rolling. we're on motorcycle insurance. vo: take fifteen minutes to see how much you can save on motorcycle, rv, and camper insurance.
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are hearty not healthy. think again and might give you big time benefits. joining us now assistant professor of medicine at mount sinai hospital and members of the fox news medical a-team. great to see you. >> great to be here. >> jamie: thank you for bringing the foods back. let's start with steak. >> yes, i love being here with fun, good news. steaks, steak, great. it's all about the choices you make and the size of what you eat. >> jamie: what's good for us. >> what's good for you are low, low fat choices of steak and when you're eating steak you need to watch the portion size, the size of a fist or deck of cards how much you should be eating. >> jamie: good to know you can visualize that. even if you have heart disease and in your family. you can have steak and there are vitamins and mineral. >> vitamins, iron, three ounce portion of steak has more iron than three cups of spinach.
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a little moderation. >> jamie: sold, we'll take it. what about pasta? >> pasta, well, pasta now, you know, whole grain is everywhere and pasta can be good for you, a whole grain choice and again, small size, not coated with that fat any sauce, and also will be tasty thing to go along with your steak e potatoes, something thatle of us avoid. i remember heard don't eat these, french fries-- no that was pasta, the skin has iron, true. >> the skin has plenty of nutrients. what we do to potatoes we take off the skin and dip them in oil or put on butter and a little bit can be good for you. >> jamie: what about foods like chocolate. many of us love chocolate. can we have it? >> that's right, a little bit of dark chocolate, great antioxidants. and lycopines on the tomato sauce has beneficial benefits. and key to everything,
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moderation. >> jamie: and alcohol, speaking of moderation, how many times a week, you hear conflicting reports that some wine, for example, is good for your heart, but how much is too much? >> right. well, a lot-- most of the research has been on red wine and definitely seems to have some beneficial effects. so, we can enjoy that glass of wine maybe, you know, a glass of wine with dinner would be a good amount to have. >> jamie: we didn't mention fruits and vegetables, but i suppose you can't have some of these without some of those. >> that's right, a healthy balanced diet, plenty of veggies and fruits there to balance out your lean proteins and the rest of your red wine. and a little bit of dark chocolate. >> jamie: so you brought good news today that the guy foods can actually be okay for the guys, good enough for the girls if we watch it and we eat in moderation. >> that's right. guys and girls, we can all go out to dinner tonight. >> jamie: we can. meantime kelly has a confession to make. he's snacking during the show. >> kelly: snacking during the show. okay.
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oatmeal raisin cookies not on your list. >> it's not on our list today. >> jamie: he only ate half. is this moderation? >> that is a diet cookie. >> kelly: i'll put it in the trash right now. >> jamie: see. >> kelly: it's done. >> jamie: great, great news and really nice to have you as part of the medical a-team, doc, thanks for being with us. >> thank you, toast with a glass of wine later. >> kelly: and i'm going to go out and get a steak and some broccoli. no more cookies. >> jamie: i like it. thank for being with us, everybody, we hope you have a great weekend. i'm jamie colby. >> kelly: as always we enjoy having you join us every saturday, i'm kelly wright. coming up next the journal editorial report. have a great day everyone. i'm going to get a steak. >> jamie: take care.
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